Storage conditions for minced meat. How to store minced meat properly? How long can the product be kept in the refrigerator and freezer

05.09.2019 Fish dishes
  • Shelf life: 12 hours
  • Shelf life: 12 hours
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 12 hours
  • Time in the freezer: not indicated
Storage conditions:
In a freezer at a temperature not exceeding -18 ° С

Going to any store that sells meat, you can see minced meat. It is easy and simple to make delicious dishes from this product that will please many. With the help of minced meat, you can cook wonderful cutlets, or make stuffed peppers. Delicious meatballs are also made using this product. Many housewives buy minced meat in order to quickly and tasty feed the family. That is why it is important to know the shelf life of minced meat. Then there will always be fresh and deliciously smelling dishes on the table, and family members will be full and feel good. After all, food is by no means recommended to be eaten if it is expired. This can lead to poor health and stomach upset, as well as poisoning. Therefore, you need to know how to properly store food, and in particular, the shelf life of minced meat.

Minced meat is a mass of meat that is ground with a meat grinder, or finely chopped with a knife. You can also find minced fish or vegetables. Salt, pepper, and also various spices are often added to the minced meat. The addition of onions and vegetables is allowed. Fried onions will help the minced meat last longer. In cooking, this product is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes. With its help, you can cook not only cutlets, but also dumplings, as well as pies and whites.

Ground meat is usually made from pork, beef, or lamb. You can buy mixed or pure minced meat. Most often there is minced beef and pork, in which half of each of these products. Pork is added to make the minced meat more tender and juicy. Minced meat is considered a rather fatty and high-calorie product, but minced poultry is considered a dietary product and has a low calorie content. In Russia, the most frequently purchased and most popular are minced chicken and turkey. Minced chicken or poultry is generally great for making cutlets and meatballs. To make the minced meat tender, add pork to it. But the resulting dish may be a little greasy.

Fish mince is usually made from hake, pollock, pike perch or other fish. This product is most often used to make fish cakes or can be used as a pie filling. You can also make homemade fish sticks or meatballs. For housewives, this product is simply irreplaceable. Knowing the shelf life of minced meat is therefore simply necessary.

There is also minced vegetables. It can be used to cook vegetable cutlets or fill a pie with them. Vegetable fact cutlets are perfect for lean or dietary meals. Or if they are eaten with heavy food, the dish will become harmonious.

How to choose the right stuffing in the store?

Of course, only homemade minced meat, made by hand, will be of good quality, natural and free of harmful impurities. But, due to lack of time, you often have to buy minced meat in the store. In order not to run into bad minced meat, we recommend adhering to simple rules for choosing:

1. When purchasing, carefully consider the color of the product:

  • ground beef will have a predominantly red tint;
  • minced pork is pink;

Regardless of the meat from which the minced meat is made, the minced meat should have a slimy surface and a bright color. If the minced meat has a matte surface with gray shades, it is spoiled.

2. Most often, in shop windows, minced meat is in medium-sized containers, this makes it possible to determine the characteristics of minced meat based on the color and amount of liquid separated from the product:

  • A slightly reddish liquid indicates good quality minced meat;
  • The absence of juice in the container indicates the presence of bread or tendons in the composition;
  • Dark juice indicates the long-term storage of minced meat. You should not take such a product.

3. If the minced meat was made from fresh meat, it will have a predominantly meaty smell. In the case of a pungent smell of spices, you should refuse to buy such a product, since most likely the product is no longer the first freshness.

The benefits of minced meat

The beneficial properties of minced meat depend on the type of meat from which it was prepared.

Minced lamb is enriched with phosphorus, iodine, potassium, magnesium, as well as B vitamins.

Minced chicken contains iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B, E, K, as well as easily digestible protein.

Ground turkey is high in folic acid, zinc and iron. Helps restore restful sleep, increase immunity and overall emotional state.

Minced meat harm

Whether minced beef or pork is contraindicated for people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, since it contains a lot of harmful cholesterol.

Storing minced meat

For long-term storage, minced meat must be stored at low temperatures to avoid spoilage and the entry of harmful bacteria into it.

Shelf life of minced meat in the refrigerator

For short-term storage of minced meat in the refrigerator, it must first be transferred to a clean, hermetically sealed container and, as necessary, packaged in cling film to prevent the ingress of harmful microorganisms.

