Recipe: Easter Eggs are a way of coloring leafy eggs. How to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter - unusual ways to paint

03.09.2019 Dishes for children

Onion husks, it is advisable to collect it in advance - the more eggs there are, the more onions you need. For a dozen eggs, a liter with a tamped husk is enough, but for a more saturated and dark color, you can take more. Also, the resulting color will be from the onion variety: for example, the onion will give the shell a pleasant purple hue.

If you mix different varieties, you can get interesting shades.

To prepare the broth, you need to put the husk in a saucepan - it is advisable to choose one that you do not mind spoiling, since the paint may remain on the walls. Pour hot water on top so that it does not reach the edge. Put on fire, bring to a boil and reduce the temperature. Onion husks are cooked over low heat for 20 to 50 minutes: the more, the darker the paint will turn out.

While the broth is preparing, you need to remove the eggs from the refrigerator so that they have time to warm up to room temperature. They will have to be boiled in a boiling liquid, and due to a sharp change in temperature, they can burst. Rinse them thoroughly and leave for half an hour while the husks are cooking.

Painting eggs with onion skins

It is advisable to strain the finished broth: otherwise, stains will remain on the shell, the color will be uneven, although some people prefer the option. Add salt to the water to make the shell harder and prevent paint from getting underneath and staining the protein. Lower eggs gently, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes. The longer you cook, the more saturated color the shell will acquire, but, with, the eggs will be less tasty: from prolonged heat exposure, the protein acquires the consistency of rubber, becomes denser. It is advisable to turn the eggs during cooking for even coloring. Make sure that the broth covers them completely.

To diversify the color, you can wrap some of the eggs with threads, and roll some in dry rice and wrap in cheesecloth. After cooking, some will get beautiful stains, while others will have a small speck.

If you take out the eggs after three minutes and pierce the shell with a needle in several places, and then boil it, adding cinnamon and cloves, then they will be colored inside.

Hold the finished eggs in cold water for several minutes, so that later the shell can easily come off the protein. To give a matte surface shine, they are wiped dry and smeared with sunflower

We can all make the Easter celebration inimitable: prepare interesting dishes, decorate the Easter table and, of course, decorate eggs. Even the easiest way to color eggs - with onion skins - can make your Easter basket look original. To do this, it is enough to use small leaves of plants, including ordinary greenery.
So, how to color eggs for Easter in patterned onion peels?

To create dyes with a picture, we need:
Eggs are white;
Onion peel (the more the better);
Parsley leaves;
Strong threads;
Nylon stockings.


1.From the very beginning, put the onion peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on fire. We cook a decoction of the husk: after boiling, the water should boil for at least 15 minutes. Meanwhile, we take nylon stockings and cut them into squares measuring at least 7 by 7 cm (10 by 10 cm is possible). We cut out as many squares as the eggs we will paint.

2. Put a clean egg in front of you. Choose the most beautiful leaf from a bunch of parsley, moisten it with water and apply the "front" side to the egg. Thanks to the water, the leaf sticks to the surface of the egg.

3. Next, we act quickly until the water on the leaf has dried. Cut off 20 cm of thread and place the egg with parsley with a blunt end in the center of the nylon square. Then, very carefully, so as not to move the parsley leaf, we tighten the egg with capron (we first pull the corners of the square to the top of the egg, then the gaps between the corners). If the nylon has already completely covered the egg, we tie the "forelock" of this "bag" several times. Then we make two knots so that the nylon does not come loose.

4. Repeat the same with other eggs - put parsley leaves on them and tighten with nylon.

5. During this time, the onion broth is ready - the water has acquired a beautiful copper hue. Without removing the husk, turn off the heat and cool the broth so that the eggs do not crack from the temperature.

6. We put the warm broth of onion husks on the fire again, and put our dye blanks into it. Cook the eggs until tender, that is, about 10 minutes. It is highly desirable that the eggs are completely under water - so they will be colored evenly.

