Shrimps fried fried recipes in soy sauce. Recipes for cooking delicious fried shrimp with garlic

02.09.2020 Meat dishes

Fried shrimps in soy sauce are one of the delicious dishes that can be prepared from seafood with marinade. They will necessarily impress guests and family members. A big plus of mollusks is the possibility of eating during posts. Therefore, even in such a strict restriction, it will be possible to pamper themselves with something delicious. This article will tell you how to make the pickled delicacy of Chinese correctly, and tips on the design and supply of dishes are given.

For Eastern snacks, any shrimp will be suitable, but the royal and tigers are kinder than everyone. You can fry them as cleansed from extra parts and with a shell (depending on the recipe). If frozen seafood is used, they should be placed in the fridge a few hours before the start of cooking. So they will be easier to clean. To begin with, rinse the product, cut off the head, and then remove the shell. Next follows the procedure for marinating and roasting in a pan or grill.

Often, seafood are complemented by other ingredients, such as onions, garlic, honey or lemon. Lovers of sharp dishes are added to the sauce a variety of spices and herbal mixes. You can fry seafood on any oil optional. If you want to get a more diet snack, it will be necessary only to lubricate olive alone. If you wish, you can fry mollusks in a fryer, where they will cover the appetizing crispy crust.


There is a mass of recipes for the preparation of fried shrimp in the marinade from soy sauce.



  • Seafood rinse and slightly cut along the abdomen. Thus, marinade is better absorbed.
  • Transfer everything into a deep bowl and fill with Japanese sauce. Marinated the future snack should for twenty minutes so that the taste is more saturated.
  • A bit of vegetable oil pour into a frying pan and heat heavily.
  • Marinated shrimp gently lay out in the tank and fry for six minutes on each side until the ruddy crust appears.
  • As soon as the products are ready, you need to transfer them to a plate, pre-covered with a paper towel so that it absorbs excess fat.

With garlic and lemon

Refueling from these ingredients is the most common. It is perfectly combined with any seafood. Osion should be prepared from pre-purified mollusks. It is recommended to immediately acquire them in its pure form not to waste time.


  • 10 pieces. royal shrimp;
  • 50 ml of soybean sauce;
  • 1 bundle of kinse;
  • 2 garlic slices;
  • olive oil;
  • black ground pepper to taste;
  • 2 h. L. Lemon juice.


  • Shrimps defrost and carefully clean, cut off the head and removing the shell.
  • Garlic squeeze in a bowl, add pepper, lemon juice and soy sauce.
  • Ingredients mix well and put inside the mollusks. They must marinate for half an hour under the film.
  • A bit of olive oil pour into a frying pan and heat. This component can be replaced by butter at will.
  • Shrimps lay out in the Council and fry a maximum of four minutes on each side, otherwise due to the lack of shell they can be overwhelmed and become too hard.
  • Capturing a snack to shift on a paper towel.

With honey

Medovo-soy marinade - one of the favorite Chinese gas stations. It is used with any kind of meat, birds, seafood. In this case, the purified clams are also used.


  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp. mustard;
  • 0.5 h. L. paprika;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 60 ml of Japanese sauce;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Olive oils.


  • Honey melt on a water bath so that it is easier to mix with other components.
  • Add to the bowl of mustard, two chopped cloves of garlic, paprika and soy sauce. Mix the refuel care thoroughly.
  • Shrimps put in a deep bowl and pour marinade, everything is pretty mixed.
  • Cover the food film and postpone a quarter of an hour.

If the dish is not preparing in a rush, you can put a bowl into the refrigerator and leave for a whole hour. So seafood better absorb sauce.

  • Oil pour into a frying pan and warm up.
  • Solo garlic cut into three parts and fry until a golden shade.
  • After that, get a vegetable and lay out seafood.
  • For a snack is not burned, it needs to fry on medium heat and periodically mix.
  • Ready dish transfer to a plate.

With onion

This dish is usually served with a garnish in the form of rice or pasta.


  • 250 grams of shrimp;
  • 1 onions;
  • 50 ml of soybean sauce;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 1/2 h. L italian mixture of herbs;
  • black ground pepper to taste;
  • olive oil.


  • Shrimp rinse, remove the shell and head.
  • Onions chopping into cubes and send to roast until half-welded in the heated oil.
  • Add seafood and stew with onions for three minutes, then pour lemon juice and mix ingredients.
  • Soy sauce combine with spices and pour the resulting mass of the frying pans.
  • Tomize a dish at low heat for four minutes, after which it can be finished.

Sharp on Mangale

This recipe can be used not only for cooking in nature. Mollusks in this case are married with the shell.


  • 500 gr Tiger shrimp;
  • 130 ml of Japanese sauce;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 0.3 h. L. hammer ginger;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. Sugar sand or honey.


