What put in burgers. Hamburger Cooking recipes

02.09.2020 Buffet table

Buns can be bought in the store, but you can bake yourself (I have a store):
8-10 medium buns:
500 g of wheat flour
30 g yeast
1 tsp. Sololi.
1.5 tbsp. Sahara
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. Seung
Yeast to dissolve in warm water, add salt, sugar, flour, add water, mix, add oil and mix before getting a dense homogeneous test, if necessary, adding flour. Ready to sprinkle a little flour and cover with a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes when The dough will rise, change a little and again to approach the test to form buns of the desired form. Abresented to lubricate the oil (or covered with bakery paper), lay out buns from the dough, give rise, lubricate the buns with egg and sprinkle seeds to 25-230 Degrees, put in the oven bale with buns and bake about 15-17 minutes. Ready buns from the oven, remove from the beam and hide with a towel.
For hamburgers:
1.5 kg of beef (better cooled), salt, pepper-about 8-10 pieces
Meat Skip 2 times through the meat grinder, finished mince to repel, throwing into a bowl. The minced meat to form flat cutlets, a thickness of at least 1.5 cm, in size suitable to buns. Fry to fry on the grill, salt and pep.
I offer you some versions of home burgers.

Big Burger:
1 Bun, 1 Cutlet, 1 Cheddar cheese slice (better melted, I have ordinary Cheddar cheese), 1 small salty or pickled cucumber, 2 lettuce sheets, a few mugs of tomato and a bunch, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard (from It will advise the average vest).
Cut the bun, put a salad leaf on one half, put the cutlet, a slice of cheese, ketchup, mugs of cucumbers, mustard, onions, tomatoes, mayonnaise, a second salad leaf, cover the second half of the buns.

Double cheeseburger:
1 Bun, 2 Cutlets, 1 Cheddar Cheese Slice, 1 Little Salt or Marinated Cucumber, Onion, Ketchup, Mustard.
Cut the bun, put the cutlet on one half, cover the cheese with a sliced, then put the second cutlet, the rings of the repfate onion, ketchup, mugs of pickled or salty cucumbers, some mustard, cover the second half of the buns.

Barbecue burger:
1 Bun, 1 Cutlet, 2 Salad Leaf, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, a few mugs of tomato, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce.
Cut the bun, put a salad leaf on one half, put the kitlet, a cheese slice, a barbecue sauce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, cover the second salad leaf and the remaining half of the buns.

HOT-DOG burger:
1 Bun, 1 Cutlet, 2 Salad Leaf, 1 Slice of Cheddar Cheese, 1 Jarny Sausage, Onion, Ketchup, Mustard.
Cut the bun, put a salad leaf on one half, put the kitlet, a slice of cheese, a few rings of onions, ketchup, mugs of sausages, mustard, a salad leaf, cover the second half of the buns.

The home hamburger turns out not only more economically purchased, but also more useful, because the amount of seasoning with his own manufacturer is minimized. Of course, it is impossible to name a low-calorie food hamburger, and eat every day fast food is not recommended. However, sometimes I really want to pamper yourself this hearty and tasty snack, so we suggest see how to make a homemade hamburger using well-made products. You can strictly follow the steps of cooking, and you can replace anything or supplement. There is no rigor in the recipe! All your taste and your discretion!


  • - 4-5 pieces;
  • beef mince - 500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salted cucumbers - 2-3 pieces;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • sweet mustard - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • kurkuma - 1-2 pinch;
  • salad leaves - 4-5 pieces;
  • cheese for hamburgers - 4-5 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Hamburger recipe

  1. A recipe for a real hamburger necessarily includes the sauce. The easiest and most common option is ketchup, mixed with mayonnaise, but we will go different ways and prepare a more interesting sauce. For this, clean the bulb and grind with a blender. We lay out the crushed bow on a dense paper towel and send for 10 minutes to the microwave, after setting the minimum power. With the help of such a procedure, the onions will be soft and will have a less pronounced taste that is just necessary for our sauce. But do not forget that the power of the microwave must be minimal, otherwise the bow just grilled, and the sauce will acquire an unpleasant taste!
  2. One cucumber skip through a blender, mix with the prepared onions. The cucumber marinade, which remained in the bowl of the blender, too, pour into a salad bowl.
  3. Mayonnaise mix with sweet mustard. For a beautiful shade, add turmeric. We refuel the onions with cucumbers obtained by a mixture, mix everything. Now our sauce is ready.