The storage time of the product in the refrigerator depends on the degree of cooling.

Minced meat, which has a suitable storage temperature of +2 to +6, should be stored in the refrigerator no more 12 hours... Minced fish can stay in the refrigerator no more 6 o'clock... Housewives often purchase different types of minced meat. In this case, so that no contact with other products occurs, each minced meat must lie in its own dish and be covered with cling film.

Minced meat that has been in the refrigerator for even a short time should not be frozen, since it is most likely that bacteria have already entered it.

Shelf life of minced meat in the freezer

For long-term storage of minced meat in the freezer, you should not add onions, milk, salt and other spices to it. During the freezing process, this can not only spoil the taste, but bacteria can also start.

The frozen product can be stored at a temperature of -12 no more than 30 days. At a temperature of -18 minced meat can be stored for up to 3 months.

In the event that chilled minced meat is purchased, and it needs to be frozen, then this should be done immediately. This is due to the fact that chilled minced meat can quickly deteriorate. Minced meat must be frozen in such portions so that each is fully used in cooking. In order not to get confused with the shelf life of minced meat and the degree of freshness, it is worth putting the packing date on each package.

Shelf life of minced meat at room temperature

At room temperature, the shelf life of minced meat is only 1-2 hours.

After the specified period of time, the minced meat turns into a biological weapon and it is not recommended to use it.

How long can minced meat be stored in the refrigerator? And in the freezer? Such questions are often asked by women who have loaded meat for future use and worried that the workpiece will deteriorate.

Shelf life of the workpiece in the refrigerator

Every person can buy or wind minced meat in a meat grinder on their own, but not many people know how to properly store the product. After all, if you do not follow simple rules, you can easily get poisoned.

At room temperature, minced meat has a shelf life of only 2 hours, and prolonged storage in a warm room increases the risk of bacteria development.

Not every housewife starts cooking immediately after arriving from the store. Therefore, those who do not intend to use a meat product in the near future should put it in the refrigerator. In this case, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Transfer the meat product into a clean dry container, which is recommended to be covered with cling film on top. Such manipulations will protect the minced meat from winding.
  2. If you purchased a store product, moreover, several packages differing in the type of meat, then you should not store everything in one container. It is recommended to place each pack in a clean container.
  3. Those who prefer to cook minced meat with their own hands need to take a responsible attitude to the purchase of meat, it is not worth saving on it. The selected piece should be rinsed and dried. The less moisture there is on the meat, the longer the crushed product will last.

The shelf life of minced meat in the refrigerator is no more than 12 hours, while the temperature should fluctuate within + 1 ... + 6 ° C. During the specified time, the meat product should be used as intended.

Minced meat can only be stored longer in the freezer.

It should be noted that minced meat is also prepared from fish and vegetables. Storage of a semi-finished product from these products in the refrigerator should not exceed 6 hours. The only exception is the filling made from chopped and fried mushrooms. The shelf life of the sounded product is 1 day, and if you send the workpiece to the freezer compartment, you can store it for up to 6 months.

Shelf life of the workpiece in the freezer

Fresh product is not stored for very long, so that the shelf life increases, it is recommended to keep the meat product in the freezer. True, before freezing, you need to remember simple tips:

  1. Only fresh product needs to be stored. The one that has already been in the refrigerator for some time does not fit. There is a risk that pathogens have settled in the crushed meat, such a product will completely deteriorate in the freezer.
  2. When freezing homemade minced meat, you should not add spices, garlic, onions, etc.
  3. It is recommended to store frozen minced meat in small portions. There are no clear indications for grams, you just need to take the amount that can be consumed at a time. The blanks are packed in plastic bags. Before being sent to the freezer, the bag should be deflated to flatten the meat product. Such manipulations will allow the workpiece to freeze faster, while it does not take up much space.
  4. If minced meat was stored in the freezer, it must be defrosted before cooking. This is best done in the refrigerator. This will preserve the quality of the product.

How much minced meat is stored in the freezer? The answer to this question is important for housewives. The shelf life is directly dependent on the temperature in the freezer. If it is not less than -12 ° C, then the workpiece will lie for about 1 month. Those who were able to freeze the minced meat at a lower temperature - about -18 ºС, can store the product for up to 90 days.