  • Garlic and chili pepper finely chopping and send to a small capacity, add ground ginger there, soy sauce and lemon juice.
  • Wash shrimps, get the intestines and send to the gas station.
  • To cover the bowl and send to the fridge for a couple of hours.
  • The brazier to warm up, sprinkle with olive oil and put on it seafood.
  • Hold before the appearance of a ruddy crust.
  • You can use both large and small shrimps.

With tomatoes

Tomatoes are perfectly combined with the main ingredient of the dish. They will give a snack more recent taste and pleasant fragrance.


  • 250 grams of shrimp;
  • 4 ripe tomatoes;
  • 5 garlic lobes;
  • 70 ml of soy sauce;
  • kinza to taste.


  • To begin with, rinse seafood, clean them and postpone dry onto the kitchen towel.
  • Tomatoes are boiling water, cool and remove the skin slightly.
  • Cut vegetables on slots or semiring.
  • Glock skip through the groove and send to a heated frying pan with vegetable oil.
  • Further, shrimps are laid out and roasted on high heat for a minute, after which soy sauce is flooded.
  • Then immediately lay out the pieces of tomatoes. You can add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Skin cover with a lid and stew the contents of about six minutes on medium heat.
  • The dish is laid out on the plate so that the tomatoes are from below, and the mollusks from above.
  • Sprinkle with all chopped cilantro.

About how quickly and delicious cook shrimp in soy sauce with garlic, you can see in the next video.

How to serve?

  1. Shrimps fried in soy marinade are considered a delicacy. During the dinner, they should be served as an independent snack on a separate plate for each guest.
  2. Royal species are taken by hand. It will correctly leave small tails during cooking so that the product is convenient to take.
  3. For convenience, it is customary to put a small pile next to the plate, where the shells will be folded, and shallow bowls with lemon water. They are designed to wash the hands after the meal.
  4. In order not to suffer with water, you can simply put lemon slices on a separate plate next to each guest. Citrus juice will overcome the smell of mollusks.
  5. Purified seafood can be served with a side dish in the form of fresh vegetables, stew, rice or pasta. Such a dish eat with cutting devices. It should be taken in advance that everything you need next to each guest.
  6. If you have a friendly company at home, where everyone can be, you can relax and submit seafood in soy marinade in one big plate, from where every guest will be able to take a mollusk and there. In this case, you will need only a separate plate for shells and napkins. If among friends there are too pedantic people, it is better to put a sliced \u200b\u200blemon on a separate dish.

You can decorate a dish in different ways.

  • Some lay out shrimps on a pillow of salad leaves, sprinkled finely chopped cilaf or dill.
  • It looks very beautifully sliced \u200b\u200bstraw or in the form of a flower red bell pepper.
  • In restaurants often sprinkle with lemon zest and put the twig of mint.
  • An expensive view will give a small gerbal of red caviar on the side of the main ingredient if it is served solo, or on top in the case of feeding with a garnish.


Despite the fact that seafood is initially prepared in soy marinade, often serve individual sauces in restaurants. Chinese, Japanese and even Thai additives are perfectly combined with royal. Sauce can be bought in the supermarket or prepare yourself at home. The process will take no more than ten minutes, and you will surprise your friends a variety of tables. One sauce can be for fans of sharp snacks, the second is universal, and the third is for true gourmets.

With hell

Sauce with horseradish is perfectly combined not only with shrimps, but also with fish, squid, octopus.

A small piece of vegetable should be grate on a small grater and mix with tomato paste or sweet ketchup. You can add a little balsamic sauce to taste. The refueling should be ready before you start cooking mollusks to manage.

Sour cream

Mix four tablespoons sour cream and mayonnaise, add one teaspoon of lemon and orange juice, slide a little and sprinkle with dill.


On the fine grater to grind 200 grams of melted cheese. Large onions rubbing and frying on a gridder until a golden shade, then add cheese and mix everything thoroughly. Sprinkle with chopped greens and serve hot.

Surely each of you tried more than once and felt the divine taste of shrimp. It's all like to eat shrimp everything, but how to make them right and tasty - know units. But they can not only cook or bake, but also fry. Yes, yes, you did not heigh. This method of making crustaceans has enjoyed greatly popular in ancient Greece. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that he has preserved perfectly and reached our time.

Let's figure it out, whether the shrimps are really a stinging of useful vitamins and how to make them properly, in order not to confuse these substances beneficial to the body.

What useful in shrimp

No wonder the shrimp is considered precious gifts of the sea, after all, in addition to a large number of vitamins, there are also high content of other microelements for health: sodium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, selenium, etc.

Surprisingly, but 100 grams of shrimp contain only 71 kcal, so that they have the right to consider the dietary product and be in the diet of various diets. In addition, these gifts of the sea are rich in antioxidants, thanks to which they are considered to be an excellent assistant for the human body.

