How to cook cauliflower? Cauliflower dishes - recipes, photos. Cauliflower dishes - interesting recipes for every taste

21.09.2019 Lenten dishes

I don’t think I’ll open America now by reporting all the health benefits of cauliflower. But I cannot but say that most of all many gourmets are attracted to this vegetable. Yes, yes, the fact that it is in the first position among the dietary products. And what does this mean? That she should become the leader of our menu with you!

In addition, there is a huge list of dishes that are prepared with the participation of cauliflower. That is, these are soups, main courses, salads and snacks, casseroles and even desserts! Unpretentious on any side, healthy and tasty, it turns out that sometimes (albeit infrequently) it may not be heat-treated.

Our heroine has an equally short track record in terms of the methods of its preparation. Yes, it is boiled, steamed, stewed, fried, baked. Therefore, you can use pots, pans and pots, multicooker, double boiler, microwave oven, gas and electric ovens and other appliances.

Here's a selection of recipes that you can cook throughout the week. And the first one I will suggest is the omelet with cauliflower. Soft, tasty, healthy, in a tender egg-milk-cheese filling ... In a word, get down to business!

Light and delicate omelet of cauliflower and vegetables - a step by step recipe with a photo

I really like this dish. After all, it is so quick and easy to cook that you can put it on the table often. Moreover, your family will also like it. What I can add is that the ingredients can be manipulated towards your favorite foods. The main thing is to find the proportion of vegetables and fillings. Then you will get what you dream of!


  • Cauliflower - 150 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 70 g
  • Carrots - 50 g
  • Dill - 1 branch
  • Parsley - 1 sprig
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Cheese - 70 g
  • Spices to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Butter - for frying

How to make an omelette with cauliflower - a step by step recipe with a photo

We will immediately lay out all the ingredients, rinse them, in a word, prepare them so as not to be distracted in the process. After all, you will have to do everything in turn and quickly. So let's start with cauliflower. Let's wash it out. Let's divide into umbrellas. True, I went further and divided it into smaller parts. The omelet will then be softer.

Step 1. Cauliflower

Immediately pour some water into a saucepan, put it on fire. And we cut the carrots. I liked this format.

Step 2. Setting up the carrots

We are waiting for the slightly salted water to boil to boil cabbage and carrots for just a few minutes. And let's get down to further cutting. I had Bulgarian pepper of all colors. This is so beautiful! We customize it in any format.

Step 3. Pepper slices

Cabbage and carrots, if they boiled for two minutes, can be safely removed with a slotted spoon. Now you need to prepare the most delicate filling. To do this, drive two eggs into a bowl. And beat them well and pour in milk.

Step 4. Egg and milk mixture

Cheese ... I understand that you can grate it more. He connects all these components so cool! Rub in any format. And pour it into a bowl with the mixture.

Step 5. Add grated cheese

Let's mix all these three ingredients very well! To make it even tastier and more aromatic, we will season this mixture with something that you love very much. I had a mixture of salt and my favorite Italian herbs.

Step 7. Chop the herbs

Let's mix all the ingredients. We put the pan to heat, pouring oil. We put vegetables in it.

Step 8. Vegetables in the pan

And here comes the important point. After all, we have not just a liquid mass - there is so much in it! To calculate it correctly, that is, so that it covers the entire volume of vegetables, spread the filling with a large spoon. We try to distribute it as evenly as possible!

Step 9. Distribute the filling evenly over the vegetables

Having expanded the fill, you can once again flavor our future omelette with something. You will then make sure that this is the right step. We hardly salted the dish!

Step 10. Sprinkle with spices again

That's all. It remains to adjust the stove. After all, a strong fire will harm the omelet, and a weak one will simply ruin it. Let's cover it with a lid and ... we don't count the time, but we don't go away for a second!

Step 11. Omelet under the lid

Why don't you have to keep track of the time, why don't you have to leave when everything is cooking on a low fire? But because the omelet will be prepared literally in front of your eyes, and almost in a few minutes! Do you see how he got up? Slice while hot!

Step 12. The omelet is ready. Bon Appetit!

Amazing cauliflower and potato puree soup

Delicate, fragrant and delicious, everyone will like this soup! Especially useful for children and those who are always losing weight ...


  • Broth - 1-1.5 l
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • Leeks - 60 g
  • Cauliflower - 400 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Water - 0.6 l
  • Butter - for frying
  • Hard cheese - 60 g
  • Greens - 2 branches

Making a Hearty Cauliflower Potato Soup

Boil the broth in advance, preferably vegetable. But, if you do not fast or lose weight, make a broth from meat. Place the chopped potatoes in a saucepan. Let it boil and the heat can be reduced. Slice the leeks as you like.

Divide the cauliflower into florets. Melt the butter in a hot skillet. Crush a clove of garlic and send it there. Then add the leek with potatoes and cabbage. After about 5 minutes, pour water here. Cook for ten minutes. And then, reducing the heat, cook for 20 minutes more. After cooling all the vegetables, wipe and to get a homogeneous mass (watch the consistency - if it's thick, add the broth). Sprinkle with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs on top.