Longer lying of a meat product in the freezer will lead to the fact that the product will lose its taste, change its appearance and consistency.

In order not to forget the date of freezing of the workpiece, it is recommended to mark the packages with food with stickers on which all important information will be indicated. By the way, some women, in order to extend the shelf life of chopped meat, immediately prepare various dishes from it, and then freeze them. This option significantly speeds up the cooking time.

Every housewife should know how to store minced meat so that it retains its freshness for a long time. Indeed, many delicious dishes can be made from the discussed blank. A woman should be able to cook meat in order to delight the household with variety.

Housewives should remember that when freezing crushed meat without additives, before cooking it should be seasoned, add salt and favorite herbs. To make the finished cutlets tasty and juicy, it is recommended to add an egg, white bread soaked in milk, or grated potatoes to the minced meat after defrosting. Those who like aromatic dishes should add dried basil to the preparation; pepper, onion, and garlic will also do the trick. Some recipes favor the use of cream and wine. In general, each housewife has her own secrets. The main thing is to properly defrost the product.

Cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, navy-style pasta - this is just a small fraction of home-cooked dishes, in which the meat filling plays the main role. Not all housewives have vital information about how much minced meat is stored in the refrigerator, and what are the basic rules for freezing it. In the meantime, this knowledge can protect the family from poisoning and other health problems that can arise from eating expired food.

Any housewife strives to optimize the cooking process. Therefore, it is often stocked up with food for future use. Something like this happens with minced meat. Of the purchased 2 kg, part goes to cooking cutlets, another part is used for stuffing pepper, and the rest is sent to the refrigerator or freezer until the next time. In order to correctly calculate the shelf life of minced meat in the refrigerator, you need to take into account the degree of its freshness, additional products that make up the meat filling, as well as the state in which the minced meat was brought from the store (frozen or fresh).

Life hack: you will never get confused about the shelf life if you stick a sticker on it with the date and even time before sending the product to the refrigerator.

Not by meat alone

Minced meat is a semi-finished product that is obtained as a result of grinding a specific product in a blender or meat grinder. Its main ingredient may not only be meat. Thus, the following types of this product are distinguished:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetable;
  • mushroom.

However, most often the word "minced meat" means chopped meat (or fish), to which finely chopped onion and spices were added. The calorie content and nutritional value of the most common types of meat fillings are presented in the table below.

Table - Calorie content of different types of minced meat

Judging by the energy value and protein content, mushroom minced meat (350 kcal / 100g) may well compete with meat. Fish contains only about 70 kcal / 100 g, and vegetable contains from 40 to 100 kcal / 100 g, depending on whether there are legumes in the composition.

How much minced meat is stored in the refrigerator: chilled ...

The answer to the question of how much raw minced meat is stored in the refrigerator directly depends on the main ingredient of the crushed mixture. The refrigerator assumes short-term storage of the product at 4 ° C for several days, provided the filling is properly prepared.

Table - Standards for storing different types of minced meat for trade enterprises

In practice, freshly cooked pork, beef, turkey and chicken mince in the refrigerator can be stored for about two days and can be used without fear of health. If you do not plan to use this product for cooking within 48 hours, it is better to send it to the freezer for storage.

Please note that minced meat, mushroom and vegetable mince must be stored at 4-6 ° C in a zero chamber. This is the compartment that sits directly under the freezer in two-compartment refrigerators.

... and thawed

Proper defrosting is the thawing of a product on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. However, at home, housewives most often defrost chopped meat in a microwave oven. When defrosting mushroom and vegetable minced meat, a lot of water is released. Therefore, immediately after the procedure, these products must be decanted, getting rid of excess moisture, and sent to the pan or oven.

The answer to the question of how long defrosted minced meat can lie in the refrigerator is practically no different from the shelf life of a chilled product:

  • semi-finished meat products - 12 hours;
  • chopped fish - 6 o'clock;
  • minced vegetables and mushrooms - 24 hours.

Once thawed, the product should not be re-frozen. If you ignore this rule, be prepared for the fact that the taste of the crushed meat will no longer be so pronounced, and there will be significantly less useful properties in the finished dish. In addition, re-frozen food has a high risk of bacterial growth.

