How to cook beef steak at home. How to cook a delicious and juicy steak in sauce

When we have a quality large piece of meat, we want to have a great dinner without being tormented by complicated cooking methods and extravagant sauces. The best is simplicity! There is nothing better than a delicious, old-fashioned, unassuming beef steak you can make at home. So why does cooking seem so difficult at times? It's all about the details. Learn with us the art of amazing steak!

You can use the following three main cooking methods, which in our opinion are the most accessible and simple:

  • In a frying pan
  • In the oven
  • Grilled

Let's consider each of the methods in more detail!

How to cook beef steak? A frying pan is a quick fix!

Choosing a "helper"

It is best to choose a good quality skillet. Thick-walled utensils, ideally with a non-stick coating, will work well.

Advice! If the pan is not large enough for all the steaks, do not be tempted to place all the pieces in one batch. It is best to cook them in several approaches.

Can't you spoil the steak with butter, or ... spoil it?

How to cook steaks - the famous British chef knows Gordon Ramsay. It uses peanut butter for cooking - it has a delicate flavor and can withstand high temperatures without burning. By the way, some cooks prefer to add a little oil only after frying the steak in a dry skillet.

Advice! Do not put the cut in oil that has not yet warmed up, because otherwise, the meat will be too fatty.

Are seasonings important?

Food lovers prefer to eat steak without adding any spices other than the usual salt and pepper. It should be remembered that salt draws moisture out of meat well, so it's important not to overdo it. You can cook without adding salt, and use it at all before serving.

However, many chefs recommend not to be shy when it comes to spices and marinades. After all, it is these ingredients that form and emphasize the real taste of meat! Chef Gordon Ramsay recommends mixing the black pepper and salt in a bowl, sprinkling the steak generously in the resulting mixture, then placing the meat in the skillet.

To get a good cooked meal, just follow a few simple steps:

  1. Preheat the pan well
  2. Lubricate the pan with a little oil (if you prefer to cook the steak in a dry pan, you can do without oil at this stage)
  3. Cook the beef for the required number of minutes. The cooking time is individual and will depend on the selected degree of roast, the thickness of the piece, and the characteristics of the cooking device used.
  4. Turn the steak only once to prevent it from drying out. Use tongs to turn over as a knife or fork will pierce the meat and the valuable moisture will evaporate
  5. If you ask the chef how you can make a beef steak soft and juicy , then you will probably be advised to cover the meat with foil before serving on a plate and let it rest for 3-4 minutes. This will make the dish even more juicy.

Grilling beef steak is a special experience!

In steak houses, the following method of cooking delicacies is common: first, the meat is seared over high heat, then placed in the oven... Thus, a caramel crust and a delicate pulp taste are obtained. If you have a grill, then the steak is the first thing to try on it!

Here are some basic rules:

The piece of meat must be cold. Very cold. There is still a popular belief that steak should be brought to room temperature before cooking. However, let's try to figure it out in more detail. One of the reasons you cook your steak over an open fire is its neat brown “tan”, characteristic crust. At the same time, the middle should remain pink or reddish. That is, the longer you cook the meat without letting it burn, the more ideal the dish will be at the end. Therefore, it is important to keep the steak cold.

- The steak should be a little "unkempt". Famous chef Jamie Oliver shares this secret. The larger the territory of the piece gives in to processing by fire, the tastier and more aromatic the dish will turn out in the end. To achieve this, you can make several small shallow cuts on the surface with a knife.

- The beef must be cooked asymmetrically. Almost everywhere you can find universal advice: you need to fry meat from different sides for the same amount of time. In fact, it is enough to fry the beef on one side, and on the other, just add a similar shade. Otherwise, neither side will receive enough heat to cook. After cooking, while the steak waits for a few minutes to be served, he continues to cook due to the heat received and the high temperature inside the piece.

