How to make delicious and healthy tea with your own hands. Herbal Tea: Health & Mind Builder

17.09.2019 Healthy eating

The list of homemade teas recipes is very long. Making aromatic homemade tea is a fascinating and very popular process these days. Delicious homemade herbal tea will warm and quench your thirst, calm the nervous system, fill your home with warm aromas. Currant and raspberry leaves, mint and thyme, chamomile rose petals store vitamins and look very beautiful in a transparent glass teapot.
The base of tea at home can be black or green tea, the rest will add your imagination and taste preferences.

Homemade herbal tea has many medicinal properties. You can take a variety of herbs for tea, for example, you should pay attention to echinacea. Echinacea has the ability to boost immunity, is antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agent. Echinacea tea can be slightly sweetened with honey. And tea made from the fruits of anise has antimicrobial and expectorant effect.
Which tea tastes better, you decide ... We will just give you some tips and recipes for delicious tea. Interesting to know that milk added to tea reduces the tonic effect, but has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Black tea with sugar stimulates cerebral circulation, but blocks vitamin B, so you should not abuse this drink. Love sweets - add to your tea honey, it activates the metabolism and helps burn excess fat. A slice of lemon will add vitamin C to the tea. If you are very tired and dizzy will save tea with a dark chocolate bar. Hot ginger tea will boost your immune system.

So, recipes for delicious tea at home.

Recipe 1 - Ginger tea at home.
Homemade ginger tea tones up and restores clarity of thought, therefore it is especially useful for people of intellectual work and creative professions. Ginger improves digestion, promotes blood thinning and has a very beneficial effect on skin color. Ginger with lemon is also an excellent prevention of colds.
How to make ginger tea? Take 3 tablespoons of grated ginger and dip in boiled water (1 liter), let it simmer for 2 minutes. Strain thoroughly and add a pinch of black pepper, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons honey, and a few mint leaves. Let it brew for 5 minutes. It is recommended to drink this aromatic healthy drink hot!

Recipe 2 - A delicious mint tea recipe.
Mint tea is a versatile drink. It can be drunk hot and cold. In the morning, mint tea gives vigor, during the day it helps with digestion, and in the evening it ideally relaxes the nervous system tired during the day.
Making mint tea at home is easy! 4 teaspoons of crushed dried mint leaves, 3 teaspoons of black tea, 1 cinnamon stick, 4 cloves pour 500 ml of boiling water. Add the sliced ​​lemon along with the peel, a couple of pieces of ginger. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Tea can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey.

Recipe 3 - Recipe for delicious homemade tea with rose hips and honey.
The classic combination of rose hips and honey helps to reduce excess blood cholesterol, effectively boosts immunity. Rosehip contains vitamin C and tannins, which have a beneficial effect on digestion.
Chop 20 grams of dried rose hips and pour a glass of water, cook for 10 minutes on low heat under a lid. Insist 10 minutes and strain. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of honey to the rosehip drink.

Recipe 4 - Exotic tea at home with grapefruit and nuts.
Grapefruit stimulates metabolism and assimilation of food, and nutmeg perfectly tones and has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.
Prepare tea according to the following recipes: first, brew black tea, add zest of one lemon and juice of 1 grapefruit to it. Strain and add a pinch of grated nutmeg and brown sugar to taste.

Recipe 5 - How to make delicious chamomile tea at home.
Chamomile is an ideal tea herb that relieves headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, nervousness and respiratory ailments. Chamomile tea is good for diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, liver problems. In addition, chamomile tea controls appetite, increases tone, removes excess fluid from the body, and has a beneficial effect on women's health.
Pour the chamomile flowers (2 teaspoons) with cool boiling water (0.5 liters) and let it brew for 15 minutes under the lid. Strain and add a spoonful of honey. It is important to know that chamomile tea should be drunk hot, as chamomile quickly loses its beneficial properties when it cools.

Recipe 6 - Sea buckthorn tea at home.
Sea buckthorn is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and has medicinal properties. Sea buckthorn is good in combination with honey, especially during an exacerbation of colds.
Take 150 grams of frozen sea buckthorn berries, thaw and rinse. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of black tea and mashed sea buckthorn berries. Wrap the kettle with a towel for 15 minutes. Pour the tea through a strainer into cups and add a teaspoon of honey.

Recipe 7 - Homemade cinnamon and apple tea.
This amazing drink literally "gets you on your feet" if you are tired or sick. Cinnamon tea is a source of iron and amino acids.
Take 1 apple, wash, cut into wedges and remove seeds without cutting off the skin. Put 1 teaspoon of black tea, a chopped apple and 1 cinnamon stick in a kettle, pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes. Add some honey to the cups of tea.
In winter, aromatic herbal tea is an excellent source of energy and vitamins. Add herbs for tea as you wish: lemon balm, calendula, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, linden.
Hibiscus, dried fruits of currants and raspberries are perfectly combined with tea made from rose petals. Very tasty homemade tea is obtained by adding hazelnut leaves, green mate, pieces of mango, lemongrass, cornflower petals, dried blackberries, jasmine, pineapple pieces, orange peels to green large-leaf tea.

Tea at all times was considered the elixir of youth and health, much has been said about its undoubted benefits, especially when it comes to real quality tea. Let's talk about which tea is better and which tea is better for our health.
In order for tea to really benefit our body, it must first of all be properly packaged.

