Poached egg in cling film - recipe. Poached egg in cling film - the simplest and easiest recipe with a photo

08.08.2019 Soups

There is a thin white film just under the shell of a chicken egg. This is the shell shell. It contains a lot of nutrients: calcium, magnesium, protein. As for the protein, it contains arginine, glutamic acid, methionine, histidine, cystine and proline.

Hyaluronic acid (HA), which I mentioned in the preamble to the article, gives elasticity to joints, stiffness of the spinal discs, and is very important for the eyes. Has a high water content. Scientists believe that it is this quality of HA that allows some tissues to resist compression. HA also acts as a kind of shock absorber in some parts of the body.

Since the eggshell film contains all the nutrients needed to create healthy connective tissue, scientists have developed a medicine made entirely from the shell membrane. This product is known as the Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®, natural egg shell). It is taken orally or as an injection to protect, lubricate, relieve pain, and hydrate certain cartilage and tissues in the treatment of arthritis.

Studies with this product have shown that people with bone and joint disorders begin to experience comfort and pain relief from movement as early as 7-10 days after the drug is used. Well, how does traditional medicine use the shell membrane?

An eggshell shell for health and beauty. Seven recipes

Break the egg and make whatever you want out of its contents: we won't need it for medicinal purposes. Then, instead of discarding the shell, peel off the thin white film and use it as a medicine.

1.Heal the wound after an unsuccessful manicure. Clipping the skin near your nails, often called a quick manicure, can be very painful, especially if the skin has been pulled or ripped off.

Take pieces of shell shell and place them wet side down on problem areas. Leave there until dry. Check the condition of the sore the next day and, if not everything has healed, repeat the treatment. Quite often, one procedure is all that is needed.

2. Use shell cover if cut or scratched. Place the wet side of the film over the cut and leave to dry. Tie it if necessary. The wound will heal quickly, and there will be no scar on the healed area.

3. Get rid of acne and clear acne. The procedure is the same as for other tips. Drying, the film will draw out all unnecessary and at the same time heal the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin damaged by acne or pimples.

4. Use a shell cover to remove a splinter or shard of glass that is difficult to remove with tweezers. It's a bit like extracting blackheads. As it dries, the film will tend to pull out the splinter, its tip will appear, and you can pull it out.

5. Treat the ingrown nail with the shell. Try wrapping the wet side of the tape over sore nails and letting it sit overnight. Use a bandage if necessary to keep the applique in place.

6. Try using a wet shell film to get rid of boils. Place pieces of film on them until you knock out the boil shaft like a splinter.

7. Use the shell of the egg for burns, including sunburn. As in other cases, it is applied with the inner, wet side to the burnt place.

The shell membrane contains antimicrobial substances. It is bactericidal: it does not allow microbes to pass through, but allows air to pass freely. This partially explains the reason for her success in healing. The timing of wound healing with the use of the shell membrane always decreases, and the scarring remains significantly less or does not remain at all.

Poached egg, cooked in cling film

Many different tools are used to prepare poached eggs. Usually these are special poached makers. But there is an option in which ordinary cling film is used.

By the way, with this method of cooking, the result is a bit like khinkali in appearance.

Poached eggs - recipe, with photo, with film

The dish is classified as French. The product is being prepared without the shell. The result is an egg, the white of which has become dense, and the yolk has acquired the consistency of a cream.

The dish is considered a restaurant dish, although it is also used at home. To prepare poached eggs in a film, you will need:

  • Eggs;
  • Cling film;
  • Thread and scissors;
  • Salt and spices on request.

The cooking time is 20 minutes... Poached eggs in film - recipe:

  1. Using scissors, cut n 15 cm squares from cling film, where n is the number of eggs.
  2. Grease each piece on one side with sunflower or olive oil.
  3. Place the film in a deep dish, greased side up. Break the egg into it, being careful not to damage the yolk. Add salt and spices if desired. Gather the edges of the film, creating a pouch, secure them with thread. Repeat for each egg.
  4. Boil water in a large container. Reduce heat. Place the eggs in boiling water for 240-300 seconds, then check the consistency at a glance. Cook for another 1-2 minutes if necessary.
  5. Alternatively, boil the eggs for only 60-90 seconds, then put them in water heated to 70 degrees for 7 minutes.
  6. Remove the eggs at the end of cooking, remove the cling film and serve.

The recipe is briefly described by the following picture:

Poached egg, cooked in film, step by step recipe

Poached egg in cling film - video

The recipe for poached eggs in cling film is detailed in the following video. The author examines the cooking method, preparing the dish step by step.

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Differently boiled eggs differ in the degree of hardening of the yolk.

