Scientific Research: Myths and Truths About the Benefits and Dangers of Alcohol. What are the benefits of alcohol in small doses

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking. At the same time, almost nothing is known about its benefits. But in fact, alcohol has long been used in folk medicine. The hackneyed truth: that in large doses is poison, in small quantities it can become a panacea. So what can be cured with your favorite drinks, and how?

Let's start simple. Chilled decanter, viscous "Aqua Vita", like butter pouring into a tall glass only from the freezer ... Great weakness of the author. Or maybe, on the contrary - strength? What will help cure Okovita?

"Whiskey is the most popular of all cold remedies."

Jerry Weil

It turns out a lot! Pure vodka, in the amount of 25-30 grams per day, is drunk, for example, by people forced to breathe polluted air - it removes toxins from the lungs. A small "lunch" pile restrains cholesterol levels, therefore, theoretically, it can prevent the development of heart and vascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. Vodka lowers blood sugar levels - so does the risk of diabetes.

Many classic folk remedies are made from vodka mixtures. With an upset stomach, knowledgeable people advise drinking vodka with salt and / or pepper - a couple of pinches per glass. will increase tone, cleanse blood vessels and reduce the risk of catching a cold in winter.

And it is traditionally recommended as a remedy for influenza and acute respiratory infections - for this you can use purchased, homemade alcoholic drinks or quickly mix ordinary vodka with a mixture of black, red pepper and paprika. Personally, at the first sign of a cold, I drink a glass of this cocktail before going to bed and in 70% of cases I wake up almost healthy.

“And whoever has a sick heart does not need cognac. Pepper vodka! But you just need to stir all this equally, there is a little fortified - two glasses, no more! Better three. But you can also four. Mix it all up. How will you give! I woke up - and you won't find where the heart is! "

Newsreel Wick "Sober Approach"

Just do not forget - narcologists claim that it is vodka, or rather all drinks based on rectified alcohol, that causes addiction the fastest. The purer the drink, the harder it will be to part with it. Fact!

"The first brandy dilates blood vessels, the second - conceit"

If one glass seemed not enough for you, we continue to be treated further! We take out grandfather's brandy from the bins. Moreover, the more stars, the more useful properties.

So, 20-30 grams: will help to relieve migraines and angina pectoris, headaches, soothe nervous nerves, relieve stress, mixed with beaten egg white - will help with coughing, and even enhance potency! Tannins slightly weaken a toothache - if your teeth hurt, then you don't mind rinsing your mouth with Napoleon.

When I was a vocalist, I used cognac like this: I poured 100-150 grams into a cup of hot tea and drank it 30-40 minutes before the concert. It relaxes the ligaments, improves voice coordination, memory and, of course, completely kills stage fright!

Other strong drinks are also helpful. For instance:

  • Tequila is recommended for diseases of the intestines and stomach, it is even credited with the treatment of ulcers and the prevention of gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Rum is good for breathing, helps relieve cough spasms, cleanses the trachea and bronchi. And in the composition of grog rum is an excellent prophylactic remedy for colds.
  • Whiskey, like cognac, counteracts heart attacks and contains a lot of vitamin B.

Embalmed, embalmed, but not embalmed ...

In my youth, I found the perfect hangover cure for me. Take a balm: pharmacy "Vigor" or store "9 forces", "Long recipes", mixed in a beer glass in half with cola and drunk in one gulp. Not even 10 minutes have passed since this miraculous drug causes a surge of strength, improved well-being, good mood and a healthy glow in the eyes. And the fact that at the same time the heart begins to pound so that it is about to jump out - who worried about that at the age of 17? But as they say, suum cuique.

“For a long time, doctors have tried all medicines on themselves. That is why tinctures and balms are made with alcohol "

The most famous medicinal alcoholic remedy for the layman is, or rather, gin and tonic. The tonic was developed by British doctors for the prevention of malaria, it contained a very large amount of quinine - a bitter and disgusting substance. British legionnaires came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bbreeding the mixture with gin - this, of course, tastes better. The resulting cocktail has become extremely popular - it has not only an exquisite taste, but also excellent anti-hangover properties. So if you are afraid of malaria or hangover, know: two good spirits - gin and tonic - will save you from these misfortunes.

