Juice from apricots with pulp for the winter. Apricot juice at home for winter How to prepare natural juice from apricots

03.01.2021 Desserts and cakes

Prepare awesome apricot juice for the winter at home is not difficult at all. We can speak infinitely about the beneficial properties of apricots. They soothe the nervous system of the body, toxins are expelled from it, are a prophylactic agent against tumors. But, perhaps, their main purpose is to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Fruits are useful both in cheese and treated. Of them are preparing not only juices for the winter, but also delicious jams, jam, jam. Apricots are dried, frozen and even marinate. Used as a filling, decorate the desserts and so on.

You need to prepare apricot juice with pulp only in enameled dishes, since the aluminum taste and the color of the finished product will be far from waiting.

In order for the apricot juice with the pulp at home to make delicious and fragrant, you need to choose the fruit correctly. Fruits can be any: large, small, overripe, misappropriate, sweet and not very. In any case, the juice will be high-quality. Meanwhile, apricot lovers know that there will be a sweet drink out of mature fruits, and from strong - with sourness. Consequently, the perfect juice will turn out if the bulk is sweet and ripe, and the ¼ part is unloaded.


Portions: - +

  • apricots 5 kg
  • granulated sugar 300 gr
  • water at discretion

Calories: 55 kcal

Proteins: 0.5 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 12.7 g

1 hour. 29 min. Video Recipe Print

    Fruits, wash, remove the bone. Remembered, the darkened sides are cut off, and the diesel apricots are thrown away.

    Every half throw in enameled dishes, poured with cold water. It is strictly forbidden to pour the fruit hot water, otherwise they soften. Water will need so much to cover the fruit by 2-3 cm above.

    Put on strong fire and closed with a lid. They bring the mass to a boil, periodically interfering with a long wooden spoon, so that the fruits are not burned down. In this case, foam will be formed. It is not necessary to shoot it, in the process of cooking it will disappear itself. After boiling, reduce the fire and boil another 5-7 minutes.

    Turn off the fire and wait so that the mass is cooled. It takes several hours. You can prepare the bulk of the midst and in the morning to begin the next stage of preparation.

    Another enamelled capacity (pelvis, pan), bucket and colander in the shape of a round poles are harvested. The colander is put on an empty pan, 2-3 apricot masses are drawn, poured on a colander.

    Home apricot juice is boiled a few more minutes. Now it remains to pour it into the prepared hot jars. It is necessary to pour to the very top, which is formed by the foam will fall. Tightly rush with a typewriter, turn over and wrapped with a blanket for pasteurization.

If strictly adhere to the recipe, you can be sure that the apricot juice for the winter at home will be perfectly stored all the cold period. Jars with juice keep in cool rooms: basements, cellars, garages, etc.

Apricots are very comfortable fruits for conservation. They are dried, frozen, from ripe fruits boiled jams and jams, closed compotes and make pills. But the most successful way to prepare apricots is to make natural apricot juice for the winter. At home, it is best to prepare it through the juicer. The drink turns tasty, bright and thick. Surely he will like your loved ones. For juice, use ripe, fleshy apricots.

You will need:

  • apricots - 1.5 kg,
  • water - 100 ml,
  • sugar - 100 grams,
  • lemon acid - 0.3 teaspoons.

How to prepare apricot juice through the juicer

Apricots rinse and dry.

Divide the fruits in half and remove the bone.

Prepared halves should fit into the floor receiver. If the apricots turned out to be large, then cut them into 4 parts.

Juicer Install on soft fruit mode. Squeeze juice.

Apricot meals not to throw away. It will work out excellent jam or jam.

Pressed juice pour into the enameled saucepan for cooking juice.

From sugar, lemonic acid and water to cook syrup.

Pour the syrup to juice and begin to heat up to the boil. Boil 7 - 10 minutes.

Storage jar washed and sterilized in a convenient way. Pour boiling juice in container.

Bank roll hermetically sealed in a warm towel, turn over to the lid and leave for 12 hours for cooling.

Prepared juice to store at room temperature, necessarily in a dark place up to three years.

If you have a good yield of apricots, do not be lazy and prepare them in the future. And we will help you in this and tell me how to make apricot juice at home.