7. Put boiled eggs in nylon bags into cold water for a few minutes. Then we cut off the nylon “forelock” from each egg and remove the entire “bag” along with the parsley leaf. Some people ask how to color eggs in onion skins so they don't burst. This way, the eggs will not burst, and if you cook them in onion broth, then add a tablespoon of salt directly to the broth.

8. In the place where the leaf was, the egg became yellowish, and the rest of its surface was painted with onion peel in a copper color. These are the dyes with a picture we got!

Some people often ask how to color eggs in onion skins in onion skins with brilliant green. I think you just need to try adding brilliant green directly to the broth. Then the eggs will take on a more different shade. I also make marble Easter eggs. We will talk about this later.

Painting eggs for Easter is an integral ritual of one of the main Christian holidays, symbolizing the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This holiday is beautiful and solemn, with well-established centuries-old traditions. In addition to a deep religious meaning, Easter is associated with the cleansing of the soul and home, with delicious cakes and Easter dishes.

The egg is rightfully considered a symbol of the birth of life, and the painted Easter egg means the resurrection from the dead and eternal life. It turns out that painted eggs were found in Egyptian and Sumerian tombs, which were built in the 3rd millennium BC. e. It's hard to imagine how long this tradition has existed.

Orthodox Christians paint eggs during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday or Red Saturday. In 2019, these are April 26 and 28, respectively. Painted eggs are consecrated in the church at a festive service, and the first meal after Lent begins with eggs.

Do-it-yourself painting eggs for Easter has become not only a family work, but also a kind of competition - whose dyes are the most beautiful. And there are a great many ways to paint eggs. You can, of course, paint eggs for Easter with paints, but this is still harmful chemicals, and food paints are not always on sale. Here are some natural ways to color your eggs at home.

Staining eggs with onion skins - the traditional way

This is my favorite and most reliable way to color eggs. With this method, eggs are always obtained with a beautiful color. I start harvesting onion husks a few months before Easter - I collect it in a separate bag. In order for the color of the eggs to be saturated, there should be a lot of onion peels.

Pour the onion skins into a saucepan and fill with cold water. We put on the stove and bring to a boil.

Use a worse pan, as the husk will paint the sides of the pan so that it will be difficult to clean.

Pour the eggs in a separate bowl with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Water with onion peel boils at this time, we reduce the fire so that the eggs do not crack. Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the saucepan and carefully, one by one, lower the eggs. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

If you want a more intense color, remove the pan from the heat and leave the eggs in this solution for a while longer.

After taking them out of the pan, let the eggs cool slightly and rub with sunflower oil with a paper napkin for shine.

Now the eggs "played" with paint, you can put them in a basket and carry them to the church to consecrate. I try to consecrate eggs every Easter, and then treat my family, friends and neighbors.

How to color eggs in patterned onion skins

If in the first recipe you could use any eggs - white or brown, then white eggs are suitable when painting with onion peels with a pattern.

To decorate eggs, we prepare plant leaves in advance. Before Easter, fresh leaves are not always there, because this holiday can be in March, when nature is still sleeping. Therefore, you can use fresh herbs from the store - parsley, basil, dill, mint or lemon balm.

Birch leaves look beautiful. You can put a few branches in a vase of water in advance, and when the leaves bloom, use a few to decorate Easter eggs.

Laces and woolen threads are also suitable for coloring eggs with a pattern.

You will also need to prepare clean old stockings, tights or gauze in advance. You will also need threads.

So, we paint the eggs.

Pour onion husks with cold water and bring to a boil.

We wash the eggs, dry them with a paper napkin and wipe each egg with a rag with vinegar.

We put a leaf or other decor on the egg, press it tightly and wrap the egg in a piece of stocking fabric or gauze.

To make the leaf stick more tightly to the egg, it can be slightly moistened with water.

We tie a nylon or gauze fabric with a thread.

