Oven baked gilthead. How to cook dorado in the oven

27.04.2021 Desserts and cakes

There are some species of fish that have been eaten for many centuries; Dorado should be highlighted among this list. There are a huge number of options for cooking this fish product, but the most popular is baking in the oven. This trend allows you to cook incredibly tasty and attractive dishes from dorado at home, providing households and guests with a nutritious and healthy dish.

Calorie content

Dorodo or Dorada is a species of sea carp. The individual is distinguished by the exquisite taste of meat, which has a pinkish tint and a delicate sweetish aroma. Another name for crucian carp is golden spar. It was not chosen by chance, but due to the color of the fish, which contains golden streaks on the head. Today, the dorado lives not only in the sea, but also countries such as Turkey, Spain and Greece are actively engaged in the cultivation of this fish species on an industrial scale for subsequent sale. Carcass weight can vary from 400 grams to one kilogram, but some fish farms breed larger individuals.

In cooking, the most popular are royal and gray sea carp.

The first type is in demand in light of its high taste characteristics; pink dorado is also found. As for the chemical composition and calorie content of this fish species, it should be noted that the calorie content of dishes prepared on the basis of such fish is low, since 100 grams of the product contains about 95-96 kcal.

Regarding the ratio of the BZHU, the indicators look like this:

  • proteins - 18 grams;
  • fat - 3 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 0.

Preparation of ingredients

Thanks to the active breeding of sea carp, it will not be difficult to acquire fish for subsequent baking. As a rule, the product will be presented in the assortment of most supermarkets. Like any other fish, purchased products require mandatory preparation before heat treatment. First of all, this applies to cleaning the dorado. This work does not have any particular difficulties. Experienced cooks, who often use this product for cooking, recommend that before starting to remove the scales, rinse the fish well under running water, since during the catching of fish and its further transportation, the products may be additionally contaminated with silt, sand or other unnecessary components that should not be baked.

After pretreatment, you should proceed to the next preparatory step - the removal of scales.

Dorado is very convenient to clean, since the individual does not have mucus and any sharp thorns on its surface, which eliminates the likelihood of injury during the preparation of seafood. The process of removing the scales can be carried out with an ordinary kitchen knife or with a special device for working with fish. It is best to start manipulating the dorado from the sides; as an auxiliary device, you can arm yourself with a regular vegetable grater. In order to make it easier for yourself the process of removing scales, you can pour hot water over the seafood, such a heat treatment will soften it, which will speed up the work process.

But in this matter, it is also important not to scald the fish, since this will negatively affect its taste.

Some difficulties may arise with the area of ​​the abdomen and back of the mascara, where the scales will adhere much more tightly to the surface. At the end of all manipulations, the fish should be washed again under the tap and the quality of the cleaning performed should be checked. The next step in preparation is to remove the viscera.

In order to properly gut the sea carp, an incision should be made from the head to the tail of the fish, straighten the edges, carefully remove the giblets, the gallbladder deserves special attention - this organ should be removed as carefully as possible so as not to damage, otherwise the leaked bile will negatively affect the organoleptic qualities of the fish, giving her bitterness. Next, you should rinse the inside of the abdomen, then remove the film and cut off the blood vessels, remove any clots that remain under the film.

Head-baked dorado is cooked without gills, so these sinuses in fish should be cut off. They also negatively affect the taste of the dish, in addition, there is a poisonous substance in the gills, so after this part of the seafood is removed, the carcass must be washed again. It is not necessary to remove the eyes from the crucian carp. Experienced cooks recommend making transverse cuts throughout the carcass before heat treatment of fish in the oven, after cleaning and evisceration, which will help the fillets to cook faster.

How long does it take to bake?

The main positive feature of this fish, in addition to the high taste that has determined its popularity, is the versatility of the product. That is why a delicious dorado dish can be cooked in the oven with almost any ingredient. Most often, dorado is baked together with vegetables, herbs, wine marinade.

On average, the fish will be ready to serve in half an hour, provided that the oven temperature is 200 ° C.