Jellied cauliflower - a time-tested recipe

Don't believe me? Believe it by cooking this recipe! You can manipulate the ingredients to your liking.


  • Sweet pepper - 1 piece
  • Cauliflower - 80 g
  • Broccoli - 80 g
  • Corn - 50 g
  • Green beans - 50 g
  • Green peas - 50 g
  • Broth - 400 ml
  • Seasoning for jellied meat - 20 g
  • Sour cream - a couple of spoons
  • Spices to taste
  • Salt to taste

How to properly cook cauliflower jellied

I suggest making aspic from vegetables (both fresh and ice cream). The ratio of vegetables, depending on your taste, can vary in one direction or another. But this aspic can give shape to meat and fish!
We will wash all the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper into small cubes. Divide cauliflower and broccoli into comfortable umbrellas. Let's send them to lightly salted water. After 5 minutes, you can take out and cool, but leave the broth!

In a second saucepan, boil corn, green beans and green peas for about eight minutes. Take out and cool. In a separate bowl, dissolve 20 g of spice for jellied meat with gelatin in 400 ml of broth. Bring to a boil over a small flame. Remove from heat and add sour cream, mix everything thoroughly and add spices and salt to taste. Well, it remains to beautifully decompose the boiled ingredients into molds and fill them with the resulting mass. Let them cool in the fridge!

Recipe for delicious crispy cauliflower in batter - revealing the secrets of cooking

Everyone knows. Favorite by many ... And also an easy-to-cook dish. And such an appetizer will diversify the diet, and will supply vitamins at the right time!


  • Cauliflower - 500 g
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp
  • Flour - 200 g
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Spices to taste

Cooking mouth-watering cauliflower in batter

Let's prepare the cabbage. That is, we will rinse thoroughly and disassemble with such umbrellas as you like (if large - this is one option, if small - the second). Let's make a batter. According to this recipe, it will turn out to be thick, but also delicate at the same time, light, and therefore will not absorb a lot of oil. Separate the whites from the yolks - they must be kept in the refrigerator, and the yolks must be combined with water, vegetable oils and spices. Beat in a convenient way and add flour in portions. The mass will turn out to be airy. Let's keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Boil cabbage umbrellas (2 minutes) in a liter of water mixed with milk and spices to taste.

Remove the cabbage from the boiling water and immediately place it in cold water to stop the cooking process. Beat the whites and gently add them to the batter. Take out the cabbage. Let's cool it down. Dip in batter, fry in hot vegetable oil. Do not forget to put them on a paper napkin - this will give more fat to the cabbage.

Original cauliflower dessert - how to surprise your family

Hard to believe? Everything will turn out unexpectedly tasty ... When serving, do not specify what this gorgeous chocolate mousse with a delicate texture is made of!


  • Cauliflower - 1 kg
  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Cocoa (powder) - to taste
  • Honey - to taste
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • Vanilla to taste
  • Chocolate - optional
  • Coconut flakes - optional

Easy Making Cauliflower Dessert - Personally Tested

Having prepared the cauliflower, disassembling it, boil and chop it. Dilute the gelatin according to the instructions (25 g) and add to the cabbage along with gelatin, cocoa and fragrant honey. Beat well. Put some spice (cinnamon, vanilla, etc.) into the mass. Let's pour this beauty into the bowls. And that's all, bear with it until everything is formed in the refrigerator (somewhere in an hour and a half). If you grate chocolate on top, sprinkle with coconut, put bright berries, no one will believe that your mousse is from cauliflower!

Previously, only chefs of rich people knew how to cook cauliflower deliciously. The dense creamy inflorescences were a real delicacy, the taste of which the common people could only dream of. Nowadays, cauliflower is sold together with white cabbage everywhere, has a low cost and is very popular. All this is explained by the useful composition of the vegetable and its taste, which will delight adults and little gourmets. You can cook a huge number of dishes from cauliflower - from salads to side dishes that will surprise and delight all household members.

Cauliflower in batter is prepared quickly and easily from a minimal set of products. Moreover, this process is not labor-consuming at all, as it seems at first glance to some housewives. It won't take longer than 30 minutes, but instead a low-calorie, nutritious meal. For cooking, you should take cauliflower, vegetable fat for frying, 2 eggs and flour (for batter), a little salt and water.

How to cook a dish step by step:

  1. Cauliflower is cleaned of green leaves and spoiled areas. After that, you need to rinse it under running water and carefully, using a knife, separate the inflorescences from each other.
  2. In a container suitable for the volume, you need to boil clean, salted water and lower the cabbage there. Cook for 5-12 minutes (the vegetable should be easily pierced with a fork, but not fall apart). After readiness, you need to put the inflorescences in a colander and wait until the liquid is completely drained. The water in which the cabbage was cooked can not be thrown away - it will come in handy for making various vegetable soups or sauces.
  3. Separately, in a bowl, beat the whites with the yolks, add a little flour and salt, and stir thoroughly. The consistency of the mass should resemble thin sour cream.
  4. Heat a small amount of fat in a frying pan. Each inflorescence is dipped in batter and fried in a pan on both sides. You need to spread the finished vegetable on a paper towel or parchment to remove excess oil.

