Contraindications and possible harm. Tea, useful properties and contraindications

04.09.2019 Grill menu

Everyone is familiar with such a tonic and refreshing drink, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many who consume it. The attitude towards this gift of nature is often controversial, but there is no way to deny the beneficial properties of green tea. Some put the leaflets on a par with drugs, and some consider its consumption only as following the newfangled trend of leading a healthy lifestyle. This controversy has been going on since green tea first appeared in ancient China. So what are the benefits of a wonderful drink, and what harm can it bring to the human body?

Main components

This drink is deservedly considered one of the most beloved by many drinks. The leaves of the camellia tea bush, first brewed in ancient China, became known as green tea and won recognition around the world. Today, the consumption of this invigorating green tea is only increasing, and the scope of its application is becoming wider. This wonderful drink is useful for both men and women. Today, the benefits of green tea are highly valued in cosmetology and medicine; they are also used in pharmaceuticals. So what does green tea owe its healing properties to and are there any contraindications to its use?

The tea bush has an unusual ability to absorb substances useful for the human body from the soil and synthesize them. Moreover, the chemical properties of fresh tea leaves and dried ones differ significantly. Dry tea leaves have a more intricate chemical composition. To understand it, you need to consider a simple tea leaf from the point of view of science, and find out which of its components have a good effect on the human body, and which can be harmful.

What green tea is useful for is the tannins it contains. A special place among them is occupied by tannin, it is to this substance that this type of tea owes its unusual taste. This tasty drink is also useful thanks to the essential oils it contains. Essential oils in the composition of tea give each of its varieties a unique taste and aroma, and have a great influence on the quality of tea.

In addition to the listed elements, the beneficial properties of this refreshing drink are increased due to the invigorating caffeine alkaloid contained in its composition, otherwise theine. This component is also found in large quantities in coffee. But in green tea the action has a different character, it is milder, does not excite the nervous system and has a gentle effect on the cardiovascular system.

Pectins in tea promote the breakdown of fats, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

This drink is useful in case of poisoning, in its power to overcome many intestinal infections. The absorbent property of green tea is able to free the body from harmful toxins. This healthy tea removes toxins and salts from our kidneys through its diuretic effect, thereby reducing the possibility of bladder and kidney stones.

Today, a person is everywhere exposed to the most harmful factors - solar radiation, radiation, radiation from televisions, mobile phones, bad ecology. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid them, but it is quite possible to help the body cope with them. For example, studies have shown that daily tea consumption can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by up to 90% and other types of cancer by 60%. For men, the benefits of drinking this invigorating drink regularly is to reduce the risk of prostate cancer by almost half. The benefits of green tea for men are also beneficial effects on potency. Green tea contains zinc, which is useful for the production of testosterone - the most important sex hormone in men. Therefore, the inclusion of green tea in the daily diet is essential for men.

This tea promotes the expansion of blood vessels in the brain, nourishes it with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Thanks to these properties, this invigorating drink is useful in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. It is impossible to list everything that this type of tea is useful for. Moreover, the healing properties of this beloved drink are not fully understood. This healthy tea has a complex effect on the whole body, refreshes and tones, gives good health and vigor. But nevertheless, doubts remain whether green tea can be harmful and whether there are contraindications to its use.


As they say, the medal has two sides. The same can be said for green tea. Let's try to find out why green tea is harmful?

The caffeine in tea can play a bad role. With a lot of this tea, the invigorating properties of caffeine can cause insomnia, restless sleep and irritability, and increased heart rate. In addition, the harm of caffeine is that it can be addictive and the body will require its constant use. Therefore, even in the use of such a useful product as green tea, you need to know when to stop, otherwise it will become harmful.

The harm of green tea can manifest itself when it is consumed by people with gastritis, stomach ulcers, since in a tightly brewed form it can irritate the mucous membrane and cause painful sensations. There are contraindications to drinking strong tea for people suffering from kidney stones and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is green tea harmful for men and are there any contraindications, and what is its effect on the female body? It is believed that there is harm to green tea for men's health, but this statement is true only with an overdose of tea. And when consumed in moderation, this tea is good for both men and women. For the latter, it is still dear to its anti-aging properties.

