Vegetables are fruits without starch. Such different vegetables: a list of starchy and non-starchy vegetables

27.09.2019 Restaurant notes

For many diets that include vegetables or vegetable dishes, you need to know which vegetables are the most useful for losing weight, and what vegetables can interfere with getting rid of extra pounds. Many years ago, scientists came to the conclusion that not all vegetables are equally beneficial for weight loss, despite the fact that all of them contain vitamins and nutrients. To lose weight faster you need avoiding starchy vegetables, that is, those fruits in which the starch content is too high.

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What is starch

Our body cannot do without starch. The ingestion of starch into the human body contributes to improving the functioning of the brain, musclesand also this substance is the main source of nutrition for the human body.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate that, when ingested, increases blood sugar levels. In addition, dishes rich in starch are able to be absorbed by the body. very fast, causing a new attack of hunger in a short period of time. And this is especially harmful for the figure. Therefore, if you are on a vegetable diet, the Kim Protasov diet and some other types of vegetable diets, be sure to study the list of starchy and non-starchy vegetables. Try your best limit your intake of starchy vegetablesto speed up the process of losing weight.

What vegetables contain starch

Recently, there has been a lot of research on starch content on foods. Initially, experts started talking about starchy and non-starchy vegetables during the creation of the rules for separate meals. In those days, few people attached importance to this. Deeper research has confirmed the negative effect of starch in vegetables on the figure.

1 Of course, potatoes have the maximum starch content. Even a small tuber can contain a huge amount of starch. In some root crops, a fifth of the volume of the entire potato is starch. That is why nutritionists all over the world agreed that losing weight should first give up potatoes. Special fried potatoes are harmfulas well as French fries. Potatoes prepared in this way are saturated with the fat in which they were fried. In addition to starch, it also contains carcinogens obtained by frying in sunflower oil. Such unhealthy fat can cause not only obesity, but also diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cancer, and much more.

2 Another starchy vegetable is the "queen of the fields" corn... It contains a large number of carbohydrates, and it has a fairly high calorie content in comparison with many other vegetables: 93 kcal per 100 g of product. There are even more kilocalories in boiled and canned corn. Therefore, before pampering yourself with corn in salads, or just boiled, you need to weigh the pros and cons for your forms.

3 Leguminous cultivated plants are also considered starch-rich foods. These legumes include beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, etc. Green legumes contain a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamin B, minerals, but excessive consumption of these foods can lead to weight gain.

4 Jerusalem artichoke is considered an excellent substitute for the usual potatoes. Moreover, according to scientists, this root vegetable contains much more nutrients than potatoes. He is not afraid of pests, and he is less whimsical in cultivation. Also, Jerusalem artichoke is almost twice as nutritious as beet. However, high consumption of this starchy product can provoke increased gas formation and discomfort in the intestines.

5 Sweet potato - another "substitute" for potatoes... It is also called sweet potato, as it is very similar in appearance to potatoes and tastes like sweet pumpkin. Its caloric content is 61 kcal per 100 g of product. In addition, the root vegetable contains a lot of water, organic acids, carotene.

6 Beet is a vegetable that is very popular in our country. Its advantage over many other vegetables is that it practically does not lose nutrients during heat treatment. However, for those who are watching their weight, beets should be eaten in moderation, as they are also a source of easily digestible starch... Also, beets are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, bowel disorders, gastritis.

7 Radish is not very rich in starch, however, it still contains it. Radish can be eaten during vegetable diets, but in moderation. It should be noted, though, that you will most likely not be able to eat too much radish due to its specific taste. Radish is recommended eaten in saladsrather than separately.

8 Carrot is a very useful vegetable, which many scientists refer to as starchy vegetables. Some other experts believe that it can be attributed to moderately starchy foods... In any case, do not be zealous with carrots. Carrots should be completely excluded from the diet if a person has allergies. And also anyone, even an absolutely healthy person, is contraindicated to eat a large amount of carrots at once. This can provoke "carotene jaundice" with the appearance of yellow spots. The treatment of such jaundice is simple - the complete exclusion of carrots from the diet for a long time.

9 Zucchini, like carrots, are considered by many nutritionists to be starchy or moderately starchy. During a vegetable diet, it is imperative to include zucchini in the menu, since its delicate pulp helps to improve digestion, complexion and other things. However, zucchini should be eaten in moderation to avoid overweight problems.