Served hot cauliflower, fried in egg batter, along with porridge or salad. You can eat it as an independent dish with your favorite sauce - it is good for health and shape (the calorie content of the dish together with the sauce will be about 90 kcal).

Multicooker cooking option

Cauliflower in a slow cooker is a dietary option. In a miracle device, a vegetable in batter will cook quickly, efficiently and without much effort.

According to this recipe, the dish is prepared from:

  • cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • eggs - a couple of pieces;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • milk - 0.5 cups for a multicooker;
  • salt, pepper;
  • greenery.

This amount of products will make 3 servings of the dish. First, the vegetable is washed and cleaned of unnecessary parts, then it is divided into inflorescences.

For the dish to be juicy and tasty, you need to choose a vegetable tight, elastic, without dark bloom.

The separated parts of the cabbage should be lightly rubbed with salt.

For batter, flour with eggs and milk is whipped in a container. Salt, pepper, chopped herbs are added to taste. The mixture should be moderately thick.

In a greased multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, put the inflorescences in batter, and set the "baking" mode. The cooking time is 25-35 minutes. The vegetable will taste juicy and tender on the inside, with an appetizing crispy crust on the outside.

Fried in a pan with eggs

Fried cauliflower with eggs and other foods is a great snack with fresh vegetable juices or beer. It is healthy, tasty, aromatic and light. Eating such a dish is a pleasure, because it perfectly satisfies the appetite, while not overloading the digestive tract.

There are several options for dishes in a pan with the addition of eggs. The most interesting of them is the recipe in which hard cheese is added to the main products. When melted, it covers all the components with a beautiful golden crust, gives an interesting taste to the food.

To prepare food according to this recipe, you should stock up on:

  • cabbage - 400 g;
  • bell pepper;
  • eggs - a couple of pieces;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • spices.

First, after preparation, the vegetable is boiled in water or steamed until soft. After that, pour sunflower or olive oil into the pan, fry the pepper cut into strips. You need to fry it a little, then add the cabbage inflorescences and cook with pepper over high heat.

Separately, in a container, you need to beat the whites with the yolks, add spices to them, salt. Next, the same grated cheese is sent, everything is mixed and then added to the vegetables when they are fried. After adding the eggs to the cabbage, you can reduce the heat, cover the container with a lid and simmer until tender, or turn on the fire harder, stirring vigorously with a spatula. In the first case, you get a dish similar to a vegetable omelet, in the second - crispy cabbage inflorescences with cheese. And so, and so it will be very tasty.

Cauliflower in a skillet can be cooked with sour cream, cream, onions, tomatoes and other vegetables. A light breakfast or a hearty lunch is quite possible with a tender vegetable, which is low in cost and mega useful in composition.

Diet soup recipe

Cauliflower soup can be called dietary because it contains practically no fat. It is low in calories, useful for everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle, monitors weight. It is allowed to include the product in the diet for those who have problems in the functioning of the digestive organs - in cauliflower there is no coarse fiber, as in white cabbage, which means that it cannot harm health.

To prepare the food, you should take:

  • cabbage - 150-200 g;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil;
  • herbs, spices.

A good tight cabbage is cleaned of green leaves (they are bitter), washed and divided into inflorescences of any size. The potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes.

Vegetables should be poured with water so that it is 10-20 mm higher, salt them. Boil cabbage with potatoes for 15-25 minutes (until the products are ready), then grind everything with an immersion blender. Add greens, arrange on plates. Serve, garnish with mint leaves.

If the soup is too thick, you can dilute it with broth or boiled milk.

Cauliflower and tomato salad

A quick salad like this is a great alternative to traditional vegetable cuts.

It is prepared in a matter of minutes, from:

  • sour cream - 300 g;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • tomato - 350 g;
  • cauliflower - 1200 g;
  • salt, spices.

The calorie content of such a dish is less than 55 kcal (if the sour cream is fat, then the nutritional value will be slightly higher). Cooking time - 25 minutes.

The white vegetable is washed, divided into inflorescences and boiled in lightly salted water. If it is easily pierced with a fork, you can turn off the heat.

While the cabbage is cooling, you need to chop the tomatoes into cubes, mix them with boiled inflorescences and chopped garlic. Season all this with sour cream or kefir, salt, add herbs and spices to taste. You can put vegetables on fresh lettuce leaves, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top. Serve with porridge or boiled potatoes.

In korean

Homemade Korean-style cauliflower tastes much better than the purchased one, besides, all the components in it are natural, without the presence of harmful substances. The cooking time is about 7 hours. The output will be about 8 servings of a moderately spicy vegetable snack.

To prepare food, you should stock up on:

  • cauliflower - 800 g;
  • carrots - a couple of small root crops;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar - 220 ml;
  • salt - 2.5 tablespoons without a slide;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil - ¼ st.;
  • sweet paprika, coriander, ground peppers, lavrushka - to taste.

To prepare the brine, you need to boil the liquid, add the right amount of salt, granulated sugar, vinegar and vegetable fat to it. Boil water with the rest of the ingredients for at least 6 minutes, after which the cabbage should be poured with still hot marinade and set aside to cool.