- Use marinades. Modern trends in steak cooking tend to require additional flavoring seasonings for meat that emphasize its taste in an advantageous way. If you want to make a good beef steak at home, then experiment and try it! The world's culinary experts recommend: herbs and oils, rosemary leaves, balsamic vinegar, dried oregano, whole grain mustard and many other ingredients - everything goes into action!

How to properly cook a steak in the oven

If the weather doesn't whisper or you simply don't have the opportunity to grill, then it is quite possible to get by with an oven to cook a chic steak! Cooking meat in the oven is no more difficult than in a frying pan, but to understand how to make meat soft and tender you need to remember that the container with cuts should not be in direct proximity to the fire... You would not fry a steak right on top of a flame in a barbecue, and here it is: you need to leave a distance of 7-10 cm.

The time it takes to cook a delicacy in the oven varies depending on a large number of factors, including:

  • Desired degree of readiness
  • Cut thickness
  • Size
  • Cooking temperatures

Oven steaks are perfect for those looking for a juicy flavorful steak while still making sure they don't risk getting any food ailments.

Basic steps to help you understand how to cook a beef steak, so as not to turn off the right path:

  1. Prepare the cut in advance, for example, in a marinade, or simply rub it with flavorings: salt and pepper.
  2. Preheat oven to 230 ° C
  3. Fry the steak for about a couple of minutes over high heat
  4. Time to put the meat in the oven! This is best done without changing the pan.
  5. Roasting time depends on the type of roast selected. If simmer for 6 minutes, it will turn out with blood, if 8 - medium-rare steak. It's up to you!
  6. Do not forget to let the meat brew for 10 minutes under foil before serving. You will not regret it!

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

- meat (entrecote, beef tenderloin, fresh) - 300 gr.,
- ground pepper (spices),
- salt (sea, fine),
- butter (butter) - 30 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We wash the meat (it is best to take a cut between the 5th and 13th ribs), dry it and cut it into several pieces 3.5-4 cm thick.

Preheat a frying pan and put a piece of butter on it to melt.

Then sprinkle with salt and spices on one side of the steaks and put them on this side of the pan. Fry over medium heat for 2 minutes. For lovers of fish dishes, I advise you to cook such a delicious one.

Next, salt and pepper the meat on the back side and turn it over to this side.

We fry steaks based on the desired degree of frying:
lightly fried meat on the outside and pink with blood on the inside - 2-3 minutes on both sides;
more fried meat on the outside, but the same pink and tender inside, is fried for 4 minutes on both sides;
well-fried meat inside and with a golden brown crust on the outside, fry for 5 minutes on each side. And finally, be sure to check out this unbeatable one.

Wrap the finished beef steak in a frying pan in foil for 10 minutes so that it “rests”. I hope you enjoyed my simple recipe with a photo.

Enjoy your meal!

No one has yet succeeded in presenting a universal recipe for beef steak in a pan, but every person who adores meat delicacy is capable of creating a tasty, juicy, mouth-watering dish. True gourmets believe that receiving such food is a kind of act of love.

Many are convinced that perfect meat can only be tasted in a restaurant. It is not difficult to cope with such a task at home, if we have at our disposal a steak from a selected piece of beef and useful recommendations for its preparation.

  1. The meat for the best steak is determined by the place of the cut (lumbar or dorsal part of the animal carcass) and the degree of marbling (the location of fatty fibers inside the piece). For the best dish, we choose just such a product.
  2. We don't beat off the meat and don't wash it - just blot it with paper towels. Before the hot "start" we leave the steak in the kitchen for an hour, allowing the muscle fibers to relax a little, and the internal juices to take the vacant places in the piece.
  3. The correct preparation of the steak directly depends on how well we heat the pan. Only the hot surface of the brazier is able to "seal" the meat and eliminate moisture loss.
  4. No knives or forks! To turn the layers, we use exclusively culinary tongs or a wooden (silicone) spatula. The slightest puncture in the meat in the pan threatens to destroy its structure: the juice will get a "loophole" to get out, the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.
  5. The perfect steak takes patience. Having laid the layer on a hot surface, we expect the onset of the Maillard reaction (caramelization process), in which the color of the meat will darken, that very delicious crust will appear. Only after that we turn the piece over to the other side.