The use of shrimp helps lead blood pressure to the norm, prevents the development of many onco-scabers and makes hair bulbs much healthier and stronger.

What you need to know when choosing shrimp

As a rule, in all supermarkets and shrimp stores are sold precisely in a frozen form. When buying such shrimps you need to know many subtleties, in order not to "get on the hook" of unscrupulous vendors.

The first thing to pay for your attention when buying shrimps is marked on the package. As a rule, carefully examined the packaging, there you can find some two digits: for example 80/90. Such a designation means that one kilogram of the product ranges from 80 to 90 shrimps.

It should be remembered that the royal and tiger shrimps greatly exceed their relatives both in size and in weight. Often, one kilogram of the product may have only 2-3 crustaceans. And it is quite normal, because the more shrimp, it is tastier and exquisitive, and therefore more expensive.

Secondly, it should be remembered that high-quality and fresh frozen shrimps should have an exceptionally smooth color. The presence of various spots or darkens indicate a multiple frost and far from the navigation of the sea.

If you are not a supporter of shrimp in factory packages, but prefer to buy them for weight, please note that the percentage of ice should not be higher than 6% of their total weight. Varren frozen crustaceans must have a twisted tail - this indicates that they were cooked directly after catch, and therefore the product is fresh.

How much time should shrimp

If you decide to prepare shrimp in a pan, it should be remembered that the cooking time is quite diverse and directly depends on the type of crustacean. If the heat treatment of royal shrimps should not exceed 10 minutes, then tiger shrimps need to fry at least 12 minutes. Fry all species of shrimp only on medium heat and covered with a lid.

  • Little shrimps are recommended to fry purified, and large - in the shell (so they will retain all their juiciness and great taste);
  • Vegetable oil is optional for roasting shrimp. Replace it on the creamy, and your dish will turn out much more tender;
  • Do not forget to constantly monitor the degree of readiness of shrimp when cooking! Remember, the dyeing dish loses its utility, and the meat becomes hard and tasteless.

Shrimp with garlic in a pan

  • 1 kg of royal shrimp (optionally other);
  • 1 garlic head;
  • pins of rosemary;
  • vegetable oil.

Heat the oil in a pan, add fine-cut garlic and rosemary there, and root about 2 minutes. Then, lay out fresh or well-frozen shrimps in such quantities in order to be completely immersed in vegetable oil. If at a time it will not work out the entire kilogram - nothing terrible, repeat the procedure several times. The main thing is not to complete the frying pan with shrimps under the top, in order to faster them. Make sure that each shrimp is well immersed in vegetable oil is really important!

After shrimps begin to darken, they should be immediately removed from the fire. In order to save them from an excess fat, after the shrimp chovels, it is recommended to lay out a plate on the shrented napkins. Then, put them in a beautiful dish and can safely serve guests.

Unclean fried shrimp with soy sauce

Despite the fact that this dish is quite simple in preparation and prepares for counting minutes, his divine taste will definitely remain in the memory of your guests for a long time.

You will need:

  • 1/2 kg of shrimp;
  • green onions;
  • about 50 ml of chicken broth;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1-2 h. L. soy sauce;
  • salt and spices.

It is necessary to lay out crude shrimps to preheated with the oil. Then, you should sprinkle shrimp desired spices and pour broth. It is necessary to fry before that time until the delicacy acquires a golden shade.

At the end of the preparation, it is necessary to put roasted shrimps on the dish, pour the soy sauce and sprinkle with fine-cut. Show a little fantasy in the feed and immediately serve on the table. Ovations are guaranteed!

Shrimp in mayonnaise

Despite the fact that this dish is quite calorie, such a delicacy is still worth please. You will not regret!

For cooking you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of cleric crustaceans;
  • half of lemon;
  • 100 ml of soy sauce;
  • 1 pack of mayonnaise;
  • 4 garlic teeth;
  • oil for frying;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.

In the hot oil, we throw a pre-peeled and chopped garlic and fry 1-2 minutes. Add shrimps there, refuel all salt and pepper. Further, we pour all the mayonnaise, mix well and fry is still 12 minutes on a small fire.

Before serving, sprinkle with soy sauce and decorate the lemon slices. Pleasant tasting!

Shrimp under the creamy sauce

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of purified shrimp;
  • 3-4 chopping sesame seeds;
  • onions (preferably green);
  • garlic head floor;
  • 5 tbsp. l. Olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. creamy;
  • several tablespoons of flour;
  • about 150 ml of milk;
  • pepper and salt.

Purified and crushed garlic put on a frying pan with heated oil and root about 30 seconds. Next, add shrimp there, spray and pepper. Immediately before the crustaceans begin to acquire a golden color, sprinkled them with sesame, hold on fire a few more seconds and remove from the fire. Before serving, sprinkle delicacy with crushed home and plenty of creamy sauce.