To fully enjoy the taste and valuable properties of this valuable product, you should drink it no later than 15 minutes after brewing. Overcooked tea is harmful for both men and women. It is contraindicated for those suffering from gout, hypertension and patients with glaucoma, since long infusion of tea leads to an increase in caffeine in its composition.

A few tricks that neutralize the harm of green tea and reduce contraindications to its use:

  • do not drink green tea on an empty stomach;
  • you should give up green tea before meals so as not to reduce the taste of food;
  • you do not need to drink this drink immediately after eating, this will slow down the digestion process and become harmful to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • you can not drink very hot, cold and strong tea;
  • never take medicines with tea, you can harm their structure.

Green tea is an excellent remedy for many ailments, the main thing is not to abuse it so as not to harm the body.

Proper preparation

So, having figured out the useful and not very properties of this drink, you need to pay tribute to the rules for brewing it. In order for the result to be a high-quality and truly the most healing drink, and not harmful, when preparing it, you need to take into account some nuances so that the entire aroma, taste and benefits of this drink are fully revealed.

Steps of brewing

  • we take a dry and warm teapot (the teapot can be made of glass, porcelain);
  • pour in tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup;
  • pour tea with water, but not to the edge of the teapot, leave a couple of centimeters to the top;
  • the water temperature should be within 70-85 degrees;
  • thinner teas should be poured with water at a lower temperature, but the brewing time should be extended;
  • after brewing tea, cover the teapot with a napkin and close the spout of the teapot so as not to lose the aroma of the tea and to prevent the essential oils from evaporating;
  • after 3-6 minutes pour tea into cups.

Tea made with love, taking into account all the subtleties of its preparation, will give true pleasure and delight with its taste and aroma.


Green tea is a drink with a century of history that continues to win the hearts of fans to this day. There will always be both supporters and opponents of this healing elixir. Yes, if misused, any product can harm the body, so you should be careful and strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. Only in this case you can not only enjoy aromatic tea, but also absorb all the beneficial properties.

Many of us consider green tea to be a miraculous drink that can support and strengthen the body, as well as fight various ailments. Of course, there is a huge grain of truth in this. But not everyone knows that, in addition to the beneficial properties, this drink has a large list of contraindications.

Description of green tea.
Green tea is a drink obtained by brewing dried leaves of a tea bush. In the production of green tea, the raw materials (tea leaves) do not undergo oxidation at all or oxidation takes place for a very short time. For reference: they are made from exactly the same tea leaves, but during the production process they undergo prolonged enzymatic oxidation.
There are many varieties of green tea, almost all of them have the beneficial properties and contraindications described below.

Green tea composition.
The composition of green tea is rich in substances useful for the human body. This popular drink contains vitamins, P, chromium, phosphorus, and other beneficial substances. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants - catechins, which fight free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer. Green tea contains caffeine, which gives energy to the body.

Calorie content of green tea.
The calorie content of 100 grams of dry green tea is about 140 kcal. And in one cup of brewed green tea, as a rule, no more than 5 kcal.

Useful properties of green tea.

  • This wonderful drink helps to strengthen the immune system, prevent or quickly cope with colds.
  • Possesses powerful antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Due to its composition, it reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Green tea has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more elastic.
  • Useful for people with high blood pressure.
  • This drink tones all body systems, helps relieve fatigue, increases mental and physical activity.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.
  • It speeds up metabolism, helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Green tea has a beneficial effect on the health of the gums and teeth, protecting against tooth decay and oral diseases.
  • Experts recommend regularly consuming green tea for overweight people.
  • This drink improves the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • Protects the body from premature aging.

Contraindications for green tea.
First of all, it should be noted that experts recommend that even perfectly healthy people consume no more than three cups of this drink a day. In addition, you should not drink green tea before bedtime, as well as on an empty stomach. Drinking green tea with alcohol can negatively affect kidney function.
And now about the contraindications for green tea:
This drink is contraindicated for people with peptic ulcer disease, hypotension, as well as those who suffer from increased nervous irritability and insomnia. In case of pregnancy, rheumatism, arthritis, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, liver and kidney diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Many inhabitants of the planet cannot imagine their life without black tea. We drink this drink every day: at home, at work, in a cafe or at a party. According to statistics, on average, a person consumes about 650 liters of tea per year. And this is not surprising: the drink has a unique taste, is soft to drink and has an invigorating effect.

