Grilled meat - delicious, just like in nature! Secrets of juicy meat in a grill pan: beef, pork, lamb, chicken. How to grill in a cast iron skillet

14.09.2019 Meat Dishes

The grill pan is one of the most useful things in the kitchen for preparing delicious, but at the same time simple dishes. In such a frying pan, you can cook both a steak from meat or fish, and all kinds of vegetables.

Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic recipes for grilled vegetable snacks. Let's summarize the benefits of this kind of cooking in a nutshell:

  • a large amount of oil is not required for cooking in a grill pan;
  • because of the thick walls, food does not burn at the high temperatures required for a crispy crust;
  • meat and vegetables are obtained as from the grill, so no one has canceled a home picnic.

So, today we will consider several recipes for vegetable dishes that we will cook in a new wonderful frying pan. Due to this, the vegetables will be crispy on the outside and very juicy on the inside.

Recipe number 1: Crispy potatoes in a grill pan

Who doesn't like fried potatoes with a crispy golden crust. The dish will not burn in a grill pan, and the recipe itself can be converted into a non-nutritive and healthy one for our body. For this we will use the following products.

  • Ingredient List: 1 kg of potatoes; 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil; a pinch of salt; spices and a couple of sprigs of rosemary.
  • Cooking method: wash and peel potatoes; cut into thin slices; rub it with spices and salt; we heat the pan over maximum heat, after having greased the bottom with vegetable oil; then add potatoes and rosemary; Fry for 5-10 minutes at maximum, and then cook for another 20 minutes over medium heat.

Fast, simple and easy, and most importantly, nothing is burnt. So now you can enjoy peasant-style potatoes, only such a dish is 100% more useful than an analogue from fast food cafeterias, such as KFC or McDonalds.

Recipe number 2: Zucchini and eggplant, grilled in a pan

Grilled crispy zucchini and eggplants are perfect as a side dish with a kebab or. So, if the weather is bad outside and the picnic is canceled, you should cook such a vegetable snack at home and pamper yourself and your loved ones.

  • Ingredient List: 2-3 zucchini; 2-3 eggplants; 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil; salt and spices to taste.
  • Cooking method: wash vegetables and cut off their tails; lay them along and cut into strips; then marinate them in spices and place in a preheated grill pan that has been oiled. Bake for 5 minutes on each side until crisp.

You can also make an oil-free snack if every extra calorie matters to you. Usually, good grill pans have a great non-stick coating so food does not burn or stick to the bottom.

Recipe number 3: Champignons in a grill pan

Grilled mushrooms are a snack that everyone loves. We chose champignons for the recipe, as they can be found in any market or grocery store. Choose large mushrooms with massive caps, because when frying, they will release juice and significantly decrease in size.

  • Ingredient List: 500 g of champignons; spice; salt and olive oil.
  • Cooking method: rinse the mushrooms thoroughly and remove dirt from them; peel the skin gently, but do not separate the leg from the cap; Marinate vegetables and place on a preheated grill, sprinkle the bottom with oil. Cook the mushrooms for about 15 minutes.

As you can see, nothing complicated - but how tasty and such an appetizer is suitable for any meal. It can be combined with porridge, meat, and also as an independent dish during fasting.

Recipe # 4: Stewed vegetables in a grill pan

On the grill, you can not only fry, but also stew. Simply turn down the heat and simmer the mixed vegetables at low temperatures for longer. Then the vegetable dish will turn out to be juicy and aromatic.

  • Ingredient List: 300 g potatoes; 200 g of champignons; 1 zucchini; 1 eggplant; 1 bell pepper; 1 carrot; 1 head of onion; 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil; salt and spices to taste.
  • Cooking method: rinse vegetables and peel them; cut into strips or slices; heat a frying pan, put vegetables, cover with oil and add spices; Stir well and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes until tender.

Great recipe for the perfect grilled vegetable stew. As you have seen, such a frying pan simplifies the life of housewives and creates truly delicious, but at the same time healthy dishes without burning and sticking food to the dishes.

Hello dear readers! Today I will tell you about my favorite and explain why the grill pan received a special place in my kitchen. Stripy crispy crust, minimum fat, barbecue aroma, mmm ... Can such a helper not please? Foods cooked in such a frying pan are less high-calorie and less harmful to the figure. I decided to dispel myths and help those who are just planning to make a profitable purchase make the right choice.