In what packaging is it better to buy tea ?!
The most correct packaging for tea is a tin can, it is suitable for the highest grades of tea, which cannot be cheap in principle. Most often people buy tea in cardboard boxes. For tea producers, this is a natural way to reduce the price of a product and keep its properties almost unchanged, but only if the tea is packed in a foil bag inside the box. Foil protects tea from foreign odors and allows it not to interact with oxygen so as not to lose its beneficial properties. This tea is not stored for long.
The shelf life of tea is on average one and a half to two years.
Everyone knows that when the question is, which tea is healthier, we are not talking about tea bags. A tea bag is convenient and cheap, but the smallest and low-quality tea, the so-called tea dust, is used for its production.
Which tea tastes best depends on which tea leaf or which part of it is in the base of the drink. Distinguish, as a rule, large-leaf, medium-leaf and small-leaf teas. Also, tea can be granulated.

The best tea is obtained from the tops of tea twigs - this is an elite tea. The grade of elite tea will decrease as the leaves move away from the top of the tea twigs. The lower the tea leaf grows, the less saturated its aroma will be. From fresh leaves of the same tea bushes, you can make up to 500 different types of tea, each of which will have a special taste and aroma, and, accordingly, the price.
When buying tea, you should pay attention to the fact that all letters and signs on the packaging are clear and well-printed. Also pay attention to the information about the place where the tea was packed, the date of its packaging and the expiration date. It is best when the tea is packaged where it grew. Take a look at the country of origin. The homeland of good tea is known to be India, Japan, Sri Lanka, China. Remember that when you want to buy quality tea, you need to take into account all the signs of good tea in the aggregate, since in modern reality, inscriptions and signs are not protected from counterfeiting.
Let's try to understand which tea is healthier - black or green.
Black tea is a classic, and if your heart is in it, it is unlikely that green tea will pique your interest, although green tea has now surpassed black tea in popularity. Both black and green tea not only have distinctive taste and aroma, but also their beneficial properties. When choosing a drink, your personal preferences, as agreed with your doctor, play a role.
Green tea is recognized as one of the healthiest drinks due to its kakhetian content. The concentration of kakhetins in green tea is higher than in other plants. Kakhetins are antioxidants with proven anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects, they lower cholesterol levels and strengthen blood vessels. Green tea normalizes blood sugar levels, soothes inflammation in the stomach, and cleanses the liver and kidneys.
It is believed that green tea burns excess fat. Advertising helps to establish itself in this and now many are worried about the question, which tea is better for losing weight? Almost everyone who is trying to lose weight is looking for products for themselves, eating which, excess fat will disappear by itself. Scientists who have repeatedly conducted relevant studies argue that there are no such products. Another thing is that the use of healthy foods, including green tea, helps to maintain weight, preventing it from increasing. Together with a diet and regular exercise, green tea will provide all possible help in the fight against extra pounds.
Green tea improves metabolic processes, prevents the absorption of excess fat, but does not burn fat. It is easier to lose weight with green tea, because it tones, improves immunity and mood, so green tea is often advised by nutritionists. Often it is a good mood that is a great incentive to start a “new life” with proper nutrition and exercise. Accordingly, to the question of which tea is better for losing weight, the answer is simple - good quality tea for your taste. It is important to know that you need to drink green tea in moderation, 2-3 cups a day and preferably in the morning, so as not to cause insomnia at night. The invigorating effect of green tea is cleaner than coffee!

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Delicious tea recipes reviews: 5

  • Olga

    Green tea goes better in the heat, and in winter black tea is somehow more familiar ...

  • Alena, Krasnoyarsk Territory

    Ginger tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, as the drink enhances the secretion of digestive juice, and this is harmful to the stomach

  • Victoria

    Thank you so much for the recipes, I'm going to brew it now.

  • Olga

    Thanks. I already knew something. Now I know even more. But there is nothing about lingonberries.

  • Sergey

    Thank you very much, the recipes are cool; I brewed for an hour with mint lemon and honey. I like it very much.

Herbal medicinal teas, tinctures, uzvars and decoctions came to us from ancient times. People have long used the magical power of medicinal plants to prevent and treat ailments, increase immunity and improve health. Each mistress was a bit of a witch and knew how to properly use the generous gifts of nature: herbs, berries, flowers, leaves and roots. Old recipes of aromatic herbal teas are still used with pleasure by people.

You can make delicious and healthy herbal teas yourself at home. The ability to correctly select and combine natural ingredients will help you get the continuous benefits and pleasure from the aromatic drink.

A selection of the best herbal teas according to old recipes:

1. Healing chamomile tea... Sunny chamomile flowers contain salicylic acid, niacin, vitamin C, essential oils, pectins, carotene, gum, proteins and flavonoids. Chamomile tea has a calming, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effect. Warm chamomile infusion will help to cope with insomnia, stress, overwork and depression. Mix two tablespoons of dry crushed chamomile flowers with a teaspoon of mint and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over and cover tightly. Add a teaspoon of honey to the finished drink.

2. Vitamin herbal tea... Grind a handful of dried wild rose hips. Add a teaspoon each of thyme and strawberry leaves, 1-2 leaves of black or red currant. Pour boiled water over the healing collection.

3. Winter warming herbal tea... It will help cure colds, increase immunity, and ease breathing and coughing. To prepare it, mix in equal parts sage, chamomile, linden, thyme, coltsfoot, oregano and rosemary. Add raspberry, currant, lemon or orange zest. Brew a medicinal herbal tea in a thermos.

