What is considered the best beer in the world. Which beer is better to choose The best domestic beer

08.03.2020 Desserts and cakes

According to statistics, 70% of pub-goers order exclusively unfiltered beer. What is its difference from the usual filtered drink? It does not undergo any final processing such as filtration, pasteurization and conservation. Such manipulations are necessary in order to stop the fermentation process, which significantly increases the shelf life. On the one hand, the compositions of drinks are similar: pure water, malt, hops, yeast. But on the other hand, every gourmet knows that live, unfiltered beer has a brighter taste and aroma. In addition, it is much more useful, because it retains trace elements important for the body.

Unfiltered varieties have a short shelf life, but they can be found both among the well-known global brands and among mini-breweries producing limited craft beer. There is only one catch: which foamy drink is worthy of attention? How to choose a good one among the many brands? The following list is presented by the most popular manufacturers who have been known to the world for more than one decade, or even a century. They are recognized and unchanging leaders.


One of the most popular Belgian varieties of unfiltered wheat beer, which began its history in the countryside of the same name, when it was the distant 15th century. A distinctive feature of the product is a hazy pale yellow color, good dense foam, light citrus aroma and a similar aftertaste. The original and refreshing taste is achieved thanks to the presence of coriander, apple pectin and orange peel. Despite the similar composition, the beer has nothing to do with fruit mixes, because the notes present are subtle and unobtrusive. It is worth noting that the unfiltered Hoegaarden drink lacks the bitterness inherent in hops. The fortress does not exceed 5 degrees.

Relatively recently, in 2005, the intoxicating unfiltered drink began to be licensed produced in Russia, which made it more affordable for the domestic consumer. Due to its paleness, as well as the low temperature recommended for serving, lager beer was called "cold sun". Natural lightness allows you to drink it without any snacks.


Quality beer, the production of which began in České Budějovice over a century ago. The product is based on the original recipe and cooking technology, which has remained relevant to this day. She implied that instead of brewing, the drink would ferment for three months. Czech beer Budweiser has a luxurious golden color, dense foam and a fairly thick consistency. It does not have a pronounced aroma, but in each new bottle it is not like the previous one. Here, notes of hops, malt, wheat, field herbs, fruits and flowers are correctly combined. The taste of the drink is slightly sour with a slight sharpness and bitterness. Fortress - 5 degrees, which is acceptable for light varieties. Among the snacks, cheeses remain the best, which well “muffle” the spicy aftertaste.

For more than a century, a Czech brewery has been “fighting” for the right to a brand with an American one, which has begun a similar production on the other side of the Earth. In Russia, we can observe the original product from the Czech Republic. Although domestic brewers attempted their own production, however, it turned out to be very complicated and expensive.


Today, this type of beer can be called the forerunner of good German brewing, and the history of its appearance is very fascinating. It all started in the middle of the 15th century, when a small home brewery was opened in the center of Munich. It was located near the Franciscan monastery, which is why the townspeople attributed the production to the clergy. Whether the clergy indulged in a sinful worldly life is not clear, but it is known for certain that there was a warehouse with beer barrels on the territory of the monastery. With each century, the business of the brewery went uphill, and the recipe improved. Franciscanner really became popular when, in 1872, an unfiltered drink was presented at the Oktoberfest fair.

Franziskaner's five unfiltered beers are considered the best in the world, including light, dark and soft drinks. The most popular among Russians is light wheat with a unique bready aftertaste, as well as subtle notes of fruit. The dark version is distinguished by a caramel, sour taste, similar to kvass. Regarding the alcohol strength, it is standard - up to 5.2 degrees. Russia does not have its own producers of this kind of German beer, so the entire store assortment is an original European product.


Not surprisingly, for many gourmets, Edelweiss is the most delicious unfiltered beer. Its production began in the 15th century, and since then the drink has not changed its recipe, only occasionally improved. The very same brand of beer appeared in the last century, in the late 80s.

Why edelweiss? The flower of the same name rightfully remains environmentally friendly, because it grows among the pristine nature of the Alps. Thus, the manufacturer draws a parallel between the plant and the quality of his own ale. Indeed, in the composition of unfiltered Edelweiss ale there are no dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers - only malt, hops and artesian water. The original taste of beer is achieved thanks to a centuries-old system of surface fermentation.

