What kind of pan can you fry food without oil. How to fry pancakes and pancakes without oil in a regular frying pan

06.09.2019 Fish dishes

There are many ways of cooking in Russian national cuisine: products are boiled, stewed, baked, fried, allowed to cook. Almost all of these methods do not require the addition of oil. You can even fry food without it for a long time: all thanks to the cookware with non-stick coating.

Why do many housewives still add vegetable or butter everywhere? "It enhances the taste of the dish, here is fatty food and it seems to us tastier", - explains Daria Rusakova, candidate of medical sciences, researcher at the clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition", scientific consultant at the clinic "Nutrition and Health".

As we know, fats play an important role in the formation of hormones and the absorption of vitamins. The cell membrane consists of them, and oxygen exchange in the lungs would be impossible without fats. Therefore, of course, you should not completely exclude oil from your diet. “It will be more useful to add it to the finished dish. The way we usually refuel. When heated, oils lose their beneficial properties and even become carcinogenic. ", - recommends Daria Rusakova.

If you regularly eat fish, meat, poultry, dairy products and nuts, your body will get all the fats it needs from these foods. So do not be afraid of a deficiency of an important nutrient. The habit of cooking without adding oils will be useful not only for people with cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and overweight, but also for those who can boast of good health. Here are some popular oil-free cooking methods.

Simmer in a ceramic pot

These dishes are cheap, safe to use, and what kind of dishes you get - you will lick your fingers! You can cook meat, vegetables, desserts and soups in pots. Meat, poultry and fish provide juice and natural fat that do not boil away - this eliminates the need to add oil. Vegetables that are not very juicy can be diluted with water. Ceramics do not tolerate changes in temperature, so make sure that these dishes heat up and cool down gradually, otherwise cracks will appear.

Use silicone molds

Bake in foil or sleeve

The principle of cooking food in foil and a plastic sleeve is about the same: we wrap the food and bake it. True, the plastic sleeve is more airtight, so meat, poultry or fish cook in it faster than in foil. But it also has the advantage of being able to withstand higher temperatures. The main thing is to make sure that the matte surface of the foil is outside and that it is she who interacts with the hot air of the oven. No oil is needed because meat products produce natural juice that will saturate the garnish. The dish will turn out to be juicy, provided that you pack it securely in foil or a sleeve.

Many people like fried food because it is very tasty and juicy. It is important to keep in mind that such cooking with oil does not provide health benefits. Therefore, in order to control the healthy eating of all members of the entire family, it is necessary to know which pan is suitable for frying without the use of oil.

Frying pans are different

What pans can be used without oil?

Before you start cooking, you need to inspect the dishes. For cooking without the use of oil or fat, choose a dish with a thick bottom. What material it is made of does not matter, since the main factor is the thickness.

You should also look at the lid, it should close tightly, and not release moisture when cooking. Due to the large amount of liquid, the dish will cook on its own. This technology is used especially in the vegetable menu, since vegetables contain a lot of water.

For the preparation of meat products without oil, broth, vegetable juices, and water are used. After evaporation of the liquid, the food goes into the stewing process, and then it is smoothly fried.

You can fry and stew food using the following types of pans:

  • teflon, the most popular product.
  • granite, titanium, diamond - the most expensive and reliable;
  • ceramic, made of polymer with sand particles;
  • enameled;
  • marble, the same as the Teflon coating, only with the addition of marble chips.

By application, the following types are distinguished:

  • grill;
  • brazier;
  • stewpan;
  • cast iron, made of natural, durable;
  • aluminum;
  • made of stainless steel, durable and lightweight.

Teflon-coated pan

Teflon coating will prevent burning

In order to fry the meat, it is cut into small pieces, seasonings, salt are added and poured with marinade. In this case, the oil is replaced with a marinade. Then the container is heated and the meat is laid out. During the first minutes, the dish is often stirred, then fried under a closed lid. Due to this procedure, the product will release juice.

When preparing diet food, use water or broth instead of oil. The container is heated and the food is put into it, stirred. When the liquid has evaporated, then it is topped up. Fry the food until a brown tint appears. This applies to fish or meat.

