How to prepare sea buckthorn juice for the winter. Sea buckthorn jelly with sugar

15.08.2019 The drinks

Vitamin sea buckthorn juice is a real boost of energy and strength in the middle of winter. Recipes for canning - for you!

Sea buckthorn juice contains a whole complex of vitamins and active elements. That is why it is considered extremely useful. Daily consumption of several tablespoons of sea buckthorn juice ensures that the body receives the components necessary for human health.

With the preparation of excellent sea buckthorn juice at home, our recipe with step-by-step photo actions will help you cope.

  • sugar

To begin with, we take sea buckthorn and clean it from branches. Wash the berries thoroughly, pour over with hot water and let dry.

Grind dried berries in a blender. Then we remove the bones. To do this, we wipe the mass through a colander, and then through a large sieve that does not let the seeds through. The result is a liquid mass.

We select the remains of sea buckthorn from a sieve using double gauze, after which we twist the last juice into a pan with sea buckthorn mass. The remaining cake can be used for tincture with olive oil. You will get an excellent wound healing agent.

Weigh the resulting mass to determine the required amount of sugar. For one kilogram of sea buckthorn we use one to one and a half times more sugar. Then pour the required amount of granulated sugar into the berries and mix until completely dissolved. In order for the sugar to dissolve more quickly, slightly warm the sea buckthorn.

Mix well again to get a uniform consistency.

Wash jars and lids for juice and boil for several minutes. Let's dry.

We put the resulting puree in jars, close the lids and leave in a cool place.

You can store juice both on the balcony and in the refrigerator.

Healthy and tasty sea buckthorn juice is ready for the winter.

Recipe 2: sea buckthorn juice in syrup through a juicer

  • for syrup: one liter of water and half a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Skip the washed and selected sea buckthorn through a juicer.

Boil syrup (water + sugar).

Add hot syrup to the juice, based on the proportion of juice 2.5 liters per 1 liter of prepared syrup.

Pour everything into pre-prepared clean jars. Pasteurize, heating to 85 degrees, jars of 1 liter - about 20 minutes. And immediately cork with lids.

Recipe 3: how to make sea buckthorn juice with honey for the winter

  • 600 grams of sea buckthorn berries;
  • 150 grams of water;
  • 150 grams of honey.

I wash the berries, remove all unnecessary branches, needles and all unnecessary details. Then I crush all the berries into juice. This can be done in small batches with a wooden mortar or rolling pin. You can also scroll through the juicer, removing the cake.

I filter the juice through a sieve and get a concentrate.

I add water so that the juice is not too acidic, and also to make it more drinkable.

Now I boil the juice for 15 minutes. The juice should boil well so that there are no problems with its storage in winter.

When the juice boils for the specified time, I remove it from the stove and add honey for sweetness. Honey also gives a wonderful aroma. Sugar has no such effect. If you do not have honey, then replace it with sugar, only sugar can be added before boiling.

I quickly pour the juice with honey into jars without waiting for it to cool. After adding honey, I immediately take the lids for twisting.

I cork the jars with lids and cover with a “fur coat” for slow cooling for a couple of hours. During this time, the honey will dissolve and the juice will have time to cool.

Ready-made natural sea buckthorn juice with honey not only looks beautiful, but also carries a lot of vitamins.

Try and roll up natural sea buckthorn juice with honey for the winter.

Recipe 4: how to make sea buckthorn juice for the winter

Sea buckthorn juice is a real pantry of vitamins! A couple of tablespoons of this juice can fully provide the daily rate of the most important vitamins. This healthy drink can be prepared for the winter. From it you can prepare various drinks, sauces, add to tea.

From the amount of berries given in the recipe, one and a half liters of juice is obtained. It is better to store this blank in a dark place; when stored at the top of the jar, a small layer of sea buckthorn oil exfoliates. Just shake the juice jar before drinking.

  • Sea buckthorn - 1.9 kg.

Rinse sea buckthorn berries well, removing debris.

Pass through a juicer. Do not throw away the remaining cake, it will come in handy for making sea buckthorn oil.

Pour the juice into an enameled (this is important) pan.

Heat up to 97 degrees Celsius.

Pour into sterilized jars.

Close with lids. Turn over and wrap well until cool. Good luck preparing.

Recipe 5, step by step: sea buckthorn juice with sugar (with photo)

  • Sea buckthorn 1 kilogram
  • Sugar 1 kilogram
  • Pure distilled water 300-400 grams

To begin with, disconnect the sea buckthorn berries from the twigs with scissors, throw the sea buckthorn into a large colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold running water from all sorts of dirt and dust. Leave the berries in a colander to drain excess liquid and then transfer them to a deep bowl.

Then install a food processor on the kitchen table and chop all the berries with it into a deep enameled pan. Leave the pulp, it will make excellent sea buckthorn oil, which is also very useful. Place a sieve with a fine mesh on a deep pan and place gauze folded in 2-3 layers on its bottom.

Strain the juice through the filter. Fold the ends of the gauze to make a bag and squeeze the pulp into a deep saucepan with juice so that not a single drop of precious liquid is lost, and you can make jam or bake a cake from the remaining pulp.

Turn on the stove to a medium level, pour clean distilled water into a deep saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add the right amount of sugar to the water and boil the mass for 10-12 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the sea buckthorn juice into the resulting syrups, stir the ingredients until smooth with a tablespoon and place in a cool place for 1.5 - 2 hours. While the sea buckthorn is settling, sterilize the jars and lids for conservation.

Pour the infused juice into sterilized jars, use a ladle, cover with lids and place in a deep saucepan. Pour running water into it so that it does not reach the necks of the jars by 2 to 3 fingers.