Moreover, black tea has no secret of preparation. It brews very quickly: just five minutes is enough - and you can pour the delicious liquid into cups!

The leafy drink has a rich composition, which brings undeniable benefits to the human body. However, in some situations, its consumption can be harmful. And today I will raise the topic of the benefits and harms of black tea, consider its positive and negative properties.

The benefits and harms of black tea

With or without lemon?

Black tea has been known to mankind for a long time. It can be loose (loose), granular, packaged and tiled. Also, various food ingredients can be added to it to enhance the taste and aroma.

Many are interested in why the tea is black if green leaves are plucked from the tree? It all depends on the technology to which the plant product is exposed. It is collected from the top of plant shoots, then the vegetation is wilted, twisted and oxidized (this is necessary for long-term storage). Next, the resulting product is sorted: it is sorted by the size of the tea leaves - the more homogeneous the mass, the higher the quality.

Useful properties of the drink

Numerous studies have proven that a drink made from the leaves contains trace elements, vitamins and amino acids necessary for the body. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table "Useful properties of black tea".

Useful ingredients Positive effects on the human body
Tannins This is tannic acid, which improves blood clotting, also strengthens blood vessels and increases the absorption of vitamin C. Tannins promote the healing of wounds in the oral cavity, accelerate the elimination of heavy metals from the body.
Caffeine Stimulates the work of the central nervous system, increases heart rate, increases vitality.
Amino acids They take part in the production of hormones, enzymes, strengthen the immune system, inhibit aging processes, maintain a normal level of material metabolism.
Carotene It is an important component for vision - thanks to it, the development of cataracts and glaucoma slows down, and a healthy state of the retina is maintained. In addition, beta-carotene supplies retinol to the tissues of the body, and this substance is a powerful antioxidant that can protect cells from cancer.
Vitamin C Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby facilitating the course of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Vitamin C kills the causative agents of caries, also helps to strengthen the tooth enamel. The substance has a positive effect on the immune system, protects the body from infectious diseases.
Vitamins B1 and B2 Vitamins have a positive effect on the nervous system, increase intellectual abilities. They also participate in the maturation of red blood cells, increase the absorption of iron, regulate the adrenal glands and protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
A nicotinic acid Reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, activates enzymes that provide energy in cells from fats and carbohydrates, participates in the production of important hormones - insulin and thyroxine.
Pantothenic acid Or in other words - vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid helps in hair growth, maintains good skin condition, regulates bowel function, and accelerates wound healing.
Fluorine Improves the condition of bone tissue (increases hardness and structural density), prevents the development of caries (penetrates into microcracks of tooth enamel and smoothes them).
Potassium It has a beneficial effect on the muscular, cardiovascular and urinary systems, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure, and increases physical endurance.
Vitamin P Restores the violation of the cellular structure, normalizes the functionality of small vessels, also prevents the formation of varicose veins, the occurrence of puffiness and impaired blood circulation.
Vitamin K The element is necessary for normal material metabolism in bone and connective tissue, improves kidney function and assists in the absorption of calcium.

It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend using a miraculous drink for people who are losing weight: due to the fact that it contains absolutely no proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the energy value is zero kilocalories. However, drinking from the leaves is not always dietary. The fact is that many people prefer to add various additives to tea, which can become a real obstacle to losing weight.

Calorie content of black tea for different preparation methods:

  • With the addition of lemon. One hundred grams of this citrus product accounts for about 34 kilocalories. Considering that the average weight of a lemon is 100-150 grams, then a slice of sour "fruit" accounts for the minimum amount of kcal. Hence the conclusion: if you want to lose weight, you can add lemon to tea, but not often.
  • With sugar. Everyone knows that a spoonful of sugar gives tea flavor and reduces a little bitterness. But not everyone knows that this threatens with excess body fat. A spoonful of sugar is 15 kilocalories, so those who are overweight should consider adding carbohydrates to a delicious drink.
  • With milk. Skim milk contains 30 kcal, 1.5% - 45 kcal, 2.5% - 54 kcal, 3.2% - 60 kcal (taken into account per 100 grams of product). Thus, if a person counts calories, then he needs to take them into account when adding a nutritious liquid to tea.

