What are vegetable fats? Fat-rich foods: types, benefits and harms, daily intake in the diet

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What is the advantage of vegetable fats over animals and how do you know if you really have a healthy product in front of you, and not an imitation?

Let's look at it in order.

What are vegetable fats?

Vegetable fats include various types of oils obtained from vegetable raw materials: sunflower, olive, corn, rapeseed, pumpkin, linseed, corn, cottonseed, nut, palm and others.

What is the main value of vegetable fats?

Besides, vegetable fats promote active excretion of bile from the liver, i.e. have a powerful choleretic quality, and this, in turn, also contributes to the normalization of cholesterol levels in the body.

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, contained in large quantities in vegetable fats, contribute to the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes, which improves protein synthesis and better penetration of other useful substances into the cell. They also increase insulin sensitivity, which promotes fat burning.

What unsaturated fatty acids?

I think you have heard this phrase many times. What is hidden under it? Term unsaturated fatty acids implies three compounds most important for the human body:

Omega-3 (linolenic acid);

Omega-6 (linoleic acid);

Omega-9 (oleic acid).

The most useful is considered linolenic acid... When it enters the body, it is consumed immediately and is not deposited in fat reserves.

The next most nutritional value is linoleic acidand then oleic. It should be noted that our body cannot independently synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which means that their intake with food is the only source of PUFAs. Therefore, they are also called irreplaceable or essential (from the English. Essencial - irreplaceable, essential).

The optimal ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 in the body, according to scientists, should be 1: 4. However, as studies show, modern people consume much less omega-3 and, conversely, much more than omega-6 is needed. This leads to the most sad consequences - hypertension, allergies, arthritis, strokes and heart attacks.

Oil Linolenic Linoleic Oleic

Acid acid acid

Linseed 44-61 15-30 13-39

Cotton - 34-57 23-35

Hemp 15-28 36-50 6-16

Sunflower up to 1 46-62 24-40

Olive - 15 54-81

Rapeseed 1-12 11-42 5-44

Soybean 5-14 44-60 20-30

As can be seen from the table, the content of unsaturated fatty acids in various vegetable oils differs significantly. But this fact does not mean that some oil is better, and some worse. This fact confirms once again that human nutrition should be varied and include different vegetable fats. According to nutritionists, a person should consume at least 30 g of vegetable oil per day.

Vegetable fats will only bring undoubted benefits to the body when consumed in the form of unrefined cold-pressed oils.

However, under the influence of light and heat, vegetable fats are oxidized. Therefore, despite the presence in vegetable oils are antioxidants, they cannot be stored for a long time. As a result of oxidation, toxic substances are formed, and such oil, as you understand, is no longer useful to eat, but, on the contrary, is harmful. For the same reason, unrefined vegetable oils can only be used for salads and should not be cooked (the exception is olive oil, which has a high boiling point and cottonseed oil, which must be boiled, since it contains gossipol poison).

Therefore, in the next article we will talk about what classification of vegetable oils exists and how to still determine its quality, composition and whether the vegetable fats that are in it will benefit?

Surely you guessed that fat in food is often the cause of excess on the waist. This is true: it is in fats that the largest number of calories lies, and sometimes it is difficult to cope with a person's love for fatty foods. Few people adhere to the norm - fats should be no more than 20% of the daily diet (this is about 40-50 g). Chips, any fried dish, pastry creams, sausages - all this allows you to quickly exceed the norm, even if you have eaten very few of these products. If you choose foods that are low in fat, chances are you will have far fewer problems with being overweight.

We can conditionally divide everything we eat into several groups, based on the amount of fat in foods. According to the fat content per 100 grams of food, five categories can be distinguished, which indicate which foods are rich in fat and which are low in fat.