Be sure to "listen" to the grilled steak! Barely discernible hiss, light crackling - this is a kind of music of the dish, and we are its conductors.

What are the degrees of roasting of the steak

When deciding how to fry a beef steak with a thickness of 2.5 cm or more, we take the American cooking time classification system as a basis:

  • veryrare (raw) - lightly stewed meat. The crust is formed in 15 seconds. heating on one side. The temperature inside the piece is 48.8 ° C. Before serving, the steak languishes (rests) for 10 minutes. in foil;
  • rare (with blood) - cooked up to 1-2 minutes. on each side of the formation (t 54.4 ° C);
  • mediumrare (half-baked meat) - the frying time is increased to 2–2, 5 minutes (t 60 ° C). There is less blood in the finished steak, its color becomes light pink;
  • medium (medium roast) - heat treatment of each side reaches 3 minutes. (t 65.5 ° C). Before serving, the steak is kept on a plate for 4 minutes;
  • welldone (fully fried) - Heated for 4.5 to 5 minutes. (t 71.1 ° C). The meat on the cut is already gray-brown in color with a light juice when pressed. Until the first mouth-watering bite - a minute of rest!

Ideal sauces for meat

The art of making the perfect steak has long been perfected, but the dish is incomplete if it is not accompanied by an exquisitely designed gravy.

Beef steak in a pan - is it possible, because this American cuisine dish is grilled in the classic version. As they say, if you really want to, you can.

Of course, it is better for this purpose to use a special grill pan with a ribbed surface, it has a better heat distribution than a flat one, and allows the fried meat to practically not come into contact with fat, but in the absence of such, you can cook meat in a regular pan.

Beef steak at home in a frying pan

What you need to know before you start cooking beef steak at home in a frying pan? First, how to choose raw materials, because not all meat is suitable for cooking a steak, even if it is fresh and of high quality. We need soft meat, and this is taken from part of the carcass from the shoulder blades to the back.

Why? The muscles of the limbs are tense when the animal moves, and the meat on them is more rigid and fibrous. The sirloin and tenderloin are perfect. If you bought steamed meat, then it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days, wrapped in a napkin or parchment.

In general, ideally, beef is fermented for this dish, that is, carcasses or half carcasses are kept at a special temperature regime for up to two decades. This is not possible at home.

Nevertheless, you can cook quite well from good market meat. A piece taken out of the refrigerator is cut across the fibers into plates with a thickness of two to four centimeters and allowed to warm up to room temperature for an hour or a little less.

If you took ready-made packaging in the supermarket, then the matter is greatly simplified, but they also need to be allowed to warm up. There are a great many cooking options, depending on which part of the carcass is taken and how hard it is fried.

There are as many as seven degrees of frying steaks, but the most popular of them are three: Rare - the temperature inside the finished dish reaches 49-54 degrees Celsius, the cut is red, the juice is bright pink (with blood), it takes about three minutes to cook, that is, it is simple fried for one and a half minutes on each side; Medium-rare - the temperature inside is 55-60 degrees Celsius, the cut is hot pink, the juice is pinkish, the cooking time is up to 5 minutes; Medium - pink cut, slightly pinkish to transparent juice, cook for 6-7 minutes. The harder the dish is fried, the more tough the meat becomes.

The density of the finished product is compared with the hardness of the muscle at the base of the thumb - almost damp with a relaxed palm, and then the pads of the thumb and all other fingers are connected in turn, up to the little finger. When connecting large and forefinger - Rare, large and unnamed - Medium.

You can cook the meat completely (Well done), on the cut the finished steak will have a gray color, but at the same time it will become quite tough.