It is also worth remembering that tea contains vitamin C. It promotes weight loss, as it participates in the production of hormones that eliminate body fat.

The special benefits of tea for humans

In some cases, the drink can even provide medicinal properties. The use of tea in the treatment of various diseases:

  • if sugar and milk are added to the drink, then it can be used as an auxiliary therapy for poisoning with chemicals and alcohol;
  • with conjunctivitis, you can wipe your eyes with tea without any additives - it will relieve inflammation and speed up the healing process;
  • adding raspberries or natural honey, the drink will have an antipyretic effect.

The benefits of black tea for men have also been proven. Nicotinic acid, which is part of the drink, produces certain enzymes that are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones. Thus, the drink helps to improve the quality of semen and increase potency.

When is black tea contraindicated and can be harmful?

Numerous studies confirm that tea that is brewed for more than 10 minutes (especially yesterday's) is poison. That is why it is recommended to consume only freshly brewed drink.

Contraindications to consumption:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • insomnia;
  • exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • increased excitability, irritability, depression;
  • constipation and a tendency to retain stool.

It is also worth remembering that tea leaves, especially strong ones, provoke darkening of the teeth. In this regard, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the oral cavity with plain water after drinking the drink.

The benefits of black tea with milk

Experts are sure that black tea with the addition of milk can have a positive effect on the body:

  • improves brain function, activates thinking processes;
  • the caffeine in black tea is partially neutralized under the influence of milk, so the drink (in small quantities) can be used for depressive disorders and nervous excitement;
  • restores the work of internal organs after colds;
  • normalizes the microflora in the intestine.

In winter, a warm drink will warm you up, and in summer, it will quench your thirst. However, it is important to drink it fresh, as the milk in tea tends to turn sour quickly.

Does black tea affect blood pressure?

The composition of the miraculous drink contains alkaloids, which give a slight excitement and increase the frequency of heart beats. In addition, caffeine is present in tea, which can increase blood pressure.

Thus, regular consumption of the drink is recommended for people suffering from hypotension. At the same time, high blood pressure is an important contraindication to tea drinking.

Can children eat black tea?

Many mothers often ask the pediatrician: "Is it possible to give the child black tea?" In fact, the widespread belief that the drink is an excellent drink for a baby is wrong.

The fact is that caffeine is contraindicated for the child's body, which is found in considerable concentration in the tea leaves. Regular consumption can lead to increased excitability of the central nervous system, which causes restless sleep in the baby, moodiness, tantrums, the inability to sit in one place for a long time.

  • chamomile - inhibits inflammation, improves digestion;
  • dill or fennel - eliminates increased gas formation, normalizes bowel function;
  • linden - promotes calm falling asleep and prolonged sleep;
  • mint - soothes the work of the central nervous system, reduces emotional disorders.

Black tea can be given to a child at the age of three. A single amount of a drink should not exceed 50 ml. The permissible frequency of use is no more than four times a week. Its concentration should be moderate, since the harm of strong black tea will manifest itself very quickly (see above what adverse symptoms a drink can cause in children).

Can pregnant women take black tea?

Future mothers are well aware that they cannot drink coffee in their position. But what about black tea?

Obstetricians-gynecologists do not prohibit women in position from drinking weak black tea. The only thing doctors recommend is to add milk to it to reduce the activity of caffeine.

The number of cups also matters - no more than one per day. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a warm drink can provoke fluid retention, therefore, with puffiness (it often occurs in the last months of pregnancy), it is necessary to reduce its amount or completely refuse additional drinking.

So, in the end it remains to make a short summary. Tea lovers should think again whether it is really harmless to their body. If there are no contraindications to use, then drink it to your health and get a sea of ​​vigor and energy from the drink!

Tea is considered to be the most widespread drink in the whole world. In some countries, it is highly valued and considered a vital, essential product, such as bread in Russia. And in our country it has taken root long and firmly, and many cannot imagine a morning without a cup of strong, invigorating drink. A cup of hot tea is so nice to drink in wet, rainy weather. It will refresh in summer and warm in winter.