Separately, the carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a special grater. The garlic is peeled and cut into large slices. All this, together with spices, is added to the cabbage and set aside for 7 hours in a cool place for pickling. After that, you can eat a wonderful vegetable snack with the whole family, enjoying the delicate and spicy taste of the dish.

Winter variation - pickled cauliflower

A distinctive feature of cauliflower is that it goes well with a variety of spices. They, even in large quantities, not only do not spoil its taste, but also add a special piquancy and aroma.

To prepare a vegetable for the winter, you should take:

  • cauliflower - 1 fork;
  • sweet pepper - 1 large vegetable;
  • black and allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - a couple of pieces;
  • hot pepper - 1 pc .;
  • granulated sugar - a tablespoon;
  • rock salt - a couple of teaspoons;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • dried dill greens - 1 tbsp. with a slide.

First, you should wash and sterilize the jars for preparing the vegetable. Then wash and peel the cabbage, pepper, garlic. In each container should be put garlic, cut into small cubes, lavrushka, dry dill, hot pepper. Next is cabbage with bell pepper (you can grind vegetables if you wish, shifting them after layers).

When the containers are full, you need to pour boiling water over the vegetables, leave them there for 12 minutes, covering them with lids. Then the water from the cans must be drained into a saucepan, boiled and again poured into the cans. After 12 minutes, the liquid is poured into a saucepan, boiled, after which granulated sugar and salt are added to it. When the bulk components dissolve in the marinade, they need to pour the vegetables into the jars, add vinegar to each container and roll up. The jars with vegetables should be under the blanket for several days - this will allow you to tighten the lids well and prevent them from exploding.

Pickled cabbage will be ready for use in 8 weeks after cooking. You can store it for a long time in a cool, dark place.

In tomato sauce for the winter

It is almost impossible to keep fresh cauliflower for more than 2 weeks. That is why lovers of this vegetable harvest it for future use by canning. One of the popular recipes for preparing a product is its preparation in tomato sauce.

For 1 kg of vegetable you should take:

  • tomato - 500 g;
  • sweet pepper - 150 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • granulated sugar - ¼ glass;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • vegetable fat - 75 ml;
  • vinegar - 55 ml.

Wash the jars and spread them together with the lids. Cut the tomatoes and grind through a meat grinder. If you are not lovers of tomato grains in brine, it is better to pass the tomatoes through a juicer.

Bell peppers should be peeled, washed and cut into strips. Then you need to put it in a container with juice, add the right amount of salt, sugar and oil. Stir, put on fire and boil.

Separately, you need to wash the cauliflower, divide it into small inflorescences and pour into boiling tomato juice. Cook vegetables for at least 25 minutes under a lid (cover slightly) over low heat.

At the end, chopped garlic, vinegar should be added to the brew, boil for 7 minutes and put the mixture in jars. The containers rolled up with lids should be turned upside down, wrapped for a couple of days, and then placed in the pantry for storage.

In the oven under a cheese crust

To prepare an incredibly tasty dish, you should stock up on:

  • cauliflower - 900 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • onions - 250 g;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • cheese - 140 g;
  • black pepper, bay leaf;
  • salt.

Cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences, boiled and cooled. The onion is chopped and fried in oil until golden brown. At the end of frying, flour is added to it, after milk and spices.

Cabbage, pre-blanched in salted water, is laid out in a deep baking dish, greased, and poured with sauce. Cheese is poured on top and everything is baked in the oven, heated to 190 degrees, for 25 minutes.

Cooking frozen

Frozen cauliflower can be used to make a wide variety of dishes, from soups to nutritious casseroles. For breakfast, it is good to cook frozen cauliflower in the form of a casserole, using a multicooker for this purpose.

This simple recipe uses the following ingredients:

  • frozen vegetable - 350 g;
  • low-fat milk - 250 g;
  • hard cheese - 130 g;
  • a slice of ham - 140 g;
  • dill greens;
  • vegetable fat;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • salt and spices.

Cut the ham into small pieces, chop the greens. The frozen cabbage is washed, the eggs are beaten with the addition of milk, cheese, spices.

Put meat, cabbage, herbs in a multicooker bowl greased with fat. Pour all of this with sauce and cook in baking mode for 30 minutes. Serve hot.

Cauliflower dishes are characterized by excellent taste, relatively low calorie content and great nutritional value. This allows, by including those in your menu, to make the diet dietary, healthy and balanced.

Cauliflower - recipes

Those wishing to take advantage of the valuable properties of the vegetable can further learn how to cook cauliflower deliciously in order to preserve and increase its benefits. To do this, you must first remember the following:

  1. Heads of cabbage must be rinsed and disassembled into inflorescences, removing the stump.
  2. The time for cooking or other heat treatment of a vegetable should not exceed a quarter of an hour, otherwise it will turn into a tasteless, shapeless and already useless meal.
  3. The smaller the inflorescences, the less time it will take to cook them. For small specimens, 5-7 minutes will be enough.
  4. If you don't know what can be made from cauliflower, then everything is simple: they can be boiled, fried, baked, or used to decorate soups, salads, casseroles and other snacks.

