Corn oil: benefits and harms, tips for use. Corn oil: how it is done, what is useful, how to take

17.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Corn oil is one of the most sought-after foods, and this is not surprising. It is often preferred to sunflower, because the latter releases harmful carcinogens during the frying process. Let's talk about whether corn oil is useful or harmful today.

Chemical composition

The oil contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are necessary for the human body for full activity. Among these substances, the most popular are palmitic, stearic, linoleic, arachidonic, oleic acids.

Also, the oil is rich in calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, manganese, potassium and other macro- and microelements. The product contains nicotinic acid, retinol, vitamin F, tocopherol, thiamine.

Doctors prefer to classify corn oil as a dietary composition, because all valuable substances are easily absorbed by the body and do not accumulate in the waist as fat.

Arachidonic acid in combination with linoleic acid accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation. Substances remove from the body "harmful" cholesterol, which has not yet had time to be deposited in the form of plaques.

The oil has antimutagenic properties. In view of this, the reproductive function of men and women is improving, the ability to conceive is increasing. Also, oil must be included in the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding girls.

Description of corn oil

Cultivation of corn began over 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. As for the most ancient ears, they appeared in the 4th millennium BC.

An interesting fact remains that in ancient times, corn had a size 9-12 times smaller than today's cobs. At that time, the length of the raw material did not exceed 4 cm.

Today corn is cultivated in the United States of America, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico. It is these countries that have favorable climatic conditions for growing. After planting, the plants ripen on time.

The largest proportion of corn grown is in the United States. This country accounts for about 40% of the total turnover grown in the leading countries. China is allotted 20%.

Manufacturing process, characteristics

Corn oil belongs to fatty and high-calorie compositions, it is obtained from crop seeds. For 100 gr. cobs account for more than 880 Kcal. Among its competitors, corn oil is considered one of the healthiest.

For the preparation of raw materials, 2 technologies are used - press and extraction. The product is obtained from the germ, not from the grains themselves. Embryos are related to by-product impurities (molasses, starch, cereals, feed, flour, etc.).

The inclusion of germs in the raw material for the preparation of the composition is undesirable, because the oil in their composition is rapidly hydrolyzed and oxidized. This affects the quality of the raw materials produced. The color, aroma and flavor of corn oil depends on the production option.

The oil can be classified as follows:

Grade P - undergoes refining and deodorization. It is used in catering establishments and supplied to large retail chains.

Grade D - based on oil, infant formula and food, dietary meals are prepared. The final product is also refined and deodorized.

Unrefined composition - the oil has a dark shade and a peculiar smell, retains the maximum amount of valuable elements.

Refined composition - the product does not undergo deodorization, therefore it retains its characteristic aroma. Has a light shade.

The refining process involves the complete removal of pesticides and impurities from raw materials. Therefore, the oil becomes light and non-aromatic, it is devoid of most of the beneficial enzymes.

The refined product is used for frying, because the oil does not burn, does not emit carcinogens and unpleasant odors, does not smoke, does not foam.

The unrefined composition, in turn, accumulates a full list of valuable elements, which is why it smells so good. However, such a product often contains pesticides that are used in corn growing.

If the oil has not been purified, it must be kept in the refrigerator only. In this case, the composition must necessarily be placed in a dark glass container. Light exposure or temperature changes provoke oxidation, the appearance of bitterness and turbidity.

Thiamine - the element means vitamin B1, which is responsible for oxygen metabolism. Thiamine saturates tissues with oxygen, accelerates blood circulation in the lymph, controls the balance of fats and carbohydrates, and removes excess salts from urine. Vitamin B1 removes the swelling of the extremities and internal organs, lowers sugar levels, which is very valuable for diabetics.

Tocopherol - an element considered to be a natural antioxidant that rejuvenates the body in all aspects. Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the genital glands in women and men. The element is responsible for the beauty and tone of the skin, heals the hair.

Nicotinic acid - the substance occupies a leading position among all elements aimed at protecting the central nervous system. Vitamin PP tones the mental state of a person, calms, relaxes, fights the consequences of negative emotions. Nicotinic acid is able to eliminate insomnia.

Vitamin F - slows down the premature aging of the body, fights against senile dementia. Vitamin F is effective for chronic constipation, disorders of the digestive system. The element thins the blood and accelerates its circulation, which is especially appreciated by people with varicose veins.

Lecithin - prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood channels, increases metabolic processes, regenerates tissues at the cellular level, relieves inflammation. Corn oil heals wounds and fights dermatological problems.