Unfiltered beer is made from natural ingredients, which is why it has a limited shelf life. Therefore, a branded drink can only be found in megacities, in stores of good elite alcohol. Among the unfiltered bottled beers of the Edelweiss brand, there are drinks with a strength range from 4.3 to 7.1 degrees. There are light fruity, dark cinnamon-vanilla, amber with banana notes, as well as the most relevant - non-alcoholic.

5 Guinness

Guinness is another brainchild of the famous Heineken factory, but the unfiltered beer itself originated in the middle of the 18th century. It belongs to the category of dark ale (stout), which traditionally consists of roasted barley, brewer's yeast, malt, hops and crystal-clear artesian water. But besides the unique tart taste, each bottle contains a nitrogen capsule. What is its purpose? When a jar or bottle is opened, a temperature drop occurs, releasing nitrogen from the capsule. Thanks to him, an abundance of foam is formed, which does not allow the ale to run out of steam. Fortress Guinness is at around 4.8 degrees.

Today, Irish unfiltered Guinness ale is produced in more than 50 countries, including Russia. According to domestic consumers, Guinness is one of the best brands of unfiltered beer in Russia. In one of the polls, she scored 7/10 points, as well as a "good" rating.

6.Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc

This wheat ale is so refined that at first glance you realize: the producing country can only be France. The French flavor can be traced, starting with a bottle a la "Eiffel Tower" and ending with an unobtrusive taste. The recipe for this drink has been known to brewers since the 18th century. Despite the fact that innovative equipment has long been involved in the preparation, technologies and recipes remain unchanged. Since 2008, ale has been produced at the Russian brewery Baltika. It is the most expensive brand in the manufacturer's segment, but compatriots do not cease to give preference to it.

White beer is well refreshing, gives citrus, caramel and coriander aftertaste. Its alcohol strength stands at around 4.5 degrees. According to experts, it is necessary to drink bottled beer, having previously cooled it to 3–4°. Only in this way will it be possible to truly appreciate the pure, refreshing taste.

7. "Three Bears"

If we consider the segment of budget alcohol, costing up to 70 rubles, this beer is the best in Russia, and there are reasons for this. The brand "Three Bears" was created in 1999 by the famous company Heineken, and the recipe for the drink was created by the German technologist Hans Rutger. As in all products of the Dutch plant, only natural ingredients are involved here - spring water, malt, hops, as well as own grown yeast. To achieve a variety of tastes, manufacturers use two types of malt - light and burnt, as well as fermentation technology. According to Roskachestvo, no preservatives and flavor enhancers were found in the products of the Three Bears.

The aftertaste of hops and malt in unfiltered beer is quite balanced, amber color, low carbonation. The latter is a minus, because alcohol quickly fizzles out, losing its taste. In the assortment of the manufacturer, all varieties are characterized by a degree of up to 4.7. In Russia, you can buy draft beer, bottled beer (glass, plastic), as well as canned beer.

8. "Tomsk beer"

This Siberian brand can be called primordially Russian, because it is already over a hundred years old. Tomsk brewing began its activity in 1876 and actively developed before the revolutionary events. After many years of calm, in 1997 the brewery was reconstructed and equipped with modern European equipment.

Today, Tomskoe Pivo remains the leader in Siberia, producing tons of bottled and draft unfiltered beer. The plant pays special attention to quality, safety and consumer loyalty: it organizes tours, checks in laboratories and provides feedback. In addition, he became the first to receive certification in Western Siberia.

The most famous and sought-after brands of the Tomsk Pivo plant are Kruger, Siberian Brewery, Three in a Boat, Rizhskoye, and Zhigulevskoye, which embodies the Soviet authentic taste. The maximum strong drink has 6.5 degrees.

Summing up the results

The above review will help you decide on a purchase, based on manufacturers who have proven themselves in Russia. Having appreciated the taste of unfiltered beer, be sure that you are unlikely to return to pasteurized counterparts. Doctors assure: one liter of good live beer is ten times more useful than one liter of fresh milk, because natural fermentation microelements replenish the daily norm of a person by as much as 45%. It remains only to remember about moderate use, because otherwise the benefits of such a drink will turn to your detriment.

Roskachestvo voiced the brands of the most delicious beer presented on the shelves of Russian stores. In total, beer of 40 well-known brands was investigated, according to the agency's website.