Cauliflower salad

Knowing how to cook cauliflower, you can use its excellent combination with other vegetables and arrange a lot of delicious and healthy salads. The simplest, most affordable and popular composition is set out in this recipe. The composition can be changed according to taste or the presence of components, replacing one with others or adding new ones. 4 servings will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • cabbage forks - 350 g;
  • cucumbers - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, sugar, pepper.


  1. Boil inflorescences, cool.
  2. Cut the rest of the vegetables, season the prepared cauliflower dish to taste with a dressing mixture of oil.
  3. Stir and serve.

Cauliflower casserole with cheese

Oven-baked cauliflower turns out to be as tasty, aromatic and rich as possible. As in the case of salads, the composition of the casserole can be enriched with other products: vegetables, mushrooms, slices of ready-made meat or sausages, creating compositions for every taste. To prepare an appetizer for 4 persons, you need to spend about 40 minutes.


  • cabbage forks - 500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • oil - 20 g;
  • herbs, spices.


  1. The inflorescences are boiled until half cooked, allowed to drain and placed in an oiled form.
  2. Prepare a sour cream-egg mash, season it to taste and pour it into the vegetable mass.
  3. Sprinkle the cauliflower dish with cheese shavings and bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes.

Fried cauliflower

Delicious and appetizing cauliflower in breadcrumbs will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish or an independent cold (warm) snack that complements any meal. A special delicious taste is given to the vegetable by a golden brown crust obtained by additional frying in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. 2 servings will be ready in half an hour.


  • cabbage forks - 500 g;
  • bread crumbs - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fat for frying;
  • spices.


  1. The inflorescences are boiled until half cooked, dried.
  2. Dip the specimens in a beaten egg mass with spices, roll in breadcrumbs.
  3. Spread in a hot mixture of two types of oils, brown on all sides.

Cauliflower soup - recipe

Delicate, light and at the same time nutritious cauliflower cream soup will perfectly fit into any dietary menu. Its velvety taste can be made more or less savory by adding new spices or by varying the amount already present in the dish. The wine can be removed from the composition or replaced with a few drops of wine vinegar. 6 servings will be ready in one hour.


  • cabbage forks - 700 g;
  • chicken or vegetable broth - 800 ml;
  • large potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sherry - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • salt, pepper mixture, herbs.


  1. Onion and garlic slices are sautéed in melted butter, then grated carrots, potato slices are laid, and after 5 minutes of frying, boiling broth is poured.
  2. Add cabbage inflorescences, boil the contents until soft and punch with a blender.
  3. Milk, seasonings are introduced, warmed up and wine is poured.
  4. The dish is served with herbs.

Cauliflower gratin - recipe

Cauliflower gratin is an original and sophisticated treat that will delight you both with its dietary composition and excellent taste characteristics. Creamy cheesy notes combined with garlic and spices create an incredible palette that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. It will take half an hour to cook a treat for 6 people.


  • cabbage inflorescences - 700 g;
  • milk and water - 1 liter each;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • Gruyere cheese - 200 g;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • salt, nutmeg, pepper.


  1. The inflorescences are immersed in a boiling, salted mixture of water and milk, kept until tender, allowed to drain and laid out in a generously oiled vessel.
  2. Pour all the seasoned creamy garlic mixture with half a serving of cheese.
  3. Next, baked cauliflower is cooked at 200 degrees for 10 minutes, sprinkled with the rest of the cheese shavings and aged a little more.

Korean style cauliflower

For lovers of spicy and savory pickles, pickled cauliflower will become a real delicacy. It will take a total of 7 hours to decorate six servings, of which 6 are directly marinated. The main thing is not to digest the vegetable, bringing it exclusively to half-readiness, and then the appetizer will delight you with excellent piquant taste characteristics.


  • cabbage forks - 700 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves - 6 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Korean seasoning - 2 teaspoons with a slide.


  1. Marinade is boiled from water, oil, vinegar, salt and sugar, letting it boil for a couple of minutes, and inflorescences boiled until half cooked are poured with liquid.
  2. Allow the workpiece to cool.
  3. Add carrot shavings, garlic, seasoning.
  4. Stir and leave for 6 hours.

Cauliflower cutlets - the most delicious recipe

When choosing cauliflower dishes suitable for a home menu, you should pay attention to. They are great substitutes for meat during fasting, become the best dish on the vegetarian menu, or simply add variety to the daily diet. It takes only forty minutes to create six full servings of vegetable dishes.


  • cabbage head - 1 kg;
  • sprigs of dill and parsley - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - ½ cup;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • seasonings.


  1. The inflorescences boiled until half cooked are punched in a blender along with herbs.
  2. Add the egg mass, seasonings, flour and knead.
  3. Cauliflower cutlets are fried in the likeness of pancakes.

Cauliflower in a slow cooker

Delicious cauliflower dishes can be made using the multicooker device. One of the simplest and at the same time delicious is a stewed vegetable. If desired, the composition can be expanded by adding fresh tomatoes, other vegetables or even meat, which is previously cooked to readiness. It takes about 30 minutes to make 6 servings.