Before baking, some housewives prefer to fry the peeled carcass so that the fish is covered with an appetizing crust, in which case it will take about 7-10 minutes to heat it in the oven. In a foil or sleeve, the fish is baked for about 20-25 minutes, depending on the power of the oven.

How to pickle?

In order to improve the taste of the fish product, dorado is usually pickled before heat treatment. There are several options for such processing, and the simplest way is to use readily available ingredients - lemon, herbs in dried or fresh form, olive oil. Such a set of products will positively affect the external attractiveness of the dish, as well as make the fish meat more juicy and appetizing. The pickling technology consists in rubbing the carcass with salt, thyme, basil or other seasonings. After that, the fish should be doused with citrus juice and rubbed with oil. Leave to soak for half an hour.

As a topical addition, dorado can be stuffed with onion rings.

In order for the product to be saturated with juices during baking, chopped zucchini, tomatoes or zucchini can be put into the belly of the fish along with the onion; in this version, the fillet will become more tender from the vegetable juice. Experienced culinary experts recommend using French herbs and spices for marinating dorado, as well as a variety of fresh herbs. As a rule, the fish is treated with the selected composition and left to soak before baking for 15-20 minutes.

Cooking recipes

In light of the great popularity of this fish product, there are many options for baking it. The main ones are discussed below.

With vegetables

The composition of the dish:

  • main ingredient - 500-600 grams;
  • eggplant - 1 piece;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;

  • pepper - 1 piece;
  • fresh herbs;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dry white wine - 50 ml.;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • salt, ginger, black pepper, bay leaf.

The algorithm of actions includes several steps.

  • First of all, you should approach the preparation of vegetables. To do this, cut the eggplants into small circles, heat the pan with oil, fry the product until golden brown, sprinkle with chopped garlic. If desired, you can first remove the peel from the vegetable.
  • Chop the pepper into strips, pour over the tomatoes with boiling water, then remove the peel, chop the pulp. Rinse greens, dry, chop finely.
  • Peel and gut the fish, make cuts on the sides of the carcass. Prepare a mixture of salt and selected spices, mix all the ingredients, grate the carcass inside and out.
  • Chop the citrus into slices, place in the cuts in the carcass, squeeze the juice from the remaining lemon, pour it over the dorado.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 ° C, put the fried eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and herbs in a greased baking dish, place fish, laurel, spices on top. Drizzle a little oil over it, add wine. The dish will be ready in 25-30 minutes.

With rosemary and lemon

List of ingredients:

  • fish - 2 medium carcasses;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • basil to taste;
  • rosemary - a small bunch;
  • salt, black pepper.

Let's start cooking.

  • Peel the fish, gut, rinse and dry with a towel. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  • Preheat oven to 190 ° C, line with foil on a baking sheet. Grate the carcass with salt and seasonings, pour with lemon juice. Put rosemary, basil and citrus pieces inside the dorado.
  • Make a foil envelope, wrap seafood in it. Send to bake for 20 minutes. After a while, remove the top layer of foil, let the carcass brown in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Serve the dish immediately after cooking; it is recommended to use potatoes as a side dish.

With mushrooms

To bake fish with mushrooms, you will need the following set of products:

  • main ingredient - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • fresh herbs;
  • mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Consider the cooking technology.

  • This recipe uses dorado fillets. To do this, peel the fish, separate the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces.
  • Grate the prepared seafood with salt and spices, pour over with citrus juice.
  • Chop the mushrooms, grate the carrots into strips, finely chop the greens.
  • Prepare a form for cooking food, treat it with oil. Lay out the product, place mushrooms, herbs and carrots in the next layer, grease everything with mayonnaise.
  • The optimum temperature for baking dorado is 180-190 ° C. The fish will be ready to eat in half an hour.

In foil

The composition of the dish:

  • sea ​​carp - 2 carcasses;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces;
  • zucchini - 2 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • dill - 20 grams;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • sunflower oil.

The cooking method is pretty simple.

