What to cook from oriental cuisine. Eastern cuisine - recipes of famous dishes with photos

23.06.2020 Restaurant notes

Eastern cuisine is a real art! She is multifaceted and attractive, but at the same time she is not like any others. These dishes only seem complicated at first glance, but, in fact, they can be easily prepared in your own kitchen!


Pilaf is perhaps the most popular oriental dish! It is prepared in many countries from Iran to Uzbekistan, and each country has its own, very special recipes. But the requirements for the main ingredients are the same everywhere. It is believed that the guarantee of delicious pilaf is high-quality rice, good oil and the right set of spices. Everything else can be very different. You just have to choose a recipe to your taste and go ahead - on a gastronomic journey through the countries of the East!


This dough dish with different fillings is very similar to Georgian khinkali and even a little to Russian dumplings. However, it is prepared differently, and its taste is noticeably different from their own kind. The dough is used very simple - from flour, water, eggs and salt, but any filling is chopped exclusively by hand. Manti are made in a special mantis cooker ("mantyshnitsa") or in a double boiler. You need to cook manti right away, but you won't be able to freeze them for long-term storage, and why put it off? The main thing is not to forget to serve them with the right sauce, which will complement the taste of the dish!


Shawarma is a kind of oriental fast food that is very popular in many countries of the world. The cooking technology is the same everywhere: slices of meat fried on a spit and fresh vegetables are wrapped in pita bread or pita bread, and then they fill it all with garlic-kefir sauce - you will lick your fingers! This dish is easy to repeat even at home, so shawarma is a great option for a quick dinner.


It is probably impossible to find a person who does not like khachapuri! This Georgian dish is an incredibly delicious cheese cake. There are a lot of varieties of khachapuri: they differ in name, shape, fillings. For example, Adjarian - the most spectacular, resemble a boat with cheese and eggs. Megrelian ones are round in shape, but unlike Imeretian ones, they are covered with cheese on top. And if you don't feel like standing at the stove for a long time, cook lazy khachapuri. The best khachapuri recipes are in our selection.


Thick kharcho soup is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine. In the classic version, it is prepared from beef with the addition of rice, walnuts and a large amount of spices, making the soup rich, hearty and very aromatic! Another feature of it is a pleasant "sourness". This flavoring effect is achieved by adding tkemali or weaved, sour plum sauces that are often replaced with pomegranate juice, tomatoes, or tomato paste.

Ossetian pies are more like stuffed flat cakes than ordinary pies. Their history goes back more than one century, and every year this type of baking is becoming more and more popular, and not only in their homeland, but also in other countries. There are many recipes and cooking secrets! But there are two important criteria for a successful Ossetian pie: thin dough and a large amount of filling. It is by these parameters that the experience and culinary abilities of the hostess are often assessed. Try to cook it too!


In oriental cuisine, the word "kebab" is used to refer to various types of fried meat dishes, because this is how it is translated from Persian. But the various attachments give us more specific ideas about recipes and cooking methods. For example, everyone knows that kebabs are sausages made of minced meat skewered on a skewer. Everyone's favorite shashlik is also called shish-kebab. A dener kebab or simply doner is nothing more than a shawarma. Kebabs are widespread throughout the world, and their recipes are constantly changing under the influence of other cultures. For example, now they are prepared not only from all types of meat, poultry and even fish, but also vegetables.


Dolma is another oriental dish that you should definitely try! It is the closest relative of our cabbage rolls: for the filling, minced meat and rice are most often used, which are wrapped in grape leaves. However, in different cuisines of the world, vegetables are also used instead of leaves. Dolma is served both cold and hot with various sauces that emphasize the unusual taste of the dish.

Cooking in the East is raised to the rank of religion: some food products are its obligatory attributes, while certain animals are considered “unclean” or, conversely, sacred, but in both cases their use in food is prohibited. These characteristic features, along with vast territories, a wide variety of seafood, as well as exotic fruits, determine the subtleties of the preparation of Oriental cuisine.

The cuisine of the East largely depends on the most widespread religion on its territory - Islam. So, the main products that are used in cooking are and. The second courses are represented by pilaf in various variations, and the first - shurpa (a very thick soup that looks more like gravy than broth).