The grill pan is one of the most successful inventions. A simple fixture combines several functions and allows you to make a barbecue without leaving your home. The peculiarity of the grill pan is the ribbed bottom. The bottom of the pan, simulating a grill grate, makes food juicy and lean. Thanks to the grooves, the food does not completely touch the base and 50% of the dish is steamed. It turns out that the frying pan functions as an oven. It does not spoil the products, it is easy to use, it is not difficult to care for it. Thus, you save your time and remain a supermistress in the eyes of others. And for adherents of a healthy diet, a big bonus will be that much less oil is used during frying. The calorie content is not increased and you can pamper yourself or 🙂

Advantages and disadvantages

To love the grill pan is not only for the delicious stripes.

I will reveal secrets to you her superiority:

  • in a regular frying pan, the juice released by the food during frying burns and smoke appears. As a result, it forms a carcinogenic crust, bitter in taste and unhealthy. In a grill pan, food practically does not come into contact with a hot surface. All the juice flows into the grooves and gradually evaporates;
  • if you are on a diet or, then it will help you not to overestimate the calorie content
  • the pan heats up evenly and maintains the reached temperature for a long time, which allows you to quickly cook foods without overdrying them;
  • less oil is used. It is enough to spray it on the surface, lightly grease the bottom with a special brush or sprinkle the product;
  • you can cook different foods at the same time. For example, + mushrooms + vegetables;
  • can be used for cooking if you are on a diet and you cannot fried;
  • products do not stick to the bottom;
  • you get beautiful stripes on the finished product 🙂

Cons a grill pan has an order of magnitude less than pluses. But there are still some:

  • considerable mass. Weight largely depends on the size of the pan and the material from which it is made;
  • cooking in a pan can be smoky, so be sure to turn on the hood or open a window;
  • most often the frying pan is sold without a lid. When frying large pieces, fat and juice flowing into the groove begins to splatter over the surface of the stove.
  • this follows from the previous one - after such frying, you will have to wash not only the frying pan, but also the entire stove

To avoid the last 2 cons, I usually resort to a little trick. When fried stripes appear on the product, I cover the pan. You can even close it with a regular round lid, just to reduce spatter.

How to cook

Let's talk about some of the nuances of cooking. Believe me, this frying pan can surprise you. Most often, grilled meat, chicken, fish. You can also cook vegetables and hard cheeses. If cooked without oil, the dish will turn out to be almost dietary.

To properly fry a product, you should follow simple rules:

  • oil is not used, or at a minimum. You can simply brush the ribbed surface of the pan or the product itself with a brush dipped in oil.
  • to reveal the taste of the dish, first soak the food in the marinade. And during cooking it is better not to add salt
  • it is better to turn meat, fish and vegetables with special tongs. You can also use a wooden or silicone spatula.
  • the grill stripes will be more pronounced if the food is not turned frequently.

Be careful - everything cooks faster in the grill pan. Therefore, at first it is warmed up, and after laying out the products, the fire is reduced.

How to fry meat and chicken

Looking for a juicy grill-flavored product? The meat is obtained with a characteristic striped pattern. Toasted crust, but juicy on the inside.

Pork steaks

For example, steaks are very simple to prepare. It is better to take pieces a little thicker than 2 cm, although this is a matter of taste. Before frying, they need to be beaten off a little. If the steaks are thin for a long time, it is better not to fry them, they will turn out to be dry. Broken pieces of meat should be pickled. Take some olive oil, lemon juice, spices to taste. I like to add a couple more garlic cloves. Leave the steaks to marinate for about an hour. After that, they are laid out on a hot frying pan.

First fry for 1 minute on each side. Then another 3 minutes on both sides. If you like deep roasting of meat, you can hold it a little longer.

Do not overturn with a fork, as it pierces the meat, juice flows out of it. Finished steaks should bounce slightly when pressed, but not stiff.

Grilled chicken breast

For cooking, take a fillet, cut it lengthwise into 2 parts. Cover with cling film, beat off a little. For the marinade, grind the herbs in a blender: dill or parsley, garlic. You can add cilantro, spices to taste. Add oil to the mixture. Marinate pieces of breast for about an hour.

On each side, the pieces are fried for 2-4 minutes. Be guided by their color, the grill stripes should be rosy. And the meat itself is light golden.


Fatty varieties are ideal for this pan. You can cook mackerel, salmon, salmon, tilapia, cod. Too tender meat of flounder, halibut, trout can simply fall apart when the pieces are turned over. Therefore, handle it with care.