These balms were also made to treat certain diseases:

  • - as a remedy for renal colic.
  • - to treat problems with the intestines and stomach.
  • - to improve digestion, such a German "festal".
  • - as a remedy for seasickness and tropical fever.
  • Goldwasser - Danzig liqueur with anise and pieces of real gold. In the 17th century, tincture was considered almost a panacea. What the precious metal treats is unclear. Not from greed?
  • - chilled is an anti-hangover agent due to the high content of vitamin C.
  • - very much helped the French monks to drink without breaking the fast.

In general, the effect of the balm depends on which "broom" of herbs is included in its composition. But almost all of them help to strengthen the immune system, restore strength, and relieve mental fatigue. And you need to drink very little of them - 1-2 teaspoons a day. Although your humble servant once sentenced a whole bottle of grandmother's "Bittner" - and a living one.

7 battles of the best Crimean wines!

Probably everyone knows about the usefulness of wine. Scientists have noticed more than once that the "wine" countries not only live longer, but also suffer less from heart disease, tuberculosis, and in various epidemics, mortality in such regions is less.

  • Little red.

Traditionally considered the most beneficial. It normalizes the work of the heart and the gastrointestinal system, slows down aging, and is prescribed for the treatment of anemia. Mulled wine is a well-known anti-cold drink. Italian wine Chianti prevents the development of atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels.

A good port or Cahors will help with insomnia - they need to fill in dill seeds (5 tablespoons), heat to 70° and leave for 10-12 hours. Consume 50-60 grams before bedtime.

  • White.

It affects the heart and blood vessels no worse than red: it normalizes the absorption of glucose by the heart, counteracts atherosclerosis, calms down pressure, metabolism and prevents salts from being deposited in the joints. Some nervous disorders are treated with a "strong" white port.

There is an unusual recipe for wine "pepper" for dry cough: 6 tbsp. l. pepper, a glass of wine, mix everything, heat and strain, drink three times. Abomination, probably, but they say - it helps.

  • Shampusik.

Champagne - of course, not a carbonated shmurdyak, but a normal sparkling wine - perfectly removes fluid from the body, stimulating the kidneys, so it is prescribed for edema. A glass of "foamy drink №2" will improve appetite, irritability will go away, blood will be enriched with oxygen. Even depression can be cured with this cheerful wine!

If you feel an approaching cold, use an old French recipe: throw 2 tsp into a glass of champagne. sugar, heat to almost a boil (although how to determine that champagne is boiling?), drink before bedtime. The tannins contained in the drink, under the influence of sugar, will develop antibodies overnight, selenium will reduce the soreness of symptoms, sulfur will prevent infection from spreading throughout the body, and magnesium will relieve muscle fatigue.

And finally ...

What is there to catch up with, if not a mug of beer? Cold, in a misted glass, with droplets of condensation flowing down the pot-bellied sides ... you will have to forget. The properties of this drink - at least bactericidal - are best manifested when heated.

But warm beer is a noble abomination. To enhance the taste, honey, cinnamon or other spices are added to it. They drink like other alcoholic "medicines" at the very beginning of a cold. Some advise using a similar drink for angina, but I would not: beer contains yeast cultures, due to which it feeds the foci of infection that have settled in the throat.

The medicine is first prescribed and then drunk. Beer is first drunk and then discharged.

But that's not all! Beer, especially dark beer, reduces the risk of cataracts, improves vision in general and counteracts the development of urolithiasis, various edema due to strong diuretic properties, and vitamin B6, contained in excess in this drink, strengthens blood vessels.