Delicious shrimp to beer

This recipe will appreciate all men, since the simpler and at the same time a spicy snack to the cold beer is not possible.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • cleaned tiger shrimps - 500 g;
  • 4 twigs of fresh basil;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • tomatoes (preferably Cherry) - 100 g;
  • rosemary or Thyme;
  • salt and pepper.

Put shrimp defrost and make marinade. To do this, let peeled garlic over the meat grinder or groaner, and mix it with sliced \u200b\u200bhalves of tomatoes and crushed rosemary (or thyme). As soon as crustaceans are rejoicing, mix them with marinade, make spices, add olive oil and mix thoroughly.

Great split the frying pan, pour vegetative oil there and lay out pickled shrimps. Fry no more than 5 minutes. Feed the dish is recommended in warm form.

Shrimps are a wonderful seafood, rich in proteins, fats and a huge number of trace elements. They can be frying, marine, cook, bake and even saline. They are combined with various spices, but shrimp with garlic are especially popular. Based on this duet, many recipes are invented, which conquer their extraordinary taste. But, that is important, sophisticated dishes are very easy to cook.

Shrimp with garlic - general preparation principles

Shrimps are:

Raw fresh frozen;

Boiled frozen.

It is better to cook seafood yourself, so they turn out to be juicy and fragrant. After defrosting, not only the taste is lost, but also part of the beneficial substances. Boil shrimps into slightly salted water. It is enough 3-5 minutes after boiling. The larger the carcasses, the longer. But in many ways the time and cooking technology depends on the recipe and method of heat treatment. For frying and baking, raw seafood is commonly used.

Ready frozen product is important to clean up correctly. In no case cannot do it in a microwave or hot water. If the time allows, you can put seafood into a cup down the refrigerator. You can also defrost in cold water, periodically changing it. So you can save the taste and nutrients as much as possible.

Recipe 1: Boiled shrimp with garlic

The simplest recipe for the preparation of fragrant seafood. And if you use tiger shrimps, then the dish will turn out not only delicious, but also very beautiful. It will not be ashamed to submit on the table to the most honorable guests.


Fresh-frozen shrimps 500 gr.;

Garlic 3 teeth;

Lemon ½ citrus;

Vegetable oil 50 gr.

Cooking method

Shrimps clean and boil in water with lemon 5-8 minutes. Throw back on the colander, then pour out again in a saucepan, cover the lid so that they do not cooled. Clear and grind garlic. Then roast vegetable oil in a pan, quickly fry garlic 1-2 minutes, then a hot mixture to pour seafood. Give shrimps with garlic in the lid of 10 minutes. Serve with the greenery of dill.

Recipe 2: Shrimps in garlic sauce

Shrimps with garlic in cream sauce are obtained unusually delicate, juicy, and lemon gives taste of piquancy. Prepared by a dish without prior glowing, immediately in a frying pan.


Shrimps 800 gr.;

Lemon ½ pcs.;

200 ml cream;

Garlic 3 teeth;

Butter creamy 50 gr.;

Salt pepper.

Cooking method

For this recipe you need chilled shrimps. But if they are not, then you can use freshly frozen. But after thawing, they need to rinse, lean on the colander. Then seafood clean and postpone. Put oil in the pan, melt and add chopped cloves of garlic. Fry, continuously stirring, before getting a light color. It is important that garlic is not burnt, otherwise the oil will acquire an unpleasant taste.

Lay shrimp on garlic oil, fry 3 minutes and pour lemon juice into the pan. Finger and add cream. Salt and pepper add to taste., Then cover the pan with the pan and reduce the fire to a minimum. Extinguish 5-7 minutes. Shrimps in garlic sauce are served with parsley greenery, dill, leaf salads.

Recipe 3: Fried shrimps with garlic

For the preparation of fried shrimp with garlic, both small and royal carcasses are suitable. It is not necessary to clean and boil. The shell will acquire fragrant crust and beautiful color.


Fresh-frozen shrimps 800 gr.;

Garlic 3 teeth;

Rosemary 0.5 h.;

Vegetable oil 150 gr.

Cooking method

Pre-rinse and dry the shrimp towel. For frying it will take a big frying pan. If there is no such utensil, you can prepare portions. It is important that shrimps get roasted from all sides and did not stick to each other.

In the pan you need to pour oil, add rosemary and crushed garlic. Fry a minute to aromatize the oil. Then add shrimps and fry to golden brown. To remove excess oil to remove seafood from a frying pan on paper towels.

Shrimps fried with garlic on this recipe can be used as an independent dish, adding vegetables and greens. But this snack is especially good to beer, and crispy seafood emphasize the taste of a foam drink.

Recipe 4: Shrimp in a grace with garlic sauce

Shrimps fried in a grain with garlic sauce - this is a wonderful way to please households and surprise guests. In addition, this dish is very profitable. From a small amount of seafood, a huge portion of gentle, air and crispy slices, in front of which it is difficult to resist.


Purified shrimp 300 gr.;

Salt pepper;

Oil for frying.

For a blister:

Beer 200 gr.;

Flour 150 gr.;

Egg 1 pc.

For sauce:

Garlic 2 teeth;

Mayonnaise 100 gr.;

Sour cream 100 gr.;

Honey 1 tsp;

Soy sauce 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

Purified shrimps are thoroughly rinsed, dry by a towel. Salt, pepper and set aside. For cooking, beat the egg with salt. If it is small, then you can take 2 pieces. Gradually pour bright beer, not stopping to beat. Enter flour. Clar should turn out to be medium consistency. It is important not to score his flour so that the finished product is soft, with a crispy and gentle crust.

Shrimps are dipped alone in a grain and fry in deep fryer. It is necessary to get out of the oil on paper napkins to glasses excess fat.

Maisonist with sour cream, honey, chopped garlic is mixed for cooking sauce. At the end, soy sauce is added, to taste salt and pepper.

To reduce the caloric content of the sauce, you can exclude mayonnaise and use only the innocent sour cream. Or use natural yogurt as the basis, thick ripple. To taste in the sauce you can add finely chopped dill.

Recipe 5: Shrimp with white wine and garlic

This recipe for fragrant shrimp, fried with garlic and white wine will appreciate even the most arrogant gourmets. The dish can be used as a snack, as well as prepare on its basis salads with the addition of vegetables, cheese, greenery and other seafood.


Shrimp 1 kg;

Wine white 200 ml;

Vegetable oil 50 ml;

Garlic 5 teeth;

Kinse seeds 0.5 h;

Salt pepper.

Cooking method

Fresh shrimps clean from the shell. Rolling oil in a pan, add chopped garlic and kinse seeds, fry a minute to open the fragrance. Pour white wine, bring to a boil, to upset fire and slaughter for another minute. Then pry in the pan of shrimp, cover with a lid and score for 10-15 minutes. Time depends on the size of the carcasses. Wine should almost evaporate and absorb seafood. At the end, add pepper and salt to taste.

Instead of Kinse Seeds, you can also rosemary or ginger pieces. It combines well with white wine and shrimps seasoning curry. You can vary the taste of the dish using special spice mixes for seafood or fish. But it is important not to overdo it in order not to overshadow the aroma of fried with garlic shrimp.

Recipe 6: Shrimp with garlic and ginger sharp

Garlic, ginger and soy sauce - fragrant trio, which will emphasize the taste of any dish. Why not use these ingredients for cooking seafood? The shrimp fried with garlic, ginger and soy sauce appears an extraordinary aroma and a spicy edge, which gourmets will appreciate.


Shrimp 1 kg;

Soy sauce 3 tbsp. l.;

Ginger 20 gr.;

Garlic 3 teeth;

Half juice of lemon;

Vegetable oil 100 gr.

Cooking method

Shrimps need to be cleaned, pickled in soy sauce and remove to the side. Add oil in the pan, heat. Garlic cloves cut into 2-3 parts, fry 2 minutes and remove. Then, add to the oil to be cut with thin plates ginger, fry a minute and pour pearly pearly pearly sauce. Prepare 3-4 minutes on the middle window, at the end to pour lemon juice.

Persayrs of sharp dishes can additionally drink fried shrimps with garlic red or black pepper.

Recipe 7: Shrimps in a garlic sauce in the oven

The dishes baked in the oven are characterized by a special, extraordinary taste. In addition, cooking goes much less time and do not need to stand at the stove. The calorie content of baked shrimps in garlic sauce is much lower than fried and they will not damage the figure.


Fresh shrimps 1 kg;

Cream 300 ml;

Garlic 2 teeth;

Paprika 0.5 h.

Oil for lubrication form.

Cooking method

Shrimps clean, save and set aside. From cream, crushed garlic and paprika make sauce, salt to taste. You can beat it in a blender. Baking shape lubricate with butter, pour shrimps, distribute a flat layer and pour the creamy sauce. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 190 ° C 20-25 minutes.

Window shrimps in garlic sauce are remarkably combined with cheese that can sprinkle a dish before putting into the oven.

After cooking, it is not necessary to immediately remove seafood from the broth. They will be more juicy and more fragrant, if you hold them in the brave of 15 minutes.

You can not cook shrimps for a long time, they will become hard, tasteless and rubber.

After cooking, hot seafood needs to be dipped into cold water and it will be much easier to clean.

When cleaning shrimps, it is important not to forget to remove the esophagus (dark vein in the Taurus), which looks neappety. It can be easily done by taking off the tail and pulling the head.