Fish steaks or fillets are marinated before frying. Choose which one you like best. Can be marinated in butter and lemon juice, sour cream, cream or ready-made spices. Enough 15-20 minutes, then spread it out for frying one piece at a time. You can not grease the dishes with oil, the fish will give juice during cooking.

Cook over medium heat. The fish should be placed diagonally relative to the stripes. This feature will prevent fillets from falling apart. And beautiful stripes will appear.

As for the cooking time, here you need to focus on the readiness of the product. I cook the whole fish for about 15 minutes. If these are steaks, then they are usually ready in 5 minutes.

It is important not to overexpose the fish in the pan. I love the taste of grilled fish and often. And you?

Vegetables and cheese

Grilled vegetables go well with meat or fish. It turns out great, both separately prepared and mixes. Not a complicated recipe - take a tomato, zucchini, bell pepper. Peel and cut into slices, add spices to taste. Do not forget that salt is added to vegetables when they are almost ready.

Fry on both sides until dark stripes appear. If you want to grill potatoes, boil them until half cooked. Fry in the same way as other vegetables - until golden brown stripes appear. Then you can either just eat them or.

Want to grill cheese? For this, you should choose hard varieties. They can be spicy, spicy or classic creamy. Grilled suluguni cheese is very tasty.

For cooking, you should cut it into 4x4 cm squares. More is possible. Spread the cheese on a hot skillet, fry until stripes appear. It is a standalone dish but can be used in salads.

How to choose for home

And now let's decide on whether it is better to buy a grill pan for home.

Which material is better: cast iron or aluminum?

Among the experts on the tastiest steaks, cast iron grill pans are considered the best. However, I am not an expert and decided not to dwell on one material, comparing the pros and cons of competitors.

  • cast iron pans respected for uniform heating great strength and durability. According to the experience of housewives in such a pan, the meat turns out to be more juicy, soft. Food cooks faster and more evenly. For the sake of these advantages, you will have to work a lot at the sink 🙂 But it is better not to store food in it - cast iron gives the products a metallic smell. Instead, transfer the leftovers to a ceramic bowl. In addition, not every housewife will agree to carry such a burden around the kitchen.
  • pans made of aluminum designed for ease of use, but less durable. But they are more "friendly" to the hostesses, because lightweight and there is no problem washing this frying pan. And to increase the strength, the bottom is often reinforced with an anti-deformation disc.

Judging by the shop windows, there is generally much more demand for aluminum grill pans. But finding a cast-iron grill pan in stores is difficult.

Internal coating

A non-stick coating is applied to aluminum pans. A high-quality non-stick coating is applied in several layers. The first provides scratch resistance, the second provides adhesion strength, and the third enhances the non-stick properties.

The simplest is teflon coating... This coverage is cheaper than competitors and does its job. But when using it you need to be on the alert. The fact is that at a temperature of 200 ° C, it begins to release volatile substances. The coating begins to evaporate and its components enter the lungs (animals die at the slightest dose, while in humans these substances cause cancer).

Recently gaining popularity ceramic and polymer-ceramic coatings... Grill pans with such a coating are more expensive, but it can withstand high temperatures and does not emit any carcinogenic substances. A significant disadvantage of such a coating is fragility. The coating can crack on strong impact and deteriorate in case of sudden changes in temperature.

The durability of the coating can be extended by carefully washing the pan and using wooden or plastic spatulas

There are many more variations from each manufacturer. For example, Tefal uses titanium coatings in some pans. In such a case, the label must state: “ The use of metal accessories is allowed". There are also granite and even diamond coatings!

Recently I read that now they have come up with some kind of material "thermolon" for covering the frying pan. In terms of its qualities, the material is similar to natural ceramics. At the same time, it is incredibly durable and can withstand heating up to 450 ° C without negative consequences for human health. Although, after reading reviews on the Internet, one gets the feeling that this is a marketing "husk". And they write that this is an ordinary non-stick coating, which is still made in China 🙂

What else to pay attention to

The main parameters have been studied. I also advise you to pay attention to important characteristics:

  1. bottom thickness. The bigger, the better. The ideal option is pans with a reinforced (anti-deformation) bottom, which accelerates heat distribution and protects against deformation.
  2. the height of the bottom ribs must be substantial.
  3. capacity and shape do not affect quality. When choosing a diameter, be guided by the size of your stove, burners and the number of family members. The most popular are square models with 20-centimeter sides.
  4. the outer coating of the frying pan is enamel, varnish. Enamel coating is more practical and durable.
  5. it is good when the handle is solid and covered with heat-resistant material. Equally convenient are the folding handles that allow you to use the grill pan in the oven.
  6. the grill pan does not have a lid. As a rule, manufacturers offer to separately buy a cover made of metal, heat-resistant glass, or a press cover.

