So in deep fryer. The main thing for the fryer is to heat up to the desired temperature, a sufficient amount of oil

18.08.2019 Restaurant Notes.

It implies the use of a large amount of oil. This method can be prepared by many products - from chopped slices of potatoes and other vegetables to sea products, chicken and even fruits.

If you cook properly fried in deep products are not impregnated with fat. Important moments: Use only high-quality vegetable waters, warm it up to the desired temperature and, if necessary, panic products. Sliced \u200b\u200bby the same pieces of products in front of the hot rides-sew, after the frying lay out Pa Kitchen Towels.


For frying deep, the exact compliance with the temperature regime is very important. Overheated oil Nach-no handful. It is best to use a fryer with a thermostat or a thermometer. Ideally, the oil temperature should be 175-190 ° C. If you do not have a thermometer, heal the oil in a deep pan or and wok, until light smoke appears, then throw a cube bread into it. If the bread is fried in 30 seconds, the oil has reached the desired temperature. So that during the frying the temperature did not fall, do not roast the products with too large parties.

Panication and calcine

Panning warns excessive saturation of the product with oil. The simplest panication is flour, which forms a thin crispy crust. For pain-neck protection, for example, when you frift in a fryer chicken or fish, the product can be dipped into flour, in the one in the egg and in the bread crumbs. Another version of the Pani-Fungi is the dough made from flour and milk or water, sometimes with the addition of a whipped face (parcel). Skip Clar through a sieve so that there are no compets left, or beat in an electric blender. For bright color, take beer instead of milk, and add Cayenne pepper, chili or curry powder for more taste. Class for tempuras are prepared very light - on everything that products are shone through it . Use it as a light and crispy bread for shrimp, slices of vegetables or small pieces of fruit.

Safety technique

Use a deep heavy frying pan or wok.

Fryer fill with oil no more than a catch, and the wok is nothing more than one third.

Before frying completely dry products in order to avoid splashes.

Immerse the products in the oil gradually, so as not to burn.

To extract the product from frying pan, use a spoon with holes, wire noise or a basket.

Move pens back frying back.

Never leave a pan or fryer unattended.

Out up the oil splashes immediately and not do-let the availability of oil on the outside of the sink-childbirth.

French fries

Potatoes for frying in the fryer can be cut into different ways, from the BRU clocks to the finest slice. It is important that the pieces are single. Slowing potatoes, put it into acidic water so as not to darke it. In this way, you will also wash part of the starch, thanks to which potatoes will turn out more crisp. Before hot, it is good to dry.

French Potatoes French Method

Potatoes fry in a fryer twice to form a crispy crust. At first, the potatoes fry until soft, give it to cool, and then fry again, at a higher temperature. Preheat oil up to 160 ° C and roar fryer potatoes 5-6 minutes. Remove, dry and let cool. Raise the temperature to 175 ° C and fry another 1-2 minutes before the formation of a crisp.

Fruits in dough

Fruits in the test is delightfully crispy outside and at the same time sweet and clean inside. For this dish, you can take any strong fruit - apples, pears, bananas, pineapple. First, clean-those fruits and remove the grains and braids and only after that squeeze-those in the clarity.

Fish in fryer

For frying fish requires a high temperature: 180-190 ° C. From considerations, use wok with two handles. Choose fish with a taper pulp, such as a red luzi an en or sea bass. First, the fish is frying in deep breath to the golden-brown-pepper crust on both sides, and then extinguished in the sauce. For frying fish pieces, cod and pike perch will fit. Shrimps are covered with a liquid klyar for the formation of a thin crispy crust.

Fried fish pieces

Clar provides a protective coating, thanks to which the fish remains juicy. Cut the fish with the same pieces, large pieces for uniform roasting are roasting one by one. For cooking, making fish with thin stripes. Put stripes in a plastic bag with flour and spices and shake to border with a smooth layer.

Books Bible Gourmet (Le Cordon Bleu Kitchen Essentials)


The method of preparation of products by roasting in a split oil or fat is known to have long been. Even in ancient Rome, some dough dishes were roasted in oil. In China, with antiquity, dishes are known from meat and vegetables, prepared by a way, very similar to modern fryer. The Japanese learned how to fry in a fryer from their trading partners - Portuguese, so in Japanese cuisine this method of cooking is called "Tampur" - by name borrowed from Portuguese.