4. Herbal tonic drink... Mix equal amounts of rosemary, lemongrass, lingonberry and black currant leaves, wild rose flowers, meadow clover in a glass container. Pour 500 ml of hot boiled water into a heaping spoon of the mixture and leave for a third of an hour.

5. Unique eucalyptus tea has the strongest antibacterial properties. Helps with diseases of the oral cavity, bronchitis and asthma. This is an excellent drink for diabetics. Pour a teaspoon of eucalyptus leaves with a cup of boiling water. You can add flower honey to taste.

6. Anti-inflammatory herbal tea... Combine each dessert spoon of dry sage, lime blossom, chamomile and nettle. Brew in a ceramic or glass teapot. Strain after 15 minutes. Add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to the finished drink.

7. Gourmet rose petal tea... Dry fresh rose petals on a thick piece of paper. Then grind them and mix with green or black tea. Brew in the usual way. The drink will acquire an original taste and divinely delicate aroma.

8. Herbal tea with thyme will invigorate, increase efficiency, give strength and energy, relieve pain. Pour boiling water over a glass or china teapot. Then add a spoonful of dry or fresh thyme, currant and raspberry leaf. Tea brewing time should not exceed 20 minutes.

9. Ginger slimming tea... Rub a piece of ginger root finely. Add half a fresh lemon and a spoonful of the pharmacy mother and stepmother. Pour in filtered boiled water. Strain after a quarter of an hour.

10. Soothing herbal tea will help with insomnia, depression and nervous strain. Mix and brew in a thermos over a teaspoon of mint, fennel, chamomile, lemon balm, hops, strawberry and valerian leaves.

Enjoy making and drinking scented herbal teas and be healthy!

Due to its multiple medicinal properties, medicinal plant drinks have been popular for a long time. Herbal teas for every day, the recipes of which have been known since the times of ancient Russia, are very popular today. Their beneficial properties, as well as the unforgettable taste presented by Mother Nature herself, help to cope with various diseases, prevent their appearance, strengthen immunity and improve the general condition of the body. You can make such a drink with your own hands.

For tea for every day, those herbs that have a pleasant taste are suitable. When preparing it, you can use the stems, leaves, as well as flowers and roots of some plants.

It should be noted that some plants reveal their taste more vividly in drinks when used raw or dried, and some, for example , have a richer flavor after leaf fermentation.


Plants that are used in the preparation of herbal teas, in addition to the therapeutic effect, may have contraindications. Therefore, before using a particular herb for a drink, study their properties and, if necessary, consult a doctor about their use.

The most popular do-it-yourself herbal tea plants

The most popular herbal tea for every day are plants that are probably familiar to each of us:

  • Linden - the composition of its inflorescences is rich in vitamins and micro- and macroelements necessary for the body. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, an irreplaceable natural remedy in the cold season.
  • Chamomile is one of the most popular herbs in folk medicine and has good anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. The human body is in great need of its constituent niacin, as well as flavonoids.
  • Mint - this plant with a bright taste and aroma contains many useful substances: menthol, flavonoids, as well as carotene, oleic and ascorbic acids. Has a calming effect, copes well with headaches, increases appetite, strengthens the protective properties of the body.
  • Fireweed, or ivan tea, is a plant rich in vitamins and microelements that has many medicinal properties that have been valued for a long time.
  • Raspberry - the leaves and fruits of this plant have remarkable antipyretic properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of colds. Contains a huge amount of substances valuable for the body.
  • Melissa, or lemon mint, is a plant with excellent soothing qualities. It has a positive effect on the work of the heart, has healing properties.
  • Leaves and fruits of black currant - contain a large amount of essential oils, carotene, as well as ascorbic acid, phytoncides, vitamins C, A, B, P, potassium.
  • Rose hips are a storehouse of vitamin C (many times more than lemon), as well as antioxidants. Has powerful bactericidal properties.

This is not a complete list of herbs that can be used in herbal tea recipes for every day. In nature, there are many more plants that have not only a pleasant taste and smell, but also powerful medicinal properties. It has been successfully used since ancient times in folk medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Herbal teas for every day, Trinity tea recipe

We offer to prepare a drink from medicinal herbs, which are very popular in Russia. It got its name "Trinity" due to the fact that it contains 3 of the most useful plants: linden, chamomile and mint.

So, the ingredients for one serving of this tea:

  • a sprig of mint;
  • linden inflorescence;
  • pieces of 5 medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • ½ teaspoon honey;
  • 150 grams of boiling water.

Rinse the prepared herbs well, put in a cup. In summer, it is better to use fresh plants, but in winter, seasonally harvested and dried raw materials are useful.

Then pour boiling water over them and leave for 5-7 minutes.

Strain using a piece of cheesecloth or a sieve. Add honey directly to the cup.

That's it, herbal tea is ready for every day! A drink prepared in this way will preserve the beneficial properties of each of the plants that make up its composition to the maximum.

It can be drunk both hot and cold. Herbal tea will perfectly cope with quenching thirst on a hot day, as well as replenish the body with useful substances, improve the general condition of the body and give a wonderful mood.

There are a huge number of recipes for making herbal teas for every day, which can be found both on the Internet and in print.

The main thing in making such tea with your own hands is to choose the right one, as well as brew herbs, while maintaining the maximum number of their beneficial properties.

It should be remembered that not all plants can be combined with each other, so it is not worth preparing drinks by combining any herbs.

