Potato cake according to GOST. Potato cake in the best traditions or how to comply with the gost

Potato cake according to the classic recipe can be safely called the favorite delicacy of Soviet children. She was adored and is now very much loved, as are baskets, eclairs, tubes and donuts. Well, on the other hand, how not to love? Real potato cake - it's insanely delicious!

Today I will show you how to make a Potato cake in accordance with GOST - you will get that very sweet and delicate delicacy that in the days of the former USSR could be bought in any cafe, pastry shop and cookery. Probably, some may say that this recipe for the Potato cake is not at all in accordance with GOST, but I insist that this is the composition and this is how this dessert looks like it did several decades ago.

The bottom line is that many hostesses today cook Potatoes with the addition of cocoa powder to the dough - this is how a completely dark cake is obtained. But then I propose to remember what a potato looks like. It has light flesh and dark skin, which is why the cake is called Potato.

If you are interested, I can tell you why they initially started adding cocoa powder to the dough. The fact is that in this way it was possible to disguise some flaws - mainly if the biscuit cake was burnt. By the way, in my understanding, the most real cake Potato is always prepared exclusively on the basis of a simple white biscuit - no cookies, loaves or crackers.

Let's remember together the very taste of the most delicate Potato cake, with a dark sprinkling of cocoa powder and with a light center. And, of course, oil cream sprouts as a decoration for an even greater resemblance to real potatoes.



Cream and dusting:

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

We will start preparing this homemade dessert with a biscuit, which I always bake in a multicooker. If you will be making it in the oven, use a baking dish about 24-26 centimeters in diameter. It is not necessary to lubricate it with oil, but it is better to cover the bottom with parchment paper. So, for the preparation of the Potato cake in accordance with GOST (in particular for a simple biscuit), we need the following products: wheat flour, potato starch, granulated sugar, chicken eggs and a little refined vegetable oil for lubricating the mold.

First you need to separate the yolks from the whites. We'll put the latter in the refrigerator, and beat the yolks with 130 grams of granulated sugar.

In a separate bowl, beat the cooled egg whites with 50 grams of sugar. We introduce granulated sugar in parts, when the proteins turn into a fluffy mass with large bubbles, and then beat everything at the highest speed until stable peaks.

Add wheat flour with starch to the yolk mixture, which must first be sieved. Add the whipped egg whites there.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with odorless vegetable oil and put the dough into it. If you bake a biscuit in the oven, do not grease the mold. Cooking a biscuit in a multicooker on the Baking mode for about 1 hour (depending on the power of your assistant). I have a Scarlett SC-411, the power of the device is 700 W, the volume of the bowl is 4 liters. In the oven it will turn out no worse (at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 50 minutes).

A simple white biscuit will turn out to be about 570-600 grams, depending on the size of the chicken eggs. Let it cool completely. It is best to prepare the sponge cake in the evening so that you can make Potato cakes in the morning.

While the biscuit is cooling (if you do not have time to wait overnight), make an butter cream. To prepare it, we need: high-quality butter (at least 82% fat), condensed milk and 100 grams of powdered sugar. We will use the remaining 20 grams of powdered sugar for dusting, mixing it with cocoa powder.

The butter for making the cream should be soft, so put it on the kitchen table 2-3 hours in advance. We put it in a dish suitable for whipping.

We return to the biscuit. It needs to be turned into crumb in any convenient way. I always do this in a food processor with the Metal Knife attachment. You can also grate the biscuit on a coarse grater, but I haven't tried that.

We mix everything to get a plastic and rather dense dough that sticks well. And now a little nuance: in the original, rum or rum essence is added to the classic Potato cake. But since children eat this delicacy, I do not use alcohol, but I add a quarter of a teaspoon of the essence. But this is not necessary, so I do not indicate this product in the ingredients. What does the essence give? Delicate and very pleasant aroma!

Now that the dough is ready, you can start forming the Potato cakes. They can be made either oblong or round. I make the cake look like round root vegetables in shape and appearance. By the way, the GOST Potato cake weighs 80 grams, so we divide all the dough into pieces weighing 75-80 grams (I got exactly 11 pieces). We roll balls - you may not achieve perfection, because potatoes of a perfectly round shape can rarely be found, right? We put the blanks in the cold for 15 minutes so that the dough grabs - this way it will be more convenient to work with it.