The popularity of lamb is so high due to the fact that many Asian peoples were once almost without exception nomadic sheep breeders. It is the main ingredient in such oriental dishes as "Dolma" (the same stuffed cabbage, but instead of cabbage) and "Shawarma" (chopped fried meat, wrapped in an unleavened flat cake).

The use of a huge amount of condiments, herbs and spices is typical for oriental recipes. By the way, many of them (for example) began their history here. In the East, fermented milk drinks are also quite common - kumis and ayran, only they are called differently by different peoples, but the essence does not change from this. Snacks are mainly represented by pita or pita bread, which also act as a spoon, plate and napkin at the same time. Far beyond the borders of the East, many sweets based on nuts and fruits are known: kozinaki, lokum, baklava, halva, sherbet.

Ingredients such as (in Islamic countries), eggs (except for rennet varieties such as the Adyghe), and also, instead of which unsweetened yoghurts are used, can be called uncharacteristic for recipes of oriental cuisine.

It is quite natural that each individual eastern country has its own characteristics in cooking. For example, in China and Japan, it is customary to use chopsticks instead of our usual spoons and forks. In addition, Asians consume a huge amount of seafood. Japanese sushi, sashimi and tempura along with Chinese tofu are known to every lover of oriental cuisine.

The primary source of the spices and spices that are popular all over the world is India - it is in this country that a special sophistication of taste is inherent. A cow is considered a sacred animal here, so they do not eat it.

In Israel, oriental cuisine is completely subject to kosher laws - meat products are not mixed with dairy products, and only meat from animals with cloven hooves is eaten. In addition, fish that are allowed to be consumed must have scales, fins and other attributes of marine life. From here the "Forshmak" of white bread, eggs, onions, etc., spread throughout the world.

The countries of Transcaucasia are also counted in the East, and here a special hearth - tonir, as well as earthenware that influences the character of the prepared dishes, plays an important role. Vegetables are baked in tonir, poultry and fish are smoked, porridge is steamed.

Undoubtedly, in the entire oriental cuisine the number of delicious dishes simply cannot be counted! After all, the taste of oriental food is a truly refined pleasure, and in the East they know the real sense in pleasures ...

The term "oriental cuisine" refers to the traditional dishes of the peoples of the East, India, Asia and the Caucasus, as well as the Balkan Peninsula. This also includes foods popular in China, Japan and Islamic states.

The characteristic features of oriental cuisine include the fact that the basis of many dishes is lamb and rice. In the east, pork is unpopular, since most of the peoples are Muslims. And also fish, eggs and cheeses are not in great demand here.

In addition to lamb, beef, chicken and turkey are consumed in the East. But this does not apply to all peoples. For example, in India, where the cow is considered a sacred animal, the indigenous people of the country do not eat its meat.

In addition, soups prepared in the traditions of the East have significant differences from similar European dishes. They are thick and rich, and the broth is more like a gravy.

Another feature of oriental cuisine is the use of a large amount of seasonings in the cooking process. Most of the dishes are distinguished by bright spicy aromas and pronounced taste.

Desserts in the East are fragrant, sugary-sweet and very satisfying. Various spices, nuts, honey and molasses are added to them. The taste of these sweets is simply amazing, and their calorie content and nutritional value are very high.

The most popular dishes of the East

Many oriental dishes have gained immense popularity among European gourmets. Moreover, in their historical homeland, these dishes are not so in demand.

Most often, restaurants and cafes of oriental cuisine offer visitors the following dishes:

  • Lagman (spicy noodles). This is the first dish containing a lot of hot spices. Its basis is lagman noodles, which are prepared by hand by stretching the dough.
  • Shurpa. This is a soup made from lamb or veal. The main ingredient is supplemented with vegetables, tomatoes and herbs.
  • Pilaf. In the classic version, this dish is made on the basis of lamb and long-grain rice. It is cooked in large cauldrons over the fire.
  • Dolma (tolma or sarma). This is the second course, which is a mixture of minced meat and rice wrapped in grape leaves. The "relative" of this dish is the Kuban cabbage rolls, only the stuffing in them is wrapped in cabbage.
  • Shawarma or shawarma. This dish is a roll of flat unleavened flatbread or lavash stuffed with meat, herbs and vegetables with a spicy sauce seasoning.