In Russia, frying products in a large amount of oil are known as "sparkle", although the classic branch is not quite similar to the fryer - it implies frying on the layer of oil with a thickness of 1-2 cm when the product relies on the bottom of the dishes. A classic fryer that uses a much larger amount of oil is borrowed from European cuisine and is known in Russia, at least from the XVIII-XIX century.


Fryer can be prepared from many species of fats. In particular, it is used for it:

  • Vegetable oil (preferably refined, since substances included in the oil and non-fats are burning, which affects the product of the product, the quality of oil and the safety of the product for health. You can use refined olive, peanut, corn, cotton, soybean , palm, sunflower and other oils. It is not worth using oils not refined and those that are valuable by their aroma or taste, for example, the oil of the first press, since it is precisely aromatic substances and are in this case fryer pollutants and such oils are more appropriate to use, for example, as salad dressings).
  • Animal fat (pork, beef or lamb interior fat).
  • Fat poultry.
  • Pipe oil - applied very limited, as it can not be heated strongly, and weakly heated oil actively penetrates roasting products.

Do not fit the creamy oil and creamy margarines, because at the temperature necessary for fryer fryer, they are already starting to burn.

The specific composition of the fryer depends on the culinary tradition and the nature of the products that are supposed to be prepared. In pure vegetable oil, you can fry almost any products; Vegetables and savory baking are fried in a mixture of vegetable oil with beef fat; Sweet baking - in a mixture of vegetable oil with swine fat.

It is worth it, however, carefully approach the practice of mixing various fats, in view of the fact that each fat has its combustion temperature and is possible such a mixture, in which the fryer will burn, despite the fact that the fat is not heated to a temperature suitable for frying.

Barbbles fat are widely used in Asian cuisine. Fat poultry can be used to fry the same bird. In some recipes, it is recommended to add a small amount of vodka or brand into the fryer so that the product roasted in the fryer does not save the smell and lifting of fat. Frituary flavoring is possible roots, apples, quince. Such a fryer is filled after heating.


Frying products made of dough in oil. Street of the Indian city.

Fryer fryer is produced in deep dishes with thick walls, such as a cauldron, a saucepan, deep cast iron frying pan. The amount of fryer should be sufficient to fully immerse pieces of roasted products into it. It is possible to fry a slightly smaller fat (roasted pieces should dive into a fryer at least 2/3), but in this case the cooking process itself is somewhat more difficult - it is necessary to turn the products in time so that the roasting is uniform from all sides.

For convenient frying of a large amount of small pieces (for example, a fry or twig potato) can use a metal mesh container placed inside the dishes with a fryer; It is filled with roasted products and is completely lowered into the fryer, and after frying the whole is completely extracted from there. In addition to convenience, this gives the same time to stay of all pieces of product in deep fryer and, accordingly, uniform frying.

There are numerous models of household fryers - electrical appliances for the preparation of fryer products.

Procedure of cooking

Frituer is taken for cooking at least 4 times more by weight than once prepared products. Fryer is heated until the appearance of a barely noticeable white haze appears and is calcined at this temperature for 10-20 minutes. The calcination is necessary to clean the fat from protein residues. Refined vegetable oil is observed. The calcined fryer is transparent (it can save color, but should not be muddy). The frying temperature in the fryer is usually 130-190 ° C. The middle temperature fryer (up to 140-150 ° C) is used for roasting vegetables, raw or in a grain, in hot fryer (150-170 ° C) pre-boiled fish and meat, even higher temperatures are needed for frying products from the test. Fryer temperature is vital to obtain the desired result: if the fryer is not breaking enough, fat deeply impresses the product, which is usually undesirable, and too hot fryer leads to a rapid formation of a ruddy crust, under which the product remains raw or semi-prepared, and with further roasting, the crust starts to burn. However, the rapid formation of a crust without warming up the product itself in some cases may be desirable (when the products are already ready or not requiring rooting), which leads to a paradoxical, at first glance, the principle: the less need to heat the roasted product, the hotter should be a fryer .

Visually, the temperature of the fryer can be determined by placing a small piece of the dough: if the characteristic "boiling" is not observed around it, the fryer is still too cold, the appearance of rare bubbles speaks about the average temperature, the active boiling occurs when the fryer is hot, at the maximum temperature begins There is a characteristic smell of the burning test.