And what could be easier than making a fragrant invigorating drink? Tea is truly democratic. He has firmly entered our life and is not going to give up positions. And that is why it will be interesting to find out if it is useful? We rarely think about it when we pour tea leaves into a kettle. Or maybe he can do harm?

Let's figure out together whether everyone can drink tea, find out and discuss the beneficial properties and contraindications of the popular drink. It is known that there are many varieties of tea. But the most popular varieties are black and green. What is the difference between them? Let's find out:

Black or green?

Both types - black and green - are made from fresh leaves of tea bushes. And the difference lies only in the methods of their production. A green variety is obtained when the leaves of a tea bush are not subjected to such lengthy processing as in the production of a black variety.

Therefore, according to the general opinion of experts, green tea retains more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and is considered more useful than black. Although their effect on the body, in general, is almost the same. Well, if so, let's find out what useful properties both varieties have:

The benefits of tea

Both green and black teas are known for their bactericidal properties. A cup of invigorating drink drunk in the morning has a detrimental effect on harmful microbes in the gastrointestinal tract. A substance like tannin can help normalize digestion.

It should also be noted that the tannin contained in the drink helps the body eliminate heavy metals. Moreover, it should be noted here that green varieties most effectively destroy toxins in the digestive tract. They act like an adsorbent, cleansing not only the stomach and intestines, but also the kidneys.

Green varieties effectively protect against harmful radiation. For example, it is good to drink a cup of green tea if you sit in front of a computer monitor for a long time.

Green varieties are considered a preventive measure against cancer. These features are associated with the well-known property of green tea to cleanse the blood, removing heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body. Tannin, which is part of tea leaves, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

According to many experts, green varieties contribute to weight loss, as it has the ability to reduce appetite. Of course, drinking green tea is not enough for weight loss. At the same time, no one canceled a healthy lifestyle, proper moderate nutrition. But in the matter of eliminating body fat, green varieties will help you more than black ones.

Many experts point out the benefits of black tea for diabetes, as it helps control blood sugar. Black varieties contain polysaccharides - substances that prevent the body from fully absorbing glucose.

The beneficial properties of tea are known to stimulate metabolism. Tea leaves contain theophylline. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels, capillaries, and also reduces the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, both types of tea effectively cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, at the same time strengthening their walls.

Green, black tea - contraindications

It must be said that tea, the beneficial properties of which are indisputable, can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, you should also know about its contraindications. For example, black varieties can provoke an exacerbation of varicose veins, negatively affect the digestion process.

It is especially harmful to brew it with water with a high fluoride content. This can cause serious health problems. Regular use can cause palpitations, tinnitus, and constipation. Strong tea taken before bed is more likely to cause insomnia.

There are contraindications for drinking tea in case of peptic ulcer disease with high acidity. Both varieties of the drink, especially the green one, increase the acidity even more. This interferes with the scarring of the ulcer and can cause various complications, worsening the condition of the patient.

Drinking large amounts of green tea can damage the liver. The polyphenols found in it negatively affect the work of this important organ.

Both types of drink can contribute to the formation of urolithiasis, especially when cold. Especially if you drink it in liters. Both black and green teas are high in purine, which forms uric acid.

This substance causes great harm to bones and joints, as it forms hard deposits (crystals) that destroy cartilage. Therefore, there are contraindications for the use of strongly brewed tea for gout, rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases.

Without detracting from the beneficial properties of an invigorating drink, you need to understand that you should not abuse it. Do not brew it too tightly and consider the presence of contraindications and be healthy!

Black tea is the second most popular tea in the world after regular water. Worldwide love for him is not accidental, because in addition to rich taste, he is able to maintain health and prolong life. Let's see if black tea is good or bad?

Tea leaves acquire black color during the manufacturing process. Its production takes significantly longer than the production of other types of tea. This process lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month. Tea leaves during this time consistently go through the processes of withering, rolling, fermentation and drying. As a result, the green leaves turn into the well-known and beloved black tea.

The following types of tea can be found on sale:

  • sheet;
  • granulated;
  • powder;
  • pressed.

The nicest and most expensive tea - large-leaved... The quality of this type of tea is determined by the shape and color of the leaves. Good quality tea leaves should be dark, almost black in color and twisted longitudinally. If the dried tea leaves are brown in color, this means that the production technology has been violated and the tea is of poor quality.