How to fry a beef steak in a pan

Beef steak in a pan, recipewhich we present below is very simple. In principle, no special skills are needed here, and it will take very little time, so it is better to prepare a side dish, if any, in advance. French fries fried in the same pan with asparagus meat, fresh vegetable salad, rice - in general, who likes what will do. For one serving we need:

    the steak itself - a piece of beef 2.5-4 centimeters thick

    any refined oil (sunflower, olive, sesame, etc.) about 1-2 tablespoons;

    spices to your taste, preferably from the mill;

    coarse salt or sea salt

What you need to know: whether you have raw materials from the market or you bought ready-made steaks in the supermarket, you do not need to wash them. If desired, you can simply wipe off with a damp cloth and dry.

If you are using frozen meat, you need to remove it from the freezer and simply move it to the refrigerator in about a day. Quick defrosting with warm water or a microwave oven is unacceptable, as it will completely ruin the taste and texture of the dish.

And, of course, before cooking, the raw materials are brought to room temperature. Steaks are never pounded. And then the original product can be sprinkled or poured with vegetable oil (good quality melted cow can also be used) and sprinkled with spices and salt on both sides and from the end. This technique is especially for a frying pan - the spices will not burn on it, unlike a regular grill.

We do not add oil to the frying pan itself. If you have it as usual, not ribbed, then you can grease it with a brush. The heating temperature is about 250 degrees.

It should be borne in mind that the kitchen will be full of smoke, so the kitchen door should be closed and the hood turned on. But why can't you endure to please yourself with a delicacy?

Put the workpiece in a preheated pan and fry for about a minute and a half, then turn it over. Here is another subtlety: a fork is not suitable for this, since the juice will flow out through the punctures, and our task is to keep it inside. The best tool for this purpose is cooking tongs. If they are not there, then you can use two shoulder blades or a spatula and a tablespoon.

For frying, the medium will have to be turned over two or three times. After both sides are fried for the first time, we carry out the same procedure with the ends so that they also undergo heat treatment, as well as to prevent the juice from leaking out, after that you can slightly reduce the heating temperature.

If you wish, you can cover it loosely with foil by placing a sprig of rosemary on the surface of the steak. Whether or not to cut into slices when serving is a matter of taste. Now you know, how to cook beef steak in a pan, it is not so difficult, the main thing is high-quality raw materials. The so-called marbled beef is very good, when the meat is penetrated with layers of fat. But for this, the cows must receive grain complementary foods, and the breed matters.

How to fry a beef steak in a pan

Beef steak in a pan, photo which you see below is called a mignon and it is prepared from the most tender part of the carcass. First, go to the market and choose a beef tenderloin. The meat there is the most tender and low-fat, so the dish will turn out to be almost dietary, and the thickness can be made up to 5 centimeters.

How to check the freshness: the color of the piece should be dark pink, when you press with your finger or the edge of the butcher's fork, the dent is smoothed out rather quickly, the smell, of course, is pleasant, characteristic of beef, the cut is not dull and not sticky.

You can buy slices about 4 centimeters thick or one piece. In this case, we will cut into portions at home. Be sure to cut across the fibers.

What do we need for two servings:

    a pair of 4 cm thick meat plates;

    some fresh herbs (thyme, cilantro, savory, oregano, rosemary);

    0.5 cups of dry red wine for making the sauce;

    coarse salt or sea salt to taste

The steak itself cooks very quickly, so first we will prepare a side dish of your choice. If the meat is not sliced, then we cut it into portions. There is no need to beat back, otherwise we will ruin everything and get a sole. Chop the herbs finely and sprinkle the pieces thickly. As a last resort, you can use dried herbs. Lightly crush the surface with greens with your fingers and put on a preheated pan sprinkled with coarse salt.

Pour the salt without fanaticism, because then we will prepare the sauce in the same dish. Its temperature should be such that the meat immediately sizzles. Roasting time on one side is about two minutes.

