Salt formula cooking. Chemical formula: Salt Salt

21.08.2019 Beverages

Salt salt is an important nutritional supplement, without which it is impossible to prepare very many dishes. In the grinding form, this product has a kind of small white crystals. Various impurities in the creation of a salt of natural origin can give it shades of gray.
Cooking salt for a chemical structure by 97% consists of sodium chloride. Other names of this product are stone, dining or food salt, sodium chloride. In industrial production, such salts are obtained as purified or crude, fine or large grinding, iodized, fluorinated, clean, sea salt.
The admixture of magnesium salts in the creation of salt gives it a bitter taste, and calcium sulfate - earthy.
Many millenniums are already mining. First, the method of obtaining it was evaporation of marine or salted lake water, burning some plants. Now on an industrial scale, the deposits of the cook salt on the site of the dried ancient seas, getting it from the mineral of Galita (stone salt).
In addition to direct use, the cooking salt is used as a safe and common preservative to preserve products, as a component of hydrochloric acid production, soda. The properties of the cooking salt in the form of a strong solution in water have long been used to generate leather.
The benefits of the cooking salt
In the body, the salt is not formed, so it must be necessary to come from outside, with food. Suction of the cooking salt is almost completely in the small intestine. Its removal from the body is carried out with the help of kidneys, intestines and sweat glands. The excess loss of sodium and chlorine ions occurs with abundant vomiting, severe diarrhea.
Salt is a major source of sodium and chlorine ions, which are contained in all organs and tissues. These ions play an important role in maintaining water-electrolyte equilibrium, including activating a number of enzymes involved in the regulation of this balance.
The beneficial properties of the cook salt also conclude that it is involved in carrying out nerve impulses and muscle contractions. One fifth of the total amount of the daily demand of salt is on the production of gastric acid hydrochloric acid, without which normal digestion is impossible.
In case of insufficient supply of salt into the body, the person decreases blood pressure, heartbeats are rapidly, convulsive cuts of muscles appear, weakness.
In medicine, sodium chloride solutions are used for dilution of drugs, to replenish the deficit of fluid in the body and disinfection. With colds and sinusitis, the salt solution was washed with a salt solution and the slide sinuses. Solutions of the cooking salts have weak antiseptic properties. With constipation, the enemas with a solution of the cook salt, which is capable of stimulating the peristaltics of the thick bowel is helped.
The daily need for sodium chloride is about 11 grams, such a quantity of salt contains 1 teaspoon of salt. In a hot climate, with a pronounced sweating, the daily need for cooking salt is higher, and is 25-30 g. But often the real number of salt consumed exceeds this figure by 2-3 times. Calorie salt is almost zero.
In the abuse of a cook salt, arterial hypertension is developing, kidney and heart work in tense mode. With its excessive content in the body, water begins to delay, which leads to the occurrence of edema, headaches.
In case of kidney disease, liver and cardiovascular system, with rheumatism and obesity, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt or completely exclude it.
Poisoning of cook salt
Salt use in large quantities may not just adversely affect health, but also to be the cause of death. It is known that the deadly dose of the table salt is 3 g / kg of weight, these numbers were installed in the experiments on rats. But the poisoning of the cook salt is more likely among pets and birds. Lack of water exacerbates this situation.
When the amount of salt falls into the body, the composition of the blood is changed and blood pressure is sharply rising. Due to the redistribution of fluid in the body, the work of the nervous system is disturbed, blood cells are dehydrated - erythrocytes, as well as cells of vital organs. As a result, the delivery of oxygen in the tissue is disturbed, and the body dies.
Well, something like this)))

"Recently, it became fashionable to completely refuse to eat salt, they say, salt and sugar - our white enemies. And there were times when the salt replaced the money and was the cause of unheard of" salt "rebounds caused by large taxes on the salt (for example, in Moscow in Moscow 1648), or the spontaneous "protest" (India, the beginning of the XX century) against the monopolization of the production of the painful salt by the English colonizers. "

I. Lapshin

Salt cook is a mineral natural substance. There is evidence that the extraction of the cook salt was carried out by another 3-4 thousand years before our era in Libya. Salt is evaporated from the water (the famous Lakes Elton and Baskunchak), mined from the depths of the earth, from sea water (sea salt). World geological stocks of salt are practically inexhaustible. In Russia, in the XVI century, the famous Russian owners of Stroganov are the greatest incomes received from salt mining. From the previations of the Urals Salt went to Moscow, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, even abroad. Large salt copies are known in Spain, in Germany, Austria. In one way or another, each country of the world is producing any kind of salt. Currently, the global production of salt is, according to the US geological service, approximately 193 million tons per year and significant volumes are carried out in more than 100 countries.

The world's largest salt producer at the country level are US. However, they themselves are not able to fully satisfy their needs at the expense of local mining and are forced in significant quantities to purchase sodium chloride in the foreign market.

The most expensive type of salt is a high-quality vacuum salt, it is several times more expensive than evaporated and stone salt. Sololesors are the cheapest type of salt, and is used in industry, as well as low-quality salt used to combat the icing of roads. The average price for a cook salt today is 15 cu. per ton.