It should be borne in mind that the dishes do not withstand high temperatures. The Teflon container must not be heated more than 180 degrees. Otherwise, then carcinogenic substances, which are very harmful to health, begin to be released. You can use only wooden or silicone spoons and spatulas.

Cooking is allowed only on low or medium heat. If there are scratches in the Teflon saucepan or frying pan, then you need to get rid of such dishes. Due to the fact that with such damage, poisonous plastic acid enters the body with food.

What special frying pan is used for frying food without oil?

Ceramic skillet: ideal for vegetables and steak

The best is the one made of ceramics. It cooks steaks from beef and fatty pork without the use of oil. Ceramics are ideal for cooking meat with a layer of fat.

During the frying process, meat fat is released, thanks to which the meat is cooked in its own juice. Diet food is also prepared in this dish. The main thing is to pay special attention to how the dish is prepared: shift the food more often, keep it under a closed lid over moderate heat. It can be upset that the dish will not brown, but the taste will remain unchanged.

Ceramic coating can:

  • endure heating up to + 450 degrees;
  • heat food quickly and evenly;
  • cool slowly.

Ceramics cannot withstand sudden changes in temperature. For this reason, cold and frozen food should not be placed on it when heated.

Ceramics are not recommended for cooking on an induction hob or hob. Due to the fact that on such hobs, only utensils with a magnetic metal bottom are used. Ceramics do not have this feature.

Cookware with a ceramic coating prevents sticking, consists of natural components such as stone, clay, sand, thanks to which it is environmentally friendly for health.


Grill pan - the guarantor of juicy meat

In this dish you can fry and stew meat and fish products. Due to the juice that is released during the frying process, the food will turn out to be juicy, since the juice will accumulate in special openings and evaporate little. The ribbed surface prepares food quickly.

The best dish is meat. Thanks to good and even heating, the pieces of meat are roasted until crispy. The inside of the meat will be soft and juicy, as moisture will not evaporate from the meat product.

The ribbed bottom gives the product a beautiful ruddy appearance. Frying oil, which spreads over the entire surface, is not used very much. When cooking in this dish, food hardly touches the bottom, and, accordingly, is not saturated with oil.

In a frying pan - grill, you can fry not only meat, fish, vegetables, but also fruits: pineapples or peaches. They can be combined with herbs and goat cheese. This unusual combination will appeal to those who are fond of salads.

The bottom of the grill is a special factor, which is as follows:

  • meat and vegetable products cook faster than in simple pans;
  • the dish turns out to be healthier due to moderate heat treatment;
  • the meat comes out juicier;
  • the fat that has melted down flows into the gutters, so the product is not fried in its own fat;
  • striped pattern will make the dish attractive and appetizing.

Non-stick coated

Non-stick coating is a super invention for healthy lifestyle advocates

A non-stick frying pan can be either aluminum, steel, or cast iron. Most often found in aluminum. Suitable for cooking vegetables, as oil is not required. To prepare a vegetable stew, first heat the pan and add a small amount of broth.

When frying eggs and meat products, the container is moistened with oil using a cotton pad, napkin. Frying food is recommended over medium heat.

Instead of oil or fat, white parchment paper is used. To do this, a circle is cut out of special paper and placed on kitchen utensils, then products for frying. The method is perfect for cutlets, chicken breast, fish.

It is especially useful to prepare food with parchment when:

  • diet;
  • fast;
  • healthy lifestyle.

You can also fully prepare food on dry kitchen utensils. The main thing is that there is no damage on it. The bottom and sides of the container should be made of a thick layer, and the lid should fit snugly. Then the moisture will not evaporate and the food will be cooked at the same time. In this case, use only special-purpose devices that do not deform the surface.

Non-stick coating has properties:

  • protection against sticking;
  • preservation of the appearance of the product;
  • obtaining a wonderful aroma and taste.

Almost all modern manufacturers of kitchen utensils, demonstrating their own products to potential buyers, focus on the fact that it is possible to fully cook any dishes in it without using vegetable oil. Does such a frying pan exist in reality, or is it a clever marketing ploy?

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that such dishes are in demand primarily among those of our compatriots who adhere to all kinds of diets and consume exclusively healthy food. However, each of us is faced with a situation when it is necessary to reduce the level of fatty foods consumed.

