How long does it take to cook corn? The best cooking methods. How to cook corn correctly and how much time - important tips

24.08.2019 Grill menu
Rinse the corn and place the cobs in the leaves in a double boiler dish. In a double boiler, boil young corn for 5-10 minutes. Boil fodder or old corn in a double boiler for 40 minutes. To cook corn in a double boiler, pour 1 cup of water to create steam.

How to cook corn in the oven

Rinse the corn, peel and place tightly in a deep baking dish, greased with butter. Pour boiling water over the corn until it barely covers the corn. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees, put the mold with corn in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

Wash the corn, put it in a pressure cooker, pour water so that the corn is completely covered with it, cook young ears for 10-15 minutes, old or fodder - 40 minutes.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Fast way - without water
For cooking corn in a microwave without water, the variety of corn is important - it can only be young corn. Put the corn in a food-grade plastic bag, tie tightly and cook for 10 minutes at 800 watts. Or, cut off part of the cob, leaving the corn in the leaves, and cook in its own juice for 5 minutes at the same power.

Slow way - with water
Only young corn is suitable for cooking corn in the microwave. Wash the corn, place in a microwave-safe bowl, cover with water and cover. Set the microwave for 45 minutes and 700-800 watts. It is important to ensure that the water in the microwave does not boil away, and if necessary, add boiling water to the container.

Calorie boiled corn
130 calories per 100 grams.

Shelf life of corn
Store raw corn for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment before cooking.
Boiled corn is eaten immediately after cooking, after which its taste and nutritional properties are gradually lost. Store boiled corn in the refrigerator - a maximum of 2 days.

It is necessary to store boiled corn directly in corn broth. Already 2 hours after cooking, the corn will begin to lose its taste, so you need to cook the amount of corn that is supposed to be eliminated at a time.

cooking pot
For cooking corn, a wide and deep pan is most suitable so that the corn fits in it with a margin. If there is no such pan, it is necessary to break each corn into 2-3 parts.

Benefits of boiled corn Corn is rich in vitamins A (regulates metabolism), C (immunity), E (protection of the body at the cellular level), thiamine (vitamin B1, which is responsible for the growth and development of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems), (ensures the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and is responsible for the health of the skin, nails and hair). Corn is rich in fiber (helps to cleanse the body of toxins) and potassium (provides the body with fluid), it is perfectly absorbed by the body.

How to choose the right corn
The grains of young corn are light yellow, the cobs themselves are small and not very long, the rows of corn are perfectly even, dense, of the same color. Like on a picture. :) If you want to make sure that the corn is young, cut the grain - it should highlight the white, like milk, juice. Or, cut the stump - it should be light, whitish. Pale yellow corn is medium "age" and will take longer to cook. Overripe, with bright yellow grains, will cook even longer, up to 2 hours. Consider the area where the corn is grown - southern corn tends to be softer.

Recipe: Corn baked in sour cream Cut the grains from the cobs of boiled corn (5-6 pieces), pour over sour cream (half a glass). Put the corn with sour cream on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, add a little butter. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Serve corn with greens. See how else

Maize or corn is a very ancient culture, originally from Central and South America. On the territory of modern Peru, scientists discovered, during excavations, ears of about 5000 years BC.

Christopher Columbus brought corn to Europe in 1496. Well, in Russia, the future "queen of the fields" appeared during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774.

Useful properties of corn

Despite its commonness, corn is a very valuable product. Obtained from stems and leaves:

  • Feed flour.
  • Silo for livestock.
  • Building materials.
  • Paper and cardboard.
  • Fuel.
  • mineral fertilizers.

Did not bypass the attention of corn and medicine. It is used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, for prostatitis and cholelithiasis, hypertension and high cholesterol.

It can be confidently called a storehouse of useful substances: vitamins B, K, PP, D, C; iron, starch, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, nickel…

And, of course, corn is widely used in cooking. They make flour from it and bake bread, cook porridge and use it in salads. , freeze, preserve, brew beer and spirits from it.

But, the most popular is still boiled corn. We will talk about how to choose the right corn for cooking, what you need to have on hand for this process, and what methods generally exist, we will talk later in the article.

How to choose and prepare cereal for cooking

Despite the fact that there are no difficulties in cooking, there are some subtleties and nuances that will help make this dish truly tasty and fragrant. And you need to start with a choice.

How to choose the right corn for cooking:

  1. August is the best month to buy corn.

    Harvested in season, corn will be truly juicy and soft after cooking. September fruits will be overripe and tough (how?).

  2. The color and softness of the cob is important.

    Ideal for cooking - milky white and light yellow cobs. The brighter the color, the older the corn. All grains should sit tightly in their places, when pressed, the cob is elastic, slightly soft. Milk corn oozes white juice when pressed (how?). If the grains are dimpled, corn is not suitable for cooking.