The most popular Oriental dishes served for dessert are baklava, halva, sherbet and Turkish delight. They are eaten in small portions with strong black coffee.

Let us consider in more detail the composition and methods of cooking dishes, which are the "hallmark" of oriental cuisine.

Characteristics and recipes of first courses

As mentioned above, oriental soups are very thick, they contain very little liquid. Below are the recipes for the most famous first courses of the East - lagman and shurpa.


This first course is based on noodles, which are easy to make yourself. And for the broth, you can take lamb or beef pulp.

For cooking you will need:

  • 450 g of meat;
  • bulb;
  • 5 - 7 garlic teeth;
  • 1 radish;
  • 2 - 3 tomatoes;
  • some vegetable oil;
  • any greens;
  • hot ground pepper;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • salt.

Operating procedure:

  1. From flour and water, knead a tough dough for noodles, not forgetting to add salt. Then leave it for a couple of hours, covered with a towel.
  2. Roll out the workpiece in a layer no more than 5 mm thick and cut into wide strips, then grease them with oil and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Roll "sausages" from the strips, stretch them, fold them in half and repeat the procedure until you get thin noodles.
  4. Boil the products in salt water, then discard in a colander, rinse and add vegetable oil.
  5. Cut the meat pulp into small pieces and place in a saucepan with thick walls, after pouring vegetable oil into it. Fry the meat until crusty.
  6. Add chopped onion and shredded radish, continue cooking.
  7. Add tomatoes, salt and fry for another quarter of an hour.
  8. Pour the meat with vegetables with water and simmer under the lid for about an hour, then add the herbs, garlic and mix thoroughly.

Warm lagman noodles are served, pouring with meat and vegetable sauce.

On a note. If you don't want to waste time making noodles, you can purchase a ready-made version marked "for lagman" on the package.


Shurpa is a traditional Uzbek dish made from lamb and vegetables.

For work you will need:

  • 350 - 400 g of lamb;
  • a few potato tubers;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 - 3 onions;
  • a few juicy tomatoes;
  • hot peppers;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • parsley.

Operating procedure:

  1. Wash the lamb, separate the meat from the bones and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  2. Put the bone, chopped meat and a whole peeled onion in a saucepan, add water and salt, boil for 2 hours.
  3. Peel the carrots, chop them coarsely and add to the saucepan. Send shredded potatoes there.
  4. Chop the onion and hot pepper, and when the potatoes are half-cooked, add them to the shurpa.
  5. Season the soup with spices, herbs, finely chopped tomato pulp and simmer over the fire for a while.

Attention! After the container is removed from the heat, the dish will need to be insisted for at least an hour before serving.

Oriental salads

Salads prepared according to recipes of oriental cuisine will be a great addition to stews, kebabs or fish. Consider two simple and original recipes.

Pomegranate salad with onions and herbs

Despite the strange combination, such a salad will perfectly complement the main course and give it a special piquancy.

For cooking you will need:

  • pomegranate fruit;
  • red onion;
  • dill and parsley in equal proportions;
  • hot pepper to taste;
  • salt.

Operating procedure:

  1. Disassemble the pomegranate fruit for seeds, remove the peel and partitions.
  2. Cut the onion and hot pepper into half rings, then add the vegetables to the pomegranate and mix, pressing the grains a little.
  3. Add salt, chopped herbs to the dish and serve.

The advantage of this salad is that it doesn't need any dressing. The role of the sauce is played by pomegranate juice.

Warm salad with chickpeas

Chickpea is a legume that is very popular in Asian countries. It is added not only to salads, but also to the first and second courses.

For cooking you will need:

  • 250 g canned chickpeas;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • salad oil (preferably olive oil);
  • salt.

Operating procedure:

  1. Chop the onion finely, chop the carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Fry the ingredients until soft in vegetable oil, then add the chickpeas, salt, stir and cover.
  3. After 5 - 7 minutes, put the contents of the pan into a salad bowl and sprinkle with herbs.

On a note. If it is not possible to purchase chickpeas, you can replace it with green peas, fresh or canned.

Traditional meat dishes

For the preparation of meat dishes in the East, mutton is most often used, but in Europe such dishes are often prepared with pork, beef and poultry. Consider the most common meat dishes - dolma and shawarma.