Place the pot on the stove at high heat, bring water to a boil, turn the stove to medium and cover the pot with a lid.

Sterilize half-liter jars for 10 minutes, liter jars for 15 minutes, three-liter jars for 25 minutes. Then remove the jars with the preservation tongs and close with the preservation key. Turn the juice upside down and put it on the floor, under a woolen blanket so that there are no gaps between the floor and the blanket.

Let the sea buckthorn juice cool for 2 to 3 days without sudden temperature changes. Then place the jars in a cool, dark, well-ventilated area, such as a pantry, basement, or cellar.

Sea buckthorn juice is served in glasses, cold for adults or at room temperature for children. Sea buckthorn juice should be drunk very carefully and in small doses, diluting 200 grams of juice with 50 milliliters of pure distilled water, as this drink contains a high concentration of carotene and vitamins that can cause an allergic reaction. One glass of diluted juice is enough for 1 day!

This type of juice promotes wound healing, is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often it is used in gynecology. By itself, sea buckthorn has a bitter taste, but during heat treatment and in combination with sugar, the juice from it turns out to be very tasty, sweet and aromatic. From sea buckthorn juice you can cook jelly, fruit drink, make jelly. Sea buckthorn is a useful berry, stock it for future use! Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: juice without boiling and cooking for the winter (step by step)

Sea buckthorn - 1 kg
Sugar - 400 g
Citric acid - 2 pinches

Fill the berries with water so that all the debris floats to the surface. Remove it and thoroughly wash the sea buckthorn, removing stiff cuttings, if any.

Puree the berries with an immersion blender or chop in the bowl of a food processor. Add sugar and citric acid. Let's beat it again. Citric acid plays the role of a preservative here, but if the berries are sour, then you can not add this ingredient - it is better to add more sugar.

Then grind the resulting orange mass through a strainer, separating the cake from the juice. By the way, sea buckthorn cake can not be thrown away - fill it with vegetable oil and you will get excellent sea buckthorn oil, which will need to be allowed to brew for a week.

Sea buckthorn juice for the winter without cooking and boiling is ready. You can pour it into steamed bottles or jars and tightly screw the lids on the containers, and then take them to the basement or store them in the refrigerator.

However, do not forget to keep one jug for yourself and taste the prepared drink, stocking up on useful vitamins.

Sea buckthorn can rightly be called one of the most useful berries for our body. And yet it has a completely incomparable taste and aroma.

And so they like to drink tea with her, and of course, they prepare them for the winter.

It can be used as an additive to various dishes, desserts, or as a filling for baking. And how much can be made from it: and compote, and jam, and jelly, and juice, and much more. What is worth only jelly, mmm ... Have you tried it? It's amazingly delicious! And compotes, this is generally a godsend - it’s so convenient for a holiday, for example, to open a jar.

And most importantly, it is a completely natural product!

Today I would like to bring to your attention several options for harvesting this miraculous berry for the winter season.

You can learn how to make delicious, healthy jelly for children's "capricious" breakfasts. How to make compote for all occasions, amber jam for tea, and just how to prepare a “magic” berry for the winter. All recipes are quite simple in their execution and do not require much time.

Fresh sea buckthorn without boiling berries is a real "vitamin bomb" that supports and protects the body from all sorts of ailments and diseases.

Besides, it is also very tasty. Putting a few spoons in hot tea, we get a fragrant drink, pleasant in taste.

I always harvest a berry in this way also in order to make healthy delicious morsiks. Children from such, just delighted.

And be sure to stock up on a few jars. What’s more, it’s all so easy to do.

We will need:

  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 1 liter sea buckthorn

If you count in kilograms, then for 1 kg of sea buckthorn you should take 1300 - 1500 sugar, depending on what degree of sweetness you prefer.


1. Of course, the berry must be washed before starting to work with it, remove excess leaves and twigs. Then let her dry. Since we will not cook it, it is not desirable that water remain on the surface. It can cause the fermentation process.

Therefore, it is better to wash the fruits in advance so that all the water has time to evaporate before cooking. And to be sure, also get wet on top with paper towels.

2. After that, grind it in a meat grinder, or in a food processor, but try not to let your assistant beat it at the same time.

You can also grind the berry with a blender. And if you don’t want the bones and skins to be in the finished jam, then grind through a sieve.

Although I wouldn't recommend it to you. It is in the skins that most of the useful substances are contained, and precious sea buckthorn oil is made from the seeds.

3. Sugar can be added after grinding the orange "beauty". If you use a blender or combine, then it is better to pour it in even before the start of churning.

In this case, the crystals will dissolve faster and it will not be necessary to mix the contents for a long time to achieve the desired state.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to clean, sterilized jars and pour two tablespoons of sugar on top. In this way. we will create a "cushion" of safety, and the finished fragrant puree will not ferment.

Store the finished grated yummy in the refrigerator, or in a cold cellar. If the storage temperature is above 4 degrees, then fermentation processes may begin in the jar.

After the onset of cold weather, you can take the workpiece to the glazed loggia, thereby freeing up space in the refrigerator.

5. Eat at any time with tea, or make delicious fruit drinks. In this case, pass the diluted drink through a sieve, where all the skins and bones that are already unnecessary by that time will remain.

It's very simple and very tasty! And many housewives harvest fruits in this way.

Recipe for making sea buckthorn in your own juice without boiling berries

This recipe is even simpler than the previous one. The most difficult thing in it is the preparation of berries, that is, sorting it out from debris and twigs, washing and drying.

Ready-made jam is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

We will need:

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1400 gr


1. Wash and sterilize jars and lids. Dry them.

2. Pour clean dry fruits into jars with a layer of about 2 - 3 cm. Then pour this layer with sugar. And thus, alternating, completely fill the entire glass container.

