I bought tough meat what to do. Soften the pork before cooking

15.08.2019 Restaurant notes

If the store is unlucky and you bought a stale piece of meat, then you don't have to throw it away right away. There are a dozen ways that can help you cook this kind of meat. Make it softer, juicier and tastier. Let's make a reservation right away, you won't get the most tender steak from a sinewy old piece anyway. But with the right approach, harsh meat can be turned into excellent roast or completely edible baked meat.


A great friend for any meat. It gives the meat a fantastic aroma and flavor. You can coat a large piece with it before baking, leave for an hour, then rinse - the meat will become tastier. If chops are planned, then they can be chopped, beaten off and spread with mustard. Leave for 15 minutes, then fry. Even goulash meat can be smeared with mustard. This can be done both before and after slicing. It can be washed off, or it can be cooked directly in a mustard marinade.


A glass of vodka added to a stew or roast can make the meat much softer. And as the stewing progresses, alcohol will leave the dish, so that it can be safely eaten even by those who are driving.


More precisely, the correct approach to salting meat can help. First, the meat needs to be salted at the very end of cooking, or even when serving. Secondly, there should be very little salt. The meat itself is salty, so only 1 tsp is needed for 1 kg of meat. salt. A little more if you like salty.

Acidic environment

The acidic environment softens the meat very much. But here, too, one must act wisely. For example, it is better not to take vinegar as an oxidizing agent. It is best to use lemon juice, and only a little. And when marinating meat, take not ordinary, but carbonated mineral water.

If you are stewing meat, then the gravy can also be slightly acidified. The same lemon wedge or tomato is a great choice.

When baking, you can put circles of tomatoes on the meat, they will also soften it.

By the way, a slice of lemon added to butter when frying meat also greatly improves its taste and tenderness.

Onion juice

No wonder the shish kebab is not complete without onions. But usually it is taken a little and cut into large rings. This is not the way to act. The onion needs to be chopped very finely, or even better, crank it through a meat grinder or grate, although, it seems to me, this is for extreme sportsmen. Simply chop very, very finely. Mix with meat and leave for a couple of hours. The onion will juice and no more marinade is needed. You can also add pepper and spices, which you like best.

If you still want to chop the onion coarsely, then take more onions, 5 pieces for 1 kg, sprinkle the meat with chopped onions and spices. You can press down with a small press, but no liquid is needed.


Tough meat can still be soaked in cabbage brine. It seems to me that it has the best effect on meat, not as sharp and salty as cucumber.

By the way, if you soak the meat in a large piece, then you can make deep cuts in it so that the middle is also saturated and softened.


You can soak the meat in water with starch dissolved in it. It is best to take corn, but you can also take a simple potato. If you're going to fry the meat afterwards, you can count on a great crispness.

Chinese way

It is often recommended to marinate the meat in soy sauce. This marinade will make it very interesting and soften. It is good to add cornstarch and a glass of spirits to the sauce. You need to marinate for a long time, it is advisable to leave the meat overnight.

Juicy boiled meat

To get tender and juicy boiled meat, firstly, you need to put it in boiling water. You can add a little sugar, and not let the water boil too much. And salt towards the end of cooking, for half an hour to 20 minutes.

Choosing meat is far from the easiest task and not at all trivial. This should be done wisely and with a fresh mind, coming early in the morning to the market and contacting a familiar seller. In a store with the choice of such a product, everything is much more complicated. And if you come across not young beef at all, consisting of veins, then making a delicate dish out of it will be extremely problematic. But problematic doesn't mean impossible, and cooks, and just experienced housewives can give a lot of valuable advice about how can you improve all the indicators of such meat, and make a tender dish even tough meat.

Mechanical impact

The use of force and simple manipulations in terms of physical impact on a piece of meat may well solve your problem. So, you can wrap the meat in plastic and tap it with a hammer on both sides. This manipulation can soften even the oldest meat.

However, if you do not like chops, or are not going to cook them for one reason or another, then you can use old tough meat for minced meat. Pass it through a meat grinder, adding onions and bread, pre-soaked in milk. It is also worth remembering that sometimes meat is perceived as tough due to the presence of tendons and films in it, which had to be removed during processing. If so, just pay attention to such a moment next time and do not be lazy to delete unnecessary things. But these techniques are far from exhaustive, because in fact there are many ways to improve problem meat.