It will also be very useful for you to see what the expert says in this video:

Usually manufacturers report the compatibility of a particular pan with different stoves. In general, there are no restrictions for gas stoves, but not every frying pan can withstand the temperature of an electric burner. This question should be clarified when purchasing. For glass-ceramic hobs, choose a pan with a smooth outer bottom. For induction, both cast iron and aluminum with iron inserts in the bottom are suitable.

Review of the most popular models

Let's study in order, the better the Tefal grill pan, reviews on the products of the company and its competitors. We will evaluate the properties of materials, find out the prices and look at the photo of the pans 🙂

TEFAL Talent - square shape is made of aluminum, and the handle is made of bakelite and stainless steel. It has Titanium Pro non-stick coating and anti-deformation disc. The pan measures 26x26 cm and the bottom is 4 mm thick. Compatible with all plates.

Grill pan Tefal TALENT, Tefal

6 779 rub.

To the store

TEFAL Flavor - round shape made of die-cast aluminum with Resist Plus non-stick coating. Its diameter is 31 cm. The bottom is 5 mm thick. It is suitable for all hobs except induction.

Grilled beef, pork, lamb or fish steak - dinner decoration and more! Our photo recipes will help you prepare this delicious dish.

  • meat is good beef,
  • some salt
  • pepper

For garnish:

  • any fresh vegetables,
  • vegetable oil,
  • lemon juice,
  • garlic,
  • provencal herbs

Cut a good beef tenderloin into large pieces 2 cm thick (or take it out of a vacuum package), wrap it in a canvas napkin and put it in the refrigerator for a day. Of course, you can cook from freshly printed or fresh meat, but it is better to let it rest before turning into steaks. Before frying, it must be removed from the refrigerator and allowed to warm to room temperature. It will take another three to four hours.

We will cook on the grill, with the same success you can cook an excellent steak in a cast-iron pan with a corrugated bottom.

Important! We don't wash the meat and don't wet it!

We heat the grill to the maximum. Sprinkle the meat a little with salt (and good meat may not be salted at all) and put it on the grill grate. Fry for about four minutes on each side. After turning, you can sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper.

After grilling, place the steaks on a wooden board and cover with a paper napkin and a piece of foil. You can eat in 10-15 minutes.

Side dishes that are high in carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, or potatoes, are not particularly suitable for steak. Better to prepare grilled vegetables in advance.

Lightly fry the bell peppers and leeks on each side.

Fry the eggplants.

You can add mushrooms to the garnish.

Put the baked vegetables in a deep dish and pour with a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and chopped garlic. You can add some balsamic vinegar, honey, and dried Provençal herbs.

Recipe 2, step by step: pork steak in a grill pan

This recipe produces a good roast - moderately juicy, but not medium and certainly not rare. Such roasting is called well done, that is, completely cooked meat without blood and raw layers. A good choice for people who are not very fond of gourmet cuisine and who like to eat thoroughly.

  • about 400-500 g of pork (but not from the thigh, it is better to take a fillet with fat around the edges),
  • salt,
  • black pepper,
  • some vegetable oil.

First you need to cut the meat across the grain. Measure the thickness of the steak by placing your hand on the piece. Ideal thickness is 2 to 3 fingers.

Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper. Of course, it's best if you have a grinder in your kitchen and grind the pepper directly onto the steak. Not? Use a pepper shaker. By the way, in addition to (or instead of) black pepper, you can take red or other spices - to your taste.

Now the meat must be greased with oil. Of course, no one forbids you to first pour it into the pan, and only then put the steaks - but in our case, you will get a more beautiful grid pattern.

Now you need to warm up the pan well. A drop of water that ends up on it should not evaporate, but start “dancing”, “jumping” over the surface. But of course, you should not overheat the vessel so that it does not start to smoke and burn. We put the steaks and begin to fry.

During the frying phase, a stopwatch or timer may be useful to you - however, you can count the seconds silently. The fact is that for the first two (maximum three) minutes we need to keep the meat along the grill strips, the second two minutes across. Then the meat turns over, and again: two minutes along, two - across. If it "does not want" to roll over, hold it a little longer - it means that it has not yet grabbed.