10 Pumpkin is a sweet and healthy vegetable, which has a positive effect on digestion, bowel function, is an excellent supplier of vitamins and important microelements to the human body. If you are on a vegetable diet, then you should not eat pumpkin as an independent dish. You can sometimes allow yourself a little pumpkin juice. Absolutely contraindicated for losing weight rice porridge with pumpkinbecause both pumpkin and rice contain a huge amount of starch, which can negatively affect the figure.

What foods contain starch. Table

What other foods contain starch

There are other foods that have a much higher starch content than most starchy vegetables. Before choosing an acceptable diet for yourself, you should find out which foods, in addition to vegetables, are rich in starch and will prevent you from losing weight as quickly as possible.

Other foods that contain huge amounts of starch include rice (80-83%), barley (72%) and wheat (67%). Rye (62%) and millet (56%) are also rich in this substance. Therefore, those who are losing weight are not advised to get carried away with cereals and cereals, cook soups with the addition of rice, and eat baked goods.

All about carbohydrates or how to eat right:

Every day there are more supporters of proper nutrition. People began to pay more attention to their own health and appearance. Among the substances that contribute to the appearance of excess fat folds, starch takes pride of place. It is found in vegetables, fruits, and other foods. Many people are interested in what foods contain starch, and try to protect themselves from its use. Is it really necessary and what is the harm and benefit of starchy food?

What foods contain starch?

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all food products contain proteins, fats, sugars and starch in different quantities. The latter is a complex carbohydrate that is essential for normal development and function. human body... This carbohydrate can be of two types:

  1. Natural. Feel free to use this type without worrying about your health. Such a natural carbohydrate is found in cereals, root vegetables, potatoes, lentils and cereals.
  2. Refined. Starch can be corn, wheat, potato, rye, rice and barley. Carbohydrate fills the body with unnecessary calories. If, for example, you dilute a refined powder with water, you get a viscous, unpleasant to the touch mixture. It is usually used to improve the taste, as well as to regulate the consistency of products. Therefore, starch is added to various sauces, yoghurts, dairy drinks, confectionery, and even baby food.

Almost all foods that are in the human diet contain starch in one form or another. Lovers of proper nutrition insist not to combine a large amount of this carbohydrate with proteins in their menu. Mainly cereals, legumes contain two of these substances. There is no need to give them up. Cereals are essential for the normal functioning of the human body. Knowing where the most starch and protein are, balance your diet whenever possible.

Learn more about, types of legumes, recipes.

Starchy legumes and grains

All of these grains have a heavy carbohydrate level of more than 70%, so it is best to eat light soups without cereals when following a diet. Cereals containing a large percentage of starch include:

  • rice (more than 80%);
  • corn;
  • oats;
  • wheat.

Legumes such as lentils, soybeans, beans, and peas contain a high level of carbohydrate. If you need to lose weight, it is best to exclude them from the diet for a while. It is not necessary to completely forget about them, the marked products are still necessary for the human body due to the content of a number of useful substances in legumes.

This carbohydrate is found in many vegetables. Most of all starch is contained in root vegetables, that is, those vegetables that grow underground. The moderate starch group includes carrots, eggplants, beets, and courgettes. They go well with each other, as well as with other non-starchy vegetables. Among them, a special place in the presence of starch is occupied by:

  • potatoes;
  • corn
  • sweet potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • jerusalem artichoke;
  • radish;
  • squash.

This is far from the entire list, because this carbohydrate is found in all edible roots, including celery root, parsley and horseradish. Cauliflower is not obvious for such a list. Starchy vegetables have a specific feature: they require the addition of "light" fats. These are considered to be vegetable oil, cream or sour cream. The combination of carbohydrate and fat in this form will ensure optimal assimilation of the dish.

High starch foods table

In order to lose weight or adhere to the correct diet, you need to be more careful in choosing the beneficial components of the diet. The human body simply cannot do without glycogen. Therefore, it is best to have on hand a list of foods that have high levels of this substance, and to insulate yourself from the leaders of this list. So, the largest amount of this carbohydrate contains:

  • legumes - beans and chickpeas, the percentage of the substance here reaches 40;
  • potatoes - an approximate figure of 18-20%;
  • cauliflower;
  • jerusalem artichoke;
  • corn;
  • squash;
  • pumpkin;
  • sweet potato;
  • radish.