To prepare this dish, you will need tender grape leaves by the number of servings.

Dolma is made from the following foods:

  • meat;
  • grape leaves;
  • greens;
  • tomatoes;
  • tomato paste;
  • butter;
  • seasonings;
  • salt.

Sequence of work:

  1. Grind meat, onions and tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  2. Add boiled cooled rice, chopped herbs, butter, salt, seasonings to the minced meat and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour boiling water over the grape leaves and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Put the filling in the center of each sheet and wrap. Then put the workpieces in a saucepan, pour cold water, add tomato paste and simmer under the lid.

The dish is served with sour cream, mayonnaise or natural unsweetened yogurt.


Lavash roll with meat and herbs today can be bought at almost every fast food outlet, but it is better to make this dish at home.

For cooking you will need:

  • thin Armenian lavash;
  • grilled meat;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • onion;
  • mayonnaise sauce.

Operating procedure:

  1. Fry the meat with salt and spices, then cool.
  2. Tear lettuce leaves with your hands, chop the herbs and onions, chop the tomato and cucumber into thin slices.
  3. Spread pita bread, grease a third of it with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  4. Start to bookmark components. First comes the meat, then the onion, cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes.
  5. Sprinkle with herbs, pour over the sauce and wrap, bending the edges.
  6. Fry the finished shawarma in a pan or heat it up in the microwave.

On a note. This dish should be eaten immediately, because as a result of storage, the lavash is saturated with sauce and softens.

Oriental cuisine pastries and oriental sweets

In the East, sweets are very popular, which do not need to be baked, due to the hot climate. But there are also a lot of baked recipes in oriental cuisine. Consider the most famous oriental sweets - sherbet and baklava.


This sugary-sweet treat, high in nuts, is popular not only in the East, but also in Europe.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g each of walnuts, pistachios and hazelnuts;
  • a pack of butter;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 2 cans of condensed milk.

Operating procedure:

  1. Peel the nuts, fry in a dry frying pan and cool.
  2. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, put half the sugar, butter, condensed milk and bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  3. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, pour out the remaining sugar, turn up the heat and as soon as the sand dissolves, remove the pan from the stove.
  4. Without waiting for the sweet mixture to cool, add the nuts and mix thoroughly.
  5. Form portions, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 6 - 8 hours.

The sherbet will be ready to eat when completely set.


This pastry is popular not only in the East, but also among many peoples of the Caucasus.

For cooking you will need:

  • 350 g of nuts;
  • 350 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 450 g butter;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • a teaspoon of milk;
  • a pinch of saffron;
  • 300 ml sugar syrup.

Operating procedure:

  1. Moisten dry yeast with milk and leave for a while.
  2. Add 100 g butter, 2 eggs and saffron to the sifted flour. Mix thoroughly, then add yeast.
  3. Knead the dough, cover with a towel and heat for 3 hours.
  4. Mix nuts with sugar, add cardamom if desired.
  5. Divide the dough into 10 pieces so that two of them are larger than the others, they will make up the top and bottom layers.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put a layer rolled to a thickness of 5 mm on it, then sprinkle it with nut filling. Repeat these manipulations with other parts. The last layer of the dessert should be dough.
  7. Lubricate the tops of the baklava with egg yolk and send to the preheated oven for 10 minutes, then remove and cut into diamonds.
  8. Garnish each portion with walnuts, pour liberally with melted butter and bake for an hour.
  9. Season the finished baklava with syrup and leave to soak. The treat will be ready to eat in 2 - 3 hours.

You should not get carried away with oriental sweets, they need to be consumed in very small quantities, since they are very nutritious and high in calories. And if the women of the East can enjoy baklava, kurabye or sherbet as much as they want, because in many countries magnificent ladies are considered beautiful, then Europeans have a slightly different point of view on female beauty.

Our article will acquaint you with Asian cuisine, as well as teach you how to cook simple and delicious oriental dishes.

  • Recently, Asian and Oriental dishes have begun to gain popularity. Chefs love them for their quick and easy preparation. Ordinary people like their original taste and catchy aroma.
  • Each person finds something of his own in these exotic dishes. Plant-based food lovers can cook dishes with a lot of lightly stewed vegetables, people watching their figures can eat rice with turkey or glass noodles with seafood
  • Most importantly, do not be afraid to try something new and believe me, Asian cuisine will definitely surprise you. If you still haven't gotten to know this exotic cuisine, then we offer you some simple recipes that will help you surprise your family and friends.