Do not move the piece over the surface or raise its edge for checking ahead of time. Turn the portions over and fry for another two minutes on the other side.

Put the finished dish to rest for five minutes, and pour the wine into the pan and remove it from the heat. Pour the rested meat with the resulting sauce, add the side dish. Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, this dish is not so difficult to prepare. Of course, for the majority, it cannot be everyday because of the rather high price of raw materials.

But there is no more than ten percent of the meat suitable for cooking it in the entire cow carcass. Stock up on quality meat, and how to fry beef steak in a pan, we'll tell you.

Beef steak in a pan: recipe

The following recipe for beef steak at home in a pan involves using marbled beef. This is the so-called ribeye steak, it can be with or without a bone - a piece of rib. turns out to be incredibly juicy. Take for two servings:

    packing of steaks 2 pieces;

    some olive or other refined oil;

    a head of garlic with large teeth;

    a mill with a mixture of peppers and sea salt;

    a little butter (two pieces about 5g each);

    fresh asparagus if you like it

In the event that the steaks are frozen, defrost them on the top shelf of the refrigerator a day before cooking. Take them out half an hour or an hour before frying and let them warm to room temperature.

No need to wash, just wipe with a damp cloth or towel. Sprinkle generously enough salt and spices from the mill on the surface of the meat, and then sprinkle with vegetable oil.

Put in a dry preheated pan and fry one side for one and a half minutes. A frying pan will work and an ordinary flat one. Then turn it over with tongs or a spatula and fry again for about one and a half minutes.

You can place a plate of butter on top of the steak being cooked. The number of turns depends on the thickness of the piece and the degree of doneness desired. For medium frying, that is, when the meat inside is juicy and pink, but already without blood, it is enough to fry each side twice. Remember to fry the edges.

The surface of the pan, as soon as the fat begins to melt, can be rubbed with a chopped clove of garlic to add additional flavor to the dish. We spread the asparagus in the process of cooking the steaks in the same skillet in the free space.

In general terms, you now know how to fry beef steak in a pan, but connoisseurs and specialists can tell about many more subtleties. For example, a controversial issue is whether or not to marinate the steaks before cooking.

If the raw material is of very good quality and has been fermented, then it is not necessary. If you have regular domestic fresh beef from the market, it might make sense.

Even authentic American recipes do not deny this: not necessary, but possible. The composition of the marinade may be different, and the one that is used for barbecue will do.

Beef steak in a pan: recipe step by step

For beginners, cooking will become easier if they see all its stages one by one clearly. If you have meat in one large piece, cut it into portions, I will only mention that the knife must be sharp so that the cut is even and smooth, and we must cut it across the fibers. Let's take a closer look at how to fry beef steak in a pan, recipe step by step - this is the main assistant of a novice cook:

1st step: the finished steak, warmed to room temperature, salt, pepper and sprinkle with refined oil;

2nd step: put the workpieces in a hot pan freely enough.

You cannot lay out the pieces close to each other, so it is better to check how they fit before the dishes are warmed up;

3rd step: fry on one side for 1.5-2 minutes.

In general, the time is somewhat arbitrary, because everyone's dishes are different, like the stoves. Ideally, you should have a special kitchen thermometer with a probe to know the temperature inside the dish being prepared, but with experience you yourself will know when to turn it over;

4th step: turn over to the other side with tongs or a spatula and fry for the same time;

5th step: repeat the procedure once or twice, depending on the desired degree of roasting, while the heat can be slightly reduced. If you have a frying pan with a ribbed surface, then when frying again, the pieces can be rotated to create a beautiful mesh on the surface;

6th step: we put the finished ones on the board and let them rest for five minutes. This procedure keeps the juice inside. You can cover it loosely with foil, or put a sprig of rosemary or thyme on top.