The gray-black color of tea leaves is typical for a product that has become unusable due to a violation of storage conditions.

Granular and powder teas(in bags) have a richer taste and strength than leafy ones, but are inferior to them in strength and brightness of aroma. Hardest to find on sale pressed tea(in briquettes, tiles), because it is most common in China and is almost never exported.

Composition of black tea

The composition of tea has been studied for several centuries, and there is still no exact answer to the question of how many ingredients it contains. Today, its composition includes several hundred different components. Black tea contains up to 40% of substances that dissolve in water. The main ones are tannins, essential oils, alkaloids and amino acids.

Tannins, especially tannin, give the tea the distinctive tart flavor that tea lovers appreciate so much. Their share ranges from 15 to 30%, depending on the quality of the tea.

Essential oils, despite the insignificant content in the composition, play an important role for the drink. Thanks to them, tea has a special aroma. Essential oils evaporate easily, so improper brewing of tea can completely deprive it of its aroma.

Alkaloids... The most famous alkaloid in tea is tea caffeine, or theine. It is the presence of theine that makes tea an invigorating drink that can relieve fatigue and improve mood. There is even more caffeine in tea than in coffee. The difference between the two is that tea caffeine acts more gently and does not accumulate in the body. The percentage of theine in tea depends on the type of tea. In elite varieties, tea caffeine reaches 5%.

Tea contains 17 different amino acids... A special place among them is occupied by glutamic acid, which can have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Useful properties of black tea

Why is black tea useful? Due to its rich composition, black tea has a unique effect on the body. Several hundred years ago, tea was even prescribed as a medicine, and you could buy it at the pharmacy. The benefits of black tea for the body are as follows:

  • Improving the condition of blood vessels since the flavonoids included in tea prevent the formation of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Digestion normalization due to the pectins and vitamin P contained in tea, relief from food poisoning.
  • Improving concentration and getting rid of headaches thanks to the action of caffeine.
  • Strengthening immunity... The antioxidants contained in tea increase the body's resistance to colds and infections, and slow down the aging process of cells.
  • Caries protection due to the content of fluoride, which strengthens the enamel of the teeth.
  • Cancer prevention... Thanks to the antioxidant TF2 in tea, the likelihood of developing breast, stomach and intestinal cancers is significantly reduced.
  • Eliminate bad breath and bleeding gums due to the antibacterial and wound-healing action of tannin. To do this, you need to drink a cup of unsweetened tea after meals. To eliminate the smell of cigarettes, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with strong tea infusion.

The maximum benefit from this drink can be obtained with the correct use of quality teas.

The tea brewing process starts with the utensils... A clean teapot must be bathed in boiling water. After that, put the number of teaspoons of tea equal to the number of people and fill it with hot water. Tea should be infused for 3 to 5 minutes, then the drink is released from the infusion. Longer brewing may cause the tea to taste bitter.

The harm of the drink and contraindications to its use

Despite the popularity of black tea, not everyone is allowed to drink it. Why is black tea harmful? Contraindications to drinking tea are:

  • hypersensitivity to caffeine;
  • glaucoma since drinking tea can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure;
  • pregnancy... The caffeine contained in black tea affects the weight of the fetus, and can also lead to the leaching of calcium, which is very undesirable during pregnancy;
  • chronic stomach diseases, which are in the stage of exacerbation, because black tea stimulates the production of gastric juice.

People with heart problems or diseases of the nervous system should be careful when drinking tea. Excessive use of it can lead to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Black tea removes magnesium from the body, which is necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system. Lack of magnesium is fraught with increased anxiety, nervousness and sleep disturbances.

Drink black tea fresh without brewing it "in reserve". A day later, the brewed tea completely loses all useful properties and microbes begin to multiply in it.... The use of such a drink will do nothing but harm.

Medicines should not be taken with tea, as this can lead to poor absorption.... Unless otherwise indicated in the instructions, medications are washed down with plain water.

Black tea is a drink unique in its healing properties. It gives vigor and strength, relieves headaches and fatigue, protects against a number of diseases. In order for the tea ceremony to bring pleasure and benefit, you need to follow the rules for brewing tea. The quality of the product is also important. Large leaf tea brewed according to the rules will always be healthier than tea from a bag.