While the pan is on the stove, we heat the oven - but not very much, up to 70-90 degrees. We put a frying pan with fried steaks there for 10-15 minutes (depending on the degree of doneness you are going to achieve). If the handle cannot be removed in the skillet, transfer the meat to a baking dish.

Do not serve meat immediately after the oven. Cover it with a lid and hold it there for about 10 minutes. Firstly, the juices inside the steak will stop boiling and will not sprinkle on the eater when cut. And secondly, while "resting" under the lid, the meat will continue to cook, since heat will be transferred from its crust to deeper layers.

Recipe 3: beef rib eye steak in a grill pan

  • beef tenderloin

If you took frozen meat for cooking a steak, then it must be properly defrosted so that it does not lose the meat juices important for cooking. To do this, put a piece of meat in the refrigerator for a day, wrapping it in a bag.

Once you've thawed the steak, let it sit at room temperature for a while and dry it.

Now you need to take black pepper and grind it yourself. Knowledgeable people do not recommend using ready-made ground pepper, as it will not give the desired flavor.

Take a steak, salt well and dip in ground pepper with thin edges.

Now we need a grill pan. If you don't have one, don't be sad. It is only needed to simulate grill stripes. Any thick-bottomed pan will do. Preheat a skillet over high heat and place the meat on top of it.

Wait for one side to cook, then turn the meat over and cook on the other side. The approximate browning time for each side is two minutes.

Repeat the procedure again if necessary.

Remove the cooked steak from the heat and place on a plate. He needs to brew for a few minutes . After the above time has passed, you can serve the meat to the table.

Recipe 4: how to grill pork steak

What could be easier than grilled pork steak at home? A good marinade and the right approach are the key to the success of the whole process. The quality of the meat is also important.

  • Pork - 1 Kilogram
  • Salt and Spices - To taste
  • Thyme - To taste
  • Lemon Juice - To taste

I usually use lemon juice for the so-called marinade. But, this is optional. Most often steaks are cooked without it - they are salted and seasoned to taste.

Cut the meat into such pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice (optional).

You can add thyme and herbs to the marinade and leave for a while (about 30 minutes), and in the meantime, you can light the grill.

If you have a large company, then you will need 3 -5 times more meat. Grill pork steak at home on a wire rack until fully cooked. We regulate the degree of roasting ourselves - whoever likes it.

This is such a beautiful, and most importantly tasty and juicy meat turns out to be ours. What could be easier? With the smoke, pork gains an amazing aroma and amazing taste.

Recipe 5: grilled salmon steak (step by step with a photo)

  • salmon steaks - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp l .;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • spices for fish - optional.

To begin with, we will prepare everything necessary according to the recipe for grilled salmon in a pan, so that later nothing will distract us from the direct process of cooking. Fish, if fresh frozen, must be thawed at room temperature. Salmon meat is very tender, so it is not advisable to defrost it in a microwave oven. It is also recommended to defrost fish in cold salted water.

We clean the defrosted fish from scales, cut off the fins and cut into steaks. Naturally, it is better to buy whole fish, but not everyone can afford it both financially and in terms of the lack of such offers in stores. Therefore, you can use already cut frozen pieces, which will also need to get rid of unnecessary scales and fins.

When the fish is fully prepared, put it in a spacious bowl and squeeze the juice of half a lemon onto it.

Then add some salt and freshly ground black pepper (I have a mixture of peppers). You can also add your favorite spices to the fish if desired. But, as for me, the taste of grilled salmon should be as natural as possible, since it is a very tasty, tender and satisfying fish. Add a tablespoon of olive oil there. Distribute the marinade evenly over the steaks and leave at room temperature for about 1 hour.

After the specified time has elapsed, heat up the grill pan and lay out the marinated salmon steaks. There is no need to lubricate the pan with anything, since the marinade already contains vegetable oil, besides, salmon is a rather fatty fish, so it will definitely not burn.

Fry the fish over medium heat for about 2-4 minutes (depending on the thickness of the steaks), then turn over and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

That's all, grilled salmon in a pan is ready! You can serve mouth-watering slices covered with pretty golden stripes. Now you know how to grill fish steak.

Recipe 6: how to grill fish steak with ginger

  • salmon steak 2 pcs
  • lemon 0.5 pc
  • zest
  • red chili to taste
  • ginger 0.5 tsp
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • dill 1 bunch.