What foods are starch free?

There are products that do not contain starch and are necessary and useful for the full development of the human body. Many diets are based on them. Feel free to use them without worrying about extra pounds. These should include:

  • meat of any animal;
  • fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • milk products.

The plant may also contain starch. Among plant origin, glycogen does not contain:

  • cucumbers;
  • chervil;
  • gherkins;
  • red cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • dill;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot.

These vegetables have other beneficial substances. Many people assume that fruits contain starch. In fact, this is not the case. The maximum value of this substance, which is found in them, is no more than 1%. The only exception is banana. Depending on the variety and maturity, the presence of such a carbohydrate can be from 7 to 20%. It is best to buy ripe, even slightly dark bananas. They have a lower level of this carbohydrate than green bananas.

The list of ingredients that contain this substance is long, so it is impossible to exclude such foods from your diet. There are many photo and video footage that can give a complete picture of which foods contain starch. With their help, you can create a rational and healthy diet. You can also determine the carbohydrate content at home using a simple test, which is presented in the next video.

Energy, strength, good health - this is provided by products with this substance. In order to reduce its negative impact on a person's weight, you just need to know what, at what time and how much to consume. Having decided on which foods contain excess starch, provide yourself with high-quality, complete, and most importantly, balanced nutrition.

Despite the fact that starch, in small quantities is included in all vegetables, we know much less about this substance than we should. Let's talk about the benefits and dangers of starch, about what types of this carbohydrate are and what foods are the most starchy.

What few probably know about is that starch can be beneficial or even harmful. By default, foods containing starch are considered to have an increased glycemic index, that is, they are absorbed quickly and contribute to an increase in blood glucose levels.

However, not all starch is created equal. There is starch that is absorbed quickly, which is absorbed slowly, and even which is not absorbed at all.

What it depends on and how to determine which one is better, I will try to explain it simply and clearly in this material.

What is starch and its role in human nutrition

Starch is a complex carbohydrate. For a long time, it was believed that complex carbohydrates were less likely to raise blood glucose levels than various types of sugars. However, practice has shown that some types of starch have an even higher glycemic index than sugar.

People who are forced to monitor blood sugar levels should also give up foods containing starch, as it breaks down very quickly and turns into glucose.

Which starch is absorbed quickly and which is slow?

First of all, let's remember that starch is found in varying amounts in all fruits and vegetables. It's just that somewhere there is a lot of it, but somewhere there is very little.

Here's what's really important: The speed of assimilation of starch depends on the degree of processing of the products.

All grains and legumes are very rich in this carbohydrate, but grinding wheat, for example, into flour, making bread and buns from it, we facilitate the absorption of starch. Thus, breads and baked goods can raise blood sugar levels in minutes, even if no traditional granulated sugar has been added to the recipe.

The starch with the highest glycemic index, exactly the one found in white bread, pastries. Conversely, whole grain bread contains less “quick starch”, is more difficult to digest, and even some of it is not digestible. This starch is called resistant starch and can lower blood glucose levels after hyperglycemia.

Interesting fact! One of the foods that contains starch, but takes a long time to digest, is pasta. But not any, but high-quality pasta prepared "al dente", that is, not quite to the end. It turns out that the starch molecules are so tightly packed in the paste that only half of them are absorbed instantly.

What is the healthiest starch?

  • Dietitians consider beans and lentils to be the best sources of the "right" starch;
  • In second place are whole grains such as buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and oats.
  • If glucose is an important indicator for you, then try to eliminate all foods from white flour from your diet altogether.
  • Also, breakfast cereals are a source of bad starch.

What are the benefits and harms of starch?

Many people say that starch is a very useful substance, since it is nutritious, this is so. The body also needs glucose. However, you need to be aware that every spike in blood glucose is always a load on the cardiovascular system.

It just means that everything must be followed by the norm. The body needs starch, as it turns into glucose, which from the blood enters the cells and nourishes them. An unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular system only occurs when the cells are already oversaturated with glucose and the blood sugar is still high.

Resistant starch is believed to be very important in preventing cancer. It is found in potatoes and fresh fruits and vegetables and legumes.