Stunning shrimp dishes with garlic are suitable for everyday and festive table. They will definitely please their taste and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Seafood always occupy a special place in our diet, because the gifts of the sea possess not only all the variety of taste, but also a huge benefit. If you do not know which seafood to give preference, then the recipe, how to fry shrimp in a pan - for you, because it is in this product that contains a lot of natural protein necessary for the health of each of us.

Many, according to tradition, water inhabitants are boiled, but they are much more tastier in grilled form to make sure that at least once try to roast them.

Recipe grilled royal shrimp with garlic in the shell


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - For frying + -
  • - 3-4 teeth + -
  • 3 chopping or to taste + -
  • Rosemary - 1/2 C.L. + -

How to fry royal shrimps in a pan

You can fry the shrimps in any form: both in the shells, and purified, but in the first case, the seafood turns out more juicy, because the shell is reliably retaining their own juice of mollusks.

In addition, fry shrimps in the shelter is much more convenient and faster, because they do not need to be cleaned, but it is enough to jump into a preheated pan and together with spices to make it right.

  1. We pour oil into the pan, warming it, lay out the chopped garlic on the hot bottom. Spring it with rosemary, fry 2-3 minutes.
  2. Next, spread the shrimp in the pan and begin to fry them before being shred. If you have a lot of mollusks, then burn them with portions. Each portion should be done in sufficient oil so that seafood can reach the desired consistency and purchased a beautiful blush.
  3. As soon as the shrimp shercrew will begin to darken - immediately get them out of the frying pan and shift them on paper towels, so that it is excess fat.

On this cooking is over. When oil residues are removed - fried shrimps can be served to the table. Such a snack is ideal for beer, champagne, brandy, red and white guilt.

How to fry purified shrimps in a pan

Despite the fact that the preparation of shrimp in the shell gives a more spectacular result, however, they can not always be prepared in a crude form. If you frift seafood for further use in salads, sauces and other dishes, where to eat shrimps with a shell is inconvenient, then mollusks must be cleaned.

But it is not necessary to be afraid that the juice of your favorite seafood will be lost, if it is properly fusing purified shrimps, then they will be taste not worse than fried in the shell.


  • Large tiger shrimps - 500 g;
  • Creamy oil - 50 g;
  • Soy sauce - to taste;
  • Lemon - ½ pcs.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Greens (any) - to taste.

How to clean shrimp for frying

Before proceeding with the roaster of gentle meat of mollusks, you need to clean these mollusks correctly. There is nothing complicated in this process, but caution must be observed in order not to damage meat. Clear seafood from the inedible parts at home can every lover of marine gifts, and, to do it quickly and manually.

In extreme cases, if difficulties occur, you can use kitchen scissors or a knife, the cleaning process will go with them even faster.

Shrimp cleaning rules

  1. First of all, we tear the legs and head from the carcass. You can do this as follows: We put the legs into the beam and carefully pull, they must break away from the first time; Mollusk's head clamp fingers and also with ease tear away from the body. In the event that difficulties arise - just cut off the unnecessary parts with knife / scissors.
  2. Next, remove the shell. To do this, sliding hands over the entire surface of the shell, starting with the head and ending at the tail. Maximally carefully remove a carcass from the shell so that the integrity of gentle meat is not damaged. With the help of kitchen scissors, clean the shrimp from the shell is even easier: Carefully cut the shell near the head and gradually we move with scissors to the tail. By cutting the shell in half, get a carcass from it, and the resulting two halves - throw away (if desired, you can then cook broth from them).
  3. Finally, we remove the tail with a mollusk, without it it will be more convenient for us, but often the tails are left, with them seafood in the finished form look more attractive.

How delicious fry purified shrimps in soy sauce

  1. Clean the meat from the shell (it is not recommended to buy purified clams in the store).
  2. Clean the garlic, cut it with a majorly, spend it in a bowl of shrimp.
  3. There, add salt, pepper, splashing all lemon juice.
  4. For a few minutes, we leave shrimp in the marinade so that they absorb lemon juice and fragrant spices.
  5. Heat on the creamy oil to the pan, then lay out in it, pressed from juice, fragrant shrimps.
  6. Fry seafood on strong fire in oil with both storm

For greater piquancy, you can fry shrimp directly in soy sauce. For this purpose, a few minutes before the end of the frying, paint the purified carcasses of the finished soy sauce and roast the product in it until ready for about 4-5 minutes. Do not forget the darities of the sea to constantly interfere.

Purified shrimps can be used not only as self-snacks. Roasted seafood easily can be part of many dishes: salads, dumplings, rolls, kebabs and many other cold and hot snacks.