You can paint eggs beautifully and in an original way with lace and onion peels. It's simple - cut the lace to the desired length and wrap the egg with it. We tie the ends with a thread and cut off all unnecessary.

You can also decorate the egg with woolen threads. Just wrap the egg randomly with string.

To prevent the eggs from cracking, pour 1 tbsp into the broth. l. salt. Gently dip the eggs into the broth with onion skins and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then gently immerse the eggs in cold water.

Remove the decor from the cooled eggs and wipe the eggs with vegetable oil.

Marble eggs with brilliant green

But this method is my favorite. The eggs turn out to be unusually beautiful, with marble stains. I will share one secret of this method - the more we chop the onion peel, the more beautiful the drawing will be. You can even try grinding the husks in a coffee grinder. I like to grind the husks with scissors.

For the husk to adhere well to the eggs, moisten them with water, then roll each egg in the onion husk. Put some more husk in a piece of gauze or stocking, place the egg inside and wrap it around. Tie the ends with a string. Put to cook in a saucepan, adding 1 tsp. salt. 5 minutes after boiling, pour in 2 tsp. brilliant green and cook for another 5 minutes. Then pour over the eggs with cold water and remove the cheesecloth, remove the husks. Rub the eggs with sunflower oil.

Beautiful marble eggs are ready!

How to color eggs with onion skins and rice

Another simple and wonderful option for dyeing eggs in natural ways. Rice sticks to the eggs and a droplet pattern is obtained. This method is very simple, try it. In addition to rice, you can also use peas.

Pour grains of rice or peas into a stocking, place an egg there, use your fingers to distribute the grain around the entire circumference of the egg. We tie the fabric, and put the eggs in the prepared broth with onion peel. Cook for 10 minutes, wash the eggs under running cold water and free them from stockings or gauze and grains. After the eggs have cooled a little, rub them with vegetable oil.

Staining eggs with natural dyes

I already wrote that it is fundamentally against chemistry and coloring eggs with paints. Yes, beautiful and brighter, but health is more important. Moreover, there is a good substitute in the form of natural and harmless dyes from natural ingredients. Of course, these are all kinds of juices - beetroot, blueberry juice, red cabbage juice, spinach juice and others. From the juice of cranberries, raspberries and beets, you will get a pink color, from the juice of blueberries, pomegranates or black currants - purple, and if you want to get blue or blue, then use the juice of red cabbage. A rich yellow color gives turmeric, while black tea or coffee gives you browns. By boiling the bark and cherry branches, you get reddish - raspberry eggs. I want to warn you that not always bright colors are obtained this way. To make the color brighter, after boiling the eggs, you need to keep them in the broth for at least 4 hours, and it is better to leave them overnight.

Beet coloring of eggs

If you want to get the pink color of eggs, then beet juice is suitable for this coloring method. You need to tinker a little more with dyeing eggs in a natural way than with ordinary paints, but if you care about your health, then this work will pay off handsomely.

Prepare the beets in such a way that you get more juice. To do this, rub the beets on a grater, fill with water and cook for 5-7 minutes. You can boil eggs in the same broth. Then we rub the beets through a strainer, you get a rich burgundy juice. Pour eggs in a separate bowl with this juice, pour in 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave for 4-8 hours.

Staining eggs with red cabbage juice

Red cabbage will give the eggs a blue color.

The painting method is similar to the previous one. Cut the cabbage into large pieces, fill it with water, cook for 5-7 minutes with eggs, strain the hot broth into a separate bowl. Add 1 tbsp there. l. vinegar and keep eggs in this broth for 4-8 hours.

How to dye eggs with turmeric

Turmeric provides perhaps the most intense color of all natural dyes. The eggs are beautiful, bright yellow.

For this painting, pour a bag of turmeric (15 g) into boiling water, stir and add 1 tsp. salt. We put eggs in this solution and cook for about 10 minutes. To make the paint brighter, we leave the eggs in this solution for several hours. Rub with sunflower oil for shine.

