Like a beef steak in a pan. How to fry beef steak in a pan

24.07.2019 Bakery products

It's probably hard to find someone who doesn't like beef steak. Of course, because it's delicious and nutritious dish, which is served for the holidays or just even at a family dinner.

The whole secret of this dish lies in the preparation of meat and cooking. Be sure to follow the recipe and do everything in accordance with the rules.

Types of steaks and the degree of their roasting

There are many varieties of steaks. Here are some of them:

  1. Tibun steak. This is a piece of meat that is taken from a T-shaped bone;
  2. Club steak. This meat is cut off from the back, where the thick edge of the longest muscle is located;
  3. Rib steak or ribeye steak. It is cut off from the area of ​​the underblades. This meat has a lot of fatty streaks, which melt when fried. Due to this, the steak is very juicy;
  4. Striploin - meat from the lumbar region. It has large and delicate fibers. This steak is suitable for those who love the pronounced taste of beef meat;
  5. Filet Mignon. This is a transverse thin slice of the sirloin. This meat is tender and juicy taste without blood. The thickness of this steak is no more than 8 cm. Therefore, when baking this meat, everything should be done carefully, it is very important that it is not cold inside and retains the juice;
  6. Roundrumb steak - cut from the hip area;
  7. Porterhouse. This is a large piece of meat from the lumbar region. Usually it is ordered for two, since one person will definitely not master it.

Roast steaks in the following ways:

  • blue/raw. This raw piece pulp, grilled to 49 degrees;
  • RARE. This is a piece of meat that is fried on the outside and red on the inside. It is fried to 58 degrees;
  • Medium rare. This is a low rare beef. It is without blood, but has juice Pink colour. Fry up to 60 degrees;
  • medium. This is a medium rare steak. He has a pale pink juice. The steak warms up to 68 degrees;
  • Medium well.
  • well done. This is a fully cooked steak that has a crust on top. It is fried to almost 80 degrees.

Choosing the Right Meat

Beef is great for steaks. Of course, other types of meat are also suitable for them.

For example, if pork is used, it is best to take it from the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, thighs or neck. If poultry is used, the flesh from the thighs and drumsticks is perfect.

If beef is used, then it should be taken from the best parts of the carcass. It is advisable to take it from places that were not involved in motor activity.

It is worth paying attention to processing. V different countries meat is processed differently.

In America, the processing of steaks is not given much attention. They don't carve bones, they leave veins. In Europe, on the contrary, bones are cut out and all fatty streaks are removed.

So, when the meat is selected and processed, you can start cooking the steak at home.

How to cook beef steak in a pan at home


  1. Pour vegetable oil into a small container. Any oil is suitable - sunflower, olive, rapeseed. Next, put salt there, it is best to use coarse sea salt;
  2. We put a piece of meat in this mixture. We roll it in this mixture so that the entire surface of the meat is in an oil film;
  3. Put the pan on medium fire and heat it up for 5 minutes. Importantly, you do not need to pour oil on it. Then we put a piece of meat there. Each side is fried for 2 minutes;
  4. Fry the steak from the fat side. Fat will add juiciness and flavor to the meat;
  5. Next, fry for another 3 minutes;
  6. After that, put a piece of butter and a couple of sprigs of thyme and rosemary into the pan. Tilt the pan so that the oil is absorbed into the meat;
  7. Fry in oil for a couple more minutes;
  8. At the end, leave the meat in the pan for 5 minutes and already, then put it on a plate and cut into medium pieces.

How to cook a delicious and juicy beef steak in the oven

For treats, you should take the following products:

  • 700 grams of beef pulp;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • 50 grams of honey;
  • Dry red wine - 100 ml;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger;
  • 50 ml soy sauce.


  1. We clean the onions and cut them finely with a knife. Finely chop the garlic cloves. We put everything in a bowl;
  2. Add to onion and garlic soy sauce, a little pureed ginger, honey and 100 ml of dry red wine;
  3. Put the washed pieces of meat in the marinade and leave them for 2-3 hours;
  4. After they are marinated, preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the meat on a baking dish and set to bake for 115 minutes. Each side should be baked for 7-8 minutes;
  5. Pour the rest of the marinade into a small saucepan and put on the stove. After boiling, boil for 10 minutes;
  6. Ready steaks are laid out on a plate and poured with sauce. Can be served with boiled rice.