On the other hand, easily digestible starch can cause significant harm to health. Abuse of white bread, sweet pastries, can lead to very serious diseases, especially with regard to the cardiovascular system. Pancreas problems are not excluded. After all, every time the glucose level rises sharply, then it produces more insulin. If such surges are a constant phenomenon, this cannot but increase health risks.

Starchy foods

As you already understood, starch is found in all fruits and vegetables. The only difference is that where the starch is negligible, it is simply considered that it does not exist, since the volumes are so insignificant that it is even difficult to call it a content, it would be more correct to "have traces of starch".

Plant foods that contain the most starch:

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Buckwheat
  • Potato sweet potato
  • Amaranth

Low starch foods:

  • Carrot
  • Beet
  • Eggplant

Non-starchy vegetables:

  • Cucumbers
  • Leaf salad
  • Spinach
  • Bell pepper
  • Sorrel
  • Cabbage
  • A tomato

Are there starch in apples?

There is. Only the amount of starch depends on the variety and ripeness. An apple with less sweetness tends to have more starch than sugars.

Starch is a necessary carbohydrate, but only when the measure in use is observed, as in everything, however. Starchy foods are a surefire way to get an extraordinary dose of energy, which is why starch is valuable. Nevertheless, I recommend that you listen to the opinion of experts and limit, if possible, the consumption of rapidly digestible starch in order to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Eat right and be healthy!

Carbohydrates can be divided into three main categories: sugar, fiber, and starch. Starches are the most commonly consumed type of carbohydrate and an important source of energy for many people. Cereals and root vegetables are common sources of starches.

Starches are classified as because they are made up of many sugar molecules bound together. Complex carbohydrates have traditionally been viewed as healthier options. Once in the digestive system, they gradually release sugar into the blood without dramatically increasing blood sugar levels ().

Blood sugar spikes are bad because they can leave you tired, hungry, and hungry for higher carbohydrate foods (,).

However, many foods containing starch are highly refined. Consuming them can actually cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly, even though they are classified as complex carbohydrates.

This is due to the fact that highly refined starches are deprived of almost all nutrients and. Simply put, they contain empty calories and provide little or no nutrient intake.

Many studies have also shown that a diet enriched with refined starches is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart failure and weight gain (,,,).

So, what foods contain starch - the list below.

1. Corn flour (74%)

Corn flour is a type of coarse flour made by grinding dried corn kernels. It does not contain, which makes it possible to safely use it for people with.

Although cornmeal contains some nutrients, it is very rich in carbohydrates and starch. 100 g of corn flour contains 79 g of carbohydrates, of which 74 g (74%) is starch ().


Unfortunately, pretzels are often made from refined wheat flour. This type of flour can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to feeling tired and ().

More importantly, frequent spikes in blood sugar levels can reduce your body's ability to effectively lower blood sugar levels and even lead to type 2 diabetes (,,).


Pretzels are often made from refined wheat flour and can quickly raise blood sugar levels. A 60 gram serving of 10 rolled pretzels contains 42.8 grams of starch (71.4%).

3-5: Flour (68-70%)

Flour is a versatile and basic ingredient in baking and comes in many varieties, such as sorghum, millet, wheat and refined wheat flour. All of these flours also tend to contain starch. So, which foods contain starch:

3. Millet flour (70%)

Although millet contains a ton of nutrients, there is some evidence that its consumption can interfere with normal thyroid function. However, the effects in humans are unclear, so more research is needed (,,).

4. Sorghum flour (68%)

Sorghum is an ancient nutritious grain (groats), which is ground into sorghum flour. 100 g of sorghum flour contains 68 g of starch (68%). Despite its high concentration, sorghum flour is a much better choice than most flours. This is because it is gluten free and an excellent source of protein and fiber. 100 g of sorghum flour contains 8 g of protein and 6.3 g of fiber ().

Plus, sorghum is a great source of antioxidants like policosanol. Research has shown that these antioxidants can help reduce insulin resistance and may have anti-tumor properties (,,).

Find out in detail what sorghum is and what benefits it can bring.

5. White flour (68%)

Whole wheat grains have three key constituents. The outer layer is known as, the embryo is the reproductive part of the grain, and the endosperm is its nutrition.

White flour is made by removing the bran and germs that are ().

Only the endosperm is left, which is ground into white flour. It tends to be low in nutrients and contains mostly empty calories ().

In addition, due to the fact that white flour is based on endosperm, it contains a large amount of starch. 100 g of white flour contains 68 g of starch (68%) ().


Millet flour, sorghum flour, and white wheat flour are popular flours with similar starch content. Of the three, sorghum flour is the most beneficial for health, while white wheat flour is the most harmful and should be avoided.

6. Salty crackers (67.8%)

What foods have a lot of starch - one of these foods is salt crackers. Salty crackers are thin, square dry biscuits made from refined wheat flour, yeast, etc. Although salty crackers are low in calories, they contain virtually no vitamins and minerals. In addition, they contain a very large amount of starch.

For example, a serving of five standard salted crackers (15 g) contains 11 g (67.8%) starch ().

If you like crackers, go for those that are 100% made.


Although salty crackers are popular snacks, they are low in nutrients and high in starch. A serving of five standard salted crackers (15 g) contains 11 g of starch (67.8%).

7. Oats (57.9%)

Oats are the healthiest grains you can eat. Oats provide the body with a good amount of protein, fiber and fat, as well as a wide range of vitamins and minerals. This makes oats a great choice for a healthy breakfast.

What's more, studies have shown that oats can help you lose weight, lower blood sugar, and lower your risk of heart disease (,,).

However, while oats are one of the healthiest foods and a great addition to your diet, they are also very high in starch. 100 g of oats contains 57.9 g of starch (57.9%) ().


Oats are a great breakfast choice as they are high in vitamins and minerals. 100 g of oats contains 57.9 g of starch (57.9%).

8. Whole wheat flour (57.8%)

Compared to refined flour, whole wheat flour is more nutritious and contains less starch. This makes her the best option. For example, 1 cup (120 g) whole grain flour contains 69 g starch or (57.8%) ().

Although both types of wheat flour contain the same amount of carbohydrates, whole wheat has more fiber and nutrients. This makes it a healthier option.


Whole wheat flour is a great source of fiber and nutrients. One glass (120 g) contains 69 g of starch (57.8%).

9. Instant noodles (56%)

Instant noodles are a popular and convenient staple because they are cheap and easy to make. However, these noodles are highly processed and generally low in nutrients. Plus, it tends to be high in fat and carbohydrates.

For example, one packet contains 54 g of carbohydrates and 13.4 g of fat ().

Most of the carbohydrates in instant noodles come from starch. The package contains 47.7 g of starch (56%). In addition, studies have shown that people who consume instant noodles more than twice a week have a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It is especially harmful for women (,).


Instant noodles are highly processed and rich in starch. One packet contains 47.7 g of starch (56%).

10-13: Bread and bakery products (40.2-44.4%)

Bread and various types of baked goods are staple foods all over the world. These include white bread, bagels, pancakes (a thick flat cake made from wheat flour), tortilla, pita bread, etc.

However, many of these foods are made from refined wheat flour and have a high glycemic index. This means they can quickly raise blood sugar levels. The starch content of such flour products typically ranges from 40.2 to 44.4 percent.

10. Fritters (44.4%)

Fritters are flat, round breads that are usually fried and served with butter. A regular size pancake contains 23.1 g of starch (44.4%) ().

11. Bagels, bagels, bagels (43.6%)

Bagels, bagels, bagels, and other similar types of pastries are common products made from white flour. They contain a large amount of starch, providing the body with 38.8 g, when eating a medium-sized bagel (43.6%) ().

12. White bread (40.8%)

Like refined wheat flour, white bread is made almost exclusively from wheat endosperm. In turn, it has a high starch content. Two slices of white bread contain 20.4 g of starch (40.8%) ().

White bread is also very low in fiber, vitamins and minerals. If you want to eat bread, go for whole grain bread.

13. Tortilla (40.2%)

Tortilla is a thin, flat bread made from corn or wheat (traditional Mexican flatbread). One lozenge (49 g) contains 19.7 g of starch (40.2%) ().


Bakery products come in many forms, but they usually contain starch, and therefore their consumption should be limited. Baked goods such as pancakes, bagels, bagels, bagels, white bread, and tortillas contain about 40-45% starch.

14. Shortbread (40.5%)

Classic shortbread cookies are traditionally made with three ingredients - sugar, butter and flour. It is also high in starch content. One 12-gram cookie contains 4.8 g of starch (40.5%) ().

Also, be careful when consuming baked shortbread cookies, as they may contain artificial trans fats, which are linked to a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity (,).


Shortbread cookies contain a large amount of starch - 4.8 g per cookie (40.5%). It is recommended to limit your intake due to the fact that it is high in calories and may contain trans fats.

15.Rice (28.7%)

Starchy foods include rice, which is the most commonly consumed staple food in many countries around the world ().

It contains a large amount of starch, especially when raw. For example, 100 grams of raw rice contains 80.4 g of carbohydrates, of which 63.6% are starch ().

However, during the cooking of rice, the content of this polymer carbohydrate decreases dramatically. In the presence of heat and water, the starch molecules absorb water and swell. Ultimately, this swelling breaks down the bonds between starch molecules in a process called gelation ().

Thus, 100 g of cooked rice contains only 28.7% starch, because cooked rice contains much more water ().


Rice is the most commonly consumed staple food in the world. When cooked, the starch content in it decreases sharply, because its molecules absorb water and are destroyed during the cooking process.

16. Pasta from durum wheat (26%)

Durum wheat pasta comes in many forms, such as spaghetti, pasta, noodles, fettuccine, etc. As with rice, pasta is less starchy when cooked because it gelatinizes when heated in water. For example, dry spaghetti contains 62.5% starch, while cooked spaghetti contains only 26% of this polymer carbohydrate (,).

17. Corn (18.2%)

Starchy foods include corn. Corn is one of the most widely consumed cereals. It also has the highest starch content of a whole vegetable ().

For example, 1 cup (141 g) corn kernels contains 25.7 g (18.2%) starch. Although it is a starchy vegetable, corn is very nutritious and a great addition to your diet. It is especially rich in fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals such as folate (vitamin B9), phosphorus and potassium ().


Although corn contains a lot of starch, it is very healthy due to its fiber, vitamins and minerals. One cup (141 g) of corn kernels contains 25.7 g (18.2%) starch.

18. Potatoes (18%)

Potatoes are incredibly versatile and are a staple food in many families around the world. When it comes to starchy foods, potatoes are often the first thing that comes to mind. Interestingly, potatoes do not contain as much starch as flour, baked goods, or cereals, but they do contain more of this carbohydrate than other vegetables.

For example, a medium baked potato (138 g) contains 24.8 g of starch (18%).

Potatoes are an excellent part of a balanced diet because they are a good source of vitamin C, folate, potassium and manganese ().


Although potatoes are rich in starch compared to most vegetables, they also contain many vitamins and minerals. This is why potatoes are still a great part of a balanced diet.


  • What products have the most starch - the largest amount is found in corn flour (as much as 74%).
  • Starch is the main carbohydrate in the diet and a significant part of many staple foods.
  • In modern human diets, foods high in starch are highly refined and devoid of fiber and nutrients. These products include refined wheat flour, baked goods and baked goods, and corn flour.
  • To maintain a healthy diet, try to limit your intake of these foods. Diets high in refined starches are associated with a higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain. In addition, they can cause blood sugar levels to rise sharply and then drop sharply. This is especially important for people with diabetes and prediabetes because their bodies cannot effectively remove sugar from their blood.

On the other hand, you shouldn't avoid consuming whole, unprocessed starch sources such as sorghum flour, oats, potatoes, and the other high starch foods listed above. They are excellent sources of fiber and contain many vitamins and minerals.

What foods contain the most zinc

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    Starch is a substance that, when heated to 55-65 ° C, turns into gluten, which is very harmful to the body. Especially for the liver…. In this case, it is better to cook such products at temperatures below 55 ° C and it is better to just soak porridge overnight in clean water.

    To answer

One of the main rules of healthy eating is: Eat more vegetables. But everything needs a measure.

An important component of them is starch, which brings both benefits and harm to our body. In different types of fruits, its content is not the same. Therefore, it is necessary to harmoniously combine starchy and non-starchy vegetables in your diet, observing the established rate of this ingredient.

Starch in the body

Starch belongs to carbohydrates, a group of polysaccharides. And when it enters the body, it turns into glucose, which acts as the main supplier of energy for us.

The daily requirement of this carbohydrate is about 400 grams. In moderation, it is simply necessary for the proper functioning of our body, providing it with the following functions:

  • removes edema;
  • fights inflammation;
  • improves digestion, prevents the occurrence of peptic ulcer, restores the intestinal microflora;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • normalizes metabolism.

Starch satisfies 80% of our daily carbohydrate requirement. But most importantly, it helps us to replenish the expended energy.

If there is too much of this substance, then first of all we should be afraid of weight gain. Excessive amounts of polysaccharide are converted to excess glucose. One part of it goes to replenish energy costs, the rest turns into fat and is deposited in problem areas.

In addition, oversaturation with a starchy compound causes fermentation in the intestines, which is manifested by bloating, nausea and problems with stools.

The starch that enters our body is divided into refined and natural. Its refined form is a dietary supplement and carries simple carbohydrates. They do not bring much benefit, but cause weight gain.

We get natural starch from vegetables and fruits, and it is this starch that is most valuable to us.

Distribution of starch in vegetables

All vegetable crops are divided into 3 groups according to the starch polysaccharide content:

  • containing starch;
  • starch-free;
  • low in starch.

Most of all it is found in cereals and legumes. Rice, wheat, oatmeal and oats are isolated from cereals. The starch content in them can reach 70%. Despite the high amount of polysaccharide, cereals are often the main ingredient in diets. The reason is their quick and easy assimilation.

Among the legumes, the palm goes to beans, green peas and corn. They contain about 40% of the important carbohydrate.

The list of starchy vegetables is continued by root crops. Among them, the most famous is potatoes. It also includes Jerusalem artichoke, radish, turnip. Edible roots belong to this group: celery, parsley, horseradish, ginger.

The list of non-starchy vegetable products is wider due to the presence of greens in it: parsley, dill, basil, celery, rhubarb, purslane, lettuce and other crops. This group includes all juicy, green and crunchy vegetable fruits.

Apart from all vegetable crops, there is a tomato. It contains a lot of acid - malic, oxalic, citrus. Therefore, it is considered an acidic food, and it is in principle incorrect to judge its "starchiness".

How to properly combine vegetables for starch

For the first time, the concept of starchy and non-starchy vegetables was introduced by Herbert Sheldon, the developer of the separate feeding system.

According to his theory, in order to fully enrich our body with vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances, as well as to maintain an ideal weight, all types of vegetables must be present in our diet. But to get the most out of them, you need to know the rules for their use. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe theory is the combination of vegetable ingredients according to their compatibility.

For starchy vegetables, the following canons apply.

  1. At the same time, it is permissible to eat only 1 type of them.
  2. Combine these fruits with starch-free green vegetables, fruits.
  3. Season them with dressings with vegetable and animal fats: sour cream, vegetable oil, cream.
  4. For better absorption, include in the menu foods containing B vitamins: walnuts, almonds and peanuts, cheese, tomatoes, spirulina.
  5. Do not combine with protein foods - meat, eggs, and fish.

Some restrictions on the intake of starchy plant products are due to the fact that an alkaline environment is required to process the starch, which is contained in large quantities. Special enzymes make it alkaline, and nothing should interfere with their production.

Protein is digested in an acidic environment by completely different enzymes. And the combination of such incompatible products provokes the processes of fermentation and putrefaction, which will lead to disruption of the digestive tract. Therefore, a popular dish like potatoes with meat actually carries a potential risk to your well-being.

Non-starchy vegetables are easy to digest, quickly absorbed, contain many vitamins and are combined with almost all foods. Their union with meat will be perfect, especially celery salad.

You can not use such fruits with dairy products due to the same fermentation.

Particular attention should be paid to vegetables for weight loss. Of course, preference is given to those that do not contain starch. But you should not completely abandon starchy fruits either.

Try to eat them in the morning. And better boiled or baked. This heat treatment reduces the percentage of polysaccharide in them. So, in fresh potatoes, about 18% of starch is concentrated, and in boiled ones - only 14%.

In the diet of those who are struggling with extra pounds, such fruits should be no more than 30%.

Supporters of separate nutrition pay special attention to cauliflower. It is considered to be moderately starchy, but it should be absorbed in limited quantities in combination with fats.

To facilitate the preparation of a dietary menu, the classification of vegetables by starch content is presented in the following table.


Here are some examples of recipes that correctly combine different types of vegetables.