But once the salt was expensive goods. Lomonosov wrote that at the time for four small pieces of salt in Abyssini could buy a slave. Salt was served on the table in expensive solonks, she was bothering, saved, it boasted it: the presence of salt on the table was a sign of prosperity and well-being. Salt pointed in case of disasters and they paid out instead of money. The Latin word "Salarium" and the English word "Salary", meaning a "salary", "salary" - have "salt" origin. Because of the salt, folk unrest and military clashes took place - remember the famous "Salt Bunty" and wars for the deposits of the stone salt and salt reservoirs. The value of salt spawned a number of proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, which emphasized the deep value of salt in a person's life. One surcharge "without gold can be done, and without salt it is impossible" what is worth it!

"While white death is considered salt and sugar, Cocaine can sleep calmly."

However, in the 1960s, with the light hand of Herbert Shelton and the Bragg field, the cook salt was dubbed "White Death", and this statement is still so far. It all started with the ads of salt by the culprit of hypertension, renal failure, ischemic heart disease, as well as obesity. In part, this is true, but it is not necessary to call absolutely everyone to avoid salt, it is also inflection.

So, the salt (sodium chloride) is an important element that ensures human and animal world life, as well as a product with a wide range of industrial applications. Salt is the basis for the production of chemical products, primarily chlorine and caustic soda, on the basis of which many plastics are manufactured, including PVC, aluminum, paper, soap, glass. According to experts, salt in modern conditions directly or indirectly has over 14 thousand applications.

Let us dwell on the well-known solid salt, which most of us uses. So, the table salt is a crystalline sodium chloride, contains 39.4% sodium and 60.6% chlorine. As is well known, it is well soluble in water of any temperature.

Sodium is one of the main cations required for the implementation of the vital functions of the human body. In our body, about 50% of the total sodium is in extracellular fluid, 40% in bones and cartilage, about 10% - in cells. Sodium is part of bile, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, pancreatic juice, female milk.

Sodium is involved in maintaining acid-alkaline equilibrium, sodium exchange is an important link of the organism of the body, ensures the constancy of osmotic pressure. The sodium-potassium pump provides the movement of amino acids and glucose through the cell membrane. It is also necessary for the normal operation of nerve endings, the transfer of nerve impulses and muscle activity, including the muscles of the heart, as well as to absorb certain nutrients with a small intestine and kidneys.

It should be borne in mind that sodium we consume not only with a cook salt, but also with other sodium compounds in the form of preservatives (sodium nitrate), taste additives (sodium glutamate) or burst (sodium bicarbonate).

Chlorine, in turn, participates in the formation of special substances that contribute to the splitting of fats. It is necessary in the formation of hydrochloric acid - the main component of the gastric juice, takes care of the removal of urea from the body, stimulates the operation of the sexual and central nervous systems, contributes to the formation and growth of bone tissue. Muscular human tissue contains 0.20-0.52% chlorine, bone - 0.09%; The bulk of this trace element is contained in the blood and extracellular fluid.

The daily need for salt in the zones of moderate climate is 10-15 g per day (the annual need of a person in salt is 7 kg). In hot countries there is a greater supply of sweat, greater fluid consumption, therefore salt is required. In the cold climate, the water-salt exchange is not so intense, salt consumption there is less. This is why for a long time without salt can do many people of the North, for example Chukchi or Eskimos. The need for salts increases during exercise. And water for quenching thirst is recommended to drink not boiled, not distilled, and mineral, which includes sodium chloride. And after intensive loads (for example, after long hiking), it is recommended to drink slightly salted water and do not try to thicken thirst with clean water from mountain streams, where very low salt content. With significant losses of sodium chloride by the body (indomitable vomiting, protracted diarins), the amount of salt consumed is greatly increased, and in some cases it even has to enter the salt intravenous solution.

Pregnant and lactating women require more sodium. During pregnancy, the volume of blood increases by 50% with one child and even more if there are several of them. Accordingly, the volume of water held in cells increases. Small swelling is quite a normal phenomenon during pregnancy. Do not limit yourself because of this in salt consumption, and even more so do not use diuretic products. The liquid is necessary to increase the volume of blood circulation and for rapidly growing child cells, as well as to create the "mother stock" of the blood so necessary during childbirth. So conversations about the thrust of pregnant women to the pickles are quite justified.

Adding salt when cooking and in finished dishes is necessary, it is not enough with natural products. For a normal person in ordinary, nonrereremal conditions, it is proposed approximately such a salt consumption: 10 g in the form of natural products and 5 g for food acceleration during culinary processing and letting during meals. Salt content in products varies greatly: it is most high in bread, cheese and meat products; In vegetable - it depends on the type and conditions of cultivation, and in the sugar sand, sodium chloride is not at all.

In addition to the conventional salt, obtained from different sources and in different ways (stone salt, welded, saddle) also use food seaside salt, in which, in addition to sodium chloride, presented potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate, calcium sulfate , and more iron, boron, iodine, phosphorus, silicon. Due to these mineral supplements, sea salt is considered more useful. An iodined salt, fluorinated, iodized-fluorinated and so-called "salt with a reduced sodium content" - there is a part of sodium chloride substituted by chloride potassium, and it is recommended to those who have to reduce salt consumption for health.

According to the World Health Organization, about 1/3 of the Earth's population (including a fairly significant part of the population of the Russian Federation) lives in areas, in one degree or another of the lack of iodine. The latter leads to an increase in cases of thyroid disease and the delay of mental and physical development in children. The iodization of the dining room salt abroad is carried out for 60 years. At the same time in Russia in 1998, the iodined salt was completely absent on the store shelves. The benefit is now in the choice of us are not limited. Just need to keep in mind - in order to keep the valuable trace element (iodine), it is better to cook and fry everything disappeared, but to hire food already in a plate - to your liking.