, and is it possible to cook it at home. Serve potatoes in the oven in the oven for a steak, this simple dish is incredibly tasty. The best chefs share their secrets. Do you know how to quickly defrost meat without a microwave? Read the tips in ours.

How to cook marbled beef steak on the grill

You will need the following components:

  • One and a half kilograms of marbled beef;
  • 7 sprigs of rosemary;
  • 8 sprigs of thyme;
  • 1 head onion;
  • A little table salt and ground black pepper.

Note: marble beef- this is meat with fatty streaks, which are melted during the frying process and give the pulp juiciness and aroma.


  1. For cooking, it is best to use a steak with a thickness of 1 cm. Wash the steaks in cool water and dry paper napkin;
  2. Pour ground black pepper into a bowl. We rub the steaks on all sides and put them in a cup, put sprigs of thyme and rosemary on them and leave to marinate for 40 minutes;
  3. In the meantime, prepare the barbecue and grill for frying steaks. We put the grill on the grill. Cut the onion head into two halves and dip one half in vegetable oil. Grease the grill with oil. Next, marinated steaks are laid out on it and fried;
  4. Sprigs of thyme and rosemary spread next to the meat on the grill. In the process of frying, they will give the meat a pleasant aroma;
  5. During frying, the steaks should be turned over periodically so that they do not burn;
  6. At the end they should be salted. If this is done during the marinating process, the meat will not turn out so juicy. Therefore, it is better to add salt at the end of cooking;
  7. Steaks are served with fresh vegetables and red wine.

How to cook a delicious and juicy steak in sauce

You will need the following products:

  • Beef meat - 1 kilogram;
  • A little table salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil.

For sauce:

  • 70 ml of currant juice;
  • 400 ml of broth on meat;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 80 ml of red wine;
  • 100 butter;
  • Spices.


    1. The pulp should be washed with cool water and dried with a paper towel. Next, cut it into medium pieces;

    1. Pour salt and black pepper into a bowl. We rub each piece of meat with this mixture;

    1. We put a frying pan on the fire and pour a little vegetable oil into it. Place steaks in hot oil and fry for 5 minutes on each side. Then put the steaks on a baking sheet;

    1. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and put a baking sheet with steaks in there for 15 minutes;

    1. While they are baking, prepare the sauce. Put a piece of butter in a small saucepan and put it on the stove. Pour 100 grams of flour into the melted butter. Fry everything until golden brown;
    2. Then slowly pour into the pot. meat broth and mix, it is important that there are no lumps. Once the sauce boils, it should be boiled for 10 minutes;

    1. After that, pour currant juice and red wine into it. Season with spices and mix. After a couple of minutes, remove from the stove;

    1. Baked steaks are taken out of oven and laid out on a plate. We water them ready sauce and insist 20 minutes so that they soak and become juicy. After that, they can be cut into pieces.

  • When choosing meat, it is desirable to give preference to the pulp of young bulls that have been fed with grain. This meat is very tender and juicy;
  • For steaks, meat is taken from areas that were not involved in motor activity. Meat from the subscapular, back and lumbar parts of the carcass is excellent;
  • Before cooking, the meat should be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of -40 degrees during the day. This is necessary so that the enzymes found in meat break down proteins. Due to this, the meat will become more tender;
  • The meat must be dry. Therefore, it should be dried paper towel or a napkin;
  • Before frying, the meat should have a temperature of at least 20 degrees. Therefore, it should be pulled out of the refrigerator in advance and given time to stand at room temperature. If you put it in the pan cold, then you will not get a crust. Since cold meat will not be fried, but stewed.

Cooking steaks is a difficult process, because everything must be done correctly. The choice of meat is of great importance. For steaks, choose soft and tender flesh.

Do not forget about the tips, they will help you prepare the perfect and delicious steak at home.

Text: Egor Kaznacheev
Photo: Nikolai Gulakov

Our expert

Kirill Martynenko, chef at Torro Grill Moscow restaurants.

“We will make the best-selling ribeye steak in the world,” said Kirill Martynenko, our expert, head chef of Moscow's Torro Grill restaurants, opening the refrigerator. "It's a classic of the genre because when people say 'steak', they usually mean ribeye."