    Hamburger Cutlers Recipe

  4. We proceed to cooking meat cutlets. Beef minced salt and pepper to taste, optionally you can add your favorite spices and herbs. We smack a raw egg in the dishes with the minced meat, mix everything. Next, begin to form cutlets. So that the tortillas are beautiful and smooth, you can use the molding ring. Fry the cutlets in vegetable oil for 7-8 minutes on each side.
  5. Now you can form hamburgers. We cut each bun in half. The lower part is abundantly missing the sauce. You can use purchased buns or prepare them with your own hands.
  6. Salad leaves shredded with a knife and slices of salt cucumber are laid on the sauce.
  7. This is followed by a meat cutlet and a slice of cheese. You can complete the preparation of hamburgers at this stage, turning the filling with the second part of the bun, but it is possible to complicate the process, repeating the layers again.

Our hearty snack is ready! Before serving, do not forget to light up the hamburgers in the microwave oven. Bon Appetit!

Delicious burgers can be prepared at home, and the whole process will take no more than 15 minutes, and even less. It's easy enough to do so, knowing some moments in cooking.

For the preparation of a home burger in 15 minutes with a beef with a grinding straw on a meat grinder with a large breathe. You can, of course, chop the knife, but smashed - easier and faster.

Salt, pepper, mix. No need to add anything more. Carefully mix minced meals either, it should remain porous, so the cutlets will be more juicy.

With the help of a culinary ring, shape the cutlets, again, the minced meat is not necessary to break a lot in shape. By size, the cutlets must be in diameter more buns, since during the frying they are decently reduced in size.

Fry the cutlets on both sides on olive oil for four to five minutes depends on the desired degree of preparation and juiciness. Share on them toast cheese. The photo shows how much the cutlet has become less in size after cooking.

Mix mayonnaise, yogurt, barbecue sauce and workshop sauce. If there is a desire, you can add more mustard.

Buns cut along into two parts. Put on the inside to put on a hot pan and fry a little. Lubricate the lower half of the bun sauce, lay out a leaf salad.

Cover from above the second half buns.

If the design is high and can collapse, close the burger with a wooden skewer. Serve domestic burger (prepared in 15 minutes) is better with fries or simply fried potatoes by favorite recipe. You can also cook Burgers at the cottage on the mangale, the taste of the burger with a smoke with any fast food will not compare.

Surely everyone tormented the question - how to collect burger? That is, in what sequence to decompose the ingredients to get the most delicious. What is first to put - cheese, cutlets, vegetables? However, for professionals, this question does not exist, which in which sequence is going - it is well known. And now I will give you a recipe for the perfect burger.

Before you write this post, I looked at the Internet photo of Burgers - whether they are cooked correctly. And there is a breakdown and tents, the cutlet is put in the middle, and upstairs, and below.

The correct answer is given in the main picture. The meat cutlet must go first. The only thing that the bun is not completely dry, it is recommended also to lubricate some sauce, but then the cutlet. Then cheese, but the cheese should be put on another hot meat, so that it melted a little. Solid cheese in Burger is not an ice. After it is advised to put the low-headed cucumbers, onions and tomatoes. All this is worth cutting very thin or on Slyusser. They must give taste, and not to interrupt meat. The leaflet of the salad in the classic burger is not. It is better to use it with sandwiches.

Perfect burger. Photo Elena Sukhanaev

McDonalds is a favorite place for snacks or dense lunch among many people of almost all countries and cities. While working or studying at the institute there is no better moment than lunch. Most people agree with the opinion that food from McDonalds is harmful to health, but still many of them use such food. And the most favorite dish they have a hamburger. McDonalds is famous for the special recipe preparation of its dishes.

Myths or reality? Stories about Hamburgers from McDonalds

There are many rumors about the dangers of food health from fast food cafes. Not exception is the McDonald's Hamburger. This food is not so harmful, as its composition, preparation products and production technology. Overdue products, chemicals to enhance taste and addicts, supplements so that the finished food remains fresh for a long time.

In such kitchens, as in McDake, where the flow of customers does not decrease during the day, it is difficult to maintain jobs for cooks in perfect cleanliness. Fryer oil changes very rarely - product savings and time shortage. And such an oil contains harmful substances from the combustion process, cholesterol and has an unpleasant smell and a taste. All this is harmful to overall health.

There are also stories that the McDonald's Hamburger does not spoil about ten years. These were told people who decided to check out their own experience. For the experiment, several customers acquired a hamburger and kept it without a refrigerator for several years, checking every week. They described their experiment on the Internet, laying out photos. The longest shelf life is twelve years. During this time, Hamburger McDonalds was not covered with mold, did not rot, but only drying to a stone state.

What is added to it for preservation? Hamburgers and other foods in McDake drink preservatives and salt so that even mold does not take him, so why are people used to this harmful meal?

Additive for taste in meals from McDonalds

Many stop cooking at home, preferring to eat at McDonalds and order from there going home. And the cooked personally consistently seems tasteless, fresh and inedible. The thing is that sly entrepreneurs, in order to keep regular customers in their institution, add harmful to the health seasonings. These additives are addictive due to influence on taste receptors. Such food has more rich taste, which means, and like more.

Over time, with frequent use of such products, ordinary seasonings and salt are becoming unrecognizable for receptors, which is why ordinary food seems fresh and tasteless. People do not pay attention to the fact that they began to gain weight. On health such food affects the harmful.

How much is a hamburger in McDonalds?

In McDake, hamburgers are not very expensive, which attracts people - its price is only 130 rubles, and the size is impressive. But at home will be cheaper to prepare a hamburger, as in McDonalds.

The preparation recipe is simple, it does not require special skills and products. At the same time, homemade food is much helpful, more profitable and delicious. It is worth only to abandon snacks in McDake, to again learn to feel the taste normally. No need to eat in such establishments, so as not to pay health, especially your own children.

How to cook buns for hamburgers

Prepare such buns simply and quickly. If there is a desire to eat a McDonald's hamburger, but there is no desire to buy it, worrying for health, then you can make cooking yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • a glass of milk;
  • half of the glass of water;
  • approximately fifty grams of butter cream;
  • sheltered flour (top grade);
  • baby of fast yeast;
  • two tablespoons of sugar sand;
  • half of a teaspoon salt.

The dough must be kneaded, grate it with sunflower oil and put in a warm place so that it rises. It will take about forty minutes. Then squeeze the baking sheet with sunflower oil, blind from the dough-buns, put them on the baking sheet, flatten. Bake in the usual mode until complete readiness, when the crusts become ruddy. Buns for hamburgers are ready! It remains to wait for their cooling, but while do the cooking of the kitlet.

How to cook cutlets for hamburger?

In McDake, the cutlets are made from the fact that it is impossible to eat even animals. Fat from beef meat is taken for their preparation, which is soaked in ammonium hydroxide! This is a poison for living organisms! After this procedure, fat becomes an appetizing meat color, it is born, adding seasonings and taste amplifiers.

If you are still ready it is, your business, and if not, then prepare food at home. Cutlet for hamburger, as in McDonalds, can be made of any meat that you love. You will need:

  • cream;
  • potatoes;
  • champignon;
  • salt;
  • red pepper;
  • curry and turmeric;
  • dill and black pepper.

Prepare minced meat with onions (check through a meat grinder or disturb). Divide into two parts: first add all types of pepper and salt, to the second curry, turmeric, dill and salt.

From potatoes make mashed potatoes, mushrooms to fry, add them in a puree, pour cream and mix the blender.

To baking the kitlet will be the perfect can from canned food. Lubricate it with oil, put the first layer of minced meat, smear on it with mashed potatoes, closing the second part of the minced part. If hamburgers are preparing a lot, then bake the cutlets on a sheet or counter. It is a puff of a cutlet, like in McDake, but you can cook cakes and without a potato layer, from one piece of meat.

We collect a homemade hamburger

When buns and cutlets are ready, it remains to make a gathering hamburger, as in McDonalds. Assembly simple recipe:

  1. To do this, take a bunch, cut it into two parts.
  2. On the bottom exhaust mayonnaise and ketchup, put the cake, a salad leaf, tomato rounded, a slice of a pickled cucumber and a square piece of cheese, preferably melted.
  3. Cover all this top from the bun, put in the microwave to full power. For one minute, let the hamburger be prepared there.
  4. When you get it, you can lubricate hot top with creamy oil, so that the sesame holds, and then sprinkle with sesame.

Ready! Only unlike the original, it will not harm your body.