The secrets of delicious fried shrimp

  1. In order not to make a mistake and always choose only fresh shrimps - when buying, pay attention to their appearance. Too bright red color, as well as the presence of dark spots on the body, a dangerous signal that can say that the product is spoiled.
  2. If you can not decide how many minutes to fry shrimps (and to fry them always need only on a strong fire, so that they do not lose their juiciness and taste), then here's a mini-instruction on cooking: small raw shrimps need to be prepared 3-4 minutes, Large - 5-7 minutes.

If the seafood boiled ice cream - the time is required less, but only if they are frozen at the time of frying. In the case of hot frozen mollusks - it will take more time so that water is evaporated.

  1. As for the defrost of shrimp, it is not necessary to do this. If Ice on seafood is not enough - you can fry them without deficing. The defrost is obligatory in the case when there is a thick layer of ice on shrimps. It is necessary to get rid of it to frying, otherwise the ice is melted on fire, and in the resulting liquid, the mollusks will not be roasting, but to cook or steal.
  2. To shrimp, if necessary, do not defrost for a long time - you can properly lower them for a few seconds in boiling water, or simply shift the seafood into the colander and pour it from the kettle with boiling water. This will allow you to very quickly defrost mollusks, not making much harm to its taste.
  3. You can fry the shrimp in a pan on any form of oil, but garlic, creamy and sharp sauces are best of all of the dressing for the marine dish.

Now you know everything about how to fry shrimp in a pan and do it quickly, and most importantly - delicious. Using the above simple recipes, you can always cook your favorite hot snack on an ambulance hand, even if undefeasy guests are already on the threshold.

Roasted shrimps with a glass of beloved drink - the best option for friendly gatherings. Try and you finally do not cook, but deliciously roasting gentle marine meat - and it is possible that fried shrimps will be outstanding from your menu of boiled relatives.

Bon Appetit!

Seafood today are regulars in the diet. In addition to fish, which can be prepared in a variety of ways, there are many other seas gifts that are in demand and useful. Among the rather large list should be the shrimp, from which it is possible to prepare a real delicacy at home, using such heat treatment as frying in a frying pan.

How to choose shrimps?

Shrimp can be attributed to a dish, which is a very appetizing snack, in addition, seafood can be used as an excellent alternative to meat garniram, since they are a delicious and refined product.

Today, domestic cooks and housewives are actively used in practice a variety of shrimp cooking options, however, before you cook a similar seafood, you should have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to choose it correctly, because at the moment there are more than two thousand shrimp varieties, in addition, they are marine or freshwater.

Such nuances demand from the buyer to pay maximum attention to the selection of ingredients for the future dish.

Delicates can be implemented in the following types:

  • cooled products;
  • frozen shrimps;
  • purified or crude;
  • in a prepasic form or on the weight.

The first seafood type is found in supermarkets or in the markets quite rarely, since it refers to the category of products that have the minimum storage time. In the light of which shrimps after catching are immediately exposed to heat treatment.

There are situations where, under the guise of chilled in stores, they sell just a frostbed product that cannot be reused, so it is necessary to prepare it immediately after purchase. It is not possible to transport seafood in the fresh state of long distances, so buying shrimps, it is necessary to take into account whether their calfs are possible in this area.

An important evaluation criterion is the appearance of the shrimp implemented, as well as information regarding the freshness and terms of the sale of goods. As a rule, they are implemented in containers for weight or in special packages.

To buy for subsequent preparation is only the products that will meet the following criteria.

  • A good seafood should have the same color, in addition, in fresh shrimp, the tail will be a little curved inside.
  • If you plan to buy a product in the package, it is necessary to get acquainted with the information about the product, which is indicated on the package. On products, the manufacturer must necessarily affect a specific code. This combination will mean how much shrimp contains a container.

  • Frozen products should not be merging, in addition, ice and snow can be in packages or in containers, since their presence will indicate a violation of the storage conditions of the goods.
  • Some varieties of the inhabitants of the sea may have a greenish head. This is not an indicator of a spoiled product, but only indicates to belong to a specific shrimp class.
  • A brown head will evidence that the shrimp will be with caviar. Such a product carries the maximum benefit for the human body in the course of use.
  • Shrimps can be of different magnitude, such a nuance directly depends on the variety, in addition, they are different color. The royal, tiger and Argentine delicacies serve as a bright example.
  • As for taste qualities, the practice shows, those seafood that lived in cold marine or river waters will be tastier.
  • Preference should be preferred by packaged products, which will have the most complete information on the origin of marine delicacies.

To facilitate the choice of fresh seafood to the table, you should consider the main nuances, according to which the proposed shrimps should not be purchased.

  • The fact that the seafood is old, will indicate a very dry shell. In addition, the presence of yellow divorces on shrimp is also evidenced by unsuitable for use.
  • From buying products containing black spots on the shell, you should refuse. About the shrimp should not be purchased, darkens on the legs will also be prompted.
  • If the packaged seafood has already been defined or stored with a violation of the established requirements, ice will be present inside the packages.
  • The black head of shrimp is a sign that it is amazed by some ailment. The use of such a "delicacy" can lead to serious poisoning.
  • The straight tail will indicate that this batch of shrimps was frozen already dead. It is impossible to determine the true cause of their death, therefore it should not buy such a product.
  • In containers or packages, a shrimp of one species should be present, otherwise there is a possibility that the seafood batch consists of several types of shrimp, and the manufacturer decided to add a cheapest product to more expensive products.
  • If the products inside will have too pale color, the likelihood that the goods were stored in violation of the requirements.

It is more correct to buy a crude seafood, because after heat treatment such shrimps will be more delicious and juicy. In addition, you can save ourselves from the risk of use of the product, to clean up a variety of harmful chemicals.

General Cooking Rules

Before starting to fry shrimp, it should be installed, whether the purchased seafood was boiled before packing or sold in the raw form. High-quality products this nuance is registered on the packaging.

As practice shows, almost all implemented products in the markets and in supermarkets were pre-bore in production. This suggests that shrimps have already brought to a state suitable, and the consumer only remains to remove the shell and set the temperature to be comfortable in order to be energized.

There is another way to determine the state of readiness of purchased seafood - if pink shrimps, it means that they are boiled, if gray is raw.

A pretty appetizing option for cooking shrimp at home is to use as a spicy ingredient of garlic. Fried shrimps externally represent an attractive version of self-snacks or a useful garnish to fresh vegetables, paste or various sauces.

The cooking technology of purchases implies the mandatory defrosting, for this you can use several thermal processing options: the seafood is simply hampered with boiling water or is defined gradually at room temperature.

The next stage of preparation is cleaning the carriage of shrimp from the shell, and, following the selected recipe, they are roasted in a pan. If boiled products were purchased, they need to be kept on a stove for frying them for a few minutes so that the dish was covered with an appetizing crust, but did not lose its natural juicity. No boiled product is usually roasted for about 10 minutes.

Most of the recipes of fried shrimp with garlic involves the use of various sauces, soy sauce, butter, molten cheese, tomato marinade, and so on, acts as ingredients.


A classic frying shrimp is a rather simple recipe, requiring the following products:

  • lemon;
  • soy sauce;
  • shrimp frostable boiled;
  • garlic;
  • sesame;
  • butter.

For heat treatment, it is best to use a cast-iron frying pan or wok (deep frying pan with a convex bottom). The capacitance must be warm up, melt vegetable oil in it, and then add garlic and shrimp chopped with circles.

To fry seafood before the appearance of a golden crust on shrimps. Then remove products from the frying pan, pour the lemon juice and soy sauce, and spray sesame.

There is a rather popular recipe of fried shrimp, which involves the preliminary use of own preparation marinade. The dish consists of the following ingredients:

  • frozen seafood;
  • garlic;
  • lemon;
  • hot pepper;
  • parsley;
  • olive cold press oil;
  • dry white wine;
  • salt, spices.

Step-by-step cooking process is described below.

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the shelter armor. Garlic chop very finely, sharp pepper to cover with small rings, first cleaning its inside from seeds.

  • Cut the parsley, by the way, you can cook seafood with dill. Lemon should be used for dishes without peel, the pulp must be crushed, and the juice is squeezed into any convenient excoration. . Connect all the ingredients, mixing with oil and a small amount of wine.
  • In such a marinade, shrimps need to be left for 30-40 minutes in a cool place.
  • Onions and garlic cut into small cubes, heat the frying pan and fry them on the oil for 2-3 minutes. Add shrimp products, roasting them before the appearance of a golden crust.
  • Add a tomato paste into a dish, and swipe all components at a small temperature for about 5 minutes. To slightly dilute the tomato sauce, you can use a small amount of water.

The dish is served hot with tomato sauce. You can, on top for decoration to lose the seafood cheese.

Garlic gives dishes a kind of piquant note, however, you should know that it is a little rebuilding it, you can spoil the whole composition. In the question of cooking fried shrimps, this moment is quite relevant. Therefore, many professional chefs recommend gourmets, during work with such a useful and tasty ingredient, not fry it, but only fry, adding to the dish for subsequent heat treatment last.

An interesting solution will be the use of a product without preliminary cleaning and grinding. For this, the clove of garlic is just put in the cooking sauce during cooking dishes on the stove. However, garlic at the end of the heat treatment of shrimps should not be immediately removed from seafood, and cover the frying pan with a lid, and hold for several minutes in such a state so that the shrimp is appropriate with garlic aroma. This will be an excellent solution for feeding fried shrimp in sour cream sauce.

About how to cook shrimp in garlic marinade and in the Unagi sauce, look in the video below.