Boiled chicken eggs (laid in cold water)

Wash the eggs and boil them in enough cold water to cover them.
Cooking time after the water boils:
soft-boiled eggs - 3 min.
eggs in a bag - 4-5 minutes (depending on size)
hard boiled eggs - 7-8 minutes.
When setting eggs in cold water, it is difficult to determine the correct cooking time. it strongly depends on the heating rate.
So you can boil hard-boiled eggs, because when laying in cold water, the shell bursts less often.

NOTE. It should be borne in mind that with a significant increase in the height of the terrain above sea level, both the atmospheric pressure and the boiling point of water decrease. In this case, the cooking time is slightly increased.
The boiling point of water can be increased by adding b about more salt.

Boiled chicken eggs (with a lay in boiling water)

Place the eggs carefully in boiling salted water, avoiding hitting the bottom of the dish.
After boiling, cook, depending on the size of the egg:
soft-boiled - 2-4 minutes (to taste),
in a bag - 4.5-5.5 minutes,
hard boiled - 8-10 minutes.
Remove the finished eggs and immediately place them in cold water to make it easier to remove the shells.
To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, the shell can be lightly punctured with a needle at both ends.

Soft-boiled egg.

Soft-boiled egg.

The soft-boiled egg is usually served with fried croutons.

Serving soft-boiled eggs with oiled croutons.

Serving soft-boiled eggs with fried croutons in butter.

Scrambled eggs

Place the washed eggs in boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes. You can cook them differently. Put the eggs in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them so that the water covers them.
After 10 minutes, drain the water, pour boiling water again and after 2-3 minutes remove the eggs.
The white of an egg cooked in this way does not harden, it thickens into a delicate white mass, the yolk remains semi-liquid.
Serve soft-boiled eggs only hot.

Eggs "in a bag".

Eggs "in a bag"

Boil eggs in the same way as soft-boiled, but the duration of cooking is 5-6 minutes. After boiling, pour over them with cold water and serve hot.
Bagged eggs can be served with a variety of side dishes and sauces.

Hard boiled eggs.

Hard boiled egg slices.
On the left in the photo is a properly cooked egg. The yolk retains a bright color, there is no greenish color on its surface.
On the right is an overcooked egg. If the egg is digested (boiling for more than 10-12 minutes), the protein becomes too dense, and the yolk will lose its taste, on the surface it will acquire a greenish tint and a rubbery, poorly chewed consistency.

Hard boiled eggs

Dip the eggs in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. With longer boiling, the protein becomes too hard and the bright yellow color of the yolk disappears.
Immediately immerse the boiled eggs in cold water to make it easier to remove the shell.
Serve the eggs in their shells hot or cold.

Poached eggs (boiled in a "bag" without shell).

Graduation eggs

Ingredients : 2 eggs, 1 glass of bone broth (silt of skim broth, or salted water), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic, 30 g butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, salt, ground sweet red pepper, dill, 1/2 teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of sugar.


Bring the broth to a boil, pour in the vinegar and salt. In a slightly boiling broth, gently release the eggs (one at a time) and cook them until the protein turns white. Then place with a slotted spoon on a heated and oiled dish.
Form a ball out of half the amount of butter and flour and dip into a boiling broth. Boil the resulting sauce, remove from heat and add salt, red pepper, mustard, garlic and dill to taste.
Heat the rest of the oil (but do not fry), color with a little red pepper (or tomato puree) and pour over the eggs.
Serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat.
Instead of sauce for eggs, you can serve whipped sour milk, seasoned to taste with garlic, dill, salt and vegetable oil (Bulgarian eggs), grated cheese, tomato juice.

Poached egg (boiled without shell)

A poached egg is an egg that is boiled without the shell in a pouch. This egg is often used in sandwiches and salads. It can also be served separately with sauce.

Ingredients :
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 tsp 6% vinegar


The egg should be as fresh as possible, preferably no older than 1 week. In older eggs, the white spreads during cooking, and in fresh eggs it solidifies compactly near the yolk, forming a bag. (By the way, this is a way of determining the "staleness" of an egg.)
Pour 1-1.5 liters of water into a low saucepan or stewpan. Season with salt and vinegar. Bring the water to a boil. (Salt is needed to flavor the egg, but it reduces the sheen of the protein and makes it more matte. Vinegar is needed when using a not very fresh egg - it reduces the spread of the protein. If you cook the egg according to the classic recipe, then you do not need to add anything to the water. instead of water, you can use broth, milk, wine, etc.)

Crack the egg shell and gently release it into a small bowl.
Reduce the fire under the pan to the minimum, because strong boiling will destroy the liquid protein.
Bring the bowl as close as possible to the water and, gently tilting, let the egg slide into the water.