Cauliflower is a pretty vegetable in every way. Beautiful - you can make any soup or decorate a salad. Healthy - cauliflower contains almost a record amount of vitamins and other nutrients, second only to its closest relative broccoli. Delicious - only ardent opponents of vegetables, of which, fortunately, a minority, do not like cauliflower. Cauliflower, quick to prepare, will take you a maximum of half an hour to prepare almost any cauliflower dish, with most of the time spent preparing food.

To prepare delicious cauliflower dishes, you first need to choose the right head of cabbage. Choose heavy, sturdy heads of cabbage with fresh green leaves. At the same time, cabbage inflorescences can be not only white, but also grayish, cream, yellow, ivory, slightly greenish and even purple - it all depends on the variety and growing conditions. The only thing that should not be on the head of the cauliflower is black spots. You will have to suffer pretty much by cutting them out, so it is better to refuse such a purchase.

If you decide to cook boiled cauliflower, it is better to use a double boiler - this way more nutrients will be stored in the cabbage. Don't have a steamer? Let the inflorescences of cabbage in a minimum amount of water, do not pour out the broth, but use it in the preparation of soup or sauce. Do not put cooked cabbage in water; it will soften and darken. Before cooking, you can soak the cauliflower in milk or even boil it in mineral water - this way it will preserve its attractive appearance in the best way.

You can make a wide variety of cauliflower dishes: soups, salads, casseroles, cutlets. Quick and healthy side dishes are prepared from cauliflower, and it is not a shame to put stuffed cabbage on the festive table - an amazing dish that is prepared simply, quickly and looks very appetizing at the same time. The Culinary Eden website offers you several cauliflower dishes, but these are just a few of the recipes that you can diversify, improve and change to your liking.

Light Cauliflower Salad


1 head of cauliflower
3-4 tomatoes,
1-2 cloves of garlic
sour cream, salt, pepper - to taste.

Disassemble the cauliflower into florets and blanch in boiling water until half cooked. Cut the tomatoes into slices. Chop the garlic finely. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, salt and pepper and season with sour cream.

1 head of cauliflower
½ stack. walnuts
¼ stack. wine vinegar
1 tsp coriander seeds,
salt to taste.

Dip the peeled cauliflower in boiling water and cook until tender. Cool and disassemble into inflorescences. Crush the walnuts with a knife and crush. Crush the garlic with a knife blade. Grind coriander seeds in a mortar or coarsely grind in a coffee grinder. Combine nuts, coriander and garlic, add wine vinegar and season the cooled cabbage.

1 head of cauliflower
1 tbsp butter,
100 g sour cream
1.5-2 tbsp flour,
greens, lemon zest, salt, pepper - to taste.

Disassemble the head of cabbage into inflorescences and boil in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Dissolve the flour with a little water and pour into a saucepan with cabbage, stirring occasionally to prevent lumps from forming. Boil for another 5-10 minutes, add lemon zest on the tip of a knife, sour cream and butter. Remove from heat, add herbs and freshly ground pepper to taste. This simple soup can also be made with meat broth.


500 g cauliflower
100 ml heavy cream
1 onion
1 potato,
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 liter of vegetable broth,
salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes and fry in olive oil for 1 minute. Add cauliflower, cut into florets, pour in hot broth and cook for 20 minutes. Set aside a few kale blossoms for decoration. Using a blender, puree the soup, add salt, pepper and hot cream, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into bowls, place in each of the cabbage inflorescences, sprinkle with ground pepper and serve.


1 ½ tbsp ghee,
1 tsp cumin seeds,
2 onions
4 dried chili peppers
1-2 tsp sesame seeds,
1 clove of garlic
4 cm ginger root,
1-2 green hot peppers
2-3 tbsp greenery,
a pinch of turmeric
salt to taste.

Heat ghee over medium heat, add cumin seeds and fry for 30 seconds until aroma appears. Add chopped onions, turmeric for color and salt, stir and sauté until golden brown. Add the chopped red chili, sesame seeds, crushed garlic and half the grated ginger and cook for another minute. Disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, add to the pan, stir, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes, no more. Chop green chili, grate remaining ginger, add to skillet and turn up heat. Season with salt to taste and fry until tender. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

1 small head of cauliflower
1 stack coconut milk
1-2 tbsp curry powder,
½ tsp salt,
1 red onion
1 clove of garlic
1/3 stack water,
1 stack chopped green beans
⅓ stack. cashew nuts,

Boil half the coconut milk in a large saucepan over medium heat, add the curry powder and salt, stir until no lumps remain, and add the chopped onion and garlic. Simmer for a minute, add remaining coconut milk and water and bring to a boil. Add the green beans and cauliflower, cut into florets, cover and simmer over low heat until tender. Chop the cashews, add to the cabbage and remove from heat. Season with salt to taste, add curry powder if necessary and serve with a sprinkle of herbs. If you were unable to buy ready-made curry powder, prepare it yourself: over medium heat in a dry skillet, dry 4 dried chili peppers, 1 tbsp. coriander seeds, 1 tbsp. caraway seeds, 1 tbsp. dill seeds, ½ tsp. cardamom seeds and ½ tsp. carnation buds. Do not overdry or burn the fragrant mixture, just 1-2 minutes is enough! Then grind the chili pepper in a coffee grinder, and then grind the rest of the ingredients. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. turmeric and ½ tsp. cinnamon. Sift through a sieve and transfer to a tightly sealed container.