Experts have found that it is really possible to fry in a pan, and this does not require oil. The main requirement is to adhere to several recommendations.

Tableware requirements

Professionals strongly recommend buying only high quality products. In this regard, the products of such companies deserve priority attention: Rondell, Zepter, Tefal, Berghoff. As for the non-stick coating, it shouldn't have any scratches, let alone cracks. Any structural damage is fraught with the loss of protective and non-stick properties. If the coating is damaged, then you cannot fry in such a pan without oil.

It is advisable to fry without adding oil only those ingredients and products that are initially characterized by the required fat content. Otherwise, you can forget about the aromatic crispy crust. As for low-fat and low-fat products, they will not burn in such a pan, but you should not expect a beautiful appearance from them, as well as an impressive taste.

Why does food lose its original flavor? The oil in the pan seems to envelop the product, while the liquid is inside. Due to this, the dish becomes much juicier and more aromatic, and its top is covered with a characteristic crust. In the absence of vegetable oil, moisture is simply released onto the surface of the dishes, and the product itself becomes dry. However, in the same way, he stews in his own juice.

How to fry in a pan without oil?

Even if you managed to purchase a high-quality non-stick frying pan, experts strongly recommend adding a small amount of fat to its surface, even the smallest amount will be enough. The minimum presence of fat will be enough to prepare delicious meals without the slightest harm to health. There are several ways in which you can ensure the optimum frying level:

  • use an oil spray;
  • gently moisten individual pieces of meat or potatoes with oil;
  • moisten the surface of the dishes with a few drops of oil and distribute them evenly over the surface.

This is the only way to minimize the presence of fat or oil in the fried food and get a truly delicious meal.

Sadly, it is impossible to fully fry food without oil in a standard frying pan. However, there are several important recommendations with which you can not only prepare a delicious dish, but also neutralize the harm of fried food. The optimal solution is to use a frying pan with a protective non-stick layer, you can also get a grill pan. Such solutions are quite convenient, since fat will drain along the edges of such a frying pan and will not come into contact with food. After completing the cooking process, you can simply drain off the excess fat.

When choosing a frying pan, be guided not only by the material from which it is made, but also by the convenience of the handle, the thickness of the bottom, walls. Remember, a good product cannot be cheap. If you are in doubt about the advisability of a purchase, consult a specialist.

Fried food is rightfully considered very tasty, but it is not always one hundred percent healthy, nutritionists advise to give up fried food altogether, and in order to reduce the harm from dishes, it is worth figuring out which pan can be fried without oil, which is the source of carcinogens. Frying without fat will make your food healthier.

Is it possible to fry without oil

The Teflon coating will provide a non-stick effect. To cook in such a dish without using oil, you should ignite it. Having laid slices of vegetables or pieces of meat on a hot surface, fry them for about two or three minutes, the food will not burn, acquiring only taste sophistication, and the dish as a result will be less harmful than when frying in oil.

You can fry small pieces of meat without adding oil to the pan and use water instead. After evaporation of the liquid, the product is brought to readiness.

Tip: For maximum juiciness of meat, before frying, they are engaged in preparing a mustard marinade, in which chicken legs or a steak are rolled. After two hours of marinating, they can be fried.

Sometimes the products are left in the marinade in the cold overnight. Before frying, it will need to be warmed up at room conditions. The released juice will replace both oil and water. Sometimes pickled using onions, sometimes lemon juice, as well as salt and pepper.

Tip: It is more difficult to fry fish in a dry frying pan; it must be pre-marinated with wine or lemon juice.

Low-fat and vegetable composition of products can be fried using broth cooked with meat or vegetables. Raw materials should be fried in a dry frying pan for several minutes, then pouring in the liquid, darken the composition until it evaporates, at the end of the process a golden crust appears.

If the presence of oil during frying is fundamentally important, but you want the products to be not too greasy, you can skip pouring it into the pan, but drip, 2 or 3 drops will be enough for good cooking. You can use a special vegetable oil spray.


You can fry without oil in a non-stick frying pan made of different metal materials; in such dishes, a surface that does not allow food to burn is important. The container should have a thick bottom, walls and a high density lid. Vegetable products fried without oil, in this case, will be juicy and tasty, since not all the moisture will evaporate.

When buying non-stick cookware, its cost is also important, which is a reflection of the quality coating. Each manufacturer makes a coating with a different composition, for example, American technologies allow the use of water-based hydrolone in production. If a non-stick product is too expensive to fry food without oil, it is good to use a non-stick mat with the same characteristics as a frying pan, but for less money. The product will serve for more than one year.

You can fry in dry dishes using parchment, preferably white. A circle is cut out, which spreads to the bottom of the container. Next, products that need to be fried are superimposed. Using this method, it is good to fry cutlets, chicken breast and other meat, fish.

Food fried using parchment is allowed for dieters, fasting, and simply following a healthy lifestyle. In any case, if you fry in a dry skillet, you get a diet food with a low calorie content.

In order not to use oil, but to get a roast, except for foil, a sleeve, a grill, a clay pot for stewing will do. To fry a vegetable stew, heat the frying pan, adding the broth little by little. For eggs and meat, you can moisten a cotton pad or napkin with oil, and run a greasy surface along the bottom of a non-stick dish, fry food on medium heat. Only the lubricating sponge should be nearly dry.

In order for the food to be really healthy and even on the dry surface of the pan to be fully cooked, it is important to understand that the coating of the dishes should not be damaged or scratched. The bottom should also be coated in a thick layer. The lid should fit snugly against the pan so that all moisture does not come out of it, then the food will be both fried and stewed at the same time.


It is rightfully believed that Teflon pans serve as utensils for preparing healthy food. But if the container is even slightly damaged, the dish may burn. In a frying pan made of Teflon, it turns out to perfectly fry eggs, and even pies, which will taste like grandmother's products from the oven.

For frying meat in a Teflon-coated pan, cut it into small pieces, add salt and pepper, pour wine, lemon juice or other sauce. The marinade will replace the oil. The container is warmed up, the meat is laid out in it, according to some recipes, a vegetable supplement is also applied. In the first minutes, everything is stirred, then you need to fry, putting a lid on the utensils, the products will give juice, and they will cook in it.

If you fry diet fish or meat, use water or broth instead of oil. The utensils should warm up well, spread the ingredient on it, stir it for a few minutes, then add liquid to the container, when it evaporates, the pieces are fried a little more until the product acquires a brownish tint.

It is important to properly care for your Teflon utensils. Brushes and brushes are contraindicated here. Improper use and cleaning of the dishes can cause food to stick and burn to the bottom, spoiling the food. After use, the pan cools down, and only then is it washed. If slightly burnt food remains on it, the container is soaked in warm water, and the contamination lags behind.


The best crockery for cooking vegetables is made of ceramics. Marbled beef and fried pork, products with a layer of fat will also turn out to be very tasty. Without adding oil, it is good to fry diet pancakes on ceramics.

The ceramic coating warms up evenly, the meat releases its fat on it, and it turns out a dish in its own juice. Ultimately, they achieve a beautiful and tender toasted crust. You just need to be careful during the frying process, the fire is set slowly, the ingredients are often turned over, the lid is used. Foods that do not contain their own fats may not have a rosy color, but the food turns out delicious without that.

Some types of pans use a kind of heating technology. They have a thermo-accumulating bottom, it heats up very quickly, unlike the other sides of the container. The effect of vaporization is created, the products are stewed almost without liquid.


The grill can be used to grill delicious delicacies. Cast iron utensils with a grooved bottom will allow you to fry everything, food hardly touches the surface. Best of all, steak, ribs and other fried meat dishes are obtained in a special frying pan. Warming up evenly will allow you to cook your food to create a crispy crust. At the same time, moisture remains in the meat, due to which it will be distinguished by its juiciness and softness. Ribbed utensils perfectly replace the grill on which they are fried in nature over coals.

Tip: So that the vegetable dish created on the ribbed grill pan does not burn, you should not fry it at all without oil, you need to drip and distribute a couple of drops of fatty liquid over the surface.

Many people are puzzled by this question. At one time, I was also interested in this ... the motive behind this request was the desire to cook various dishes for my "Home Diet". After all, it's great to eat all kinds of food that are familiar to a non-dietary diet and at the same time not absorb excess energy coming from fats used for frying.

To my great regret, I have to upset you - frying without oil, in a pan, is not possible. The only exceptions are those foods that are very fatty in themselves.

Yes, there are a couple of half-measures: grilling (which, in principle, is not frying at all) and frying with a minimum amount of fat (the task is rather troublesome, does not suit all products, requires special skill and non-stick frying pans). But that's not it. The expected result will differ greatly from the one obtained ...

The thing is that when we put some product in the pan and fry it, we will definitely expect a ruddy dryish crust and a soft and juicy "filling" inside the product to be fried. This is how, ideally, soundly fried foods are presented. So, this cannot be done without additional, thoroughly warmed up fat (vegetable or animal origin). To realize this, one has to ask the question: "How does it work?"


Grains of theory. Everyone knows that all foods contain water. The water in any fresh product is much more than 75%, and it is with the help of this water (contained in the product) that cooking takes place during frying. It is its presence in sufficient quantity that makes a fried dish (whether it be a shmat of meat or potatoes cut into strips) soft, tasty and juicy. And the less liquid the cook manages to keep inside what he cooks, the less edible the finished food will seem to most who have tasted it.

The main task when frying any product is to keep the water inside it, and hot fat in the pan is responsible for this!

How? And like this: at the moment when the surface of the product touches the bottom of the pan, the water that is in the product heats up (the oil temperature is much higher than the boiling point of water) and almost instantly begins to evaporate (naturally, first of all, from the hottest place - the surface in contact with frying pan) and fat immediately takes its place. Fat replaces water in the product! Therefore, a ruddy crust forms. :) This "golden" crust contains no water, only fat. And he, as you know, does not allow water to pass through and therefore the liquid inside the prepared product is preserved! And the hotter the butter is in the pan at the moment the food is laid out, the better the crust will be.

The ruddy crust is a kind of barrier that does not allow liquid to evaporate from the prepared dish. If this crust does not form, the water from the roast evaporates and the product becomes hard and dry.

That is why it will not work normally without oil. Oil, in the case of full-fledged frying, serves not only as a layer between the pan and the product (which prevents food from sticking to the bottom), but also is the main component of the golden crust (which prevents moisture from evaporating from the product).


Well, as a person trying to cook with a minimum of crazy calories, I have to experiment and, of course, achieve some success in this matter. I share the information I have accumulated. :)

COOKING VEGETABLES. Such a dependence can be traced with vegetables, the harder the vegetables, the more they are reluctant to give up water, and it is significantly easier to fry them with a minimum of oil. An example of frying potatoes with almost no oil is quite realistic. Here's the obvious result:

But with asparagus or mushrooms (yes, of course, these are not vegetables) such a trick will not work. These "soft" vegetables are too willing to give up water and it turns out that a small amount of oil is instantly absorbed into these vegetables and there is simply no oil left to create a crust on the other side. As a result, they are not fried, but stewed in their own juice. If you do not cover them with a lid, they will dry out and eventually bake or burn if you do not follow them.

COOKING MEAT. The situation with meat is even sadder than with vegetables. Meat needs a lot of hot fat! And then how not to twist it ... If there is not enough oil in the pan, it is poorly heated, or too much meat is unloaded into it (even into hot fat), the following result awaits you:

Do you understand what is happening in this photo? Well, I will still explain in addition: the meat let the juice go, but this happened because a ruddy crust did not form on each piece (over the entire surface) and nothing traps moisture in it.

In my case, this is not a problem, since this meat was later reanimated (as planned) by very long stewing. But this photo very clearly demonstrates that without a substantial amount of oil, it will not work to fry beef.

In fact, there is one way to fry meat with a minimum of oil, but it is so time consuming that "it is not worth the candle", as for me. To do this, you need to cut the meat into small portioned pieces, grease your hands with vegetable small, wipe each piece with it and fry each piece separately in a pan (without oil) until golden brown. This is very troublesome and does not work the first time.

This is the end of this story. :) I hope you learned something new and useful for yourself!