Check immediately to see if the egg has adhered to the bottom. To do this, gently push it with a spoon - if the egg floats, then everything is fine, if it is cooked, then carefully separate it from the bottom.

Boil the egg on the lowest heat for 1 to 4 minutes, depending on the desired density of the yolk.
The white of the finished poached egg should be completely hardened.
Use a slotted spoon to remove the egg from the pan.

If the squirrel does run into tatters, trim off these edges.
Serve the poached egg immediately, until it is windy.
If eggs need to be cooked ahead of time, they should be kept in cold water to keep them dry. And before serving, warm them up a little by dipping them into hot water.

Poached egg sandwich.

Poached egg on a slice of bun, topped with mayonnaise or thick sour cream with seasoning.

Serving poached eggs on a platter with a slice of salted fish and bread.

Serving poached eggs on a portioned plate.

Poached egg, cooked in the microwave.

Poached egg in the microwave

Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Vinegar 9% - 0.5 tsp
Water (boiling water) - 150-200 ml
Pour half a teaspoon of vinegar into a microwave-safe bowl.
Add 150-200 ml of water (if you want the finished egg to be completely covered with protein, add more water).
Gently break the egg without damaging the yolk and release it into a cup of water.
Place the egg bowl in the microwave for 45 seconds at full power.
Remove the finished egg with a slotted spoon, let the water drain, put on a piece of bread.
Can be served with hollandaise sauce or sour cream.

Egg without shell, boiled in cling film

We drive the egg into the film, twist the ends of the film tightly and tie with a thread.

The result of boiling eggs in a film.

Eggs - poached "Pouches"

1. We need cling film, for each egg we need to cut a rectangular piece of film (approximately 15x15 cm).

2. Place the foil on the board and brush with olive oil. Put the film on a small bowl, pour the egg into the recess (if you wish, you can immediately salt it or leave the choice to the eater at the table).

3. Gather the ends of the film together, tie a knot or tie it with thread.

Boil water in a saucepan, reduce heat and put egg bags in the water. Cook for 5-7 minutes, depending on the consistency you want. Remove the bags with ready-made eggs from the water, carefully remove the cling film and put the poached eggs on a saucer.

Hot salad with chicken and poached egg

Heat the smoked chicken breast in a pan with butter. Alternatively, fry the raw chicken breast in a skillet with butter.
Fry the croutons cut into cubes in butter.
Peel the orange, cut out several slices, peel them from the partitions so that only the pulp remains.
Put on a plate lettuce leaves or assorted arugula, Chinese cabbage, lettuce of different colors.
Place orange slices, hot croutons on the edges of the plate, and put a spoonful of canned pineapple diced in the center.
Then add the hot chicken breast, cut into slices.
Gently put the hot on the pineapple cubes poached egg .
Pour the pre-cooked hot creamy sauce with grain mustard and citrus juice.
Rub some Parmesan cheese on top on a coarse grater and serve immediately.
Ingredients for the sauce: 1 tbsp. l. flour, 20 g butter, 200 ml of 20% cream, 50 ml of dry white wine.

Sift the flour. Heat the saucepan, reduce the heat to medium and dry the flour in the saucepan, stirring constantly, for 1 minute.
Add butter to the flour and, stirring continuously, fry everything together for another 1 minute.
Pour in the wine, mix until smooth and remove from heat.
Heat the cream without boiling. Slowly pour the hot cream into a saucepan with toasted flour and wine and, stirring constantly, bring until thickened. Let's take it off the fire.
For 3 tablespoons of butter sauce, add 1 tbsp. l. finished grain mustard and 1-2 st. tablespoons of a mixture of lemon and orange juice.
Whisk well and keep hot.

Evening snack - egg in a glass



We take 2.5 heads of garlic, divide it into cloves, peel.
We spread the peeled cloves in a small form in one layer, pour in dry white wine so that it only covers the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at 180 gr. From about 30 minutes until soft.
Then I knead the garlic with a spoon until a paste, add 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice and most importantly - what gives all the flavor of the taste - 1 teaspoon of truffle oil.
You can use black truffle oil or white truffle oil. With white, the taste and aroma are much thicker and richer.
Try adding this paste not only to eggs, but, for example, to pasta.
A very small amount of this garlic paste imparts wonderful taste and aroma! Season with garlic paste, for the recipe see above (previous recipe).

  • Bacon - 8 slices
  • White vinegar - 1 tbsp l.
  • Hot water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.
  • Parsley / green onions - to taste
  • Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 8 pcs.