A popular pastry from the Soviet era, which was made from the remains of a biscuit found in the confectionery industry. Very convenient, isn't it? Waste-free production =) Despite the fact that this uncomplicated cake was made practically from scraps and waste, its preparation has its own secrets, which have been lost over time.

First: the potatoes inside should be light, not dark! Most likely, over time, cocoa (or pieces of chocolate biscuit) began to be added to the crumb. Real potato cake in accordance with GOST USSR - light inside.

Second secret: the cake should have a crumbly and delicate texture. In the shop exeplars, which are now on the shelves, there is no inside the structure - only a viscous slippery mass, on which even teeth marks remain. This is due to the fact that biscuit scraps are passed through a meat grinder.

Nothing prevents us from preparing a truly delicious cake, taking into account all the tricks of the recipe. Thanks to Irina Chadeeva and her book "Recipes according to GOST" for detailed explanations and ideas for wonderful sweets.

Ingredients for biscuit dough (we will make crumbs from it):

  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 90 g
  • Flour - 75 g
  • Starch (potato) - 15 g

Ingredients for the cream:

  • Butter - 125 g
  • Powdered sugar - 65 g
  • Condensed milk - 50 g
  • Vanilla extract or vanilla sugar - 1 tsp, 1 sachet of 10 g
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Potato cake according to GOST USSR (step by step recipe with photo)

First, prepare the biscuit dough. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks in two different containers. In order for the whites to whisk well, you need to make sure that not a drop of the yolk gets into the bowl. And also check that there are no traces of water and grease on the bowl itself.

We begin to beat with proteins, at first we work at a low mixer speed, gradually increasing. We achieve soft peaks. The state in which the proteins keep their shape perfectly and do not even pour out of the bowl when turning - we do not need it.

When foam has formed in the bowl, start adding granulated sugar (1/3 of the recipe norm). We do this in parts, in a thin stream, stirring continuously with a mixer. We need to prevent sugar from sinking to the bottom.

Beat the egg yolks until light and fluffy with the remaining sugar.

Gently mix the protein and yolk masses.

All dry ingredients (flour and starch) are mixed in a separate container using a whisk.

Sift the wheat flour into a cup through a sieve and stir in with a spatula using gentle movements from bottom to top.

Try not to lose air that has accumulated in the dough. It is important for us that the biscuit mass remains airy and rises well in the oven.

A homogeneous dough turns out to be quite liquid (see the consistency in the photo). When lifted with a spatula, it flows down in a wide ribbon.

Pour the biscuit dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Using a pastry spatula, smooth the dough over the surface of the baking sheet.

We send the dough to the oven, which should be preheated to 180 C. For the first 10 minutes, do not open the cabinet door! In this case, the biscuit will rise well and will not settle from the air drops.

We bake the cake at 180 C for 15 minutes. The readiness of the biscuit is determined by the golden brown crust, the tasty smell from the oven and the elastic surface. When you press on the top with the pads of your fingers, you can feel that your fingers do not stick to the crust of the biscuit, that the cake "springs", returning after pressing to its original shape. Another test for readiness is to pierce the cake with a wooden stick - no crumbs of wet dough should remain on it.

Cream for cake potatoes

For this wonderful delicacy, we prepare, but add a small amount of cognac.

Beat the softened butter (125 g) on ​​a high speed mixer and add the powdered sugar (65 g) through a strainer. This will prevent clumps from forming. Then pour in condensed milk (50 g) in small portions.

The granulated sugar in the cream will not completely dissolve! For this reason, it is not recommended to substitute sugar for powdered sugar!

Add 1 tbsp. l. brandy in cream. You do not have to add cognac, it's up to you. Looking ahead, I will say that cognac is practically not felt in the cake.

In the original recipe according to GOST, along with cognac, a dessert spoon of rum is also added.

We form a cake potato

Grind pieces of biscuit in a blender. We should have a small crumb.

According to Irina Chadeeva's recipe, the biscuit needs to be cooled and insisted for 24 hours. In this case, the crumb will be even tastier.

Add the cream to the biscuit crumbs, mix.

If you will be decorating ready-made cakes with cream, set aside a few tablespoons for decorating now.