Products in front of roasting are usually cut into either otherwise forming with such a calculation so that the drying of the piece does not exceed 1-2 cm (otherwise, during the time the roasted piece of the piece outside, the inner part does not have time to warm up). The exception is semi-acceptable (for example, pre-boiled) products that are required only roasting, or products that, after the roasting, it is supposed to additionally bring to readiness, for example, in the oven. Fish, meat, vegetables, designed for frying, are most often immersed in Clar. Products from dough and potatoes are frying "as is". For many recipes, a small number of brandy, vodka or just alcohol is added to the clarity or dough to eliminate the flavor of the fat.

The prepared pieces of the product are placed in a fryer entirely, it is fairly free that the fat evenly boils from all sides, and roasting there a short time (depending on the recipe, from 1-2 to 10-12 minutes), before the formation of a uniform golden crust. After removing the products from the fryer, the products for some time are left on the metal grille so that the glass fat, or lay out on the tissue or paper napkins, so that they absorbed the remaining excess fat. After that, products are fed to the table.

Fryer and Health Cooking

Fryer fried products are aesthetic in appearance and tasty, they are quite popular for this. Nevertheless, modern medicine believes that their unlimited consumption (like any fried food) can harm health, mainly due to the high fat content. An important factor is to comply with the cooking technology, that is, fryer temperature and product processing time. With incorrect (insufficiently high for roasting products), the fat temperature of the fat from it is actively absorbed into products, significantly increasing their fat content.

In addition, it is considered [ by whom?] That, with repeated use of the same fryer, carcinogenic substances are accumulated in it. The reason for this is the oxidation of the fat themselves, as well as the accumulation of small pieces of the supplemented food separated during the preparation process. Old cooking allowed the use of the same fryer repeatedly, provided that each time after the frying it is fastened. Currently, the multiple use of the fryer is not recommended. The exclusion is a fryer of pure olive oil, for which repeated use, as well as a fryer from animal fat, which is allowed to be used twice.

It is considered safe to use fryer in special devices for frying fryer - fryers and industrial baking industries (various donut machines, etc.). The advantage of such aggregates is that, in contrast to cooking on fire, the fryer is heated only to the heat of the frying, as a result of which the oil does not boil and the oxidation process goes much slower. Fryer filtering can also be used after use. As a result of the listed fryer can be used repeatedly. For each type of apparatuses, there are defined by the manufacturer of the frequency of the replacement of the fryer, and when compliance with the food fitness of the prepared products, you can not be afraid.

Pork in sweet and sour sauce


  • 600 g of pork,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 2 salted cucumber
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. sugar spoons
  • 1 bunch of green parsley and dill,
  • 7 h. Spoon starch,
  • 3 tbsp. flour spoons
  • 2 eggs,
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 4 tbsp. Water spoons
  • vegetable oil for roasting,
  • pepper,
  • salt.


Chop meat. Of the flour, water and eggs with the addition of salt and pepper to taste not too liquid dough. Slices of meat to dip in the dough and quickly pickle in boiling in the bowl of oil (the oil layer should be at least 4 cm). In the fryer should not lay a lot of meat at the same time.
After the roasting meat in the fryer lay out on the sieve and give them to dry.

Cooking sauce:

2 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable oil heat in a frying pan, add a crushed garlic, slightly fry and remove from the fire. Then add vinegar, sugar, greens, diluted starch, crushed cucumbers, pepper. Boil the sauce and pour them pieces of meat.

On the side dish rice or pasta.

Escalo calf in Vinsky


  • 600 g veal,
  • 1 egg,
  • 25 g of superstars,
  • 200 g fat pork,
  • 1/2 lemon,
  • pepper,
  • salt.


Veal is chopped up so as to get a very thin layer, season with salt, pepper, wetted in the egg, run in breadcrumbs and fry meat in deep breath before the formation of a crisp crust. Escalop must be completely dry.
When applying for eskoplopes, the lemon lolk is decorated with a lettuce.

Pork with bananas


  • 800 g of pork,
  • 250 g of pork fat,
  • 1/2 lemon,
  • caraway,
  • pepper,
  • salt.


The pulp of the ham is cut into cubes weighing 35-40 g, satteniate and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, add a cumin, bay leaf, garlic and put on the cold. After an hour to fry meat in deep fryer.
Serve with fried bananas or roasted potatoes and greens.