  1. High fat foods (over 80 grams)... These are vegetable, butter, ghee (mainly vegetable fat is present in products of this kind), margarine, bacon, cooking fats. All this should be used in food to a limited extent, since such products can lead to rapid weight gain if they are too carried away.
  2. High-fat foods (20 to 40 grams)... These are almost all types of cheese, cream and fatty sour cream (from 20% fat), duck, geese, pork, as well as all kinds of sausages, dairy sausages, sprats, any pastries, chocolate, halva. Such products should also be eaten very carefully and in moderation, because, unlike the first group, which is usually used a little, many do not know the measures in these products.
  3. Moderate fat foods (10 to 19.9 grams)... These are fatty cottage cheese, cheeses, creamy ice cream, eggs, lamb and chicken, beef sausages, tea and diet sausages, as well as fatty fish - salmon, sturgeon, saury, herring, caviar. These products are recommended to be consumed regularly, since they, with a relatively low fat content, can easily fit into any diet, which makes them the basis of a correct, balanced diet.
  4. Low fat foods (3 to 9.9 grams). These are milk, fatty kefir, semi-fat cottage cheese, beef, lean lamb, horse mackerel, mackerel, pink salmon, low-fat herring, baked goods, sprat, and fondant sweets. Such foods can be included in the diet without fear, because even if you eat relatively a lot of them, it will not harm you and your figure so much, but it will give the body the necessary fats.
  5. Low fat foods (less than 3 grams)... These are beans, cereals, protein milk, fat-free cottage cheese, cod, hake, bread, pike perch, pike. It is absolutely safe to eat these products, they are suitable even for those who adhere to weight loss.

Needless to say, foods containing fats have varying degrees of health benefits. It depends on the type of fat.

Fats in food: healthy and unhealthy

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the healthiest for humans, and they are in available vegetable oil. Saturated fatty acids, on the contrary, are solid, difficult to digest and not very useful for humans (these are mutton and beef fats, lard, palm oil). Foods with saturated fat should be limited in the diet. So, to summarize:

  1. Foods containing saturated fat - cheese, egg yolk, lard and meat, ghee, shrimp and lobster, milk and dairy products, chocolate, cream, palm, coconut and butter.
  2. Foods containing unsaturated fats - peanuts, olives, poultry, avocado, game, cashews, olive and peanut oils.
  3. Foods containing polyunsaturated fats - almonds, seeds, walnuts, fish, corn, flaxseed, rapeseed, cottonseed, sunflower and soybean oils.

The presence of fats in the diet is necessary, the daily minimum of these nutrients ensures the normal functioning of the body. Not all types of fats are created equal. What foods contain saturated and unsaturated fats? The answer to this question lies at the heart of a healthy diet.

Everyone knows that our health and fitness are most dependent on. In order to eat a balanced diet, foods must be selected so that the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in them is 1: 1.2: 4.6. Constant excessive consumption of fats can lead not only to an increase in body weight, but also to pathologies of internal organs.

It is impossible to completely abandon the use of fat, since it is the main source of energy and some groups of vitamins. However, you need to remember which foods contain healthy fats and which ones do not. So, dietary fats are divided into 2 groups:

  • saturated;

What foods contain saturated fat

Saturated fats remain solid at room temperature. They contain a large number of:

  • margarine;
  • fatty meat, especially fried meat;
  • fat;
  • fast food;
  • dairy products;
  • chocolate;
  • coconut and palm oils;
  • egg (yolk).

Excessive consumption of foods that contain saturated fats can in some cases cause considerable harm, although they are necessary in small quantities. Saturated fatty acids entering the blood are deposited on the walls of blood vessels in the form of cholesterol plaques and lead to the development of atherosclerosis - a dangerous disease of the cardiovascular system. In addition, their excess slows down the metabolism and contributes to obesity.