Delicate solutions

Marinade for hard meat becomes the best solution in a situation when it is necessary to make the meat more juicy and tender - in a word, more delicious. Not all of them are complicated - so, you can even coat pieces of meat with ordinary mustard, then let them lie down for an hour, and fry - the result will be great. A marinade can be almost anything, and in particular, fruits - they contain fruit acids that can soften meat and make it tasty. You can take two kiwis for a fruit marinade, spices and salt, grind and chop all this, and let the meat lie in it. After half an hour, you can start making a lovely roast. Just before frying, the marinade must be soaked. Also, a good marinade is made from pomegranate juice; you can stand the meat in it for several hours. Lemon is also suitable - they cover the meat in pieces, sometimes adding a raw egg. As for the time, there are different options, but in general, a couple of hours is enough.

Even ordinary mustard can make tough meat more tender and pleasant, just smear a piece on both sides and let it rest for about an hour.

Dairy products are also well suited for making marinades, and with their help the product can be made tender and soft. It is a versatile solution for all types of meat up to poultry. You can take kefir or yogurt without sweet additives, mix with salt and spices, and use. 2-4 hours for this marinating is quite enough. Many people also like meat with mayonnaise, but professionals do not accept this method.

Marinade can be made from beer or wine.... This approach is ideal for both conventional frying and. A quick result is achieved by adding mineral water to the wine. Steeped in beer gives the meat a pleasant aroma. It is better to roll it in flour before cooking. Stronger drinks can also become the basis for the marinade - vodka is also used for this, with which the bird is marinated. So, in China, vodka is mixed for this with soy sauce and spices to marinate duck or turkey, and the bird is kept in this mixture for a maximum of 2 hours. At the same time, the smell of alcohol does not remain on the product, and the main thing is not to forget to dry the meat with a napkin before frying. If you want to experiment, you can try kvass with honey, tea leaves, tomato sauce mixed with adjika as a marinade.

Trying different varieties of marinades from the ones suggested above, you will definitely be able to find the perfect solution for yourself and make the best choice according to your taste.

Tips on how to cook tough meat

If you want to get juicy tender meat, you need to ensure that during frying it does not lose its juice... This will be achieved by both breading and "sealing" with a crust during a sharp frying over high heat for a short time. Breading is done before frying begins - flour, crackers, an egg, a combination of these are suitable for this. The meat must be placed immediately in hot and boiling oil, and then it will seal naturally, the meat will immediately begin to fry, and the juice will not come out.

You can achieve excellent results baking... Or you can use foil for this purpose. Then no additives will be needed, since the product will undergo excellent processing in its own juice. As for frying, you need to try to turn them over carefully so as not to damage, otherwise the juice will again leak out. It is also important not to salt the meat prematurely, as salt easily draws out moisture.

If the meat is still tough and dry, then you can try steaming it in a water bath to achieve the desired result. There is always a way out.

Fried, baked, or stew turns out tough? This is fixable! Today we will tell you how to cook meat so that it always turns out soft and juicy, and what to do if the finished dish still turns out to be tough and tasteless.

Why did the meat turn out tough?

There may be several reasons. Most likely, you did not clean the cut well enough from excess films and tendons, cook it in a small bowl at too high a temperature. Perhaps you overexposed the meat or, conversely, cooked it too little.

But the most common mistake in which meat turns out to be tough is its misuse. For example, for frying, they take cuts that are too hard and sinewy, which are more suitable for stewing. And vice versa - lean cuts are taken for stewing and cooking (this includes).

Not all meats are equally suitable for roasting and stewing. If you do not know which cut to choose, remember this rule: the muscles from the dorsal and lumbar parts of the carcass are the softest and most tender. These cuts are best used for frying. For example, from this part of the mascara you can. Meat taken from parts of the carcass, which during the life of the animal were involved in movement, are suitable for baking or stewing. These include the pulp from the hip part of the carcass and the so-called "back".

How to cook juicy meat?