The table salt is used to prevent product damage, since in brine, an increased osmotic pressure in which the bacterial cell suspends its livelihood. However, the brine is most often used otherwise - as a universal means for removing the hangover syndrome. Timely reception of the brine also removes the urge on vomiting (relevant for pregnant women) and is a good cosmetic agent - the brine baths make hands with soft and gentle, and the face wash with brine visually rejuvenates it (due to the inflow of water to the top layers of the skin and smoothing small wrinkles) - these The recipes in the past century everywhere the aristocrats and versatorship.

Excessive use of salt is also harmful as any excesses. When using salt in food, it is very important not to reduce it. And if the inexperienced culinary swore slightly with salt, then you can correct the situation by adding potatoes and a handful of rice. But it is better to disappoint everything - you can earn the ready-made dish. As they say, "inadequate on the table, and the recaller on the back" - a surcharge for negligent owners.

In some diseases, it is recommended to limit the use of salt - with cardiovascular, inflammatory, with renal failure. In some cases, doctors prescribe inland diet - there is only that salt there, which is contained in products, without additional accession, and products with a high content of sodium chloride (cheese, for example) are excluded. And in the most severe cases, special baking bread is prescribed. But such inlets are not prescribed in obesity, especially with an alimentary, when a person<наел> Your extra kilograms because of their unbridled appetite. The desalted food tasteless, poorly saturates and causes a desire to eat something tasty. And hence the disruption of the diet, and the bouts of bulimia.

And anyway, due to the fact that it is easiest to reset the weight by reducing the amount of water in the body - many thinning salts are completely abandoned. With this unreasonable method of weight loss, in addition to water from the body, there are vital elements, including sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium. On a volatile diet, you can quickly lose weight, in just a few days, but very short, this weight will soon return back (well, if without bridges) - after all, fluid in organs and tissues is rapidly restored. Yes, even this imaginary weight loss can lead to a shortage of useful trace elements with all the arbitrary troubles.

At the same time, adoring the salt "Salted Souls" stretch to Salonka, not even trying to eat, and normal ambassadors seem to them with fresh. But after all, saved food is the emergence of edema, an increase in the burdering load, an increase in blood pressure and early development of atherosclerosis. And one more deceit: excessively salty snacks excite appetite, and hence overeating, leading to excess weight - an unpleasant load on the entire body: primarily on the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. And it is noticed that after salty dishes pulls into fatty and sweet. That is why salted snacks are served in some restaurants, salted snacks are served so that after them the visitor certainly ordered something "dense", and then pastries.

If you are accustomed to dishes during meals, try to abandon salt at all when cooking. And as flavoring additives to food or salad refills, take fresh or dried herbs and spices. Sickle, Marinada, Solonin and Smoked, should take the last place in your diet. For example, broth cubes on average contain about 60% salt per unit weight, smoked salmon - 5%, sauerkraut - 2%. And when using ready-made seasonings and sauces, you need to pay attention to the label where the salt content is indicated. So, for example, know that the soy sauce is involved in the cook salt, and he cannot be the substitute.

A more useful salt alternative is lemon juice, garlic or pepper. It has now been widespread salt with low sodium content - half sodium and half potassium. However, if you have diabetes or you suffer a kidney disease, it is better to abandon such substitutes, in patients with diabetes potassium often delayed in the body, so they need to ensure that its content does not have a dangerous high level; People with renal diseases also have difficulties with the release of potassium, so they should also limit its consumption. In turn, Misho, Tamari or Soy, used in oriental dishes, are concentrated sodium sources, but are used only in small quantities.

In conclusion, I will say - everything should be in moderation, you should not fall in extremes. I note, this applies not only to the use of salt

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Craw salt - food product. Externally salt - small white crystals. It produces in different form, for example, small or large grinding, iodized or clean, fluorinated, sea and others. It is used for the most part for culinary purposes, namely, to prepare an overwhelming number of dishes.

Cooking salt has other names: dining salt, stone salt, food salt. In chemistry, it is called "sodium chloride".

Properties of cook salt

In order for salt to be precisely in this form, in which we used to see it, it is grinding to the state of crystals. Due to different impurities, it may not be white, but darker, gray shades.

Corresponding to a salt of 97% of sodium chloride. Depending on which impurities in it, salt changes not only color, but also taste. So, due to magnesium, she is a little bitter, and because of the sulfate calcium, it can be called the earth.

In addition to the main use of salt in food, to give dishes of proper taste, it is also used as a natural and safe preservative, with which you can save products for a long time.

Salt calorie is practically absent.

The benefits of the cooking salt

Salt salt is very important for the human body in reasonable quantities. Our body cannot produce it yourself, so it must come together with the products. With moderate doses, the salt is actively excreted from the body imperceptible to humans.

Salt is considered the main and main source of chlorine and sodium ions, koi are present in all tissues and organs. They are necessary for water-electrolyte balance.

In addition, the salt is one of the wired components of nerve impulses and muscle cuts. 1/5 of the daily rate of salt is sent to generate a component of the element of the stomach - hydrochloric acid. This acid is very important, because without it the digestion will simply be able to leak.

If there is no sufficient amount of salt in the body, then you can see a pressure reduction, a rapid heartbeat, weakness and even cramps will appear.

For medical purposes, salt is used as a solution that helps compensate for the lack of fluid and carry out the purification of the body from harmful substances. Salt solution to many families and as a means for washing the nose and sinuses with various diseases of a cold character, as well as during a hyimorite. This solution has a slight antiseptic property. With salt constipation also make a solution and use it for enema.