Apricot juice with pulp for the winter


  • apricots - 10 kg;
  • sugar.


Apricots divide in half, we remove the bones, and we fold the pulp into a large container. You can use absolutely any apricots - and ripe, and slightly greenish. So, when all apricots are cleaned, we pour cold water, the level of which will be 2-3 cm above the level of the apricot themselves, and put on the stove. Periodically mix the long wooden spoon so that nothing stuck. Mix can be safely, without fearing to damage the halves. Closer to the very moment of boiling, the foam is formed, which is not at all necessary. So, our apricots boiled, the fire we reduce and boil them about 5-7 minutes. If the apricots are ripe and soft, then cooking time can be reduced at all until 3-4 minutes. Our main task is to bring fruit to a soft state to simplify the crying process. When the time has expired, the fire is turned off, and we give the mass to cool. And now proceed to the process of mistress. For this, we take a colander with not very small holes, we recruit the apricots along with the driver, pour into the colander and as soon as the water stands, we carry fruit with your hands. Mix the resulting mass. It turns out quite thick. We pour water into it, bringing the juice with the flesh to the desired density. I bring it to a boil on a big fire. Now sugar sugar, and if the apricots used are very ripe and sweet, then you can slightly acidify it with lemon juice. After boiling, weganize the juice for about 10 minutes. After that, we break it down hot banks. At the same time, it is necessary to gain juice so that the pulp is evenly distributed to banks. We immediately roll up, turn over, cover and leave cool. Store such apricot juice with the pulp is better in a cool place.

Apple Apricot Juice for Winter


  • apples - 5 kg;
  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g


Apples clean from the core, in the apricots we remove the bone. Let's squeeze juice from fruit. Pour it into a saucepan and put on fire. I bring to a boil, but do not boil, and then turn it off. Next, sugar snatch, stirring, bring the juice to boil again and immediately spread it on the prepared sterile banks. We roll them up, turn over, we bite and leave so much cool. And when they are completely cooled, put them on storing in a cool place - cellar or basement.

Apricot juice for the winter - recipe



Fresh ripe apricots skip through the juicer, having previously drowned bones. Now boil water, sugar sugar into it and boil syrup before dissolving it. Then we pour it into juice and stir. I bring to a boil and remove the foam. Boiling for about 5 minutes. Spill apricot juice on prepared banks and ride. Then we turn them upside down, cover and leave so much before cooling.

Fruit juices are one of the most sought-after billets for the winter. They are tasty, helpful, well quench thirst and refresh, reminding you about summer. Apricot juice for the winter can be prepared in different ways. Most often you can do without the help of kitchen appliances. Even a beginner hostess will be able to make an appetizing apricot nectar, just need to know the technology of cooking this liquid delicacy.

Features of cooking

Juice from apricots for the winter can be prepared, even without having culinary skills. The process is not quite simple, but does not require big cook skills. Knowing a few moments will help get a flawless result without spending great effort.

  • Ripe apricots give the juice faster than misappropriate, although those and others are suitable for the preparation of apricot juice.
  • Before preparing juice from apricots, the fruits need to be washed, to dry, cut in half and remove the bones. If they are separated badly, you can take advantage of a special spoon.
  • If you need to calculate the weight of apricots without stones, it is required on the weight of the whole fruit take away 10 percent.
  • The yield of juice depends on the variety of apricots, the degree of their maturity, the presence in the juice of the pulp and the method of processing fruit. From a kilogram of fruits can be obtained from 0.25 to 0.75 liters of juice, on average - 0.5 liters.
  • Use the dishes from aluminum when preparing an apricot juice is not recommended. This material for contact with acids forms harmful substances.
  • Pouring juice is necessary according to sterilized banks, cover with metal covers that provide tightness. Covers before use should be boiled.

Juice from apricots are often made with the addition of citric acid, lemon juice or other fruits. This not only gives the beverage missing sourness, but also improves its safety.

