Homemade ham recipes in a ham maker. Cooking ham at home with and without ham Cooking ham from pork leg without ham

11.12.2021 Healthy eating

Hello! You don't need to buy ham for the New Year if you have the desire and opportunity to make it yourself at home. And it's not as difficult as you think - you just need to start preparing it in advance - 3-4 days before you put your own homemade ham on the table. In general, by and large, it can be noted that the problem is that it is easy to cook ham, but for a long time - your marinated pork meat should stand under pressure in a special marinade for at least 3 days.

But is this a question for a prudent owner or hostess? Of course not, therefore - here's a ham at home and a recipe for it: here is not only a photo of the ham, but also a video describing its preparation. Use it to your health! And by the way, you don't need any other products other than meat, except for bay leaves and black peppercorns.

To cook the ham at home, use a ham with lard or a neck.

  1. Pork - 1 kg;
  2. Also prepare a dish of brisket or shoulder blade. From the brisket, the ham will be fat, and from the shoulder blade, the ham will be lean. Therefore, the best way out is to mix different meats;
  3. Salt - take three tablespoons into a two-liter pan of marinade;
  4. Bay leaves - 4-5 pcs;
  5. Black peppercorns - 20-30 pcs.

Prepare the marinade for boiling the ham and marinate the meat

  1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. After boiling, cook the spices for 2-3 minutes, and turn off the heat, let the marinade cool;
  2. While the marinade is preparing, rinse the meat, let it drain;
  3. When the marinade has cooled, use any syringe (2 ml, 5 ml) to chop the meat on all sides. Just draw the marinade into a syringe, and drive the needle into a different place in the piece of meat each time, and to a different depth. I did about 10 injections;
  4. Now put the meat in the remaining marinade (you do not need to take out the bay leaf and pepper), press it down with some kind of press, and send it to a cold place for 3 days. To make the future ham thoroughly salted and soaked in the taste of seasonings, turn it over every day.

In general, it is easy to cook ham at home, it just seems that too much will have to be done, but for a real chef this is not a hindrance.

  1. The meat was sufficiently marinated and compressed in three days. Now wrap it in plastic wrap and send it back to the same marinade - cook;
  2. You can not use cling film, but tightly tie the ham with twine, but it is better to dilute the marinade with plain unsalted water, or boil the meat in new water, salt it to your liking;
  3. The meat should be cooked for 2.5-3 hours. A little secret for cooking ham: the water should never boil - bring it to 80-85 0 С, and keep the temperature at this level all the time while the meat is being cooked. It's not difficult - just add cold water to the pot periodically;
  4. At the end of cooking, cool the cooked ham in cold water and, without unrolling the film, let it cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until it cools completely and acquires a non-crumbling shape.

As you can see, the recipe is simple, but it will take a long time to cook homemade pork ham. But it's worth it! Bon appetit, everyone!

So, as you can see, the ham at home has been successfully prepared with you, it remains to treat your family and friends so that they will appreciate your culinary talent. In the next recipe I'll share with you one of my favorite recipes, The Real One, Don't Miss Out.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

Put the garlic cloves on a cutting board and, using the knife handle, lightly press on the ingredient. After that, we easily remove the husk from the vegetable component. Then grind the garlic cloves with a garlic maker and transfer to a separate plate.

Step 2: prepare the spice mixture.

First, break the bay leaf into several small pieces with your hands, and then put it in a mortar. Put black peppercorns and coriander in the same container. We grind all the ingredients well until a homogeneous fine crumbs. Then pour the resulting crumb into a separate small bowl and add here salt, black allspice and a mixture of Italian herbs. Using a tablespoon, mix all the spices well with each other until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 3: prepare the meat.

We take the pork out of the freezer and defrost it to room temperature. Attention: under no circumstances should meat be thawed in a microwave oven or in hot water. We wash the pork pulp under warm running water. Then we dry the meat ingredient well from the water with a paper towel and transfer it to a cutting board. Using a kitchen knife, carefully clean the pulp from veins, films or bone fragments. It is desirable that the meat has the shape of a flat rectangle, since we will wrap the pork in a roll, and this shape of the ingredient will facilitate this process for us. But this is only if you are not using a pork neck, since this ingredient itself already has a voluminous rectangular shape. I usually use the last meat component as it turns out to be much juicier for me. Well, any part of the pork is delicious anyway. Then, evenly and abundantly on all sides, rub the pork pulp with a mixture of spices and roll our ingredient into a roll. Important: it is necessary to roll the meat very tightly. When the meat is ready, we put a culinary net on top of it and tie it with knots on both sides. Attention: if you do not have such a mesh, then you can use a tubular mesh bandage, which can be purchased at any pharmacy to fix the dressings. The diameter of such a mesh bandage should be small. Then we put the meatloaf into a baking bag and tie it very tightly, in such a way as to remove air from it as much as possible. For insurance, we transfer our bag of meat to another similar baking bag and tie it tightly to a knot.