Action of corn oil

  • maintains the elasticity of the skin;
  • makes hair shiny and strong;
  • fights dermatological diseases;
  • prevents tissue mutation;
  • blocks the access of blood to cancerous tumors;
  • increases the protective functions of the body;
  • fills the voids in the liver, cleanses the internal organ of toxins;
  • heals gallstone disease;
  • maintains glucose at the desired level in diabetes;
  • eliminates intestinal obstruction;
  • helps the digestive system to work harmoniously;
  • cleans blood vessels, accelerates blood flow;
  • controls heart rate and blood pressure;
  • relieves the nail plate from delamination;
  • heals large abrasions and microcracks;
  • fights vitamin deficiency between seasons;
  • prevents blood clots from forming on the walls of blood channels.

Daily rate

To reap the full benefits, you should not consume more than your daily allowance.

An adult needs 100 ml per day. product. Moreover, oil can be added to salads, pastries, sauces, and other dishes.

As for children, a child under 1 year old should introduce oil gradually. Start with 1 drop mixed with your usual food.

The older generation (preschool age) is recommended to consume 25 ml. oils per day. 30 ml is enough for schoolchildren, 60-75 ml for teenagers.

Harm of corn oil

  1. The oil should not be taken by people who are naturally low in appetite and underweight for age.
  2. It is recommended to abandon the composition for categories of citizens with high blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.
  3. It is necessary to exclude oil from the diet for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance to corn, allergy to the product.

Corn oil resists heat treatment well, therefore it is suitable for preparing various dishes. It is often taken internally to saturate the body with the necessary enzymes. To obtain all the benefits, possible contraindications must first be ruled out.

Video: is it possible for diabetics to corn oil

Useful corn oil has valuable properties, is widely used in medicine, hair care, face, is a valuable product, according to reviews. It is divided into unrefined, refined. Get the product from the germ of corn kernels. Check out the useful properties, production technology, methods of application, dosage.

What is corn oil

Western gold or corn oil refers to vegetable oils first obtained in the late 19th century in America. In fact, it is bold, resembles sunflower, but differs in color - from light yellow to reddish brown. It has a pleasant smell, has a balanced taste that does not interrupt the tastes of the products added to it, freezes at minus 10-15 degrees. The production of corn oil allows the product to be used like any vegetable oil. It does not foam when frying, does not burn, does not emit smoke, does not form carcinogens.


In its composition, corn oil is similar to soybean oil, it includes tocopherol (vitamin E) fatty vegetable acids (linoleic acid, oleic, stearic, palmitic), contains vitamins (provitamin A, group B, PP, F), minerals (iron, magnesium , potassium). There are several types of product:

  • refined deodorized cold pressed - marked with the letter D, used in dietary food;
  • refined deodorized for catering - P;
  • refined non-deodorized - useful with salads;
  • unrefined oil - rarely used in cooking, because it may contain residues of pesticides, harmful substances used in the cultivation of corn.

Calorie content

According to its indicators BZHU (the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates), oil belongs to fatty foods. The fat content is at the level of 99.9%, and there are no proteins, ash, water, carbohydrates at all. The calorie content of the product depends on the type of processing, approximately 899 kilocalories per 100 ml. Salads are seasoned with oil, meat, fish, vegetables are fried on it. In industry, the product is used in the manufacture of mayonnaise, sauces, baked goods, ready-made dough.

Manufacturing technology

For the preparation of the product, embryos are used, which contain up to 10% in corn seeds. Press or extraction methods are used. Embryos are considered a natural component and a by-product of corn grain processing, their oil content is 32-37%, the composition includes up to 18% protein, 8% starch, 10% sugars and minerals each. Fat contains up to 80% of the volume of corn grain, plus 20% protein, 74% minerals.

For manufacturing, use a wet or dry method. The disadvantage of the latter is considered to be low quality, and the former - a high starch content. The steps for making corn oil are:

  • corn germs are cleaned of contamination;
  • crushed on grooved and five-roll type rollers;
  • fry the resulting mint;
  • pressed on augers;
  • cleaned initially;
  • prepare cake for extraction;
  • pour in a special solution, get the finished product.

Why is corn oil useful?