“Frying thick steaks at home is difficult. Kirill continues. - There is a high risk that a 7-10 cm piece will not be fried, or will be fried unevenly, or completely overcooked. Chefs use meat thermometers and other tricks to determine readiness. An inexperienced person will not be able to determine the degree of readiness of meat by eye. But if you still decide to cook a big steak, follow our advice, and then put it in the oven to finish cooking.

Shopping list

“You need to take either an already cut steak, or a special cut from the supracostal part of the carcass,” Kirill admonishes. In this case, the beef should be marbled (with large quantity white fat inclusions - they give the meat a taste) and in no case frozen. It's also not worth overpaying for steam beef. “In order for the fibers to become softer, the meat must mature for at least two weeks. The ideal temperature inside the refrigerator is zero degrees,” the expert assures. Choose Australian or American meat. The local bulls are raised specifically for steaks and fattened with wheat and corn, which makes the tenderloin marbled (read: high-quality and tasty). It is unlikely that you will be able to find out the age of the purchased animal, but know that the bull must be slaughtered at the 12-20th month of life.

● Sunflower and butter

● Black pepper and salt

● Greens (at your discretion)

● Washing powder

You don’t need it for a steak, we just decided to remind you so that you don’t forget again.

How to do

“Beef is the only meat that has several degrees of doneness, and they can be clearly controlled,” says the expert. We decided not to go into professional subtleties cooks and, showing an undemanding, but human taste, were asked to make a medium-rare steak (cooks call it medium). Here is an instruction for repeating the feat of Cyril.


Take a look at the cut and decide how much meat you want to eat. “In order for the roast to be of high quality, the steak should be no thinner than three and no thicker than ten centimeters,” says Kirill. The standard thickness of a steak ranges from 3–5 cm (our piece has 3.5 cm).


Cut off. “So that the meat does not lose juice and taste qualities, and the cooking process was not delayed, it must be cut strictly across the fibers, ”our consultant warns. Finally sharpen your knives and take the bigger one. You need to cut the steak in one motion: only in this way the surface of the piece will be almost perfectly even. This is necessary for the same as cutting across the fibers.



Pepper a piece on both sides. However, do not try to rub each peppercorn into the meat, as this will only drown out the taste of the beef. The same can be said about spices in general, so they, with the exception of pepper, are not used at all.


We grilled a steak. Since you have a house instead of him gas stove(ha ha!), take a thick (ideally special for steaks) cast-iron or aluminum frying pan and, having heated it well, put the steak in. "If you use thin frying pan, a piece of meat will cool it down, and the meat will not be fried, but boiled in own juice", says the expert. Grill the steak for 4 minutes on each side.


Ready? Now transfer the piece to a hot (but not hot) frying pan or baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 150 ° C. However, you can simply reduce the heat and continue to fry the meat in the same pan. In this case, be careful: you will not burn the steak, but there is a risk of frying it too much.


Salt the steak. “Do not be too lazy to dilute the salt in boiling water in advance. Dissolved salt is better than loose salt, it will soak the meat. In addition, herbs can be brewed in a bottle of water and salt. Like thyme and rosemary, for example,” the chef winks.


Periodically brush the steak with melted butter in the microwave. “It will make the crust softer,” the expert explains. Add finely chopped herbs to the oil. However, this is optional.


Steak of standard thickness on fire should be kept for about 16 minutes. Eight of them have already passed. Spend the remaining eight on turning the meat every two minutes.


“After removing from heat, the steak should lie in the pan for 2-3 minutes. This is a kind of timeout, during which the juice is evenly dispersed throughout the piece,” says Kirill.
“Since meat is a solid meal, and a steak is a heavy piece, a light side dish is needed,” the expert argues. - Lettuce leaves and grilled vegetables (or just vegetables) are suitable. Classic in the form mashed potatoes- the option is heavier, but it will fit if you are very hungry.

“Best for steak creamy sauces, such as mushroom, as well as pepper or cooked on the basis of tomatoes. More good addition- pesto sauces, when greens and oil are mixed in a blender,” Kirill says and warns that sweet and sour sauces, no matter how much you love them, they categorically do not combine with beef.

