How to make banana sauce. Pancake Sauce Recipe: For Even Better Taste

02.07.2020 Buffet table

With condensed milk? I'm tired of it. With sour cream? It's trite somehow. With honey? With jam? It was like that last time. We need something new for pancakes and always tasty. " Such thoughts sometimes slipped through. So I decided to come up with a delicious sauce and preferably a fruity one. After some tests and trials, this recipe came up banana sauce, which is perfect not only with pancakes and, but also with cookies, muffins,.

Banana sauce preparing very quickly and easily. We do not need to cook or heat anything, we just need to puree the bananas until smooth and mix with other ingredients.


  • bananas 200 g
  • sour cream 50 g
  • lemon juice 10 g (1/2 tablespoon)
  • vanilla sugar 5 g

I chose bananas for this sauce for their culinary versatility and, if I may say so, a suitable material, because mashed banana is already in consistency like cream or sauce. In addition, bananas are available in stores all year round and are inexpensive. Bananas must be ripe, soft and flavorful enough. Unripe bananas contain too much starch, so the taste of the sauce may be astringent and less intense. 200 g is about one large banana or two small ones.

Sour cream gives the sauce a creamy texture. The fat content of sour cream in this recipe can be any, you choose at will, you can also replace sour cream with natural yogurt.

Lemon juice plays two roles at once: firstly, it is needed in order to prevent oxidation of the banana mass and its darkening, and secondly, we give the sauce an interesting sourness.

Well, we use vanilla sugar to increase the sweetness and enhance the taste.


We prepare all the necessary ingredients. Wash the banana thoroughly.

Peel the banana, break it into small pieces and throw it into a container in which we will work with an immersion blender.

We carefully purée the banana with a blender, even if it seems to you that everything is ready, work with the blender for another 10 seconds. We should now have a fairly liquid banana mass. Immediately squeeze the juice into the banana puree from the lemon and stir. We saved the banana sauce from browning.

Add sour cream and vanilla sugar.

Mix thoroughly until the vanilla sugar is completely dissolved.

Banana sauce ready! They can pour over pancakes or pancakes, or put the sauce in a separate bowl and dip the same pancakes, shortbreads and other goodies in the sauce. It is better to eat it right away, in the refrigerator, of course, it can lie, but not for long, the taste goes away. Bon Appetit!

If you like experimenting in the kitchen and are not afraid to combine seemingly incompatible foods, then I recommend that you prepare banana sauce for meat and poultry. The sauce turns out to be surprisingly spicy, bright in taste and color, and perfectly complements any meat dish.

I most often prepare this sauce for chicken or chicken kebabs. It turns out to be a surprisingly gentle combination. The pungency of the sauce can be adjusted by the amount of hot pepper, the thickness - according to your preference, but the sauce should not be completely liquid.

Let's prepare all the ingredients according to the list. Bananas are best when ripe and aromatic. To be honest, banana sauce is for me an opportunity to dispose of overripe bananas.

Remove the peel from the bananas, put the banana pulp in a bowl and knead it well with a fork. Add turmeric.

Pour wine vinegar into the banana puree.

We also add soy sauce. Mix all the ingredients well.

Peel the ginger from the top and cut it into small cubes. We also chop the chili peppers very finely. Cut the onion into cubes as small as possible.

Pour olive oil into a saucepan, heat it up and fry the chopped vegetables over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Vegetables should soften a little.

Add the spiced banana puree to the saucepan. Simmer the sauce for another 20 minutes over low heat. The sauce should thicken. Do not forget to stir the sauce so that it does not burn to the bottom of the saucepan.

Transfer the finished sauce to a blender bowl and punch until smooth.

Banana sauce for meat and poultry is ready!

Bon Appetit!!


700g ~ 1kg beef pulp, 1 ~ 2 bananas, 200g cream (10 ~ 15% fat), 100 ~ 150g cheese, juice of 1 large lemon, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper

Cut the beef across the grain into 1 ~ 2cm thick slices and beat well.
Place in a small baking sheet with high edges. The bottom does not need to be lubricated.

Put bananas, cream, salt, pepper and cheese into small cubes in a blender and beat until smooth. Whisk without stopping, pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice.
In the absence of a blender, mash the bananas into gruel, grate the cheese on a fine grater and beat with a mixer with cream, salt and pepper. At the end of whipping, add lemon juice.
Pour the resulting sauce over the beef.

Bake in the oven at t = 180 ~ 200 ° C until the meat is cooked (45min ~ 1 hour). Check the readiness of the meat by piercing it with a fork or knife. If the instrument enters softly and without the characteristic creaking sound, then the meat is ready.

Recommend to your friends:

Sauce served with the main course in order to enrich the taste and gracefully emphasize the piquancy of the aftertaste. Cook this gorgeous sweet banana sauce and serve with meat and game. The refined and delicate taste of the sauce will conquer not only gourmets.

Banana sauce it turns out to be spicy and pleasant to the taste, with a slight spice. It is prepared very simply and quickly. Recipe of this sauce was brought from Thailand, only minor changes were made in it, the sauce was made less spicy and pungent. But, if you are a fan of hot sauces, add hot peppers to the recipe to taste.