3. Close the lid and let stand at room temperature for 12 hours. The berry will release some juice, and that's good, so the process is running.

Now you can put our workpiece in the refrigerator, the process of formation of sugar syrup will continue to occur there. After a while, the whole berry will be in it.

After about a week, the juice will stand out about half the jar, and after another week, all the fruits will be in their own fragrant juice.

Filled jars and store without removing from the refrigerator.

Needless to say, it turns out just an incredibly tasty preparation, the berries of which seem to have just been picked from a bush!

Sea buckthorn jam - the best recipe for cooking without sterilization

This red berry turns out to be divinely tasty even when cooked with sugar. This beautiful amber jam will not leave anyone indifferent. But of course, we will not cook the delicacy for a long time, so as not to lose the beneficial properties.

In this case, we will use a little more sugar than in previous recipes. This is due to the fact that we will cook the jam according to the “five-minute” principle.

We will need:

  • 1 liter berries
  • 1 kilogram of sugar


1. We free the sea buckthorn from small litter, wash it from possible dust and dirt - we get a berry to a berry! We pour the pure fruits into an enameled kitchen basin or a wide pan, so it will be more convenient to cook them.

2. We fall asleep with sugar and leave for twelve hours, it is best to do this at night. During this time, the berry will have time to give juice.

Now put on fire and bring to a boil. We boil for five minutes, no more, we want to preserve all the useful trace elements and vitamins.

Do not forget to remove the foam, which you can eat right away!) We always line up for it! And no wonder with such and such a flavor! ...

3. Pour directly into sterilized jars while hot and close with sterile lids. Allow jam in jars to cool at room temperature and store in pantry or refrigerator.

Since it did not cook for a long time, it is better to store it in a cool place. Although we made sure by adding a significant amount of sugar.

We don't keep this yummy for a long time. Within a month, we eat it with tea, and soon there is no trace of the jam.

Sea buckthorn jelly with sugar

Many of us are more fond of jams and jellies, especially children. It's great that you can combine useful and tasty in one.

What you need:

  • Sea buckthorn berries liter
  • Sugar - kilogram


1. To begin with, be sure to sort and rinse the berry. Then we need to get juice and puree from it, removing the skin and bones. To do this, we pass the berry through a meat grinder or blender. And if you have a combine, then the whole process will take a few minutes.

In this case, it is only important to chop the fruits, it is not necessary to knock them down.

2. Now we take a sieve, put it on a deep plate and pour the sea buckthorn mass into it. It is better to spread the content in small batches so that it is easier and faster to work.

3. Grind with a spoon so that the sea buckthorn juice and puree fall into the plate under the sieve.

If there is no large sieve, you can take gauze and squeeze through it. It's always been done that way in the past. It may take a little longer, but the result is the same everywhere.

We don’t throw out the cake, you can drink tea with it, just putting it in hot tea leaves.

4. Add 80% sugar to the resulting juice and mix thoroughly until it dissolves. You can leave it for a while on the kitchen table and stir every 15 to 20 minutes.

Then we put it in the refrigerator for three hours.

5. In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids, let them cool completely. It is better to do this in advance so that the water has time to drain or evaporate.

And you can pour the future jelly into jars. In each of them, on top of the jelly, pour the remaining sugar, about a couple of tablespoons per jar.

If you have very small containers, then accordingly you should pour less.

After a day, the mass is gelled and our dessert will be ready.

Store the finished delicacy in the refrigerator, closed. After the jar is opened, it is better to use it within a week or two.

Sea buckthorn with honey for the winter without boiling berries

Honey, of course, is not such a good preservative as sugar, but it is very useful, and in combination with sea buckthorn - a real benefit! If you take this delicacy just a teaspoon a day, it will help your immune system cope with colds.

And besides, it's just delicious!

We will need:

  • Three glasses of berries
  • One glass of honey


1. We remove small rubbish, leaves from the berry and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Place on a clean kitchen towel to absorb any excess water.

Since we will not boil the berry in this version either, water is not needed here at all so that it does not cause fermentation processes.

2. Put the dried berry into an enamel basin, or a large glass container. Armed with a pusher, mash all the contents into a puree, which, of course, will turn out with skins and bones.

If desired, of course, you can remove them, but together with them we will then remove most of the useful substances. What we do not want, therefore, we leave everything as it is.

3. Add honey to this mass and mix well. We give it the opportunity to completely disperse and saturate all the contents with its taste. To do this, leave the dishes with mixed berries on the kitchen table for 3-4 hours.

During this time, the mass should be mixed several times.

4. Then pour our yummy into sterilized and dried jars and cover with clean lids.

Sea buckthorn compote in jars

Sea buckthorn compote is a separate issue. When I first tried it, it was just a flavor explosion in my mind. I never even imagined before that it could be so tasty.

In general, this is a drink for all occasions - and just to quench your thirst, he is good, and he is a master of pampering himself with exquisite taste, and he is always happy to treat guests.

With all that, it is also so useful that you want to drink it without stopping ...

We will need:

  • liter of berries
  • three glasses of sugar
  • three liters of water


1. Sea buckthorn, for starters, of course, needs to be sorted out and washed. The berries should be all clean, without ponytails and litter.

2. After the water drains, put the fruits in liter jars, filling them in 1/3 part and pour boiling water over them. Cover with lids and let stand in this form for ten minutes. The fruits should be very well warmed up.

Both jars and lids must be sterilized without fail.

3. Drain the water into a saucepan. You can use a special lid with holes for this, in which case the berries will remain in the jar.

