Recipe: tomatoes in their own juice. Salting tomatoes in their own juice: reviews

28.09.2019 The drinks

Many people love tomatoes in their own juice, but not all housewives cook such tomatoes at home, considering that it is very difficult. In fact, nothing difficult about this recipe canning tomatoes with your own juice no, the main thing is not to be too lazy to separate the skin and seeds from the tomatoes so that the tomato mass is softer. But especially lazy ones may not separate anything, but making a fill with skin and seeds will also be delicious. These tomatoes keep well at room temperature.


To preserve tomatoes in their own juice, you will need:

tomatoes in cans - 4 kg;

tomatoes for juice - 3 kg;

salt - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of juice;

sugar - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of juice (sugar is optional).

*** It is advisable to regulate the amount of salt and sugar by yourself, because their number depends on the variety of tomatoes, on the sugar content in them. If the tomatoes are sweet, then sugar may not be needed at all, and if sour, then you need to take it in larger quantities than in the recipe.

Cooking steps

Put the saucepan with tomatoes on the fire, occasionally stirring the contents with a wooden spoon. The tomato mass will cook for about 20-30 minutes, until the tomatoes are soft and ready for further processing.

Using a special device or a regular sieve, skip all the boiled tomatoes in small batches, separating the skin with seeds from the tomato pulp.

When all the tomato mass is processed, pour into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar (whoever decides to add). Take one jar at a time, pour water out of it, pour hot tomato juice into it, cover with a metal canning lid and roll up with a special machine.

Leave cans of canned tomatoes in their own juice upside down for a day. Then put away for storage.

Bon appetit and delicious winter to you!

Simple and incredibly tasty preparation for the winter, natural without all kinds of preservatives and dyes. With appetizing and juicy tomatoes, rich tomato juice with a pleasant taste.

To exclude fresh purchased tomatoes in winter, for ourselves and especially for children, we make homemade preparations. Today I offer you the most delicious recipe - "Lick your fingers" in various cooking options.

Let's open the jar in winter, here's a ready-made appetizer and a base for making pizza, sauce, gravy and soup. Until the season of autumn harvesting is over, we are trying to prepare more of these jars.

A simple recipe for tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without sterilization

All that is needed for this recipe is tomatoes, salt and sugar. 1 liter of juice requires 1 tbsp. spoon of salt

For two 1 liter jars we need:

  • small tomatoes - 1.2 kg
  • large tomatoes - 1.8 kg
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


In this case, do I need vinegar, I have no question. Yes, you need a recipe without sterilization, and I don't want my jars to explode in winter.

For the preparation of tomato juice, we use large overripe fleshy fruits with a uniform bright red color. We clean it from the stalks, rinse under running water.

Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then immediately chill them cold.

The peel of the fruit is easily separated from the pulp.

Cut the peeled tomatoes into slices, place in a saucepan.

Grind the sliced \u200b\u200bfruits with a blender until smooth.

Add salt, sugar to the tomato mass and set on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. Add vinegar at the end of cooking.

To put in jars, take whole tomatoes of small sizes, plum or round. With firm flesh and firm skin.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk, we make a puncture of the fruit with a toothpick to a depth of 1 cm. This will prevent the tomatoes from cracking when heated with hot water and will not spoil the presentation. We put them in banks, more tightly.

Fill the cans with hot water, in small portions, up to the very top and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil for 3 minutes and pour the tomatoes again for 2-3 minutes. If you have small fruits with delicate skin, there is no need to fill them a second time.

Drain the water and immediately pour boiling tomato juice under the very lid. It is important that no air remains in the jar. Close tightly with screw caps, turn upside down, check for leaks. We wrap it in a blanket and leave it for a day until it cools completely, all this time the tomatoes will be sterilized.

We observe them for a couple of weeks so that they do not explode, and then we put them away for long-term storage in a cool, dark room.

Hope this step-by-step recipe helps you make awesome, sweet tomatoes without any sterilization. In winter, we use them as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with tomato paste

This pasta recipe is very simple and quick. We do not waste time preparing juice, grinding and cutting tomatoes.


  • whole fruits - 1.5 kg
  • tomato paste - 200 gr.
  • water - 2 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • a mixture of ground peppers - 1/2 tsp.


  1. Preparing the juice. Boil water in a small saucepan.
  2. In a bowl, dilute the tomato paste with warm water until smooth and pour into a saucepan.
  3. Add salt, sugar, pepper and boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Let's try! It's not too late to correct the taste.
  5. Place small tomatoes in a colander.
  6. Immerse in boiling water for 1-2 minutes and cool with water.
  7. Separate the skin from the pulp.
  8. Put the peeled tomatoes in prepared jars and fill them with hot juice.
  9. We sterilize the filled jars, with a capacity of 0.5 l - 8 minutes, 1 l - 15 minutes. We count the time from the moment the water boils.
  10. We roll it up, store it in the cellar.

We use whole canned tomatoes without skin in winter for salads and as a side dish for meat and flour dishes.