Nutritionists and doctors highlight the following beneficial properties of corn oil for humans, which are applicable in practice:

  • rich in vitamin E - twice as much as in sunflower or olive;
  • the substance helps to normalize the work of the endocrine, reproductive systems, adrenal glands, pituitary gland;
  • the product increases muscle tone, increases the body's endurance;
  • has a protective effect on the genetic cellular apparatus, prevents mutations due to chemicals and ionization;
  • increases resistance to infections and viruses due to unsaturated acids;
  • antioxidant property of lecithin - used in the manufacture of confectionery, cosmetics;
  • cleans blood vessels from excess harmful cholesterol;
  • improves the work of the heart, blood vessels, hematopoietic function with the help of vitamin K;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids satisfy the body's need for omega-6;
  • actively regenerates tissues, has dietary properties;
  • phytosterols prevent the formation of malignant tumors;
  • useful for pregnant women for fetal development.

For the body

  • stimulation of the gallbladder;
  • to improve metabolic processes in diabetes mellitus, intestinal disorders;
  • external use for the treatment of burns, wound healing, cracked lips;
  • lowering cholesterol in the body, relaxing the smooth muscles of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • active choleretic, hypocholesteric effect;
  • treatment of atherosclerosis, psoriasis, eczema.

For hair

Corn oil for hair is actively used by cosmetologists. Can be used on scalp and main hair length. Rubbing in the warmed product one hour before washing strengthens the roots. For more effect, it is recommended to wrap your head in a warm, damp towel. To restore dry ends, the wrap is done under a plastic bag. Hair becomes soft, smooth.

For face

Corn oil for face and body prevents skin aging with an antioxidant. In cosmetology, lecithin finds possible uses:

  • rubbing age spots, applying a fruit mask;
  • mask with honey, egg yolk - removes small wrinkles, apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes;
  • elimination of cracks - warm compresses with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine, can be used for hands (15-minute baths);
  • massage of the face, hands and body by mixing the product with essential oils.

How to take corn oil

Due to its high digestibility (95-98%), the benefits of corn oil for the body are great; it is recommended to consume up to 75 g of a dietary product per day. It is used for medical nutrition, in folk medicine:

  • for diseases of the liver, biliary tract, kidney stones, cardiac edema, internal bleeding, hypertension, atherosclerosis - twice a day, a tablespoon for a month;
  • for natural stimulation of the gallbladder - twice a day, a tablespoon 35 minutes before meals;
  • with hay fever, migraine, asthma, skin diseases - 20-25 ml three times a day half an hour before meals;
  • for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema - drink a tablespoon with food with a glass of warm water with apple cider vinegar, a spoonful of honey, twice a day.

Contraindications for admission are individual intolerance to the components, allergic reactions to legumes, cross products. Possible harm to health from regular use of the product in food: increased blood viscosity, impaired coagulation, increased risk of blood clots. An overabundance of corn germs in the diet leads to a decrease in immunity. If the oil is improperly stored, there is a risk of free radical formation, which negatively affects the body.

The oil from corn germs "Butter King" is obtained by the method of single cold pressing from selected corn germs. It is a natural and healthy vegetable oil with a pleasant smell and taste. It is suitable for frying and dressing various dishes, and is also a popular traditional medicine.

Corn or maize is one of the oldest plants in the cereal family. The homeland of corn is considered to be the territory of modern Mexico, and the time of its introduction into culture, scientists attribute to 7-12 millennia BC. Corn cobs at that time were very small and did not exceed 4 centimeters in length. And in a closed ear, it did not begin to grow immediately, which reduced its shelf life. In American history, the role of corn is very important. The civilizations of that time owe their appearance and flourishing to the culture of corn, since it was she who formed the basis of highly productive agriculture, without which a developed society cannot arise and exist.

The Indians used corn as a grain plant. They used not only grains for food, but also stems and even panicles. They baked cakes from the grains, and filled the pies with pollen and made soup from it. In Europe, corn began to be cultivated only in the 19th century, at the same time edible corn oil was obtained in Indiana. For its valuable properties, the oil is called the Gold of the West. In Russia, corn originally appeared in the Crimea, and from there it spread everywhere.

Corn oil is obtained from the germ, which makes up only 10% of the weight of the corn grain. The embryo contains the main part of fat - 80%, 74% of minerals and 20% of proteins.

Expiration date: 24 months.

Corn oil is the healthiest of all vegetable oils. It can often be found in the refrigerator of a caring hostess. And it’s not in vain.

Corn oil is both healthy and delicious.

Corn oil is produced by pressing corn germ, which makes up about 10% of the total weight of the grain. Corn germ is a by-product of grain processing in the production process:

  • Cereals
  • Starch
  • Glucose
  • Molasses
  • Food concentrates
  • Corn feed

In these listed products, the presence of germs is highly undesirable, since they contain a large amount of oil. In the process of further processing, it tends to hydrolyze and oxidize, thereby lowering the quality of the finished product.