½ a head of cauliflower,
½ a head of broccoli,
7 stacks broth,
1 stack couscous,
3 tbsp olive oil,
4 sun-dried tomatoes,
50-70 g goat cheese
red pepper, salt, green onions - to taste.

In a large saucepan, heat the broth, olive oil and red pepper to a boil, add couscous and remove from heat. Cover and wait 2 minutes. Then put the cauliflower and broccoli disassembled into small inflorescences in a saucepan, stir and cover again. After 4-5 minutes, the cauliflower and broccoli are soft enough. Divide the couscous into bowls, top with chopped sun-dried tomatoes, diced goat cheese and green onions.


½ a head of cauliflower,
⅔ stack. bulgur,
300 g boiled chickpeas
4 ½ stack vegetable broth,
1 onion
½ stack. orange juice
200 g white cabbage,
salt, olive oil.

Fry the chopped onion in olive oil until soft, add bulgur, chickpeas and broth. Season with salt and bring to a boil. Cook until bulgur is done, and if the mixture becomes too thick, add orange juice. Cut the white cabbage into long strips, disassemble the cauliflower into inflorescences, put the cabbage in the pan, stir and simmer until tender. Serve with thinly chopped red onions and drizzled olive oil.

1 medium head of cauliflower
300 g minced meat
1 onion
150 ml sour cream,
2 tbsp grated cheese

Pour the head of cabbage, peeled from the leaves, with cold water, salt, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander and let the water drain. Combine the minced meat with chopped onions, herbs and a raw egg, salt and pepper to taste. Fill the cabbage with minced meat, filling all the voids between the inflorescences, transfer it to a baking dish, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. Place in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 40-45 minutes.

Cauliflower cutlets

1 head of cauliflower
2 eggs,
4 slices of white bread
⅓ stack. cream,
½ stack. flour,
pepper, salt.

Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and boil until half cooked in salted water. Throw in a colander, let the water drain and chop finely with a knife. Soak white bread in cream. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat. Put the yolks, soaked white bread and flour in the cabbage and stir. Introduce whipped egg whites. Spoon the cabbage mixture and fry in vegetable oil on both sides.


1 medium head of cauliflower
300-400 g of meat,
1 stack boiled chickpea,
1 onion
3 tomatoes,
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp flour,
½ lemon,
3 tbsp olive oil,
greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and boil in boiling salted water until almost cooked. Heat olive oil in a deep skillet, add chopped garlic and heat until aroma appears. Add chopped meat and sauté until golden brown. Add chopped onions, diced tomatoes and reduce heat. Simmer for 20 minutes until the meat is tender. Add chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Dissolve 1 tablespoon in lemon juice. flour, pour into the pan, stir and let it boil. Remove from heat, add cabbage and chickpeas to skillet and stir gently.

1 medium head of cauliflower
2-3 eggs,
salt, pepper, spices - to taste,
vegetable oil - for deep fat.

Cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences, blanch in boiling water for 5-10 minutes and discard in a colander. Mash eggs with salt, pepper and spices to taste. Dip each inflorescence in the egg mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.

Cauliflower casserole


1 large head of cauliflower
1 can of green peas
150-200 g of cheese
1 stack cream,
3 eggs,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and blanch in boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Place the cabbage in a baking dish along with the peas. Whisk eggs and cream, add herbs and salt to taste, and top with cabbage and peas. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. This simple casserole can be made with canned corn, and you can also add meat for satiety.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It was with cauliflower that I started my baby's first feeding. This hypoallergenic vegetable is dearly loved in Russia, therefore it is grown everywhere. The culture was brought to us from Western Europe about 200 years ago. - an annual plant, second only in popularity. The inflorescence in the form of a head can be white, yellow, purple.

Cauliflower can be frozen, pickled,; or . Or just store it in the basement to please yourself and your guests with fresh cauliflower for the New Year holidays.

Cauliflower predecessors can be:

  • culture.
It is not recommended to use it for growing a garden bed after its relatives: You can grow cauliflower in a seedling and non-seedling way. For residents of the middle lane, cultivation through seedlings is more suitable, and for the southern regions - sowing directly into the ground.

Sowing in open ground (seedless method)

In early May, you need to sow seeds in a moistened ridge, planting them to a depth of about 2 cm. In July, the first heads appear.

Growing cauliflower seedlings

The stages of caring for cauliflower seedlings are almost the same, so I will focus only on important features:

  • cauliflower has a poorly developed root system, therefore, when growing seedlings in a common box (about 6 days before planting), the earth is cut into squares so that the seedling forms a branched root system;
  • optimal - sow cauliflower seeds immediately in separate pots;
  • remember: the earlier you plant the seedlings in open ground, the older they should be.