Let's say you chose the right cut. Now the most difficult thing remains - to cook it juicy, tasty and aromatic. If you fry meat for goulash or roast, the cut must be carefully cleaned from films and veins. Then wipe dry and only then cut into portions. In this case, the pan should already be warming up. The better its working surface is warmed up, the faster the meat "grabs" with a crust, thereby preserving the meat juices inside. You need to salt it at the very end! This is one of the main rules of a juicy dish. Remember: beef stew that has been previously fried turns out to be much tastier.

Suppose you need to fry a cut that is not the most tender. For example, . Cut it into thin strips across the grain and marinate. Soy sauce, mustard and lemon juice are used as natural softeners. You need to marinate beef for 20-40 minutes. No longer recommended.

It's easier with beef steaks. Better dry or wet. Meat with thin layers of fat is ideal for frying and roasting. The fat keeps it dry and enhances the natural beef flavor. Depending on the thickness and degree of marbling, cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until medium rare. It is considered the most correct for steaks made from quality grain-fed beef.

Meats with thin layers of fat or fat pockets are ideal for roasting. It always turns out juicy, not overcooked and very aromatic. These cuts include, for example, prime rib roast beef. The baking temperature should not be too high (from 100 to 120 degrees). Otherwise, the meat will begin to dry out.

What if the finished meat is tough?

Finally, we come to the main question. Let's say the meat is tough. How to fix it? If you've grilled the meat and it's tough, try stewing it in a sauce. Prepare it with dry red wine or wine vinegar. Just deglaze the pan with wine and simmer a little to evaporate the alcohol. Pour the liquid over the meat and let it simmer. A good way to remedy the situation if you cooked and it got too harsh.

You can also soften fried meat without stewing. Just drizzle it with lemon juice and let sit for a few minutes.

If you have been stewing meat, and it does not chew, continue stewing further. Transfer the cut to a larger saucepan to help circulate the hot air. Add the required amount of liquid. This can be water, wine, broth, or beer. You can add a shot of vodka or some wine or apple cider vinegar if you are dealing with a very tough cut. Simmer the meat until tender.

But what if the baked meat is tough? Get out of the oven urgently! Cut the meat into slices and transfer to an ovenproof dish. Pour over the sauce. You can deglaze the baking sheet on which it was baked. This can be done with water, broth or wine. Add liquid to the meat and simmer until tender enough.

Many housewives do not like to cook beef due to the fact that it often turns out to be tough and does not chew. There are several ways you can make beef soft and enjoyable.


1 To make the beef tender, cut it into pieces and marinate in a special marinade for several hours, and preferably overnight. The brine is prepared in the same way as for the kebab.

You can use onions, vinegar, various spices, salt and pepper. Some housewives use dry wine instead of vinegar. Someone is soaking beef in tomato juice or ketchup. You can even marinate meat in kefir. The most important thing is that the brine is sour!

2 Another important factor that will help to soften the beef is the cooking time.

If you are frying meat, after frying, add a little water to the pan and simmer well under the lid.

If the meat has been marinated before cooking, use milk to get rid of excess acidity. You can also add sour cream or mayonnaise during stewing, this will make the beef juicy and tender!

3 While stewing meat, you can add baking soda to the pan. This will also help to soften the meat. However, when the soda is added, it begins to boil and sizzle, and if you simmer the meat in a frying pan with low edges, then part of the broth will pour out onto the stove.

4 Instead of soaking in the marinade, you can coat the cut pieces of meat with mustard and hold for 1 hour. Before frying, do not remove the mustard coating, but fry it just like that - this will only make the meat tastier!

5 If you do not have time to wait until the meat is marinated, you can beat the beef with a special hammer.

Slice the beef into 1/2-inch pieces and beat well. But do not overdo it, otherwise you will turn the meat into minced meat. It is best to beat off incompletely thawed meat.

6 The next way to soften the meat is to simply boil it before stewing!

In this case, you can leave part of the broth for soup, and the other part will go for goulash. So you get 2 dishes at once.

Choose any method that suits you and enjoy soft and juicy beef!

Oven-baked meat is a delicious dish that can be served with a family feast. Cooking pork baked in the oven is quite simple, and the possibility of using various spices, seasonings and ingredients for filling or filling can diversify the dish, improve its taste and make the meat juicy.