  • Stuff the prepared fish with herbs, lemon, tomatoes, onions and zucchini. The latter can be simply chopped or cut into circles, having previously peeled off.
  • The fish should be grated on top with salt and a selected set of spices, pour over with freshly squeezed lemon juice and oil.
  • After that, preheat the oven to 180 ° C, wrap the fish and vegetables in foil, put on a baking sheet. It is necessary to cook the dish for about 20 minutes, after which we pour it with oil, bring the fish to a golden brown crust and serve.


Let's analyze the algorithm of actions.

  • Before heat treatment for a fish product, you will need to make a marinade. For the composition, you should combine the oil with lime juice, adding salt and seasonings to them. It is recommended to process carcasses with such a mixture from all sides, put greens inside. To make the fillet soaked better, the dorado should be sent to a cool place in this state for 30-40 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, heat the oven to 180 ° C, cover the grill with parchment, place the fish on it. Cook on the "Grill" mode for about a quarter of an hour.

As for the selection of the most suitable side dish for dorado, many experts recommend serving the baked product with potatoes or vegetables. They can be prepared in the same way, or potatoes can be coarsely chopped and fried in strips. Rice can also serve as an appropriate side dish for fish.

For vegetables, dorado can be served with a fresh salad, in which case the food is best seasoned with olive oil.

As an additional dressing for sea carp, you can separately prepare fish sauce, including herbs, garlic, olives or any other products. You can also use soy sauce with fish to enhance the flavor of the dorado.

In the oven, you can make a very tasty and beautiful fish if you use the grill. To make a dorado using this technology, you will need the following products:

  • main ingredient - 2 pieces;
  • lime - 1 piece;
  • olive oil;
  • fresh rosemary - 2 sprigs;
  • salt, pepper mixture.

For the recipe for a juicy and tasty dorado in the oven, see the video below.

Overseas dorado fish is now much easier to buy than domestic crucian carp or bream. Thanks to artificial cultivation, dorado is sold in abundance in many chain stores, and not in ice cream, but chilled. The neat rows of dorado gleam with silvery scales on the slides of crushed ice. For those who have not tried this fish yet, it will be interesting to know that it has rather fatty tender meat, devoid of thin intermuscular bones. Therefore, dorado fish is ideal for baking in the oven. It is difficult to dry it out. So the recipe is extremely simple. It is enough just to peel the fish, salt it, put it on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. But if you are interested in how to cook dorado is not just delicious, but deliciously delicious, then we will share with you little culinary tricks. The taste of the gilthead, like the majority of fatty fish, is quite rich, therefore, various herbs and lemon juice are usually used to refine it. You can safely take any greens that you like best. Parsley, dill, coriander, basil. In my opinion, dorado fish go perfectly with rosemary. Fortunately, it is now easy to buy fresh rosemary sprigs in the most ordinary store.


  • 4 small fish,
  • 1 bunch of greens (I have rosemary),
  • 1 lemon or lime

Dorado fish in the oven, cooking method

Dorada needs to be cleaned first. This is done quite simply. The scales are easily scraped off with an ordinary knife. Be careful not to prick your hands on the sharp fins while cleaning.

Gutted fish. To do this, we cut the abdomen lengthwise from the anal fin to the gill sinuses. We diligently clean out all the contents of the abdomen, separating the black film from the walls. The easiest way to do this is under running water.

Now we need to make longitudinal cuts along the spinal fin - we will put branches of greenery in them.

Pour the fish inside and out with freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice, sprinkle with salt.

We put the sprigs of herbs in the incisions.

We also put greens in the gilthead belly.

Put on a baking sheet, oiled or lined with baking paper. I always use paper because it reduces the risk of fish sticking to zero.

We bake dorado in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

The fish turns out to be delicious (without exaggeration) tasty. Even my household members, who are not particularly fond of fish, are happy to eat dorada prepared according to this recipe. Delicate, juicy meat, saturated with herbal aromas, melts in your mouth. Thanks to lemon juice, the specific "fishy" taste is practically not felt. And if you manage to get lime instead of lemon, then the flavor bouquet will be enriched with some special note, which I simply cannot describe, because I cannot find the right words. Try it, it really tastes good!