Now we form a potato from a crumb. Squeeze the dough firmly to create an oblong brownie.

Do you want to make cakes that are perfect in size in accordance with GOST? Pinch off pieces of sweet mass and place on the scales: each potato should weigh 80 grams.

Mix cocoa powder and icing sugar. You can additionally sift through a sieve to break up the lumps. From this amount of ingredients, 10 cakes are obtained (one of which did not live up to the photo shoot).

Dip the potatoes in powder so that the entire surface is covered with a "peel". Let the cake stand for a few minutes, then dip it again in the crumb. At first, the potatoes will seem too light, but then they will darken.

The potato cake is ready in accordance with GOST. You can pour tea and enjoy its delicate taste!

This is what a cutaway cake looks like. Bon Appetit!

For those who prefer video recipes, I posted a video recipe for sweet potatoes on our Pirogeyevo channel:

If you make these wonderful cakes from childhood, please share a photo (you can attach it to the comment). I would be glad to receive any responses to the recipe, your questions and feedback!

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why I never get a biscuit! always falls .. no bubbles like yours .. it looks like a pancake dough on kefir .. did everything as it was said .. maybe for such cases a powerful mixer is needed .. and I have a squishy rod whisk for a mixer. or a biscuit for me a sentence 😭

Helga, a powerful mixer is good, but not the main thing! I have the simplest mixer. I think the main thing for a biscuit is well-beaten eggs. For a 20 cm mold: 4 eggs, 100 g sugar, 100 g flour, vanillin, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 180 * C. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, put the whites in the refrigerator. Set aside 1 tablespoon. sugar, and whisk the rest of the sugar with the yolks and vanilla white (this will take 5-7 minutes). At the end of whipping, add vegetable oil in a thin stream, without turning off the mixer. The yolks should swell, turn white and thicken. Wash the whisk off the yolk well from the mixer and beat the whites with a pinch of salt to strong peaks (this will also take 5-7 minutes), add a delayed spoonful of sugar and beat the whites with a mixer again. Sugar will soften the protein mass a little. The next step is to act quickly and accurately. Add a third of the whites to the yolks and, in a top-down motion, mix the whites into the yolks. The mass should become airy. Add the remaining egg whites and also blend into a smooth, very fluffy paste. Add flour in small portions and be sure to sift through a sieve. Knead the flour into the egg mixture also from top to bottom. When you add the last portion of flour, the mass may drop slightly (by 1/4). This is fine. Pour the dough into a mold and place in the oven for 45-55 minutes. The door must not be opened !!! The sponge cake may become inflated with a pillow. Don't let this scare you. When the biscuit is baked (check with a toothpick), turn off the oven and leave the biscuit in it for 7-10 minutes. At this time, the pillow on the biscuit will settle, the surface will be flat. If the biscuit is opal, do not be upset, cut off the protruding sides. The rest of the biscuit will definitely be fluffy. For a chocolate sponge cake, replace 20 grams of flour with cocoa.
I hope you will succeed. Good luck! 😊💐

Good afternoon Olga. Can I write here a very simple biscuit recipe, which I have always worked out for almost 20 years, even sleepily-)) We take 4 eggs straight from the refrigerator and beat all the whites and yolks together until they become thick and dense foam (I do this in a food processor, but I think this is not at all important, because before purchasing it, I beat it with a simple mixer), then pour a glass of sugar in a thin stream (not powder, I did not try it with powder) and continue to beat until it turns white. I beat everything at maximum speed, then reduce the speed to almost minimum and slowly add flour (also in a thin stream). Flour in the same glass as sugar for about 2/3 flour and the rest to the volume of potato starch sugar. In fact, there is no longer whipping, but mixing, and as soon as the flour "drowned", the main thing is not to stir, immediately turn off the mixer and pour the dough carefully into the prepared dish (I have a thin Teflon wide form (about 25 cm, if 20 cm, then the cake will just be thicker) covered with baking paper and put in the oven (not always warmed up, sometimes I forget, it never worked out worse. you can also 180g according to the cake mode, if thicker.I don't set more degrees so that it has time to bake and does not overcook from above and below and does not fall off ... Here's something like this, you can bake charlotte according to this recipe, cutting some strong apples I would be glad if it is useful to anyone.