What foods contain healthy fats (mono- and polyunsaturated)

Unsaturated fats remain liquid at room temperature, commonly referred to as oils. Foods high in monounsaturated fats can freeze in the cold, but polyunsaturated ones never freeze.
The richest in fats in this group:

  • poultry (except for skin);
  • fatty fish;
  • nuts: cashews, peanuts (monounsaturated), walnuts, almonds (polyunsaturated);
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, rapeseed, corn (monounsaturated), olive, peanut (polyunsaturated)), as well as the products from which they are obtained (peanuts, olives, sunflower seeds, etc.).

Fats of this group contain the main fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, F, B12, K. However, they should not be abused either - the consumption of fat in any case should not exceed the body's needs for nutrients and energy, otherwise it is possible to gain excess weight and education stones in the gallbladder.

Knowing which foods contain fats, you can competently compose your diet. 70-75% of the consumed fat should be unsaturated, 30% - saturated. The share of vegetable fats in the daily diet should be about 40%, animals - about 60%. For older and obese people, the ratio should be changed in favor of plant foods.

With the exception of vegetable oils, any food contains different types of fats, such as lard the most useful arachidonic (polyunsaturated) fatty acid. Therefore, you should not completely abandon foods rich in saturated fats, it is enough to eat them a little, and then you will not face health problems and weight gain.

Without fats, a feeling of fatigue and hunger appears, the brain works worse, cell regeneration and division are not going well, the skin becomes dry and flaky. And if we talk about the amount of energy produced by fats, then they have no equal.

From how many grams of fatty acids are in a particular food, all sources of fat are divided into five groups:

  • Products with a high lipid content (more than 80 g of substances per 100 g);
  • Foods containing a lot of fat (from 20 g to 40 g of fat per 100 g);
  • Products with an average fat content (from 10 g to 19 g of lipids per 100 g);
  • Products with a low fat content (from 3 g to 9.9 g of fatty acids per 100 g);
  • (less than 3 g of substances per 100 g of product).

The first two food groups are high fat foods and should be consumed in moderation.

Various confectionery products, which include more than one name of fat-containing products, are also referred to the first group. And products containing extremely harmful to the body.

The second group of foods, which contains a lot of fat, include nuts (hazelnuts - 61.5 g, walnuts - 60 g, pistachios - 50 g, peanuts - 49 g), mayonnaise (about 70 g), duck meat (61 g), pork (49 g), raw smoked sausage (45 g), (on average - 35 g), chocolate (65 g), halva, etc.

Some of the sources of fats are classified as healthy foods and it is strongly discouraged to remove them from the daily diet. For example, nuts, one handful of kernels a day is enough to enrich the body with polyunsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium and recharge with energy.

But it is better to refuse mayonnaise and replace it with less high-calorie yogurt, soy or a drop of lemon juice. Also, don't put your health at risk for one packet of chips or deep-fried potatoes. Such dishes can be prepared much tastier and healthier, while consuming less fat.

Fatty fish

Only in some types of fish does the amount of fat reach 30 g per 100 g of product. These are eel, lamprey, halibut, sturgeon. This fish is useful in that it contains fats, which the body cannot produce on its own. You won't eat such a fish every day, but diversifying the menu with it is what you need!

Red meat

Pork and beef are best consumed in the morning (for lunch), and the way of cooking plays an important role. Give preference to meatloaf baked in your own juice, a boiled piece of meat, while fatty pieces are best cut off immediately. A portion weighing up to 100 g of the finished dish will not harm.


Butter-rich with beta-keratin and. It is not for nothing that adults and children like butter sandwiches. Sweetish, filling, it is suitable for breakfast. But it is not recommended to subject it to heat treatment, then it loses vitamins, like other oil. Therefore, it is better to add it to the finished dish or simply smear it on bran bread.

Olive oil


The benefits and daily allowances of nuts have already been discussed, so let's add the fact that they are combined with whole grain cereals, oatmeal and yogurt.

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"Fats are bad for health and a slim figure" - this statement was not questioned until recently. In an effort to normalize our weight, we abandoned them completely, but did not observe the desired effect. It turned out that the human body is much more complex. It has been proven that there are healthy fats that can be used successfully for weight loss. Let's look at this issue.