Choosing a semi-finished product in the store ...

It is absolutely not worth buying semi-finished meat products from unverified sellers. Such a purchase can result in an intestinal infection or poisoning. And in this case, you can pay not for the real weight of the goods, but for ice, which tightly covers the wings and hips. Packaged minced meat has a sticker or label indicating the date of packaging and shelf life. Pay attention to four more points when choosing.

  1. Color. The most common types of minced meat should have the following colors: chicken should be light pink, fresh pork should be reddish, and beef should be dark red. Contact with air changes the color of the fresh meat filling, making it darker. Do not be afraid of this phenomenon, which is easily explained by the knowledge of the school chemistry course. But fresh chilled minced meat is gray under no circumstances.
  2. Consistency. The minced meat mixture should be homogeneous and sufficiently dense. Splashes of gray are unacceptable. The only thing that can occur is blotches of white, indicating the presence of fat in the meat filling.
  3. Smell. Smelling the minced meat, the buyer should smell the fresh meat and nothing else. In stores and supermarkets, this product should not be sold with onions, garlic or spices already added. The pronounced aroma of seasonings can only say one thing: they are trying to sell you, at best, stale, and at worst, spoiled mince.
  4. Supplements. It is worth carefully examining the label or sticker. Shredded meat should be free of all additives, including soy protein and soy. The product with additives is not intended for long-term storage. It is suitable only for the fastest (within a few hours) consumption of food.

The shelf life of minced meat at room temperature should not exceed two hours. Violation of this rule may result in product damage.

... and cooking at home: 3 rules

If you intend to cook crushed meat for future use yourself, follow three rules.

  1. We remove moisture. Before grinding, the meat should be blotted with paper towels. By removing water from its surface, you can maximize the shelf life of the semi-finished product.
  2. We exclude additives. No need to add onions and other vegetables. Any additives should be added to the minced meat just before cooking.
  3. Do not pepper or salt. These seasonings make the meat fibers too tough. As with spices, salt and pepper should be added just before preparing the final dish.

Crushed meat filling, which has a "jelly" consistency and sticks to the hands during the cooking process - evidence that it was cooked in too warm a room. The high temperature negatively affects the structure of the meat, so it is better to refuse such a product.

What to put

An ideal container for short-term storage of minced meat is a glass container with a lid. Glass does not enter into a chemical reaction with the substances contained in the product and does not absorb the smell of minced meat.

Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to store minced meat in the refrigerator in a bag, because this type of packaging is the most common in supermarkets and stores. Given the fact that the short-term storage of the product in question does not exceed 12 hours, the use of plastic bags is quite acceptable.

Shelf life in the freezer

You can extend the shelf life of minced fish and meat by sending these products not to the refrigerator, but to the freezer. The table shows how long you can store minced meat in the freezer so as not to spoil the product and not suffer from its use in food.

Table - Shelf life of different types of minced meat in the freezer

It is not recommended to store chopped mushrooms and vegetables in the freezer. Too much moisture is released when defrosting these types of fillings. In addition, mashed vegetables, when frozen, lose a lot of vitamins. Exposure to low temperatures is bad for the density of vegetables and mushrooms.

The meat filling does not like unnecessary contact. By kneading it, grinding and grinding it several times, you significantly change its structure. And this is completely unacceptable. Human contact with minced meat should be minimal.

Matching packaging: 3 options

Long-term storage of minced meat requires appropriate packaging. The following three options are the optimal solution.

  1. Zip-lock bags. Such bags allow you to properly store minced meat in the freezer, preventing the spread of a specific meat smell to other products stored in the chamber.
  2. "Native" packaging. You can use the original packaging for storage. For example, plastic containers securely sealed with plastic wrap, or one-piece polyethylene packaging. Therefore, do not open or damage the packaging of a store product if you intend to send it for long-term storage in the freezer.
  3. Plastic container. It is worth choosing the so-called contactless plastic, which does not react with the products it contains. The container must be equipped with a vacuum lid.

If you have purchased a whole piece of meat for minced meat, but do not intend to cook semi-finished products in the coming days, do not process the product right away. It would be much wiser to send it whole in the freezer. The maximum shelf life of minced meat in the freezer is three months, and a whole piece of meat can be stored there for a whole year.