Coloring eggs with coffee or tea

I want to warn you right away that with the help of coffee or tea, a not very rich, but delicate beige color of eggs is obtained.

You can use both natural and instant coffee or black tea. For painting, prepare a solution - put 4-5 tbsp in boiling water. l. coffee in 0.5 liters of water. If you use tea, you will also need 4-5 tbsp. l. black tea for brewing. Cook for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. salt and lower the eggs. Cook for another 7 minutes. And as always for natural dyes, it is advisable to keep it in the solution for a longer time, at least 5 hours.

How to color eggs with blueberry juice

The method of coloring with blueberries is similar to the previous ones. The eggs are beautiful purple in color.

For 1 liter of water, you need 2.5-3 cups of frozen blueberries. The berries need to be boiled a little (5 minutes), add 1 tsp. salt and lower the eggs. After cooking, you can rub the blueberries through a strainer, get pure juice without berries. But I don't bother, I just boil eggs and berries. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, pour in 1 tbsp. l. vinegar to set the color. You can leave the eggs in a saucepan overnight.

Decoupage Easter eggs

I learned about this method of decorating eggs quite recently, a couple of years ago, and it became my favorite. After all, there are a lot of napkins with various beautiful patterns in our stores now, you need to choose brighter, and then you will get very beautiful and original eggs.

  1. Decoupage napkins should be chosen with a medium-sized pattern to fit on the egg.
  2. We select eggs for decoupage in white.
  3. It is better to choose napkins on a white background, then the drawing will not have to be cut very carefully with scissors.
  4. The best way to stick napkins is with egg white.

To make beautiful and whole Easter eggs, you need to remember 7 basic rules:

  1. Before boiling the eggs, take them out of the refrigerator in a few hours. Eggs shouldn't be cold!
  2. Boil eggs over low heat, avoiding cracking.
  3. To prevent the eggs from bursting, you need to put 1 tbsp in water with eggs. l. salt.
  4. To fix the pigment in the paint, pour 1 tsp into the dye solution. vinegar, the paint will become brighter.
  5. If you want a richer color when coloring eggs with natural dyes, leave the eggs in the broth overnight.
  6. Gently wipe the dyed eggs with a paper towel.
  7. For shine and beauty, wipe the cooled eggs with sunflower oil.

I wish you a beautiful and delicious holiday. After all, Easter personifies the resurrection of life, nature, light feelings. May this light come to every home and fill hearts with joy.

Before Holy Sunday, everyone begins to think: how best to paint eggs. Of course, there are many dyes and other gadgets that will help make a colorful Easter Egg. However, I don't have a lot of faith in chemicals. Today I will tell you about my grandmother's method: now I always paint eggs with onion husks, maybe you will like it too. In this article, I will describe 12 Easter recipe technologies for painting and decorating eggs. So, let's look at the products that will be useful to us, and each of the dyeing methods.


  • eggs (quantity as needed);
  • rice groats - 1 bowl;
  • buckwheat - 1 plate;
  • millet - 1 plate;
  • onion peel - 50 grams;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • olives - several pieces;
  • dill leaves, parsley, various colors.

What eggs need to be painted for Easter

In order for the Easter egg to turn out not only bright, but also tasty, it is necessary to select and prepare the chicken eggs correctly. So here are some guidelines.

  1. It is best to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance: about an hour before cooking, so they will reach room temperature.
  2. Next, we proceed to washing the eggs. To do this, you need to use a tap with running water, soap and a brush: this is necessary to remove grease and dirt from the surface of the product: as a result, the Easter egg will turn out to be more saturated in color.

We paint the eggs with onion skins. Step by step recipe

In order to create a wide variety of colored eggs in onion skins, you should perform the following blanks.