Asian and oriental products

Tofu cheese
  • Probably, everyone knows that it is almost impossible to cook an Asian dish from the products we are used to. And it's not about spices.
  • After all, for example, we have nothing to replace such a component as soy sauce. Therefore, if we do not put it in a marinade or in a savory dressing, then our food will taste completely different.
  • For this reason, it is better not to look for a substitute for oriental products, but to use them for cooking. Moreover, you can buy them now without even leaving your home. You only need to place the desired order in the online store and wait for delivery

Most popular products:
Rice for sushi
Sesame oil
Shiitaki mushrooms
Tufu cheese
Rice vinegar and paper
Pickled ginger
Coconut oil
Tempura flour
Japanese noodles

Asian and oriental cuisine - recipe

Chinese cabbage soup with chicken

Eastern cuisine is very different from ours. Food is cooked there very quickly and most often it is fried. Minimal heat treatment makes it possible to preserve almost all useful vitamins and give the finished dish a more piquant and fresh taste.

Therefore, if you want to cook a completely identical dish, then strictly adhere to all cooking rules.

Recipe for Asian Peking Cabbage Soup:
First, cook the broth from meat or fish.
While the meat is cooking, fry the bell peppers, onions and oyster mushrooms in sesame oil
Cut Chinese cabbage into long strips and place in broth
Leave everything to boil for literally 2-3 minutes
Then add fried vegetables and hot peppers to the soup.
Boil for another 2 minutes and you can start your meal.

Peanut Butter Chicken Recipe:
Boil rice noodles
Pour oil into a frying pan and put hot peppers, wheat germ and green onions in it for just one minute.
Next, we move on to frying pieces of meat.
Then mix the soy and hot sauce, peanut butter and finely chopped ginger in a saucepan.
Add noodles, meat and vegetables to the resulting mixture
Mix everything thoroughly and lay out on plates

Asian soup recipes

Coconut milk soup

Asian-style soups have a rather interesting and special flavor. Due to the fact that quite a lot of ingredients are used for their preparation, they always give off a wonderful aroma.

Most often, they add meat (can be replaced with fish and seafood), rice or noodles, aromatic spices, hot peppers, fresh vegetables, and, of course, wheat germ. As a result, the dish turns out to be not only tasty, but also very colorful.

Recipe for Thai Tom Kha Soup:
Heat the wok and pour the sesame oil into it
In the next step, add pre-chopped chili and lemongrass to the oil
When the oil is saturated with the aromas of spices, pour coconut milk into it and add lime leaves to the mixture
Let the soup boil a little and put small pieces of meat in the broth
When the meat is cooked, add salt, pepper and fish sauce to the soup and pour everything into plates

Recipe for Asian Fish Soup with Coconut Milk:
First, wash, cut and cut the fish
Heat coconut milk in a saucepan and season it with hot spices
When the milk boils, we begin to dip the fish and chopped ginger into it.
Boil the rice noodles in a separate saucepan until the soup is cooked.
After all the components of the soup are ready, you can proceed to the presentation of the dish.
First, put a small bowl of noodles in a bowl.
Then cover everything with fish soup and sprinkle with peanut butter

Asian Salads

Asian Chicken Grapefruit Salad

This salad may well be both a hearty snack and an excellent addition to steamed rice or vegetables in a sweet and sour sauce.

If you wish, you can use it for a light snack at work. A small portion of salad will help you quickly feel full and forget about hunger for a long time.

Chicken Oriental Salad Recipe:
Boil the chicken fillet, chill it a little and cut into small cubes
Peel half of the grapefruit from the films and cut in the same way as the meat
Grind hot peppers, mint leaves and ginger root
Squeeze the lime and grapefruit juice into a separate bowl
Salt it, pepper it, drizzle with sesame oil
Place the meat, mint leaves, ginger, grapefruit, hot pepper in the center of the plate and pour over everything with a light dressing

Asian Sauces

Sweet and sour sauce

Some people think that there are only two sauces used in Asian cuisine, soy and fish. Of course, in most cases, it is they who are taken for marinating meat, fish and for preparing various dressings.