Swine meat in deep fryer, fried in tomato sauce


  • 600 g of pork,
  • 150 g Sala of Pork,
  • 250 g tomato paste,
  • 150 g of green peas,
  • 100 g starch,
  • 100 g of broth,
  • 20 g of soybean sauce
  • 50 g vodka,
  • 1 egg (protein),
  • 25 g sugar.


The shrouded pulp of the back of the leg or the Korean is cut into slices, wet in a mixture of protein and starch, diluted with cold water (1: 1), fry in deep breath before the formation of a pale crust and fold.

At the same time, it is poured into a strongly heated frying pan with a small amount of fat, continuously stirring, a predetermined mixture consisting of tomato paste, starch, diluted with cold water (1: 2), burned sugar, not refilled chicken broth, soybean, vodka, and boil Before thickening.

Lay green peas and roasted pork, shaking, stirred, and then pour melted pork fat.

Chinese pork


  • 150 g of lean pork,
  • protein 1 egg,
  • 30 g starch,
  • 15 g of the onion bows,
  • 1/4 h. Spoons of ginger,
  • 10 g of soy sauce,
  • 5 g sugar,
  • 1 g of sodium glutamate,
  • 5 g of vinegar,
  • salt to taste
  • full blocks of broth,
  • quarter cup of wine
  • 1 h. Spoon finely rugged picules (small marinated vegetables);
  • fryer vegetable oil.
  • greens


Pork cut into pieces of about half a match box. Mixed in a mixture of protein, starch and water, fry meat in deep fryer, throw back.

On a hot frying pan, put the chopped onions, pour broth, add all the spices, picules and wine when boils, pour starch dissolved in water (1: 2).

When the broth thickens to the oily mass, put roasted meat, mix, put on the plate.

Salted pork with mushrooms


  • 200 g meat
  • 0.5 kg of fresh (or 100 g dry) mushrooms,
  • 1 egg,
  • 20 g starch,
  • 30 g of pork fat (or vegetable oil),
  • 2 hours spoons of soy sauce,
  • 2 hours. Spoons of vodka,
  • 1 Garlic Head,
  • 20 g of green onions,
  • 10 g of fresh ginger,
  • 0.5 h. Spoons of sodium glutamate.


From eggs, water and starch make a car. Cut the meat with thin lumps, to dip in the clarity and fry it in a fryer meat. Boil mushrooms to half readiness, chop fine and fry in a small amount of fat. Put meat on ready mushrooms.

In a separate dish, prepare sauce in advance, mixing broth (30-50 g), soy sauce, vodka, glutamate, green onions, chopped with slices, finely chopped garlic and ginger, salt and starch, diluted in cold water (1 hour spoon per 100 g of water). This sauce is well stirred, pour into mushrooms with meat, mix and take off the fire in a minute. Sauce should thicken.

This can be done with beef and lamb. Glutamate can be fully replaced by cubes "Knorr" and the like.

Pork with potatoes and grains of corn


  • 1 cup of corn grains,
  • slices of salt pork,
  • 1 bulb,
  • 4 cups of potatoes,
  • 1 cup of water,
  • 1 bed of milk or cream,
  • salt and pepper.


Sliced \u200b\u200bsalty pork fry in deep fryer. Onions, sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles, put out to a soft state. Break purified, chopped potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes, introduce fat and onions, draw potatoes to a soft state.

The resulting mixture is combined with the grains of young fresh corn and milk, bring to a boil, fill with creamy oil and pepper, mix with pieces of fried pork.

Serve corn grains with hot pork and potatoes.

Skewer Kozon Dulma.

Lamb or beef (blade, sneaker, crumpled) are cleaned with films and tendons, crushed on a meat grinder together with a raw lazer (beef or ram) and raw onions. Add raw eggs, salt, zira, spices.

They mix well and form balls of 6 pieces for a portion, having rushing them on a wooden skeleton, and fry in the fryer of 8-10 minutes. To the side dish feed fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, marinated onions. In order not to burn a fryer, it is made up of 30% beef or swine fat, 30% of culinary fat and 40% of vegetable oil.

Similar to the Dulma of Uzbek, a dish of Azerbaijani Kitchen Lulle-Kebab is preparing, however, without zira and eggs. And it is fried over coal.