Dates of sowing seeds for seedlings

The best option is to calculate the sowing time individually for each variety (hybrid). You can learn how to do this in the article. Therefore, I will indicate only approximate dates:
  • early - from the beginning to the end of March;
  • averages - from tenths of April to 12 May;
  • late - from mid-May to June 10.

Age of cauliflower seedlings before planting:

  • for early varieties - about 60 days;
  • for medium - about 40 days;
  • for late - about 35 days;
Dates for planting seedlings in open ground:
  • early - from late April to mid-May;
  • medium early - from mid-May to mid-June;
  • late - from early to mid-July.
Many summer residents grow seedlings of different times in order to get a kind of conveyor belt of young cauliflower over the summer.

Planting cauliflower seedlings in the ground

  1. After planting hardened seedlings in open ground, it can be covered for the first time.
  2. For better survival, shade your seedlings for 2-3 days.
  3. After two weeks, seedlings are needed.
  4. After three weeks, you can start feeding with mullein (liquid).
  5. As a top dressing and protection from seedlings, cabbage is sprinkled with wood (1 glass is enough for 1 m²).

Cauliflower care

For the normal development of cauliflower, the best temperature is from +16 ... + 25 ° С. At very high temperatures and dry soil, the quality of the crop deteriorates. To prevent the cauliflower from blooming ahead of time, shade it.

As soon as the heads appear, they will also need to be shaded, for this, break the side leaves a little so that they are adjacent to each other. In the article you can see how our reader cleverly solved this problem -.


Due to the specifics of the root system, cauliflower needs a regular one (with a lack of moisture, yield decreases). To retain moisture in the soil for a longer period, after watering, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of about 6 cm, or even better - it.


A very important point for the good development of cauliflower. When I just started growing seedlings, I read the advice that for this crop it is necessary to increase the concentration of fertilizers by 1.5 times. But for some reason I could not grow the kind of cabbage that I would like to see on my site. So I just added one more feeding, leaving the dose unchanged. That is, the older the seedlings, the more fertilizing they have: for a 60-day seedling it took 4-5, for a 30-day one - only 2.

First feeding
It is introduced even when planting seedlings (after 2 weeks), usually in the form of mineral fertilizers and liquid mullein.

Second feeding
After a couple of weeks, add wood ash (I add about a glass) and (mineral fertilizer).

Third feeding
When the cauliflower head begins to form, add ammonium nitrate (for 10 liters about 30 g), about 80 g and about 20 g (for the same amount of water).

You can choose the necessary fertilizers for feeding cauliflower in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. ...

Varieties and hybrids of cauliflower

To date, a considerable number of varieties and hybrids of cauliflower with different (from early to late) ripening periods have been bred, with a very exotic color of the heads - yellow, orange, light green, purple.

The cauliflower of early (short growing) varieties has dense heads, closely surrounded by leaves (which are somewhat shorter than those of middle and late ripening varieties).

Middle and late varieties differ in that the leaves in the rosette are longer, the formation of the head occurs at a temperature of + 20 ° C.

Early varieties and hybrids

(growing season 80-110 days)

"Summer resident"

From the moment of germination to harvest, it will take about 100 days.

Cauliflower variety"Summer resident"

The head is cream-white, rounded flattened, weighing about 1 kg. The variety is suitable for freezing and fresh consumption, rich in sugars and ascorbic acid.

"Amphora F1"

Strictly speaking, this is an early ripe hybrid of cauliflower and broccoli called Romanesco. Unusual heads of light green color and good density.

Cauliflower "Amphora F1"

The mass of such a head of cabbage is about 2 kg. Suitable for freezing, fresh consumption. And here is a review from our expert.


From germination to technical maturity of this variety should take about 96 days.

Cauliflower variety"Snowdrift"

Very productive. The heads are round, dense, weighing about 1 kg, the white color of the heads does not turn yellow during storage. Recommended for freezing. Excellent taste, high sugar and ascorbic acid content.

You can find a large assortment of varieties and hybrids of cauliflower of various ripening periods in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Mid-early (mid-ripening, mid-late) varieties and hybrids

(growing season 120-135 days)


Differs in high dietary properties and taste.

Cauliflower variety "Purple"

The variety is cold-resistant, resistant to a number of diseases. Dense rounded heads are slightly flattened, saturated purple, weighing up to 1.5 kg. Shelf life, recommended for freezing.

"Gregor P3 F1"

A very productive hybrid. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for household plots.

Cauliflower "Gregor P3 F1"

The mass of a head of cabbage can be up to 3 kg. The heads are of an unusual shape, the taste is excellent. Suitable for fresh consumption, good for cooking, good for freezing.

I have never grown orange-headed cauliflower, but I really want to try it. I like this hybrid.

"Cheddar F1"

It is early ripe, has a high carotene content and excellent taste.

Cauliflower "Cheddar F1". Photo from the site

Head weight from 1 to 2 kg. Good for, good for fresh consumption.

Do you grow cauliflower? Which hybrids or varieties did you particularly like?