  3. Pay attention to the leaves.

    The leaves surrounding the spadix should not be dry. Their dryness and yellowness indicates the overripeness of the cob, which means that the dish will not turn out juicy and fragrant. Cobs without leaves should also be ignored, perhaps they were removed on purpose so that you would not notice the fact that the plant was treated with chemistry.

  4. Soak the cobs in water before boiling the corn.

    Soaking in cool water for 60 minutes will soften the beans. After that, the corn is well washed and cleaned of leaves, blackened and dried grains are removed.

    You can cook corn with leaves, provided that they are fresh.

  5. Boil cobs of the same size.

    Everything is simple here - with different sizes, it will take different times to cook, which means some will be digested, and some will remain hard and raw.

    You can reduce the cooking time of large cobs by simply breaking them enough.

  6. If you got overripe corn, you need to soak it in water with milk.

    If mature corn is peeled, cut in half and soaked in a mixture of water and milk for 4 hours, it will become soft after normal boiling. How much to cook overripe corn you will learn in, and how to cook it so that it becomes soft and juicy, read.

  7. Cookware for cooking corn is needed with thick walls.

    Cooking corn is a long process, so it is best to use cast iron cookware with a tight lid and thick walls. This is about the traditional and easiest way to cook corn on the stove. Learn how to cook corn in a saucepan.

You can also use modern methods - a double boiler or an oven.

Modern housewives know that you can cook corn:

  • for a couple;
  • fry it;
  • do it without cobs;
  • cook white corn;
  • cook corn with soda;
  • with sugar;
  • in vacuum packing;
  • and there are many others.

How many minutes to cook corn and on what heat?

But back to the main method of cooking - boiling. Very often we hear questions - how many minutes to cook corn after boiling water and on what fire to do it? How to cook corn if it immediately pops up and put in boiling water or cold? Let's try to figure it out.

  1. Soak the corn for an hour or two before cooking, so the grains will become softer.
  2. Corn is placed in cold water, not boiling.
  3. Do not add salt to the water as this will make the cobs tough.
  4. Boil the corn along with the leaves for flavor and juiciness.
  5. Young corn should not be boiled for more than 20 minutes, and overripe corn needs at least two hours (AFTER WATER BOILS!!!). You will find all the subtleties and nuances of cooking young corn in.
  6. Take a sample while cooking. Ready corn grain is soft and sweet.
  7. After cooking, let the corn rest. Drain the water, close the lid tightly and wrap the pan with a towel. Such evaporation will give the ears tenderness and sophistication of taste. How much and how to cook corn in a saucepan read.
  8. Remove the cobs, peel, pour butter and salt - your royal meal is ready.

Alternative Cooking Methods

In air grill. Wrap each cob in cling film, put it in an air grill and bake for 40 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.

  1. Boiled corn can be stored for 3 days simply in the refrigerator, covered with cling film.
  2. Separate the grains of boiled corn from the cobs, pour into sterilized containers and pour boiling water with salt. Close with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator for no more than three months.
  3. Dry the boiled cobs, wrap with cling film and put in the freezer. It is advisable to use the fast freeze mode.
  4. Separate the grains of boiled corn from the cobs, put into bags or other storage containers, put in the freezer. It is advisable to use the fast freeze mode.

We literally sell corn both raw and boiled on every corner, and when I bought it again, I heard a girl ask the seller: how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan and how much time. At first I was surprised at this question, because it's so simple, but then I thought, it seems like a simple matter - to cook corn on the cob, but there are subtleties here too. Let's talk about them.

How to cook corn on the cob in a pot

As soon as they start selling corn, I immediately remember the summer in the village, when the boys on bicycles brought cobs of young corn from the fields, my grandmother cooked them, and we, the kids, ate juicy corn with pleasure, sprinkling it with salt. My love for corn has not gone away for me, and all my family members eat it with pleasure, but so that corn does not disappoint, you must initially choose it correctly.

How to cook corn on the cob - recipe

Cooking corn in a pot is the easiest and most traditional recipe. Remembering my grandmother, she always cooked whole cobs in a wide saucepan, so do I, but if there is no such saucepan, then you can break the cobs in half.

  • To begin with, the corn must be washed along with the leaves, then cleaned of leaves and hairs.
  • Cover the bottom of the pan with the inner leaves that were closer to the cob, put corn on them, cover them with leaves. If you have several layers of corn, lay each layer with leaves, they will give the corn additional flavor and juiciness when cooked.
  • Pour cold water into a saucepan and put on a large fire so that it boils faster. But as soon as it boils, reduce the fire. I heard that corn is poured with boiling water right away, I think this option is also possible.
  • An important point - do not put salt right away if you want to get a tasty and juicy product after cooking. If you do not like salting it during meals, then you can add salt directly to the pan, but about 5 minutes before the end of cooking. But in my opinion, it tastes better when we salt it already in the process of eating, or maybe it's just childhood memories. But that's how we eat corn.