Most of the tested samples were produced in Russia: 12 - in Moscow and the Moscow region, 6 - in St. Petersburg, 6 more - in the Yaroslavl region, 4 - in the Kaluga region, 3 - in the Tula region, 2 each - in Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, as well as in Tatarstan and one more sample - in the Ivanovo region and Bashkiria. The retail price of beer purchased as part of the study varies from 67 to 260 rubles per liter. As part of the first stage of the test, timed to coincide with the 2018 World Cup, experts conducted a study of beer according to two criteria: taste properties and the amount of malt.

Rating by taste

During the tasting, not a single beer received the maximum rating from experts - 5.5 points. However, there is still a winner, and this is Amstel beer with a score of 5.167 points. Further in the "delicious" rating are Khalzan beer, rated at 5.117 points, and Bud, which received 5.1 points. Also in the top 11 in terms of organoleptic properties were drinks from such brands as Heineken, Stella Artois, Three Bears, Efes, Krušovice, Faxe and Bavaria.

Experts gave the least points in this category to the beer brands Okskoye, Gorkovskoye, Zhigulevskoye, Baltika and Sverdlovskoye.

Samples of three brands left the race: experts did not try them because of non-compliance with foam resistance standards - beer foam did not last on the surface of drinks for the declared three minutes. These are beer "Sibirskaya Korona", "Arsenalnoye" and "Samara".

Rating by amount of malt

Quality beer should contain at least 80% malt, another 20% may be unmalted products, that is, unsprouted grains of barley and other cereals. Experts say that if the manufacturer used more than 20% of such ingredients, he saved on raw materials, and the final product in this case should not be called beer.

So, the largest amount of malt was found in the beer brands Okhota, Ochakovo, Lowenbrau, Krusovice Imperial, Khamovniki, Zhiguli Barnoe, Bud, Amstel, Carlsberg and Sibirskaya Korona, which were not allowed for tasting.

But in five samples, the limiting concentration of nitrogen was exceeded - this means that the manufacturer used malt of not the best quality. Such a violation was revealed based on the results of a laboratory study of Okskoye, Gorkovskoye, Arsenalnoye, Samara and Sverdlovskoye beers.

At the same time, they note in Roskachestvo, even the cheapest samples did not contain unacceptable additives, were not made from “powders”, which means that they were not synthetic products, or simply a surrogate.

Roskachestvo studied 40 popular brands of light filtered beer, including Stella Artois, Bud, Krusovice Imperial, Amstel. Most of the goods included in the study were produced in Russia, in particular in St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in the Yaroslavl and Samara regions. The cost of beer ranged from 67 to 260 rubles per liter.

First, the experts checked the quantity and quality indicators of the raw materials of malted and unmalted products that are used in the production of light beer. There are myths among consumers that beer, especially cheap beer, is an artificially carbonated surrogate of powder, alcohol, water and various additives (for example, dyes, flavor enhancers), which is made literally in a day, Roskachestvo recalled. According to the head of Roskachestvo, Elena Saratseva, this myth was dispelled already at the first stage of the study. Experts have not found a single "synthetic" product that would be made by the express method of blending different additives and adding alcohol.

“Consumers who suspect that a foamy drink is a complete “chemistry” should take into account: it is simply expensive for a manufacturer to prepare beer from certain “powders” and extracts. But expensive raw materials - malt - can indeed be diluted with unmalted products in established proportions, what is allowed by law," Roskachestvo points out.

At least 80% of malt (sprouted and ground grains of barley, wheat or rye) and up to 20% of unmalted raw materials - these are unsprouted grains of barley or other cereals - must be used to make beer. "If there is more than 20% of unsprouted barley or wheat, this indicates that the manufacturer violated the law and tried to save money. Such a drink cannot be considered a classic beer," Roskachestvo notes.

Five brands did not pass the first stage of the study. The experts found a deviation in nitrogen in the brands: "Arsenalnoye", "Okskoye", "Gorkovskoye", "Sverdlovskoye" and "Samara". "From the point of view of the consumer, such beer should be called, rather, a beer drink. These trademarks were at the bottom of the rating and received a yellow card," Roskachestvo points out.

The top ten products with a large amount of malt compared to other brands included Okhota, Ochakovo, Sibirskaya Korona, Lowenbrau and Krusovice Imperial, Zhiguli Barnoe, Khamovniki, Bud, Amstel, Carlsberg.