To prepare a healing drink at home, you can use both ready-made preparations sold in pharmacies and herbs collected with your own hands.

You need to use only healthy leaves, stems and fruits that are not damaged. Just a few leaves, flowers or fruits of each of the plants are enough for the drink to acquire a bright taste and pronounced aroma.

When picking herbs such as mint, St. John's wort, or thyme, do not cut off the fruiting stems with flowers. The flowers of plants such as linden must be in full bloom. If you are going to use the fruits of the plants, they must be ripe.

The best time to harvest herbs is when they begin to bloom. They need to be collected in dry weather, when there is no moisture. After collecting raw materials, it must be well dried to prevent decay. Store the harvested herbs in a dry and better dark place.

Daily tips for drinking herbal teas

Since a variety of herbs can be used in the preparation of a drink, each of which has its own properties, their effect on the body can be completely different. Therefore, you need to know at what time and what kind of tea you can drink without prejudice to your health and condition.

For example, in the morning you should not consume herbal teas that have soothing properties. On the contrary, immediately after waking up, it is recommended to drink tonic drinks, which will tone the body and help you quickly find energy after a night's sleep. For this, you can use the leaves of strawberries, as well as clover, lavender, lemongrass.

But before going to bed, there will be healthy drinks consisting of plants with a calming effect. It can be lemon balm, mint, willow tea, chamomile, raspberry leaves and other medicinal plants.

During the period of colds, vitamin teas on herbs that increase immunity and have anti-inflammatory properties will be very useful: from linden, chamomile, rose hips, black currants, raspberries.

For you - a video with a recipe for making a delicious and healthy fermented tea from cherry and raspberry leaves with your own hands:

Herbal teas for every day, the recipes of which are very diverse, will bring tremendous benefits to your body, improve your well-being and mood.

I crush the resulting mass a little.

I cover the container with the granules with a damp cotton or linen napkin so that the granules do not dry out and put it on fermentation at a temperature of 25 - 27 * C. Periodically check if the fabric is dry. If it is dry, then I wet it again.
If the room is dry, then I close the container not only with a cloth, but also with a lid, making a small gap for air to access the granules.
Fermentation of leaves I spend on average 6-8 hours, depending on the temperature (maybe more or less). The smell of the mass during fermentation does not change dramatically (like willow tea), it simply intensifies and acquires interesting notes - each plant has its own. It is important to "catch" the strongest smell (this will be easy with experience). This moment will be the signal for the end of fermentation. As the fermentation continues, the odor will diminish and the tea may end up with a weaker aroma.
I dry these teas in the oven at a temperature of 100 * C for 1 - 1.5 hours, and then at 50 - 60 * until tender. Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula. It is important not to miss the moment of the end of drying, otherwise the finished tea will lose its aroma.

And now a little more about the tea from each plant.
Cherry leaf tea has a very strong aroma and slightly tart, very pleasant taste. During fermentation, the leaf takes on a "drunk cherry" scent. I really love this tea. And my son says that he is "fanatical" about him. But I rarely brew this tea alone (although it turns out very tasty). More often I mix it with other teas - it sets off the taste of the main tea very well and gives it a deeper color and aroma.

I made this tea a couple of times freezing method... After collecting the cherry leaves, I sent them without prior withering in the freezer overnight. In the morning she took out the leaves, thawed and warmed them at room temperature. Then I put it in an enamel pan 10 cm thick, pressed it down with oppression, and covered it with a damp cloth. Fermented for 5 hours at a temperature of 27 * C. Dried with constant stirring in the oven for 1 hour at 80 * C, and then dried until tender at 50 * C. It turned out to be a wonderful tea with a whole leaf, very dark. And with a very rich taste. This is due to the even destruction of the leaf and, as a result, better fermentation. One drawback of such tea is that when finished, it turns out to be very voluminous and takes up a lot of space. All in all, a very simple way to make wonderful and beautiful tea. This is how you can make tea from any leaves.
Chokeberry tea I think the most delicious (I do not compare Ivan-tea with anything). This tea is simply magical! The color is very intense, dark. The taste is tart, bright, with a slight sourness. The scent is incomparable, very similar to cherry, but more concentrated. I drink this tea like a delicacy. And more often I add to tea mixes. I'm greedy for myself - I just don't cook it very much, because in our village there is only one black chokeberry bush, and that one is from my neighbor. You can't cut the whole thing - it will disappear. But when the leaves begin to fall in the fall, I don't stand on ceremony here - I cut everything off. The leaves are already red-yellow, rough. The meat grinder grunts when I twist the leaves, but the tea is still delicious. I will quote my friend from St. Petersburg, to whom I present different teas. When I handed him the black chokeberry tea on occasion, he said: “Listen, I thought that tea is tastier than cherry - does not exist. It turns out that there is such tea - this is blackberry tea ”.

Pear leaf tea also among my favorites. It is very soft and unobtrusive - both in taste and in aroma. But some deep, thick! Drinking this tea is very pleasant - a sweetish aftertaste remains. Its usefulness for the pancreas warms the soul very much. The color of tea made from pear leaves will save any light tea, because pear gives such a dark color that it is dear to look at. If you make a tea mixture, then pear tea does not interrupt the taste and aroma of the main tea. For this tea, I take the leaves from a wild pear, but you can also from a regular garden one - it also works well.

Once I prepared pear tea, like cherry tea, by freezing the leaves before fermentation. The result is wonderful!
Apple leaf tea- unusual! The granules are light brown. And tea - with a very beautiful color and soft, sweetish taste and aroma. I also love this tea.

Strawberry leaf tea it turns out a very rich color, sweetish taste and aroma. If you wait for autumn and reddening of the leaves, the taste and aroma of the tea intensifies. I love to mix this tea with pear and apple tea. It turns out vuuuuusnoooo! Once I tried to make tea from wild strawberry leaves. It is recommended to collect them in the fall, when they turn red. But all our strawberries were covered by half-meter grass by the fall, so while I collected half a packet of leaves, winter almost came. The tea, of course, turned out to be noble. But I was no longer honored for such feats.

Hazelnut and maple leaf teas I did it because I read praise about them. I personally did not like them. Walnut tea tastes bitter, but maple leaves just nothing! True, you need to make tea from narrow-leaved maple, but this does not grow here. If you still decide to make teas from these plants, then the leaves should be picked in early spring, when they are still tender. I plan to add nut tea to tea mixes for bitterness. I think he will behave very well there.

2. Leaves of currant and raspberry behave quite differently from teas from group 1. They do not tolerate a meat grinder well, the granules crumble, and the finished tea turns out to be not very tasty.
But you can still get delicious tea from these leaves! In it, the smell of fresh leaves is not only preserved, but not changing much, it becomes refined. But everything is in order ...
Firstly, these leaves are somehow dry, even in wet weather.
Secondly, they are rough, difficult to twist, and they give little juice. If you twist these leaves in a meat grinder, then you get not tea, but some kind of dust. Therefore, they are less fermented. And the smell after drying the tea goes somewhere.

When I made such teas several times, I decided for myself - that's it, I won't cook them again. But then I remembered freezing the leaves before fermentation. Without thinking long, I scored currant leaves without withering, put the package in the freezer, took it out after a few hours, defrost it for 20 minutes. And she began to roll into rolls. They curled easily and quickly.

I sent the rolls for fermentation. Fermented for 5 hours. The leaf darkened, the smell intensified. I cut the rolls into 0.5 cm thick washers.

I sent it to the oven, slightly loosening the mass.

The temperature was set to 80 * C. The smell during drying was crazy! This cheered me up, because past attempts with a meat grinder did not give such a smell. I followed the process more often than usual. After 1 hour, the leaf is almost dry. I lowered the temperature to 50 * C and soon the tea was ready, I didn't even have to dry it in a pillowcase.

Without waiting for the tea to mature for dry fermentation for 1 month, I immediately brewed it. And oh, a miracle! The tea turned out! The smell is magical, the taste is also. The color is not dark, but it doesn't matter! I got the tea I dreamed of!
Everything, since then I have been doing it this way: I do not wilt the leaves, immediately after harvesting I send them to the freezer, freeze them, then defrost them, twist the rolls, ferment them, dry them and ... enjoy!
In the photo, tea made from leaves dried in a dryer (the lightest), twisted in a meat grinder (slightly darker) and rolled into rolls after freezing (the darkest). Tea is poured next to the cups, from which I brewed it.

I like to brew this tea with pear, apple or strawberry. It turns out a wonderful color of black tea and a unique taste of currant! Recomend for everybody!
It is better to collect currant leaves for tea at the time of ripening of currants, until they are destroyed by aphids and other pests. Otherwise, we won't get anything later. It is advisable to cut off all the cuttings, leaving only the leaf plate.
Raspberry leaves in the process of making tea behave in the same way as currant leaves. During harvesting, it is advisable to tear the leaves without cuttings - they are as rough as those of currants and strawberries. It should be noted that the reverse side of the raspberry leaf has a silvery color. This color is retained throughout the entire tea making process. The top side of the leaf changes color during fermentation and drying, so you need to focus on it.

Through a meat grinder, raspberry leaves spin a little better than currant leaves, but they also almost crumble after drying in the oven. Yes, and the aroma is lost.
So I freeze them in a bag. Moreover, without prior withering.

And then I roll the rolls. After freezing and rolling, the leaves look moldy. This was the destruction of the lower silvery surface of the sheet.

I ferment the leaves for 4 - 6 hours under the yoke, since after twisting, not very much juice is obtained. I also sprinkle it a little with water from a spray bottle.

Since it was very cold in the house, I put the container with the leaves in the greenhouse, covering them not only with a damp cloth, but also with a plate.

After fermentation, I cut the rolls up to 0.5 cm wide, put them on a baking sheet, slightly loosen them and send them to the oven with a temperature of 80 * C for 1 - 1.5 hours. Then I lower the temperature to 50 * C and dry it until dry. Tea dries very quickly, so remember to stir it occasionally.

To remove residual moisture, I pour the tea into a bag made of thin fabric and hang it in a dry place.
The color of the finished dry tea from raspberry leaves is not very beautiful (in the lowest container - fermented leaf tea).

But the brewed one looks very cute. In the photo - tea made from leaves dried in a dryer (lightest), twisted in a meat grinder (darkest) and twisted after freezing (bottom left)

Tea made from dried leaves turns out to be weak, slightly recognizable in taste and aroma. Tea made from leaves twisted in a meat grinder has a stronger taste and aroma than tea made from simply dried leaves. But all the same - it is difficult to recognize. But tea from leaves twisted after freezing, although lighter than a "meat grinder", but has a delicious aroma and recognizable raspberry flavor with new shades, with a pleasant sourness. It doesn't need to be mixed with other teas - it is self-sufficient! We like it very much.
You can harvest raspberry leaves all season - they only get better! Yes, and pests do not favor them (at least for me). Tea made from forest raspberry leaves is preferable to garden tea. So if you have wild raspberries, go there for the leaves. At the same time, collect the forest raspberries. Then dry it in the dryer and add it to any tea!
3. Leaves of mint, lemon balm and pine shoots is a separate story.
After a conventional dryer, the leaves of these plants have a strong aroma and taste. And after fermentation, they become so vigorous that it is difficult to drink tea from them - it will take your breath away! In general, they can spoil any tea if you pour it carelessly. If you add them to other teas, then a few granules, no more!
Therefore, I stopped fermenting mint and lemon balm. And I do the following: I collect mint and lemon balm, cut off the leaves without withering, twist it in a meat grinder and immediately send the resulting granules to the dryer at 40 - 50 * C for 40 minutes. Then I reduce the temperature to 30 * and dry it to the end. The granules dry quickly.
An interesting observation: when twisted in a meat grinder, the leaves instantly change their color, i.e. their instant oxidation occurs. Due to this, their smell and taste are enhanced, but not as dramatically as after fermentation for several hours. In the photo, I recorded the end of the process of twisting the mint leaves. For comparison, I put fresh leaves. See what a contrast.

I would say that by twisting the leaves, we ferment them slightly. And another interesting point. I sent the same checklists to the dryer along with the granules. The granules are dry, but the leaves are not. Remained almost the same as I put them. Wonders!

Now about the brewed tea from such granules. The smell of tea is stronger than that of simply dried leaves, but weaker than fermented ones. The color is beautiful, transparent. The mint tea shown in the photo was brewed for only 4 minutes. The taste of the tea is exactly mint and very pleasant.

In general, we really like such mint and lemon balm. And just like that they can be added wherever the heart desires - in other teas, drinks, meat dishes, pastries (convenient!). They will not overpower the taste and aroma of the main drink or dish, but will emphasize them favorably.

Pine shoots... Only this year I paid attention to them thanks to Linadoc with its coniferous rosehip jam (thanks to her). It turned out that I broke too many shoots for this jam. And I cooked 2 batches of jam, and there were still shoots left - a large package. I no longer planned to make jam, and it is a pity to throw away the shoots. Then I remembered what I had done with mint and lemon balm. Without hesitation, she twisted the shoots in a meat grinder. And then I dried the resulting granules in a dryer at a temperature of 60 * C for 1 hour. It turned out very fragrant! I have already tried adding it to teas. Tasty!

For reference: the process of collecting shoots does not harm the pines. Vice versa! If you break off only half of the shoot, then the pine will become fluffier the next year. This technique is used specifically for the formation of the crown of coniferous trees. It is important to do this in May, while the shoots have not laid buds for the next year. Such shoots are called "candles", they are very tender and have not yet overgrown with needles. So the granulated pine shoots were a discovery for me this season.

It's all! I mean, I never made tea from anything else. I'd like to try to make tea from viburnum leaves, sage, oregano, blueberries. If I lived in the south, I would definitely try to make tea from peach and apricot leaves. I think that good tea will come from quince leaves, cranberries, lingonberries. You can try making plum tea. In general, my fantasy on the topic of teas is still playing vigorously, and I will not stop there.
Enjoy your tea!

A little bit about useful properties of plants listed in the recipe, and possible contraindications when drinking tea from them
Cherries have a wide range of medicinal properties.

Cherry leaves contain organic acids (malic and citric), tannins, coumarin, sucrose, dextrose, anthocyanins, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid). They have an expectorant, diuretic, antiseptic, sedative and anticonvulsant effect. Their infusion is used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, for anemia, as a laxative for constipation, to reduce fermentation processes in the intestines and as a general tonic.
Cherry leaves also have diuretic and astringent properties. They are used for kidney stones, joint diseases, edema, diarrhea.
A decoction of young leaves is used for diarrhea, chronic colitis, as well as in the complex treatment of intestinal atony. Vitamin tea is brewed from spring leaves, which has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effects.
People with gastritis or gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer with increased acidity of gastric juice during an exacerbation of the disease should take decoctions and infusions with caution.
Chokeberry (chokeberry) possesses hypotensive, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, capillary-strengthening properties, and also lowers blood cholesterol levels, stimulates the homeostasis system.

It is indicated for hypertension of stages 1 and 2, various disorders in the blood coagulation system (hemorrhagic diathesis, capillarotoxicosis), bleeding, atherosclerosis, glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, allergic diseases.
The pectin substances contained in the chokeberry remove radioactive substances, heavy metals, pathogenic microorganisms from the human body, eliminate spasms, and normalize the intestines. The contained complex of vitamins (a combination of vitamins P and C) strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves their elasticity and firmness.
With the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts, chokeberry leaves are capable of exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties. Its hemostatic, laxative, diaphoretic actions are known. Rowan leaf tea is useful for treating kidney and liver diseases.
It is recommended to take chokeberry with caution for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hypotension, increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis.
Pear is rich in fructose, glucose and sucrose, organic acids, tannins, pectin, nitrogenous substances, carotene and vitamins of groups A, B, P, PP, C and B. Pear leaves contain a large amount of iodine. Infusion of pear leaves has a diuretic, fixing, disinfecting, expectorant and antipyretic effect, helps to normalize the digestive tract.

Due to its rich chemical composition, apple leaves have many beneficial properties for the body - anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, improve metabolism in the body, and are useful for edema.

In the leaves of the apple tree As in fruits, phenolic compounds are contained that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce their fragility and permeability, promote the absorption of vitamin C. Infusion of apple leaves is used for colds, coughs, hoarseness, nephritis, bladder problems and kidney stones.
Maple leaves contain essential oil, betuloretinic acid, saponins, tannins, hyperoside, carotene, essential oil, vitamin C, phytoncides. Young maple leaves have a white sweetish, pleasant taste, sticky juice, rich in vitamin C, which has antiscorbutic, tonic, choleretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, tonic, analgesic and diuretic effects.

Maple is an excellent antidepressant, it relieves stress caused by stress, reduces aggression, harmonizes, leads to the restoration of energy, enriches the body with useful substances. In addition, it is an excellent drug for crushing stones in the bladder and kidneys. There were no contraindications for maple.
In the leaves of hazel (hazelnut) contains sucrose, essential oil, myricitrozil, vitamins. Hazel is a laxative, so it is used for constipation. The plant has antipyretic and astringent properties. Hazel is used as a means that dilates blood vessels. This medicinal plant dissolves kidney stones, stimulates all body functions. Tinctures and decoctions of hazel leaves can increase blood pressure.
Infusion leaves of garden and forest strawberries have general tonic, sedative, vasodilator, tonic, hematopoietic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, anti-sclerotic, hypoglycemic properties. Inside it is taken as a tonic, antispasmodic agent for neurasthenia, leukemia, enuresis, polymenorrhea, laryngeal carcinomas. The infusion of leaves slows down the rhythm and increases the amplitude of heart contractions, dilates blood vessels, and promotes the excretion of salts from the body. In scientific medicine, an infusion of strawberry leaves is recommended to be taken to reject necrotic masses in decaying tumors.

In folk medicine, leaf infusion is used for gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, colitis, hypertension, weak heart, palpitations, kidney disease, liver, edema, neurasthenia, insomnia, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, gout, stones in the liver and kidneys, skin rashes, rickets, scrofula, hemorrhoids. Also, the infusion is taken for colds, which are accompanied by high fever and cough, with anemia, vitamin deficiency, hepatitis, diarrhea, atonic constipation, spleen diseases.
Outwardly, an infusion of strawberry leaves is used in the form of rinsing for purulent inflammation of the mouth and throat, in the form of compresses in the treatment of weeping, bleeding wounds that do not heal for a long time.
Currants are a storehouse of vitamins.

The berries and leaves of this unique plant contain provitamin A, essential vitamins B and P, as well as important pectin substances, useful sugars, phosphoric acid, carotene and essential oil. Currant leaves contain large amounts of magnesium, phytoncides, manganese, silver, sulfur, lead and copper.
Currant leaves are used to treat diseases of the liver, respiratory tract. Infusions of the leaves are excellent for increasing immunity and resistance to colds. They have tonic and antiseptic properties due to the contained tannins and biologically active substances, vitamins and essential oils. The leaves of this shrub contain more vitamin C than its berries, therefore they are used for gout, gastritis, as well as for cardiovascular diseases. Traditional medicine strongly recommends the use of decoctions for eye diseases and various dermatitis.
Due to the high content of unique phenolic compounds and vitamin K, the use of currants is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis.
Raspberries are an invaluable treasure for health.

It contains five organic acids in its composition: salicylic, malic, citric, formic, nylon. Raspberries are also rich in tannins, pectin, nitrogenous substances, potassium and copper salts, vitamin C, carotene, essential oils.
Raspberry leaves have antipyretic, diaphoretic, antitoxic and hemostatic effects. Infusions of raspberry leaves are used for colds, acute respiratory infections, flu, radiculitis, fever and neuralgia. They are also a constituent ingredient in the preparation of diaphoretic teas. Raspberry leaves are also used for atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, hypertension and dysfunction of the heart, with diarrhea and bleeding. Infusion of raspberry leaves can be used to gargle the throat and mouth for various inflammatory processes. Use with caution for nephritis and gout.

Mint leaves have antispasmodic, sedative, choleretic, antiseptic, analgesic, weak antihypertensive properties. It improves appetite, enhances the secretion of the digestive glands and bile secretion, reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine, as well as the biliary and urinary tract.
An infusion or tea from mint leaves is indicated for nausea of ​​various origins, vomiting (including in pregnant women), gastrointestinal cramps, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms in the gallbladder, biliary and urinary tract, cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis , states of nervous excitement, insomnia, with pain in the heart, cough, to increase appetite.
Also, mint infusion and tea inhibit fermentation processes in the digestive tract and, removing spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine, contribute to the free passage of food. Due to the fact that mint stimulates the bile-forming function of the liver and enhances the secretion of other digestive glands, its preparations (infusion or tea) will be useful for those people who have poor digestion of fatty foods.
Contraindications For some people, the pungent smell of mint preparations can cause respiratory distress, bronchospasm, and pain in the heart. When treating the upper respiratory tract in children under 5 years of age, drugs containing menthol should not be used, as this can lead to reflex respiratory arrest! Peppermint should not be used by people with anxiety or insomnia. Mint should not be used for people with low blood pressure (arterial hypotension). It is not recommended for men to use it either, as it can reduce male libido. Peppermint should be discarded for people suffering from drowsiness. With infertility, mint should not be consumed either.

Lemon balm leaves contain essential oil, tannins, bitterness, sugar, succinic, oleanolic, ursolic acids, and mineral salts. Melissa has sedative, antispasmodic, carminative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic properties. It stimulates the appetite and secretion of digestive juices, relieves tension in the smooth muscles of the intestines. In folk medicine, lemon balm is used for nervous excitement, insomnia, hysterical seizures, with poor digestion, palpitations, vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia, painful menstruation, dizziness, delayed menstruation, gout, as an antiemetic for pregnant women.
Despite the low content of toxins, the use of lemon balm is not advisable in case of hypotension. Also, using lemon balm for treatment, one should abandon those serious activities that require a good mental reaction, maximum attention and concentration. Possible side effects of using the plant include vomiting and nausea, muscle weakness, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, cramps, heartburn, lethargy and loss of concentration, itching, constipation, etc.
Pine is truly a medicinal tree.

It is rich in chlorophyll, carotene, vitamin K, phytoncides, tannins, alkaloids, terpenes. From it, infusions and concentrates are prepared for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and avitaminosis. Also, infusions of pine shoots are used as a disinfectant, expectorant and diuretic.
Swollen and not yet blossoming pine buds (pine shoots) are accumulators of biologically active substances - resins, essential oils, starch, bitter and tannins, mineral salts. Decoction and infusion of pine buds have long been treated for rickets, chronic inflammation of the bronchi, rheumatism, chronic rashes. Infusions of pine shoots help to remove stones, they have diuretic and choleretic properties and reduce inflammation in the bladder. Pine bud extracts kill the pathogenic microflora of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. The broth is used for inhalation for pulmonary diseases.

Tea is one of the favorite drinks of many people. Many of us are used to the fact that tea is the leaves of tea trees brewed in boiling water, but today we will slightly change your vision and show you how to make a very unusual, fruit tea. We will show you some very useful and delicious recipes for making tea, so that you can please your loved ones with the incredible taste of this drink.

How to make tea with your own hands?

There are many different recipes for making delicious fruit tea, and we will try to consider as many options as possible, starting with cranberry tea.

To make cranberry tea, we will use:

Orange, 60g.
... Lemon, 50g.
... Orange juice, 40ml.
... Sugar syrup, 50ml.
... Cranberries, 50g.
... Cinnamon stick, 1pc.
... Boiling water, 400ml.

How to cook?

1. First, you need to prepare sugar syrup, for this we mix 50g. sugar and 50 ml. water, the mass should be heated until the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Cut the orange and lemon into slices.

3. Put orange and lemon slices in a teapot, then add cranberries, sugar syrup, orange juice and a cinnamon stick.

4. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients, let the tea brew for 15 minutes.

Hot Citrus Tea.

We prepare the ingredients:

Hibiscus tea, 6g.
... Citrus fruits (grapefruit, orange, lemon) 1 slice each.
... Honey, 40g.
... Boiling water, 400ml.

How to cook?

1 ... Take a small saucepan and put hibiscus tea, fruit and honey in it.
2. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients.
3. Put the pan on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil.
4. After boiling, pour the mass into a kettle and let the tea brew for 2 minutes, after which you can start drinking tea.

Tea "Trans-Siberian Express".

This tea is prepared on the legendary train that connects Europe and Asia. It is the longest railway in the world and passes through many countries, and therefore our tea brings together the aromas of different places on earth. Let's prepare all the ingredients:

Frozen sea buckthorn, 100g.
... Orange juice, 200ml.
... Ginger juice, 40ml.
... Lemon juice, 40ml.
... Honey, 40ml.

The preparation is very simple - we mix all the ingredients and heat the whole mass to 60 degrees.

Tea is ready!

Ginger tea.

Everyone knows firsthand about the usefulness of this tea. Let's prepare all the ingredients:

Orange, 200g.
... Lime, 60g.
... Ginger juice, 80ml.
... Boiling water, 400ml.
... Honey, 100ml.
... Mint, 1 sprig.

How to cook?

1 ... Knead the orange and lime, then add honey and ginger juice.
2. Pour boiling water over the mass and stir well.
3. Add mint and let the tea brew for 5-7 minutes.

Apple-vanilla tea.

Another way to make your tea party a little different and different. Let's prepare the ingredients:

Apples, 100g.
... Pears, 100g.
... Oranges, 60g.
... Lemons, 50g.
... Cinnamon stick, 1pc.
... Vanilla syrup, 50ml.
... Boiling water, 400ml.

How to cook?

1. Cut all the fruits into small cubes and place them in the kettle.
2 ... Add vanilla syrup there (can be replaced with vanilla sugar) and a cinnamon stick.
3. Pour boiling water over all the ingredients and let the tea brew for 10-15 minutes.

Tea "Berry Mix".

A very easy and inexpensive way to make delicious fruit tea. In the summertime, making such tea will not pose absolutely any problems.


Fresh or frozen berries, 3-4 types, 10-15 grams each.
... Honey, 40g.
... Boiling water, 400ml.

How to cook?

1. Knead all the prepared berries and place them in a small saucepan.
2 ... Pour boiling water over the whole mass, add honey and mix well.
3. We put the pan on the fire and bring the mass to a boil, then pour it into the kettle.
4 ... We let the tea brew for 2 minutes, after which we can start drinking tea.