“A win-win combination is a steak with dry red wine. They optimally reveal each other's taste,” says our consultant. However, if you do not favor wine, you can stop at good beer. Preferably on varieties with bright taste(ideally - a cry or ale). For those driving, offer to limit yourself to a glass of water (can be carbonated) or tomato juice. Other drinks are dangerous because they will interrupt the taste of meat.

Juicy beef steak in a pan - the recipe is quite simple. Meat with appetizing crust and tender pulp - what could be more desirable? Many dream of getting as a result of their labors meat steaks v best traditions genre. But to achieve the desired degree of roasting and not spoil the expectations - not every housewife can boast of this. Men especially love steaks, they simply cannot live without meat. A savory piece can satisfy the hunger of any man, so steaks will come in handy for lunch and dinner. Try to cook beef steak, as in our recipes.

There are many types of steaks. For example, a thick piece of boneless beef, with a fatty layer, cut from the ribs, is a ribeye, and a thin layer of boneless meat from the back is a striploin, which has almost triangular shape. A New York steak is similar to a striploin, but it has no fat. "Portehouse" is the largest steak from the loin, and filet mignon is the most expensive, juicy, tender, delicious steak from the only round muscle in the bull's body. T-bone steak is a meat on a T-shaped bone, it combines two types of meat - fillet and thin edge. Angleterre is made from the meat from the inside of the shoulder blade, while the Café de Paris steak is made from the softest piece from the shoulder. Quasimodo steak is cut from the lumbar region of the back, and Montevideo is a rump steak. The roundpamb steak is made from the upper part of the hip area, the club steak is made from the back part of the thick edge, the sirloin is made from the thigh part of the carcass, and the rum steak is a very thin and well-beaten tenderloin. As they say, choose a steak for every taste!

Which steak is best for pan frying?

The main thing that depends good taste steak is, of course, high-quality meat (steak is made only from beef). But, since far from everyone knows how to choose a suitable piece, you just need to use the tips. The best parts for steaks are the tenderloin, thick edge, and thin edge. Ideal meat for steaks should have a high degree of marbling.

Ribeye steak is best for pan frying. He is universal. The name comes from two English words rib-eye, i.e. "rib" and "eye". The rib is where the cut comes from, and the eye is the cross-section shape that rib-eye steaks inherit. The abundance of fatty layers (the same marbling of meat) melts quickly when frying, making "Ribeye" the juiciest, most unpretentious in cooking of all steaks.

How to cook beef steak in a pan

New York Steak


  • 300g New York steak (stripploin)
  • 3-4 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 2-3 cherry tomatoes
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • large sea ​​salt, a mixture of peppers (black, red, white) - to taste
  • olive oil for frying

Cooking method:

Wash the beef, dry it with a paper towel, make transverse cuts to the entire depth of the fat layer. Make cuts every 3-4 cm along the entire piece of meat. So steak is better baked, not deformed, not twisted during the frying process. Salt and pepper the steak. Fry in hot olive oil for 1 minute on each side, adding garlic, chopped thyme. Bring to readiness in the oven for 6 minutes at 180 °C. Serve whole, with garlic and cherry tomatoes, garnish with a sprig of thyme, or cut into several slices. On the cut, the degree of medium roasting is clearly visible - with a pink middle.

Grilled Steak with Irish Whiskey

This is a favorite Sunday dish when you watch a Gaelic football match on TV.


  • 1 loin steak (230-330 grams), room temperature
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon butter or fat for frying
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • ¼ cup Irish whiskey
  • 1 cup heavy cream

Cooking method:

Pepper the steak. Put the oil in the skillet. When the oil boils, put it in the pan. When the fat begins to stand out, lower the heat, cook to your taste (3-4 minutes - meat with blood; 4-5 minutes - medium rare; 5-6 minutes - well-done steak), turning the meat only once. Transfer the steak to a warm plate. Get rid of the fat in the pan by draining it. Pour whiskey, cream into the pan, mix until the mass becomes dense. Salt, pepper to taste and pour over the sauce.