After the commission checked the correlation between the amount of malt and taste. Members of the commission, which included leading industry experts from international associations and certified organoleptics (experts who determine the quality of products based on the analysis of the perceptions of the senses), gave anonymous samples scores for taste, color, aroma, and foam resistance. The latter indicator, according to GOST, will be checked by measuring the height of the foam and the time of its settling. Beer is poured into a special glass so that it falls into the center of the container. The foam must be at least 3 cm high, and at least 3 minutes must elapse before it dissolves. The foam settled earlier in the case of three brands of beer: Sibirskaya Korona, Samara and Arsenalnoe. The remaining 37 samples were admitted to the next stage of tasting and received marks for taste, color and aroma.

Roskachestvo did not give the highest rating, 5.5 points, to any brand of beer. However, the winner was Amstel (5.167 points). It was followed in descending order by Khalzan, Bud, Heineken, Stella Artois, Three Bears, Krusovice Imperial (Czech production), Efes, Bavaria, Krusovice (Russian production), Faxe.

The members of the commission who tasted the beer blindly, the most tasteless, except for those not admitted to the main tasting ("Arsenal", "Siberian Crown" and "Samara"), seemed to be the brand of beer "Zhigulevskoye" (produced by the branch of JSC "Brewery Moscow-Efes" in Kazan ), "Gorkovskoye", "Okskoye", "Baltika", "Sverdlovskoe".

The experts are going to submit a detailed report on the results of the research to the government and prepare proposals for improving the quality of beer.

Beer rating by taste (Roskachestvo data):

5th place: Stella Artois - 5.05 points, 28th in the malt ranking.

6th place: "Three Bears" - 5.05 points, in the malt rating in 15th place.

8th place: Krusovice Imperial - 5.034 points, in the malt ranking in 5th place.

9th-11th place: Krusovice - 5.017 points, 31st in the malt ranking.

12th-13th place: Zlaty Bazant - 5 points, 24th in the malt rating.

Malt Content Rating:

2nd-3rd place: "Siberian Crown", withdrawn from the tasting due to low foaminess.

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The vast majority of the Russian beer market is represented by the products of brewing giants, and only a small part of the drink is produced by home or craft masters. Fans of this fermented product can argue for hours about their preferences, discussing which brands of beer are the most delicious and aromatic. Some prefer light, others unfiltered, and still others dark. But all beer lovers are united by the main requirement for a drink - it must be of high quality.

Features of choosing quality beer

Quality is an indicator that the product was manufactured in accordance with the regulatory documentation, good raw materials were used, the requirements of technology and sanitation were met to the smallest detail. Any violation of these points leads to damage to the product.

But a simple consumer is more interested in another aspect: tasty beer or not. He may not recognize subtle changes in pH or low attenuation, but excess bitterness, sour taste, or off-flavour will be immediately felt by the amateur.

In the bottle - a mystery to the consumer. It is impossible to know its taste without opening the bottle and tasting it. But you can get an idea of ​​​​the quality of the foam by examining the information on the label:

  1. The variety indicated on the bottle will give the basic concept of the drink. Lager - light, transparent and refreshing with a clean aroma of noble hops. Ale - with a rich aroma of esters and citruses, pronounced hop bitterness. Stout is dark, thick and sweet.
  2. The bottling date indicates the freshness of the product. The fresher the better. From the moment of bottling, oxidation processes begin in the drink. Therefore, during storage, the taste and aroma of the product change for the worse.
  3. List of ingredients. A standard set of water, malt of various varieties, hops and yeast can be supplemented with other raw materials. Rice, corn, molasses are added to the recipe to reduce the cost, but do not spoil the taste. Preservatives, artificial flavors and colors are considered undesirable ingredients.
  4. The volume fraction of alcohol is an aspect understandable to many. The most popular transnational lager has an alcohol content of 5-6%. There are strong varieties in which the alcohol level can be up to 15-20% vol. In a non-alcoholic product, this figure is close to zero.
  5. Solids content, or extract, is the amount of sugar left after fermentation. The higher it is, the sweeter the beer will taste. If the extract is less than 1-2%, then the drink can be called dry.

The main part of consumers is guided by the price, believing that expensive beer must be of high quality. The lower threshold for the cost of foam in Russia is 100 rubles. for 1 liter. What is cheaper will be questionable. A high-priced beer is a product of marketing or an import. Domestic beer is not inferior to foreign in quality, and its price is significantly lower. Therefore, you should not put an equal sign between an expensive and a good product.