But if you start getting acquainted with oriental cuisine a little closer, then you can learn about the existence of other, no less tasty and original sauces. We will now introduce you to the recipe for one of them.

Sweet and sour sauce recipe - it's yin and yang.
Pour the rice bite into a saucepan and heat it up a little
Then add soy sauce and chili peppers, grated into gruel.
When the mixture boils a little, put a couple of tablespoons of any fruit jam in it.
Darken the sauce for another 5 minutes and let it brew

Asian food menu

Peking cabbage spicy pickled

Asian dishes differ from those more familiar to us not by an exotic combination of components, but by an abundance of seasoning and soy products. Another difference is that they almost never use such familiar potatoes to prepare their dishes.

For example, in soups, they most often put rice noodles, meat and a variety of vegetables. As a result, they get a rather thick soup, which can be both the first and second courses at the same time.

List of the most popular Asian dishes:
Pork in sweet and sour sauce
Peking cabbage spicy pickled
Pork stew with star anise
Rice noodles with beef
Spring rolls with shrimps and pork
Chinese puff pancakes

Eastern cuisine menu


Eastern cuisine is practically no different from Asian cuisine. They also love spices, hot sauce, wheatgrass and lightly stewed vegetables. Its only difference is the complete absence of liquid dishes, that is, the usual soups and borscht.

But this does not mean that people go exclusively to second courses, they just cook soups a little differently than we do. Their broth is more like a thick and nutritious gravy, which slightly covers the vegetables and meat. This is due to the fact that oriental housewives are very fond of thickening it with starch.

The most popular oriental dishes:
Radish kichmi
Kuksi soup
Heh from zucchini

Eastern cuisine: meat dishes

Chicken skewers in soy sauce

Eastern cuisine involves the use of lamb, beef, chicken and very rarely pork. But unlike us, people living in the east do not like to grind meat for minced meat. They believe that in this way, all the taste of the product is killed. Therefore, they try to bake it whole or cut it into small pieces.

Eastern meat dishes:
Lamb shish kebab with vegetables
Lagman with beef
Chicken skewers in soy sauce
Heh from meat
Korean style pork ribs

Oriental soups

Oriental lamb soup

If you want to surprise your household, then prepare for them a delicious and aromatic oriental lamb soup. It requires a minimum set of products and approximately 1 hour of cooking time.

If you want to make this dish more festive, then garnish it with fresh herbs and chili peppers. This soup must be served with freshly baked flat cakes.

Cook celery and onion broth
Add chopped meat to it
When the meat is cooked until half cooked, put rice in a saucepan
Next, beat the egg, yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper
Introduce the mixture into the boiling soup in a thin stream and let it reach readiness

Oriental salad recipe

Spicy vegetable salad

If unexpected guests decide to come to you, and you have nothing to treat them with, then try to cook a simple but original oriental salad. By itself, it consists of products familiar to us, only the mayonnaise dressing we are used to will have to be replaced with a lighter and more useful one.

Spicy Vegetable Salad Recipe:
Take any salad mixture, tear into pieces and lay out on a beautiful platter
Cut cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and ginger into strips
Put the prepared vegetables on the salad mix.
Prepare a dressing from vegetable oil, salt, pepper, garlic and lemon juice
Pour the sauce over the salad and serve

Southeast Asian cuisine

Fish in Indonesian

The main highlight of the southeastern cuisine is, of course, seafood. Local chefs complement them with seaweed, exotic spices, juicy vegetables and edible flowers.

Very often travelers, having seen such a still life, are afraid to try it. And they do it, of course, in vain. After all, usually for the preparation of these dishes, fresh seafood is used, which can saturate the body with useful substances.

Fish recipe in Indonesian:
Fry the onion, lemongrass, banana in vegetable oil and add pre-boiled and washed rice to it
Cut the fish into large pieces and marinate it in pepper, salt and lemon juice
Dip the fish first in cream and then in flour and fry in a large amount of butter
Put the rice and banana on a plate, and on top of it the fish
Any hot sauce can be served with the dish

Eastern European cuisine

Meat - in Moldavian "Three shepherds"

Eastern European cuisine includes food of Georgian, Armenian, Bulgarian and Moldovan cuisine. Although the dishes of these regions are close and familiar to us, there are also some among them that can surprise us with something new.

