Why is pickled ginger pink - you asked, we answer.

In the section on the question why is pickled ginger pink? given by the author Anna Tarasova the best answer is ginger becomes pink as a result of adding a dye (usually E124) to the marinade, which was previously replaced by beet juice in traditional cuisine. Ginger is dyed only so that it harmonizes better in color with other foods on the table, but the dye does not in any way affect its taste. The use of pink or white ginger is usually determined by the personal preference of each chef, as well as by legal regulations
while the rhizome of young ginger contains flavonoids called anthocyanins. Upon contact with acid - vinegar, anthocyanins are colored, giving a pinkish tint.
but not always use young ginger ... so they paint

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here's a selection of topics answering your question: Why is pickled ginger pink?

Answer from tatiana emirshah[guru]
here it is - and I'm interested in it .. I don't know either ..

Answer from Flush[guru]
Ideally, it depends on the color of the wine in which it is marinated. White wine has the usual color of ginger, pale yellow. And if in pink wine, it turns out a characteristic pink color. I think the ginger that we sell in Russia is colored with dyes.

Answer from Marriage[guru]
maybe beet juice is added ...

Answer from luxury[guru]
beet juice is painted
i tried it once .... uh-uh-uh ....
definitely not my product
and the smell is creepy
now it makes me sick

Pickled ginger is not such a frequent guest on a European's table. It is usually consumed when visiting Japanese restaurants, which traditionally serve pickled spicy root along with sushi and rolls. In Japan, it is consumed daily because it is believed to be beneficial for physical and emotional health. What properties does pickled spice have and how to cook it at home?

Why is ginger pink

When buying a root in a store, you will notice that its color varies from white or beige to pink and even burgundy. What's the difference and why is ginger pink? To prepare pickled root, two traditional techniques are used, differing in one main ingredient - a preservative, which is rice wine or white wine vinegar. With the first ingredient, the root acquires a delicate pink color, with the second it remains light.

There is one more observation. If a young root, rich in flavonoids is pickled, upon contact with any acid, such as vinegar, they turn a delicate pink color.

It is not very difficult to determine the taste of young and old ginger. The first one has a more delicate taste and texture. The second is more rigid due to the presence of a large number of fibers.

If a store contains a product that is too intense in color, it means that it was dyed with food coloring or regular beetroot juice.

Pink young ginger is called gari, last year's light - beni-sega

Properties of pickled ginger

In the process of pickling, the spice does not lose its beneficial properties. On the contrary, it acquires additional qualities that make it possible to speak of its uniqueness. It contains in the same volume:

  • trace elements (potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus, sodium);
  • vitamins (C, B 1, B 2, A);
  • essential oils;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • linoleic and other fatty acids;
  • essential amino acids;
  • alimentary fiber.

The pickled root is useful for endocrine glands, respiratory organs, women's health, potency. Effective as a disinfectant for sore throats and gum disease. By consuming the pickled spice, one slice several times a day, you can protect the body from the spread of infection from the nasopharynx to the lower respiratory organs. If this happens, the root will help thin the phlegm and ease the cough.

Ginger warms well, therefore it is useful for colds and hypothermia. It also increases potency in men and attraction in women. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, relieving stress and excitement.

Pickled ginger has another property. It speeds up metabolism, helps break down fats, eliminates flatulence and promotes the production of digestive enzymes. Such benefits are appreciated by nutritionists and everyone who seeks to actively lose excess weight.

How to pickle ginger at home

Homemade pickled ginger can be stored for up to 4 months in a glass or ceramic container with a lid. Therefore, a large portion can be prepared immediately. The recipe is simple. Salt and sugar are mixed with rice vinegar, until they are completely dissolved. The root is peeled and cut into thin slices. The more fibrous the product, the thinner and more transparent the flakes should be.

Ginger can be pickled overnight and added to salad in the morning.

The slices are placed in a ceramic container in layers and covered with marinade. Put it in the refrigerator. The product is ready in 6-8 hours. This method is considered the simplest and most affordable for a European novice cook. Proportions:

  • 500 grams of peeled ginger root;
  • 100 ml rice vinegar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Cooking use

Pickled ginger flakes are used as an additional product to the main course. It can be a spicy addition to meat, but best of all ginger sets off the taste of fish (last year's root is used for it - beni-sega). The marinade can be used in the preparation of beef and fish.