Prepare the required ingredients.

Peel the ginger, grate on a fine grater (half a teaspoon).

Grate the zest of half a lemon, season with salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chop the dill, peel the red pepper and chop finely (adjust the amount of red pepper to taste). Leave the steaks for 10 minutes.

Fry in a grill pan for 4 minutes on each side.

For a side dish, you can serve grilled green beans mixed with boiled rice. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 7: how to cook beef steak with sour cream

  • 2 loin beef steaks
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 200 ml sour cream
  • 1 lemon
  • 20 g peeled garlic
  • 1 large clove of garlic
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 large pinch of paprika
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste

Place the pan on the grill over high heat. Cut the chili and bell peppers in half, remove the seeds, and cut each half in half again.

Season the meat generously with salt, pepper and paprika. Rub on both sides with olive oil to make the seasonings stick tight.

place the steaks in a preheated grill pan along with the chili and bell peppers. Cut off the top of the garlic clove. The beef is roasted for 5 to 8 minutes, depending on whether you prefer pinkish or deep-fried meat. Turn them over every minute and rub the toasted side with garlic.

Don't forget to turn the peppers as well. Transfer the meat to a plate and let sit for about 5 minutes. Fry the peppers for a couple more minutes until they darken, transfer to another plate and drizzle with olive oil. Cut a lemon in half and pour the juice of one half of a lemon over the steaks.

The steaks can be left whole, or cut into strips and serve with a pile of toasted peppers on top. It is very tasty to eat them with crème fraîche or sour cream. Drizzle with the delicious frying juice, sprinkle with a pinch of paprika, sprinkle with olive oil and the juice of the remaining half of the lemon.

Recipe 8: lamb steak cooked in a pan

  • lamb steaks - 2 pcs;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • salt to taste;
  • rosemary - to taste;
  • thyme - to taste;
  • zira - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste

So, we need two juicy lamb steaks with a thickness of at least 2 cm. You can also take a cutlet with a bone for this, but the cutlet requires a longer cooking. Although, as for me, the meat on the bone looks a little extravagant, but here it is for an amateur.

Now we are preparing the marinade. To do this, you need to take salt (note that lamb requires a little more salt than you usually put in other meat), as well as your favorite spices. I traditionally used cumin, as it very beneficially complements the taste of lamb, as well as a few sprigs of rosemary and thyme (it is better to remove the leaves from the stem), and black pepper. All seasonings must be mixed in a separate container:

Add olive oil to the seasonings and mix well again.

We immerse the steaks in the marinade, coat well on all sides, and leave the meat to marinate for literally 5-10 minutes.

We fry steaks in a skillet with a thick bottom or in a grill pan in olive oil and always over high heat, this is the secret of a crispy brown crust on the outside and tender juicy meat on the inside. During frying, it is advisable to use an anti-splash grid for the frying pan, so as not to overshadow the joy of a delicious dish by subsequent washing of the stove.

Fry the steaks for literally three minutes on each side. It is important not to overdo it over time, otherwise the meat will become tough. The lamb is cooked instantly, so if a golden brown crust forms, turn it over immediately, it will definitely not be soggy.

We take out the finished steaks, put them on a beautiful plate, add greens. Now you know how easy it is to grill lamb steak in a grill pan. Enjoy your meal!

Grilling in the oven and microwave is convenient because you do not have to fiddle with coal, and besides, not everyone has the opportunity to cook outdoors. Grilled dishes are very diverse, you can cook almost any non-liquid dish on the grill that does not require utensils. Grilled chickens, grilled vegetables, grilled meat, grilled fish are cooked.