For dorada, I rarely make a side dish. This fish is self-sufficient and so satisfying that it does not require rice, potatoes or bread. But light summer vegetables are very good for "facilitating" the absorption of gilthead. So green salad, cucumbers, fresh onions, ground tomatoes or cherry tomatoes just ask for one dish with this fish. A couple more lemon slices and can be served.

Bon Appetit!

Dorado is a very refined and low-calorie fish. By itself, it is already a delicacy, since it is believed that the dorado is the lot of rich people. This fish is highly prized in healthy lifestyle circles. For a long time I went and looked at this fish, but the price bites. For one of the holidays, I bought and cooked it. Now from time to time I spoil my family with this wonderful dish. My daughter tried dorado twice in a restaurant, but said that at home I cook it much tastier.

To prepare an easy, but delicious dish from this fish, we need 3 dorado carcasses, tomatoes, basil, a mixture of peppers, olive oil, garlic and salt.

The fish should be well cleaned, gills and entrails removed, and rinsed with running water. On one side, make small cuts on the sides.

Cut the tomatoes into semicircles, put one chopped tomato in the belly of each fish. Place the fish in a sealed container and marinate for 1 hour.

Chop the basil, mix it with olive oil, squeeze the garlic through a press, add the pepper mixture and salt.

Extract the tomatoes from the fish. Rub it on all sides with the resulting mixture, place part of the mixture in the abdomen. Insert the tomatoes into the cuts on the sides, and place the remaining tomatoes in the belly. Place the dorado on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Bake dorado in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for about 25 minutes. Serve each fish separately on a platter.

Dorado fish or sea carp live in subtropical and tropical waters. The main distribution area is the East Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea. In cooking, specimens from 500 to 700 grams are used. Although there are also giant fish in nature. In the wild habitat, the dorado has a catchy color, shimmering in green, blue, gold, red. A dull fish becomes gray in color.

It is believed that the smaller the carcass, the tastier it will be after cooking. Dorado connoisseurs appreciate its excellent taste. Seabass, red mullet can compete with her from low-fat species for culinary preferences. The popularity of the sea carp is so great that this species is grown specifically for further consumption.

Sea carp meat contains many useful substances:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • vitamins E, D, group B;
  • essential amino acids.

Dorado is suitable for dietary nutrition, has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, lowers cholesterol levels, improves memory, and slows down the aging process of the body.

It is cooked whole with a carcass, pieces, baked in the oven, fried in a pan, grilled. There are many recipes, from the simplest to the exotic, but I will consider the best options for cooking at home.

Preparation for baking

To bake golden steam in the oven, let's prepare the carcass:

  • We clean from the scales, cut off the fins, remove the insides, rinse, dry.
  • We select the ingredients indicated in the recipe.
  • Cut the foil or baking paper to size.
  • Auxiliary tools: knives, including fish scissors, cooking scissors, cutting board, grease brush, oven mitt.
  • After preparation, turn on the oven to warm up to 200-220 degrees.