As a rule, for cooking, residents of these regions use the same products as we do with one difference, in Eastern European countries they do not really like to marinate fish and meat in liquid marinades.

Meat recipe - in Moldavian "Three shepherds":
Marinate chicken, pork and beef fillets in dry spices
After 1.5 hours, beat each piece separately and cut them into strips 2 cm wide
Next, alternating each type of meat, we begin to twist it clockwise
We cut the blank with bamboo sticks
We bake the meat in the oven, occasionally sprinkling it with wine

Uzbek oriental cuisine

Uzbek pilaf

A characteristic feature of Uzbek cuisine is meat dishes. Uzbeks love meat and know how to cook it properly. Moreover, most often they do not eat it in, for example, baked. Usually they stew it with vegetables, put it in pies or make the most delicate manti with it.

But the main pride of this region, of course, is. Unlike us, they put a lot of meat, carrots and spicy spices in it, in short, they do everything to make the aroma from the dish amazing.

Uzbek pilaf recipe:
We heat oil in a cauldron and chop chopped onions and carrots into it
When the vegetables are browned, add pieces of meat to them (ideally, it should be lamb)
As soon as you notice that the tips of the carrots darken, immediately add half a liter of water, salt, cumin and barberry to the cauldron
Send everything to languish for 40 minutes
At this time, pour boiling water over the rice and let it swell a little.
Then add rice to the cauldron, put 5-7 cloves of garlic on top of it and close everything with a lid
Pilaf will be ready in 15 minutes

Eastern sweets

Honey baklava

Almost all those with a sweet tooth like oriental sweets. The main highlight of these delicacies is a variety of spices and herbs. This allows pastry chefs to create culinary masterpieces unparalleled anywhere else in the world.

There are more than 200 types of different sweets in these countries. Moreover, in each region they prepare one specific one. This is usually done by trained people (shackles) and with special equipment.

Honey baklava recipe:
Take flour, eggs, salt and milk and knead into a soft dough
Divide it into 5 equal parts and swing them as thinly as possible
Lubricate each layer with oil, roll it up with a snail and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour
Until the dough reaches the desired consistency, chop the nuts
We take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out thinly again
Put the first layer of dough in a mold and sprinkle it with chopped nuts
We repeat the manipulation three more times.
We roll out the last piece, put it on the nuts and cut the blank into diamonds
We send the baklava to the oven for about 30 minutes
While it is baking from honey and water, we prepare a fragrant syrup
Fill the finished baklava with syrup and let it soak well

Video: Asian Lemon Cheesecake

Lentils - 150 g
onion -2 pcs.
carrots - 1 pc.
pureed tomatoes -300 g
garlic - 1-2 cloves
broth -2 l
for caramel:
sugar 1 tbsp. l.
lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
Saute one onion and diced carrots, add chopped garlic and grated tomatoes, heat.
Pour over boiling broth, pour into a saucepan, add lentils and cook for 10-12 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, add lemon juice.
Cut the second onion into rings.
Put in a frying pan, add butter and sugar and lemon juice, stirring occasionally, until the onions are caramelized.
Serve the soup sprinkled with caramelized onions.

Veal or beef (brisket) - 500 g
Small beans - 1 tbsp.
Homemade noodles - 2 handfuls
Onions - 2 heads
Carrots - 1 pc.
Potatoes - 2 pcs.
Parsley, cilantro - half a bunch
Butter - 100 g
Salt, pepper, turmeric
This dish is usually prepared during the cold season. To begin with, we wash the meat, chop it into pieces, cut the onion into thin half rings. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion a little for about 5 minutes. Then put the meat and cook, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes. Add the carrots and potatoes cut into strips, stirring, and cook for another 10 minutes. Now add the beans washed and soaked in cold water in the evening.
Pour meat, vegetables and beans with 3 liters of boiling water. Bring to a boil and, as usual, remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Cook for about an hour and a half. During this time, the meat and beans should be cooked.
Salt, pepper the soup, add a little turmeric, just for color. Add the noodles to the soup, cook for another 5 minutes, turn it off under the pan, add the chopped greens and close the pan with a lid.