Step 4: prepare the homemade ham.

Pour room temperature water into a saucepan and then transfer a bag of meatloaf into this container. Important so that the water in the pan completely covers our pork, but does not overflow from the container. We put any weight on the bag with the meat ingredient so that the dish does not float to the surface of the pan. We put the container on medium heat. After the water in the container boils, we make a small fire, since during the preparation of homemade ham it is impossible for the water to boil strongly, that is, the minimum temperature of the liquid in the container during cooking meat in the bag should be 70 ° C, and not in any way not 95 ° C. Cook meat for 4.5-5 hours. If the water in the pot boils, then you can add the required amount of water, but it should be warm and boiled. After the allotted time, using kitchen tongs, remove the bag with meatloaf from the pan and transfer it to an empty bowl. When the meat has cooled down, untie the bag and take the pork out of it. Then we transfer the homemade ham into a bowl, cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Step 5: serve homemade ham.

We take the homemade ham out of the refrigerator and put it on a cutting board. Using a kitchen knife, remove the mesh and then cut the meat delicacy into medium pieces. Place the homemade ham on a flat serving dish. You can also put the leftover piece of meat on a platter of cold cuts. And believe me, the ham will look just like a king! It can be served with various side dishes such as porridge or pasta. You can also enjoy ham with vegetable salads or serve it as a separate dish as a snack. Good appetite!

- - For cooking homemade ham, it is better to use fresh, slightly chilled meat.

- - If you want your homemade ham to be spicier, brush the meat not only with the spice mixture, but also with mustard.

- - Do not pour out the juice that formed in the bag during cooking. It can be used to make a sauce.

- - In addition to the listed spices for cooking ham, you can use other seasonings and spices at your discretion, for example: seasoning for meat, cinnamon.

- - For homemade ham, you can also use the back or front pork leg. You can also cook ham from turkey or chicken fillets.

Many people are used to buying ham in stores. However, while doing this, we cannot be sure of the quality of the product. Manufacturers often add colorants and preservatives to the ham to give it a beautiful color and increase the shelf life. Making pork ham at home is not as difficult as you might think, the main thing is to strictly follow the recipe.


  • Pork - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 l
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Chili pepper - 1 piece
  • Black pepper, other spices - to taste

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. Prepare the required ingredients. Rinse and dry the pork. During the cooking process, you will also need a syringe and a baking bag.
  • First you need to make a marinade. Black pepper and chili peppers must be crushed in a mortar, and it is better to break the chili into small pieces first.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil on the stove. Add salt and spices. Stir constantly, boil for a couple of minutes. Remove the marinade from the stove and let cool.
  • Stick the marinade into the pork, the more evenly it is salted, the tastier the ham will turn out.
  • Pour the remaining marinade over the pork, put some weight on it so that the water completely covers it, and refrigerate it for 2-3 days. Turn the meat once a day to marinate evenly.
  • After two to three days, remove the meat from the refrigerator, tie it tightly with thread, or wrap it in a cooking net.
  • Put the meat in the roasting sleeve, try to release all the air from there. Tie it up securely. It is best to repeat the process, ending up with two packages.
  • Place the bag in a pot of cold water. Heat the water to 50-60 degrees and keep the pork in this way for 1 hour, after an hour, raise the temperature by 15 degrees, after another hour bring it to 85 and simmer for half an hour in this way.
  • Remove the ham from the bag, rinse with cold water and refrigerate for several hours. The ham is ready!
  • Delicate and tasty ham turns out, cooked at home, the recipe for which I made from pork and chicken, look at the result on the resulting photos.

    In the modern variety of choices of ham in stores, it is rarely possible to buy something really tasty, even at a high price. The high price of ham and sausage products does not guarantee a good taste at all, and there are a lot of harmful additives in each one - they are added for long-term storage. And what to talk about if the composition of the ham sold is not meat or chicken, but a meat product. What is meant by this, come up with yourself. It is stored, indeed, for a long time, but the desire to eat delicious ham somehow does not arise, and it almost does not give satiety, unlike cooked homemade ham. As a meat snack, I cooked a roll, baked pork neck meat in a juice bag, all these recipes go well cold. Still, I wanted to find a recipe and make a real homemade ham. After studying many recipes and watching various videos, I realized that it is not so difficult, but the recipe is not quick.