Which meat is suitable for baking in the oven?

For baking, it is recommended to choose only chilled meat, for example, a shoulder or neck, you can bake a ham. If there is a little fat on the meat, then you should not cut it off, during the cooking process it will melt and the meat will be saturated with juice, it will become juicier.

It is best to use ovenproof dishes with thick sides and bottom. It is necessary to mix the marinade for meat and subsequently marinate it only in those dishes that do not oxidize, for example, in glass, plastic or enamel dishes.

Cooking tips:

It is best to use dry table wine or lemon juice to make the marinade. Delicious pork is obtained by adding apple juice or wine vinegar. But red wine is completely unsuitable for pork; in cooking, it is used to cook lamb or beef.

It takes a couple of hours to keep the meat in the marinade at room temperature, then you should definitely put it in the refrigerator, covering the dishes with cling film. If a piece of pork is baked in foil, then it should be placed only on the mirror side, then during baking, heat will be additionally reflected from the walls of the package, which will reduce the cooking time.

The meat is completely ready when, when pierced with a sharp knife, transparent juice is released from the center of the piece, without pink blotches, at this stage the foil can be unfolded so that the top of the meat is covered with an appetizing crust.

Roasted pork in foil

Such meat will be a great alternative to morning sausage sandwiches. In this case, it is advisable to cut the meat into thin slices in a warm form so that it does not crumble and disintegrate.

Pork slice - 800 gr.
Carrots - 1 pc.
Provencal herbs - 1 tsp
4 cloves of garlic
White table wine - 250 ml.
Onions - 3 pcs.
Coarse salt and ground pepper
Favorite spices - to taste

Cooking baked meat:

Cut a bone, if any, from the washed piece of pork, and cut off excess fat. It is recommended to leave a little fat layer on the meat to make it tender and juicy.

In a suitable container, mix dry wine, salt and spices to taste. Place the prepared pork slice in the marinade for a couple of hours.

Cut the garlic cloves into two parts, cut the peeled carrots into slices the size of the prepared garlic.

Remove the meat from the marinade, make cuts in it and stuff with garlic and carrots.

Mix a little salt and pepper and rub the meat with this mixture.

Prepare and peel the onions and cut them into thick rings. Cover a baking dish with foil and put onions. They serve as a pillow for the meat, add juiciness and prevent the pork from burning.

Put the stuffed pork on the onion pillow, wrap the foil in a tight envelope.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, and bake the dish for an hour, then unfold the envelope and leave the meat until crisp.

Pork stewed with prunes

When stewing, products retain much more taste than when roasting meat, and with the right choice of a piece with a small amount of fatty layers, the meat turns out to be unusually juicy. The aroma of the dish adds prunes with a slightly smoked and sweetish aftertaste.

For cooking you will need:

Bulb onions - 2 pcs.
Pork fillet - 500 gr.
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Prunes - 250 gr.
Ground pepper and salt
A small bunch of fresh herbs
A little vegetable oil for frying

Cooking a dish:

The washed piece of meat is cut into small cubes.

Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Soak prunes in hot water, if necessary, remove seeds and cut in half. Do not pour out the water from soaking, it will be useful for stewing.

In a skillet or saucepan with a heavy and thick bottom, fry the onion and add the pieces of meat, quickly fry until golden brown.

Add prunes and strained broth to the meat, salt and season the meat with spices.

Simmer the meat until tender, but at least one hour; if necessary, add water to the pan.

A few minutes before cooking, add bay leaves and chopped herbs.

Fried pork with mushrooms

For cooking you will need:

Pork - 500 gr.
Onions - 2 pcs.
Wine - 50 ml.
Chanterelles or other forest mushrooms - 200 gr.
Provencal herbs - a couple of whispers
A little salt and ground pepper
A little vegetable oil

Cooking pork with mushrooms:

Wash the pork, pat dry with a kitchen paper towel and cut into thin strips, salt well and season with pepper.
Fry the chopped pieces of pork until they are delicious.

Add chopped onions and mushrooms, a mixture of Provencal herbs, and some table wine.

As soon as the alcohol has evaporated, the fire can be added and the onion and mushrooms are brought to readiness. Once everything is evenly browned, the dish is ready and ready to be set on the table.