Steak with chili and cumin


  • 5 beef steaks,
  • 1 chili pepper
  • ground cumin,
  • dried oregano,
  • 3 art. l. olive oil,
  • parsley,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

In a bowl, mix finely chopped chili, cumin, oregano, pepper and salt. Grate with the resulting mixture, lightly sprinkle with oil, let it brew for 1 hour. Put in a pan, fry in oil under the lid. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

Low rare steak

We cut the young beef strictly across the fibers into pieces, each steak is 2.5-4 centimeters thick and put them on a dry hot frying pan. Fry the steaks without a lid over high heat for about 2 minutes or bring to a temperature of 37-40 degrees.

For convenience and accuracy, it is advisable to use a temperature probe.

At a meat temperature of about 38 degrees, the top of the beef steak is covered with light perspiration. At this point, turn it over to the second side and fry for about 2 more minutes (up to a temperature of about 57 degrees).

Weak roasting of beef steak (medium rare) is achieved at a meat temperature of 56-60 degrees. As soon as a light pink juice appears on the surface of the fillet, the steak is ready. Remove it quickly from the pan, otherwise the meat will continue to cook and the steak will become tougher and drier.

Salt and pepper to taste on both sides. steak medium rare is ready to serve.

The photo clearly shows a weak degree of roasting (medium rare), in which no longer raw, but still tender meat releases pink juice. The steak can be grilled, the method is good for picnics and barbecues.

Butter steak

If you choose the right meat, butcher and fry well, you will get the most delicious steak in the world.


  • Butter - ¼ pack.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Beef - 0.8 kg.
  • Salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the beef tenderloin, then dry it with towels, and cut into pieces three centimeters thick. Next, we need a steak pan. We put it on the fire and melt the butter.

Pepper only one side of the meat and put a piece in the pan with it. Next, pepper the other side and flip the steak. Cooking time is determined, first of all, by your preferences, what degree of roasting meat you like.

If you want the steak to be just a little browned, then it is enough to fry it for three minutes on each side. If you want to get a good crust on the outside and pink flesh on the inside, the time will have to be increased to four minutes on each side.

Well, if you want to eat well-done meat, then you need to cook it for five minutes on each side. And don't forget to salt before serving.

How to cook beef steak - a variety of ways

Spicy peppered beef steak with horseradish sauce

The specialty of this dish is the sauce. Due to cream, brandy and horseradish, it turns out to be delicately sweet with a tart aftertaste. Fresh vegetables are a good garnish. It is better to serve the steak with horseradish sauce, adding strong drinks.

Cooking time: 20 min. Servings: 4


  • 1 kg beef tenderloin
  • 200 g horseradish
  • 50 ml brandy
  • 200 ml cream 22-33% fat
  • 1-2 tsp ground chili pepper
  • ½ tsp Sahara
  • salt - to taste

In no case do not beat the meat with a hammer, as the muscle fibers are torn and the steak becomes dry when frying. If the piece is thick, it is better to stretch it with your hand or with the back of a knife. The vein can be cut. To make the meat tender, salt during cooking on the already fried side.

Cooking method:

Remove excess fat and tendons from meat. Cut the meat into steaks 2-3 cm thick. Slightly flatten with a heavy object or fist. Salt the steaks by rubbing the salt into the meat. Sprinkle steaks on both sides ground pepper Chile. Mix brandy and some water in a pan. Add sugar to brandy. Bring to a boil, reduce heat. Pour in heavy cream. Add grated horseradish, mix thoroughly, heat to mix flavors and aromas. Evaporate to desired consistency. Fry on very hot coals: for roasting with blood - 1-2 minutes on each side, medium - 2-3 minutes on each side, for good roasting - from 3-4 minutes on each side. Serve with hot sauce.

Beef steak with cheese and potatoes


  • 500 g beef steak,
  • 700 g blue cheese
  • 450 g red potatoes,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil,
  • dill greens,
  • pepper,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Mix crushed garlic, salt, pepper and oil. Cut the steak, put it in a bowl and pour the prepared marinade for 15 minutes. Then grill the steak for 3-4 minutes on each side. Peel potatoes, cut in half, salt, boil, season with oil, grill, immediately sprinkle with cheese. Serve potatoes with steak, garnished with dill.

Beef tenderloin steak with cauliflower and broccoli in the oven

Good beef steak- an excellent main dish that will not only satiate guests, but also please the most discerning gourmets. A light side dish of stewed or fresh vegetables will create a unique taste contrast with the dish. Delight your loved ones with a hearty, unhurried meal with a glass of red wine and a fragrant, delicious steak cooked according to our recipe.

