Potatoes in a slow cooker without oil. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker

29.08.2019 Fish dishes

Since the potato became known to people, many ways have been invented to cook it: in a frying pan, and steamed, and in a saucepan, and in a double boiler, and in the oven. This article talks about how to cook a Multicooker - this is a newfangled device, it has recently appeared on the market, but has already managed to prove itself perfectly. It has several modes and maximum automation of processes. In other words, a slow cooker can do a lot by itself: both cook and set a timer to heat up food. Knows several modes: stewing, boiling, baking and so on.

Potatoes in several modes and end up with a delicious dish. Below are some interesting recipes. Everyone will be able to choose something for themselves, and each option is convenient to prepare, moreover, it does not take much time.

In a slow cooker

According to this recipe, the potatoes are fried a little longer than usual in a pan, but it's worth it. Taste quality, albeit slightly, but still increases. Necessary for cooking this dish: 5 medium potatoes, vegetable oil (but if you don’t have it on hand, it’s okay, you can also use olive or butter), salt, ground black pepper and ground red pepper. It will also be delicious if you add a little. The amount of potatoes is indicated based on a large slow cooker - with a saucepan with a volume of 4.5 liters.

Rinse potatoes thoroughly, peel and cut into strips. Pour oil into the multicooker pan and put the potatoes. Set the "baking" mode and set the timer for 40 minutes. When half an hour has passed, the potatoes must be mixed. And when everything is ready, you need to salt and sprinkle with spices. If you add salt right away, it won't taste right. It has been proven that if a raw potato is sprinkled with salt, juice begins to stand out from it and it may not turn out the same. Therefore, you need to salt at the end. Good appetite!

in a slow cooker

Needed: 400 grams of carrots, 1 tablespoon of Veghetta seasoning, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 400 grams of mushrooms, 2 grams of onions (that's about 2 onions), 600 grams of chicken fillet, 1 kilogram of potatoes (7 - 8 medium potatoes) , 400 grams of champignons, salt. Potatoes in a slow cooker e According to this recipe, it will be tastier if you also use greens.

Cut the onion very finely, and the carrots into half rings. Pour vegetable oil into a slow cooker, add carrots and onions. Mix and put on the baking mode for 20 minutes. Stir several times during this time. While cooking, you need to move on to mushrooms and meat. Cut each mushroom into 4 pieces.

Rinse the fillet in boiling water and dry, then cut into small pieces. After 20 minutes, add mushrooms with meat to the carrots and onions. Pour half a glass of water, sprinkle with seasonings and bake again for 20 minutes. While it is cooking, peel the potatoes and cut into medium slices. Fall asleep in a slow cooker and put on a mode called “quenching” for 2 hours. Everything is ready.

in a slow cooker

1 kilogram of potatoes, nutmeg on the tip of a knife, 2 cups of cream (as fat as possible), 2 tablespoons of chopped greens - dill and parsley, ground black pepper, salt. Spices and salt to taste.

Peel potatoes and cut into slices. Cook in a slow cooker for 30 minutes. Then drain the water from the pan, put the potatoes on the bottom. Pepper, salt, sprinkle with nutmeg and pour over everything with cream. Set the "extinguishing" mode and the time to 30 minutes. The final taste is pleasant and slightly spicy. Potatoes in a slow cooker, prepared according to this recipe, will be an excellent side dish for almost any dish. Bon Appetit!

Baked potatoes in a slow cooker can be prepared for a family dinner or on a festive table.

At the same time, you can safely fantasize and create your own culinary masterpieces, because potatoes are combined with almost any product.

Baked potatoes in a slow cooker - the basic principles of cooking

New potatoes are ideal for baking, which you don’t even need to peel. Ripe potatoes are peeled and washed well. Small tubers are left whole, and large ones are cut into slices.

It is very important to dry the potatoes before baking so that they are not stewed, but baked.

In the bowl of the appliance, vegetable oil is heated and potatoes are laid out. Then it is sprinkled with oil, salted and seasoned with spices. The lid of the appliance is tightly closed and cooked in the “baking” mode for about an hour. After that, open the lid, shake the contents of the bowl to turn the potatoes over, and continue cooking in the same mode for another 20 minutes.

Potatoes can be baked in cream or sour cream to give the vegetable a mild creamy taste. In addition, potatoes are baked with cheese, meat, bacon or fish. In this case, you will get a complete meal for lunch or dinner.

Recipe 1. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with spices


    four medium potato tubers;

    sunflower oil - 70 ml;

    clove of garlic;

    freshly ground pepper;

    a bunch of dill and parsley.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into slices. Lubricate them on all sides with sunflower oil and put in a deep plate. Salt and season with pepper. Stir.

2. Transfer the potatoes to the multicooker bowl. Close the lid tightly and activate the "baking" function for half an hour. Then turn the potatoes over and continue cooking for the same amount of time.

3. Peel and finely chop the garlic clove. Add it to the potatoes a couple of minutes before the readiness.

4. Put the finished potatoes on a plate, and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. You can serve the dish as a side dish for fish or meat dishes.

Recipe 2. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with sour cream


    filtered water - 100 ml;

    black pepper;

    half a kilogram of potatoes;

    sea ​​salt;

    20 g butter;

    a small bunch of greens;

    200 ml sour cream;

  • 3 g of nutmeg;

    sunflower oil.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes, wash them and chop them into bars or slices. Put in a separate bowl, pepper, salt, season with nutmeg and mix. Leave for seven minutes so that the vegetable is saturated with the aromas of spices.

2. Lubricate the bowl of the device with sunflower oil. Put potatoes in it.

3. Dilute the sour cream in a deep plate with drinking water, mix and pour the potatoes in the bowl with the resulting sauce.

4. Turn on the device in the "baking" mode for an hour. Remove the container with the prepared potatoes from the multicooker and sprinkle with finely chopped greens.

Recipe 3. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with cheese


    eight potatoes;

    kitchen salt;

    500 g of meat with a layer;

    black pepper;

    100 g mushrooms;

    10 g of vegetable oil;

    onion head;

    200 g of cheese;

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash potatoes. Cut it into thin slices. Rinse the meat, pat dry with napkins and cut into slices. Peel the onion and chop into rings. Rinse mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices. Coarsely grate the cheese.

2. Lubricate the bowl of the appliance with oil and put slices of meat on the bottom. Pepper and salt. Lay out a third of the potatoes. Season this layer with salt and pepper. Put mushrooms and onion rings on potatoes. Salt and spread the rest of the potatoes so that it completely covers the filling.

3. Sprinkle liberally with cheese chips on top. Start the "baking" function for an hour. Close the lid. Move the valve to the "closed" position. Release the steam, open the lid and arrange on plates.

Recipe 4. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with bacon


    eight potato tubers;


    200 g bacon;

    Black pepper;

    vegetable oil;

    bunch of greens.

Cooking method

1. Peel, wash and dry potato tubers. Make on each transverse cuts a little more than half. Salt and pepper the vegetable.

2. Wrap each tuber with a thin slice of bacon and fasten the ends with a toothpick.

3. Lubricate the container of the device with lean oil and put the potatoes in it with the seam down.

4. Close the lid tightly and start the baking program for 45 minutes. Serve the potatoes hot, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Recipe 5. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker in foil with shrimp


    five large potato tubers;

    kitchen salt;

    10 small shrimp;

    a bunch of dill, onion and parsley.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potato tubers, carefully cut the core without cutting to the end. It should turn out such a kind of "barrel".

2. Rinse the greens, shake off and finely chop. Mix greens with mayonnaise.

3. Salt the potatoes. Put two peeled shrimp inside and cover with mayonnaise sauce on top.

4. Wrap the potato in foil so that it completely covers the tuber.

5. Put the prepared potatoes with the hole up. Start the "baking" mode for an hour. This dish can be prepared in fasting, taking lean mayonnaise.

Recipe 6. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with cream


    ten large potato tubers;

    cheese - 100 g;

    cream - 400 ml;

    garlic - four cloves;

    ground nutmeg - two pinches;

    butter - 30 g.

Cooking method

1. We clean the tubers, wash and cut into thin slices. We spread the chopped potatoes in a sieve and pour over with hot water.