Classic Apricot Juice Recipe for Winter

Composition (1 l):

  • apricots - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.75 l;
  • sugar - 50 g

Cooking method:

  • Apricots wash out, dry by a towel. Cutting the fruit in half, remove the bones from them.
  • Fold the halves of apricots into the pan, pour 0.5 liters of water into it. On slow fire, bring to a boil and sake 10 minutes.
  • Cool the apricot mass and wipe it through the sieve. Skins will not pass through it, thanks to which the drink will have a delicate consistency.
  • In the apricot puree, pour sugar, make the remaining water. Boil the drink for 5-10 minutes, removing protruding on the surface of the foam.
  • Sterilize banks and fill them with juice, leaving a small distance to the edges.
  • Slide the cans with prepared covers, turn over and cover the blanket. Leave to cool in this form for additional conservation.

Store apricot juice with a flesh, prepared by the classic recipe, can be at room temperature.

Simple recipe for apricot juice

Composition (3 l):

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • citric acid - 4 g;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg.

Recipe on the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Purified from the bones of apricots fold into the pan. Pour water into it so that its level reached the middle of the apricot mass.
  • Appears apricots on slow heat before softening, with the help of a blender, turn them into a puree.
  • Add sugar, citric acid and the remaining water.
  • Put a saucepan with an apricot mass on a slow fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes by removing the foam.
  • Pour the juice into the prepared banks, filling them around the shoulders. Close hermetically close. Leave cool in an inverted form in steam bath.

Juice for this recipe is also with the flesh. It has a balanced taste, a pleasant color and is good at room temperature.

Apricot juice through the juicer

Composition (3 l):

  • apricots - 2-2.5 kg (for obtaining 1.5 liters of juice);
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 0.2-0.25 kg;
  • lemon (optional) - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Apricots Clean the bones, skip through the juicer.
  • Dilute the apricot juice with water in the ratio of 1: 1. Add sugar and squeezed out of half lemon juice.
  • Put the mixture on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. Speaking on the surface of the foam at this time need to be removed so that the juice does not deteriorate ahead of time.
  • Sterilize banks and suitable covers.
  • Fill the jars with juice, cover them, turn over. Cover the blanket and leave below it before cooling.

Juice for this recipe is obtained transparent, without pulp. It can be stored in a storage room or any other room, where you usually have supplies for the winter.

Apricot juice through a hooker

Composition (0.65-0.75 l):

  • apricots - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 40-60 g;
  • water - in accordance with the technical requirements of the aggregate.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare apricots, wash them, having survived, clearing the bones.
  • Fold the fruit into the top compartment of the Scholovarka, sprinkled them with sugar for the best separation of juice. If you want to give juice a spicy aroma, in the same compartment you can put a branch of mint, vanilla pod or other spices.
  • In the lower part, pour water in the amount in which the instrument manufacturers are recommended.
  • Check if the tube is closed to remove the finished juice.
  • Put a sack on the stove or connect it to the power supply, if your contact is electrical.
  • Leave for 45-90 minutes. Time depends on the type and power of the focus.
  • Pour the juice through the tube into a sterilized jar.
  • Close the container, let it be cooled under steam bath. In an additional boiling, the juice obtained using a double boiler does not need.

If you want to prepare a less concentrated drink, it can be diluted with water, add sugar and lemon juice to add to taste, boil for 10 minutes and only then close in banks.

Apricot juice for the winter can be cooked with the flesh and transparent. It will be tastier if it adds some sugar, lemon juice or citric acid into it. Regardless of the method of cooking, juice from apricots is good at room temperature.

Product matrix: 🥄

Summer came - the very time of tasty and healthy berries and fruits. In the markets, in stores - apricots can be purchased everywhere. Ripe, therapeutic - what is needed! Of course today we will talk about the benefits and properties of apricot juice. Foresting vitamins and minerals for the entire year and are treated with apricots.

Apricot is a tree from a sampling family. Holy apricot is considered China, where he is now found in the wild. The tree is very beautiful, so it is planted in decorative purposes on the streets of southern cities. Apricot fruit is an orange or yellow one-chandel, a fruit form depends on the variety. Fruits are used for drying, taking, cooking jam, jam and juice. On the properties of the apricot juice - our today's conversation.

Composition and benefit

First of all, let's talk about the rich and unique composition of the Apricot juice and what benefit to our health will bring it regular use.