You can add that for frying in a pan, it is better to take a steak no thicker than 3 cm, the exception is a mignon from the tenderloin, it can be 4-5 cm.If you have thicker pieces, you can bring the dish to readiness in the oven for 10 minutes at temperature of 180 degrees. You should not increase the frying time in a pan, this will only burn the crust.

The correct preparation of delicious meat dishes is sometimes called a kind of science. It can be understood not only by experienced chefs, but also by beginners. The question of how to cook beef steak is asked by many housewives. This, it would seem, is not the most difficult dish to prepare, it requires the most attentive approach to itself. A very important condition for successful cooking is the correct choice of beef. 90% of the success of your culinary event depends on this. Here are some tips to help you find the foundation for a juicy and nutritious meal.

How to choose and buy beef correctly

In retail chains, you can find ready-made portions for steak. If you want to cook this dish tasty, it is not recommended to give preference to them. Before choosing, decide how you will cook the meat: on the bone or without. Chefs compare the selection of meat for a steak to a creative process. If you follow the same principle, the likelihood that the dish will turn out to be tasty will increase greatly.

What part of the beef is the steak made from?

Certain portions of beef are preferred for different types of steaks. If you are going to cook a rib steak or porter house, the subscapular or neck portions of the carcass will do. How much of the beef to take for the ribs steak? According to experienced chefs, the thick edge of the longest muscle with a small rib bone will do. For sirloin steak, use the neck, marbled beef, or the lumbar part. If you are wondering how to choose meat for a traditional boneless steak, look for soft loins with a minimum amount of fat and connective tissue.

Beef tenderloin is the best steak meat

A good option when choosing steak meat are the neck, rump, shoulder blade, but beef tenderloin - the long muscle of the inner back - is best for the classic version of the dish. It has a delicate delicate texture and is easy to control during cooking. When choosing a tenderloin, it is important not to fall for the tricks of cunning sellers and not to acquire pulp from the inside of the leg under its guise. A real tenderloin has a pronounced head and film. Its structure is loose and has large fibers.

The right marinade for a dish

An important question is how to marinate meat. The marinade will soften it, give it a piquant aroma, and keep it fresh. The acid is the main one for the marinade. You can use vinegar (natural is better), wine, citrus juices. The acidic medium softens the meat fibers, and the dish is tender regardless of the degree of roast. Olive and other vegetable oils added to the marinade keep the juices in the meat. It is recommended to supplement the beef pickling liquid with basil, dill, oregano, rosemary, red, black or cayenne pepper, mustard seeds.

How much to fry meat for different degrees of doneness

Different types of steaks are classified according to the degree of doneness. In cooking, the following varieties of this dish are distinguished:

  • Very rare or bloody meat. When cooking, the meat is heated to 40-45 degrees. It has a slight crust, but the inside is almost damp.
  • Rare. This is the same traditional steak with blood, but with a longer aging of the meat. The edges are fried, and the inside is a clear strip of pink.
  • Medium Rare. The steak is bloodless, but has a bright pink juice.
  • Medium. Medium is medium-rare meat with light pink juice.
  • Medium Well. The meat is well done and has a clear juice.
  • Well Done. Well-done meat with almost no juice.

How to cook beef steak: the best recipes with photos

Many factors depend on the method of steak preparation: not only taste, hardness, but also the calorie content of the dish, its compatibility with different side dishes. Several recipes presented below will allow any chef to cook delicious juicy meat, choose the right spices, and the method of heat treatment. Where you fry a steak (in a slow cooker, electric grill, grill, etc.) is a significant moment that affects the cooking process. All the important nuances are reflected in the step-by-step home recipes below.

Marbled beef on a grill pan

A steak in a pan is a kind of golden classic of cooking, and if marbled meat is used, then the dish turns into a delicacy. It can pleasantly diversify the everyday home menu or become a highlight of the program at the festive table. Finding marbled beef is not always easy, but if you're lucky enough to get your hands on this variety, be sure to try the recipe below.