4. Add sugar to this water and, stirring, bring to a boil, all the crystals should, of course, dissolve.

5. We got a syrup and fill it with the contents in jars. It should be poured right up to the neck so that when you close the lids, the excess even pours out a little.

Compotes are best closed with iron lids using a seamer. This is the most reliable way to preserve.

6. Turn over the finished compote and put it on the lid, wrap it with a blanket. Leave it to cool slowly for about a day. or rather, until the syrup has completely cooled.

This is an additional sterilization of the contents, called pasteurization. Slow cooling promotes better storage in the future.

7. Keep the compote in a cool and dark place. Perfect for a cellar in your home, or a pantry in an apartment.

In winter, open a jar and fully enjoy the taste, smell and color of the drink!

Compotes can also be mixed. So, it turns out very tasty to cook them with apples. There is a new filling and an interesting flavor combination.

And of course, you can mix different berries - currants, lingonberries, cranberries, and chokeberries will do. That is, almost all the berries are in season.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter

For those who do not like to deal with banks, there is an easy way to preserve the vitamin berry - freezing. It turns out just as tasty and healthy, but without the hassle.

From frozen fruits, you can cook fruit drinks, compote at any time, or simply crush them and pour tea with sugar.

We will need:

  • Sea buckthorn liter
  • Sugar half a kilo


1. We sort out the berries from twigs and small debris, rinse and send to paper towels for drying. It takes about 40 minutes for all the moisture to evaporate.

For fidelity, you can also blot the top with paper towels.

2. Now you need to transfer the berry to a spacing or baking sheet so that they are separate from each other. Put them in the freezer for three hours.

The air temperature in the freezer should be about twenty degrees.

Then take out the baking sheet and arrange it in bags or containers. If you like it sweeter, then you can mix the berries with sugar before laying out the packages.

It's that simple! It will take quite a bit of time and the freezing is ready.

Video on how to make delicious sea buckthorn jam

Favorite jam can be prepared not only from one berry. It tastes best with the addition of walnuts. And the syrup is prepared on the basis of rose hips.

That's so interesting! That is, there is no longer one complex of vitamins, but two, and even three. After all, rose hips are known as a storehouse of vitamin C, and not only ... And nuts also contain quite a few useful things.

Here is a super vitamin jam. Be sure to cook it, it's delicious!

Friends, today these are all the ways of harvesting delicious berries from all that I know. Of course, there are options and variations, but they are all made on the basis of these basic principles and recipes.

Therefore, if you know them, you can cook absolutely any jam, even with cooking, even without it.

In general, you noticed how easy it is to cook sea buckthorn for the winter. And what a delicious "magic" is obtained in each prepared jar! And all this is not only delicious, but also very useful!

So cook, eat with pleasure, and always be healthy!

Bon Appetit!

Sea buckthorn has been known for its healing properties for a long time. Healers and healers used it as a panacea for a large number of ailments. It contains a record amount of vitamins and minerals useful for the body. In order to provide the body with a full range of useful elements, it is enough to drink half a glass of juice a day.

Succinic acid is an effective source of stress management. It can replace antibiotics and remove radioactive elements from the body. Therefore, it is important to know how to make sea buckthorn juice at home so that all the beneficial properties are preserved in it.

Sea buckthorn is known to all for its unique healing properties. It saturates the body with vitamins of groups B, E, H, C, A. It helps the body replenish the balance of potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and titanium. The berry contains a lot of calories. This is due to the high content of sugar and fatty acids.

Sea buckthorn juice has a positive effect on blood composition. Thanks to its regular use, it is possible to increase the level of protein, red blood cells. In addition, the level of hemoglobin is normalized. A drink from a sunny berry increases the resistance of the immune system and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It stimulates the production of serotonin. Juice is recommended to be included in the diet of people with eye problems, persistent inflammatory processes. It serves to prevent the formation of blood clots and tumors.

Sea buckthorn drink has a positive effect on the health of every person. That is why the hostess must know how to properly cook it at home.

General contraindications

Sea buckthorn juice, like any other food product, is not without contraindications for use. It should not be drunk in the presence of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Its use should be abandoned in the presence of stones in the gallbladder. Doctors do not recommend using the drink for medicinal purposes in case of pathologies in the pancreas. If the patient is allergic to carotene, then the juice can cause her next attack.

Delicious Juice Recipes

Sea buckthorn juice at home is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • one kilogram of fresh berries;
  • two hundred grams of water.

First, you should sort out all the fruits and remove the spoiled ones. Next, rinse them under running water and squeeze thoroughly. To do this, use a wooden pestle. The procedure is carried out in an enamel container. For easier separation of the bones, boiled water should be added regularly. After that, the composition is squeezed using gauze. The juice is ready to use. You can add a little sugar or honey to taste. The latter option is used as a treatment for colds.

Juice recipe with granulated sugar

To prepare the composition, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one kilogram of berries;
  • three hundred grams of sugar.

At the first stage of preparation, it is necessary to carefully steam the sea buckthorn in a water bath. After that, cool them thoroughly and rub through a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting composition and put on the stove. Puree is not brought to a boil, but warmed up at a temperature of no more than 90 degrees. Next, the composition can be poured into jars and corked with a special metal lid.

Properties, benefits and harms of sea buckthorn juice

After that, the jars can be closed with lids. To continue the sterilization process, they must additionally be wrapped in a blanket. You can increase the shelf life by placing the jars in a cool place.

Preparing juice with a juicer

This method is the easiest, so even a lazy hostess will like it. The juice is obtained through simple operations, and then squeezed cake is also added to the resulting liquid. The amount of sugar depends on the planned shelf life. If you keep the juice in the refrigerator, then you need to add the same amount of sugar. When stored in a pantry, this amount should be increased by 1.5 times.