The oil content of corn germ ranges from 32% to 37%. In addition to the large capacity of the oil, they include:

  1. Protein - about 18%
  2. Sugar - about 10%
  3. Minerals - about 10%
  4. Starch - about 8%.

Also, coming out of the total ratio of fats in corn kernels, the share of the germs themselves accounts for up to 80%!

Production of corn oil,as you already understood, it begins with the separation of the embryos from the grain. How does this happen? In industrial production, two separation methods are used:

  1. Dry method

This method of separating the embryos from the corn grain is used at enterprises that specialize in the manufacture of food - concentrate and mill-cereal products. But it also has a number of significant drawbacks. Dry-separated embryos contain a huge amount of starch. As a result, they become a suitable product for further preparation of oil by pressing.

  1. Wet way

This separation method is used in enterprises specializing in the production of starch and syrup. The oil produced from them is of lower quality than corn oil produced by pressing "dry" germ.

Corn oil - product varieties

The color of corn oil can range from light yellow to reddish or even brown. The color, like the smell of the product, depends entirely on the technology by which it was made.

Corn oil is made from corn germ

There are several types of corn oil:

  • Unrefined

It has a dark color, rich smell and contains the maximum amount of minerals. It is worth noting that it is unrefined.

  • Refined non-deodorized

Refined vegetable oil from corn, rich in bright yellow color with a pronounced odor

  • Refined deodorized, grade D

Refined vegetable oil. Odorless and used in the manufacture of dietary and children's products

  • Refined deodorized, grade P

Refined vegetable oil. Has practically no smell and is intended for sale. It is similar in color to sunflower oil, does not smoke or foam when frying, and also smells good.

During the refining process, the oil acquires a lighter shade and less pronounced odor. Refining also removes residual pesticides and contaminants from the oil. But, unfortunately, along with this, a significant part of trace elements and nutrients is lost. In this regard, unrefined corn oil is considered the richest in nutrients.

Store oil in a glass container and in the refrigerator

We would like to emphasize that unrefined oil must be stored under special conditions. Namely, for him you need to pick up a glass container and store in a refrigerator or a dark, cool place away from sunlight. If these conditions are not adhered to, then it will taste bitter, the color will become cloudy and will deplete the unpleasant odor.

Refined oil, on the contrary, is not afraid of light and heat; it can be stored in a plastic container for a long time and its quality and characteristics will remain unchanged.

How to use corn oil?Very simple. For example, refined deodorized corn oil is most suitable for stewing, frying, baking, and making a variety of sauces. For appetizers and salads, it is best to use unrefined oil - it is more aromatic, tart and is a source of minerals and vitamins.

The composition and benefits of corn oil

Corn oil is one of the dietary foods. It is very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. It contains:

  • Unsaturated fatty acids - oleic and linolenic acids - about 85%. They have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. Acids also lower cholesterol levels in the body and are a prophylactic agent against atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Among other things, oleic acid helps break down body fat.
  • Saturated fatty acids - stearic and palmitic - about 10 - 14%.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega - 6 and omega - 3. They are responsible for increasing the body's resistance to various infections and contribute to the elimination of excess cholesterol.

It takes the first place in the capacity of fatty acids.

Only soybean oil can compete with corn oil in terms of the amount of fatty acids. Neither sunflower oil nor cottonseed oil even comes close to the level of vegetable oil from corn. This is a very good indicator, because they (acids) are a building protein for the body and a valuable source of energy.

Also in the composition of corn oil are:

  1. Vitamin E (tocopherol). Corn oil contains tocopherol twice as much as olive or sunflower oil. It slows down the aging process, normalizes the functioning of the gonads. Therefore, the oil is very beneficial for pregnant women and the elderly.
  2. Vitamin F. Responsible for blood thinning processes, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevents the formation of blood clots and the occurrence of thrombosis, suppresses inflammation, improves the regeneration of tissue joints, accelerates metabolism and healing of burns, cuts and ulcers.
  3. Vitamin B1 (thiamine). This component is responsible for improving the following processes - carbon - fat metabolism, water - salt metabolism, cellular respiration. Thiamine is essential for the normal and active functioning of the nervous system.
  4. A nicotinic acid. Takes an active part in the work of nerve endings, cells and connections. It also helps to improve digestion.