Another aspect of choosing a foamy drink: which beer is better, draft or bottled. It's all about filling technology. On the automatic keg filling line, oxygen uptake is reduced to almost zero, which cannot be said about filling bottles with the product. A bottled drink has a much higher oxygen content. In the first days after bottling, the foam from the keg and the bottle will be identical, but after a month or two the difference will be obvious and not in favor of the product packed in glass.

Top non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is a product that satisfies the needs of a large group of beer connoisseurs. This is a favorite taste and aroma, but without the unhealthy alcohol.

True connoisseurs of the foam product say that good beer cannot be non-alcoholic. Beer is obtained by fermenting sweet wort with yeast, and alcohol is a natural product of this process. To obtain a soft drink, alcohol is removed by distillation or fermentation is suppressed in the early stages.

But the demand for non-alcoholic fermentation product is growing all over the world. In Russia, the demand for such a product increased by 9.5% in 2017. Among the offers on the market, one can single out expensive beer and affordable domestic analogues.

Favorite brands of non-alcoholic foamy drink are represented by the following beer brands:

  1. Products of the Baltika Concern: Baltika 0, Carlsberg Non-Alcoholic and Zhatetsky Goose Non-Alcoholic.
  2. Beer from AB InBev: Stella Artois non-alcoholic, Hoegaarden 0.0 and BUD Alcohol Free.
  3. "Heineken 0.0".

Rating of the best Russian beer

On the shelves of Russian stores are products of domestic breweries and their imported counterparts. A rating of the most demanded brands of beer in Russia was compiled, presented at various prices.

  1. Efes Golden Mine Beer.
  2. Heineken "Three Bears".
  3. "Zhigulevskoe beer" "Zhigulevskoe".
  4. Efes "The Old Miller".
  5. Baltika Baltika Classic.
  1. Efes "The Great Goat".
  2. "Moscow Brewing Company" "Khamovniki".
  3. Calsberg "Zatec goose".
  4. AB InBev Lowenbrau.
  5. Efes "Golden barrel".

The best foam, the price of which is 70-100 rubles:

  1. Heineken "Edelweiss".
  2. "Moscow Brewing Company" "Oettinger".
  3. Heineken Guinness.
  4. AB InBev Hoegaarden.
  5. "Baltika" "Warsteiner".

Rating of the best foreign beer

The leader in this list are US brewers, which occupy 73 lines out of 100 possible. Common brands include:

  1. Hill Farmstead.
  2. Firestone Walker.
  3. Russian River.
  4. Toppling Goliath.
  5. Cycle Brewing.
  6. Funky Buddha.
  7. Prairie Artisan Ales.
  8. Side Project Brewing.

Belgian brewers lost in popularity to their American counterparts and were represented by brands:

  1. Bockereyder.
  2. Cantillon.
  3. Het Anker.
  4. Brasserie Rochefort.
  5. Westvleteren.
  1. cloudwater.
  2. Northern Monks.
  3. Old Chimneys.
  4. Thornbridge.

The top list also included Swedes (Omnipollo), Danes (Mikkeller), Norwegians (Lervig Aktiebryggeri), Italians (Le Baladin), Spaniards (Nómada Brewing), Poles (Browar Artezan) and Greeks (Seven Island Brewery).

The most expensive beer in the world is served in London's Bierdrome bar and is called Vielle Bon Secours. A 12 liter bottle costs about $1,000.

Features of the correct use of the drink

You can argue for a long time about which beer is better to drink, but spoil even the most delicious product with improper serving.

Each type of foam has its own tasting temperature. The shape of the glasses is important, which helps to reveal the taste and aroma of the drink.

Light lagers should be drunk chilled to +7…+10⁰С, dark and amber lagers, as well as pale ale - up to +10…+13⁰С, and stouts or dark ales open best at +13…+16⁰С.

A pint glass is suitable for British-style ales, a tall thin-walled glass for a German pilsner. Czech dark lager is drunk from small “pot-bellied” mugs, and German wheat weiss is drunk from tulip-shaped glasses. Oktoberfests are poured into liter mugs - masses, and Belgian ales - into small stemmed glasses.

Glasses are thoroughly washed with an odorless detergent and wiped dry with a clean towel. The chilled product is poured down the side of the glass in a thin stream to form a 2-finger head of foam. You should drink the liquid slowly, feeling the aroma.