Preparing juice with a juicer

Required Ingredients:

  • one kilogram of berries;
  • two hundred grams of sugar.

Before the start of the process, all the berries are moved, washed. Next, they must be put in the upper pan. Sugar is added to the same vessel. The juicer is put on fire. After a certain period of time, the finished composition will begin to flow down the tube. The hostess will be able to show her ingenuity and add other ingredients to the juice. Additionally, you can use plums and apples. Their total number should not exceed three hundred grams. Production and storage conditions are the same as described above.

Home | cooking | canning | sea ​​buckthorn jam

Many people know that sea buckthorn is the most valuable product. But how to save a healthy berry for the long winter months!?

Useful properties of sea buckthorn
Vitamins: C - 200 mg (as in blackcurrant)
A - 250 mcg
B1 - 0.1 mg
B2 - 0.05 mg
B5 - 0.2 mg
B6 - 0.8 mg
B9 - 9 mcg
PP - 0.6 mg
E - 5 mg (here sea buckthorn surpasses all other products)
Beta-carotene 10 mg (almost twice as much as rose hips)
Trace elements: calcium - 22 mg
magnesium - 31 mg
sodium - 4 mg
potassium - 193 mg
phosphorus - 9 mg

also vitamins P, K, other trace elements (manganese, aluminum, iron, titanium ...) fats (about 6%), organic acids, alkaloids, phospholipids, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins, phenolic acids, serotonin, inosid, pectin substances ...
Moreover, the content of these substances is so balanced that just over 50 grams of sea buckthorn berries per day is enough to satisfy the body's need for almost all useful vitamins, micro and macro elements.
And there are legends about sea buckthorn oil. Whether there is “living water” is a question, but there is definitely “living oil”.

And now about the sad.
The whole problem is that before enjoying this miracle berry, IT SHOULD BE COLLECTED, but a completely different story.

What to cook from the collected sea buckthorn:

Sea buckthorn compote - a peculiar taste, you won’t drink much, some vitamins (especially C) are destroyed during sterilization.

Traditional sea ​​buckthorn jam from whole berries - again, when cooking, we lose vitamins, and small bones are not very pleasant to eat.
Sea buckthorn juice - it is necessary to sterilize (heat), a lot of useful remains in the skins and bones.

Sea buckthorn with sugar - useful vitamins are preserved as much as possible, but the bones ...

In the end, it turned out that I harvest sea buckthorn for the winter only in the way described below.

Sea buckthorn juice: benefits and harms

In this form, we eat it all.

This preparation can hardly be called sea buckthorn jam, rather it is mashed sea buckthorn with sugar without heat treatment and pitted.
The absence of heating preserves the maximum amount of vitamins.

Sea buckthorn jam recipe:

Preparation of sea buckthorn jam:

There are several ways to make a pureed mass of berries:
Using a blender or meat grinder.
With the help of a special nozzle of the combine for mashing.
With a juicer.

A blender and a meat grinder grind the whole berry along with the seeds and skin - useful, but not tasty.
A special nozzle very carefully separates and squeezes the pulp from the skins and seeds - very tasty, but a lot of vitamins remain in the cake from the seeds / skins.
A good juicer not only squeezes out the liquid component. With the right mode, a large amount of crushed skins and very small particles of seeds get into the juice - healthy and tasty.

photo 2.
I tried all three units and settled on a juicer. The cake obtained after the first pressing is crushed with a pusher and run through the juicer again.

photo 3.
This is what the cake looks like after all these manipulations. But the photo shows supposedly seeds. But these are only empty skins, almost all the pulp from them was crushed into a squeezed puree.
Waste by weight is only 15% - this is a hollow husk from seeds and a small amount of almost dry skins from berries.
Due to the squeezed pulp of sea buckthorn seeds, this jam acquires a soft, slightly mealy taste - I really like it.

photo 4.
Then you just need to add sugar, stir until completely dissolved (this happens very quickly). Divide into jars and store in the refrigerator. You should not keep the pureed sea buckthorn in an open container in the light for a long time - this leads to a decrease in the amount of many vitamins.

After a couple of weeks of storage, such jam is stratified into three fractions:
At the bottom is a little clear light cream syrup.
In the middle there is a large amount of bright orange tender jelly-like puree.
And on top is a small layer of light jelly with a clear oily taste.

photo 4.
Sea buckthorn prepared in this way can be used to make fruit drinks or cocktails, as tops for ice cream, casseroles, cheesecakes, carrot vegetable cutlets.
It can be used for making impregnations for cakes and pies.
Or just for hot tea on a cold winter evening...

Another way to prepare for the winter: sea ​​buckthorn freezing . Wash the berries, dry them, lay them out in a thin layer on pallets and put them in the freezer (turn on the quick freeze mode), after a few hours pour the berries into special bags. Of the vitamins, vitamin C tolerates such processing the worst, the rest are preserved almost in their original amount.
To preserve the maximum amount of useful properties of sea buckthorn, it is advisable to process it immediately after it has been harvested.

Bright and appetizing sea buckthorn berries have been valued for their medicinal properties since ancient times. They are rich in vitamins, folic acid and carotenoids. Sea buckthorn blanks have the ability to relieve inflammation and heal wounds. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve metabolism.

Also, everyone knows about the medicinal properties of sea buckthorn oil. It is made from sea buckthorn berries. It is excellent for various types of burns, inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat, it is widely used to treat ulcers and bedsores. One of the most valuable components of sea buckthorn berries is vitamin E. It stimulates the work of all body systems and strengthens the immune system.

So, how to prepare sea buckthorn for the winter so that it does not lose its beneficial properties? This will be discussed in this article.