Useful functions

There is nothing superfluous in physiology, every substance is irreplaceable. Likewise, fats perform many important tasks:

  • Structural element of cell membranes

This is the very cholesterol with which they scare us. It turns out that without it, cells stop dividing and functioning normally.

  • Production of sex hormones

The elimination of fatty foods from the diet leads to sexual dysfunction.

  • Absorption of vitamins A, E, D

These are fat-soluble substances that cannot penetrate the intestinal mucosa without lipid molecules. Diet leads to their deficiency - nails, hair, skin elasticity suffer. Sleep is disturbed, a person becomes nervous and irritable.

  • Energy for the brain

The brain gets most of its energy for its work by breaking down fats. Neuronal membranes are 30% composed of omega-3, 6 fatty acids. Their lack leads to disruption of all cortical functions: memory, attention, volitional qualities.

  • Protection and insulation

Internal fat surrounding organs absorbs shocks, performing a protective function. Subcutaneous tissue is a "fur coat" that protects us from hypothermia or overheating.

Wrong diets with thoughtless restriction of fatty foods lead a person to a bouquet of chronic diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats.

"Friends and enemies"

A person needs to eat 80 grams of fat per day (for women, the norm is slightly lower - 60-70 g). This amount depends on the mass (1 g per kg of weight). The food should be dominated by healthy fats that are not deposited as a "dead weight" in the subcutaneous tissue. They are divided into plants and animals. But the origin is not as important as the structure of organic matter. Four types are distinguished depending on the length of the molecular chain.

1. Monounsaturated

These are palmitic and oleic acids - the most necessary type, which not only does not accumulate in the body, but also promotes the breakdown of excess lipids. Another useful property is a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol and inhibition of its oxidation (the mechanism of atherosclerotic plaque formation).

2. Polyunsaturated

The group includes:

  • - omega-6;
  • alpha linoleic acid - omega-3;
  • eicosapentoenoic acid - EPA;
  • docosahexaenoic acid - DHA;
  • conjugated linoleic acid - CLA.

Their common property is structural, it is the "building material" of cells. It is not deposited in adipose tissue, therefore, products with a high content of polyunsaturated acids should not be afraid:

  • fish (mainly seafood), flaxseed oil, walnuts, hemp oil - omega-3;
  • soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil - omega-6.

3. Saturated

The most controversial group is palmitic, stearic, lauric acid. They are found in meat, dairy products, chocolate, coconut and palm oil. It used to be thought that most of these substances are deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and are broken down last in the absence of energy. Today the approaches have softened a bit:

  • these substances are necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, so they cannot be completely excluded from the diet;
  • it is important to control the amount of carbohydrates (if it does not exceed 4 g per kg of weight, saturated fat does not lead to weight gain);
  • lauric acid, contained in, increases the content of only "good" cholesterol, which is beneficial for obese people.

It is important to remember that the daily rate depends on a person's energy consumption. People who lead an active lifestyle or are engaged in active workouts for weight loss can eat about 30 g more (due to saturated ones). All of them will be broken down to form energy with a limited intake of carbohydrates.

4. Trans fats (margarines)

The only substances whose harmfulness is indisputable. They should be excluded from the diet not only for people who are losing weight, but for everyone who wants to stay healthy. The consequence of the fascination with trans fats is obesity, starting from childhood, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.

Prohibited products include industrial confectionery, convenience foods, mayonnaise, ketchup, margarine, low-fat dairy products, fast food (french fries, chips, and others). All of them contain vegetable oils, enriched with hydrogen, which block the enzymatic system of the cell, ultimately leading to its death.

How to lose weight on fatty foods?