2. Lubricate the container of the device with butter and chop the garlic into it. Spread half of the potato slices, salt and season with nutmeg. Pour in half the cream.

3. Now spread the remaining potatoes, season with salt and nutmeg. Pour in the remaining cream.

4. We start the "baking" program and cook the potatoes for 45 minutes. To get a very soft potato, add another quarter of an hour.

Recipe 7. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with chicken


    four chicken drumsticks;

    25 g of fresh herbs;

    six potato tubers;

    30 ml of sunflower oil;

    5 g seasoning for chicken.

Cooking method

1. We clean the potato tubers, wash and chop them into small bars.

2. My chicken drumsticks under the tap, dry with napkins and season generously with salt and spices. Mix and leave for ten minutes.

3. Lubricate the bottom of the container of the device with oil and put the chicken drumsticks into it.

4. Spread the potatoes on top of the meat. Salt and season with spices.

5. We insert the container into the device and start the “baking” mode for 50 minutes. Close the lid tightly and move the valve to the "closed" position. After half an hour, mix the potatoes with chicken. Serve sprinkled with herbs as an independent dish.

Recipe 8. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with tomato-mayonnaise sauce


  • 30 ml vegetable oil;

    eight potato tubers;

  • 80 ml of tomato sauce;

    two eggs.

Cooking method

1. Remove the peel from the potato tubers, wash the vegetable and cut into large slices, a centimeter thick. Put in a deep bowl, season with salt and spices. stir

2. Coarsely grate the cheese.

3. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the container of the device with vegetable oil. Put potatoes in it.

4. Pour the vegetable with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese chips and cover everything with tomato sauce.

5. Activate the device in the “baking” mode for 20 minutes. Close the lid. Move the valve to the "closed" position.

6. Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl. Five minutes before the end of the program, pour the contents of the bowl with the egg mixture.

Recipe 9. Baked potatoes in a slow cooker with pork


    eight tubers of young potatoes;


    30 ml sunflower oil;

  • 200 ml sour cream;

    ground black pepper;

    400 g of pork pulp;

    table salt.

Cooking method

1. Free the potatoes from the peel, wash the vegetable and cut into circles, one and a half centimeters thick.

2. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Place potatoes and onions in a separate bowl.

3. Clean the pork pulp from films and veins. Rinse under running water and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the meat into cubes, two centimeters thick.

4. Send the meat to the potatoes. Salt, season with spices and mix. Leave vegetables with meat to marinate for ten minutes.

5. Add half a glass of drinking water to sour cream and mix. Pour the resulting mixture of potatoes with meat.

6. Turn on the multicooker in the “baking” mode. Grease the bottom and sides of the bowl with sunflower oil. Transfer the products to the bowl and bake for an hour. 20 minutes before the end of the program, open the lid so that the potatoes are golden brown. Put the potatoes with meat on a dish and garnish with finely chopped greens.

Baked potatoes in a slow cooker - tricks and tips

    To cook baked potatoes in a slow cooker, take varieties rich in starch.

    Do not forget that not in all modes it is possible to open the lid during the cooking process. Check this point personally for your device.

    Whole baked potatoes, cook from vegetable varieties that hold their shape well.

    Pierce the tubers several times with a fork before cooking. So it doesn't crack.

Potatoes, as a side dish, are a favorite dish for many. Cooking potatoes in a slow cooker is not only very convenient, but the dishes are healthy, with most of the vitamins preserved. From the huge variety of cooking recipes, baked potatoes in a slow cooker are tastier and more tender than in the oven.

Easy spiced baked potato recipe

Delicious baked potatoes can be prepared effortlessly. An excellent side dish will be potatoes baked in a slow cooker with garlic and herbs.

The dish is prepared very simply, without requiring much effort. It is better to take small-sized vegetables, if the potatoes are large, you need to cut them into equal pieces.

Peeled potatoes (if the tubers are young, then they can not be peeled) should be greased on all sides with butter or vegetable oil and placed in a bowl. Sprinkle the top with pepper and salt to taste.

You need to cook in the baking mode, the total cooking time is about an hour. After 30 minutes of baking, the potatoes should be turned over on the other side, then it will be ruddy on all sides.

A couple of minutes before the potatoes are completely cooked, add finely chopped garlic.

After the finished potatoes, put them on a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs on top. The dish turns out appetizing, tender and fragrant.

Potato + cheese + slow cooker = delicious dish

An easy-to-prepare recipe for potatoes baked with cheese in a Redmond slow cooker will come into use by housewives who love delicious casseroles.

There are a lot of options for potato casseroles, but most of them require a long stay in the kitchen. This recipe is simple yet tastes amazing. For cooking we need:

  • Potatoes - 6-8 pieces;
  • Meat with a layer or minced meat (as you like) - 300-500 grams;
  • Mushrooms - about 100 grams;
  • 1 onion;
  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Oil - 10 grams or 1 tbsp. a spoon

Food preparation will take some time. All the ingredients need to be washed and cleaned and it is advisable to chop them very thinly, so the casserole will turn out more tender.

In a multicooker bowl greased with a small amount of oil, put the meat / minced meat. The meat layer must be salted and peppered to taste. On top of the first layer lay out 1/3 of the potatoes, it also needs a little salt.

The next layer will be mushrooms. Absolutely any mushrooms that are in the refrigerator are suitable for this casserole. If you use fresh mushrooms, then they should be boiled in lightly salted water beforehand.

We spread the onion thinly cut into half rings on the mushrooms, now it is better to add a little salt again so that the casserole turns out to be evenly salted. We spread the remaining potatoes, it must be distributed evenly so that the filling is completely covered.

The top layer will be cheese grated on a coarse grater (it is better to take a durum product, it is easier to grate). The cheese mass must also be evenly distributed over the surface and smeared with cheese.

We put the Redmond slow cooker in the “baking” mode for 60 minutes with the valve closed. If the casserole turned out to be high, then if necessary, the cooking time should be increased by 10-15 minutes.

You can test for readiness by piercing the casserole, if it pierces easily, then you're done. This casserole will become a family favorite.

- a quick and easy recipe for any event.

After successful fishing, baked bream with potatoes will come in handy.

Potato zrazy with mushrooms and minced meat is just a godsend if mashed potatoes are left after yesterday's feast. our photo recipe.

Juicy potatoes in foil

Potatoes baked in foil can be a complete dish with a complex taste. Bake it in a slow cooker will turn out faster than in the oven. There is a very unusual and interesting recipe for potatoes in foil. For cooking you will need:

  • Potatoes - 5-6 medium or large tubers;
  • Shrimps - if small then 10-12 pieces, large ones will need 5-6 pieces;
  • Greens of fresh parsley, dill, onion - 1 bunch;
  • Mayonnaise - 20 grams;
  • Salt and pepper - to your taste.

In addition to food, you will need food foil in which you will need to wrap the potatoes.

We peel the potatoes, carefully cut out the middle, without cutting through to the end. This can be done with a special knife, if not, then carefully with an ordinary knife with a thin blade. As a result, a kind of “pot” should be obtained, in which we will put the filling.

Finely chop the greens and season it with mayonnaise. This mixture will make a great sauce. Salt the potatoes and put the peeled shrimp inside. Lay the sauce on top so that the “pot” is completely covered.

Wrap the potatoes in foil squares so that it completely covers the potatoes. It is better to put potatoes in the multicooker bowl vertically, with the hole up, so that the filling does not leak out.

We put the slow cooker in the “baking” mode, the dish is being prepared for 1 hour, in order for the potato pots to be more ruddy, just increase the time by another 10-15 minutes. This original dish will make any dinner festive and perfect for fasting, just take lean mayonnaise instead of the usual one.

Tender chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker

Potato with meat is a favorite food of many families, but how to bake chicken meat in a slow cooker? It's easy to bake in a slow cooker. The dish turns out juicy and tender, and you do not need to stand at the stove for a long time.

For Baked Potatoes with Chicken and Cheese, you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.2 kg of hard cheese;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Salt, pepper, herbs.

Wash and clean all the ingredients, cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, cut the tubers into thin circles, and cut the onion into half rings.

It is better to cover the bowl of the multicooker with parchment, greased with oil. Put the meat in the first layer, salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle chicken with onions, then spread potatoes. The top layer will be shabby, preferably on a fine grater, cheese.

Cooking time in the “baking” mode is about 1 hour with the lid closed. To form a more golden crust, you can add a few minutes. After cooking, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. A light dish for everyday cooking, which does not require serious expenses, will not leave the household indifferent.

A potato cooked in a slow cooker is a festive dinner every day. All housewives have their own cooking secrets. But there are a few secrets that allow cooked dishes to always remain on top.

First, the right choice of products for a particular dish. If you're making a casserole that expects potatoes to be soft and crumbly, go for starchy varieties.

If you are preparing round potatoes, which should be dense and not fall apart, easily boiled potatoes will not work. For round potatoes, it is better to take strong varieties in order to preserve the appearance of the dish.

You can pierce the baked potatoes with a fork before cooking so that they do not crack.

Secondly, do not forget that it is not always possible to open the lid of the multicooker during cooking. In some automatic modes, when the lid is opened, the program may simply go astray, and the dish may be spoiled.

Everything else depends on your preferences in cooking, successful experiments with the slow cooker and delicious dishes!

Fried potatoes are quite a popular dish. Many people cook it, but not everyone can achieve a delicious crispy crust. Sometimes fried potatoes in a slow cooker it turns out a little stewed. I offer you crispy fried potatoes with all the subtleties of its preparation.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 3 .

Calories per 100 g: 250 kcal.

Fried Potato Ingredients:

  • potato - 5-6 pcs. (medium size);
  • onion - half head;
  • vegetable oil - three tablespoons;
  • salt, spices - to taste;

Before you start cooking potatoes, you need to naturally peel, cut and wash them. Potatoes can be cut in different ways: slices, slices, sticks... In our case, it is best to cut into sticks, as they are more familiar and better in our case. The dimensions of the bars should be as follows: one centimeter in thickness and width and three to four centimeters in length.

Soak chopped potatoes in cool water to remove excess starch from it. In this case, the potatoes will not stick together when frying.

While the potatoes are soaking, in order not to waste time, chop the onion. You can cut the onion either in half rings or cubes, as you wish.

Take the sliced ​​potatoes out of the water. If you want to get an even crust when frying potatoes, you need to dry them to remove excess moisture. To do this, you need to put the potatoes on a paper towel and cover with the same towel on top.

The next question is, what to fry potatoes on? Of course, you can fry it in fat or lard, but in this case the dish will have an extraneous smell. You can also fry it in butter, but in this case the potatoes will be too tender, and most likely will not have the crust we need. In addition, there is a chance that the oil will burn a little. The ideal option for cooking fried potatoes in a slow cooker would be to use vegetable oil. In this case, the potatoes will have a uniform crispy crust, and will not have an extraneous smell.

Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker and turn on the “Baking” mode. If your multicooker does not have this mode, use "Frying" or "Pie". Set the cooking time to 40 minutes.

Put chopped potatoes into slightly warmed oil, mix. The lid does not need to be closed. You do not need to stir the potatoes often, as they can fall apart. For stirring, use the special multi-cooker spoon that comes with the kit.

Lay the onion, after 20 minutes of cooking, mix. After another 15 minutes (5 minutes before doneness), salt the potatoes.

As a result, you will get fried potatoes in a slow cooker with a dense texture and crust. Next time you can try cooking potatoes with the lid closed. It will turn out a little differently, but no less tasty. Bon Appetit!

In no case do not salt the fried potatoes at the very beginning of cooking. The fact is that salt absorbs an excessively large amount of oil, and consequently the potatoes will turn out soft. Salt potatoes only at the end of cooking.

Now it is difficult to imagine life without potatoes. A lot of various dishes are prepared from this vegetable: potatoes are added to first courses, boiled, fried, baked, put in salads and even made potato pies and casseroles. Each housewife has her own proven recipes for cooking potatoes. But not everyone knows that this vegetable can be cooked in a slow cooker.

Cooking potatoes even in a slow cooker is necessary according to all the rules, which is what we propose to do in the near future.

About the rules for cooking potatoes:

  • so that the tubers cook evenly, choose potatoes of the same size;
  • before pouring tubers with water, each vegetable must be thoroughly washed;
  • if you do not boil the potatoes in their skins, then after washing, you need to peel the tubers, and then rinse again under running water;
  • it is advisable to cut large tubers into 4 parts, and very large ones into 8;
  • Naturally, the smaller the potatoes, the faster they will cook. This rule applies to whole tubers, but if cut into pieces, they boil faster, but less useful substances are stored in them;
  • potatoes should be put in cold water;
  • potatoes are boiled in barely salted water so that it only covers the tubers.

Familiarized with the secrets? Then we suggest preparing everything you need to quickly start preparing a delicious side dish:

  • medium-sized potato tubers - 7-8 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker:

  1. Do you know, thanks to whom we now have the opportunity to cook many different dishes using the main ingredient - potatoes? Peter the Great brought this vegetable to Russia and at first potatoes were planted in the fields as an ornamental plant. But very soon, the locals tasted this product and since then they began to cook various dishes from potatoes. In those distant times, when no one had heard of multicookers, they boiled potatoes in Russian ovens. She languished in a cauldron for a long time, naturally, it turned out crumbly. Now an electronic saucepan can handle these functions.
  2. The recipe is very simple, how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker: choose tubers of the same size so that they cook evenly. Otherwise, it may turn out that a small or medium potato will cook quickly, and in order to wait for large tubers to cook, you will have to spend more time. Naturally, small potatoes will boil and fall apart.
  3. The potatoes have been chosen, now you need to wash them. Just under running water, you need to clean each tuber from adhering lumps of earth. Use a brush or sponge to get the job done faster.
  4. Now you can take a sharp knife to peel the peel. Now special knives for peeling vegetables are being sold, if you have adapted to work with them, use this useful modern invention.
  5. Do you know how to peel potatoes? How much to cut the peel to leave maximum nutrients? Only a few millimeters of peel will need to be cut off. "Eyes" and green spots require immediate removal. Eating such potatoes is dangerous to health, because the green areas on the vegetable are a large accumulation of toxins. They appear due to improper storage of potatoes (when direct sunlight falls on the tubers).
  6. After peeling the potatoes from the skin, you need to thoroughly rinse the tubers again under running water. First you need to wash your hands, rinse the knife, then wash the potatoes. If there is not enough time, then the peeled potatoes are put in a saucepan, water is poured to wash the dirt. The water is drained and so on several times.
  7. Put the potatoes in a multicooker bowl, pour cold water (straight from the tap) so that it only covers the tubers. It is a mistake to think that there should be a lot of water, almost a full saucepan for 6 things.
  8. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker: use the "Soup" mode (water boils quickly). We can say that the potatoes will cook very quickly. The time can be set for 20 minutes, and then extended if necessary. It all depends on the load of the multicooker, how many tubers were put in and how much water was poured.
  9. So far no salt needs to be added. We will do this later, when the water boils, then the potatoes will cook faster.
  10. We advise you not to miss the moment of boiling, but if you haven’t tracked it, then it’s okay, the main thing is that the water boils and then you can add salt. The amount of this ingredient is difficult to predict. It all depends on the taste preferences of each person. We advise you not to add too much salt at once. Incomplete teaspoon per 1 liter. water is fine. Salt, mix with a spatula, taste the potato broth. Salt enough? Everything, the lid was closed, we are waiting for the multicooker signal.
  11. What else can be added besides salt? Traditional seasoning is ground black pepper or ready-made seasoning "For potatoes". You will also need vegetable or butter to choose from to add to the finished product.
  12. Did the signal sound? Feel free to open the lid to drain the water, and put the potatoes on a plate.
  13. Now you know how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. This dish can be served with salads, stewed vegetables, meat, mushrooms. Bon Appetit!

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. Method 2

Another way to cook potatoes, it is also very simple and straightforward. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with it in order to choose the most optimal option and answer the question: "How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker."