What does a potato look like? Usually it is dark rind and light flesh. This is exactly how the "Potato" cake, prepared according to GOST from a biscuit, looks like. biscuit crumbs mixed with cream and rolled in cocoa. According to GOST, the homemade version of the "Potato" cake has only one drawback ... After you try it, you will no longer be able to eat the purchased options. Although, you can still eat, but you are unlikely to like them the same way!))

Leaving the basic GOST principles, for greater convenience, I nevertheless allowed myself to immediately round off the amount of ingredients ... This will not affect the quality and taste at all! In addition, in my version, I also replaced cocoa with carob for personal reasons. And this is a very tasty and worthy replacement.

Note: the site has options for making a biscuit, you need to bake it in advance and cool it.

Prepare the ingredients:

The finished biscuit must be dried. To do this, cut it into pieces and dry them on a baking sheet at room temperature for several hours or in the oven for an hour at 100 degrees with the door open periodically.

Then the biscuit croutons need to be crushed into crumbs.

For the cream, first combine the icing sugar with softened (but not melted!) Butter.

Pour in condensed milk and rum / cognac or rum essence.

Whisk everything together again and the cream is ready.
For a cake according to GOST, you need to set aside a little cream in order to decorate the potatoes with sprouts later, but I will not do this both because my cake will still be transported, and because ... real potatoes with sprouts are not particularly useful))

Combine biscuit crumbs and cream, i.e. mix them into a homogeneous mass.

Form the resulting sweet mass into a potato-shaped cake (oval or block). According to GOST, the mass and size are regulated, but for the home version it is better to cook as many pieces as you need.

Place the blanks in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, and then roll in a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa or carob.

The finished cake "Potato" in accordance with GOST must be placed in the refrigerator before serving.

It is very convenient to use paper muffin tins or cut baking paper for unfolding and serving the "potato" cake.

Here is a cutaway potato cake: light pulp and dark rind. Delicious ...

Enjoy your tea!

The potato cake recipe is a great option to please yourself and your loved ones with something delicious.

Classic cake potato

Not everyone knows that in the traditional recipe uses cognac for a pleasant scent.

Required products for making biscuit:

  • four large spoons of flour;
  • about 50 grams of sugar;
  • a spoonful of starch;
  • six eggs.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • about 150 grams of oil;
  • six large spoons of condensed milk;
  • two spoons of brandy;
  • 20 grams of powdered sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Combine all the products that are indicated for the biscuit, send to the oven, bake. Wait until it cools down and make small crumbs out of it.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the ingredients for the cream, not forgetting to add the cognac and cocoa. The more cocoa, the richer the color will be.
  3. Combine the crushed biscuit mass with the cream and sculpt cakes of any shape.

How to make bread crumbs?

If you don't have a biscuit or products for its preparation at hand, then you can make a potato cake using crackers.

Required composition of components:

  • crackers - about 300 grams;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • two spoons of cocoa;
  • milk - 100 milliliters;
  • about 150 grams of oil;
  • nuts to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Bread potato cake is one of the simplest recipes. Pour milk into a saucepan and put it to heat. Add sugar and cocoa there. Wait for the mixture to boil.
  2. After that, add oil to boiling products and mix everything well, so that a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Leave the mixture to cool slightly, and at this time grind the crackers so that you get a crumb. Mix it with milk mass.
  4. If you decide to use nuts, then crush them into small pieces, but so that they are not completely small. Add to the rest of the food and mix everything.
  5. Sculpt the cakes in the shape you like and remove to cool for a couple of hours.

Cookie potato cake

Cookie potatoes are the most common cooking option. Now it is used much more often than the classic one, because it is simpler and takes less time.

Required products:

  • about 200 grams of butter;
  • a small spoonful of brandy, wine or liquor;
  • condensed milk - one can;
  • vanillin;
  • nuts - to your taste;
  • three tablespoons of cocoa;
  • biscuits, preferably shortbread - about 800 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. This recipe should be started with oil. It needs to be melted. You can do this in the microwave or in a saucepan on the stove. Then add condensed milk to it and mix everything well.
  2. Now turn the cookies into small crumbs. It is best to do this with a blender, but you can use a rolling pin or even your hands. If you decide to use nuts, then they also need to be chopped. Stir them with cookies, add vanillin, a spoonful of the selected alcohol, cocoa. Put all this in a container with butter and condensed milk.
  3. Stir the mixture until it is whole, lump-free and thick enough. If it is too liquid, then put it in the cold for a while.
  4. Mold the cakes into shape and chill slightly.

Recipe according to GOST USSR

The recipe according to GOST of the USSR for cake potatoes is one of the most delicious delicacies of that time. Moreover, in this recipe, cocoa is almost never used, except perhaps for sprinkling.

Required products:

To make a biscuit:

  • 150 grams of flour;
  • about 200 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of starch;
  • six eggs.

To prepare the cream:

  • 100 grams of condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • about 50 grams of cocoa;
  • icing sugar - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to make a biscuit. It is worth starting to do this by separating the whites from the yolks. After that, the white part should be put into the refrigerator for a while.
  2. While they are cooling, use a mixer to combine some of the sugar, about 120 grams, and the yolks. Do the same with proteins, but use only 50 grams of sugar.
  3. Now you need to add flour and starch to the dishes with yolks, and then the protein mass.
  4. From the resulting mixture, make a biscuit. Bake it for about 50 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. When the baked goods are ready, wait for them to cool. At this time, go in for the cream.
  6. Whisk the butter well in a bowl, then add about 100 grams of powdered sugar and beat again. Now, trying not to stop, add condensed milk to the rest of the products.
  7. By this time, the cake should have cooled down and must be turned into crumbs, chopped in any available way and mixed with the prepared cream.
  8. From the resulting mixture, make a shape in the form of a potato, roll it first in cocoa, and then in powdered sugar. Put in the cold for 15 minutes.

Biscuit potato

A recipe for those who love to do homemade baking and have free time for this. In addition, not everyone has a good biscuit.

Required Ingredients:

For the cake:

  • a small spoonful of baking powder;
  • four eggs;
  • some vanilla sugar;
  • four eggs;
  • about 200 grams of flour.

For the cream:

  • 50 grams of condensed milk:
  • about 100 grams of powdered sugar;
  • a little more than 100 grams of oil;
  • 100 grams of cocoa and powdered sugar;
  • nuts - optional.


  1. During the preparation of the dough for baking the crust, you should turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. While the oven is heating, break the eggs into a bowl, mix them with regular sugar, with vanilla sugar and beat all this for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Now carefully add starch and flour there, continuing to stir and bringing the mass to a dense consistency. Transfer it to a baking dish and set for 30 minutes.
  4. Wait for the cake to cool and turn it into crumbs.
  5. Now is the time to do the cream - mix the butter with powdered sugar, pour in the condensed milk and whisk.
  6. Put the resulting mass in a bowl with chopped biscuit, mix and start sculpting. Make any cake shape you want. Dip them in the cocoa and powdered sugar mixture.

No added condensed milk

Condensed milk is a fairly high-calorie product and is present in all cooking options for this cake. But it turns out that you can make a treat without it.

Stock up on food:

  • small pack of butter;
  • about 50 milliliters of milk;
  • about 300 grams of cookies;
  • some sugar and cocoa.

Cooking process:

  1. Whatever you make this cake from, the base of everything has to be crushed. In this embodiment, the cookies are ground with a blender or by hand.
  2. Pour sugar into the resulting mass, and then milk and melted butter. Stir so that there are no lumps and sculpt cakes of any shape. Ready-made forms can be decorated with cocoa or powdered sugar.

Products composition:

  • two tablespoons of any nuts;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • about 700 grams of gingerbread;
  • pack of butter;
  • a spoonful of cocoa;
  • near a can of condensed milk;
  • coconut flakes - to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. As in other cooking options, the base is necessarily crushed - we turn the gingerbread into small crumbs in any way. We do the same with nuts, they should not be quite small and mix them with gingerbread.
  2. Pour condensed milk and butter into the resulting gingerbread mass. Note that it is best to soften the oil slightly before use, either over a fire or at room temperature. We bring all this to homogeneity by mixing.
  3. We sculpt cakes of any shape and roll them in sprinkles. It is made from cocoa and sugar. Put in the cold for a couple of hours before serving.