Baranje Cutlets fried in a grain and garnished onion puree


  • 8 - 10 mutton boiler,
  • 50 g of vegetable oil
  • 400 g of cream Russian oil or margarine,
  • 50 g of dry broth (5 broth cubes).

For puree from Luke:

  • 10 bulbs,
  • 1 cup flour,
  • 1 bottle of milk,
  • 100 g of butter.

For a blister:

  • 1 cup flour,
  • 5 eggs,
  • 6 spoons of vegetable oil.


For the preparation of sauce 50 g of dry broth to dissolve in 1/2 cup of water, boil, throw cutlets.

To prepare a puree from Luke 1 cup of flour and 100 g of vegetable oil boil five times, dilute 1 bottle of solid milk, boil well. Clear 10 bulbs, cut into slices, pour 2 cups of broth, cook yes softness, wipe through the sieve. It's puree to put in the cooked sauce, boil, add salt.

Baranja cutlet cut into the form of cutlets, leave with each bone, knock out good, trim the veins. 50 g oil to dissolve in a frying pan, fry the cutlets on both sides in it, spilling them, fold on the meat dish in deep fryer, cool.

Creamy oil or fryer heat in a saucepan to the most hotst state, to dip each casing in a pungent and fry 3 or 4 pieces; When you are twisted, folded on the dish in a circle, in the middle - puree from the bow, throw all the sauce.

Veal escalopia


  • 400 g of veal,
  • 1 egg,
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of breading breads,
  • fat for fryer
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • spice.


Veal to repel into a thin layer, salt, add ground black pepper, moisten in the egg, barter in breadcrumbs and fry in deep breath before the formation of a crispy crust (the escalop should be completely dry). When applying, decorate the lone of lemon and lettuce with a latch.

Stuffed veal in Austrian


  • 300 g of veal,
  • 50 g of pork,
  • 10 g of Dutch cheese,
  • 1/3 eggs,
  • 5 g of flour,
  • 20 g of superstars,
  • 20 g of butter,
  • 20 g fat for roasting,
  • salt.


From veal cut cutlets, beat off, salt, pepper. On one chop to put two pieces of boiled low-fat pork, between which the plate of Dutch cheese is laid, cover the second chop, to panar in the flour, egg and crumbs and fry in deep breath.

Serve with fries and green peas with potatoes, putting on top of 20 g of butter in the form of a flower.

Bifstex with rustic bow


  • 500 g beef
  • 30 g of salted fat
  • 250 g of onions onions,
  • 30 g Wheat flour,
  • 10 g of foam oil
  • 250 g garnira,
  • pepper,
  • salt.


Onions cut into rings, panicing in flour and fry in deep breath. From the thickened part of the clipping, cut the bifhtex with a thickness of 20-30 mm, slightly repel, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put on a hot frying pan with fat and fry on both sides to the formation of brown crust.

When applying for ready-made bipstacks put roasted onions. On the side dish, serve boiled or sweened vegetables, fried potatoes.

Chinese pieces

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • pork lean - 300 g,
  • wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp. spoons
  • fat and vegetable oil for deep fry
  • 2 egg whites,
  • celery and parsley roots, carrots,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon salt
  • 1 incomplete h. Spoon ground black pepper.


Cooker. For this, whiskers whip into a high foam. Salt does not add: and the can, and the meat itself must be completely fresh.

In the pan, melt fat and oil approximately in the ratio of 1: 1, fry in the resulting fryer 20-30 g of finely chopped white roots and carrots. This is done in order to flavor the fryer. Then cut the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm, be sure to beat them off, dip in the clarity and lay out a fryer in a low heat, cover with a lid. Holding the meat under the lid of the minute three, check whether the clarity was shred up, turn the pieces with a wooden spatula and fry meat in a fryer further until readiness.

Serve pieces to the table follows the plate, where the side of the porch of the salt-luxury mixture, wherever it is believed before using each piece.

Kidneys with garlic


  • 500 g kidney,
  • 3 garlic slices,
  • 1 h. Spoon vodka,
  • 1/2 h. Sodium glutamate spoons,
  • salt.