First, in the apricot juice there are a lot of sugars, there is dextrin, inulin and starch, as well as a certain amount of fiber and organic acids. Apricot juice is rich in vitamins - provitamin A, there are also vitamins P, B1 and PP. As for Karotine, Apricot is a record holder for its content among all the fruits that grow in our country.

According to the composition of mineral substances, apricot juice is not the original, but it presents the main trace elements - potassium, iron and iodine, this determines its value.

Separate attention in the composition of the apricot juice can be given to vitamin A as a substance that maintains nervous and bone tissue, as well as the mucous membranes of the body. It is directly dependent on the synthesis of proteins in the body, its redox processes and metabolism. Vitamin A takes part in the process of formation of bones and teeth, the formation of new cells, which helps to slow down the processes of the organism as a whole. And, of course, carotene plays a very important role to preserve vision.

Properties of apricot juice

What useful properties is apricot juice?

To improve the overall condition of the body, you can take apricot juice. However, not only for this. If you look at the mineral and vitamin composition of juice, we will understand that it will be very useful to people with problems in the cardiovascular sphere, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in case of overweight.

In addition to helping with the restoration of all vital functions of the body, apricot juice will help with hypo-and avitaminosis, with anemia, because it is capable of influencing blood formation processes. Pectin will help with various intoxication, including heavy metals. Application juice is used and as assistance in cancer, as it has antioxidant properties.

When obesity problems, Apricot is accepted as dietary food, as it helps the normalization of metabolism and removes slags and toxins from the entire body, reducing the fat layer and deriving an excess liquid. It is noted that with regular reception 100 ml of apricot juice in the morning there is soon a regular chair is provided and gases in the intestine are disappeared.

Due to the high content of iron, apricot juice affects blood formation processes, while it is twice as much as the same amount of liver. Therefore, with low hemoglobin and small-class, apricot juice may well become an excellent addition to treatment.

Magnesium and phosphorus present in the apricot juice are needed for fruitful brain work, and a significant content of magnesium will help to quickly remove increased pressure. Therefore, with hypertension, it is very useful to drink a half package of Apricot juice three times a day before meals. The same minerals contribute to improving metabolism, intensifying the operation of digestion.

The iodine of the apricot juice helps with thyroid problems, preventing failures in its functioning.

Outwardly apricot juice can be used for wound healing, to combat acne and acne on the skin.

There are contraindications

Due to the large content of sugars, apricot juice is contraindicated with diabetes mellitus, as well as with a reduced thyroid function. If there are problems with the liver - inflammatory diseases or hepatitis, from receiving apricot juice is also better to refrain. Another note: if there are these diseases, then vitamin and you will not be absorbed by the body.

When preparing an apricot juice, it is impossible to use seeds - apricot bonuses, since the glycoside amygdalin, which is in them, when entering the body turns into a sinyl acid, which is a strong tissue poison.

Treatment with apricot juice

The depleted disease to people take 1-3 glasses of apricot juice per day, depending on the intestinal reaction. This method used more doctors of ancient China, raising very heavy patients on the legs after exhausting diseases.

Pregnant women and young children, apricot juice useful as a "builder" of cells, adipose tissue, bones and teeth. After all, the baby's health is laid in the womb, and for children it is very important to the timely development of bone tanks - and the proper formation of the skeleton. With these cases, 150 ml can be drunk per day. Apricot juice.

When problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as colitis, flatulence and dysbacteriosis, apricot juice will help to normalize the acidity of the stomach and establish a regular chair. The rate of reception depends on the weight of a person, usually enough in the morning and drink 100 ml of apricot juice in the evening.

During problems in the urinary sphere, the apricot can become an excellent diuretic. It is only in the intervals between meals drinking 100 ml of juice, bringing the number of techniques to 6-8 times a day.

The norm of use

Depending on the presence of diseases and problems of the body, the apricot juice can be drinking from 100 ml to one liter per day. In general, even 2-3 tablespoons of the apricot juice will be effective, if you drink it regularly several times a day. It should be closely monitoring the body's response, without drinking too much juice at once in the first reception. Apricot juice should be reduced fresh, it is not recommended to store it because of the fast loss of properties even when it is in the refrigerator.