E. coli, listeriosis, salmonellosis and staphylococcal food poisoning are just the beginning of an impressive list of diseases that can be caused by eating spoiled meat. Knowing the shelf life of minced meat in the refrigerator, and what packaging is acceptable for this, will help protect yourself and your family from serious health problems. And it will also allow you to always have a stock of high-quality frozen chopped meat on hand.


It is very convenient to use ready-made minced meat: purchased, cooked, eaten and forgotten. But what if the product is purchased, and we will cook it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? How long can mince be stored in the refrigerator? And what will happen to him when frozen? I managed to find answers to all these questions - I will gladly share with you!

Where to store?

On store shelves you can find a large assortment of minced meat: meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable. For the preparation of meat, carcasses of cattle and poultry meat are usually crushed.

Since this meat product sometimes needs to be stored for a long time, it is necessary to determine its freshness when purchasing.

How to tell if meat is fresh? What I advise you to pay special attention to:

  • Color.May range from light pink (chicken, turkey) to dark red (beef). A shade atypical for meat is a sign of its staleness;
  • Manufacturing date. The expiration date of the minced meat, as well as its composition, must be indicated on the package;

  • Smell. There should be an aroma of fresh meat without impurities;
  • Structure. Minced meat should be of a homogeneous consistency without foreign fibers, multicolored blotches and mucus;
  • Nutritional supplements. A good-quality product should not contain salt, soy protein and preservatives.

Beware of spontaneous markets, they can sell spoiled minced meat there. Take care of your health!

Approach 1. Refrigerator

Minced meat can be stored at room temperature for no more than two hours... After that, bacteria will begin to multiply in it. Therefore, it is better to hide it in the refrigerator.

So that the meat product does not lose its appearance, it must be transferred to a clean dry container and covered with cling film.

The shelf life of minced meat in the refrigerator is 12 hours at temperatures from 0 to +6 °C.

Chopped fish, vegetables and mushrooms can be stored for no more than 6 hours at the same temperature.

Now we come close to the question of how much cutlets can be stored in the refrigerator? Ideally, do not refrigerate them at all. The raw product will not live in the cell for 6 hours.

With the finished product, things are different. To find out how much fried cutlets are stored in the refrigerator, you can take into account several factors:

  1. Fresh minced meat was used - 3-5 days at + 1 ... +5 ° C;
  2. Chilled - 1-3 days at + 1… +5 ° C;
  3. Frozen - up to 7 days at 0… +6 ° C.

Ready-made minced meat dishes can be stored in the refrigerator for a different period of time, it depends on where and how the twisted meat was stored.

Approach 2. Freezer

If it was not possible to cook the meat product immediately, you can freeze it. To get it right, use the following tips:

  1. Only fresh minced meat is suitable for freezing.;
  2. No need to add any spices... And it immediately becomes clear whether it is possible to freeze minced meat with onions. It is highly undesirable, since twisted meat with the addition of other ingredients will lie in the freezer for less time;
  3. Keeping this product in a store bag is not a good idea.... It is worth putting it in a convenient container.
  4. Shelf life of minced meat frozen is 3 months without losing their beneficial properties.

I know some tricksthat will preserve the beneficial properties of meat and save freezer space:

  1. First, you can use ice cube trays.... This method is suitable for preparing minced meat for soup with meatballs, cooking eggs and dumplings.

  1. Secondly, you can use the newfangled method of portioned storage. Instructionsi am presented in the table:
Picture Procedure

Stage 1.

Form a flat sheet of minced meat in a bag with a rolling pin.

Stage 2.

Stage 3.

We send the workpiece to the freezer.

Stage 4.

Are you going to make a minced meat dish? Break off a neat rectangular piece or several, depending on the number of people for whom the dinner is intended.

How much minced meat is stored in the freezer and how to put it there correctly - we found out. I also propose to determine how to freeze minced meat patties and other semi-finished meat products.

Dumplings is another popular frozen product. It is advisable to store them in plastic containers or in undamaged store packaging.

It is not uncommon for manufacturers of semi-finished products to indicate a shelf life of 9-12 months. The price of semi-finished products is usually very democratic. But, as you might guess, these products contain a large percentage of soy and other harmful additives - they are dangerous!

At the end

I hope I helped you figure out how, where and how much frozen minced meat is stored. The video in this article will clearly show how to quickly cool twisted meat without losing its beneficial properties. If you have any questions, please contact us in the comments.

How much to store minced meat in the refrigerator affects not only the safety of the product, but also its taste characteristics. A stale product does not always exude a specific odor or change color, so you need to carefully monitor the shelf life of the composition. Experts believe that only those products that will be used within the next 1-2 days should be in the refrigerator of a good housewife. And nothing should be in the freezer at all.

Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life does not always leave time for making daily purchases, so you have to make grocery supplies. And one of the most popular components in this regard is minced meat. Some people believe that it can lie in the cold for years, in fact, its shelf life is strictly regulated.

How to store minced meat in the refrigerator?

For the successful storage of minced meat, you need not only to know how much it is allowed to keep in the refrigerator, you will have to adopt a few simple but very useful rules:

  • Store minced meat is recommended to be used within 2-4 hours after purchase. If this period is to be spent in the cold, the workpiece should be removed from the packaging, blotted with paper towels and placed in a clean, dry bowl under the lid.
  • Do not keep products that are a mixture of several types of minced meat in the refrigerator for a long time. It is best to purchase them separately and mix right before the cooking process.
  • Contrary to popular belief, only high-quality and very fresh meat should be used for minced meat, regardless of how long this semi-finished product will lie in the cold. Even if the mass immediately goes into action, its taste will not be the most pleasant.

Tip: Before purchasing the product, you need to carefully inspect it. Do not purchase a composition with streaks of gray or gray-pink color, dark blotches, blood clots, white fibers or a slippery surface. Only a clean and beautiful product with a fresh meaty smell can be eaten.

  • It is strictly forbidden to purchase minced meat without packaging. First, it may be the result of processing low-quality meat. Secondly, such products are quickly ventilated, even when they are in the refrigerator before being sold. Finally, the manufacturing and storage time of such a component cannot be accurately determined.
  • A frozen semi-finished product can be kept at a slight above-zero temperature only until it defrosts. By the way, if during this process pieces of frozen blood are found or the mass turns out to be too liquid, this indicates a violation of the freezing rules.

  • Do not keep minced meat with added salt or spices in the refrigerator and freezer. These components negatively affect the fiber structure and taste of the preforms.
  • At low temperatures, it is not recommended to store minced meat, which contains soy or soy protein. Such products are put into use immediately, or the listed components are added before cooking.
  • How much to store a product depends not only on temperature, but also on its pretreatment. Ideally, it is recommended to keep the product at a temperature of 4-6 ° C for 12 hours. Before that, it is soaked with a cloth or paper napkin, laid out in a plastic container and covered with cling film. A lid can also be used, but only if it provides a sufficient seal.

All of these points apply exclusively to minced meat. In the case of a fish, mushroom or vegetable product, completely different rules apply.

Minced meat that has been in the refrigerator for several hours is not recommended to be frozen. Housewives who use this technique to extend the shelf life of a product only make it worse.

  • Only fresh product may be allowed to freeze. Better if it is homemade. Before that, it can lie in the refrigerator for no more than an hour.
  • Before freezing, it is forbidden to introduce into the mass not only salt and spices, but also milk, onions, and other popular components. They will not only change the taste of the composition for the worse, but also affect its texture and reduce the shelf life.
  • It is possible to freeze a meat product both by a shock method (at the lowest possible temperature), and gradually. It does not affect how long the composition will be stored after that.

  • Before such processing, the composition should not be packed in containers; it is better to keep it in the freezer in the form of briquettes. To do this, put each portion of minced meat in a separate bag, release the air from it and carefully wrap it.
  • Minced meat frozen in accordance with all the rules can be in the appropriate compartment for up to 3 months. The shelf life of the composition is much longer, nothing will happen to it in a year, but the quality of the food component will noticeably suffer.

Contrary to popular belief, vacuum does not increase the shelf life of minced meat, regardless of its composition. It should only be used when packaging the product before freezing to maximize air extraction from the bags. By the way, the shelf life of finished products, which include minced meat, is also insignificant. Meatballs, cutlets, pies and other dishes with meat filling should not be in the refrigerator for more than 2-3 days.