Offers you a step by step recipe with a photo, how to make banana sauce for meat

Required Ingredients:

Bananas- 4 pieces

Lemon - 1 piece (in the recipe we use 4 lemon wedges)

Mustard beans - 1 tablespoon

Pineapple - 150 grams

Spices - to your taste

A pinch of salt

It is prepared quickly and consists of products available to all. Especially easy to prepare with a blender on hand. You can also use a mixer.

One of the important conditions in its preparation: ready-made sweet banana sauce, after grinding all the ingredients in a blender, it is advisable to grind through a fine sieve. Such a simple procedure will make it airy and tender. Put in very little salt. The taste should be pleasant.

Banana sauce - recipe

Remove the peel from the banana.

Now we will marinate it. Cut 4 slices from the lemon (you can cut it in circles, but slices are more convenient), one for each banana. If desired, you can make the sauce and sour, but this is at your discretion. Brush the entire surface of the banana with a lemon wedge. Place the fruit in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave it unattended for literally 5 minutes.

The next step in preparing the ingredient is rubbing the fruit with salt.

We prepare sauce for poultry or meat, so there should be a subtle salty taste in it. When you rub a banana with salt (just a little for each banana), it should absorb exactly as much as it needs, and it will taste the right way.

Then cut the bananas into thick rings.

Put chopped bananas in a bowl. Add hot mustard to them.

Grind with a blender and beat well until a mushy consistency.

The following spices are added to the mass: coriander in grains, rayhon (basil), cumin, caraway seeds, chopped white and black pepper. Taste, add salt if necessary. Close the sauce container with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. This time is necessary for the spices not only to reveal, but also to combine their aromas.

The last ingredient to add is pineapple. You can use canned, fresh and even frozen (be sure to defrost pineapple before cooking).

Again, grind everything with a blender until smooth.

As already mentioned above, to give tenderness to the sauce, it remains to grind the entire mass through a sieve or slotted spoon. The mesh should be very fine.

We transfer the mass to the gravy boat. Ready! Sweet banana sauce can be served at the table.

Ready sweet banana sauce can not be stored at low temperatures. It must be served immediately after preparation. After a few hours, the taste is lost.

Enjoy your meal!

Recommend to your friends:

Popular materials

Sauce served with the main course in order to enrich the taste and gracefully emphasize the piquancy of the aftertaste. Cook this gorgeous sweetbanana sauce and serve with meat and game. The refined and delicate taste of the sauce will conquer not only gourmets.

Banana sauce it turns out to be spicy and pleasant to the taste, with a slight spice. It is prepared very simply and quickly.Recipe of thissauce was brought from Thailand, only minor changes were made in it, the sauce was made less spicy and pungent. But, if you are a fan of hot sauces, add hot peppers to the recipe to taste.

Super hostess offers you a step by step recipe with a photo,how to make banana sauce for meat

Required Ingredients:

Bananas - 4 pieces

Lemon - 1 piece (in the recipe we use 4 lemon wedges)

Mustard beans - 1 tablespoon

Pineapple - 150 grams

Spices - to your taste

A pinch of salt

It is prepared quickly and consists of products available to all. Especially easy to prepare with a blender on hand. You can also use a mixer.

One of the important conditions in its preparation: ready-made sweetbanana sauce , after grinding all the ingredients in a blender, it is advisable to grind through a fine sieve. Such a simple procedure will make it airy and tender. Put in very little salt. The taste should be pleasant.

Banana sauce - recipe

Remove the peel from the banana.

Now we will marinate it. Cut 4 slices from the lemon (you can cut it in circles, but slices are more convenient), one for each banana. If desired, you can make the sauce and sour, but this is at your discretion. Brush the entire surface of the banana with a lemon wedge. Place the fruit in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave it unattended for literally 5 minutes.

The next step in preparing the ingredient is rubbing the fruit with salt.

We prepare sauce for poultry or meat, so there should be a subtle salty taste in it. When you rub a banana with salt (just a little for each banana), it should absorb exactly as much as it needs, and it will taste the right way.

Then cut the bananas into thick rings.

Put chopped bananas in a bowl. Add hot mustard to them.

Grind with a blender and beat well until a mushy consistency.

The following spices are added to the mass: coriander in grains, rayhon (basil), cumin, caraway seeds, chopped white and black pepper. Taste, add salt if necessary. Close the sauce container with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. This time is necessary for the spices not only to reveal, but also to combine their aromas.

The last ingredient to add is pineapple. You can use canned, fresh and even frozen (be sure to defrost pineapple before cooking).

Again, grind everything with a blender until smooth.

As already mentioned above, to give tenderness to the sauce, it remains to grind the entire mass through a sieve or slotted spoon. The mesh should be very fine.

We transfer the mass to the gravy boat. Ready! Sweet banana sauce can be served at the table.

Ready sweet banana sauce can not be stored at low temperatures. It must be served immediately after preparation. After a few hours, the taste is lost.

Enjoy your meal!