When and how to collect sea buckthorn

Everyone who has ever collected sea buckthorn knows what a long and difficult process it is. Its berries have almost no stalks and sit very tightly on branches strewn with huge thorns. One careless movement is enough to immediately crush more than a dozen berries. In addition, the fruit has a thin skin that breaks very easily.

Experienced gardeners have come up with several ways to collect this insidious berry.


Small branches with clusters of berries are cut from sea buckthorn bushes and placed in the freezer. Frozen fruits come off the branch very easily. But this method of collection is quite rough and can harm the bushes. In addition, it is suitable only if further processing of berries was not planned.

Collection with tools.

To facilitate the collection process, craftsmen came up with several inventions:

  1. "Cobra". It is a thin steel wire, bent in the form of a loop, which is fixed on a wooden handle. Moreover, the upper part of the loop is bent in such a way that it resembles the flame of a burning candle in shape, and one of the sides is given the shape of a cobra, ready to throw.
  2. Combs. Very often, to speed up the collection process, various combs are used, which, as it were, comb out the berries on a spread awning. But they have one significant drawback, most of the berries collected with the help of them turn out to be mint.

When to Collect

The timing of the harvest of sea buckthorn berries primarily depends on the variety and weather conditions of a particular region. Most often this is the end of August the beginning of September. Also, the collection time is affected by its future use. If it is planned to make compote or jam from it, then it must be collected as soon as it ripens. At this time, the berries are still quite dense and in the process of cooking they will not turn into a shapeless mass. For the manufacture of sea buckthorn oil or jam, soft and overripe fruits are more suitable.

They start picking berries after they have acquired a bright orange color. At this time, they begin to come off easily and contain a maximum of vitamins and other useful substances in their composition.


Tasty and healthy sea buckthorn for the winter can be prepared both fresh and in the form of a variety of juices, jams and marmalades.

How to keep sea buckthorn fresh

Sea buckthorn berries in the cold can be kept fresh for a long time. There are several ways to store this:

  1. To do this, branches with them are hung in a dry place with a temperature of about 0 ° C. In this state, they can be stored until spring.
  2. Sea buckthorn sprinkled with sugar is also well stored. To do this, it is sorted out and covered with sugar at the rate of 1 kg of berry raw materials 1 kg of granulated sugar. This preparation is stored in the refrigerator. It can be used to make compote or fruit drink.
  3. Another way to preserve sea buckthorn without the use of heat treatment is to store berries in water. To do this, freshly picked berries are poured with cold boiled water and put in the refrigerator.
  4. Quick freezing is another option for preserving berries. For such storage, they are washed, laid out in plastic bags and placed in the freezer.

Sea buckthorn with sugar

This method of harvesting allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients in the berries. It will need 1 kg of sea buckthorn and 1300 g of granulated sugar. The berries are carefully sorted from leaves and debris, washed with water and laid out on a napkin or towel to dry.

After that, they are mixed with sugar and laid out in pre-sterilized jars, which are then placed in the refrigerator. The sugar will gradually dissolve in the released juice and will perfectly preserve the berries.

Pureed sea buckthorn

For this preparation, sea buckthorn berries are best harvested when they are already fully ripe and soft.

After collecting them, they are sorted out, washed and thrown into a colander so that the remaining water drains.

After that, they are covered with sugar at the rate of 1 kg of sea buckthorn 1 kg of sugar and crushed with a wooden pestle. You can also grind them with a blender or meat grinder. The resulting berry mass is laid out in jars, closed with nylon lids and placed in a cellar or refrigerator.
Pureed sea buckthorn can also be cooked with apples. To do this, apples, peeled and cut into slices, are pre-boiled until soft and rubbed through a sieve or crushed to a puree state with a blender. For 1 kg of sea buckthorn add 400 g of apples and 700 g of sugar. Banks with this blank must be additionally sterilized. 0.5 l for 20 minutes, and 1 l for 30 minutes.


The composition of sea buckthorn juice is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, its calorie content is only 52 kcal. It is prepared with a juicer. You can make it with or without pulp. Also, depending on individual preferences, it can be preserved with or without sugar.

The process of making sea buckthorn juice is simple and does not require much time. To prepare it without sugar, the berries are passed through a juicer, the resulting juice is poured into jars and put on sterilization. After that, the banks are rolled up and put away for storage in the basement or cellar.

To prepare sweet juice, sugar syrup is added to it, prepared at the rate of 400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. As a percentage, 40% syrup is added to 60% juice.

Sea buckthorn juice

The resulting product is bottled and sterilized.

To diversify the taste, you can add the juice of blackberries, blueberries or any other berry to it.


For compote, it is best to use berries that have not yet overripe; they will not lose their shape during the cooking process. For 1 kg of sea buckthorn, 1 kg of sugar and 1.2 liters of water are required. The cooking process is simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. The berries are moved and washed.
  2. Arranged in sterilized jars.
  3. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  4. Jars with berries are filled with hot syrup and sterilized at a temperature of 90°C.


To prepare sea buckthorn jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Berry 1 kg;
  2. Sugar sand 1500 g;
  3. Water 500 g.

The berries are sorted, washed and dried. Next, proceed to the preparation of syrup. Berries are placed in it while it is hot, and left to infuse for 3 hours. Then the syrup is drained, brought to a boil and sea buckthorn is put into it, which is boiled until it becomes, as it were, transparent in appearance. Hot jam is laid out in sterilized jars and immediately rolled up.