Treat beef kidney. Separating the blades, external blood vessels, film and fat, each kidney must be cutting along, rinse well, pour cold water (in a ratio of 1: 4) and soak 5-8 hours (it is desirable to change the water every 2-3 hours). If there is no unpleasant odor after that, you should change the water again and bring to a boil. Or to the water for the last soaking, add 1 tbsp. Spoon of finished mustard.

Then the processed kidneys cut into pieces, fry in deep fryer. At the end, add chopped garlic, soy sauce, glutamate and salt to taste.

Piquant meat meatballs


  • 500 g of minced meat,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 crushed bulb,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of soy sauce
  • 1 h, spoon sugar,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 1 tbsp. flour spoon
  • fat for fryer.

For a blister:

  • 100 g of flour,
  • 1 egg yolk,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 150 ml of milk,
  • 1 tsp of vegetable oil,
  • breadcrumbs.


Mix minced meat, egg, crushed bulb, soy sauce, sugar, salt. To form meatballs with a diameter of 2 cm, to cut them into flour, to dip in the egg purple, cut into breadcrumbs and fry in a fryer at a temperature of 180 ° C for 4-6 minutes.

Give track oil and serve on the table.

Preparing in a fryer.

Chicken wings with potatoes

Chicken wings to cut in breadcrumbs, spices, cut potatoes and all lay down in a saucepan for 12 minutes.
What are cooking in deep

Friture - the word French, means a deep layer of plant or animal fat, in which culinary products are fry. Fryer dishes have long been belonging to both Russian cuisine. The famous Culinary Book of Helen Molokhovets The late 19th century contains a lot of appetizing dishes in deep fryer. There are one pies - dozens of species, and more cutlets in Kiev, calf and lame legs, crockets from rice and eggs, apples in a grain, cherries in a grain, sweet twig ...

The treatment of boiling fryer required agility, patience and skill. The new meal generations seemed to have lost these delicious recipes forever. But the electric fryer was invented for the preparation of golden french fries, appetizing donuts and pies, whites, apple pancakes, unmatched shrimp and mussels, fried mushrooms in the batter, as well as appetizing fish, chicken ham, wings, fillet in a crispy crust, ruddy meat Schnitelia and meatballs.

The ancient art of roasting in the fryer is now not so much art as a pleasant hobby. Cooking in an electric fryer is very easy. Bosch fryers heat the oil to be accurately installed temperature thermostat. Now the virtuoso dishes can perform any, even making first steps in cooking.

With the appearance in the house of the fryer of the avid culinary men become men. Children begin to eat without persuasion, and the preparation of treats to the festive table turns into a festive prelude.

Myths about the harmfulness of the fryer

In the recipes, Elena, a fryer mowhovets was asked to use animal fats with high boiling point, which contain saturated fatty acids. These fatty acids contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. And it was not too useful dishes, but the taste of them was so wonderful that they tried not to think about the harmfulness of the fryer.

Modern kitchen uses only vegetable oils for fryers, which contain nutrients: unsaturated fatty acids (they reduce blood cholesterol, and polyunsaturated fats (they are necessary to maintain tissue cellular structures). In addition, all vegetable oils contain vitamin E that protects Cell membranes from the destructive effect of the so-called free radicals and reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases.

But the doctors have long been not advised to eat repeatedly boiling oil. The boiling of fat during frying leads to the formation of new chemicals, in particular, acrolein, which sharply annoys the gallways. The decomposition of fat is accompanied by the formation of substances with an unpleasant taste and smell. But this happens at a temperature of over 200 degrees. And the temperature to which the oil is brought in modern fryers is not higher than 190 degrees.

Therefore, rumors about the harmfulness of fryer dishes are outdated. On the contrary, from a culinary point of view, modern cooking in the fryer has considerable advantages. The products quickly lowered in preheated fryer acquire a crispy fringe outer crust. Hot oil immediately "grabs" the surface of the products immediately, and inside the oil does not penetrate, dishes inside are treated with gentle, dietary. This is especially like children.

Experts calculated and found that fryer dishes are much less calories than it is customary to think. It is also attractive that the modern method of cooking in deep fryer retains vitamins and mineral substances, because the thermal processing of products lasts long.

How the electric fryer works

In the Bosch fryer models, the oil bowl is made of high-quality stainless steel, it makes it easier to care for the device and maintain it clean. Products are placed in a lattice basket of stainless steel and lowered in a preheated oil to a predetermined temperature. A permanent grease filter protects the air from the smells of cooking, even if delicious. It misses water vapor, but delays fat droplets from entering the air. Filters must be broken in a dishwasher or manually.