Step-by-step cooking plan

  1. Before cleaning, rinse the dorado with running water.
  2. Cut off the fins. We remove scales from one side, then from the other with a special knife. If this is not the case, use a vegetable grater. To facilitate the removal of scales, the carcass can be scalded with boiling water.
  3. We clean the abdomen and back. We run our finger against the growth of the scales, if it remains, we clean it up.
  4. Dorado gutted. We cut the abdomen from head to tail, remove the giblets, being careful not to damage the gallbladder.
  5. We wash the gutted carcass. We remove the gills and inner films, blood vessels along the ridge. We do not cut off the head and tail so that the finished dish looks more attractive.
  6. Rinse again under running water and dry with paper towels.
  7. Finish the preparation with a longitudinal incision of the dorado for even baking.
  8. Rub the carcass with salt on the outside and inside the abdomen.
  9. Sprinkle generously with lemon juice to add a special flavor and aroma. You can rub with spices, it all depends on preference.
  10. We wash and cut vegetables: tomatoes, onions, potatoes, celery, zucchini, etc.
  11. Put foil or baking paper on a baking sheet, grease with olive oil.
  12. We form a pillow of vegetables, put the dorado on top with slices of lemon (the slices are tucked into the abdomen, cuts). The carcass can be drizzled with olive oil.
  13. We send the baking sheet to the oven, set the temperature from 170 to 190 degrees.
  14. We bake for 25 to 40 minutes, depending on the size and type of oven. You can leave the fish open or cover with a second piece of foil. In the latter case, after 20 minutes or 5 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil and send the baking sheet to the oven so that in the remaining time the dorado is covered with an appetizing, crispy crust.

The classic recipe for dorado in the oven


Servings: 2

  • dorado 2 pcs
  • onion 2 pcs
  • Cherry tomatoes 100 g
  • garlic 2 tooth.
  • lemon 1 PC
  • Dill 1 bundle
  • Provencal herbs 3 g
  • olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • sea ​​salt to taste
  • pepper to taste

Per serving

Calories: 101 kcal

Proteins: 12.5 g

Fats: 5.5 g

Carbohydrates: 1.1 g

45 minutes Video Recipe Print

    We prepare the fish. We cleanse the scales, remove the insides, gills. We rinse. We make several cuts obliquely on the sides.

    Rub the dorado inside and out with salt and a mixture of spices. Leave for 20 minutes to marinate.

    At this time, fry the onion until half cooked in a skillet with oil.

    On a greased baking sheet, put tomatoes cut into plates (salt and pepper them), fried onions. Put the dorado on top.

    Finely chop the garlic and sprinkle on the carcass.

    We put lemon slices, bay leaves in the cuts and inside.

    Put tomato slices on top of the golden spar, pour with olive oil.

    We send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for half an hour.

    We make sure that the fish does not burn (you can cover it with foil for the duration of baking).

    Serve the finished dish with lemon, dill and white wine.

Dorado in foil with potatoes


  • fish - one carcass;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • butter;
  • white wine - 1 glass;
  • salt to taste;
  • parsley to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Place a piece of foil on a baking sheet.
  2. Preparing potatoes and onions. Cut into slices, fry in a pan in butter until half cooked. Spread out evenly on a baking sheet.
  3. We prepare the sea carp. Put the carcass on a layer of potatoes with onions.
  4. Finely chop the garlic and parsley, sprinkle on the fish. Pour in a glass of white wine.
    Close the foil envelope.
  5. We send the baking sheet to the heated oven. We set the temperature to 180 degrees, bake for 30 minutes.
  6. 5 minutes before readiness, open the foil and give the dorado a golden brown crust.

Delicious Stuffed Dorado Recipe


  • peeled shrimp - 40 g;
  • canned mussels - 40 g;
  • Edam cheese - 40 g;
  • scallops (canned food) - 30 g;
  • cream - 20 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • Dill.


  1. Cooking minced seafood. Add olive oil and cream. Mix thoroughly.
  2. We rub the cheese, crush the garlic, chop the dill, send them to the minced seafood.
  3. We put the finished mixture inside the carcass. It is advisable to secure the edges of the abdomen with toothpicks.
  4. Rub on top with a mixture of lemon, pepper, salt.
  5. Add a little olive oil to a baking sheet. We bake the stuffed fish for 30 minutes at 220 degrees.

Video recipe

Calorie content

The low calorie content of baked sea crucian carp attracts lovers of diet food. For 100 grams, it is only 96 kcal. Considering that the dishes include low-calorie foods, the benefits for the body and its recovery are undeniable.

  • Sea carp is always served with dry white wine.
  • Cooking time is best kept to a minimum. This will preserve the beneficial properties, juiciness and aroma of the product.
  • For serving young children, the meat must be cleaned of small bones.
  • Dorado is in harmony with various side dishes of vegetables, seafood, cereals (rice, chickpeas, lentils, etc.), pasta.