    When preparing a ham recipe at home, two rules must be followed. First rule- the ham must be pre-salted well, it is during the salting that the meat, while ripening, acquires the taste of ham, and second rule- you need to cook ham for a long time at a temperature of no more than 85 ° C, it is under such conditions that it turns out to be very tasty, which is called "with a tear", it feels the structure of the meat, it turns out to be very satisfying and is stored for at least a week in the refrigerator, I didn’t try again - it just didn’t remain. Of course, this recipe cannot do without a meat thermometer, otherwise the ham may either be undercooked or overcooked. I bought it on a Chinese site here.

    Choosing a good piece of meat is essential for making ham. A tenderloin is suitable, pork neck meat with layers of fat - it will be more high-calorie, but tastier, you can take a ham with lard or lean meat. The only thing that is undesirable in meat for cooking ham is the veins, they spoil the ham and are poorly chewed.

    Cooking the ham pickle

    For 1 kg of meat - 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt, bay leaf, peas, allspice, 2 pcs. cloves, 3 g of sugar - just put in a pinch. To add a special aroma, you can add 3-4 pieces of juniper. I don't put any nitrates and nitrites for the color, the color of the finished ham turns out to be pinkish. The brine should be boiled for 5-7 minutes, cooled and filtered. Sugar is added to improve flavor and soften salinity.

    A piece of meat bought for boiling ham should be cooled in the refrigerator, then we tie it with strong natural thick thread.

    Now, using a 20-milligram syringe, inject at least 1 cup of brine into the meat, preferably more.

    We put the meat in a dish of a suitable size, fill it with the remaining brine so that the meat is covered. If there is not enough brine to cover the meat, you need to prepare more brine, but it is better to choose dishes that are slightly larger than the piece of meat. The brine penetrates well into internal tissues, killing putrefactive bacteria.

    It is convenient to use a large plastic container that is suitably sized. Fill the meat with brine and send it to the cold for 7 days. It is best to salt at a temperature of 2-4 ° C, at a higher temperature bacteria can develop, at a lower temperature, the meat may not be salted. Turn the meat regularly for a more even salting. During curing, the meat thickens, ripens and gains a ham flavor.

    After a week, after removing the meat from the brine, rinse it well with cold water and hang it for at least 4 hours or overnight in a cold place so that the excess liquid is glass.

    We wrap the salted and tied piece of meat in cling film, wrap it several times so that water does not get inside.

    Boiling ham

    It is difficult to use a gas stove to obtain a temperature of no more than 85 ° C. Even on the smallest comfort on a low fire, the water temperature did not drop below 90 ° C. I measured the temperature with a special thermometer and realized that it would be impossible to cook the ham this way. Maybe you can take a very large saucepan so that the water does not have time to heat up above 85 ° C. As a result, I found an electric saucepan, the predecessor of the slow cooker, boiled the water and let it cool down to 80 ° C, put a piece of meat well wrapped in plastic and thus cooked for about three hours, periodically controlling the temperature of the water, the average water temperature was 80-82 ° C ... Ideally, cook in a slow cooker or saucepan.

    After 3 hours, putting the finished ham on a plate, measure the temperature inside the ham with a special meat thermometer. Sufficient temperature of cooked ham is 68-72ºС.

    The cooked ham must be sharply cooled under cold water, if possible below 25 ° C and placed in a cold place up to 4 ° C for 1-2 days. We do not have enough patience and already after 12 hours we begin to eat delicious ham, cooked at home from pork.

    Homemade chicken ham

    Although they say that ham comes only from pork, still, chicken has firmly entered our life, dishes made from it are tasty and inexpensive. Therefore, I also cook ham and chicken.

    Homemade chicken ham is easier and faster to cook than pork.

    From a whole chicken, I cut off as much of the meat as possible, preferably a whole piece. From a large chicken, about 1 kg of meat is obtained, sometimes less. Spread the meat on the board, salt the part that will be inside with a small amount of salt, such as you usually cook, sprinkle with spices if desired. We wrap the chicken in a roll and tie it with a rope.

    Cooking the brine

    For 1 liter of water 3 tbsp. salt and ½ tsp. sugar, allspice and peppercorns. From the spices, you can add Italian herbs and quite a bit of nutmeg. Bring the brine to a boil and cool.