The thermostat accurately maintains the set temperature. The timer counts the necessary minutes. Please note that at the end of the frying it is necessary to immediately remove the finished dish outside. After all, the oil has a greater thermal inertia, and the cooked dish can burn.

Remove the basket with finished hot oil products is better when the fryer lid is closed, for this there is a special handle. This is not only convenience, but also safety: hot oil flows from the basket under the lid, the thermal processing of products is instantly stopped, and all this is without risk to burn with oil or hot steam. To observe the lift of the basket, and behind the course of cooking in the lid there is an observation window that never fades.

This technical characteristic, as the power of the fryer, is associated with the volume of the bowl, into which the oil is poured. These two values \u200b\u200bare selected by the designers so that the oil quickly heat up to the desired temperature.

Fryers with "cold walls", in contrast to models with metal walls, have a plastic case and reliable thermal insulation. Even when inside the oil heated to a temperature of 180 degrees C, it can be taken by hand for the hull without a risk to burn.

How to save oil

For fryer, almost any transparent refined vegetable oil is suitable, which is not foaming when heated and does not smell. Sometimes on sale you can meet the oil with a special mark on the label: it is suitable for dishes in the fryer. It's not obligatory. But never mix different varieties of oil! Do not add fresh oil into the already used, completely replace the contents of the bowl.

Does it seem to you that the fryer requires a lot of oil? Then count how much it goes to 20 frying in a pan. And hardly in the pan will turn out so tasty! In addition, fat in the fryer, in contrast to the usual frying pan, does not splash the plate and standing nearby dishes.

And yet some buyers confuse that the fryer bowl should be poured 2, or even 3 liters of oil. But with a neat handling of oil, you should have enough for a long time. In the intervals between cooking, the oil can be stored in a fryer with a closed lid. But no longer than 6 months, is warned in the instructions. Yes, do you really have enough patience to stretch 20 cooking for 6 months, what's the point of laying such delicious dishes by then?

Tips from Elena Mohovets (From the book 1901 of the publication)

For refreshing the fryer, boil it three times with finely chopped Antonovsky apples, which purify fat, taking a bad smell from him and taste, strain through the napkin in the growing pot and put it in a cold place.

For forest rosy and appetitality, pour the spoonful of alcohol or good vodka for each pound of fryer.

After cooking fish to prevent specific fish smell, it is enough to heat the oil up to 160 degrees and lower two slice of white bread into it. When bubbles disappear when boiling oil around bread, and the bread will become evenly brown, it can be removed; Oil will be freed from unpleasant odor.

Try to add salt and pepper after the finished products are extracted from the deep fry, so as not to spoil the quality of the oil.

For french fries and potato chips, old potatoes are suitable, young potatoes are too waterfronts. When cutting straw, make sure that the thickness of pieces is the same.

If you cook frield frozen foods, there should be less than usual (no more than 3/4 basket capacity), as they cooled the heated oil. Before you lower the basket with frozen food products, shake it well over the sink to separate the minor ice crystals. To prepare frozen products, the thermostat is first set to a special position marked with a snowflake.

Elena Mohovets Refrigerated Recipes (from the same ancient book)


Mix 250 g pumping stuffing, crushed onion, egg, slight salt and pepper. For the test you need 150 g of flour, 70 ml of water and chopping salt. Roll it out, cut out from the dough using a large cup of mug. Moching every circle of dough with water, put into the center of the mince and fold the circle in half. Tightly hide edges. Fry in deep deep at a temperature of 170 degrees C for 8-10 minutes. Let us drain and serve hot ones.


Mix half a cup of milk, 1 tbsp. Spoon of cream, 3 egg yolks, 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vodka, salt. Add 250 g of flour. Check the dough. Roll the dough with a thin layer. Cut it on strips with a size of 10x12 cm, make longitudinal slots and pass. Fry in deep fryer at 170 degrees for 3-5 minutes. Give oil drain. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.

Green Parsley in Fryer

In the fryer, pour a decent amount of fresh, purely washed, lined in a napkin and finely chopped green parsley. Watch the leaves are not burned, but only dried (about 2 minutes). Remove parsley on the sieve, salt; When it gets free, to sink with her pies fried in deep fryer.
Chicken legs

Salt salt, pepper, cut into breadcrumbs (as desired, add ready-made spices for chicken).