For this recipe you need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • butter.
  1. Everything is very simple: you need to thoroughly rinse the tubers, and then peel the peel.
  2. Once again, peeled potatoes must be washed again.
  3. Place the prepared product in a multicooker bowl, pour water. Water can be used either cold directly from the tap or warm, which makes it possible to save a little time. You don't have to wait that long for the water in the slow cooker to reach the boiling stage. It's up to you how to proceed.
  4. What's next? Potatoes in a slow cooker are filled with water. You need to lower the lid, select the program for cooking this dish: in this case, the “Steamed” mode will help us out. The operating time of the device is 30 minutes.
  5. From the moment you activate the program, you can go about your business. After 10-15 minutes, you can visit, just the water should boil. It is necessary to salt the potatoes and close the lid again.
  6. You need to wait for the end of the selected program, the multicooker will notify you with a signal that the dish is ready.
  7. Look under the lid, there will be some water in the saucepan, you need to drain it, and put the potatoes on a plate. Depending on the type of potato, potato slices can either boil too much or remain whole. It is easy to determine the readiness of the dish: you need to pierce a piece of potato with a fork or knife 20 minutes after activating the program. If the knife goes in well, you can say "like clockwork", then this means that the potatoes are ready. If you feel that the pieces are hard, then you need to extend the time and cook a little more potatoes.
  8. Spices are added to the finished product (ideally “For potatoes”), ground black pepper, chopped fresh parsley, dill and basil. Not without oil. Enrich the boiled potatoes with a piece of butter.

Now you know several ways to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. This knowledge will help you prepare a delicious product in just half an hour. Bon Appetit!

How to cook fragrant potatoes in a slow cooker

Intrigued? Then it is worth dwelling in more detail on how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. What is the result? The potato is very fragrant and with a light crispy crust. Just what you need in order to raise your appetite and mood.

Food preparation:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • water - 300 g;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • fresh greens (mix of dill, parsley and basil) - 6 sprigs;
  • salt, ground black pepper, nutmeg - to taste.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker:

  1. So that there are no unnecessary questions, immediately to the point. Choose potatoes of red varieties, this is a very tasty potato and there are even more useful substances in it.
  2. Potatoes will need a medium size to fit in your hand.
  3. Wash the vegetables under running water, peel, rinse again in clean water several times.
  4. Large tubers will have to be cut into several parts. And this option is also acceptable: peeled potatoes must be cut into identical circles (at least 1.5 cm thick).
  5. Fold the prepared product into the multicooker bowl, pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe.
  6. The water should just barely cover the contents of the bowl. Contrary to all the advice of experienced housewives, this time you can immediately put oil to give the potatoes a special taste and softness, plus salt and spices. As for the addition of nutmeg, it is quite a bit, literally on the tip of a knife, it is allowed to put ground nutmeg.
  7. What other spices are combined with potatoes: garlic (a couple of cloves maximum), saffron and thyme. These spices can be combined with black ground pepper.
  8. And now, no less interesting: the taste of the finished dish depends on this program. We recommend setting the "Pilaf" mode. If the time is not set automatically, you need to set it to 30 minutes.
  9. A feature of this program is that all the liquid in the multicooker bowl should evaporate, and a golden crust will form in the last few minutes of cooking. Consider this feature of the selected program, 5-7 minutes before the end of the regime, it is advisable to open the lid to move the potatoes along the bottom.
  10. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker? Now you know another simple way to cook this "second bread" and you can please not only your family, but also cook potatoes in a new way for guests.

Fragrant, hot potatoes should be put on a dish. If necessary, add a little more butter and sprinkle generously with chopped herbs. This is how easy it is to prepare a very tasty dish. Enjoy your meal in good company!

How to cook potatoes in a multicooker in a peel

Perhaps one of the quick and extremely simple recipes for preparing a hearty dish is a jacket potato. What can be difficult? I washed a couple of potatoes, threw them into the water, let them boil. But in reality, it turns out that not everything is so simple: the potatoes either did not boil, then boiled, then cracked. How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker, we will learn with you.

Products and their quantity:

  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • salt - a teaspoon.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker:

  1. To cook potatoes with peel according to all the rules, you need to learn these rules: choose tubers of red varieties (there are more vitamins in the peel), the tubers should be approximately the same size, preferably pour cold water, cook with salt. Some housewives recommend pricking the skin of each potato so that the skin does not burst.
  2. A slow cooker is the one that will do most of the work for you. This is not a stove where you need to monitor the boiling process, open the lid, close the lid, stir and make sure that the water does not evaporate completely. This will not happen with a multicooker: you just need to put the products (properly prepared), and then select the mode. In this case, you just need to wash the potatoes thoroughly so that they are clean and without adhering lumps of earth.
  3. When sorting through the tubers, set aside the damaged ones, with "eyes" and rotten areas. From such a slightly spoiled potato, you will have to cook another dish (damaged places are cut out and thrown away).
  4. So: the tubers were chosen whole, of the same size, small. Washed, put in a pan of an electrical appliance. Pour water, add salt, mix. The lid clicked down.
  5. How to quickly cook potatoes in a slow cooker? Of course, using the "Soup" or "Steam" program. Then you can save time and energy costs. Well, if for some reason you choose another program, then it should be the "Stew", "Baking" mode.
  6. There is another way to cook a dish if you have chosen the “Steaming” mode. Bookmark tubers - not in the multicooker bowl, but on a special grate.
  7. We are waiting for the multicooker to prepare the dish, there is no need to intervene especially in the process.

The slow cooker will notify itself of the end of the program, you just have to drain the water, transfer the steaming hot potatoes to a dish to cool. As it cools down a bit, the skin can be peeled off, or you can eat directly with the skin, because it contains a lot of vitamins. Bon appetit, eat right!

Tips for novice housewives or how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker

A couple more tips will not hurt, but will only help to prepare a delicious dish:

  • if potatoes are boiled for salads, then it is advisable to put them in freshly boiled water;
  • there should be little water to cover the potatoes;
  • the cooking time for medium-sized potatoes is 30 minutes, large tubers are boiled for 40-45 minutes;
  • if you need to boil potatoes in their skins and preserve their integrity, then add lemon juice to the water even before you lower the potatoes into boiling water;
  • potatoes are boiled in their skins in salt water, avoiding a strong boil;
  • It is advisable to check the readiness of the product not with a knife (the puncture is too large), but with a toothpick or a thin wooden stick with a pointed end. If it enters smoothly, then the tubers are ready;
  • overcooked potatoes - not only tasteless, but also not healthy;
  • to quickly peel the potatoes, you need to lower the hot tubers immediately into a bowl of cold water, literally for a few seconds.

How to cook potatoes in a Syracuse slow cooker

When workers in a New York City factory brought packets of potatoes to their shifts and put them in hot salt springs to save money on cooking dinner, they had no idea they had discovered a whole new way to cook potatoes. What is the secret and how to cook delicious potatoes in a slow cooker - read on.

About what you need:

  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • coarse sea salt - 400 g.

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker:

  1. The most important thing in this recipe is not only to do everything as it says in the description, but also to choose the desired potato variety. And in this case, young potatoes with a thin yellow skin and a minimum starch content are most suitable.
  2. The cooking process is simple: you need to make a concentrated saline solution (water + salt), wait until it boils. In a multicooker, this is the “Soup”, “Steam” mode.
  3. But, before pouring water into the slow cooker, you need to lower the washed potatoes in order to understand how much water is needed for cooking. The water should cover the vegetables by 4-5 cm.
  4. As soon as the saline solution boils, lower the medium-sized tubers, cook for 20-30 minutes under the closed lid in the same mode (“Soup”, “Steamed”). Mature potatoes are cooked for 50-60 minutes and also turn out very tasty.
  5. In no case should you pierce the peel to understand the readiness of the potatoes. Time determines everything, you just need to try cooking according to this recipe in order to understand how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker.

Transfer the boiled tubers to a plate, wait a couple of minutes. A layer of salt (thin crust) will begin to appear on the surface, now you need to pour hot potatoes with butter (melted in a water bath or low heat), sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs and crushed garlic. Even the most fastidious gourmets will appreciate your efforts on a 10-point system. The peculiarity and highlight of this recipe is the taste of potatoes: it is a cross between baked and boiled potatoes, plus the safety of all vitamins and minerals. Try this recipe for potatoes, you will like it and we hope you share this recipe with your friends and colleagues and teach them how to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. Good luck!

How to cook potatoes in a slow cooker. Video