Moroccan harira (spicy chickpea and lentil soup)

This is one of the classic Moroccan dishes. Harira is a spicy soup that combines bright flavors of chickpeas, lentils, ripe tomatoes and spices. And all this on rich meat broth.
For 2.5 liters of water:
300 g beef (preferably lamb)
1/2 cup dry chickpeas (or canned)
1/2 cup brown lentils
1/2 cup round rice
1 red paprika
3-4 stalks of celery
2 large onions
400 g very ripe tomatoes or a jar canned without skin
2 tbsp olive oil
slice of ginger with walnut
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
1 tsp sharp wigs
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander seed
a pinch of saffron (can be substituted with turmeric)
1/2 chili pepper
ground black pepper, salt to taste
Celery, parsley or cilantro and lemon, to serve
For real harira, take lamb, a scapula with a bone. The first step is to soak the chickpeas (preferably overnight).
Drain the pre-soaked chickpeas, rinse them with running water, put them in a saucepan, pour cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over moderate heat for about an hour.
The meat should be cut into small pieces and fried with onions, vegetables and spices. Put in a saucepan with chickpeas.
While the chickpeas and meat are boiling, you need to make a spicy vegetable dressing for the soup.
Put the spices in a mortar and grind them with a pinch of salt.
Finely chop the onion, paprika, celery, ginger and chili. Heat olive oil in a frying pan and simmer vegetables with spices on it over medium heat for 8-10 minutes with constant stirring, then add chopped tomatoes, which have been previously peeled.
40 minutes after the start of cooking chickpeas and meat, add lentils and rice to them and continue to cook the soup for another 20 minutes, then add the stewed vegetables and cook the soup until cooked for another 15 minutes. At this stage, salt and pepper the soup to taste. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped celery, cilantro or parsley.
Pour the soup into bowls, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper, put a slice of lemon and a sprig of herbs in each plate.

300 g mixed minced meat
1 large onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
½ l vegetable broth
2 jars of peeled tomatoes
1 can of red beans
3-4 tablespoons olive oil
2 tsp blends of italian herbs
salt, sugar, ground pepper to taste
for serving:
sour cream
Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Add half the chopped onion and one teaspoon of the mixture of Italian herbs to the minced meat, salt and pepper the minced meat to taste and mix thoroughly. Roll small meatball balls from the minced meat and fry them in olive oil on all sides. Put the finished meatballs on a plate, and fry the onion and garlic in the remaining fat until transparent.
Lightly chop the tomatoes from a jar and put in a saucepan, add ½ vegetable broth or water to the tomatoes, a teaspoon of the mixture of Italian herbs and bring to a boil.
Add fried onion and garlic to the soup and boil the soup for about 10 minutes. Season the soup with salt, pepper to taste, adjust the taste with sugar.
Rinse the beans from the jar and add to the soup, put the fried meatballs in the same place, boil for another 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, pour into plates, put a spoonful of sour cream in each plate and serve. Croutons with cheese are ideal for the soup.

Potatoes-3 pcs.
Beef bone with meat
Water-2.5 liters.
Salt-1 tsp
Tomato paste-1-2 tablespoons
Bay leaf-2 pcs.
for meatballs:
Minced meat-300 g
Boiled millet-3 tbsp.
Onion-0.5 pcs.
Boiled rice-0.5 cups
Parsley to taste
Dried basil-0.5 tsp (from me)
Salt, pepper - to taste
It takes a little longer than usual meatball soup, but the result is amazing.
Bone broth is cooked, salted to your liking.
Finely chopped onion is added to the minced meat (you can fry it beforehand). Add a few spoons of boiled pshon and mix the mass thoroughly. Separately, greens are crushed into rice, salt and pepper are added.
Skim off the foam from the broth and add potatoes in cubes.
For meatballs, moisten your hands, take a spoonful of minced meat on your right palm, flatten it, put a little rice filling in the center, connect the seams with a second hand moistened with water and roll the ball so that it does not fall apart in the soup.
Carefully immerse the ball in the hot broth and do not touch it until it comes up! The meatballs should be big, this is the tradition!
Dilute tomato paste with water and pour into broth. Cook until tender. Soup can only be mixed when the balls are seized.