Traditionally, pickled root is served with sushi and rolls (this is a young ginger called gari), especially if raw seafood was used in their preparation. The benefit of ginger in this case lies in the ability to disinfect raw foods, killing pathogens. In this way, a double effect is achieved: the taste of the main course is enriched and uncooked ingredients are disinfected.

The pickled root clears the palate and prepares flavoring recipes for a different flavor

What else is ginger eaten with? It complements meat and cheese cuts, goes well with barbecued vegetables, and is used as a snack for alcoholic beverages. Some lovers prefer to eat it just like that, without supplementing with other products.

In Japanese restaurants, pickled ginger is also used to eliminate the aftertaste from the eaten dish. Thus, the person will be ready to fully appreciate the taste of the next dish. We are talking about both several types of sushi, eaten alternately, and other dishes.

The benefits of the overseas spice are obvious. Now it is affordable and diverse in use, so it appears on more and more home tables. Systematically using it in food, you can rejuvenate the body from the inside, increase resistance to viruses and bacteria, and balance the state of mind.

Pickled ginger is an original spice that adds piquancy and richness to dishes. At first glance, the root, which is hardly noticeable, contains a considerable amount of biologically active substances necessary for normal human life.

Nutritional value of the product and its chemical composition

In the process of pickling, the spice does not lose its healing power. This is due to the fact that the product is not heat treated. In addition, pickled ginger improves its taste and aroma, and the calorie content decreases, which is 51 kcal per 100 grams of product.

It should be borne in mind that this indicator may vary depending on which recipe was chosen for cooking. If sugar and butter are used in the marinade, then the number of calories will increase significantly.

One of the important characteristics of any product is its nutritional value.

The table shows the content of substances per 100 grams of the product:

This natural product consists of:

  • a complex of vitamins - A, groups B and C;
  • organic acids - oleic, linoleic, nicotinic and caprylic;
  • essential oils: zingiberen - 70%, gingerol - 1.5%, camphene, bisabolene and others;
  • minerals: potassium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium;
  • antioxidants.

Due to its rich chemical composition and nutritional value, the spice is considered a versatile remedy for solving a huge range of human health problems.

Why is pickled ginger pink

It's all about the ingredients that make up the dish. The root vegetable is pickled using wine and rice vinegar. And to give a more saturated color, up to red, burgundy, beet juice is used. This is explained by the reaction with the marinade of flavonoids, which are contained in a large volume in the product.

It is also important to use the roots of only young plants in the preparation of the spice, since they are rich in anthocyanins, do not have pronounced fibers, their skin is transparent, and the taste does not have a strong pungency.

Therefore, the result is a unique dish of a pink hue, the taste and consumer properties of which almost do not differ from the white counterpart.

Benefits for the body

Pickled ginger not only complements the daily diet, but also heals the body. Its benefits have been tested for more than one century in the practice of medicine, both folk and traditional, since ginger:

A daily intake of pickled ginger will comprehensively strengthen and restore body functions, normalize the activity of vital systems.

Pickled Slimming Ginger

One of the unique features of ginger delicacy is its ability to increase metabolic rate, quickly break down fats, eliminate flatulence and normalize the formation of food enzymes. Therefore, most nutritionists, when developing diets, give preference to this product and advise taking it for such purposes as:

  • dissolving cholesterol plaques and reducing bad cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • burning of body fat;
  • decreased appetite;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.

It is important to carefully introduce the product into the menu. Better in small portions, gradually increasing the dose to 100-150 g per day. In this case, divide this amount into 2-3 snacks.

How to use

The daily consumption rate of a pickled plant for an adult is 30 grams.

This spice is considered universal, as it can be consumed:

  • as a standalone snack to help you eat right and lose weight at the same time;
  • in the form of a medicinal tea drink for colds, which should be drunk hot, no more than 3 cups a day;
  • as an additional ingredient in savory salads, meat and fish dishes;
  • in liqueurs and tinctures, especially for representatives of the strong half of humanity to increase potency;
  • for sushi, where ginger is an effective weapon against many bacteria in all kinds of fish.

The more humanity learns about the healing power of pickled pink ginger, the richer the abundance of delicious dishes with the addition of this spice becomes.

How to cook at home

The ginger snack recipe is simple and easy to understand. Even beginners in the culinary business can master its cooking.

This will require the following ingredients:

  • young ginger root - 250-300 g;
  • rice vinegar - 100 g;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • salt - 5 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the root well, peel and cut into thin slices. The thinner they are, the tastier the dish will be. Sprinkle the prepared slices with salt, stir and leave for a while.
  2. In a small bowl, bring water to a boil and lower the ginger slices. Boil the product for 5 minutes and drain in a colander.
  3. Start cooking the marinade. To do this, combine the rice vinegar with sugar in a saucepan and dissolve by constantly stirring the composition over low heat.
  4. Then put the ginger in a glass container and add the hot marinade. You can add 2 tablespoons of raw beetroot or plum juice to ensure that the shade of ginger turns pink.
  5. Leave the ginger at room temperature for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, cover the dishes tightly with a lid and place in a cold place for further marinating.

The taste and aroma of the original snack can be enjoyed in 8-10 hours. This appetizer will perfectly harmonize with meat, fish and sushi dishes.

Harm and contraindications

Ginger is an invaluable aid in the treatment of many diseases, but it should be borne in mind that, like all products, it has certain contraindications.

The main thing is not to exceed the daily norm, since active ingredients in an increased concentration and acceleration of processes in the body can provoke such unpleasant sensations as heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting and allergies in the form of urticaria. Therefore, ginger should be taken in moderation even by those people who have no contraindications to its use.

The product can be easily found on the shelves of any store. But it should be borne in mind that unscrupulous manufacturers are trying to attract consumers with a rich spice color, using synthetic dyes, not natural ingredients, in their preparation. When buying a product, it is important to focus on its shade, which should be uniform, without darkening. And it's better not to risk it and try to make the spice yourself.

Pickled ginger purchased in a store or independently made must be kept in the cold for no more than 4 months, having previously created the necessary conditions for it. For storage, you need to use glassware, ceramics with a sealed lid.

Proper preparation of this unique spice will allow you to use its healing power for as long as possible, especially in spring and autumn, when the body's immunity is weakened.

Pickled ginger has a beneficial effect on human health, enriching the body with a number of healing substances. Therefore, lovers of ginger delicacies can boast of good health, general peace of mind, and a slender figure.

In contact with

Ginger - one of those plants that have a huge positive effect on the human body. It is consumed both raw and pickled. In the second version, ginger can retain its natural hue or become slightly pinkish.


Properties of pickled ginger

Japanese cuisine is gaining more and more new fans every day. We will not be surprised at this, because light, healthy and tasty dishes are liked by almost everyone who dares to try them at least once. Pickled ginger is a great spice that well sets off the taste of fish, as well as gives a certain piquancy and light spice to almost all dishes. But, as a rule, all hot spices are harmful to human health. If you use them very often, you can get digestive problems. However, this does not apply to pickled ginger.

The benefits of pickled ginger

We often use ginger with sushi and rolls. This is in order to protect our body from bacteria, which are found in large quantities in raw fish. Therefore, we can say that pickled ginger is a wonderful protective agent that nature has given us, which can make it safe to eat raw fish, meat and fast food.

The Japanese believe that people who use pickled ginger for food gain spiritual uplift and experience spiritual strength. This is indeed the case. Ginger can relieve nervous tension, heal various stresses, helps to gain determination and fights against feelings of fear. Pickled ginger effectively helps with various colds, namely: sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throat and pneumonia. It also freshens breath, cleanses our oral cavity, works as an analgesic, mainly for headaches. Also, ginger washes can be a good prevention of colds, especially in the cold season.

Ginger can be considered a storehouse of vitamins. That is why it is used for various diseases. It is endowed with warming properties, fights seasickness, revives and awakens the libido of both partners, and also protects our body from early aging. This product can improve vascular health, which can eliminate and prevent thrombophlebitis. It will also help cleanse the body of many toxins, remove toxins, improve complexion and eyesight.

If your work is related to mental activity, then pickled ginger is exactly what you just need, because it enhances the process that supplies the brain with oxygen. And if you are struggling with excess weight, then this root can also help you.

Very often, a small piece of ginger is consumed between meals, in order to kill the taste of some dishes and prepare for the next.

Is there any harm to the body of pickled ginger?

Ginger, like other medicinal products, may have contraindications. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then you should stop using excessive ginger. It is capable of causing exacerbations. Pickled ginger during pregnancy is also contraindicated. And during lactation, you should also abandon it. You can quite feel the harm of this spice on yourself if you abuse it. It should not be added to all meals. It doesn't make sense. You don't need to think that our body will strengthen according to the amount of ginger used - this is not at all the case.

The chemical composition of pickled ginger

Pickled ginger is able to preserve almost the entire composition of minerals and trace elements, which fresh ginger is rich in. It contains vitamins of group B, namely B1 and B2, vitamins A and C. Pickled spice contains magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, zinc. Our root vegetable contains the amino acids phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, valine, tryptophan and lysine, which are beneficial for our health.

Pickled Slimming Ginger

The recipe is for 300 grams of ready-made ginger, which contains 68 kcal.


  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • half a glass of wine vinegar,
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 1, 5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 3 tablespoons of red wine
  • 300 grams of peeled ginger root.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the ginger. How exactly is up to you.
  2. We are waiting for the water in the pan to boil and throw the root vegetable we cut into it. Salt and cook for about 5 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and spread the ginger.
  4. We dissolve sugar in boiling water, adding wine and wine vinegar there - this is our marinade.
  5. We put the ginger in a container in which we will marinate and fill it with marinade.
  6. We close the container with a lid and leave it for 3-4 days at room temperature. After that, it can be consumed.

Calorie content

The calorie content of pickled ginger is 51 Kcal. Proteins ~ 1 Kcal, fats ~ 3 Kcal, carbohydrates ~ 50 Kcal.

Why is pickled ginger pink?

When marinated correctly, the Asian root vegetable changes its color from yellow to pink. This change can be caused by the highest quality Japanese rice vinegar. If you see pink pickled ginger on store shelves, this is not a guarantee that it was prepared with the addition of rice vinegar. To achieve the desired result, it is enough to use E124 dye. It is dyed only so that it is in perfect harmony with other products. This dye does not affect its taste at all.

Pickled ginger is a source of healthy vitamins. If you want to be young, beautiful and healthy, then by all means try to do it with the help of this wonderful spice!


Root ginger famous for its beneficial properties for the human body. It helps to improve immunity, promotes better absorption of food. You can use it not only raw, but also pickled.

You will need

    • ginger root;
  1. salt;
  2. sugar;
  3. water;
  4. rice vinegar.


  • Prepare the root. You need to rinse it thoroughly and peel it off. If you have purchased young ginger, simply rub it with a stiff brush or peel it off with a knife. If the root is old and does not lend itself to a similar method of cleaning, then remove the peel with a vegetable peeler, or with an ordinary knife (cut off a thin layer).
  • Chop up the ginger. Thin ginger root petals are used for pickling, so you need a sharp knife with a wide blade. Place the root on a cutting board and carefully cut it into thin strips. Remember, the thinner you make the petals, the better the finished dish will turn out. Therefore, do not rush, do it slowly. Place the prepared ginger on the bottom of a deep bowl.
  • Heat about three liters of clean water in a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add salt and add ginger. Let the bowl of water sit for four to five minutes and then drain off. Set aside about half a glass of this water. The process of treating the root with boiling water is necessary to make it softer and more tender.
  • Combine the water left, one glass of rice vinegar and three tablespoons of granulated sugar. Optionally, you can use red vinegar, which will give the ginger a pleasant pink hue. For more tenderness and softness, try replacing the vinegar with rice wine (it also comes in pink and white).
  • Pour the mixture over the root and mix thoroughly. Leave the ginger in the marinade for five to six hours (you can overnight). Be sure to keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Do not rush to free the finished root from the marinade - it is much safer to store it in it. Pickled ginger should be consumed within four weeks. Store it in the refrigerator, preferably in a sealed container.
  • KakProsto.ru

Japanese cuisine gains new fans every year. However, this is not surprising: light and tasty dishes are enjoyed by almost everyone who dares to try them.

It is quite simple to become a lover of Japanese cuisine: the benefits of these products, combined with low calorie content and unique taste, do their job. The huge amount of spices used in the preparation of such food amazes the imagination of the "beginner", but perhaps the most memorable is pickled ginger. It perfectly sets off the fishy taste, giving piquancy and light pungency to almost all dishes that are somehow related to seafood.

But how good is pickled ginger for the human body? And can we cook it ourselves? Read the answers to these questions below!

The benefits of pickled ginger

As a rule, pickled ginger is used with rolls and sushi. This is done solely in order to protect your body from bacteria that live in sufficient quantities in raw fish. That is why we can safely say that pickled ginger is an excellent natural protective agent that allows you to protect raw meat, fish or any instant food.

The Japanese are firmly convinced that in the process of eating pickled ginger, a person gains a certain spiritual strength and experiences spiritual uplift. We have no reason not to believe them. Ginger really relieves nervous tension, heals numerous stresses and eliminates the feeling of fear.

Ginger is rich in all kinds of minerals and serves as a kind of storage of vitamins.

Thanks to this fact, it is taken for various diseases, because it has a “warming” property, relieves motion sickness, revives the sexual desire of partners and protects the body from premature aging.

If your work is directly related to mental activity, then pickled ginger is what you just need, because it enhances the process of supplying the brain with oxygen. In addition, if you are struggling with excess weight, this product can help you with this.

Pickled ginger. Is there any harm to the body?

Like any other medicinal product, pickled ginger may have contraindications. If you suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the excessive use of ginger should be discarded. It can cause exacerbations.

Also, ginger is contraindicated for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding a baby. It is best to give it up during lactation.

The harm of this product can show itself to the fullest if you start to abuse it. You shouldn't use it absolutely with all your food - it doesn't make any sense at all. Do not assume that your immune system will strengthen in proportion to the amount of pickled ginger you consume - this is not at all the case.

Cooking homemade pickled ginger: recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making homemade pickled ginger, here are just a few of them:

Pink pickled ginger

The recipe is for half a kilogram of cooked ginger and contains about 600 calories (in total).



why is pickled ginger pink?

Pontelemon Bovin

ginger becomes pink as a result of adding a dye (usually E124) to the marinade, which was previously replaced by beet juice in traditional cuisine. Ginger is dyed only so that it harmonizes better in color with other foods on the table, but the dye does not in any way affect its taste. The use of pink or white ginger is usually determined by the personal preference of each chef, as well as by legal regulations

The rhizome of young ginger contains flavonoids called anthocyanins. Upon contact with acid - vinegar, anthocyanins are colored, giving a pinkish tint.
but not always use young ginger ... so they paint

tatiana emirshah

just here - and I'm interested in this. ... I don't know either ..

Marina Ivanova

maybe beet juice is added ...


beet juice is painted
I tried it once .... uh-uh-uh ....
definitely not my product
and the smell is creepy
now it makes me sick

Tatiana Leto

Ideally, it depends on the color of the wine in which it is marinated. White wine has the usual color of ginger, pale yellow. And if in pink wine, it turns out a characteristic pink color. I think the ginger that we sell in Russia is colored with dyes.

Why is pickled ginger in sushi pink, but fresh yellow?


added rose rice wine (mirin)

Mandarin duck

maybe the marinade somehow affects?

Andrey Vink

You can marinate in different ways ... The recipe is not one for all occasions.

Noise Maker

Because it is marinated with rose rice wine.

Elena Aksenova

When pickled, the ginger changes color, regardless of whether there is rose wine in the marinade. Chemistry is also added to ginger in vain, it is quite natural for him to change color.

Why is sushi ginger pink? After all, the ginger root is yellow! Why is sushi ginger pink? After all, the ginger root is yellow!


It is pickled, beet juice is added for coloring!

[email protected]

Because pickled




The ginger is pickled in red rice vinegar.

Naked truth

It is red rice vinegar that gives a beautiful pale pink color and a mild sweetish taste. And if pickled ginger is dark pink and very spicy in taste, then this is a cheap fake marinade made from ordinary vinegar, beet juice and sugar.

"Need help" how to make pink pickled ginger


100 grams of fresh young ginger, coarse sea salt.

For the marinade:
100 ml of 2% flavored vinegar, 2 tablespoons of dry rose wine, 1 teaspoon of coarse sea salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method:
When working with ginger, certain rules should be followed: its juice is quite burning, so you need to protect your eyes.
Peel the ginger and rub with coarse sea salt. Leave the ginger prepared in this way for 10 hours on the table, covered with foil.
Wash the ginger, cut into thin slices according to the fiber pattern, you can use a knife to peel vegetables.
For the marinade, mix all its components, stir until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.
Pour the ginger in the jars with the marinade, cover tightly. Put the jars in a dark, but not cold place (wardrobe, bedside table) for a week.
After a week, the ginger is ready to eat. In the future, you need to store ginger in the refrigerator.
Over time, it becomes a pleasant pink color.


Go to the twilight market and buy ready-made!

Evgeny Kuznetsov

Pickled ginger
(for sushi)
Traditional recipe, quick preparation
1) Buy fresh ginger root. When buying, pay attention to the smooth, not wrinkled skin, the absence of dark spots, damp areas, mold, etc. It is better to choose a root of a more or less even shape, it will be easier to clean.
2) Prepare:
1.a bowl of ice water for the peeled ginger;
2. a cutting board and a very (!) Sharp knife;
3. a bowl of ice water and pieces of ice for chopped ginger;
4. a sieve to remove excess water;
5. a saucepan with boiling water for scalding ginger;
7. ice water with chunks to cool scalded ginger;
8. marinade in glass, porcelain or ceramic marinating dishes.
3) First, prepare the marinade, since the preparation of the ginger itself should not be interrupted.
For the marinade, take:
Ginger 50 g - Salt 0.5 tsp - Sugar 1 tbsp. l. - Rice vinegar * 3 tbsp. l. - "Dasi" ** 2 tbsp. l.
Ginger 100 g - Salt 1 tsp - Sugar 2 tbsp. l. - Rice vinegar * 6 tbsp. l. - "Dasi" ** 4 tbsp. l.
Ginger 150 g - Salt 1.5 tsp - Sugar 3 tbsp. l. - Rice vinegar * 9 tbsp. l. - "Dasi" ** 6 Art. l.
Ginger 200 g - Salt 2 tsp - Sugar 4 tbsp. l. - Rice vinegar * 12 tbsp. l. - "Dasi" ** 8 Art. l.
vinegar can be taken from apple cider, wine from red or white grapes, or any other, but not flavored with herbs;

"Dashi" is a broth made from fish flakes "bonito" (tuna) and dry seaweed "kombu" (kelp)
For 2 liters of water, take 1 cup (250 ml) of fish flakes and 5 sheets of algae measuring 15x15 cm.
Place the seaweed in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. over low heat.
Remove the algae and add the fish flakes to the broth and cook for another 2 minutes. stirring.
Strain the broth through a fine sieve and refrigerate.
Store in the refrigerator and consume as needed.
Mix all the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl (a glass saucepan is most convenient).
You can slightly heat the mixture to accelerate the dissolution of salt and sugar, but you cannot overheat and even more so boil it! Cool the marinade after dissolving.
! Add a few drops (1-3) of red food coloring to the finished chilled marinade, then the ginger will acquire a beautiful pink hue.
4) Now peel the root of the ginger, peeling as thin a skin as possible. In the process, the ginger can be broken up or cut into easy-to-clean pieces, but not too small.
Since ginger darkens quickly in air, it must be kept in water, and it is advisable to clean it under running cool water. Put the peeled pieces in a bowl of ice water (see item 1).
5) When all the ginger is peeled, cut it with a sharp knife into thin (as thin as possible!) Pieces. In this case, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pieces should be as large as possible ... The main thing is that the pieces are the same thickness. In the process of cutting, remove the pieces of ginger from the ice water, and throw the sliced \u200b\u200bthin slices back into the ice water with pieces of ice (see p. 3).
The chopped ginger should be in this water for at least 5 minutes.
6) Place the ginger in a sieve and let the water drain, but do not hold for more than 3-5 seconds.
7) Immediately immerse the ginger pieces in boiling water for 3-5 seconds (or hold them longer, up to 20 seconds, depending on the thickness of the ginger slices - the thicker the ginger pieces, the longer the ginger should be kept in boiling water).
8) Discard the ginger in a colander and immediately dip the ginger in ice water with ice cubes (see point 7).
But do not keep in this water for a long time, after 1 min. drain the water again.
9) After that, immediately toss the ginger into the marinade. The marinade should cover all of the ginger.
10) Marinate ginger for at least 30 minutes. , but it can be longer. The longer it sits in the marinade, the less pungent it will be, but the more acidic it will be.