Summing up, we can recall the well-known aphorism: “alcohol helps against all diseases! Except alcoholism. But its course also makes it much easier! "

Everyone knows that alcohol is harmful to health. In this case, it cannot be useful. But this is a controversial issue. If you do not take into account external alcohol solutions, in what cases is alcohol good for health?

Scientists have proven that if a man, he will consume 50 grams once a week. alcohol, the risk of developing heart disease is reduced by 7%, and in the case of daily intake - by 40%. As for women, the same amount of alcohol, regardless of the frequency of intake, reduces the development of coronary heart disease by 30%. The numbers are impressive. Is this really so and is alcohol good for health or not? Let's figure it out.

The effect of alcohol on blood pressure

Alcoholic drinks can increase blood pressure. In this case, small doses of alcohol (1-2 tablespoons of cognac) will help people with low blood pressure (hypotonic). Doctors, however, are reluctant to recommend such drinks as a substitute for medication. Studies show that hypertension, in 20 cases out of 100, people who abuse alcohol are sick. In rare cases, hypotensive people can afford a little cognac, but you should not abuse it. It is much safer to increase blood pressure by drinking a cup of aromatic coffee or eating a piece of dark chocolate. Tincture of ginseng or eleutherococcus can also help with hypotension.

Natural dry wines

Why, with a negative attitude towards alcohol, in principle, red natural dry wines avoid this fate? This is partly true. Red grapes contain resveratrol, a natural phytoalexin that has anti-inflammatory, anticancer effects and can lower blood sugar. White grapes also contain it, but in smaller quantities. It does not lose its properties even in wine. Resveratrol normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the development of cancer, prolongs youth, delaying age-related changes in the body.

Use in moderate doses, prevents cholesterol from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

Drinking alcohol in large quantities leads to heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, mental disorders and a number of related diseases. And red wine, in this case, is no exception. Its beneficial properties will not outweigh the scales. In addition, resveratrol is found in other fruits, nuts, and cocoa. And cholesterol can be reduced through diet and exercise.

As you can see, dry wine has its pros and cons.

Safe dose of alcohol

Is there a figure at which alcohol consumed would be considered a safe dose? It turns out there is. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the following amount of alcohol: a man can consume no more than 30 ml of pure alcohol per day, which is 75 ml of vodka or 1.5 bottles of beer. For a woman, this figure is lower - 20 ml of pure alcohol (50 ml of vodka or 1 bottle of beer).

Alcohol relieves stress

It would be wrong to say that alcohol relieves stress; rather, alcohol has a relaxing effect. Therefore, many are ready to pour out their souls at the libation to the first person they meet. Narcologists say that you can just as well relieve stress in the gym - there is also a release of energy, and this is much more beneficial for the body.

White wine doesn't have a headache

Well, it depends on how much you drink! Very often, red wines really hurt a head and a person's face can turn red. This is due to the fact that according to the technology of making red wine, for its longer storage, sulfur dioxide is added to the composition. Intolerance to this substance by some people is capable of causing such reactions. According to the technology of making white wines, the inclusion of this substance in the composition is not provided, and therefore there may be no headache.

Low alcohol drinks are safe for health

Basically, young people love to drink low-alcohol drinks, considering them harmless and safe. Let's make a simple calculation. If you take a small can of such a drink (0.33 l), most of which contain 8% alcohol, you get about 27 ml of pure alcohol. As mentioned above, for the fair sex, this is already exceeding the daily norm. Just one jar is often not enough, and this is already alcohol poisoning. Carbon dioxide, which often accompanies such drinks, promotes the rapid absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. The damage from energy drinks can be doubled or even tripled. Caffeine, which is part of alcohol, makes this drink just an explosive mixture, from which the liver, pancreas and the entire nervous system suffer.

Good drinking rules

There are only three rules that will help you stay on your feet and not fall face down in the salad.

  • Make it a rule not to drink alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach. There is a rapid absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, which leads to a very strong intoxication and an uncontrolled state. Best of all, if you not only eat something before a glass or two, but this "something" will be greasy - a sandwich with butter, a piece of bacon ...
  • You should not start your meal with strong drinks, it is best to start with an aperitif. There is an explanation for this - the appetite will wake up and the enzymatic system of the body will work better.
  • Do not lower the degree of alcoholic beverages you drink (unless your goal is a quick and severe intoxication, which will be accompanied by a headache, vomiting and a desire to remember at least something the next day).

Like any food product, alcohol can be beneficial and harmful. Reasonable approach and measure - these are the rules that should be followed when drinking any alcohol.

Alcohol (from lat. spiritus - spirit) - an organic compound that has a diverse and extensive class. The most famous and widespread are ethyl, methyl and phenylethyl alcohols. Various types of alcohols can be obtained not only in laboratory conditions, but also found in nature. They are found in plant leaves (for example, methyl), in naturally fermented organic products (ethanol), in essential vegetable oils. Also, some vitamins belong to the alcohol class:, B8 and. Alcohol under normal physical conditions has a transparent color, a sharp characteristic smell and taste, is a good solvent for oily and fat-containing substances. The strength of alcohol varies from 95.57 to 100 vol.

Drinks containing alcohol have been known to mankind for a long time. There is historical evidence that more than 8 thousand years BC. people consumed fermented fruit drinks and knew about their effects on the body. The first drink saturated with a large percentage of alcohol was made by Arab chemists in the 6-7 centuries. In Europe, the first ethyl alcohol was produced in Italy in the 11-12 centuries. On the territory of the Russian Empire, the first strong alcoholic drink was Aquavit, which was brought by the Genoese ambassadors in 1386. However, 100% alcohol was obtained in Russia by chemical experiments only in 1796 by chemist T.E. A catcher.

There are two main industrial methods for producing ethyl alcohol: synthetic and natural fermentation. The second method is the most popular. In this case, fruit and berry fruits, cereals, potatoes, rice, corn, starch, and raw cane sugar are used as raw materials. The alcohol formation reaction begins to occur only in the presence of yeast, enzymes and bacteria. The production process has several main stages:

  • selection, washing and grinding of raw materials;
  • breakdown of starchy substances by fermentation to simple sugars;
  • yeast fermentation;
  • distillation in distillation columns;
  • purification of the obtained aqueous-alcoholic liquid from impurities and heavy fractions.

It is practically impossible to obtain alcohol of proper concentration at home.

Alcohol is widely used in various industries. It is used in medicine, perfumery and cosmetic industries, food, alcoholic beverages and chemical industries.

Useful properties of alcohol

Alcohol has a large number of useful properties and uses. It is an antiseptic and deodorant agent used to disinfect medical instruments, skin and hands of health workers before surgery. Also, alcohol is added as an antifoam agent in an artificial air ventilation apparatus and is used as a solvent in the manufacture of medicines, extracts and tinctures. In the alcoholic beverage industry, alcohol is used for fixing alcoholic beverages, and in the food industry - as a preservative and solvent for natural dyes and flavors.

In everyday life, alcohol is used for rubbing at high temperatures, warming compresses and for preparing medicinal tinctures. Those. pure alcohol is an empty drink, which is ennobled by the infusion of medicinal herbs and fruits on it.

For the treatment of the respiratory system, throat for colds, sore throat and bronchitis, it is necessary to use tincture on eucalyptus, calendula and Kalanchoe. Take all ingredients 100 g each, grind thoroughly and pour into a half-liter bottle. Pour alcohol on top until completely covered and leave for three days in a dark place. Dilute the ready-made infusion in warm water in a ratio of 1:10 and gargle at least 3 times a day.

With hypertension, heart and vascular diseases, you can use a tincture of rose petals (300 g), grated red beets (200 g), cranberry juice (100 g), juice of one lemon, liquid honey (250 g) and alcohol (250 ml.). All components must be thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 4-5 days. The finished tincture should be taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

To narrow the dilated veins, it is necessary to do rubbing and compresses from horse chestnut tincture. To prepare it, you should chop 6-10 medium chestnuts and fill them with alcohol (500 g). You need to infuse the tincture for 14 days in a dark place. The finished medicine should be rubbed 3 times a day into the legs with pronounced veins with massaging movements and taken internally 30 drops also 3 times a day. The course of treatment must be carried out within a month.

A good choleretic agent is a tincture on the fruits of barberry. To do this, pour fresh or dried fruits (2 tablespoons) with alcohol (100 g) and insist for 14 days. Take the ready-made infusion in 20-30 drops diluting in 50 ml. water 3 times a day. The effectiveness of treatment begins to manifest itself after 15 days of systematic administration.

Dangerous properties of alcohol

Alcohol vapors used in industry (ethanol, methanol, isopropanol), with prolonged inhalation exposure, can lead to lethargic sleep, drug effects or death. The likelihood of this or that outcome depends on the time of inhalation of vapors - from 8 to 21 hours.

Methyl alcohol, when used internally, has the strongest toxicological poisoning, which adversely affects the nervous (convulsions, convulsions, epileptic seizures), cardiovascular (tachycardia) systems, affects the retina and optic nerve, causing complete blindness. When taken internally more than 30 g of this alcohol without emergency medical care, death occurs.

Ethyl alcohol is less dangerous, but it also has a number of negative effects on the body. Firstly, it is rapidly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the concentration of which reaches a maximum 20-60 minutes after ingestion. Secondly, it acts in two ways on the nervous system: first, causing the strongest excitement, and then - a sharp depression. At the same time, cells of the cerebral cortex die off and degrade in large numbers. Thirdly, the work of internal organs and systems is disrupted: liver, kidneys, gallbladder, pancreas and others. The sale of ethyl alcohol in pharmacies is prohibited.

Arguments for": the most festive drink. Relieves irritability, restores appetite and improves taste. Useful for edema and heart failure, when it is necessary to increase the excretion of fluid from the body.

Arguments against": poorly tolerated by people with gastritis.

Facts: French scientists have confirmed the effectiveness of an old recipe for treating colds: add 2 lumps of sugar to champagne, bring to a boil and drink overnight. Tannins and sugars stimulate the production of antibodies; magnesium helps to restore strength and eliminate muscle fatigue; selenium helps to reduce the severity of the onset of a cold; sulfur and amino acids reduce fever and spread of infection.


Arguments for": red table wines are good for the heart, have an antioxidant effect, slow down the aging process, help restore vitality in the event of their decline, increase tone and vigor, are recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. White dry table wine quenches thirst. Wine and vermouth help with lack of appetite, promoting a better secretion of gastric juice.

Arguments against": white wines are contraindicated for urolithiasis, accompanied by an inflammatory process (nephritis, cystitis, etc.). They should not be drunk with prostatitis.

Facts: during epidemics, the number of cases in wine-making regions and among people who regularly consume wine is always lower. Wine inhibits the bacteria tuberculosis, cholera, malaria and others. And almost the same effect is produced by wine, twice diluted with water.


Arguments for": cognac dilates blood vessels and relieves headaches, 30 ml of a drink with sugar will help with hypertension and angina pectoris. One spoonful of cognac will calm the nerves, relieve stress.

Arguments against": should not be used for diabetes, gallstone disease.

Facts: the older the drink is, the more nutrients it contains. In the American market during the "Prohibition" period, cognac of one well-known brand was sold in pharmacies as a medicine.


Arguments for": pepper vodka is effective for colds and coughs. In small doses it helps with headaches (in large doses it becomes its cause). Moderate consumption has a beneficial effect on digestion. 25-30 grams of vodka daily lowers cholesterol levels.

Arguments against": vodka causes alcohol dependence faster.

Facts: Studies show that strong drinks based on rectified alcohol (purer from the point of view of chemistry) cause alcoholism faster, and it is harder to part with vodka during treatment than, for example, cognac. One should not think that vodka is the safest drink for health, because it is "cleaner" than brandy or whiskey.

Do not flatter yourself!

Among the most common causes of death of an alcoholic are heart attacks, strokes, cirrhosis of the liver, and disorders of the nervous system.

Alcoholic drinks as a remedy help people who do not drink and drink less. They have no effect on alcoholics.

Alcohol dulls the reaction rate.

Relatively safe doses of alcohol (per day)

  • vodka, cognac - 30-60 ml
  • dessert, fortified wines - 150-200 ml
  • champagne, table wine - 200-300 ml
  • beer - 450-720 ml

Want answers to other pressing questions about alcohol and its health effects? Read the text of the online conference with the candidate of medical sciences, narcologist Alexander Magalif.

Scientists at Harvard University found that drinking 50 grams of alcohol once a week in men reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 7%, and with daily use - by 40%. In women, this figure is 30% and does not depend on the frequency of use. The processing of alcoholic beverages in the female body is slower than in the male.

Let us consider from these positions several relevant and important aspects of alcohol intake. Is alcohol good for individual cases? What is the safe dose of alcohol? And is there such a safe dose for women?

How does alcohol affect blood pressure?

They raise it. That is why small doses of alcohol help people suffering from hypotension. One or two tablespoons of cognac can bring a person with low blood pressure to life. Although the World Health Organization does not recommend doctors to advise their patients any alcoholic beverages as a medicine. Long-term studies show that alcoholic beverages (especially beer and wine) are to blame in 20% of cases of hypertension. So, in a man who drinks more than 150 ml of wine or 30 ml of vodka per day, the risk of hypertension increases to 40%. And for a woman, this figure reaches 90%! So it is much safer to increase blood pressure not with alcohol, but with the help of coffee, tea, dark chocolate, eleutherococcus or ginseng tinctures.

It is known that natural dry wines have a beneficial effect on the human body. How does this happen?

The skins of red grapes and grape seeds contain res-veratrol, a natural compound that has powerful antioxidant effects. Entering the human body with berries or wine made from them, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, delays age-related changes in the brain and musculoskeletal system, prolonging life and delaying the onset of old age. In addition, alcoholic beverages improve digestion and prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. But this is only if a person uses them in moderation. Large doses of alcohol lead to the expansion of the heart cavities and the development of cardiac pathologies (heart failure, arrhythmias, cardiomeopathy, etc.) and, of course, hypertension, especially if the patient has a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. So it is much safer to lower cholesterol through exercise and a rational diet - they fight atherosclerosis no less effectively than small doses of alcohol.

But what about the French, who eat a lot of fatty foods, drink wine and at the same time live long and suffer from cardiovascular diseases 40% less often than Americans?

The secret of the "French paradox" is not only in the regular use of wine, but also in the way of life and in the habits of food. In addition to wine and cheese, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean consume a large amount of vegetables, fruits, herbs, olive oil and seafood. This diet provides the body with high-density lipoproteins, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals, which have a powerful antioxidant effect, protecting the body's cells from free radical damage. In addition, the inhabitants of the south of France actively eat seaweed, which contains substances that improve the biological properties of blood (reduce the formation of blood clots and stimulate the breakdown of fats). And the quality of French wines is significantly different from Ukrainian ones, 90% of which are made from concentrate diluted with water.

What is the safe dose of alcohol?

In France, Italy, Hungary, this figure is traditionally higher than, say, in Sweden or Norway. But if we talk about generally accepted doses, the WHO recommends that men consume no more than 30 ml of pure alcohol per day (about 1.5 bottles of beer or 75 ml of vodka), and women - 20 ml of pure alcohol (1 bottle of beer or 50 ml of vodka). At the same time, doctors recommend refraining from alcohol at least two days a week.

Why is the safe dose for women lower than for men?

The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have less water in their bodies than men. In addition, gastric alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of alcohol, is less active in women than in the stronger sex. Consequently, the processing of alcoholic beverages in the female body is slower, which is why ladies are more susceptible to alcohol.