Cooking 12 minutes.

Crispy upper crust, very juicy. And a grams of oil inside. Oil inside the chicken does not pass because Preparing in deep fryer.
Cutlets with cheese filling

Farm (beef + pork) - about 300 gr
Onions - 2 pcs Middle
Egg - 1 pc
Garlic - 3 teeth
Pepper, Sol.

Onions and garlic shredy, mix with minced meat. I will add an egg, putting, pepper. We mix again. Bread did not add, because In the minced pork and minced meat is quite juicy.

Farm form in balls. I got 7 balls. Let's make a pellets from the minor, they lay out grated cheese on them and cover as patties. We cut in breadcrumbs.

In the fryer pour 1 liter of oil. Close the lid. Turn on FRI mode. As soon as the light goes out, we lower the basket into the oil. Cutlets are preparing 4 minutes on one hand, turn over and 3 minutes on the other hand. Then the oil is fixed, drain into the jar and remove into the refrigerator until the next time).

Cutlets are very juicy, but not oil, as it seems at first glance.

Frying potatoes, crispy chicken in breading, donuts acquire a special taste due to frying fryer. Nutritionists, to put it mildly, not delighted with this method. Nevertheless, many people are difficult to refuse their delicacies prepared in this way. But it suffices to comply with some simple rules to somewhat limit the negative impact on the organism of fried foods. Thanks to this, they will be better assisted, remaining the same tasty.

Delicious but unhealthy

Food prepared by the DEEP Frying method acquires an exceptional taste from which it is easy to get into dependence. This is because fat is the perfect taste of taste. If you throw in a saucepan with a large amount of oil Future froth potatoes or panted vegetables, they become crispy and satisfying. In the "deep fat" are processed and so-friendly donuts.

Unfortunately, using all this, we supply a considerable amount of saturated fatty acids in the body, including trans-fats. These substances increase the level of "bad" cholesterol, adversely affect the permeability of the vascular system. The diet in which many such products is capable of leading to atherosclerosis, infarction or stroke. Therefore, it is important to maintain moderation in their use and adhere to certain rules during frying.

Fryer or pan?

In public institutions most often used for frying fryers. Such a "gadget" can also be purchased for home - or buy a special saucepan. This vessel provides a wire mesh on which products are stacked. Thanks to this, ready-made delicacies can be quickly and easily removed, after which it is possible to free them from excess fat. Some use for frying popular in Asian cuisine wok frying pan. For her, the characteristic form is characteristic of which fat flows from products to the bottom. Consequently, much less oil is sent to the body than, for example, together with food from a fryer.

What kind of oil is better to use?

Before frying, it is worth it to get acquainted with the choice of suitable fat. It is supposed to have a high point of smoke and low saturated fatty acids. Such features are peculiar, in particular, olive oil (only not species of Extra Vergine), rapeseed, soy or peanuts.

Fried dishes are better cooking at home than to order in public catering. Because only in this case we will be confident in choosing the "right" oil.

Fryer frying: Practical part

Products for a future dish need to rinse before hot and thoroughly dry. Oil must be heated to a temperature of 160-200 degrees. This indicator is checked with a special thermometer or ... a piece of bread. The slice is thrown into the dishes - in the oil of the ideal temperature, it should be fried for a minute. There is another way if there is no special thermometer. You need to immerse in the oil of a wooden wand. If bubbles are formed around it, it means that you can start frying.

It is better not to fry at the same time too much of vegetables or very large pieces, for example, fish or meat.

Products must be room temperature. Frozen ingredients must be preliminarily defrosting so that after frying they are not cold in the middle.

Useful tips

During the frying the biggest danger, the splashing fat is most often becoming. If there will be some water in the dishes, you need to cover it to stop the flow of oxygen. Thanks to this simple reception, you can protect yourself from burns. Another way to prevent splashing of fat is to pour a little salt. It will reduce the degree of oil heating.

So that the fried dishes become lighter, the finished products are laid out on paper towels - they absorb excess fat.

A good idea is to serve delicacies from fryer with products cooked from coarse grinding flour, brown rice or with a salad of fresh vegetables.