  1. For the first method, we need rice groats. We take an egg, soak it in water and wrap it in rice. Then, neatly, we wrap it in a net so as not to knock off the grains. When I paint eggs, I take ordinary nylon tights and cut them into medium squares so that I can completely capture the egg. We tie the ends of the stocking with a strong thread.
  2. Method number 2. For this method, buckwheat is used. The technology is the same as the previous one. Soak the egg, wrap it in buckwheat and wrap it in a stocking. Thus, the pattern is more massive.
  3. Method number 3. We do the same thing, only with millet.
  4. For the following options, we need fresh leaves. So, first we take a small sprig of parsley and soak it in water. Next, we apply the eggs to the surface and smooth all the edges. The leaf should lie perfectly on the shell. We wrap it with a stocking so that it does not get lost in boiling water.
  5. For the next option, you need to take a sprig of dill. We dip the paint in water and glue the leaf. We cover with nylon and tie.
  6. The dye looks very nice if you attach a sprig of a coniferous tree. It should be attached in the above way.
  7. You can specially cut a stencil from a waterproof material and, in the same way, glue it to the egg.
  8. For an original white pattern, use a regular rubber band, which is usually used to join banknotes. To do this, wrap the egg several times in such a way that the elastic is placed throughout the entire volume. You will get a pretty interesting egg for Easter.
  9. A very beautiful Easter egg is obtained if you use lace. Wrap the egg with it, then wrap it with nylon material on top and secure the ends with thread.
  10. The next way to decorate a dye for Easter is to use sliced \u200b\u200bolives. Glue the egg around the perimeter with them, and wrap it with a stocking - fasten it on top.
  11. Small flowers look very nice. Pasting is carried out according to the above technology.

So, we looked at the options for creating patterns. The next step is to paint the eggs with onion skins.

Staining eggs with onion skins

I prepare a decoction for coloring eggs as follows.

  1. I put 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan. This volume will require 50 grams of onion husks.
  2. Fill the husk with water and leave it overnight.
  3. We put the pan on a low heat, bring the water to a boil. Stir the liquid for about 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave the broth to cool.
  5. Next, we immerse the eggs in a saucepan: they must be completely covered with liquid so that the color is uniform.
  6. We put on fire, bring to a boil. Then we set the average temperature and boil the dyes for 5 minutes. Next, we remove them. Let them stand for a few minutes and dip them in cold water until they cool.

In order for the dyes to shine brightly, you should take a napkin and wipe the surface of the eggs with vegetable oil. For a beautiful and original presentation of Easter eggs, you can create a bird's nest from shavings on a pallet. Place the colored eggs on top. You will find photos of ornaments and finished dyes on our website. I love to cook.

Dyeing eggs for Easter with onion skins is an easy and budget way to get ready for the holiday. How to make dyes unusual? We will learn a few original step-by-step recipes with a photo - how you can paint eggs in onion skins, and how - with a pattern, and we will beautifully make Easter eggs with our own hands.

Ingredients needed:

  • chicken eggs - 8-10 pcs.,
  • onion peel - 1 l,
  • water - 2 l,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil


  1. Pour onion skins with water, bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. There should be enough water to completely cover the number of eggs you need. For two liters of water, you will need about a liter of tightly packed husk.
  2. If there is no time to cool the broth, put the eggs directly into boiling water. Before that, the eggs need to be slightly warmed up. This can be done by keeping them in lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes. Then you can drain the boiling water and pour cold water over the eggs - this will help them clean better. You can leave the eggs in the broth for a while to achieve a richer shade.

Easter eggs with drawings

  • raw chicken eggs - 8-10 pcs.,
  • onion peel - 1 l,
  • rice (cereal),
  • brilliant green,
  • old nylon stockings or tights,
  • elastic bandage,
  • gauze,
  • paper,
  • scissors,
  • leaves and flowers of plants,
  • threads,
  • rubber bands,
  • lace,
  • needle.