Sterilized cherry tomatoes in their own juice

Recently, cherry babies have become fashionable. These tiny, beautiful fruits have a very bright and rich tomato flavor. They have a high sugar content, more nutrients and vitamins than their large counterparts. Fruits until the very frost, and are kept fresh for a long time, retaining an excellent appearance and taste, excellent for preservation for the winter.


To prepare 1 liter of canned food, you need 1.2-1.5 kg of cherry tomatoes.

For 1 liter of juice, you need 30 grams of salt.


  1. For canning large varieties of tomatoes, we took 1 and 3 liter jars, and for such "kids" it is better to take smaller jars, with a capacity of 1 liter, 0.7 liter or 0.5 liter.
  2. My cherry, sort by maturity. The softer and more mature ones will go for juice, and the stronger ones will go to the jar.
  3. Preparing the juice. We pass soft tomatoes through a meat grinder pre-scalded with boiling water.
  4. We grind through a fine sieve, separate the seeds and skin. As a result, we get clean pulp.
  5. Pour it into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire. Bring the tomato mass to a boil, stir constantly and remove the resulting foam. We boil until the foam completely disappears.
  6. We put the hard cherries in a colander, put in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, cool in cold, easily separate the skin from the pulp.
  7. We put the prepared fruits tightly in jars.
  8. Fill with hot (70-80 degrees) juice, cover with boiled lids.
  9. Put the filled cans in a saucepan with warm water, bring to a boil and sterilize at 100 degrees, with a capacity of 1 liter - 10, with a capacity of 0.5 - 8 minutes.
  10. Roll up, turn the lid down.

It turned out delicious - just lick your fingers! Store at room temperature on a shelf in the closet. We use it for salads and as a side dish for pasta and meat. We use juice as a drink or for preparing first courses instead of tomato.

Canned large tomatoes in slices in their own juice for the winter

Large tomatoes weighing more than 150 grams have grown in the garden. They are chic, with tender, fleshy flesh, but they just don't want to go into the jar. To save for the winter, cut into large slices.

We will need:

The calculation of the product is given for 1 liter can.

  • tomatoes - how much will fit in the jar
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. without top
  • sugar - 1 tsp. with a slide
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • a mixture of peppers - 5-8 pcs.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with horseradish and garlic

According to this recipe, tasty, piquant, with a special taste, tomatoes in their own juice are obtained.

We need for a 3 liter jar:

  • tomatoes in a jar - how much will fit
  • tomatoes for juice - 1.5 kg
  • horseradish - 1 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 tbsp. l.

The calculation of salt and sugar is given for 1 liter of juice:

  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. without slide
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

It is difficult to talk about the exact ratio of tomatoes and juice when filling in cans with a capacity of 3 liters. If the tomatoes are larger, then less of them will go to the jar, and more juice will be required and vice versa.


  1. We prepare tomato juice from culled overripe fruits. After washing, mode them into pieces, put them in a saucepan and, stirring, boil for 10 minutes. Wipe hot through a fine sieve.
  2. Peeled horseradish root, rub the chives on a fine grater. I entrust this procedure to my husband, he calls it "pluck out an eye." From the grated mass, we need a tablespoon of both ingredients.
  3. We heat the juice again, add the prepared horseradish and garlic, salt and sugar. Bring to a boil. If you get a lot of juice, we will boil longer without covering the pan with a lid. If the norm, then boil under the lid for 20 minutes. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. Put the whole tomatoes tightly in a prepared jar, and fill them with hot tomato paste under the neck, cover with a lid and sterilize.
  5. Sterilization time at 100 degrees for 3 liter cans is 20 minutes.
  6. Store them in a cool, dark place until winter.

Sweet tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter - recipe "Lick your fingers"

For a 3 liter jar you will need:

  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.

Now you know how to cook tomatoes in your own juice.

Choose from all the recipes that are most suitable for you, cook and eat with pleasure. I look forward to your feedback and wishes in the comments!

The harvesting season is in full swing. It's time to roll up tomatoes for the winter, but not ordinary, but delicious - you will lick your fingers. And today I will write 9 delicious recipes for cooking tomatoes in their own juice. This method of preservation is very beneficial, because you get two in one at once: whole vegetables and juice. By the way, tomatoes can be either with a natural taste, without even adding salt, or spicy.

The basis of all recipes is naturally tomatoes. And then you will already see the variety. Fruits are poured with tomato juice, tomato paste is used, or nothing is poured at all. To enhance the taste, various herbs and spices are used. Try to close such bright jars once and next year you will cook a double rate at once.

By the way, another tasty tomato preparation is. I wrote about her last time. I highly recommend it, it turns out better than in the store.

So let's get started. Read step by step recipes and cook. And do not forget to write in the comments which recipe became your favorite.

You will get natural tomatoes for the taste, without unnecessary additives that can clog the natural flavor. You don't need salt, sugar, and even more so vinegar. Such a blank is used for the preparation of various sauces and ketchup (for pasta, cutlets, pizza, meatballs, etc.), for dressings, for hot sandwiches. There are many more things you can think of. The main thing is that the taste is preserved, which cannot be found in winter greenhouse tomatoes.

This recipe will become a lifesaver for you. Many cans can be prepared very quickly.


  • tomato
  • fresh basil

How to cook:

1. Wash the jars well. Make the tomatoes clean as well as the basil.

You can use your favorite spices if you like.

2.Cut small fruits deeply crosswise, large ones cut in half. If there are cherry tomatoes, it is enough to pierce them with a toothpick in several places. Place the red fruits tightly in the jars, compacting them so that some juice comes out. If desired, tomatoes can be peeled off. But if there is no time, then you can cook with it. The skin can be removed in winter when using these canned food.

3. Place a sprig of basil between the tomatoes and cover with lids. It is not necessary to screw tightly now.

4. Place a tea towel in a wide saucepan and place the jars on top of it. Fill with water, leaving a couple of centimeters to the lid. Put on high heat and boil water. Then reduce the heat and keep it in boiling water for 20 minutes (time for liter jars) or 15 minutes (0.5 liters).

5. Remove the cans, screw the lids tightly, turn upside down and wrap well. The tomatoes should cool gradually, slowly. Sterilization continues to a temperature of 60 degrees.

6. Here your tomatoes are ready "lick your fingers". It turns out fast, simple and tasty. What else do you need for a good mood?

Tomatoes in their own juice without peel (recipe for a liter jar)

This recipe is unique in that the tomatoes are not poured over with tomatoes, but cooked in their own juice. In this case, the peel of the fruits is removed, they turn out to be tender, in some ways they even look like fresh ones. You do not need to cook anything, just sterilize the filled jars. But first things first.

Ingredients for 1 L can:

  • tomato
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. without slide
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp

How to cook:

1. As usual, wash the cans with soda solution. Prepared vegetables also need to be washed. Next is the most laborious process - peeling. But if you know some secrets, then you can easily deal with it. Start by making a cruciform incision in each fruit. Place all the tomatoes in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Leave it on for 30 seconds.

Drain hot water and fill with ice cold water. Such a sharp temperature drop will help to quickly peel off. In the place of the incision, she will already begin to move away, you just have to help her a little with a knife.

2. Cut each vegetable into wedges. In this recipe, tomatoes are stacked not whole, but in pieces. This way they will let out more juice. Put the resulting slices in jars, while you need to tamp them with a spoon so that there are no voids.

3. When the jar is full, all the tomatoes will be covered with their juice. Pour a teaspoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of salt into each quart jar. Cover with clean sterile lids and send for sterilization.

To do this, place a towel on the bottom in a large saucepan. Place your filled jars on this mat and fill them with warm water up to their shoulders. Place the cans in water on a fire. After boiling water, sterilize the jars at a quiet boil for 15 minutes.

4. Remove the blanks from boiling water (it is convenient to use special tongs), pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each jar and roll up the lids. Turn the cans over and wrap them under a fur coat. Leave to cool for a day. Then you can store it in a dark place (you can at room temperature).

Canning tomatoes in tomato sauce without sterilization

This is a simple recipe for preserving tomatoes in tomato sauce. At the same time, jars do not need to be sterilized either empty or filled. I know that many housewives do not like to make preparations for the winter precisely because of the "hassle" with sterilization. So we make it easier for ourselves using this wonderful recipe.

In winter, such blanks fly off the table very quickly. And next year, the family will ask to close such delicious jars more. The tomatoes themselves can be served with potatoes or meat, and the filling can be used as a basis for preparing various sauces (for example, for) or dressings (for example, in).

Ingredients for 1 L can:

  • tomatoes - how many will be in + for pouring
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • celery leaves - 7-8 pcs.
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.

For 1 liter of filling:

  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - 1 tablespoon without slide


1. Wash jars and lids with baking soda and rinse very well with warm water. Turn the jars over onto a clean towel and let them dry completely. Boil the lids for 5 minutes and leave in boiling water until needed.

Always wash the jars with a new dish sponge; do not use old equipment with germs and grease for this purpose.

2.Wash and sort the tomatoes well. For tomato juice, take any vegetables that may not look presentable: crumpled, with specks, large, cracked, etc. Leave small, dense and tight fruits for laying in a jar whole.

3. Now in these "selected" tomatoes, pierce the stem with a knife. Insert the knife deep enough, about 2 centimeters. This is necessary so that the tomatoes are well warmed up and salted.

4. At the bottom of each liter jar, put one leaf of lavrushka, 5 peas of black pepper and a few leaves of celery (clean). Next, put tightly in a jar, but do not tamp, not large tomatoes. Put a large clove of garlic cut into slices on top.

For thrill-seekers, you can put a couple of chili rings.

5. Boil the water in advance and pour the filled jars with boiling water. Pour a little at first to warm up the glass, then pour to the very top. Cover the jars with sterilized lids and wrap them with a towel to prevent heat dissipation. Leave in this form for 20 minutes to warm up all components.

6. Peel the bell peppers and cut into short strips. The pepper will need to be boiled a little along with the filling. It is this vegetable that will give the original taste and aroma to the sauce. This preparation is similar to the recipe I wrote in the last article. For tomatoes selected for juice, trim off all excess (stalk, rotten areas, etc.). It remains to turn these bright fruits into a homogeneous puree. The easiest and fastest way to do this is in a blender. But you can grind in a meat grinder or grate on a coarse grater, while removing the skin.

To know exactly how much sauce you need, pour boiled water over the tomatoes in jars (before heating), drain it and measure the amount.

7. Pour the tomato puree over the pepper, add salt and sugar. The amount of these additives may differ from the listed ingredients, as the acidity-sweetness varies from fruit to fruit. You definitely need to taste your sauce. Put the resulting mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8. 20 minutes after pouring boiling water over the tomatoes, drain the water from the jars and immediately pour boiling sauce over to the very neck. It is convenient to use a special nylon cap with holes to drain the water. If there is no one on the farm, use gauze.

9.Cover with lids and roll up with a machine. You can also use screw caps. Turn the finished preservation upside down, check the covers for leaks, nothing should leak. Wrap the blanks well and let them cool under the covers. On this, delicious tomatoes in tomato sauce are ready. Enjoy!

Pickling tomatoes with horseradish and garlic

Horseradish and garlic are often used for and. But these aromatic additives also give tomatoes a special taste. Today I propose to make one of my favorite preparations for the winter - tomatoes in tomato juice with horseradish, garlic, dill and parsley. It turns out quite spicy and piquant, since it contains hot peppers. You will not be distracted by the ears of your household from such a treat.

Ingredients for a 2L can:

  • small tight tomatoes - 1300 gr.
  • any ripe tomatoes - 900 gr.
  • bulgarian pepper - 300 gr.
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • dill umbrellas - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • horseradish leaves - 1 pc.
  • parsley - optional

For 1 liter of juice:

  • salt - 25 gr.
  • sugar - 25 gr.


1.Check the banks for integrity. There should be no chips or cracks on them.

The age of the preservation jar should not be more than 5 years, otherwise there is a risk that the glass will break. Look at the day of the can. Clean a suitable container with baking soda.

2. Wash the tomatoes too. Choose only ripe fruits. Leave the fine (round or cream) in cold water for now. Juice should be made from softer tomatoes. For two liter cans, it will need about 1 liter. Bell pepper is taken to add a noble flavor to the juice.

3.Wash fresh herbs and scald with boiling water for a few seconds. Often, the cause of the explosion of cans is precisely the greens that have not been sufficiently processed.

4. At the bottom of each liter jar, put one bay leaf, 3-4 allspice peas, a few parsley leaves, an umbrella of dill, and half a horseradish leaf. On top of the spices, place whole small tomatoes right with the skin.

5.When the jar is half full, cut half the hot pepper into rings. Also add the sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic (a couple of cloves will be enough for one jar).

6. Continue placing the tomatoes in the jars up to the top. Cover with clean lids and set aside for now.

7. Take tomatoes made for juicing. Chop them randomly and grind with a blender along with bell peppers. Pour the resulting puree into a suitable saucepan and cook. After boiling, boil the filling for 4-5 minutes while the foam is forming.

8. When the tomato is cooked, strain it through a sieve to remove seeds and pieces of skin.

9.Put the strained juice on the stove, add salt and sugar to it. Boil for another 4-5 minutes after boiling. Pour the tomatoes with hot juice to the very edge of the jar.

If you do not have time to mess around with filtering, you need to close everything quickly, then you can skip this step.

10. It remains to sterilize the winter treat. This is done in the standard way: a napkin is placed on the bottom of the pan, a little water is poured. Jars are installed in a pan and filled with hot water, you can even boil water. This time you need to fill it with hot water, because the cans are already hot with juice. There should be no sudden changes in temperature. Sterilize 10 minutes after boiling water. At the same time, jars should be covered with lids.

11.After sterilization, remove the jars from the boiling water and close the lids tightly. Turn the blanks over and leave to cool. This recipe does not require wrapping tomatoes. As you can see, it turns out beautifully and at the same time spicy and tasty.

The most delicious recipe for preserving tomatoes in jars with tomato paste

This recipe is different from most. Basically, tomatoes are filled with tomato juice, but high-quality tomato paste is used here, which is diluted with water and a thick, homogeneous sauce is obtained. And no extra seeds ...


  • tomatoes - 4 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • tomato paste - 380 gr.
  • salt - 1 tablespoon
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • acetic acid 70% - 2 tsp
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1.Wash the jars and lids first. As in the recipe above, peel the tomatoes off. To do this, make two cuts crosswise on top of each fruit. Place a pot of boiling water on the stove. Place a bowl of cold water nearby, preferably with ice. Toss the tomatoes in portions in boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove with a slotted spoon and place in cold water. And then just peel off the skin, helping yourself with a knife. Remove the stalk.

2. Put the peeled fruits in jars. In this recipe, you do not need to cut them, the tomatoes are stacked whole. It is not necessary to tamp and press, so as not to crush the tender pulp.

3) Boil water in a large saucepan. Pour boiling water into the jars to the very top and cover with lids. Leave the workpiece to warm up for 10 minutes. Thanks to this step, it will not be necessary to sterilize the preservation in the pan later.

4. While the tomatoes are warming up, you need to fill. Bring two liters of water to a boil, add sugar, salt, bay leaf, tomato paste and vinegar. Stir-dissolve everything. Let the marinade simmer for a couple of minutes.

5. Drain the water from the jars and top with the boiling sauce. Immediately tighten the caps tightly (if they are euro) or roll them up with a typewriter. Wrap the resulting treat for the night with something warm. Believe me, in winter they will eat such a snack, drink the fill and ask for an addition.

A very simple recipe for cooking tomatoes without vinegar and marinade

I offer you a very simple and quick recipe for harvesting tomatoes for the winter. No need to peel off, no need to use any spices. It is tomatoes that are closed in this way that retain their natural taste. And just before use, you can add salt and seasoning to taste and as needed.

From such a blank, you can make a salad in winter by adding fresh onions and seasoning with vegetable oil. Or use it to make tomato sauce in (such twists in the store are quite expensive).


  • tomato

And that's it! Do not need anything else. From the inventory you will need cans of any convenient size (it is convenient to sterilize liter ones), a wide saucepan, lids, a seaming machine (if the lids are disposable).


1. Wash the jars and tomatoes. Sterilize the lids (boil for 3-5 minutes, this will be enough). Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the stalk. Fold the fruits into jars, cut down, pressing down slightly.

Take ripe tomatoes for this preparation, not salad varieties, but for conservation. They are more dense, do not creep when exposed to high temperatures. Also, choose not large fruits, there are more of them in the jar.

2.Apply full jars as the tomatoes will shrink a little during sterilization. Cover with sterile lids.

3. Take a large saucepan, cover the bottom with gauze or a cloth. Place the filled cans in this pot and pour the water over the marusin band (the place where the can begins to taper). Water can be poured cold, but it is better warm, so that it boils faster.

4. Put canned vegetables on high heat, boil water in a saucepan and reduce heat. After boiling, sterilize 1 liter jars for 20 minutes and half liter jars for 15 minutes. Put any weight on top of the lids (for example, a lid from another pan).

5. Remove the boiling water cans and roll them up immediately. And then proceed according to the standard scheme - turn the blanks over and wrap them with something warm until they cool completely. As you can see, it takes little time to cook such tomatoes. They cost well, despite the fact that there are no preservatives in the composition, except for natural acid.

Harvesting tomatoes with cinnamon for the winter (in tomato)

Tomatoes according to this recipe are very aromatic. Indeed, in addition to the standard set of spices, cinnamon is added to them, which gives a special chic. I must say right away that you will have to work hard to get the perfect workpiece. This is not a quick recipe (the quick one was above). But the result is sure to please in winter.

Ingredients for 1 L can:

  • tomatoes - 800-900 gr. + 250 ml juice
  • salt - 1 tsp without a slide
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • bay leaf - 0.5 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf - 0.5 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove

Cooking method:

1.Tomatoes need to be washed and sorted. The most beautiful, dense ones should be closed entirely, and the wrinkled, spoiled ones should be put on juice.

Juice can be made in any way: through a juicer, juicer, meat grinder or blender. In the last two cases, the juice will be with pulp and seeds. If you want to avoid this, rub the resulting puree through a sieve. The easiest way is to buy ready-made tomato juice from the store.

2.Pour the resulting juice (or puree) into a saucepan, boil and boil for 10 minutes. In the meantime, you need to skin the dense tomatoes. To do this, put water on the stove, let it boil. Make a cruciform cut on top of each tomato and place in boiling water. Keep the tomatoes there for 1 minute, then remove and place in cold water.

3. Wash the jars thoroughly with baking soda or laundry soap. Place your favorite spices at the bottom of each jar, they may not be the same as on the ingredients list. I suggest putting in each liter jar half a bay leaf, three black peppercorns and one allspice pea, a clove of garlic, a piece of horseradish leaf, you can put a sprig of dill or parsley if you wish.

4. Peel the tomatoes and place in prepared jars. It is also desirable to cut the stalk. There is no need to ram the fruits, otherwise they will lose their shape. You can shake the jar a little so that there are fewer voids.

5.Pour a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt on top of the tomatoes in each quart jar. And also add some cinnamon. Pour everything with tomato juice to the very brim. Cover with sterile lids and sterilize. Now I will not describe in detail how to sterilize the workpieces, I wrote about this in the recipe above. Sterilize liter jars 20 minutes after boiling water.

6.After sterilization, the jars are sealed. And shake the sealed jar very well to distribute the salt and sugar between the tomatoes and dissolve. This moment is important, do not miss it.

7.Turn the canning over and wrap. After cooling, remove to storage. Since these tomatoes are prepared without vinegar, they can be given to children and people with gastrointestinal problems.

Video recipe for tomatoes in tomato juice with vinegar

Watch a video on how to cook delicious tomatoes in juice. Aromatic herbs are used in the preparation, which is why you will drink such juice with pleasure, and the tomatoes themselves can be used in various dishes. The taste of this piece will be sweet and sour, moderately spicy.

Recipe for delicious tomatoes with tomato juice from the store in an autoclave

The home autoclave is becoming more and more popular among those who are constantly engaged in canning. The advantages are obvious - many cans can be sterilized in one go. The sterilization process does not need to be controlled, there is no need to be afraid of getting a steam burn. And in general, you can not be present in the kitchen in the heat. This unit will do everything by itself. In an autoclave, you can make tomatoes in your own juice according to almost any recipe described above.

I will not dwell on the details of any recipe, choose any one to your taste. I will describe what are the subtleties of preservation with the help of an autoclave. Please note that the autoclave is used specifically for sterilized recipes.

1. Banks do not need to be sterilized beforehand, it is enough to wash them well. The same procedure should be done with the lids. Then fill the jars with tomatoes, add spices to taste (horseradish and currant leaves, garlic, dill, peppercorns) and fill with tomato juice. The juice can be bought ready-made in the store or made by yourself.

Important! There should be about 2 cm to the edge of the can. With normal sterilization, the cans are filled completely; when using the autoclave, leave an air cushion on top.

2.Roll up the filled cans immediately with the lids. This is also a difference from the standard method, where the cans are capped after sterilization. After screwing on the lids, turn the cans over and check for juice leaks. The covers must be tightly closed.

3. Place the jars on the autoclave stand. If there are many cans, they are installed in tiers. Fill the autoclave with water. The water should completely cover the lids. More precisely, the water level should be 2 cm above the covers.

4.Close the instrument with the lid and tighten the nuts. Pressurize the autoclave with a pump or compressor. To do this, connect the pump in the right place and pump until the pressure gauge shows 1 atmosphere. Disconnect the pump and replace the protective cap.

5. Listen to see if nothing hiss. There should be no extraneous sounds. If all is well, then the autoclave is hermetically closed and the pressure in it remains. Plug in the device and set the temperature to 110 degrees. If the autoclave is gas, then a temperature sensor is connected to it. Also set the time to 15 minutes.

6. That's it, no more action is needed from you. When the temperature reaches 110 degrees, the timer will count down. When heated, the pressure in the autoclave will increase, this is normal.

7.When sterilization is finished, do not open the lid. You need to wait until the autoclave has cooled down to at least 30 degrees. That is, you just leave the jars there until they cool down. When everything has cooled down (it will take several hours), you need to turn the cap to relieve pressure. And only after that you can open the cover of the unit and take out the preservation.

If you need to sterilize a new batch of cans, you can speed up the cooling of the autoclave. To do this, put it in cold water. But if possible, it is better to let it cool naturally.

8. It is believed that canned food cooked in an autoclave tastes better and retains more nutrients than usual. In addition, such blanks are better stored and do not explode.

Yes, the article turned out to be quite voluminous. I hope everyone will find their favorite recipe in it, which will become a hit in your kitchen. And remember that a little imagination always diversifies the prepared dishes. In cooking, you always need to be guided by your taste, always try what happened. And then you will get the applause. See you in the next article, it will definitely be delicious.

In contact with

When a tomato is, as they say, a shaft, there are no other ways to preserve the harvest! Pickled, salted, in the form of juice or tomato paste, as a base for fiery adjika or tender lecho - tomatoes look great in all preparations. And how good are tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - this is both an appetizer and delicious juice, as they say, two-in-one!

In order to cook tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, you will need two types of tomatoes - not too large, dense and fleshy, and overripe, full of juice and even with minor damage, there is nothing wrong with that, all the bad places can be cut out.

So, first we prepare the tomatoes for juice. Overripe fruits must be chopped in any way - in a meat grinder or using a blender. You can follow the path described in pre-revolutionary cookbooks: cut the tomatoes into pieces and put them in a saucepan. Put on low heat and steam, heat without boiling. Then rub the mass through a sieve. The juice will turn out without skin and seeds. However, tomato puree, obtained with the help of modern kitchen devices, can also be rubbed through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. And you can leave everything as it is, it's a matter of taste.

Dense, fleshy tomatoes, which we will fill with tomato juice, can be peeled. To do this, cut the skin at the stalk and dip the fruits in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, and then transfer them to cold water, in which you put ice. This technique with a shock temperature drop makes it easy to peel off the skin without affecting the pulp. If you don't want to mess around, you can leave the peel, but in this case, be sure to make several punctures with a wooden toothpick in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stalk. This technique will keep the tomatoes intact.

It is better to cook tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without vinegar, so you get an absolutely natural, healthy product that you can safely give to children. However, if you want to make a spicy snack, you can add vinegar, black and red ground pepper and other spices to taste. And we bring to your attention a few simple recipes.

Tomatoes in their own juice (classic recipe)

3 kg of small tomatoes,
2 kg overripe tomatoes for juice,
3 tbsp Sahara,
2 tbsp salt,
bay leaf, allspice peas - to taste.

Wash small tomatoes, prick the stalk attachment with a toothpick. You can remove the skin if you wish. Place prepared tomatoes in sterilized jars. Chop overripe tomatoes in any way, pour into a saucepan and add salt, sugar and spices to it. Boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 4-5 minutes. Pour boiling juice over the tomatoes in jars, cover with boiled lids and set to sterilize. To do this, pour enough water into a wide saucepan so that it reaches the shoulders of the cans, boil. Place a cloth on the bottom so that the cans do not burst. Sterilize the jars within 10 minutes of boiling. Roll up, turn over, wrap up well until it cools completely. Store in a dark place.

Tomatoes in their own juice (sterilized)

Ingredients for a 2 L can:
2 kg tomato,
½ tsp salt,
1 pinch of citric acid.

Sterilize 2 liter jars. Remove the skin from the tomatoes by making an incision and scalding them with boiling water. Remove the stalks. Pour salt and citric acid at the bottom of the jars and fill them with tomatoes. A few tomatoes will not fit, that's okay, after sterilization the tomatoes will settle, and you will report them. Place the filled jars in a wide saucepan, after placing a towel under them, pour boiling water over the shoulders and put on fire. Cover the jars with boiled lids. Sterilize the jars within 30 minutes of boiling. After about 20 minutes, open the lids and with a spoon, which be sure to pour over boiling water, squeeze the limp tomatoes. Add the remaining tomatoes and squeeze well with a spoon so that the juice that comes out of the tomato rises to the neck. Cover the jars again and sterilize for another 10 minutes. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization

2.5 kg of small tomatoes,
2.5 kg overripe tomatoes,
3 tbsp salt,
9% vinegar - 1 tsp each for every liter of juice,
ground black pepper, ground cinnamon - to taste.

Rinse small tomatoes and prick with a toothpick in the places where the stalks are attached. Cut overripe tomatoes into slices and place in a saucepan. Put on fire, heat and then rub through a sieve. Return the tomato juice to the saucepan, add salt and vinegar (a teaspoon per liter of juice), a pinch of black pepper and cinnamon on the tip of a knife and put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 20 minutes, skimming off. Pour the boiling juice over the tomatoes in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap up.

Tomatoes in their own juice "Amazing"

small tomatoes,
overripe tomatoes for juice,
garlic - to taste and desire,
sweet pepper - to taste,
dill umbrellas,
currant and cherry leaves,
black peppercorns, allspice peas,
2 tbsp sugar - for every liter of tomato juice,
1 tbsp salt - for every liter of tomato juice.

Chop small tomatoes. Place the washed herbs, spices, cloves of garlic and a couple of bell pepper rings at the bottom of the sterilized jars. Fill the jars with tomatoes. Pour boiling water over, cover and leave to warm. When the water cools down, drain it and refill the jars with boiling water. Pass overripe tomatoes through a meat grinder or cut into slices, heat and rub through a sieve. Add salt and sugar, boil, remove the foam and pour boiling juice over the tomatoes in the jars, draining the water from them. Roll up, turn over.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter can be made especially spicy if you add horseradish grated on a fine grater to the juice (about a tablespoon).

Tomatoes in their own juice (with tomato paste)

2 kg of medium-sized tomatoes,
500 ml tomato paste
1 liter of water
2.5 tbsp Sahara,
½ tbsp salt,
5-6 peas of allspice,
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
greens - to taste and desire.

Rinse the tomatoes, immerse them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cover with ice water. Remove the skin, place in sterilized jars and cover with boiling water. After a few minutes, drain the water. Combine the tomato paste and water, add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour boiling pour over the tomatoes in the jars and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap up.

Happy blanks!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It's time to harvest tomatoes for the winter. They are just in time for the end of summer, the beginning of autumn, the most delicious. And since they are tasty, then the blanks from them will also turn out delicious. This year the summer gave us a lot of warmth, and there was a lot of sun. And for growing tomatoes, this is just what you need. Warmth and sunshine!

Therefore, tomatoes for everyone who has their own garden plots ripened right on the bushes. Usually we take them green from the bush, and they ripen in our boxes in a dark place. Someone puts one red tomato in a box with green fruits, someone comes up with some other methods. And this year there was no need to invent anything. They all grew so much that they simply did not know where to put them.

Therefore, they prepared various pickles. And they were cooked, and procured, and rolled. And of course we did them.

And today, a slightly different recipe for tomatoes in their own juice. The recipe is very simple and does not take much time. Therefore, for those who have a little free time, it will just come in handy.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter without sterilization a simple recipe

We need (for a three-liter jar):

  • tomatoes - 1.5-2 kg (small)
  • tomatoes - 2 kg (for tomato)
  • dill - 7-8 branches
  • horseradish leaf
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • black peppercorns - 20 -22 pieces
  • allspice peas -5-6 pcs
  • red chilli pepper - to taste
  • cloves - 5 pieces
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp
  • aspirin -1.5 tablets


1. To prepare this harvest for the winter, I use two varieties of tomatoes. Some are not large, either round or oblong "ladies' fingers". And for cooking tomato I take large, juicy, fleshy fruits. They themselves are very tasty, crumbly, sugar, and the tomato will turn out from these, too, very tasty.

2. Pour boiling water over large specimens for 5 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse them with cold water, and peel them. Remove the remnants of the stalk, and cut into several pieces. So that it is convenient to twist it in a meat grinder in the future.

If someone is short of time, then the peel from the tomatoes need not be peeled. Of course, the first option is preferable, since the tomato will be brighter and more pleasant to use.

3. Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder.

4. Wash small fruits and put them in a bowl so that the glass of water. Each of them is pierced with a toothpick at the place of attachment of the peduncle in three places. This will keep the skin intact. During processing, conservation and storage, it will not burst.

If desired, small specimens can also be peeled off. But since we have a quick and easy way, we do everything in a simple way. And with peeled tomatoes, we cooked the preparation according to the recipe.

5. Prepare jars and lids. Wash the jars with a cleaning agent or soda, and rinse thoroughly with cold running water. Then sterilize the jar using one of the known methods. Or pour 2/3 of boiling water into the jar, cover and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Or put the jar in a colander. And that, in turn, is placed in a saucepan with boiling water and thus hold the jar over the steam until it becomes hot.

Then turn the jar and put it on the neck so that the glass is water.

Place the lids in a saucepan with water and boil them for 10-15 minutes.

6. At the bottom of the jar, put a piece of horseradish leaf, a mixture of pepper and cloves. Cut off a small piece of red hot pepper. The sharper it is, the less you need a piece.

7. Lay out two layers of tomatoes and place dill sprigs along the edge of the jar to make it beautiful. Then lay out another 2-3 layers, and again shift with dill sprigs.

It is not necessary to fill the jar very tightly. The tomato will be quite thick, and we need it to be able to fill all the empty space easily enough. Leave some free space at the top as well.

8. Put another small piece of horseradish leaf and one sprig of dill on top. And cover with a sterilized lid.

9. Simultaneously put the tomato on the fire and water in a separate saucepan.

10. Cook the tomato for 30 minutes. Foam will appear during cooking, it must be removed so that our blanks do not ferment. You also need to stir the tomato periodically.

11. When the water boils, pour it over the tomatoes. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes to warm up thoroughly.

12. Drain the water back into the pot through the perforated sieve lid. Let the water boil again. And then pour it over the tomatoes again. Let it stand again for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

You can periodically shake the jar or twist it from side to side so that air bubbles come out of it. To do this, place the jar on a piece of cloth or towel so as not to damage the table surface.

13. When you have drained the water a second time, pour salt and sugar into the jar. I decided to make a blank, so that the blank was sweetish to taste, and for this I add 6 tablespoons. Salt, as expected, 1 tablespoon for half a liter of water. Since about 1.5 liters goes to a three-liter jar, we put 3 tablespoons of salt.

If you don't want them to be sweet, add less sugar. But at least 2 tablespoons per three-liter jar.

14. I add aspirin to all preparations of tomatoes and cucumbers. It helps preserve conservation.

Aspirin I add 1.5 tablets. It must be crushed and added to the jar along with sugar and salt.

I usually add 2.5 aspirin tablets to a three-liter jar. But today we make tomatoes in our own juice. And as you know, they also contain acid, which plays the role of a preservative. Therefore, we add less aspirin.

It is possible, with this method, not to add aspirin. But I play it safe and add. So that the bank is already stored for sure!

15. While boiling, poured and poured water, tomato juice boiled for 30 minutes. Pour it into a jar with fruits. Pour in gradually, take your time. Tomato juice is not water and it is more difficult for it to penetrate and fill all the voids. And we cannot leave air pockets, tomatoes in this case can ferment.

Therefore, first pour the tomato juice into 1/3 of the can, rotate, knock the can. See that no air bubbles remain. Then pour in the same amount and repeat the procedure. Finally, fill almost all the way to the top. Rotate the can again so that no air remains.

16. Pour in half a teaspoon of vinegar essence. And then top up with tomato juice.

17. Cover with lid. Let some juice pour out. Let the jar stand for 5 minutes. And then screw the lid back on with a seamer.

18. Turn the jar over, placing it on the lid, cover with a blanket or blanket and leave in this position for 24 hours.

19. Then turn the jar over and store it in a cool storage area.

In winter, tomatoes in their own juice will delight you with their taste. They can simply be served as a snack. And you can also add them to all dishes. Then you can remove the skin from them, and the skins will not float in the dish.

Tomato juice can also be added to meals when cooking. Or you can just drink it. It is very tasty. Not sour at all. Tastes fresh, only slightly sweet. It so happens that the juice is drunk first. It turns out so delicious!

So cook tomatoes in your own juice. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about it. And as a result, you get not only delicious snack fruits, but also delicious tomato juice.

Enjoy your meal!