A decade ago, we had completely different food preferences. The diet of the average person was traditional and without much frills. But time has changed dramatically, the borders have become more transparent, many things are more accessible, and even now we are not surprised by restaurants and cafes serving Japanese, Chinese food, and any other countries far from us. And, of course, the favorites now are sushi and rolls. But only now, amateurs often wonder why pickled ginger is pink? We think you also asked more than once, and yes, indeed, why?

Ginger has become our favorite food

The answer, of course, you will find with us. We will also tell you if such a product is harmful to our health, but let's start over. Ordering rolls or sushi at home or in a cafe has become a common and favorite thing, because the taste of the products is so unusual, and without ginger the dish would not be so rich, tart and unlike everything that we used to cook in everyday life. But when we come to the store, among the shelves with vegetables, we see a ginger root and are perplexed, because it is not pink or scarlet.

Dyes, preservatives, chemicals? Is ginger dyed to make the view more attractive and so unusual and inviting for us? Unfortunately, in order to sell products, manufacturers do not skimp on additives, and we are already used to hearing about the presence of these harmful substances in food, but we do not want to be disappointed in our favorite Japanese dish. After all, everything that is harmful is so often tasty, and we try to limit ourselves and our children from the consumption of such food in order to preserve our health. And then you will have to give up roll and sushi so as not to get an upset gastrointestinal tract and other problems. Perhaps you are perplexed, but do not rush to draw conclusions, your favorite dish remains in your diet.

How is ginger pickled?

So, to pickle ginger root, according to the Japanese tradition, two techniques are used. Both of them color the root and add the new flavor we all love so much. The root vegetable can be pickled with vinegar, but wine or rice wine. To give a richer color, up to scarlet red and even burgundy, beet juice can be used. When ginger is cooked in wine, it will have a coral shade familiar to us; if wine vinegar is used, then the product will be light.

This is explained by the reaction with the marinade of flavonoids, which are found in large quantities in the product. Also a more beautiful, delicate, pink-coral color will be in that root crop that is young.

There is one more observation. If a young root rich in flavonoids is pickled upon contact with any acid, such as vinegar, it turns a delicate pink color. The finished ginger will be free of fibers that can be felt with meals. To pickle the old root, which will give itself out along these very fibers, which you will guess during chewing, you need to apply additional dye. As a rule, these are beets or other food coloring products, otherwise the root will not have an appetizing shade. As you can see, the answer to the question why sushi ginger is pink is very simple. And there is no chemistry in it, of course, if the product is not prepared clandestinely.

For information! Ginger root can also be dyed with E124. In America, it is prohibited, so it is better to discard the product if you see this marking in the composition when buying a pickled product in stores. Also check with the chef at the cafe what the root vegetable was colored and how it was prepared.

It is very important to look at the packaging when you buy a finished product at retail outlets or in the market. There is an interesting observation, and at the same time, not very pleasant. On the packaging, manufacturers often indicate the composition, where there are different additives, but all of them do not color ginger. A reasonable question arises: what then gave the color to this particular product, why do they not knowingly indicate the truthful information? It is better not to look for answers, because if the ginger is colored, and there is no marking of a dye or a product that could give a shade, then this is hiding the truth. This means that the product is simply harmful and not worth buying. The real root, pink or white, is useful pickled, and then you will find out what.

It is interesting! In nature, both white and pink ginger do grow, but the places of growth are different. The latter is found in Asia, but the root of all is the same in color - white or, rather, beige.

What are the benefits of pickled ginger?

If the product is cooked correctly, then its composition is only enriched with additional substances. All of them help us to be healthier, disinfect, benefit women's and men's health, and stimulate the immune system. He, in turn, does not let us get sick, and pickled root also helps well during colds.

The composition also includes:

  • vitamins - group B, C, A;
  • macro- and microelements - sodium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese;
  • antibiotics of natural origin;
  • fatty acids and amino acids;
  • coarse dietary fiber for our digestive tract;
  • a large percentage of essential oils.

Now you know the answers. Ginger has many health benefits, but it must be prepared properly and properly.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!