Cooking time: 30 min. Servings: 1


  • 200 beef tenderloin
  • 100 g cauliflower
  • 100 g broccoli
  • 100 ml cream 22-35% fat
  • 30 g tomatoes
  • 20 g onion
  • 20 g sweet red pepper
  • 20 g zucchini
  • 40 ml olive oil
  • salt,
  • freshly ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

Wash, dry and clean the meat from sinews and films. Slice the beef across the grain portioned pieces 3-5 cm thick. Salt and pepper the meat. Fry the meat on both sides in a pan with olive oil(15 ml) until crusty. Transfer the meat to a heat-resistant form and bring to readiness in a preheated oven for 6-10 minutes at 190 ° C. Disassemble two types of cabbage into inflorescences. Salt and pepper the cabbage. Fry the cabbage in a preheated pan with olive oil (15 ml) until golden, 2-3 minutes. Pour cream over cabbage and heat until thickened. Cut the tomato into small cubes, removing the attachment point of the stalk, pepper, peeling it from seeds and stalk, zucchini and onion. Mix vegetables in a bowl, season with salt, pepper and season with the remaining olive oil. Serve with steak.

The degree of doneness of the steak

There are several degrees of roasting a steak:

  • Extra rail. The steak is quickly fried on the grill, warming up to 49 °. It comes out almost raw.
  • With blood. The steak is cooked for 2-3 minutes at 200°. It has a fried crust, red, not fried meat inside, red juice.
  • Weak roast. It is cooked for 5 minutes at 190-200°. It has uncooked meat and pink juice.
  • Medium rare. Cook for 7 minutes at 180°. It turns out medium-rare, with light pink juice.
  • Almost fried. Cook for 9 minutes at 180°. It has soft meat with clear juice.
  • Roasted. Prepared for 8-9 minutes at 180°. Bring to readiness in the oven. He has almost no juice.
  • Deeply fried. Ready for over 9 minutes. It has a golden brown crust and no juice at all.

  • The steak is prepared only from fresh, chilled meat.
  • Before frying, it should be brought to room temperature.
  • Steak can only be beef.
  • A piece of meat for a steak should be thick - at least 2.5 cm, but not more than 4 cm.
  • Serve steaks on hot plates so they don't cool as quickly.

Now you know how easy it is to cook beef steak. Bon Appetit!

A steak is a piece of meat that has been pan-fried or grilled until golden brown. But the pulp taken from any part is not suitable for him. beef carcass. It is prepared only from beef of the highest grade.

For him choose a fillet with the minimum amount connective tissue. Such qualities are tenderloin only. It is located inside the carcass and is not involved in muscle movement. It is a large piece of teardrop-shaped fillet.

The flesh of the brisket is very soft, without veins, so it cooks quickly.

As a last resort, thin and thick edges can be used for the steak. But this meat does not always meet the culinary requirements.

Only the meat of young bulls, whose age does not exceed one and a half years, is suitable for steak.

Also, you can not use fresh meat. It must lie in freezer at least twenty days. During this time, a fermentation process takes place in it, due to which the pulp fibers soften. Steak from such meat is soft and juicy.

Beef steak in a pan: the subtleties of cooking

  • Meat cut into steak large pieces across the fibers. During heat treatment the heat passes through the fillet faster, and it warms up evenly.
  • Frozen pulp is thawed in the refrigerator for several hours. You can not defrost meat in the microwave, as it is violated temperature regime and the steak cooks unevenly.
  • Steaks are cut into equal pieces with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm. Such meat in ready-made stays juicy. And thin layers of meat are easy to overcook. But do not make steaks more than 5 cm, as they are difficult to bring to readiness.
  • It is not necessary to beat the steaks (with rare exceptions), because the juice will flow out of the meat ahead of time and the steak will turn out dry.
  • In order for the finished steak to turn out to be the correct shape, raw fillet you need to tie it with a harsh thread and fry it in this form. After cooking, the thread is removed.
  • Fry the steak in a hot cast-iron (or with a thick bottom) frying pan at maximum heat. A golden crust should quickly form on the steak, which will “seal” the juice inside the meat. If this does not happen, the juice flows out and the meat is stewed. For the same reason, the steak should not be touched, pressed with a fork or knife.

There are several degrees of roasting a steak:

  • Extra-rare. The steak is quickly fried on the grill, warming up to 49 °. It comes out almost raw.
  • With blood. The steak is cooked for 2-3 minutes at 200°. It has a fried crust, red, not fried meat inside, red juice.
  • medium rare. It is cooked for 5 minutes at 190-200°. It has uncooked meat and pink colored juice.
  • Medium rare. Cook for 7 minutes at 180°. It turns out medium-rare, with light pink juice.
  • almost done. Cook for 9 minutes at 180°. It has soft meat with clear juice.
  • fried. It cooks for 8-9 minutes at 180°. Bring to readiness in the oven. He has almost no juice.
  • deep fried. Ready for over 9 minutes. It has a golden brown crust and no juice at all.

Beef steak in a pan: a classic recipe


  • tenderloin;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method

  • Wash the cutout. Dry well with a towel. Cut off the head - the thickened part of the tenderloin. Save it for another meal. Remove the film from the rest of the fillet, cutting it off with a knife near the meat itself.
  • Cut across the grain into pieces up to 3 cm wide.
  • Lay them flat. give them round shape, tied with a thread for reliability.
  • Heat up the pan. Using a brush, brush one side of the steaks with oil. Place them in the pan with the greased side down.
  • Fry over high heat until golden brown. Brush the top of the steak with oil. Turn over carefully. Bring to readiness. And now salt it. Remove the ropes.
  • Leave it in the pan for 3-4 minutes so that it reaches the condition. You can also transfer to a plate and cover with foil for a few minutes.
  • Serve with any side dish. Steak is delicious with fresh or roasted vegetables.

Note: If you're grilling the steak right away with the vegetables, you'll need to cook them ahead of time. That is, wash, clean and dry. Place the steaks and vegetables in the skillet at a distance from each other so that they do not touch.

Beef steak in a frying pan


  • tenderloin;
  • mustard;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method

  • Wash the cutout. Pat dry with a towel.
  • Cut off a wide slice.
  • Put it on wet with water cutting board cut up. cover cling film. fight back special hammer into a thin pancake.
  • Salt. Lubricate half the fillet with mustard. Cover with the second piece. Give the steak a round shape. Pepper.
  • Heat the pan until a light smoke appears. Lubricate it with oil. Place the steak carefully. Fry over high heat for half a minute.
  • Lubricate the top side with oil. Flip. Cook for another half minute. Pepper and salt.
  • Serve with any side dish you need to prepare ahead of time.

Note to the owner

  • Steak can be cooked with different herbs. To do this, grease a slice of meat with oil and rub with chopped herbs. Hold for a few minutes. Place the steak in a hot skillet and fry until golden brown.
  • To determine readiness, there is unusual way. Press down on the browned steak with your finger. If it is very soft, like a cheek, then the meat is still raw. If, when pressed, there is an association with the chin, then the meat has reached medium roast. When the meat becomes elastic, like a forehead, then the frying is complete. But such a steak will turn out tough and dry.

The concept of a steak was absent in the Soviet Union as a class, and in Russia, going to some steakhouse (I never liked such Americanisms) is still considered almost a holiday, and a visitor to this establishment must have an income level much above average, and in England or America they are prepared in almost every family in the backyards. The reason for this is, firstly, the absence in Russia of farms where certain breeds of livestock are grown, farms that have knowledge of fattening methods, etc. in this direction, and secondly, the very culture of beef consumption in the Soviet Union, and now in Russia. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to cooking meat, stewing it for a long time - all this is because the stores sell low-quality, tough meat, and high-quality meat from New Zealand, Australia, America, Russia is difficult and very expensive to find, so we have to cook beef no matter how, the main thing is for a long time, so that later it can be easily chewed. I have already described the trick, thanks to which you can get good meat for a steak cheaply, and now I will share with you my own experience of cooking a steak.

In my case, for cooking the steak, I had a thick edge, the western name of Ribeye. If you have meat on the bone, then you need to decide whether you will cook a steak on the bone or not. On the one hand, when warmed up, the bone gives its own heat, which helps the steak to cook more evenly and such a steak looks very noble with the proper approach, on the other hand, I had the meat of the simplest Russian cow, so I decided to remove the meat from the bone, because To. I had doubts whether such meat with a bone would be fried or not, but I did not want to finish the meat in the oven.


First you need to defrost the meat, this must be done in cold store, where the defrosting process takes a long time, not aggressively, only in this case the meat will not lose its juiciness. Small pieces, like mine, I shift from the freezer to the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. It is clear what more piece the longer it will take to defrost. After the meat has defrosted in the refrigerator, it must be taken out and allowed to stand outside the refrigerator, because. The temperature of the steak before cooking should be at room temperature.


On the Internet you will find great amount ways to prepare a steak for frying, I will not insist on my own, I will only explain why my choice is this. It is strictly forbidden to salt a steak before frying, from the word at all, salt will draw out the "juices" from the meat. I don’t see the point in peppering the meat before frying the steak, the pepper will burn with such high temperature and impart an unpleasant taste to the meat. Expensive vegetable oils first pressing, for example, I don’t use olive oil, it will also burn, I take the usual refined one, without taste and smell. I also use Worcestershire / Worcestershire sauce (and so, and so correctly), here it’s a matter of taste, sauce for an amateur, with a rich history, complex taste, while for me a bunch of beef-Worcester sauce is an axiom. We get this picture:

Sauce and oil are not added to the meat in the photo, add mentally, do not be lazy, the recipe is interactive)
Sauce for taste, oil, on the one hand, is a conductor of taste, on the other hand, it envelops the steak before frying, we will no longer grease the pan with oil. You can use any flavoring, other sauce, herbs, such as thyme, just keep in mind that you need to do this in such a way that you would then remove everything from the surface of the meat, so that only refined oil flavored with your flavorings, everything else will burn.

Frying pan

Personally, I have a very reverent attitude towards a steak pan: definitely, only cast iron, a frying pan, a grill pan or a grill grate - only cast iron, while a bad dancer, as you know, always gets in the way, I’m sure, on regular frying pan you can cook a steak, the main thing is that the bottom is thick and the coating that is applied and the pan itself can withstand the necessary heat, otherwise, spoil the dishes.


You need strong, very strong heating, this is why a grill pan is needed, so that the meat does not burn out on the outside, before it is cooked and it turns out beautiful stripes, and the meat has reached the required temperature inside. When using an ordinary flat pan and at this temperature, the meat will get a dense burnt crust over the entire area of ​​contact with the bottom of the pan.

If you look closely, you can see a slight haze, the oil has just started to burn, this is the temperature I consider ideal. I remind you that the pan was not lubricated with oil, with irregular use cast iron pans, I grease them with storage oil, so it gave a smoke, it's time to fry the steak. Once again, the heat must be very high so that the oil has already begun to burn, otherwise you will not get a steak.


I have pieces about 2 cm thick. Fry in one position for 30 seconds, rotate (do not turn over) 90 degrees, another 30 seconds, if you want a grid in the form of diamonds, rotate a smaller number of degrees, I like squares, now turn over and everything is the same, we fried the steak for 1 minute on each side.


Only now we salt, pepper and add pre-prepared flavored butter, I will tell you how to cook it in a separate post, it is very simple and tasty.

We wrap it in food foil and leave it for 7-10 minutes, more - it will cool down, less - heat and the "juice" will not have time to be distributed evenly over the entire piece. During this time, the steak continues to cook.


That's what I did. The degree of rareness Rare - raw roasting with blood, cooking time 2-3 minutes, the time can vary significantly depending on the thickness of the steak, but no more than 3-4 minutes, I will tell you more about the degrees of roasting later. Cut into thin slices with a slope, as in the photo, so that the cut is as much as possible across the fibers. Then a lot of options: sandwich, salad, use with a side dish. There is only one rule: consume immediately, you can store it, but the steak will lose a lot of cooling field, and reheating the steak is like drinking instant coffee, only out of great need)))

Stayed in the foil nice bonus, fragrant butter mixed with black pepper and juice, which, unfortunately, inevitably gave the meat, in no case pour this broth, this is an excellent base for making sauce, it can be frozen in a small container, but not from glass, so that did not burst in the freezer, and if you are completely lazy, then just add to any soup, unsweetened porridge, salad, as a gravy, etc., it is very tasty.

Bon appetit, ready to answer all your questions in the comments.