To prepare a delicious juicy marbled beef steak in a grill pan, you will need the following products:

  • 700-1000 grams of marbled meat;
  • a mixture of ground - red, black and white pepper;
  • herbs. The optimal set for this dish is a mixture of thyme, tarragon, basil, thyme and rosemary;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • olive oil (extra virgin is not recommended).

The cooking process includes the following steps:

  1. The beef is cut into pieces approximately 1.5-2 centimeters thick.
  2. Salt, pepper and a mixture of herbs are rubbed into the pieces.
  3. The blanks are lubricated with olive oil.
  4. The pan is heated on maximum heat for 2.5-3 minutes.
  5. The meat is laid out in a frying pan. Each piece is evenly fried for 3 minutes and then turned over.
  6. The steaks are fried for another 3 minutes.
  7. The frying pan is sent to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

How to roast beef steak at home in the oven

Cooking a dish in the oven is an opportunity to make the meat structure more tender, as well as to reduce its fat content and calorie content. If you decide to bake a steak for two, stock up on the following foods:

  • 2 portions, weighing approximately 250-300 grams;
  • 2 small onions;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 70-80 ml dry white wine;
  • 2 medium garlic cloves
  • a teaspoon of grated ginger root;
  • a tablespoon of soy sauce.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the onion and garlic finely.
  2. Mix soy sauce, ginger, onion and garlic mixture, honey, wine.
  3. Place the pre-washed steaks in the resulting marinade and leave for about 2-3 hours.
  4. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
  5. Place the steaks in the oven, frying on each side for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Bring remaining marinade to a boil and simmer for about 10 minutes to thicken.
  7. Put ready-made steaks on a plate and pour over the resulting sauce.

Charcoal BBQ with vegetables

Grilled beef steak is one of the best options for outdoor meat preparation. Complemented with the perfect barbecue vegetable garnish, it will delight even the most discerning palate. Get a water spray gun in advance to regulate the heat of the coals. To prepare a dish (based on 4 persons), you will need the following components:

  • 4 pieces of beef, 200 grams each;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 6 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced;
  • 100 ml of olive oil.

For garnish:

  • 2 eggplants;
  • 8 medium potatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 400 g cherry tomatoes.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chopped onion, chopped garlic, spices, olive oil and soy sauce are combined.
  2. Steaks are laid out in the marinade. The meat is infused for 3 hours.
  3. The potatoes are cut into slices, the eggplants are cut into rings, the pepper is cut into 4 parts.
  4. The brazier is kindled. After the coals are burnt, the meat is laid out on the wire rack and roasted for about 10 minutes on each side.
  5. 10 minutes after the start of cooking, potatoes and eggplants are laid out on the wire rack, after another 5 - tomatoes and peppers.

Recipe for a delicious sauce for a dish

What better way to emphasize the unique flavor that a well-done piece of steak has than a delicious sauce? A good refined option is a red wine sauce. For this sauce you will need:

  • dry red wine - 400 g;
  • a few sprigs of thyme;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 red onions;
  • a set of seasonings to taste.

The sauce is prepared as follows:

  1. Finely chopped onion is sautéed in olive oil.
  2. When it acquires a golden hue, wine is poured in.
  3. Thyme and other spices are added, the mixture is stirred, evaporated until the liquid is reduced by half.
  4. The sauce is removed from the heat, salt, pepper and butter are added.
  5. The finished mixture is cooled and served with finely chopped fresh herbs.
  6. This sauce is in perfect harmony with all types of steak and perfectly sets off their delicate taste.


Steaks can be cooked not only over an open fire, frying pan or in the oven. A delicious, nutritious and low-calorie dish is also prepared in a slow cooker. This device has a user-friendly interface and a sufficient number of modes to prepare the perfect steak. Enjoy a video tutorial that's easy to do with a device from Redmond. With this type of cooking, you can easily monitor the condition of the meat and regulate the process of frying the steak. The video tutorial has a convenient step-by-step form available to a cook with any level of experience: