Diet meals in the oven are quick and easy. Diet food

22.04.2019 Bakery products

Diet recipes for weight loss that any housewife can prepare at home! Diet recipes for weight loss are simple and delicious!

Low-calorie food Is the best way to lose weight without harming your health. Unlike express methods aimed at fast weight loss, weight slowly but steadily goes away. At the same time, the body does not suffer from nutritional deficiencies and the person feels good. Most recipes eliminate salt and sugar, but the seasoning compensates for the flavor. The recipes below allow you to make sure that you can get gastronomic pleasure from diet food.

The principles of a healthy diet force you to adhere to certain cooking techniques. Frying food is not permitted.

The priority is for dishes baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker, smoothies, fresh salads, hot and cold soups without heat treatment are useful.

First meal

Light soups burn fat well. Seasonings not only add flavor to them, but also boost metabolism.

Vegetarian pumpkin puree soup

Finely cut orange peeled cubes are thrown into boiling water. Cook for about 10 minutes, grind with a blender. Fans of spicy tastes add fine black pepper, half a glass of low-fat cream. Many people throw in cinnamon and a spoonful of cheese instead of pepper.

Broccoli soup

An unpeeled large onion, 200 g of broccoli, carrots, celery root, bay leaf are placed in a liter of cold water. The head is removed from the finished broth, the mass is crushed to a homogeneous state, sprinkled with herbs. Garlic and a few peppercorns are added for flavor. For taste - a spoonful of vegetable oil.


In hot weather, it is best to cook cold Spanish soup. Ingredients:

  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • sparkling water;
  • a spoonful of lemon juice;

The pepper is placed in the oven or kept over an open fire until blackening, then the top film is removed. The fleshy part is cut, put in a blender bowl, where tomatoes and cucumbers without skin lie. Pour 2 glasses of water, throw in the garlic and press the button of the apparatus. Put greens, lemon juice, a spoonful of butter, pepper, oregano in the whipped mass. Served with rye croutons.

Turkish okroshka - delicious soup in 3 minutes

2 cucumbers are rubbed on a coarse grater, combined with dill, a sprig of mint or fresh basil, garlic, mixed with 2 cups of kefir or yogurt. The result is a mass similar in consistency to a smoothie.

Second courses

Veal, poultry, rabbit breast, lean beef are boiled with spices or baked with vegetables.

Chicken casserole

100 g of chicken breast has about 100 kcal. The dish requires 500 g. In the recipe:

  • onions, carrots, peppers - 1 each;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • a glass of yogurt;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • egg.

At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, cut vegetables are laid out, sprinkled with chicken spices. Fillet pieces are spread over a layer. Pour a mixture of fermented milk product with a beaten egg, spread the cheese evenly. Select the Baking program for 30 minutes. If the dish is cooked in the oven, bake at 180 ° C until a crust appears.

Braised fish

Calorie content depends on the type of fish. The energy value of the dish varies between 110-150 kcal. The bottom of the pan is thickly covered with onion rings, a spoonful of oil is poured and the fire is turned on. A layer of tomato mugs are laid out on top, the dishes are covered with a lid, the contents are simmered for 5 minutes. Then spread the fish, which has stood in the marinade of oil, lemon juice, spices for 60-30 minutes. Stew for 10-15 minutes. Served with vegetable salad.

Mackerel in foil

In a protein dish 130 kcal. Products: 1 fish, 2 liters. yogurt, orange, spices. To prevent the juicy fish from turning into dry and tasteless, it is soaked in sauce and wrapped in double foil. First, the middle is cleaned, deep cuts are made on the sides every 5 cm.

Peel off a small orange and squeeze out the juice. Prepare dressing: mix yogurt with squeezed garlic, citrus peel, pepper, juice. Then it is liberally greased with sauce, sealed in foil, sent to the oven for 20 minutes. Served with watercress, Chinese cabbage, spicy carrots.

Boiled beef

Calorie content - 350 kcal in 2 servings. 250 meat is placed in cold water, after boiling, remove the foam. Cook for 1 hour with parsley root, carrots. 10 minutes before readiness add lavrushka, garlic, seasonings. Eaten hot and cold with vegetables or celery placia.

Vegetable dishes

Placia recipe. Caloric content - 130 kcal / 100 g.

  • 200 celery root;
  • large onion;
  • 2 liters each. vegetable oil, lemon juice.

Peeled roots and onions are cut and placed in layers in a bowl. Flavored with oil, pour boiling water with lemon so that the liquid covers the vegetables. Stew until the water evaporates.

Zucchini casserole

100 g - 115 kcal .

  • flour - 50 g
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg.

A spoonful of butter is melted in a frying pan, mixed with flour. After 2 minutes, pour in milk. The mass is kept on fire until it thickens. While the sauce is cooling, cut the zucchini into strips.

Eggs, seasonings, half of the cheese are added to the cooled dairy mixture. 6 vegetable plates are overlapped on the bottom, poured with a spoonful of sauce. The zucchini are stacked in layers until the slicing is complete. Sprinkle cheese on top, put in the oven for 40 minutes.


To prepare a low-calorie meal (90 kcal) you will need:

  • 1 zucchini, pepper, eggplant each;
  • 4 medium tomatoes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Cut vegetables into circles, alternately placing them in a frying pan. Onion and pepper are simmered in a frying pan, at the end 1 chopped tomato is added. Vegetables are covered with a mass, half a glass of water is poured, put in the oven for an hour.

What to prepare for tea

Cottage cheese casserole perfectly satisfies hunger and speeds up metabolism. Caloric content - 95 kcal / 100g.

  • cottage cheese 1% - 200 g;
  • a spoonful of bran and yogurt;
  • 1 egg and 1 apple;
  • a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon.

The remaining ingredients are added to the mashed mass, kneaded, filled in the form, baked over an average heat for 45 minutes.

Chocolate cheesecake

The dessert contains only 95 kcal. Take:

  • 15 g agar-agar or gelatin;
  • 2 spoonfuls of cocoa and honey;
  • 400 g of rustic curd;
  • 100 ml of low-fat milk.

The gelling agent is poured over with water and left to swell. Then the container is transferred to the fire, milk is poured in, heated until completely dissolved, cooled. Beat the cottage cheese with a mixer, pour gelatin in a thin stream in portions. In the process, put cocoa, honey, vanillin. The liquid mass is poured into a split form, put into the refrigerator. After hardening, decorate with fresh berries.

Fat Burning Cocktail Recipes

Choose any of the 6 recipes. Ingredients are taken per glass of liquid.

  • Kefir + half a spoonful of cinnamon and ginger, a pinch of hot pepper.
  • Kiwi + 2 slices of lemon, mint.
  • Mint leaves + 7 branches of parsley.
  • Apple + ¼ lemon + zucchini 50 g + 2 cm ginger root + cucumber + celery stalk.
  • Yogurt + ½ grapefruit + 4 large pineapple slices + 30 g raw pumpkin seeds.
  • Apple cider vinegar + honey spoon, cinnamon stick.

Cooking technology: the ingredients are thrown into a blender glass, whipped. Fasting days are spent on smoothies, they use cocktails instead of snacks. Fiber and fluids fill the stomach and make you feel full.

Among the methods of thermal processing of food, permissible during body shaping, as well as maintaining it, baking is far from the last place. The main requirement for it is the absence of additional animal fats. If a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or a little grated cheese is not prohibited, then butter or mayonnaise in large quantities has no right to exist.

The article contains simple and delicious dietary recipes in the oven, based on both meat and fish groups, and vegetables. In their image and likeness, you can create your own dishes, having understood the very essence of drawing up such algorithms.

Diet recipes in the oven: dishes based on meat, poultry and fish

Poultry is the most low-calorie meat option, suitable for any diet other than vegetarian. And of all existing poultry, chicken is the most popular. Breast is usually chosen, it has the least amount of fat and is also the main source of white meat. Slightly less often shins are used in dishes.

A classic dietary recipe for chicken breast in the oven can be considered banal baking it with herbs in foil. To do this, it is enough just to strip the meat of its skin and bones, rub it with salt and seasonings to taste, let it sit for an hour and a half. Then wrap in foil, add a little cold water there, send the dish to the oven for 45-50 minutes. Fresh or steamed vegetables are usually a side dish here.

And for those who want something more exotic, the following dietary recipe from chicken breast in the oven is suitable: the fillet removed from the bones is cut across into thin layers, beaten off and salted. Bell peppers, fresh tomatoes and carrots are chopped, combined with grated garlic, green onions and not big amount parmesan. This mixture is laid out on one end of a meat plate, after which the chicken is rolled up and placed in a glass dish. Small quantities of cold water are poured there. The form is tightened with foil and put into the oven for an hour.

Schemes for preparing fish dishes are no less in demand. For example, rainbow trout is very good during weight loss. It contains a sufficient amount of protein and polyunsaturated fat, at the same time, it is not very high in calories. In addition, this fish goes well with many vegetables. For example, let's give the following dietary recipe in the oven: put a couple of steaks in a ceramic pot, flavored with the juice of one lemon and salted. Top them with chopped cherry tomatoes, onion rings and frozen green beans. The pot is closed with a lid and placed in the oven. It takes no more than 45 minutes to bake.

A dish based on lean veal can be a wonderful lunch. The sweetness from apples gives it a zest. To do this, the meat is cleaned of films and fat, cut into small pieces, salted and put in a glass mold. It is also worth pouring water into it so that it half overlaps the bottom layer of meat. A couple of large green apples, peeled and crushed, are distributed on top. Between them, place 100 g of steamed and chopped prunes. A handful of walnuts must be rinsed and dried in a pan, then added to the mixture. Bake at 180 degrees, after tightening the form with foil. It will take about 1.5 hours in time.

Oven Diet Recipes: Vegetable-Based Dishes

Plant-based food options usually serve as a snack or addition to cereals, pasta, meat or fish dishes. They also make a wonderful independent dinner, quite hearty and at the same time easily digestible. Zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage of all kinds and pumpkin usually occupy the central place here. It is these vegetables that are most preferred in the menu of those who wish to maintain a slim figure.

Here is a simple dietary recipe for zucchini in the oven, which can be a way out of a situation when there is no extra time for long and complex culinary masterpieces. The vegetable is peeled and seeds removed, cut into centimeter-thick circles, laid out on a baking sheet. A slightly thinner circle of tomato is placed on each "island" of zucchini, and on top is a mixture of herbs, grated garlic and low-fat refractory cheese. Bake for 35 minutes with forced convection.

Another interesting dietary recipe for zucchini in the oven is pancakes, where the ingredients can be varied as you wish. The basis for them is as follows: a couple of chicken eggs, from which it is better to take only proteins, one large zucchini, whose pulp is passed through the shallow side of the grater, 1/2 tsp. salt, 100 g low-fat sour cream. You can add more grated carrots, herbs and any seasonings to taste. If the mixture is not dense enough, it is allowed to add a little flour. Sculpt pancakes, put them on parchment, put in a hot oven for 25 minutes.

Having tried once an exotic combination of pumpkin and rice for many, you will not be able to forget it. To prepare it, you need to boil a little long-grain rice, since it does not boil like round grain, intended for cereals. Remove the pulp and seeds from the pumpkin, and chop the pulp by mixing it with 100 g of steamed prunes. Do the same with three sweet and sour apples.

Rinse a handful of almonds, dry in a pan and chop. It is permissible to replace it with walnuts. Steam a handful of white raisins with boiling water. Mix all the ingredients, complementing them with cinnamon and a couple of tablespoons of natural yogurt. After that, this mixture is required to fill the halves of the gutted pumpkin. You need to bake the dish for about half an hour.

This article focuses on the best diet recipes that are not only excellent, but also effective.

The recipe for pork with an apple in the oven is a rather unusual recipe that has its own special and unique taste.


  • 500 grams of pork
  • one apple,
  • one onion.

Cooking a dish

  1. Peel the onion and grate. This product prepared in this way will almost not be felt in the dish, but at the same time it will give a certain flavor.
  2. Cut the apple in half, taking out the core. Grate one part.
  3. Cut the pork meat into slices, then beat off.
  4. Put the chops together with the grated apple and onion in a deep bowl.
  5. Leave the meat on for ten minutes to let the apple and onion juice out.
  6. Cut the second part of the apple into small slices.
  7. Place a slice of apple on each piece of pork and then wrap the meat in a roll.
  8. Place the cooked chops in the oven.

Baked hake

We need:

  • 400 grams of hake,
  • one onion,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • 5 tablespoons of sour cream,
  • salt to taste.

Cooking steps

  1. Peel the entrails and fins from the fish, divide into two parts.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Also, peel the carrots and cut them into thin rings.
  3. Line a baking sheet with foil, put fish fillets on it.
  4. Salt the hake if you feel like it.
  5. Sprinkle the fish with onions and carrots.
  6. Wrap the hake in foil.
  7. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 200 ° for half an hour.

The dish is ready!

Baked chicken cutlets


  • chicken fillet - 4 pcs.,
  • 2 onions,
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • one egg,
  • white bread (without crusts) - 1-2 slices,
  • parsley,
  • hard cheese - 50 g,
  • salt, spices.

Cooking instructions

  1. Rinse the chicken well. Then pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic.
  3. Add onion, garlic, chopped parsley and soaked bread to the chicken. Beat in an egg as well.
  4. Sprinkle minced meat with seasonings, salt.
  5. Form cutlets from the mass.
  6. Send them to bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° for half an hour.
  7. While cooking the cutlets, grate the hard cheese.
  8. Sprinkle the cheese over the cutlets and place in the oven again for 15 minutes.

Chicken with potatoes in the oven

For cooking you will need

  • one and a half kilograms of chicken,
  • one and a half kilograms of potatoes,
  • 5 tablespoons of sour cream,
  • 30 ml of oil,
  • one onion,
  • rosemary,
  • dill,
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Stages of cooking

  1. Prepare the chicken: wash, gut, etc.
  2. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, mixing these spices together.
  3. Combine sour cream and rosemary. Rub the mixture on the inside and outside of the chicken.
  4. Place the chicken in the oven on a buttered baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 °.
  5. Peel the potatoes and cut as desired. Pepper and salt it. Chop the onion in half rings.
  6. Spread the potatoes with onions on a baking sheet with chicken, which will again need to be placed in the oven.

Stuffed cabbage rolls are "lazy" in the oven


  • half a kilogram of minced meat,
  • cabbage - 250 g,
  • boiled rice - 250 g,
  • bulb,
  • one egg,
  • a glass of sour cream,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt and pepper - at your discretion.
  1. Grate the cabbage, then simmer for about seven minutes.
  2. After stewing, cool the cabbage by leaving it on the windowsill or in any other cool place.
  3. Now turn to rice. Boil it until half cooked.
  4. Cool the rice grits and add to the minced meat.
  5. Add the stewed cabbage to the meat.
  6. Peel and finely chop the onion, which also add to the minced meat.
  7. Form cutlets from the prepared mixture.
  8. Preheat oven to 250 °.
  9. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the cutlets on top of it.
  10. Place the dish in the oven for fifteen minutes.
  11. After the time has passed, pull out the cutlets and brush them with sour cream. Reduce the oven temperature to 180 °.
  12. Place the cabbage rolls back in the oven for twenty minutes.

Bean cutlets

For the dish you will need:

  • a teaspoon of red hot pepper.
  • half a glass of parsley
  • a teaspoon of cumin
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l.,
  • one egg,
  • one red bell pepper,
  • three heads of garlic,
  • half an onion,
  • 450 grams of canned beans
  • a cup of bread crumbs.


  1. Chop the onion, garlic and bell pepper as fine as possible. It is best to pass these ingredients through a meat grinder.
  2. Grind the beans with a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Chop the parsley leaves finely.
  4. Pour the above components into a deep vessel. Also add the egg, soy sauce, and seasoning.
  5. If the minced meat is liquid, then add more crackers.
  6. Shape into patties and coat in breading.
  7. Fry cutlets in a pan, preheating it.

Omelet in the oven with sour cream

Diet days can be diluted with such a dish as an omelet in the oven with sour cream. Cooking is enough.


  • proteins of three chicken eggs,
  • one and a half tablespoons of sour cream,
  • two spoons of milk
  • butter,
  • salt.

Cooking instructions

  1. In a deep vessel, beat the whites and sour cream until frothy. Also add milk.
  2. Prepare a small baking dish, brush it with butter.
  3. Dilute some of the sour cream with water. Sprinkle the mixture over the top of the dish.
  4. Place the omelet in a preheated 160 ° oven for twenty-five minutes.

Zucchini in the oven

There are a lot of recipes for zucchini in the oven. You can cook this vegetable with minced meat, mushroom sauce, and sour cream. But consider a recipe for cooking zucchini with vegetables.

We need

  • 3 young zucchini,
  • one onion,
  • one bell pepper,
  • half a chili pepper
  • three cloves of garlic
  • four tomatoes,
  • 150 grams of beans
  • 100 grams of cheese.

Cooking steps

  1. Beans or beans should be soaked in cold water overnight.
  2. Then the beans need to be boiled in a little salted water.
  3. Chop vegetables finely: peppers, tomatoes, onions and zucchini. Garlic should be crushed in a garlic bowl.
  4. After that, the vegetables are stewed. At this stage, the dish is salted, other seasonings are added.
  5. Transfer vegetables to a baking dish. Add the beans and cheese, which are diced. Almost any cheese is suitable, except for processed and some other types.
  6. Send the dish to bake for 30 minutes.

Cheesecakes in the oven with a banana hint

To prepare this delicious dessert you will need.

Most of those who, as a result of hard work, have achieved success in losing weight and returned their attractiveness and harmony to their figure, think about the question of how to maintain the achieved result. It's not a secret for anyone that healthy and dietary food helps to keep weight.

Today, our focus will be on low-calorie recipes for every day. You can make sure that you can stay in shape without even denying yourself the pleasure of a delicious meal. You can rest assured that your whole family will enjoy diet meals. A variety of recipes allows you not to waste time on competent menu design. Most dishes will not take long to prepare and will not require you to have any special skills. The main thing is to always remember that healthy and properly prepared food is the key to not only slimness, but also health.

Recipes for every day: for breakfast

The key is usually a healthy breakfast. According to experts, morning meals should include slow carbohydrates. They provide the human body with energy for a long time.

Oatmeal for the perfect morning

To prepare this most valuable dish, we need:

  • oatmeal - 50 g;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • water - 2/3 cup;
  • low-fat yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 one tablespoon;
  • salt.

First you need to mix water and milk. This should be done in a saucepan. Then add a small pinch of salt and bring the porridge to a boil and leave to simmer for 10-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Note that large and coarse flakes take longer to cook than small ones, but they are richer in fiber. We lay out the porridge on plates and serve with honey and yogurt.

Also, oatmeal goes well with bananas, any berries and apples. They can always be added to the dish if desired.

Appetizing Greek omelet

If you use our recipes for every day, diet food will quickly become an integral part of your life. Eating this affordable egg dish for breakfast, you will provide your body not only with slow carbohydrates and proteins, but also with important vitamins and minerals. For cooking we need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • small tomatoes, dried in the sun - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • feta cheese or feta cheese - 25 g;
  • slice of cereal bread.

Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a skillet. Beat eggs in any container with a whisk. The cheese should be cut into cubes, the tomatoes into small pieces. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan, raising the edges slightly. Fry the omelet until the middle is almost ready. Put cheese and tomatoes on a half of a semi-prepared dish. Cover the filling with the other half. Transfer the finished omelet to a plate. Serve with a slice of bread.

All nutritionists unanimously argue that people who are prone to overweight should not sit on. You just need to switch to a diet. Recipes for every day offered by us will help you with this. Such food should become a way of human life. In this case, the figure will not suffer from constant fluctuations in weight, and the cardiovascular and digestive systems will also remain healthy. Let's continue to get acquainted with the low-calorie menu. It is noteworthy that it can be varied and very tasty.

What to cook for lunch?

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

To make lazy dumplings, we need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • one egg;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • low-calorie yogurt;
  • dill and parsley.

Low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with the protein of one egg, flour and finely chopped dill and parsley. On a chopping board, sprinkled with flour, put the resulting mass and roll out the flagella. Each of them should be about 2 cm in diameter. Cut the strands into pieces 4 cm long. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Cook the lazy dumplings for 5 minutes. They should be removed after they float. You can serve the dish with natural yogurt.

Light soup with rice and cauliflower

Let's continue to master diet food. Recipes for every day necessarily involve the preparation of hot dishes. This low calorie soup will require:

  • cauliflower - 100 g of inflorescences;
  • white rice - one tablespoon;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onions - ½ pieces;
  • carrot;
  • dill and parsley.

Boil the rice in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add diced potatoes, finely chopped onions and coarsely grated carrots. Now add small cauliflower inflorescences to the soup. Then leave the dish to cook for another 5 minutes. It is recommended to serve the soup with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Steamed fish cakes

Recipes with photos can be found today in many magazines dedicated to cooking, as well as on all kinds of portals. To prepare the next dish, you need the following products:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • crushed crackers - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk or water - 125 ml;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • nutmeg.

Grind fish fillets and onions in a blender or mince. Add milk or water, egg and chopped nutmeg to the mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly. We moisten our hands with cold water and form oblong patties. You can stew the dish in a double boiler or in a frying pan with a little water. Cooking time is 15 minutes.

We continue to consider popular dietary dishes. Recipes for every day with a photo, suitable for a healthy dinner, will help hostesses replenish their cookbook.

Eastern noodle appetizer

To prepare this gourmet snack, we need:

  • rice noodles - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • fish sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice of one lime;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc .;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber - ½ pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green onion feathers - 3 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • cilantro and mint greens - 2 tbsp each spoons.

Boil the noodles in plenty of water for 7-10 minutes. Rinse it under cold running water. Put the noodles in a plate. Add tomatoes, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice to it. Now you can start your chili peppers. Cut off the stalk of the vegetable and remove the seeds from it. Dice the pepper and add to the mixture. Peel the grapefruit and add the pulp to the salad. Cut the carrots into strips, and the green onion feathers into thin rings. Finally, add shrimp, finely chopped mint and cilantro to the appetizer. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and serve.

This appetizer will delight your family and will diversify your diet. Recipes for every day should not be too simple and boring.

Diet soup

To cook a delicious soup, we need the following ingredients:

  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • curry powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • lime juice;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • a small root of ginger;
  • sweet potatoes - 800 g;
  • vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
  • red lentils - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • coriander.

Soup made from these foods is used as a source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants even in vegetarian diets. Let's continue looking at The best recipes to help diversify a boring menu.

Place diced sweet potatoes and lentils in pre-cooked vegetable broth. Cook for about 20 minutes. Add a green apple cut into small slices. Pour milk into the broth. Bring the soup to a boil again. At this time, fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown. Add garlic to it. Finely grate the ginger root and add it to the soup along with frying. At the very end, the juice of one lime is added to the dish. It is recommended to puree the soup with a hand blender. Serve the dish with finely chopped coriander greens.

Diet dinner

In order for the dietary food (recipes for every day we are now considering) to be correct, you should adhere to the recommendations of experts. Vegetables, lean poultry and fish are ideal for a superb low-calorie dinner.

Sea bass in the oven

In order to surprise and delight your household during an evening meal, you should cook sea bass with fennel. This wonderful dish is rich in protein, vitamin C, iron.

For cooking you will need:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbass - about 300 g;
  • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • fennel - one head;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • coriander greens.

The perch will be baked in the oven at 220 ° C. Chili peppers should be cut into small cubes. We mix it with caraway seeds, fennel, turmeric and mustard. A small piece of foil should be greased with olive oil. Put 1/3 of the spice mixture on it. Rub the fish with the remaining spices and put it on foil. Place the sliced \u200b\u200blemon on top of the perch. Wrap the fish in foil and seal the edges. Put the blank on a baking sheet. The total baking time is 15 minutes. Serve fish with coriander greens.

As you can see, a daily diet is not a problem. Cooking delicious meals will not take long, but it will bear fruit very soon.

A slender body, lightness, grace, beauty, excellent health - isn't that what each of us dreams about? It is difficult to achieve everything at once, but certain success can be achieved with the help of dietary dishes that form the basis of dietary nutrition. At the words "dietary meals", for some reason, immediately before your eyes, you see plates with unsightly-looking food, insipid, but, as we all understand, very healthy. Most of us have such associations. However, dietary meals can be not only healthy, but also appetizing, and beautiful and tasty. Learning how to cook such dishes is a completely doable task.

the Culinary Eden website will gladly tell you how to prepare delicious and simple dietary meals. We offer several recipes that you can easily take as a basis for the first time, and then, getting a taste, come up with your own, because this is an exciting activity that gives positive emotions, and in the end - an excellent result. By the way, if you want to speed up the process of losing weight, do not add salt to your meals!

Perhaps the hardest part of every diet is sticking to your diet. Therefore, you can afford to have a snack sometimes. This can be, for example, a salad. Every salad you eat is a step towards health and beauty. By the way, salads can act not only as a snack, but also as an independent dish - for example, meat salads with vegetables. Consume them without bread or garnishes. Both tasty and healthy at the same time.

Grace salad

½ celery root,
1 apple,
1 red bell pepper,
1 green bell pepper
40 g sour cream,
ground black pepper.

Cut the celery root and sweet green pepper into strips, sweet red pepper into rings, apple into slices. Mix everything and season with sour cream with black pepper, add salt to taste.