  1. Compliance with the correct ratio. You need to consume 2.5-3 parts of fat, 1 part of protein and only 0.8 parts of carbohydrates per day. According to the nutritionist, this is the proportion that characterizes breast milk.
  2. There is no clear meal time. You can eat as much as you want, the prohibition "after 18:00 - nothing but water" is canceled.
  3. It is important to observe the ritual of eating: in a calm atmosphere, silently, without a TV or newspaper. Food should be chewed well and not rushed.
  4. We give up fruits, vegetables, cereal fiber. This is the complete opposite of traditional nutritional advice. Fiber, according to Kvasnevsky, is not assimilated and does not bring benefits, vitamins and minerals can be obtained from meat and fish.
  5. Instead of plant foods, we eat animals: meat, fish, milk, cream, cheeses, eggs (you can eat up to 8 of them per day). The number of these products is practically unlimited (the main thing to remember is the ratio).

The advantage of such a diet is the complete absence of hunger, emotional and energy uplift (a person does not experience the stress associated with constant control and limitation). Exercise increases the effectiveness of the method 2 hours after eating.

Sample menu

Breakfast: traditional omelet from 3-4 eggs. You can fry in butter or lard. We wash it down with unsweetened tea.

Dinner: 150 g of meat in any form (it can be stewed, fried, baked). For garnish - fried potatoes (2 pcs.), Pickled cucumber.

Dinner: the nutritionist urges to give up dinner, but if the body has received less energy during the day, you should not starve it. We eat cottage cheese with sour cream (but without sugar), you can repeat the meat.

It is advisable to introduce such an amount of fatty foods into the diet immediately, without preparatory steps. If you have a chronic medical condition, it is best to get approval from your doctor.


The diet has general limitations associated with chronic disease:

  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness.

The diet is absolutely contraindicated in children and adolescents due to the possibility of metabolic disorders. Many nutritionists do not accept this system due to the complete lack of fruits and vegetables and the risk of high cholesterol levels. Their patients note the monotony of the diet.

We described the Kwasniewski diet as a controversial method that has nevertheless proved to be effective. You do not need to resort to such drastic measures, including in your diet some foods that facilitate the loss of kilograms.

  • Fish fat

Obtained from cod liver. Today they are used in capsules as a common medicine. The slimming effect is based on the ability to regulate insulin levels and create long-lasting satiety. Take 30 mg (2 capsules) three times a day for three weeks. Then they take a break for three months, after which the course is repeated.

  • Meat

Nutritionists consider the meat of young animals (lamb, kid, calf) as a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, which trigger the process of lipid breakdown.

  • Vegetable oils

Traditional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Olive is the leader - a tablespoon contains 9 g, no less useful, but has a specific taste. Regular consumption of vegetable oils has a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism, which accelerates weight loss.

  • bitter chocolate
  • Nuts

A very high-calorie product, but a recognized "champion" in the content of valuable lipids.

Given these figures, you can safely include a small amount of delicacy in the diet of a losing weight person.

  • Hard cheese

With a fat content of less than 40%, the product is considered dietary. There are some that help you quickly lose a few pounds. Unlike margarine, they are composed of beneficial fatty acids.

  • Avocado

This exotic fruit has long been known as an effective fat burner. But 10 g of its pulp contains 1 g of fat. It is important to eat fresh fruits that have not been cooked. This rule applies to all foods, since at high temperatures fatty acids are converted into toxic substances that are difficult to digest.

  • A diet enriched with fatty foods reduces the incidence of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • The structure of fats can be distinguished by their appearance: unsaturated - liquid, saturated - solid.
  • A decrease in substances below the physiological norm leads to weight gain. The body turns on the stress response, and carbohydrates begin to be deposited in the fat depots. For weight loss, it is not important to reduce the total amount in food, but to redistribute towards useful fractions.
  • Olive oil should not be used for frying. It completely loses its properties.
  • Vegetables are better absorbed with vegetable fats, so seasoned salads are much healthier.

Fats are no longer the enemies of the figure. They are included in many weight loss systems and, when used correctly, bring benefits and beauty to the body.