Dorada fish, aurata, golden spar, sea carp (names of one species) are deservedly popular with gourmets and people leading a healthy lifestyle. This is a storehouse of useful micro and macro elements. In terms of iodine content, the species is even ahead of mackerel.

Cooking is not limited to oven cooking. You can boil a great fish soup, fry, bake in a sleeve, or grill steaks.

How bake dorado in the oven fast and tasty? We have prepared three great recipes for you - take note!

How to bake dorado in the oven?

Dorado is a marine fish that lives in warm and moderately salty seas (mainly the fish habitat is the Mediterranean Sea). This fish is highly regarded for its taste and nutritional value. Dorado is a fairly fleshy fish, fish fillets are dense, juicy with a slight pinkish tinge. In finished form, it has a delicate, slightly sweet aftertaste.

Given the good taste of the fish and its cost, it is customary to cook the dorado whole, baking it in the oven or on the grill. The fish is prepared very quickly. To bake dorado in the oven, just preheat the oven to 200 degrees and cook the fish for 15-20 minutes.

In addition to the traditional pan-frying or baking in the oven, dorado can be baked in a salt crust. This method is very popular in Spain. In addition to salt, you can add white pepper, lemon juice, olive oil and white wine to fish.

Dorado with fennel and nectarine

If you need bake dorado in the oven quickly, but at the same time original, take note of this recipe. You need to buy chilled dorado. If you are looking for quality fresh fish, check out the RekaMore website for a wide range of fish products of the best quality. You can not only buy dorado, but also arrange the delivery of fish throughout Ukraine.

Preheat a frying pan and fry the chopped fennel, add the nectarine wedges after 2-3 minutes. Fry these ingredients, add water and leave to simmer.

Once the water has evaporated, add a couple of pinches of sugar and some olive oil. This will help caramelize the fennel and nectarines. Place the dorado fillets in the pan and fry for 1 minute on each side. Place the fennel and nectarines in a baking dish, top the fish fillets skin side up, spread the fresh spinach and pour the peach liquor over all the ingredients. Salt, season the fish with olive oil and put in an oven preheated to 160-170 degrees for no more than 5 minutes.

This dorado recipe will help you prepare a delicious dish with a refreshing citrus note. Serve the cooked fish on a vegetable cushion, drizzled with balsamic cream.

Baked dorado with mushrooms and spinach

We offer bake dorado in the oven, the recipe for which involves baking fish in foil. It can be cooked whole or milled by separating the fish fillet from the bones.

Fry chopped garlic and a few sprigs of thyme in a spoonful of butter in a preheated frying pan until a characteristic aroma appears. Add not coarsely chopped porcini mushrooms to the garlic, but after a couple of minutes add spinach. Toast vegetables and pour in a glass of hot fish or chicken broth. Simmer for another 3-4 minutes over low heat.

Put the fillets in foil, on top - spinach, mushrooms, halves of cherry tomatoes, pour over the sauce. Wrap the fish in foil, form envelopes and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. You can serve the finished dish simply in foil, chilling a little.

Baked dorado recipe from Spain

To bake dorado in the oven, first prepare the fish marinade. Chop a bunch of parsley, some garlic, olive oil and the same amount of water. Divide the marinade into two parts: leave one, and add the juice of one lemon to the second. Season the whole peeled dorado with salt and pepper, cover with marinade.

Prepare the vegetable marinade separately. Combine chopped garlic and parsley, mashed sea salt, a few strands of saffron, and 3 tbsp. spoons of clean water.

Mix onion and potato slices with marinade. Rub a baking sheet with butter and place the vegetables, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 20 minutes.

As soon as the vegetables are browned, lay out the fish fillets, pour over with oil, sprinkle with lemon juice. Bake the fish and vegetables for another 15-20 minutes.

Serve the finished fish with lemon wedges and chopped chili (optional).

Here are three great recipes for you bake dorado in the oven!