  1. Cut the stocking into pieces so that one egg fits in one piece, leaving the edges that can be tied tightly.
  2. Tie one end of the stocking to form a pouch.
  3. Place the egg in the bag and add the rice. Tie the bag so that the nylon tightly fits the shell.
  4. Use your fingers to spread the rice inside the bag so that the grains evenly cover the entire egg.
  5. Boil the husked eggs according to the instructions above.
  6. When the eggs are cooked and cool, cut open the bag and rinse the eggs with cold water to wash off the rice. You will get speckled eggs. Why is rice used? Other cereals quickly boil and turn into porridge without leaving clear prints on the shell.

Leaves and flowers

  1. A popular way to color patterned eggs is to use parsley leaves.
  2. Choose beautiful, neat leaves.
  3. Wet a leaf with water and attach to the shell, then fix the leaf with a nylon bag.
  4. Instead of parsley, you can use dill, cilantro, currant leaves, chamomile flowers and any other plants.
  5. The area of \u200b\u200bthe shell covered with plant material will remain unpainted. The eggs will have a clear pattern with natural contours.


  1. Cut your writing paper into small pieces of any shape.
  2. To make the fragments neat, first draw the outline with a simple pencil, and then cut out. These can be abstract ornaments or thematic drawings.
  3. Moisten a piece of paper with water so that it sticks to the shell, and secure with a capron. If you are worried that the fragments will move, and the drawing will turn out to be smudged, use self-adhesive paper or electrical tape.

Thread or rubber bands

To paint eggs with a pattern, you can do without a stocking, but take, for example, threads or elastic bands.

  1. Simply wrap each egg in random order to create striped eggs.
  2. You can use rubber bands instead of threads. Choose thicker rubber bands so they don't burst in the boiling water.
  3. Do not pull the eggs too tightly - the shells may crack.


Another option is to wrap the eggs in lace. As a result, the shell will be decorated with luxurious openwork ornaments. The finer the lace, the more sophisticated the pattern will be. Simple but cute diamonds on the shell are obtained by placing an egg in a coarse mesh.


With the help of onion peels, they make amazing drawings on eggs (see the photo below) - with stains like marble. You will also need an additional brilliant green solution and gauze.

  1. Chop the husk with scissors, in a blender or in a coffee grinder.
  2. Moisten raw eggs with water and roll in crushed husks.
  3. Fix the fragments of the husk with gauze or nylon stocking. Tie the edges of the makeshift bag tightly.
  4. Boil water and add brilliant green there - from a few drops to a whole bubble. The brightness of the shade depends on the amount of brilliant green.
  5. Boil eggs for 10 minutes and cool.
  6. Drain and cut the cheesecloth gently. Rinse the husk off the shell with running water. It is recommended to wear gloves during such work.

To make the streaks even more varied, use the husks of different varieties of onions. Shredded writing paper can be added to the crushed husk. Please note - if there is a lot of paper, the eggs will turn out pale.


You can even apply a drawing after you have painted them with onion peel. Any ornament is simply scratched on the shell with a needle. Painted eggs can be complemented with factory-themed Easter-themed stickers or tied with ribbons.

Gauze or bandage

You can connect your imagination and use any other materials by painting eggs according to this principle. Gauze or a wide elastic bandage will also work instead of a stocking.

  • The water in which you will boil the eggs must be abundantly salted. If the shell breaks, the egg will not leak.
  • For a more intense color, use vinegar. You can grate the egg with vinegar before staining, after staining, or add vinegar to the water.
  • To ensure the shade lays down evenly, wash the eggs before dyeing using a soft sponge. You can also rub the shells with rubbing alcohol.
  • Do not cook eggs for too long - they will taste unpleasant. If you want to get a darker saturated color, hold the eggs after dyeing in a cold decoction of onion peels for several hours.
  • To make the eggs shine, rub the shells with vegetable oil.

That's all the tricks for creating beautiful and original Easter eggs. Onion peels are a natural dye, so all procedures are completely safe.