How long to cook corn in a pan

Cooking time depends on the variety and on the age of the corn. Very young, milk cobs will be ready in 10 minutes. But we don’t really like such corn, we like it to be a little older, it has a richer corn taste and juiciness is also enough. Such corn is cooked for 20 - 30 minutes. You can check the readiness with a toothpick, if the grain is easily pierced, then the corn is ready or taste it, if the softness suits you, then the cooking process can be completed.

Do not be discouraged if you still come across fodder corn, it is edible and healthy in any case, just not so juicy. Of course, you will have to boil it more - an hour, or maybe longer.

Do not immediately remove the cooked corn from the pan, turn off the heat and let it stand in the water in which it was boiled for 30 minutes, this will also give it additional juiciness and taste. During this time, it will just cool down a little.

How to store corn

  • Having brought corn cobs home, you should not store them for a long time, it is better to boil them immediately. If you can't cook right away, put them in the fridge. Leaves should be removed immediately before cooking.
  • If you bought or treated you with a surplus of corn, then you can freeze it, having previously cleaned it of leaves and hairs and put it in a plastic bag. After defrosting, corn does not lose its useful and taste qualities. You can defrost it naturally or by putting it in cold water.
  • Boiled corn is also not recommended to be stored for a long time, a maximum of 1 - 2 days, and then in the refrigerator, putting the cobs in a plastic bag. Longer storage will affect the taste, the grains will lose their juiciness.
  • Re-heat treatment of boiled cobs is not worth doing, the grains can become hard. They say you can heat it in the microwave, I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, for me it’s good even when cold.

They say in Mexico corn is boiled not with water, but with milk, adding butter at the end of cooking. Mexicans love to serve corn with both sweet sauces and pretty pepper.

You can grease boiled corn with butter, and Americans like to grease boiled corn on the cob with mayonnaise.

How you will eat corn is up to you, but I really hope that the tips on how to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan will come in handy and, while the season is in season, you will enjoy a delicious and healthy summer dessert.

Bon Appetit!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

This is a favorite delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. And in order for it to turn out really tasty, juicy and soft, it must be chosen and cooked correctly. After all, no one likes to chew dry hard grains! This article will help us find the answer to the question of how and young.

How to choose?

Ask the seller what kind of corn is in front of you. The most delicious varieties are Anava, Golden Fleece, Aurika and Viola. It is best to give preference to small ears of corn. And to check if it is overripe, it is worth separating one grain from it and trying to crush it in your hand. If it is soft and juicy, then you can be sure that you have made the right choice - the corn is young! And if the grain is dry and hard, feel free to push this cob aside. Such corn is either overripe, or it has simply been cut from the root for a long time. Of course, she did not lose her useful qualities from this, it will just take much more time to cook it.

How long to cook young corn?

You need to note the time exactly from the moment the water in the pan boils. On average, it takes no more than 45 minutes to cook the cobs. Mature corn is distinguished by the color of the seeds, they have a pronounced yellow tint. And the young one is almost white or pale yellow.

How to cook young corn?

First of all, the cobs are cleaned of leaves and washed under running water. Here it is worth considering one important point: do not throw away the tops from corn. It is useful to us in order to cover the bottom of the pan, where the corn will be cooked. Leaves play the role of seasoning. They will give the corn a special flavor, as well as protect it from possible burning. So, the leaves and cobs are already in the pan, now you can pour water - it should completely cover them. Add salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), cover with a lid and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the question immediately arises of how young. It comes to readiness quite quickly, usually it takes 15-20 minutes. But as for mature corn, it is cooked much longer. If you like soft grains, then up to fully prepared it is necessary to keep it on fire for 45-60 minutes, and if it is hard, then 30 is enough. Well, now you know how much to cook young and mature corn. Important! Salt when cooking mature corn does not need to be added! She can get hard. Only after full readiness, already before serving, it should be rubbed with salt. This will give the corn a bright and incomparable taste.

How to determine readiness?

We already know how much to cook young corn, but if you still doubt its readiness, then you can simply check it without directly removing it from the heat. To do this, take a fork and try to pry a few grains with it. If they separate easily and taste soft and juicy, then the corn has reached readiness and can be removed from the stove.


1. In order for the corn to remain soft and juicy even the next day, the broth in which it was cooked should not be drained from the pan. Store corn directly in it, only in the cold.

2. Serve the corn hot, after brushing it with butter or olive oil. It will become even softer and more fragrant.

Well, now you know how much to cook young corn and how best to serve it to the table. Bon Appetit!