Why do some people get a severe headache after a glass of red wine, but white does not?

Such a reaction can be caused by an individual intolerance to sulfur dioxide, a substance that is added to dry red wines in order to keep them longer. This preservative can cause instant facial flushing and severe migraines. And when using white wines, this does not happen, because according to the technology, sulfur dioxide is not added to them.

How safe are low-alcohol carbonated drinks popular with young people?

Simple arithmetic allows us to say that this category of drinks is not so harmless. Most of them contain 8% alcohol. If you multiply this figure by 0.33 (the contents of one bottle), you get approximately 27 ml of pure alcohol. For girls, this is already exceeding the daily norm, but few of them limit themselves to one bottle a day. In addition, rum-colas and gin-tonics contain carbon dioxide, which promotes faster absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream, which is why drunkenness occurs almost from the first sip. And how much harm is there in energy drinks that combine alcohol with caffeine! Together, these two stimulants lead to a dysfunction of the human nervous system, as well as his liver and pancreas.

What are the risks of excessive beer consumption?

Beer, like any other alcoholic beverage, primarily affects the liver, causing toxic hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis over time. It is these two diseases that occupy a leading position in a beer country like Germany, where they drink beer often and a lot, consuming up to 3 liters per evening.

Former smokers complain that after drinking a glass they have a desire to smoke. Why is this happening?

Most often this happens to those who have managed to say “no” to addiction, but have not yet coped with the psychological dependence on smoking. Once at a party where many smoke, a former smoker can experience the same experience as an ex-addict who finds himself in an environment where he used drugs. One glance at a familiar area is enough for an associative habit to take hold of him. Under the influence of alcohol, memory gives out pictures from the past, and so vivid that a former smoker can taste and smell tobacco. In addition, being in a state of euphoria (after two or three drinks), a person can no longer evaluate his actions critically and, without hesitation, breaks the promises made to himself. As a rule, in this state, many more cigarettes are smoked than usual. As a result, the toxic effect of alcohol on the body increases several times. Hence the heavier hangover.

What medications can alcohol be combined with?

Alcohol is not compatible with any drug. The combination of alcohol with pacemakers, hypotensive, psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, antidepressants, beta-blockers is especially harmful. Loss of consciousness is not the worst thing that can happen in such a situation: sometimes alcohol enhances the effect of drugs so much that it ends in a coma, or even sudden death. Alcoholic beverages are also incompatible with diuretic tablets (in combination with wine or beer, diuretics remove so many trace elements from the body that this leads to disturbances in the work of the heart). Even banal aspirin should not be washed down with strong drinks - such experiments can result in stomach ulcers. A huge number of complications are caused by taking antibiotics with alcohol. The fact is that not all drugs enter the body in an active form. Many do not begin to act until after the period of cleavage in the liver has passed. Alcohol also needs to be broken down, and therefore, having entered the body at the same time, both of these substances begin to compete. As a result, the active substance of the tablet enters the bloodstream as an undeoxidized substance. Most often it ends with allergic reactions - urticaria, dermatitis.

Why does one person, after a glass of vodka, become complacent and talkative, while the other becomes withdrawn and aggressive?

Regardless of temperament, age and mood of a person, alcohol inhibits the work of the nervous system. Two minutes after drinking a glass of cognac or a glass of champagne, alcohol reaches the frontal lobe of the brain, disrupting most of the neurochemical connections. A person's attention is scattered, thoughts become chaotic, and the mood becomes elevated and joyful. True, the state of euphoria is short-lived - soon the phase of inhibition begins, during which the intoxicated one loses restraint, common sense disappears, conversations and actions become inadequate. At the same time, alcohol most often acts as an emotional equalizer for healthy people: an introverted person revives after a glass of wine, talkative - calms down, aggressive - relaxes, phlegmatic - becomes more talkative. Although there are unpredictable reactions, which largely depend on the characteristics of the human nervous system. One thing is certain: if after a glass of vodka you become aggressive, you absolutely must not drink.

Many people think that alcohol is the best stress reliever. Is it so?

Alcohol is the simplest and most affordable household tranquilizer. However, it does not relieve stress, otherwise everyone would “lick” their emotional “wounds” in an embrace with a bottle. Fortunately, this does not happen, because for most people, alcohol is just a mediator, something like a relaxing element that allows you to speak frankly, an impetus to pour out your soul to a friend, a neighbor, a random fellow traveler. Although narcologists believe that it is no less successful to relieve emotional stress on the treadmill, since at the moment of stress, energy production in the body increases. That is why a person, being nervous, cannot sit still: rushing around the room, fingering his fingers, emotionally telling something. So it would be quite logical to expel the excess of negative energy out of yourself in the gym, not in the restaurant.

Narcologists compare drinking alcohol to driving a car: both of these processes carry health risks. Are there "traffic rules" that you need to know in order not to "end up in a ditch"?

The first rule to understand is not to drink on an empty stomach. Once in the body of a hungry person, alcohol is freely absorbed by the gastric mucosa and quickly enters the bloodstream, causing instant and very strong intoxication. That is why nutritionists recommend eating something fatty before a meal - a piece of bacon, a sandwich with red caviar or with cheese and butter.

The second golden rule says: it is better to start a festive evening with an aperitif. Drinking a little wine, vodka or martini before a meal will not only whet your appetite, but also make your enzyme system work more actively.

The third rule: do not drink alcoholic beverages as the degree decreases. Remember: the processing of spirits requires a large amount of alcohol dehydrogenase, which means that drinking champagne with cognac creates a deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Because of this, a low-alcohol drink freely enters the bloodstream in an undivided form, causing a very strong intoxication.

What should you eat alcoholic drinks with?

Dry wines can be eaten with fruits, cheese, salads, lean meats, fish. It is better to eat drinks with a strength of 40 degrees and higher with more fatty and heavier foods - pork, lamb, red caviar, potatoes, salads with high-calorie sauces. This will slow down the absorption of alcohol and improve food processing, as alcohol helps break down fats. During a long feast, it is advisable to have fresh lemons on hand. The acid contained in them is an excellent alcohol neutralizer, so you can eat alcoholic beverages with slices of these sour fruits or drink them with water and lemon juice diluted in it. But it is better to remove sweet soda or juices from the table altogether, since the sugar and carbon dioxide contained in them increase the absorption of alcohol. For the same reason, you should not snack on sparkling wines with chocolate.

What is alcohol poisoning? What are its signs, and what measures should be taken to save the poisoned person?

Alcohol poisoning occurs after taking over 500 ml of vodka. In most people, the natural reaction of the body to such a quantity of toxic substances is usually vomiting, but in 30% of alcohol lovers this reflex is absent by nature or atrophies as unnecessary (as a rule, in frequent and excessive drinkers). And therefore, when a large amount of ethyl alcohol is received, the body is subjected to severe alcohol intoxication: alcohol paralyzes the nervous system, which causes a coma, and after a couple of hours, death. That is why, having found a person unconscious, with a clear smell of alcohol, pale, covered with sweat, does not react to any stimuli, with rapid breathing, a barely palpable pulse and an uneven beating heart, immediately call an ambulance!

How to regain your sobriety of thought if, because of the festive table, you are urgently called to work?

The first step is to get rid of the alcohol in the stomach by trying to induce a gag reflex. Then you should take a loading dose of enterosorbents - they will collect and remove the alcohol that has entered the intestines from the body. If alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, try to protect the nerve cells with drugs that block its action. If you are mildly intoxicated, you can limit yourself to a cup of strong coffee or black tea with lemon. This will invigorate the inhibited nervous system, bringing a person to life. At the end of the sobering procedure, it would be nice to take something from hepatoprotectors - drugs that protect the liver. Although they say that vitamin complexes containing B vitamins are most effective in combating intoxication (they are often used by diplomats, for whom it is important to stay sane even after a stormy holiday)