The daily need of the body in salt is not so large - enough 1 teaspoon.

Application of table salt

Salt is added to chipboards or through the straw in food, giving it a pleasant and brighter taste. It can be added to all dishes, even in sweet (naturally, at the stage of cooking). It is also used for medical purposes as a solution.

Often the salt is used in everyday life: there is a fairly large number of "recipes", in which the salt can help the owners, for example:

  • get rid of the raid in a vase, give "life" with artificial colors;
  • make a broom to serve last longer;
  • get rid of red wine stains;
  • get rid of water divorces from the surface of the tree;
  • update the sponge;

Therapeutic and beneficial properties of cook salt

Good time of day, dear reader!

The topic of this article may seem banal, since we are so accustomed to an ordinary cook salt, which absolutely not perceive it seriously. But despite this, she has a number of useful chemical properties that we do not even guess.

An acquaintance of a person with a cook salt occurred in ancient times. Then it was produced by burning certain plants whose ash served the salt seasoning. Salt supports the water-salt balance in the body. Without it, the incoming water does not cause the cells the necessary power, because it is quickly displayed. It provides the normal condition of all muscles and neurons of the brain, perfectly adapted to human biorhythms. Its shortage is replenished by the destruction of the bone tissue and muscles with the manifestation of digestive disorders, spasms of smooth muscles, depression, nervous and mental illness.

Medical studies show that a person withstands baking feed to ten days. Cooking salt is an important seasoning having a peculiar taste and liquidating nutrition.

However, many of their amazing useful properties and practical versatility in different situations of life are not known.

The taste of grapefruits increases significantly if their slices sprinkle with salt before eating. It contributes to the simultaneously reinforced allocation of juice, which is applied when collecting it.

To preserve the creamy oil from melting in hot weather, the mastelka needs to be wrapped with a napkin moistened in salted water.

A strong salt solution in a cold form eliminates for 10-15 minutes of the tinty smell of fresh fish and unpleasant meat souls.

Prevent the appearance of mold in an open bank with tomato paste will help its backfilling on top of a shallow salt with a subsequent watering with sunflower oil.

Sweeping a small amount of salt under forms will prevent the test of the test when baking in the oven.

To reduce the splashing of fat during frying, the frying pan is pre-sprinkled slightly salt.

For cleaning small young potatoes efficiently use abrasive properties of salt. Potatoes are wrapped and placed in a plastic bag where a large salt is falling asleep. Then the contents are rubbed with palms.

Adding a slight salt into water will ensure the cooking eggs without cracking.

The cream will be sharpened much faster after adding a pinch of salt.

The remainders of food on the day at the bottom will be freely by the washcloth after frowning into it, the salt, a small fill of cold water and 1-2-hour sludge.

To prevent the slip of the fingers while cleaning the fish, they are macked in salt.

To eliminate the smell of onions and garlic on their hands after their cutting and cutting, use a manual wip wet salt with a subsequent washing.

Salted with salt water, new enameled dishes last longer.

The dry salt is easily cleaned by a tea raid with porcelain cups.

Sliced \u200b\u200bvinegar blends yellow spots with shells and baths.

Sliced \u200b\u200bwater in the heating plant saves warmth. The high heat capacity of the salt allows it to be used instead of heating after heating in a frying pan and snowing into a linen bag.

Added in starch salt when washing gives shine linen.

The fat fell on the clothes sprinkle with salt and carefully tritura to the disappearance of the spots.

The roughness from the surface of the iron is removed by strokes into a slightly heated paper paper with a shallow pure salt on it (thin layer).

Placed in the apartment plates with salt will eliminate the smell of oil paint after repair.

Movered in saline for an hour and dried candles are burning longer and spread less.

Firewood, sprinkled with a large salt, quickly light up, burn slowly and smoothly.

To extend the service of a broom, it must be placed on one and a half or two hours in a hot salt solution.

Watering the grass with a strong salt solution in a hot form liquidates its further growth.

Scattering salt over ice on the pavement or elsewhere leads to its rapid melting.

Lop pores eliminate completely salt. It is pre-cut at the surface of the earth of its stems, and the lower cuts fall asleep with a large salt. Lopha will no longer be.

Salted salt - an antiseptic, the presence of which even in small quantities (up to 10%) prevents the reproduction of bacteria of rotting and fermentation, which contributes to its widespread use in conservation of food products, organic materials.

As you can see, the unique properties of the cook salt are really a lot: many of them are really useful and, despite the fact that many claim that salt is a white poison, with proper granting salt can show their really unique qualities.

The mystery of the cooking salt, its useful and harmful properties

28 Jul 2014 ... salt is more precious than gold, because it is possible to live without gold, and it is impossible without salt.

Cashiodor Flavius \u200b\u200bMagn Aurelii, writer and consul of ancient Rome

Among all natural mineral salts, the most important thing that we call simply "salt".

A. E. Fersman, Russian Geochemist and Mineralog

The history of the appearance of salt

SaltLike water, the fire is one of those few things on Earth, which are given by the Creator and the creator on the need for all mankind.

Everything in this world is either mute - either salty, others not be given.

Salt is used by a person more than 10 thousand years.

Homer called her "Divine".

Salt There is a symbol of health and a symbol of death.

On the fresco, Leonardo da Vinci "The Secret Veter" on the table is depicted solonka with salt.

That's the way, Judas, macuv with her bread in salt, showed the devil on Jesus, thereby betraying him.

It may be from here belief that it is impossible to give salt in the evening before the church holidays and especially on the eve of pure Thursday.

It has been proven that salt carries positive energy.

Any rite, wedding, the arrival of important guests is used by bread-salt. People meet bread-salt, expressing their location to them with the wishes of good, health, good appetite.

"Sharing bread-salt" meant to undergo all the burden in life, in friendship. Hence, if you wake up the salt - to a quarrel ...

A good Russian saying reads: "Not one snaps of salt together ...".

And the expression " Salt of the earth"Means the essence of the most important and valuable, which is in this world.

Salt sincerversion was in Russia a kind of faith from hostile forces.

Salt will never deteriorate, does not give in to fire, when it gets into it, water does not lose its properties. Maybe therefore the salt in most peoples is a symbol of loyalty and constancy. Some tribes still fasten their contract by sprinkling salt.

Without salt, the life and activity of man is unthinkable. Salt is always and everywhere next to people.

There were times when the salt is not always, and not everyone was available, because bloody wars were conducted because of it. In Russia, due to high taxes, salt rebounds were arranged for imported salt (1648 years).

The salt was the road, therefore was filed only on the tables of important and expensive guests, the simple people were unavailable. Hence the expression "not salted bread" - i.e. Do not sit at the festive table.

Salt is a pledge of life. And today the salt is important for people. In any guards - in the very wild corner of lifeless taiga, where a person stayed, you will always find boxes of matches and a jar with salt - as a symbol of survival.

For the peoples of the North, this is the first indispensable of a number of strategic products. As the easiest and most affordable preservative, salt helps to keep people food: fish and meat for a long warm season.

The attitude to salt in the modern world became dual.

Let's try to understand the origin of the cook salt, what is the benefits and harm of application.

Salt salt, NaCl chemical formula, sodium chloride, in nature Gallite-powder - white powder, odorless with a specific bitter and salty taste.

In addition to sodium chloride, the table salt contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, iron, so necessary to our body.

Healing properties of salt

  • It was noted that people working on salt mining in salt mines almost do not hurt with colds and flu, they are not tormented by asthma and cough, most likely due to the fact that they breathe air saturated with steam salts.
  • Salt sincerversion was considered the key to youth and beauty. To save them, it was recommended to rub honey to the skin with salt.
  • In pain in the throat, stomatitis or dental pain helps the following recipe: dissolve in a glass of water a half-walled salt spoon and as much soda and add a few drops of iodine. Such a solution even removes the eath caused by teeth disease, various fistulas and cysts.
  • In case of pain, stomach disorder is also recommended to drink water with salt.
  • Salt is an excellent antiseptic, with rims, impose a bandage, moistened in a strong saline solution. During the war, in the absence of antiseptic drugs, the salt was widely used in hiking hospitals.
  • Bending an insect - lubricate the place of bite, itching and the pain will be held.
  • Salt salt is an excellent preservative, indispensable in salting, in conservation of vegetables and other products.
  • Without salt, the most important physiological processes in human and animal organism are impossible.
  • Salt is included in the blood, lymph, saliva, gastric juice, bile. Due to the salt, the necessary osmotic pressure is provided, on which the normal vital activity of cells depends.
  • Salt is a source of hydrochloric acid formation required for digestion. Thus, without salt, the process of digestion is slowed down.
  • Salt supplies chlorine into the body - the element necessary to maintain acid-alkaline balance (between potassium, sodium and chlorine). If there is a violation of this ratio, a person is fascinating: pressure jumps, interruptions in the work of the heart, edema, and even convulsions.
  • Without salt, do not live a person. Water flushes with slags and a table salt from our body, thereby disturbing the water balance inside it. After all, it is, salt delays water in the body, which is why it is so important on hot days so as not to torment the thirst, eat a little salt. All travelers, residents of the steppes, researchers desert and taiga know about it.

Harm salt.

As the great Paracels said: "Everything is poison and everything is medicine, and only the dose is distinguished by one of the other." So the food salt can be the strongest poison. The dose of salt is 10 times higher than necessary - is deadly.

The average daily consumption rate for an adult is 10 grams (3-5 grams of salts in cold countries and up to 20 grams in hot).

Excessive and even just increased consumption of nutritional salts is harmful to health with its consequences:

  • increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases,


Salt salt is an important nutritional supplement, without which it is impossible to prepare very many dishes. In the grinding form, this product has a kind of small white crystals. Various impurities in the creation of a salt of natural origin can give it shades of gray.

Cooking salt for a chemical structure by 97% consists of sodium chloride. Other names of this product are stone, dining or food salt, sodium chloride. In industrial production, such salts are obtained as purified or crude, fine or large grinding, iodized, fluorinated, clean, sea salt.

The admixture of magnesium salts in the creation of salt gives it a bitter taste, and calcium sulfate - earthy.

Many millenniums are already mining. First, the method of obtaining it was evaporation of marine or salted lake water, burning some plants. Now on an industrial scale, the deposits of the cook salt on the site of the dried ancient seas, getting it from the mineral of Galita (stone salt).

In addition to direct use, the cooking salt is used as a safe and common preservative to preserve products, as a component of hydrochloric acid production, soda. The properties of the cooking salt in the form of a strong solution in water have long been used to generate leather.

The benefits of the cooking salt

In the body, the salt is not formed, so it must be necessary to come from outside, with food. Suction of the cooking salt is almost completely in the small intestine. Its removal from the body is carried out with the help of kidneys, intestines and sweat glands. The excess loss of sodium and chlorine ions occurs with abundant vomiting, severe diarrhea.

Salt is a major source of sodium and chlorine ions, which are contained in all organs and tissues. These ions play an important role in maintaining water-electrolyte equilibrium, including activating a number of enzymes involved in the regulation of this balance.

The beneficial properties of the cook salt also conclude that it is involved in carrying out nerve impulses and muscle contractions. One fifth of the total amount of the daily demand of salt is on the production of gastric acid hydrochloric acid, without which normal digestion is impossible.

In case of insufficient supply of salt into the body, the person decreases blood pressure, heartbeats are rapidly, convulsive cuts of muscles appear, weakness.

In medicine, sodium chloride solutions are used for dilution of drugs, to replenish the deficit of fluid in the body and disinfection. With colds and sinusitis, the salt solution was washed with a salt solution and the slide sinuses. Solutions of the cooking salts have weak antiseptic properties. With constipation, the enemas with a solution of the cook salt, which is capable of stimulating the peristaltics of the thick bowel is helped.

The daily need for sodium chloride is about 11 grams, such a quantity of salt contains 1 teaspoon of salt. In a hot climate, with a pronounced sweating, the daily need for cooking salt is higher, and is 25-30 g. But often the real number of salt consumed exceeds this figure by 2-3 times. Calorie salt is almost zero.

In the abuse of a cook salt, arterial hypertension is developing, kidney and heart work in tense mode. With its excessive content in the body, water begins to delay, which leads to the occurrence of edema, headaches.

In case of kidney disease, liver and cardiovascular system, with rheumatism and obesity, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt or completely exclude it.

Poisoning of cook salt

Salt use in large quantities may not just adversely affect health, but also to be the cause of death. It is known that the deadly dose of the table salt is 3 g / kg of weight, these numbers were installed in the experiments on rats. But the poisoning of the cook salt is more likely among pets and birds. Lack of water exacerbates this situation.

When the amount of salt falls into the body, the composition of the blood is changed and blood pressure is sharply rising. Due to the redistribution of fluid in the body, the work of the nervous system is disturbed, blood cells are dehydrated - erythrocytes, as well as cells of vital organs. As a result, the delivery of oxygen in the tissue is disturbed, and the body dies.

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Celebration salt is called one of the most popular and common foods. It is necessarily added during the preparation of a wide variety of dishes. Cooking salt has the form of small white crystalline, which, depending on the content of impurities of other mineral salts, can have different shades. The color of salt crystallines can also affect the quality and degree of purification of the food salt.

Currently, the salty salt is presented in a wide range. Its most popular varieties include sea salt, iodized and pure salt, purified and uncleaned salt. In addition, this product differs and the type of grinding - it can be large or small.

Useful properties and composition

Due to the fact that the human body does not produce a natural salt, the cook salt can rightly be considered one of the important and essential foods. For the normal production of gastric juice, a person needs to eat some amount of food salt every day. It is worth noting that in order to produce the required amount of gastric juice, it is enough twenty percent of the entire salt, which enters the human body together with food products. Some people completely refuse salt, however, it is extremely unreasonable, because the absence of this product or its use in insufficient quantities can cause general weakness, muscle convulsions, the increase in heartbeat, decrease in blood pressure, as well as many other unpleasant symptoms.

The creation salt contains the most important and necessary mineral substances - calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium, manganese, copper, sodium and fluorine. A cat caloric content of this product is at a minimum level.

In moderate quantities, the cook salt can be useful for the human body. It has the ability to regulate the level of sugar in the composition of the blood of a person, and therefore reduces the need for insulin for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition, the cook salt helps normalize acidity inside the cells. It makes a special benefit to cerebral cells. The lack of salt can lead to very difficult consequences, including Alzheimer's disease.

Harm and contraindications

It is impossible to abuse salt in any case. The overdose of this product can trigger the fluid delay in the body, as a result of which the swelling appears. In addition, an excessive number of salts can cause strong headaches and excessive heart muscle load.

Per day you can use no more than ten grams of salt. Therefore, it is necessary to control the daily consumption of this product. The highest content of cook salt is distinguished by products such as salted and smoked fish, sauer cabbage, cheese, sausage, and olives. In addition, the table salt in a significant amount is present in alkaline mineral waters.

People who have problems with the circulatory process and the cardiovascular system, are not recommended to be too fascinated with salt. The same applies to those who suffer from such ailment as rheumatism, hypertension, as well as obesity.

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The formula of which NaCl is a food product. In inorganic chemistry, this substance is called sodium chloride. In the crushed version, the salty salt, the formula of which is given above, is white crystals. Non-essential gray shades can appear in the presence of other mineral salts as impurities.

They produce it in various types: crude and purified, small and large, iodized.

Biological significance

Crystal of a cook salt, having an ionic chemical bond, is necessary for the full life and human activity, other living organisms. Sodium chloride takes part in the regulation and maintenance of water-salt balance, alkaline exchange. Biological mechanisms control the constancy of sodium chloride concentration in various liquids, for example, in the blood.

The difference in NaCl concentrations inside the cell and outside is the main mechanism for entering the nutrients, as well as the output of life products. A similar process is applied to the generation and transfer of pulses with neurons. Also chlorine anion in this compound is the main material for the formation of hydrochloric acid, the most important component of the gastric juice.

The daily need for this substance is from 1.5 to 4 grams, and for the roast climate, the dose of sodium chloride increases several times.

The body needs not in the connection itself, but in the Na + cation and anion cl-. With the insufficient number of these ions, muscle and bone tissue are destruction. Depressed, mental and nerve diseases, violations in the activities of the cardiovascular system and the processes of digestion, muscles, anorexia, osteoporosis appear.

Chronic lack of Na + ions and cl- leads to death. Biochemist Zhores Medvedev noted that with the complete absence of salts in the body, no more than 11 days can be launched.

The tribes of cattle breeders and hunters are still in antiquity to meet the needs of the body in salt, consumed in the raw form of meat products. Agricultural tribes consumed vegetable food, in which a minor amount of sodium chloride. As signs that signal the lack of salt, weakness and headache, nausea, dizziness are distinguished.

Features of production

In the distant past, salt mining was carried out by burning in the fires of certain plants. The resulting ash was used in the form of seasoning.

Cleaning the table salt obtained by evaporation of sea water was not carried out, the resulting substance was immediately used in food. Such a technology originated in countries with a hot and dry climate, where such a process occurred without human intervention, and then when other countries took place, sea water began to heated with artificially.

At the shores of the White Sea, saltaries were built, in which concentrated brine and fresh water were obtained by evaporation and freezing.

Natural fields

Among the places characterized by large reserves of the cook salt, we allocate:

  • Artemovskoye deposit located in the Donetsk region. It is mining salt mining;
  • lake Baskunchak, transport is conducted on a specially built railway;
  • potash salts in large quantities were found in Verkhnekamsky field, where the mining method is mining of this mineral resource;
  • in Odessa Limans, it was prey to 1931, at present, the deposit is not used in industrial volumes;
  • in the Sergovskoye deposit, ramp evaporates.

Salt mine

The biological properties of the cook salt made it an important economic object. For 2006, about 4.5 million tons of this mineral used in the Russian market, and 0.56 million tons went to food expenses, and the remaining 4 million tons went to the needs of the chemical industry.

physical characteristics

Consider some properties of the cook salt. This substance is quite well soluble in water, and several factors affect the process:

  • temperature;
  • the presence of impurities.

The crystal of the cook salt contains impurities in the form of calcium cations, magnesium. That is why sodium chloride absorbs water (raws in air). If such ions are not part of the table salt, there is no such property.

The melting point of the table salt is 800.8 ° C, which indicates a solid crystal structure of this connection. When mixing a fine powder of sodium chloride with chopped ice, a high quality cooler is obtained.

For example, 100 g of ice and 30 g of the cooking salts can reduce the temperature to -20 ° C. The cause of this phenomenon is that the solution of the cooking salt freezes at temperatures below 0 ° C. Ice, for which this value is a melting point, melts in a similar solution, absorbing the heat of the environment.

The high melting point of the cook salt explains its thermodynamic characteristics, as well as high dielectric constant - 6.3.


Given how important the biological and chemical properties of the cook salt, its essential natural reserves, there is no need to develop an industrial production option of this substance. Let us dwell on the laboratory variants of the production of sodium chloride:

  1. This compound can be obtained as a product in the interaction of copper sulfate (2) with barium chloride. After removing the sediment, the barium sulfate, evaporation of the filtrate acts, can obtain crystals of the cook salt.
  2. With an exothermic sodium compound with gaseous chlorine, sodium chloride is also formed, and the process is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of heat (exothermic appearance).


What are the chemical properties of a cook salt? This compound is formed by a strong base and strong acid, therefore hydrolysis in aqueous solution does not flow. The neutrality of the medium and explains the use of the cook salt in the food industry.

With the electrolysis of aqueous solution of this compound on the cathode, hydrogen gas is distinguished, and the chlorine formation is on the anode. In the interelectrode space accumulates sodium hydroxide.

Considering that the alkali obtained is substantized in various production processes, it also explains the use of a cooking salt on an industrial scale in chemical production.

The density of the cook salt is 2.17 g / cm 3. Cubic grazent crystal lattice is characteristic of many minerals. Inside it is dominated by ionic chemical bonds, formed by the action of the power of electrostatic attraction and repulsion.


Since the density of the cook salt in this compound is sufficiently high (2.1-2, 2 g / cm³), Galite is a solid mineral. The percentage of sodium cation in it is 39.34%, chlorine anion - 60, 66%. In addition to these ions, the composition of the Galita is in the form of impurities of bromine, copper, silver, calcium, oxygen, lead, potassium, manganese, nitrogen, hydrogen. This transparent colorless mineral having a glass shine is formed in closed reservoirs. Galite is a product of the camp on the craters of volcanoes.

Rock salt

It is a mining sedimentary breed from a group of evaporites, which consists of more than 90 percent of Galita. For a stone salt, a white-white color is characteristic of only exceptional cases, the presence of clay gives a gray shade mineral, and the presence of iron oxides gives the compound yellow, orange. In the stone salt there is not only sodium chloride, but also a lot of other chemical compounds of magnesium, calcium, potassium:

  • iodides;
  • borates;
  • bromides;
  • sulfates.

Depending on the formation conditions, the main deposits of the stone salt are divided into several types:

  • underground hydrogen water;
  • brine of modern swimming pools;
  • deposits of mineral salts;
  • fossil deposits.

Sea salt

It is a mixture of sulphates, carbonates, potassium and sodium chlorides. In the process of its evaporation at a temperature range from +20 to +35 ° C, the crystallization of less soluble salts is initially crystallized: magnesium and calcium carbonates, as well as calcium sulfate. Further, soluble chlorides fall out, as well as magnesium and sodium sulfates. The sequence of crystallization of these inorganic salts may vary with regard to the temperature indicator, the speed of the evaporation process, other conditions.

In industrial volumes, sea salt is obtained from water seas by evaporation. It differs significantly in microbiological and chemical indicators from the stone salt, has a large percentage of iodine, magnesium, potassium, manganese. Due to different chemical composition there are differences in organoleptic indicators. Apply sea salt in medicine as a means in the treatment of skin diseases, for example, psoriasis. Among the common products offered in the pharmacy network, we highlight the salt of the Dead Sea. Also, the sea salt in purified form is also offered in the food industry as iodized.

An ordinary cook salt has weak antiseptic properties. With the percentage of this substance in the range of 10-15 percent, it is possible to prevent the appearance of concrete bacteria. It is for these purposes that sodium chloride is added as a preservative to food, as well as other organic masses: wood, glue, skin.

Abuse Solua

According to the World Health Organization, the excessive consumption of sodium chloride leads to a significant increase in blood pressure, as a result of which the diseases of the kidneys and heart, stomach are often developing, osteoporosis is formed.

Together with other sodium salts, sodium chloride is the cause of eye disease. Cooking salt delays a liquid inside the body, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure, the formation of cataracts.

Instead of imprisonment

Sodium chloride, called in the daily life of a cooking salt, is a widespread inorganic mineral in nature. This fact greatly simplifies its use in the food, chemical industry. There is no need to spend temporary and energy resources on the industrial production of this substance, which affects its value. In order to prevent the overaffect of this connection in the body, it is necessary to control the daily use of saline products.

Food salt is a universal mineral product, which is widely used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and animal husbandry since ancient times.

The substance is crushed transparent crystals with a pronounced taste and odorless. Depending on the purity, in accordance with GOST R 51574-2000, four varieties are distinguished: extra, the highest, first and second.

Salt can be small and large grinding, various additives (iodine and other minerals) may be present in the substance. They give colorless crystals with a grayish, yellow or even pink shade.

The daily need of salt for a person - 11 gram, that is, about one teaspoon. In the hot climate, the norm is higher - 25-30 grams.

Nutritional salt:

Food salt is necessary for the proper operation of any body, but it is very important to comply with the recommended dosage. The disadvantage or excess substance can bring significant harm to health. Let's deal with what is useful and what is harmful to NaCl, as it is produced and where they are used.

Chemical composition of the food salt

Formula of the food salt is known to each schoolchild - NaCl. But absolutely pure sodium chlorine you will not meet in nature or on sale. The substance contains from 0.3 to 1% of different mineral impurities.

The composition of the cooking salt is regulated by GOST R 51574-2000, which we have already mentioned above. Standards:

Name of the indicator Extra High Sort First grade Second grade
Sodium chloride,%, not less 99,70 98,40 97,70 97,00
Calcium ion,%, no more 0,02 0,35 0,50 0,65
Magnesium ion,%, no more 0,01 0,05 0,10 0,25
Sulfate ion,%, no more 0,16 0,80 1,20 1,50
Potassium-ion,%, no more 0,02 0,10 0,10 0,20
Iron oxide (III),%, no more 0,005 0,005 0,010
Sodium sulfate,%, no more 0,20 Not normalized
Insoluble residue,%, no more 0,03 0,16 0,45 0,85

Under the same GOST, salt is a crystalline bulk product without impurities, with the exception of related to its production. Sodium chlorine has a salty taste without extraneous tastes. Dark particles can be in the salt of the highest, first and second grade, within the content of iron oxide and the remainder insoluble in water.

Food salt production

Sodium chloride production methods have practically not changed since ancient times, and the production of substances are available in almost every country. Let's call the main ways:

  • Evaporation in special sea water tanks. In this case, many useful elements are usually included in the composition, including iodine.
  • Mining from the depths of the earth in careers and mines - such a substance almost does not contain moisture and impurities.
  • Washing and evaporation of the salt solution, thus produce the salt of the Extra variety, it is characterized by the highest degree of purification.
  • Collecting from the bottom of the salt lakes, so get a self-seed salt, which, like sea, contains a lot of mineral elements necessary organisms.

Types of salt

To date, there are many types of salt. Among them are, you can say, classic and exotic. The first long entered our diet. They have long been applied to this day when cooking and creating various medicinal and cosmetics:

  • Stone salt is the usual salt without any impurities.
  • Iodized salt - sodium chlorine, which is artificially enriched with iodine, it is very popular in the regions where people suffer from an iodine deficiency.
  • Fluorinated salt - enriched with fluoride is useful for teeth.
  • The dietary salt is characterized by a reduced sodium content, which is why there is a slightly different taste.

Exotic types of salt are used in different kitchens in the world, among them volcanic Indian salt, Himalayan pink, French smoked and many others. Such products are distinguished by shades and the presence of specific tastes.

Beneficial features

Salt is not produced by the body independently, but is very important in metabolic processes. Chlorine is needed for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as other substances that are responsible for the splitting of fat. And sodium ensures the correct operation of the muscles and the nervous system, it affects the condition of the bones and the absorption of nutrients with a thick intestine.

Salt is involved in metabolic processes at the cell level, thanks to it, the tissue receives the required number of elements. The sodium-potassium compound is responsible for penetrating amino acids and glucose through the cell membrane.