Jelly is another option for a simple sea buckthorn blank. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of berry raw materials and 1 kg of granulated sugar. Sea buckthorn must be heated so that it gives juice. In this case, water cannot be added, otherwise the jelly will not work. After the berry has given juice, it is wiped, for this you can use a sieve and add sugar to it. After that, the berry-sugar mixture should be brought to a boil and left to brew overnight. The finished jelly is laid out in jars. You can store it closed with a nylon lid.

Sea buckthorn oil

Do-it-yourself sea buckthorn oil will be somewhat different from the factory one, but in terms of its medicinal properties it is in no way inferior to it. For its manufacture, sea buckthorn is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, which is then set to settle. During the settling process, an oil film forms on the surface of the juice, which is carefully collected.

The pulp and seeds remaining after squeezing the juice must be dried. Then they are crushed by passing through a meat grinder and poured with oil. Vegetable oil should be taken, refined is best suited for these purposes.

After 3-4 days, an orange layer forms on the surface of the oil, it must be collected and poured into another portion of fresh cake. This procedure is repeated 4 times until the oil acquires a bright orange color.

Store the finished sea buckthorn oil in the refrigerator for no more than 1 year.

Autumn is the time of artists and poets, the time of bright colors, golden leaf fall, crystal air and the voices of migratory birds. Fall is cold and flu season. People do not immediately get used to the coming cold days, the first frosts and gusty winds. The most effective way to avoid getting sick is to dress appropriately for the weather and take preventive measures. A unique remedy, vitamin and useful - sea buckthorn juice.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn

The fruits of the garden culture are specific in taste, but having tasted the pleasant sourness in the berries, in the aroma of which there are pineapple notes, you get used to sea buckthorn. The analysis of the substances contained in the berry drink surprises with its rich set of valuable elements.

  • Vitamins of group C and carotene will protect the body from viruses and colds.
  • Sea buckthorn has regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects due to the presence of organic acids, vitamins of group B, P, silicon, zinc, potassium, folic acid and other substances in the composition.
  • Due to saturated fatty acids, the body is charged.
  • The use of berries for cosmetic purposes can increase the elasticity of the skin, positively affects the complexion.

But do not forget that it is not recommended to use sea buckthorn juice thoughtlessly and in large quantities, since an allergy to the berries of the plant is possible.

If you buy juice in a store, then there is a possibility of purchasing a drink with an incomprehensible composition. You can definitely get sea buckthorn elixir if you cook it yourself according to one of the recipes from fresh or frozen berries.

Sea buckthorn juice recipe with pulp

To prepare a drink, take a kilogram of berries and two and a half glasses of sand.

  • Wash orange fruits, sort and dry.
  • Boil four cups of water in a saucepan and place the berries there for a few minutes. After that, discard the sea buckthorn in a colander.
  • Bring the water remaining in the container to a boil again, pour in the sand and turn off the fire when the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Grind fruits through a metal sieve.
  • Pour sweet syrup into sea buckthorn gruel, mix and heat the mixture to eighty degrees.
  • Pour juice with pulp into hot sterilized containers. Pasteurize the finished drink for twenty minutes. After that, close the lids and put away for storage.

Sea buckthorn juice recipe without sugar

The drink will require two kilograms of ripe fruit and four hundred milliliters of clean water.

  • Wash the berries under running water. Grind sea buckthorn with a pusher or other device and pour the resulting juice into a container, preferably enameled.
  • Remove the drink for a while in a cold place. Mash the squeezed berries, pour warm boiled water, mix thoroughly and remove to infuse for half an hour. After that, squeeze out the liquid with the fruits. Repeat these steps two more times.
  • Using gauze, strain the resulting berry juice and heat it to seventy-five degrees.
  • Gently strain the hot drink again, then pour into hot prepared containers, pasteurize and close.

Recipe for concentrated sea buckthorn juice

In this option, a berry is used in the amount of two kilograms and sand in a volume of a little more than a kilogram.

  • Grind clean and dried horticultural fruits in a food processor.
  • Squeeze out the berry mixture.

    Strain the resulting juice. Fold the peel and seeds left over from the fruit into cheesecloth and also strain.

  • Put the juice squeezed twice on a slow fire, cover with sugar. Constantly stirring, wait until the sand has completely melted.
  • After that, remove the drink from the heat and pour into clean jars. Since the sea buckthorn juice according to this recipe is concentrated, you can dilute it with water before drinking.

To obtain a new taste of sea buckthorn juice, blending is carried out. That is, the juice of other berries, such as blueberries, blackberries or shadberries, is added to the original juice.

Recipe for apple and sea buckthorn juice

The drink will require two kilograms of apples, five hundred grams of golden sea buckthorn, a liter of chilled boiled water and four tablespoons of sand.

  • Rinse sea buckthorn fruits. Cut cores from clean apples. Squeeze out the juice from fruits and berries, folded in one container, at the same time with a juicer.
  • Pour water into the resulting concentrated drink and sweeten. For long-term storage, vitamin juice should be boiled and poured into clean jars.

Recipe for carrot and sea buckthorn juice

For this healthy drink, you need to take eight hundred grams of carrots, four hundred grams of sea buckthorn fruits and a glass with a slide of granulated sugar.

  • Cut the peeled carrots into small cubes and boil for a couple.
  • Rub soft pieces of orange vegetable and clean sea buckthorn berries through a metal sieve.
  • Put the carrot and berry gruel in a container, mix and heat the mixture for five minutes at a temperature of 85 degrees.
  • Pour the juice of a bright saturated color into prepared sterilized jars, pasteurize and put away for storage.

Sea buckthorn juice recipe with pumpkin

For this option, prepare seven hundred grams of ripe sea buckthorn, a glass of water and pumpkin juice in the amount of two and a half liters.