One of the most popular dishes is grilled chicken. The grill chicken recipe is very simple, so instead of buying ready-made grilled chicken, learn how to cook grilled chicken. Of course, it is important whether there will be grilled chicken in the oven, grilled chicken in the airfryer or grilled chicken on the coals. The recipe for grilling chicken is similar in all cases, but the cooking technology is different. Grilling chicken over charcoal will require you to periodically turn the chicken over. Of course, grilled chicken at home is more often cooked in the microwave. It should be understood that if the chicken is cooked in the microwave, the grill is not so aromatic, but on the other hand, the chicken cooks faster and it is easier to control the process. Another common way to grill chicken is to grill chicken in the oven. An oven grilled chicken recipe may have some kind of chicken filling, but is often prepared without it. Cooking in the oven is also convenient because the chicken will be evenly fried, and the excess fat will drain onto a baking sheet. Grilled chicken can be cooked in whole or in parts. It can be grilled legs, grilled wings. An important detail is the grilled chicken marinade. Without it, you will not get delicious grilled chickens. The marinade is prepared on the basis of mayonnaise or dry white wine, with the addition of spices. But if time is running out, grilling chicken can be carried out without marinade. We will show you how to grill chicken without marinade: first rub the chicken with salt and spices, and then rub with vegetable oil. In this case, you will also get a delicious grilled chicken with an appetizing crispy crust. It is this crust that real grilled chicken is famous for, a photo of cooked chicken with a brownish crust leaves few people indifferent. In principle, grilled pork and grilled beef are prepared according to the same rules. It is better to use olive oil for rubbing, and the wine should be dry red. Today there are also special pans that allow you to fry meat without oil. Grilling meat in a frying pan is also very convenient, so if you are not a supporter of microwaves, use this specialized cookware. The most unassuming is the grill for sausages, since this is a semi-finished product and it does not take long to cook them.

A special treat is grilled fish. Fresh, hot, smelling of smoke, it can give odds to the restaurant. The most delicious are grilled trout, grilled salmon, grilled mackerel, grilled salmon. The recipe for grilled fish is also very simple: the fish must be sprinkled with spices, poured with lemon juice or white wine. If the fish is large, the lemon wedges can be placed inside or in the incisions on the back. Grilled fish in the microwave is also good. In addition to grilled fish, you can cook other seafood such as grilled shrimp.

To grill in the microwave, it is best to read the instructions, which will always tell you how to grill in the microwave. There are often recipes for a microwave with a grill, but a more reliable option would be the proven grill recipes from your fellow home cooks, which you can find on our website. They will show you how to grill chicken, grill vegetables in the oven, how to grill chicken in the oven and on charcoal, and other grilled recipes.

A distinctive feature of such a frying pan is its bottom - it is uneven and imitates a grate. This is what ensures the minimum contact of food with a hot surface, while the fat is drained into the grooves and does not touch the food. Any product is cooked quickly enough, as a strong heat emanates from the thick walls and bottom, like in an oven.

No oil is used for cooking, food does not stick to the ribbed surface. The cooking method is somewhat reminiscent of a barbecue on charcoal, and dishes even at home are just as healthy and tasty. The grill pan is universal, and not only meat, poultry and fish, but also vegetables and even fruits are cooked on it. Grilled baked apples and pears are delicious and juicy.

It is not always possible not to use oil at all - the edges of the pan and the food itself need to be lightly greased. But you should not pour oil into a regular frying pan. The size of the food cooked also affects a lot, and it is desirable that the pieces be no more than 2 cm thick, 3-4 cm are permissible for fish.This limitation is due to the fact that the pieces must be fried in a short time over high heat, and not remain raw inside ... Usually the meat is fried for about 5 minutes on each side, but it is better to look not in time, but in the type of meat.

Products are laid out only in a well-heated frying pan. If the pan is cast iron, you need to heat it up. The meat, which is placed in a cold and barely warm frying pan, heats up gradually and gives off all the juices, so it will only be possible to stew it, not fry it. When placed on a hot frying pan, a crust immediately forms, which does not allow the juice to flow out; you can turn the food over only when it occurs. Frying over low heat most likely won't work, but when the meat starts to burn, the temperature is slightly reduced.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size. The wider the frying pan, the more portions will fit in it at a time, but at the same time its weight increases. Round pans are versatile, oval pans are for fish, and square pans are the most spacious. But if you wish, you can cook for any. The material of the frying pan also matters, it is best if it is made of cast iron. Another metal does not create such conditions for cooking at high temperatures, and it is very easy to care for cast iron and their appearance does not deteriorate from fire and oil.

The juice and fat leaked into the pan will start to burn, so when frying several batches of meat, remove it after each frying. Otherwise, the frying pan begins to smoke, which is unacceptable at home, since the whole atmosphere is saturated with the smell of smoke. Meat or fish will also absorb the burning smell.

Any frying pan is suitable for classic gas stoves, including a heavy one for grilling. You can cook on a glass-ceramic hob only in a dish with a perfectly flat bottom, and with cast-iron grill pans you will have to be especially careful because of their weight. For use on an induction hob, the pan will need an iron insert in the bottom, as this helps to magnetize the cookware.