  • Fill the skillet almost to the brim with water. Add vinegar. Bring water to a boil and then reduce heat before throwing eggs. However, just don't throw it.
  • Cracking the eggs carefully to keep the yolks intact, pour them into the water. Remove the pan from heat, cover and hold for five minutes.
  • Carefully remove the eggs with a slotted spoon.
  • Toast the toast and place a couple of bacon slices on top of each.
  • Make the sauce: Whisk the egg yolks with lemon juice.
  • Add warm melted butter.
  • Whisk a little more and add hot water. Season with salt and pepper. The sauce is ready!
  • Place the poached eggs on the bacon toast, top with the sauce and garnish with herbs.
  1. Flavored eggs
  2. Graduation eggs
  3. Poached egg in the microwave
  4. Egg without shell in cling film

Recipe number 1. Flavored eggs

This dish will not leave anyone indifferent. The cooking method is very unusual, because you need to cook soft-boiled eggs twice.

Required Ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pieces
  • dry tea - 15 g
  • salt and sugar - pinch each.

Cooking method:

  1. boil eggs hard-boiled, peel the shell and pierce with a knife in two places;
  2. then pour cold water (300-350 ml) into a saucepan, add a pinch of salt, sugar and tea. Bring to a boil;
  3. place the peeled and pierced eggs in boiling water. Continue cooking over low heat until they turn a light yellow hue;
  4. then remove them, cool and cut into slices.

In addition to their beautiful color, the eggs also acquire an exquisite aroma and a very spicy taste.

Recipe number 2. Graduation eggs

An uncomplicated recipe for true gourmets. Do you know how to properly boil soft-boiled eggs without shells?

Required Ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pieces
  • wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • broth or salted water - 1 tbsp.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • butter - 30 g
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp.
  • salt, sugar, sweet pepper - to taste
  • a pinch of dill.

Cooking method:

  1. bring the broth to a boil, pour in the vinegar and salt;
  2. reduce heat and carefully release each egg from the shell. Cook them until the protein turns white;
  3. heat a plate and brush it with butter. Then take out the eggs with a slotted spoon and put on the prepared dish;
  4. form a ball from 15 g of butter and flour and dip in boiling broth;
  5. boil the resulting sauce for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Season with salt, pepper, mustard, garlic and dill;
  6. heat the remaining 15 g of oil in a pan (without bringing it to the frying process), add red bell pepper there and pour over the eggs;
  7. serve the sauce in a gravy boat.

The recipe does not say how much soft-boiled eggs should be boiled by the number of minutes. This directly depends on the heating power of the stove. The main condition is not to digest them and remove them from the broth as soon as the proteins turn white. This condition is essential for successful cooking.

Instead of the suggested sauce, you can serve sour milk seasoned with garlic and dill, grated cheese or tomato sauce.

Recipe number 3. Poached egg in the microwave

How to make a delicious poached egg from a regular soft-boiled egg? How to cook it in the microwave and what to serve with? Read below for a modern and simple way.

Required Ingredients:

  • egg - 1 pc;
  • vinegar (9%) - 0.5 tsp.
  • water - 150-200 ml
  • a piece of bread
  • greens.

Cooking method:

  1. take a small bowl suitable for the microwave and pour the vinegar into it;
  2. add water. If you want the finished egg to be completely covered with protein, take more water;
  3. then break it very carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Release in a bowl of water;
  4. place the bowl in the microwave for 50 seconds at full power;
  5. take out the finished egg with a slotted spoon, wait for the water to drain, and put on a slice of bread;
  6. decorate with herbs.

It is very tasty to serve the dish with sour cream or cream.

Recipe number 4. Egg without shell in cling film

This recipe, although simple, is very unusual. The result is an incredibly beautiful and tasty dish. Few use this cooking method. Why do you need cling film? Watch and remember!

Required Ingredients:

  • egg - 2 pieces
  • vegetable or olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. place a medium-sized saucepan on the stove, pour water and leave for a while;
  2. take a fairly deep bowl and cover it with plastic wrap. Make the ends of the film on both sides long;
  3. grease the middle of the bowl with oil. This is necessary so that the egg easily slides out after cooking;
  4. then gently break the shell over a bowl and pour out the egg;
  5. collect the film from all ends and tie with a strong thread (you can fasten with a clip);
  6. do the same with the second;
  7. dip them in boiling water and cook for 2 minutes;
  8. remove with a slotted spoon, cut the foil and place the eggs on a plate.

The dish goes well with vegetables, herbs and bread.

Now you know how many minutes to cook a soft-boiled egg, depending on the type of recipe. We hope we managed to add variety to your arsenal of dishes. Enjoy your meal!