Definitely, fragrant boiled corn is the main competitor of watermelons and melons in the hot summer. It is not only an amazingly tasty delicacy, but also a storehouse of valuable vitamins for humans. Not every housewife knows how to cook corn correctly. From the article you will learn all the subtleties, tips and tricks for cooking this dish.

Cooking features

Visually similar cobs often differ significantly in taste. This is influenced by the type of corn, variety and degree of maturity. Basically, the whole variety of this cereal is divided into two groups: fodder and food. But with pleasure they eat both one and the second. So, how to cook corn on the cob in a pot?

The first stage is preliminary preparation for cooking. We completely clean the cobs, wash them, but do not throw away the leaves, but also put them in the pan at the bottom, along the walls and on top. Few do not know how to cook soft and juicy corn, and it is this simple ritual that will make it so. If you put the heads directly in the leaves, apart from dirty and spoiled ones, then after cooking it will be difficult to separate the corn stigmas from the grains.

The cauldron should be wide enough to fit the whole cob.

Cast iron, earthenware or a pressure cooker is perfect, with which the cooking process will be significantly accelerated. The correct cooking technology will help to save the nutrients of the product and make it tender - you need to cook over low heat.

We put the heads of cabbage in a container, try to fold them very tightly, and pour boiling water so that it completely covers everything. Salting is not recommended, otherwise the corn will lose its juiciness and softness. This rule applies only to mature cereal. To cook young corn, we will use the traditional recipe: for each liter of water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, and salt to taste.

How long does it take to cook

Many people wonder how much to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan. There is no universal answer: each variety is cooked differently. The degree of maturity of the product also matters. On average, cooking takes 30-50 minutes, but sometimes you need to cook for about 3-4 hours. Therefore, you need to check the readiness of corn in a practical way: periodically try it by grain.

It will be fully cooked when it becomes soft and easy to chew. As for young corn, or, as it is also called, milk corn, it will be very tasty to boil it in milk for about 20-25 minutes. As a result, it will come out especially tender and will “melt in your mouth”. Using a pressure cooker, the whole process will last no more than 15 minutes. It is important not to miss the moment of complete readiness, otherwise the output will be hard and hard grains.

How else is it easy and how to quickly cook corn? Cook it using the microwave.

All that is required is to wrap each head of cabbage with a wet paper towel or put it in a bag with two tablespoons of water (pierce the bag in several places) and send it to the oven for 15 minutes. And the meal is ready! When serving, place slices of butter on top.

How to "reanimate" tough corn

If you come across an old overripe product - it does not matter. Even it can be cooked so that it tastes almost like a young one. The main thing is to know how to do it right. What is the secret?

The technology is quite simple. You have already learned how to boil corn in a pot. With the "aged" cereal, we carry out similar procedures. It is advisable to cut all heads of cabbage in half. After that, fill them with a mixture of cold water and milk in a ratio of 50 to 50. Set aside the pan for 4 hours, and then just boil the corn. On the container, it is desirable to close the lid hermetically.

By the time it should be cooked a little longer than usual. A pressure cooker will help to cope with stale cereal, the result will be identical, only the process will take much less time.

Each housewife has her own special technologies, how to cook corn deliciously.

Someone adds oil, someone - flour, someone - a bouquet of spices, a lot of subtleties. But there are also universal recipes that will come to the aid of novice housewives who have not yet “made friends” with this product or simply those who want to diversify traditional cooking methods. With them, you will be sure that the result will definitely turn out to be insanely delicious.

One of these is a recipe for boiled corn in milk and cream. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 ears of corn (boiled);
  • half a glass of milk;
  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • half a glass of dry white wine;
  • 2 tbsp butter;
  • spices and spices.

First you need to cut the grains from pre-boiled heads of cabbage, pour them with milk and cream, and then boil for 10 minutes.

Add butter, after melting it, after 10 minutes - wine, after another 10 - spices and spices. Cook for another 15-20 minutes and you are ready to serve.

There is another delicious way to cook corn - in a double boiler. The following ingredients are required:

Lubricate the bowl of the double boiler with oil and tightly fold the peeled corn into it.

The timer sets for 30 minutes. Melt the butter in another container, mix it with pre-ground walnuts and cardamom. Serve boiled heads of cabbage on a dish, watering with the resulting mixture.

The usual taste of cooked corn can be transformed with the help of some "highlights" - sauces, toppings, grated cheese. A delicious sauce can be made by mixing sour cream, black pepper, salt, sugar, soy sauce and garlic. Best served chilled with a hot dish.

A dish prepared with love cannot be tasteless. And this is the main advice to all hostesses. And then even ordinary boiled corn can become your signature dish.