    Fill the chicken with strained brine and leave in the cold for 3 days. After 3 days, remove the chicken from the brine, rinse with cold water and let the liquid drain for at least a couple of hours.

    Boiling ham

    We wrap the chicken tightly in cling film and put it in hot water in, cook similarly to pork ham at a water temperature in a saucepan of 80-82 ° C, but no more than 85 ° C for about 1.5 hours. During this time, the temperature inside the chicken ham should reach 68-72 ° C, which is controlled by a meat thermometer.

    Chill the cooked ham under cold water and leave in a cold place overnight. You can put a weight on top for pressing the ham. You can eat in the morning. Look at the photo for the result. Chop the chilled ham.

    Home-cooked ham from chicken or pork according to this recipe turns out to be real, you can see this in the photo. The main thing is that it is very tasty and does not have any harmful additives. Such a ham can be prepared for the holidays, I cook delicious, with such a ham you can make sandwiches for children at school, you can cut them into circles and fry with a side dish - hearty and tasty.

    • pork (the back part, it is the back, it is the ham) without bone - 1kg;
    • salt - 110g;
    • water - 1l;
    • allspice - 5 peas;
    • cloves - 3 buds.

    How to cook ham at home:

    At the first stage of cooking, we will salt the meat. Therefore, let's start by cooking the brine, it will need to be allowed to cool to room temperature. For the brine, put salt, allspice and cloves in 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, cook for five minutes and turn off. Cool it down.

    If you bought meat with bone, it must be cut as carefully as possible so that you have an even piece of meat.

    So that the meat is better salted, and as a result, the homemade pork ham is juicy - we will inject it with brine. We take a syringe (10 cubes), fill it with brine and begin to put injections to the meat from all sides, pouring in about 1/5 of the contents of the syringe at a time.

    We tie the pricked meat with culinary thread or twine, or even ordinary threads folded in several layers, giving it a neat shape.

    Pour the brine remaining after extrusion into a container of sufficient size so that the meat can be immersed in it.

    We put the pork in the refrigerator. The ham should be salted at home for three days. During this time, we periodically turn it over from side to side, from side to side.

    After three days, we proceed to the next stage - cooking. We take a large saucepan, pour enough water into it so that it completely covers the meat. This is the most difficult stage and its complexity lies in the fact that when cooking pork ham at home, it is imperative to maintain a certain temperature of the water in which the meat is cooked. It’s over, it’s convenient to do it with a thermometer. Now I will first tell you how to cook with it, and then I will digress and tell you what to do if you want homemade ham, but there is no thermometer.

    Bring the water in a saucepan to 80 ° C.

    We dip the meat into it.

    The temperature naturally drops. We lower the thermometer probe into the water, but not to the very bottom, to about the lower third of the container, and wait for the temperature to rise.

    An important nuance! You need to cook ham at home at a temperature of 77-80 ° C. It is very important! At this temperature, the protein curls up and the meat WILL NOT BE RAW, but it will remain juicy. The result is the so-called ham "with a tear".

    The temperature will fluctuate. Your task is not to go far and to control it.

    Now, as promised, how to cook without a thermometer. Naturally, everything is very, very relative, but we are not doing physical experiments here, but cooking ham, so an error of 5-7 ° C is not fatal for us. Look at the bottom of the pot when the water starts to boil. The first small bubbles appeared - the size of a "crab's eye" - the water temperature is about 70 ° C. The boiling noise has increased, and the bubbles have become larger, now their size is "fish eye" - the temperature is about 80 ° C. Add meat. Wait for the formation of the same “fish eye” again and, by adjusting the heating of the burner, maintain this state of water.

    As for the time. Taking 1 kg of pork as a standard, we cook it for 50 minutes to get ham at home. Accordingly, we cook 1.5 kg for 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes), 2 kg for 100 minutes (1 hour and 40 minutes), etc. In general, you can count yourself.

    After the time has elapsed, take out the ham and immediately put it in cold water for half an hour to stop cooking. Then we take it out and put it in the refrigerator.

    Patience and patience again. Homemade ham should rest and mature. So endure the night (8 hours). And then we take, cut off a juicy slice and enjoy its taste.

    An important nuance! Home-cooked ham will have a greyish pink color, as opposed to the pink shop ham. This does not mean that you have digested it. The pink color of all meat products such as ham, carbonate, etc. saved (or created) by the addition of sodium nitrite. So that's it.

    Bon Appetit!

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