Thanks to its beneficial properties, corn oil is an ideal component for preparing baby food, nutritional formula for patients in hospitals, and dietary products. By consuming this oil in food, you can make up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins in the body, increase immunity and normalize the activity of the digestive tract.

Corn oil must be present in the diet.

Doctors and experts recommend absolutely everyone to add it to food at least a little. It is especially useful for children, pregnant women, the elderly and those who suffer from insomnia, migraines, asthma and skin peeling.

Where to buy corn oil?High quality Italian corn oil can be purchased in our online store at an affordable price.

The oil from corn germs "Butter King" is obtained by the method of one-time cold pressing from selected corn germs. It is a natural and healthy vegetable oil with a pleasant smell and taste. It is suitable for frying and dressing various dishes, and is also a popular traditional medicine.

About corn oil

Corn germ oil Corn or maize is one of the oldest plants in the cereal family. The birthplace of corn is considered to be the territory of modern Mexico, and scientists attribute the time of its introduction into culture to 7-12 millennia BC. Corn cobs at that time were very small and did not exceed 4 centimeters in length. And in a closed ear, it did not begin to grow immediately, which reduced its shelf life.

In American history, the role of corn is very important. The civilizations of that time owe their appearance and flourishing to the culture of corn, since it was she who formed the basis of highly productive agriculture, without which a developed society cannot arise and exist. The Indians used corn as a grain plant. They used not only grains for food, but also stems and even panicles. They baked cakes from the grains, and filled the pies with pollen and made soup from it.

In Europe, corn began to be cultivated only in the 19th century, at the same time edible corn oil was obtained in Indiana. For its valuable properties, the oil is called the Gold of the West. In Russia, corn originally appeared in the Crimea, and from there it spread everywhere. Corn oil is obtained from the germ, which makes up only 10% of the weight of the corn grain. The embryo contains the bulk of fat - 80%, 74% of minerals and 20% of proteins.

Composition of corn germ oil

  • Oleic and linolenic, palmitic and stearic acids;
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E); Lecithin; Vitamin A, vitamins B, K, PP and vitamin F;
  • Minerals: potassium, magnesium, iron;
  • Phytosterols.

Properties and uses of corn oil

Due to its valuable and useful properties, corn germ oil has found wide application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and industries.

The main advantage of corn germ oil is its high content of vitamin E, which preserves youth and beauty. Therefore, corn oil contributes to the normal functioning of the endocrine system, and also prevents the development of weakness. Oil is an excellent dietary product that strengthens the immune system. Stimulates metabolism and is easily absorbed by the body.

In medicine, oil is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent:

  • For the treatment of eczema and psoriasis;
  • For the treatment of burns and the healing of small wounds;
  • With diabetes mellitus;
  • With intestinal problems;
  • With hay fever (hay fever);
  • With asthma;
  • With migraine;
  • In atherosclerosis: prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the formation of blood clots, increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • With kidney stones and gallbladder;
  • With liver diseases.

The oil activates muscle function and improves brain function. Regulates excretory function, is an effective choleretic agent. Stimulates milk production in lactating women. The linoleic acid contained in the oil strengthens the immune system and regulates blood clotting. The oil also prevents the development of tumors. Consuming corn germ oil on a regular basis improves mood, sleep and well-being. The oil regulates brain activity, so it is especially beneficial for children and pregnant women.

For cosmetic purposes, the oil is suitable for hair and skin care. Cosmetologists use corn germ oil for massage, add it to healing and rejuvenating baths. Homemade cosmetics are made on the basis of this oil. The oil will help preserve your beauty and prolong your youth.

The oil has good culinary properties. It is great for frying, does not smoke or foam. It can be used for stewing vegetables and meat, dressing salads and various snacks with it. It will improve the smell and quality of baked goods, give it splendor and elasticity.

For the prevention of diseases and strengthening the body, it is recommended to take the oil twice a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals. To improve the condition of the skin and hair, you can apply the oil to problem areas in pure form or mix it with other natural ingredients, such as honey. Do not overuse corn germ oil as it is high in calories and can lead to unwanted weight gain.


Corn germ oil has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. To avoid unpleasant consequences, start taking the oil gradually and listen to your body, then it will only benefit you.

Corn germ oil "Butter King" is a source of natural health and a delicious natural product. The presence of beneficial vitamins and essential fatty acids makes oil a natural helper for the body. It is perfect for baby and diet food. Nutritionists recommend using the oil for people with various diseases. After all, oil has already proved its healing powers more than once, therefore it is rightfully called the Gold of the West.

Volume:350 ml

Composition: unrefined corn germ oil.