  • Sort the fruits from twigs and leaves, rinse, transfer to a container and pour prepared water.
  • Keep the sea buckthorn on fire until the berries soften for juice.
  • After that, grind the healing sea buckthorn through a sieve and gently squeeze the juice.
  • Pour pumpkin juice into the sea buckthorn drink.

    Sea buckthorn juice is both useful and harmful. Is this natural medicine so harmless?

    Boil the mixture.

  • Five to ten minutes after boiling, pour the juice with an unusual taste into sterile jars.

Sea buckthorn juice recipe with mint

A fragrant drink can be prepared from half a liter of sea buckthorn juice, one hundred milliliters of mint broth, one and a half glasses of water and fifty grams of honey.

  • Pour filtered water and mint broth into sea buckthorn juice. When the mixture boils, dissolve honey in it.
  • Leave the drink to boil for five minutes, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon.
  • Pour hot valuable liquid into prepared jars and hide for storage in a cool place.

Over time, a layer of reddish oil will become visible on the surface of the juice. It is not worth draining it, because thanks to such an oily layer, the juice does not disappear. And taking oil, it is possible to recover from many diseases.

  • When storing sea buckthorn blanks, maintain a temperature of two to six degrees Celsius. If the jars are kept warm, the juice may ferment or become moldy. If, on the contrary, the containers are removed to places where severe frosts are possible, then it is more likely that the jars will burst or the lids will fly off.
  • Juice jars should not be exposed to sunlight, stored in a dark place.
  • When stored in a dry place, the lids on the jars will not rust.

After endless jars of cucumbers, tomatoes, berry jam that ripen in the summer, the season for preparing the garden and the garden for the winter comes. But an important thing should be done in the fall: prepare treats and drinks that strengthen the immune system and provide the body with vitamins in the cold. Invigorating and healthy sea buckthorn juice will appeal to everyone. A drink made from royal berries, which preserves important substances for humans, is easy to prepare and is available to every family.

Sea buckthorn born? Are you looking for simple and step-by-step recipes for healthy ripe berries? Join now! Here they will give clear information about the methods of harvesting sea buckthorn berries for future use. They will teach how to cook natural juices, jams, jellies, preserves, marshmallows and compotes. And yet, sea buckthorn is dried and frozen. And from the leaves of the sea buckthorn tree, a multivitamin tea is made. Also, do not lose sight of the preparation of sea buckthorn oil at home. It will help you out with skin ailments, as it has a healing property to perfectly relieve irritation and heal wounds. Fresh sea buckthorn and preparations from it will help strengthen the immune system, replenish the supply of vitamins and protect against a host of diseases.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

The benefits of both pumpkins and sea buckthorn are unconditional. And if you combine a vegetable and a berry into one, you get a vitamin firework. Delicious and original taste. Having prepared such a “cheese” for the winter, you diversify your diet, charge your body with useful microelements. Cooking pumpkin-sea buckthorn "cheese" will not require either a long standing at the stove or any special skills.

I, like many practical hostesses, try to make homemade preparations for the winter whenever possible. Pickles and marinades, jams, and syrups - all this is eaten with great pleasure in winter and spring. The main thing is to take care of all these joys of life in a timely manner in summer and autumn. So today I am doing another witchcraft in my small kitchen space - I am preparing sea buckthorn syrup. This miraculous berry, which is not so favorable to a person (does not want to be picked at all), as he wants, is distinguished by its useful properties, which is why it is highly valued. Many housewives freeze it for use in the winter, and some dry it. But, of course, fresh sea buckthorn has a special value. I still prefer to prepare sweet syrup from it, in my opinion, it is more convenient to use. So, we are preparing a syrup from sea buckthorn berries.


  • fresh sea buckthorn berries - 2100;
  • sugar - 2200 g.
  • The output was 4 seven hundred gram cans of ready-made syrup, the preparation time of which was less than an hour.

How to prepare sea buckthorn syrup for the winter:

First of all, I wash freshly picked sea buckthorn under running water, trying to select all the garbage (leaves, twigs). I put it in a colander to drain excess moisture. Then, in small portions, I put it in a blender decanter and transform it into gruel.

I pour the resulting sufficiently liquid mass into a sieve located on the pan, and grind it with a pestle. The juice immediately flows into the container, and all the "obscene" retains the sieve.

On a deep bowl I lay out gauze, folded in at least three layers, and, pouring everything that has accumulated in the sieve into it, I squeeze out as much strength and patience as I can.

Due to the efforts made, I received an additional portion of juice. And from the initial volume of berries, as a result, 470 g of squeeze remained.

Therefore, pure sea buckthorn juice was obtained only in 1630. I think that 2200 g of sugar will be enough to make syrup (anyway, it is not destined to “live” for long - it will not have time to deteriorate).

Pour sugar into a saucepan with sea buckthorn juice, mix, put on a strong fire.

With constant stirring (otherwise there is a possibility that the sugar will burn), I bring the sweet liquid to a boil. I cook at a low boil for five minutes, periodically removing the foam, which now and then forms on the surface. While the syrup is boiling, I wash the jars and screw caps with soap and rinse with boiling water.

I immediately pour the finished syrup into jars, close it tightly and put it aside until it cools completely.

So, in addition to 2900 g of ready-made sea buckthorn syrup, the result of my labors was also squeezed from fresh berries and a small bowl of foam, which will make an excellent compote (and it usually ends very quickly).

So now there will be something to treat when the first signs of a cold appear. Hot tea with syrup! Maybe you won't get sick. And if, in full health, you pour creamy ice cream with sour sea buckthorn syrup, then you can lose your head from enjoying such deliciousness. Who does not believe - check in practice.

P.S. I store such sea buckthorn juice for the winter, as a rule, in the lower compartment of the refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!!!