Warm Macedonian salad

25 g green beans
1 carrot,
2 small onions,
1 bell pepper.
1 tomato or cucumber
vegetable oil, black pepper.

Boil chopped carrots, small onions and finely chopped green beans in salted water and drain. Peel the baked peppers, chop and mix with boiled vegetables. Season with salt, pepper, season with vegetable oil, stir and garnish with tomato or cucumber slices.

Egyptian salad

2-3 tomatoes,
1 onion
60 g pistachios,
ground red pepper.

Peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, finely chop the pulp and mix with chopped onions, crushed pistachios, salt and pepper. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.

Chicken and celery salad

150 g boiled chicken fillet,
150 g celery
50 g cheese
150 g sour cream
100 g of tomatoes.

Cut the chicken fillet and celery into thin strips, grate the cheese. Combine all the ingredients, season with sour cream and salt. Garnish with tomato slices.

Vitamin salad with squid

250 g squid fillet,
1 apple,
100 g white cabbage
1 carrot,
sour cream.

Boil squid fillets in salted water until tender and refrigerate. Cut fresh apple, cabbage, carrots and squid fillets into thin strips and season the finished dish with sour cream.

Salad "Health"

200 g boiled beef liver,
3 cucumbers,
1 carrot,
1 onion
lemon juice,
vegetable oil.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder. Cut the onion into half rings and marinate with lemon juice and salt. Cut the cucumbers and boiled carrots into slices. Combine with liver and pickled onions. Season the prepared salad with vegetable oil.

Discussing dietary meals,one cannot fail to mention soups, which are quick and easy to prepare and ideal as a dinner.

Carrot soup with semolina

3 carrots,
1 celery root,
1 onion
1 tbsp semolina,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
½ stack. low-fat sour cream.

Cut carrots, celery and onions into cubes, simmer until soft, adding ½ cup. water and vegetable oil. Pour in hot water and add semolina, previously dried in a pan until golden brown. Cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes on low heat and season with sour cream.

1 kg bean pods
½ stack. tomato paste
1 onion
1 bunch of dill
1 sprig of cilantro
1 sprig of basil,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
ground chili.

Free the beans from coarse fibers, wash, cut and cover with hot water. Chop the onion, lightly heat in vegetable oil, add tomato paste and simmer a little. Add this mass to the beans and cook until tender, salt, season with chili and serve, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Mushroom soup with zucchini

500 g of chanterelles,
500 g zucchini,
1 carrot,
1 onion
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
greens, sour cream.

Chop the mushrooms finely and simmer them in their own juice in a frying pan with a little oil. Then add chopped onions and carrots to the mushrooms and simmer until tender. Grind vegetables and mushrooms in a blender and put this mass in boiling water at the same time as the diced courgettes. Cook over low heat until tender with herbs tied in bunches. Serve with sour cream.

The main thing in any diet is a variety of dishes. Cereals are the main ingredients of a proper diet. Eating only cabbage is not much healthier than eating exclusively hamburgers. You must use a diet called the "Food Pyramid". Focus on the widest part of the triangle - whole grains. And add a variety of legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Buckwheat porridge with vegetables

6 tbsp buckwheat,
350-400 ml of water,
½ zucchini,
1 small celery or parsley root
1 carrot,
1 onion
1 bell pepper
1 clove of garlic
vegetable oil,

Pour the washed group into a pot of boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cereal absorbs the water. Then cover and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Cut zucchini, celery, carrots and onions into cubes, fry in vegetable oil and simmer. Add bell pepper chunks and then chopped garlic 5 minutes before cooking. Put the prepared porridge on a plate, add the prepared dressing and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Millet porridge with pumpkin

6 tbsp millet groats,
350 ml of water,
300 g chopped pumpkin
40 g butter.

Pour washed cereal into a saucepan with boiling water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cereal absorbs the water. Leave the porridge to rest for 15 minutes. Boil the pumpkin over low heat with a low boil, adding a little water. Combine the prepared porridge with boiled pumpkin, season with oil, put in a preheated oven and leave in it until tender.

Oatmeal porridge with raisins and walnuts

1 stack. whole grains of oats,
3 stacks water,
½ stack. raisins,
1 handful of walnuts
1 tbsp honey,
1 tbsp butter.

Soak the grain overnight, drain the water, cover with hot water, bring to a boil and drain again. Add more boiling water so that the water is 2 cm higher than the porridge, and cook for 15 minutes. Rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over it and leave to swell. Drain the water and place the raisins on a paper towel. Scald walnuts with boiling water, then roast in a pan, chop. Add raisins to the porridge and put in the oven for a while to completely absorb the water. Add honey, butter to the finished porridge and sprinkle with nut crumbs.

There are many delicious things in the world. They are often useful as well. This can be said with complete confidence about vegetables. from vegetables amaze with exquisite taste and ease of assimilation.

Baked eggplants

500 g eggplant
4 cloves of garlic
ground cumin,
several black and green olives,
2 tbsp vegetable oil.

Bake the eggplants in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove them, peel them, crush them with garlic and caraway seeds, add a little salt, put in a salad bowl, pour over with vegetable oil and garnish with olives.

Potatoes with vegetables in a pot

150 g potatoes
1 celery or parsley root
1 onion.
2 cloves of garlic
20 g of vegetable oil.
bay leaf, coriander.

Cut the potatoes into cubes. Cut carrots, celery or parsley into small slices, onion into half rings. Place vegetables in a ceramic pot in layers: a layer of onions, then a layer of potatoes, then carrots and celery or parsley. Repeat everything in the same order and sprinkle the dish with chopped garlic and coriander, pour 2 tablespoons. water, add bay leaves, vegetable oil and cover tightly. Place the pot in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Potatoes with green beans

300 g potatoes
300 g fresh or frozen green beans
3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil
1 bunch of cilantro
1 pinch chili powder
1 pinch coriander

Peel the potatoes and cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces. Rinse the beans and cut into small pieces. Heat the chili and coriander in oil. Then place the potatoes and beans in a ceramic oven dish. Salt, add heated spices, a little water, cover and simmer for 1 hour. Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

white cabbage leaves,
½ stack. rice,
1 onion
2 carrots,
2 tomatoes,
1 clove of garlic
vegetable oil,
sour cream (low-fat).

Boil the rice for 15-20 minutes, rinse well, mix with finely chopped onions, tomatoes, carrots and simmer for 10 minutes with a little vegetable oil. Place 1 tablespoon on each cabbage leaf. fillings, wrap and place in a saucepan, cover with water and cook for 15 minutes. Serve with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs and grated garlic.

Potato and carrot cutlets

250 g potatoes
1 carrot,
1 tbsp flour,
ground crackers,
vegetable oil,
dill or parsley.

Boil peeled potatoes and carrots in salted water until tender and drain. Wipe hot vegetables through a sieve, mince or mash. Refrigerate, add flour and mix well. Form cutlets from the resulting mass, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

If you feel hungry, include diet meats on your menu. Protein takes a long time to break down, and for a while you will not experience hunger pangs. But be sure to add raw vegetables and greens to the meat - this will help the digestion of food and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. Replace meat dishes with fish dishes more often. They are no less satisfying and more useful.

Homemade chicken

1 chicken
2 carrots,
1 onion
2-3 tomatoes,
4 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
dill or parsley.

Divide the chicken into pieces and fry until golden brown. Chop carrots, onions, tomatoes and place together with the chicken in a thick-walled bowl. Pour hot water so that it barely covers the chicken, and simmer over low heat under the lid until tender (about 50 minutes). 5 minutes before the end of stewing, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped garlic, and when serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Baked fish

1 kg of large fish,
50 g vegetable oil
lemon juice, pepper.

Rub the peeled fish inside and out with pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and oil the outside well. Place on a baking sheet or skillet. Pour 2-3 tbsp. water and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. When the fish is browned, reduce the heat and bake until tender, pouring over the baked juice several times.

For those with a sweet tooth, you can make healthy sweets.

Nut sweets

20 walnuts,
100 g dried apricots,
100 g pitted raisins,
100 g dried prunes
100 g dried apples
zest of 1 lemon,
honey to taste.

Peel the walnuts and bake in the oven for fragility and flavor. Then grind in a mortar or coffee grinder. Wash and soak dried fruits, then squeeze and grind in a meat grinder together with lemon zest, add honey and mix thoroughly. Using a damp hand, roll into balls the size of a round candy and roll in chopped nuts.

Aren't such diet meals able to diversify your diet and make it brighter and more interesting? Cook with pleasure and live tastefully!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina