Peach jam with lemon juice. Peach jam slices "Five minutes" without water with lemon

03.08.2019 Lenten dishes

The most delicate fruit - the peach is a favorite food of many people, both fresh and canned. Peach jam for the winter will perfectly preserve these delicate fruits for a long time without compromising their taste characteristics.

In sugar syrup, fruits acquire an amazing texture and at the same time do not lose their shape and aroma. It is important not to interrupt the impeccable taste of a peach with other ingredients, therefore, if you decide to cook jam with any additives, it is better to choose soft ingredients and a minimum of spices.

Separately, it is worth mentioning this type of preparation for the winter, like peach jam. Ground with syrup, the fruit forms an unusually tasty delicacy, which is eaten simply with tea, spread on toast or bread and butter, or used to stuff pies and other pastries.

Sweet peach does not require a lot of sugar. The best peaches for making jam ripen in the second half of August - early September.

Peach jam for the winter without cooking

A very simple peach jam recipe for the winter is a great solution for those hostesses who would like to please their family with a delicious treat. Such a cold dessert is created without cooking. Cooking will take a little longer if you first remove the skin from the fruit. This can be done by simply dousing them with boiling water.


  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 g.

Cooking method:

You need to select good peaches and wash them thoroughly. Fruits should be cut in half and remove all the seeds. Fruits for peach jam should be crushed with a sieve or blender and transferred to a deep pan or basin. This will get rid of the skin.

The resulting mass must be transferred to a deep bowl and sprinkled with sugar. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, the puree should be thoroughly mixed several times. Sugar should dissolve completely.

Peach jam for the winter - a recipe without sterilization

According to this recipe, peaches are cooked for a short time, in two stages. Most of the time, the peaches are "resting" and soaked in syrup without any participation on your part, and the real work of preparing the fruit and harvesting it takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

This approach not only simplifies the preparation of peaches, but also preserves their natural rich aroma, taste and color.

In addition to the obvious speed and ease of preparation, this recipe for making peach jam for the winter is different in that the fruit retains its natural shape.

Peach halves from this winter jam can be used to decorate desserts, ice cream and pastries.


  • Peaches - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.8-1 kg


Prepare the ingredients according to the list. Place the peaches in boiling water for 15-30 seconds, then in cold water. After that, the peel will separate from the pulp, and it will be easy to remove. Remove the skin and, after removing the pit, cut the peaches into halves, wedges or pieces.

You can leave the peel on, but, for my taste, jam from peeled peaches turns out to be tastier. Lay the peaches in layers, sprinkling with sugar.

When making jam, the classic ratio of sugar and fruit is 1 to 1. But if the peaches are very sweet and ripe, I reduce the amount of sugar to 700-800 grams. Leave the prepared peaches for several hours. When the peaches start up the juice, and the sugar is partially dissolved, you can start cooking the jam.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the jam cool down. Allow the peaches to cool in the syrup to room temperature before proceeding with further cooking. If you have time and desire, you can leave the mixture for several hours or overnight in the refrigerator.

Separate the peaches from the syrup. Bring the syrup to a boil and boil separately for 15 minutes over low heat, removing the foam. Place the fruit in the reduced syrup, bring the mixture to a boil and turn off the heat. Pour hot peach jam into sterilized jars. Close with sterilized lids. Turn over and wrap until cool.

Peach jam for the winter slices

Peach jam with slices always turns out so fragrant, so beautiful, sunny, with translucent marmalade slices, that you involuntarily get not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure. And most importantly, making jam from peaches is not so difficult, it is important to know a couple of little tricks.


  • 2 kg. peaches
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara
  • juice of half a lemon

Peach jam with slices for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo:

To make jam from peaches into slices, we buy ripe peaches, but still quite dense. From overripe fruits, it is better to prepare peach jam or quick peach jam.

Wash peaches thoroughly in cold water. Let the water drain. We take a clean enameled bowl or pan.

Cut the peaches into slices. If for jam you use a variety in which the stone separates easily, then cutting them will not be difficult.

If you have a variety in which the bone is tightly rooted to the pulp, do not despair. In this case, cut the slices one by one, leaving the bone.

Sprinkle the cut pieces with sugar. It is not necessary to use all the sugar. At the end of this work, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl with peaches.

Be sure to tie the pan or bowl with gauze or cover with a clean towel in order to avoid getting any flying creatures.

We leave the peaches sprinkled with sugar for a couple of hours so that they release the juice. Drain the juice into a clean saucepan. Add the remaining sugar.

Without ceasing to stir, bring the syrup to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes and turn it off.

If it seems to you that there is very little juice, and therefore syrup, do not rush to add water. The fact is that peaches practically consist of water, but the juice begins to be intensively released only when heated. Be patient.

So, pour the slices of peaches with hot syrup.

Bring the peaches in syrup to a boil, reduce the heat, cook for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove the foam with a clean spoon. After these five minutes, you will see for yourself that there is more than enough syrup.

We remove the jam from the fire, cover it, let it stand for a couple of hours so that the peach slices are thoroughly saturated with sweet syrup.

It is better to cover the jam with gauze: through the gauze, part of the liquid evaporates and the jam eventually evaporates faster. If you cover with a lid, all the moisture remains where it was.

We put our peach jam on the fire again, bring to a boil. We do not interfere with jam with a spoon or slotted spoon so as not to damage the peach slices. To interfere, we take the pan in our hands and give the contents a slight rotational movement.

Cook peach jam over low heat until tender. Depending on the variety of peaches and their juiciness, more or less time may be required. It usually takes me about an hour, during which time the syrup boils down, becomes darker and more viscous.

Carefully lay out the finished peach jam in slices in sterile jars, roll it up or tightly close it with metal threaded lids. Turn the lids upside down, carefully wrap. We leave the jars in this form until completely cooled.

We store peach jam in slices in a dark, cool place until the onset of winter.

Peach jam Pyatiminutka


  • Fresh peaches 800 g
  • Sugar 500 g
  • Lemon juice 1 tsp

How to cook:

For work, we need peaches, sugar, lemon juice.

Rinse peaches (800 g), cut in half and remove the pit. Cut peach halves into slices and cover with sugar (500 g). Mix carefully. Leave for 3 hours.

During this time, the peaches will release their juice. Transfer the peaches along with the juice to a thick-walled saucepan, add lemon juice (1 tsp), bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat after boiling.

Hot peach jam immediately roll into sterilized jars. Cool under a blanket, turning over on lids. Five-minute peach jam is ready.

Recipe for Pitted Peach Jam with Lemon and Orange

A sweet dessert made from fresh fruits will be loved by children and adults. Serve it at the table with hot drinks or use it to make fluffy homemade buns.


pitted peaches - two kilograms;
sugar - three kilograms.


First you need to prepare the fruit. Put the orange and lemon in a deep cup and pour boiling water over it. After half an hour, cut them into pieces, simultaneously removing all the bones.

If you omit the last step, the jam will turn out bitter and tasteless.

Wash the peaches and cut in half. Bones, of course, we also do not need. Grind the prepared fruits with a meat grinder, mix them with sugar and boil over medium heat for five minutes.

After that, the fruit mass must be cooled at room temperature and sent to the refrigerator for a day. The next day, the puree should be brought to a boil again, then reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes.

You just have to put the dessert in jars and roll it up. Store it along with other winter preparations in a dark and cool place.

Video: How to make peach jam for the winter in a slow cooker

Peaches do not need advertising. Like diamonds. A fruit that can develop normally only in an ecologically clean environment (and this is exactly what a peach is!); having in its composition vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, as well as rare P; useful trace elements with compounds of sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, will be in demand by definition. Especially for healthy eaters.

Are you a food lover? The composition of the peach contains substances that contribute to the accelerated digestion of food and the effective breakdown of fats.

And the skin with a soft fluff, similar to suede, also makes you want to enjoy the fruit with your fingers.

And the fact that the season for eating fresh peaches is small, only from July to September, is not a problem. There are many ways to prepare this delicacy for the winter, and we will share five of them in this material.

  • The “correct” peach for jam should be moderately hard and ripe enough. Ripeness is determined simply: just lightly squeeze the fruit in your hand. When unripe, there will be no fingerprints and, in addition, it does not have a strong characteristic peach aroma.
  • Overripe peaches, as an exception, can be used when cooking jam, which will be discussed in another material.
  • If durum peaches are chosen for jam, blanching is first done: the fruits are placed in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then they are immediately cooled with cold water. The peel with a delicate fluff, so as not to burst, is pierced in several places with a toothpick (in cases where the peel is a mandatory attribute of jam). Scalding also helps to remove the rind when it is, in most cases, necessary.
  • In this fruit, the bone is tightly fused with the pulp. To extract it, it is better to use a tablespoon with a sharply sharpened spout and one of the edges. Or use these peaches for pitted jam - this will be in our recipes.
  • Peaches are sweet on their own, so be careful with the sugar so you don't end up with a cloying product. Therefore, the amount of sugar is most often taken less by weight than the weight of peaches. Or, to prevent candied jam, lemon juice is added to it during the cooking process.

Pitted peach jam for the winter

  • Peaches - 1 kg
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Juice of one medium lemon or 4 grams of citric acid
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg


Rinse the peaches well, pour boiling water for 5 minutes so that the fruit completely drowns.

Cool in cold water, remove the skin. Remove bones

Cut the pitted peach into slices into quarters or octopuses.

Pour the slices with sugar in layers: a layer of peach - a layer of sugar, again a layer of peach, etc. (without stirring!)

Squeeze the juice from the lemon into it. In addition to preserving properties, it will also prevent the darkening of the fruit.

Pour in water, put on low heat, cook until foam appears. After boiling and removing the foam, remove from heat, cool completely.

Then repeat this operation two more times, bringing the number of brews to three. Heat and bring to a boil only on low heat!

The cooled jam is poured into a jar sterilized in the oven, its edges are wiped for a tighter fit of the lid, the lid is twisted all the way

Easy peach jam recipe

According to this recipe, there is no need to cook three times - a weak fire is left under the jam brought to a boil and the foam is regularly removed. In addition, it does not use third-party water - the jam is cooked in its own juice. And poured into jars hot.

Banks for this do not cool after the oven, where they were sterilized, they must also be hot, in order to avoid cracking the glass. At the final stage of cooking, you can also add 1 natural vanilla pod to the jam.


  • 1 kg peaches
  • 800 gr sugar
  • Half a slice of lemon
  • 1 vanilla pod (optional)


Take firm peaches, not overripe. If, after cutting, the bone is tightly grown together with the pulp, and you haven’t acquired a special tool (see above), and the aesthetics of the slices in the finished product is not important, just cut the pulp from the bone, cutting it off.

Rinse the peaches, dry them

De-pitted, cut into slices

Pour the slices in layers with sugar, without stirring, wait two hours for the peaches to give juice, put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum.

Peach is very sensitive to metals when cooking, so you need to cook either in copper or enameled dishes. And choose a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring.

Cook for another 20-30 minutes, skimming off the foam frequently with a clean spoon. At the end of cooking, if necessary, add a vanilla pod to the jam.

The jam removed from the fire immediately, hot, is poured into preheated jars.

Filled jars are tightly twisted with a lid through a cloth or with gloves on - the temperature of the syrup just removed from the fire in the jam is more than 100 ° C, be careful! - then the jar is turned upside down with a lid, covered with a blanket or towel and left for 5-6 hours until it cools.

Cooling down, the jam shrinks, and the lid tightly “sticks” to the jar, which will serve as an additional guarantee of tightness.

Cooking peach jam with pits

The peculiarity of this jam is not only that the peaches are not cut for it, and the bone is not removed from them. It is also in the fact that the skin is not removed, which means that the entire aroma of the fruit remains inside, exploding with taste already in the process of use.

This is truly a luxurious, royal dessert. The fruits for it are taken, of course, of small size and medium ripeness.

It will require:

  • Peaches - 1 kg
  • Baking soda - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Water - next in the recipe
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg

What is soda for? Using unripe fruits, because they have a denser skin, is not the best option: the jam will be too dense and sour. If you take normal ripe fruits, but soak them for 25-30 minutes in a soda solution before cooking, the skin will become more durable.

Soda treatment will not affect the taste of jam if you gently rinse the fruits in a colander, without stirring, but only slightly shaking.

In addition, this recipe provides for an excess of sugar over fruits, which will serve as an additional guarantee of high-quality preservation.


1. Wash the peaches . Pour washed peaches with cold water so that only their tops peek out of the water. This amount of water will be needed for the syrup.

2. Pour water into the container in which the jam will be prepared, pour the cooked sugar into it. Heat over medium heat, bringing to a boil and stirring constantly so that the syrup does not burn, carefully lower the peaches one by one, first piercing the skin with a toothpick so that it does not burst.

3. Boil until boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 5 minutes, removing the foam with a wooden spoon

4. Cool the peaches completely, visually assess the readiness: if they have decreased in size and become translucent, so that the bone is visible through the boiled pulp, the jam is completely ready. Then you need to put them in jars, and bring the syrup to a boil again and pour it over the peaches laid out in jars.

"Five minutes" of peaches for the winter

The feature of "Five Minutes" is that even peaches cut into slices will retain the maximum of the aroma inherent in this fruit - due to the fact that heat treatment is minimal. And overripe ones will not boil into jam, losing their presentation.

For jam take:

  • One and a half kilograms of sugar,
  • kilogram of peaches (already pitted),
  • 200 grams of water.


Place peach halves or quarters in a suitable container.

Add sugar to water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Pour fruit with boiling syrup

Stir gently, pour the syrup into the container where it was cooked, bring to a boil again, removing the foam

Pour over the peaches for the second time.

For the third time, pour the syrup into the pan, bring to a boil, skimming off the foam - and pour the peaches for the third time.

Quickly pour the jam into jars, seal tightly with lids and leave to cool, covering with a blanket or terry towel.

Orange jam recipe

For such a jam, very ripe peaches are needed - so that there is no dissonance with the pulp of an orange.


  • Peaches - 1 kg 200 gr
  • 2 medium oranges
  • 1 kg 200 gr. Sahara

Making jam step by step:

Rinse peaches thoroughly

Grate the orange zest on a fine grater, turning it on all sides.

Divide the remaining pulp into slices, remove the white membranes between them and the seeds from the inside

Peel and pit the peaches, cut into slices

Put the pieces of orange, peach and grated zest in a container for cooking. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for two hours

Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for half an hour over low heat, constantly removing the foam.

Pour hot jam into sterile dry jars, tightly wrap the lids. Cooling is best provided by slow, under a thick blanket, for 10-12 hours.

Video on how to make cinnamon jam

Finally, I want to offer you another option for harvesting for the winter in video format. Happy viewing!

Properly brewed peach jam has the color of amber (with all its shades and gradations), a distinct aroma and taste of ripe peach and is a real storehouse of vitamins, so necessary in the cold winter of Russia. Spend quite a bit of time and the amount of money that the average family can afford - and your family tea parties will turn into a small holiday.

Tender and fragrant peaches are the favorite fruit of millions of people. You can save delicate fruits without losing their taste and useful qualities with the help of preservation, for example, by preparing jam. It is better to emphasize the impeccable taste of fruits with other components so that the food does not turn out cloying.

By preparing jam from sweet peaches with sour lemon, it is easy to achieve the perfect taste and consistency of the dish.

Subtleties of making jam

Properly prepared jam will become a real culinary masterpiece, taking into account the following subtleties of preparation:

  1. You can make the fruits tender by first dousing with boiling water and removing the skin.
  2. If the fruits are hard, not ripe, be sure to prepare a sweet syrup. Otherwise, not enough liquid is formed, and the delicacy will burn. Dessert with sugar marinade retains the shape of the fruit better.
  3. It is easy to avoid burning by choosing wide and thick-bottomed cooking utensils.
  4. A delicacy of peaches is considered hypoallergenic, and is suitable for inclusion in the food of nursing, pregnant women, and children.
  5. It is easy to replace the missing amount of the main ingredient with nectarine, called "sibling".

Choice of main ingredients

The choice and preparation of the main ingredients is the key to a delicious and mouth-watering dessert. Therefore, you should take into account:

  • It is better to choose ripe, but firm fruits. Prepare a meal from whole fruits, slices or halves.
  • If you cook a delicacy with whole peaches, it is worth picking up small and dense fruits. Initially, review, select fruits, distributing separately juicy and overripe specimens. The former are suitable for jam, the latter are ideal for jam.
  • If you use hard fruits, they will first have to be blanched. Pierce the fruits with a toothpick, dip in boiling water, after 5 minutes - in an ice-cold liquid.

  • So that the fruits do not darken during preservation, soak them in a solution of "lemon" with water.
  • It is more convenient to remove the bone by cutting it out with a sharp knife or prying it with a spoon.
  • Peaches contain a large amount of glucose in their composition. Therefore, when preparing a treat, you must strictly take into account the amount of granulated sugar, otherwise the delicacy will turn out to be sugary sweet.
  • Lemons pick up small, juicy, with a thin peel. Citrus fruits with thick, bumpy skins will be bitter.
  • More often in recipes indicate the amount of ingredients already without the stone. You need to know that the weight of the bone itself is about 9 grams.

How to cook peach and lemon jam?

You can prepare a fragrant dessert in various ways. A treat prepared according to any recipe will be the best vitamin dessert in the winter season.

The unsurpassed taste and aroma of delicacies will cheer you up, reminding you of sunny days, saturate your body with vitamins and protect you from colds.

Jam is suitable both for self-serving and for filling in pastries.

Easy winter recipe

The first jam recipe is good because the fruits in it are subjected to minimal heat treatment. Thus, the vitamins and beneficial properties of the main ingredients are preserved.


  1. Peaches - 1 kilogram.
  2. Sugar - 600 grams.
  3. Lemon - 1 piece.

Cooking plan:

  • Peel the peaches and separate from the pits. Pour the fruits with sugar and leave for 4-5 hours for the appearance of juice.
  • Place a bowl with chopped fruit on the stove. Pour lemon juice into the treat. Let the food boil, stirring occasionally.

The fruit preparation is supplemented not only with citrus juice, but also with zest (without the white part), thanks to which the treat will turn out to be more fragrant, richer and healthier.

  • Boil the delicacy for 4-5 minutes. Packed in disinfected jars. Cork and remove to cool under a warm blanket.

Peach jam with lemon wedges

Preparing jam according to the traditional recipe. The difference is that you need to prepare citrus fruits in advance, getting rid of the peel, seeds, and shredding into slices.


  1. Peaches - 6 kilograms.
  2. Sugar - 600 grams.
  3. Lemon - 500 grams.

Cooking order:

  1. Pour crushed fruits with sugar and leave for 4-6 hours.

You can take the fruit along with the peel. It is enough to wipe the doggie with a hard towel, removing the villi, and rinse.

  1. After the time has elapsed, put the basin with the fruit mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Stir gently without damaging the structure of the fruit.
  2. Send chopped citruses to a boiling delicacy. Boil the mass for 7-9 minutes. Let cool 8-9 hours.
  3. Boil dessert for another 18-20 minutes and pour into sterilized bottles. Screw on the lids and store after complete cooling.

Peach Lemon Jam


  1. Citruses - 1 piece.
  2. Sugar - 300 grams.
  3. Peaches - 1.5 kilograms.


  1. Sprinkle the peeled chopped peaches with the juice of half a lemon. Send the fruit to an enamel bowl and put on a low heat. Cook the treat for 15 minutes.
  2. Cool the dish and smash with a blender. Then add sugar.
  3. Boil the peach mass again for 15 minutes, mixing with the remaining lemon juice.
  4. Pour the jam into disinfected bottles, roll up.

Peach jam with lemon in a slow cooker

Having a multicooker in the house, it is easy to prepare a treat in a matter of minutes and without extra utensils, using the “Stew”, “Baking”, “Soup” or “Jam” modes.


  1. Peaches - 1.5 kilograms.
  2. Lemon - 200 grams.
  3. Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cooking plan:

  1. Remove the skin and pit from the fruits. Cut into two halves and send to the multicooker bowl.
  2. Squeeze juice from lemons and pour into bowl. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar on top.
  3. Stir delicacy. Set the cooking program by selecting the time - 60 minutes. Close the lid after the sugar has dissolved.
  4. At the end of the program, cool the jam and roll it into sterile bottles.

Step-by-step recipes for making pitted peach jam for the winter in slices, halves, through a meat grinder

2018-07-28 Marina Danko





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


45 gr.

180 kcal.

Option 1: Beautiful pitted peach jam for the winter in slices - a classic recipe

Fruit slices can be saved by omitting jamming almost entirely. We slightly raise the container with the boiling mass above the stove and rotate it around the vertical axis - the jam is mixed, but the slices are not damaged. Another recommendation, but already in terms of taste: when choosing peaches, take a couple of varieties, even if up to a third of the jam consists of fragrant, albeit unsweetened fruits.


  • peaches with dense pulp - one kilogram;
  • acid, citric - 4 gr.;
  • 1400 grams of sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of water (filtered or spring).

Step-by-step recipe for thick pitted peach jam for the winter

After sorting by ripeness, sort through the peaches and set aside the mashed fruits, leaving the fruit only slightly spoiled. Jam should please not only taste, but also look, so you should not cut peaches too much, it is better to use them in compotes or jams.

We rinse the selected peaches and immediately dip them into boiling water, keep them for a short time, lift them one by one over the pan with a slotted spoon and check the skin. As soon as it begins to noticeably separate from the pulp, we drain the boiling water from the pan, and put the fruit on a tray.

We tear the fluffy skin with our fingers and remove it from the peaches, break or cut the pulp, discard the stone. Depending on the variety and ripeness of the fruit, it may not be possible to easily separate the pulp, in which case we cut it to the bone with four cuts and carefully cut it into slices.

Dip the sweet slices of peaches into water acidified with lemon, after ten minutes we put it on a sieve. After draining the moisture, dip the pulp in boiling water, blanch for about three minutes and transfer to cold water. By this time, the syrup should be ready from the amount of sugar and water indicated in the list of products.

Dip the peaches in boiling syrup, cook with a slight agitation of the surface of the jam for exactly ten minutes. Remove the foam, mix the jam gently. Set aside from the stove and cover the basin with a thin cloth, pause for 8-10 hours until the next boil.

We repeat the cycle again with the same time intervals, and for the third time we boil for about twenty minutes. After cooling, pack the jam in a sterile container, cover with pieces of parchment and pull them to the necks of the jars with a thread.

Option 2: Pitted Peach Jam for the Winter - A Quick Recipe

What the authors liked about small peaches is not indicated in the original description. It can be assumed that they were chosen, since the peel from such hearths, as a rule, is removed more easily. The flesh of small peaches is also often easily separated from the pits. As for aroma and sweetness, select varieties are good, regardless of the size of the fruit.


  • a kilogram of small peaches and refined sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • three grams of citric acid crystals.

How to quickly make pitted peach jam for the winter

After scalding the peaches selected for jam, remove the fluffy skin from them. Cut off the spoiled places, break the pulp if it easily lags behind the seeds. If this fails, cut it off with a knife, in any case, pieces of fruit will go into the jam.

After acidifying a glass of water with three grams of crystalline citric acid, heat the solution to a boil and boil pieces of peach pulp in it. Five minutes is enough if the fruits are ripe enough, then we drain the broth, and add sugar to the peaches.

The juice that comes out is usually enough, but don't pour out the water in which the fruit was blanched just yet. Place the pot of peaches and sugar on the stove and turn on the lowest heat, wait for more juice to come out and raise the temperature so that it boils.

In one step, boil the jam until thickened, which will take up to forty minutes. If fruit juice is still not enough, add a little sour broth, but be extremely moderate. This jam is stored in the refrigerator, but, after appropriate pasteurization, it can also be hermetically sealed for storage in the pantry.

Option 3: Pureed pitted peach jam for the winter with agar-agar

Instead of the specified thickener, pectin or special mixtures based on it are suitable. The amount of powder is not indicated intentionally, it is rarely used in its pure form, and the proportions of their addition are always indicated on packages with combined formulations.


  • granulated sugar - 250 ml glass;
  • 650 grams of medium-sized peaches;
  • pack of agar agar.

How to cook

We will not wipe the peaches for a long time, a separate question that will definitely arise in this case is where to get a metal sieve with cells of such a size that a dense skin can also be rubbed through it. We simplify the task with the help of a banal meat grinder.

With a thin sharp knife, cut off all the flesh from the washed peaches. We cut off the spoiled parts ahead of time, even before washing. Substitute a bowl under the mouth of the meat grinder, or even a pan at once, choose a non-stick bowl for cooking peach jam.

Adding sugar directly into the neck of the meat grinder to pieces of fruit, grind them, and mix. We put on the included burner, slowly heat up to a boil. After boiling on a quiet fire for a quarter of an hour, pour agar-agar, stirring, cook for another ten minutes, watching the degree of thickening.

At a high density of the mass, splashes will begin to scatter from it, cover the pan, but do not stop stirring occasionally, protecting yourself from droplets with a lid. The most dangerous stage is yet to come - we pour the jam without turning off the heat. Use a ladle with a long handle and immediately cover the jars with lids, roll them up as soon as possible.

Option 4: Pitted amber peach jam for the winter

The fragrant sweet mass will really look like amber in color, due to the caramelization of sugar during prolonged heating. Lemon can be squeezed into jam and whole if you like the taste of citrus.


  • 2000 grams of ripe, juicy peaches;
  • 1500 grams of refined sugar;
  • small lemon (for juice).

Step by step recipe

In some recipes, peach pulp is blanched in a weak acid solution, this time it is lemon juice that is needed, we add it to the jam itself. But we start with fruits, wash them and cut or separate, if possible, the flesh from the seeds with your hands. Having collected in an enamel basin, sprinkle with sugar until a third of the sand is set aside.

Scald the lemon, cut and squeeze the juice from one half to the peaches. Covering the container, leave for a couple of hours, waiting for the release of juice. Drain the moisture that has come out almost without residue, add the rest of the sugar to it and heat until boiling. After boiling for a couple of minutes, pour the syrup over the peaches and put the pan with them on the heat.

Do not throw away the foam, but collect it especially carefully. After boiling for about five minutes, then for a couple of hours we set aside the pan with jam from the stove and again tighten it with gauze or cloth. The second run will be the last. Without stirring, so as not to spoil the beauty of the slices, cook the mass until thickened, even if it takes up to an hour.

Spread hot jam in a sterile container and roll up the lids. Cool under a warm blanket in an inverted position. We store in a dark, preferably cool pantry.

Option 5: Delicate pitted peach jam for the winter with apples

The pulp of peaches is so juicy that you can choose any apples. Fragrant varieties are often dry, but you will not notice this in jam, unless it thickens faster. The color of the fruit peel is not important, we prepare jam without it.


  • a kilogram of peaches and apples;
  • big lemon;
  • six dry cloves;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • sugar, refined - up to a kilogram;
  • a pinch of grated ginger and three - cardamom.

How to cook

Cut the zest from a scalded lemon thinly, then get rid of the white layer of the peel. Set aside half of the bright zest for jam, the rest can be used for other needs. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and strain.

We rinse the fruits and thinly cut the peel, cut the pulp, remove the seeds from the peaches and the seed boxes from the apples in the process. Carefully, trying not to crush the slices, mix the fruit with sugar, zest and lemon juice.

Wrap the spices in several layers of a clean bandage (break the cinnamon), tie a ribbon to the makeshift bag and tighten it tightly. Dip in the middle of the fruit mixture collected in an enamel pan.

Heat the mass over low heat until the first bubbles, adjust the stove to a low boil. For a quarter of an hour we cook fruits in syrup from our own juice and sugar, removing the foam and stirring gently.

In order not to risk a precious delicacy, we sterilize the container and lids for it especially carefully. Filling almost to the very top with hot jam, cork and slowly cool under the covers.

Good day everyone!

It's summer outside, which means you can go to the market again and buy fresh and ruddy fruits that nature itself has created. Such riches have been lying on the shelves for a long time, and when we eat them to satiety, we can easily make preparations for the winter. How about peach jam? Have you already prepared it? If not, then you can work with me to fix this situation.

After all, such a peach treat can equally stand on the festive table along with any. Because it is very tasty, and you can cook it in different ways. You can use only the best recipes, but at the same time they will be quite simple.

In addition, there is such a variety that you can easily make confiture from these fruits, as well as marmalade or thick jam. Since peaches can be chopped into pieces with a knife, or passed through a meat grinder, twist in a blender until mashed.

The cooking technology can also be different, because there are options that are truly cooked with a bone, there are those where the bones must be taken out of the fruit. Plus, you can use interesting ingredients as preservatives and thickeners, or you can do without them.

Please cook in good health and make your dessert truly royal and sunny. After all, the peach itself is quite sweet and smelly, which means that the culinary masterpiece will turn out to be great in taste.

Do not forget friends that in addition to this treat, you can still make a bunch of other blanks, we talked about them in

Perhaps I'll start this time with the very classic version that every housewife should have in her notebook. The ingredients will be as follows, these are sugar, water and peaches themselves. They can be taken in any size, and they should also be slightly firm, it is possible that they are overripe. Then there will be more pulp and juiciness. Greens should not be used.

This cooking technology assumes that the fruit will be cut into quarters or halves, that is, you must chop them into slices with a kitchen knife. Be sure to remove the bones, they are not needed.

It turns out that the peaches will be boiled in their own sugar syrup. By the way, you can not add water, but then the consistency will be too thick in the end. After all, everyone knows that peaches contain a large amount of pectin, and this will affect the structure of the jam. That is, it turns out to be jelly-like, even if you do not add any thickener, such as gelatin or gelfix.

We will need:

  • peaches, pitted - 0.4 kg
  • sugar - 0.4 kg
  • water - 1 tbsp. about 300 ml
  • vanilla, anise to taste (optional)


1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and put sugar in it, and immediately pour in drinking water. Stir and put on a slow fire and cook until all the grains are dissolved, stirring. You can also add vanilla and anise if you want an unusual flavor.

2. Wash the peaches in running water, remove the stone and cut into small pieces or use halves. Throw them into the pan, where the sugar syrup is already ready. Simmer over low heat after the fruits boil for about 30-40 minutes.

3. And then, while hot, carefully pour into jars with a clean ladle and immediately cork with metal lids. Store in a cellar or somewhere dark and cool. Bon appetit! Bright impressions to you.

A simple recipe for amber peach jam for the winter in slices

Everyone knows that fruits such as peaches are quite sweet and fleshy, and therefore, so that the jam is not too sweet, you can add a citrus flavor for a change, namely, add lemon to it.

Such a treat will stay with you not a single winter, and will delight you with its yellowish color and aroma. Although I think you will eat it without waiting for the cold season).

The secret of this particular recipe is that peaches are necessarily peeled, but I know that many people prefer to cook with the skin, it's up to you. But without it, it will be much better, because then, they will not spoil the appearance, because they can shrink in the bank.

Take the proportions of sugar and peaches 1 to 1. You can cook such a delicacy where there will be little sugar, but then you will need to eat it in the near future so that it does not turn sour.

We will need:

  • peach - about 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 950 g
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp


1. First of all, take care of the sunny “handsomes”, wash them and then pour boiling water over them.

2. And then move them cold. Thus, the skin can be easily removed after such procedures. And you do not have to cut it for hours with a kitchen knife.

3. Cut the peeled peaches from the skin into slices, remove the seeds. These are the pieces you should get.

5. Thus, if the fruit turned out to be about 500 g, take about 500 g of sugar. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and leave to stand to release a large amount of juice for 3-4 hours.

6. After the required amount of time has passed, put the mass on the stove and select the medium fire mode. Cook until it boils and until the sugar is all dissolved. And then immediately turn off the stove and let the jam cool to room temperature.

Then repeat the procedure 2 times (simmer for 5 minutes after boiling), and when you start cooking for the third time, then pour in the freshly squeezed lemon juice.

8. And do not forget to leave at least a couple of spoons of this magnificent dish for testing. You will definitely like it and become one of your favorites. Happy discoveries!

Peach jam recipe

Well, let's move on and prepare a different new recipe. I also really liked this method of cooking, because the jam turned out to be very thick and dense in consistency. What made it even more attractive and besides, now I can use it as a filling for or, and also grease cakes or rolls with such jam.

We will need:

  • peaches - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • citric acid - 2-3 g


1. Rinse the fruits in running water, and then remove the bone from them, chop into small pieces. If the amount of work is large, you can use a device, for example, a Nicer-Diser. The peel, as in the previous version, can first be scalded with boiling water, and then put the fruits in ice water, the peel can be easily removed after that.

Chop the peaches into small cubes with a knife and add sugar. Stir. And let it hang out for a couple of hours.

2. After infusion, boil the jam until it becomes transparent, that is, about 20 minutes after active seething. Just before turning off, add a lemon and stir well. Take the jars clean and carefully place this hot masterpiece in them. Screw on the lids tightly and store in a pantry or cellar.

Peach Five Minute - Recipe Without Water

We got to my very favorite option, I think it is one of the best for you. This is because it doesn't take much time to prepare. And also fruits are not digested, they retain a large amount of vitamins. But even that's not all, look at the color, it turns out to be amber, like honey. And such a blank is stored perfectly even at room temperature.

And one more thing, it is amazingly tasty and unique. Be sure to try it and you will be satisfied in any case. Peach "5 minute" is what absolutely everyone likes, be sure of that.

Note that this option is without water, which means that the peaches will only cook in their own juices.

We will need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - optional


1. Wash ripe and juicy peaches and remove the stone from the middle. You should have many halves.

2. Chop them into pieces.

3. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cut into quarters, along with the zest. It is she who will give a tart and rich taste of citrus. If you want a more delicate shade to get, then cut off the zest.

4. Pour in sugar and stir with a wooden spatula. Expect about 1 hour.

5. Then put the container on medium heat and cook for 5 minutes after active bubbling. And then let the jam brew and stand for a couple of hours and cool. Then boil again (five minutes) and let cool. Cook this way in three batches.

6. And when the mixture boils for the last time, do not let it cool down, pour immediately into prepared clean jars. Screw on the lids and turn the lids upside down. Cover with a towel and wrap in any warm cloth.

7. Leave for night watch, and in the morning lower it into the cellar or put it in the pantry for storage.

How to cook peach jam for the winter with whole slices in your own juice

Well, now at home, right from this video, you can watch this manual live with descriptions. Peaches will also be cooked in syrup, which will make them even more unique and tender.

And for sure, everyone will ask you for the recipe for this delicious treat. All because the author uses one secret, if you want to know which one, then quickly click on the view button.

Delicious pitted peach halves in amber syrup

I would like to demonstrate one more option, which certainly should be in every piggy bank. This is because cinnamon is used in this recipe, and this seasoning is quite smelly and gives a kind of cool flavor to the taste.

In this cooking technique, the skin is not removed from the peaches in order to preserve all the vitamins. But, if it is fundamentally important for you, then you can remove it, if that. This will not affect the consistency and color range.

Note that sugar is used here to a minimum, which should not upset you, but, on the contrary, will not harm your figure and waist.

We will need:

  • overripe peaches - 1.5 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc. - 1-2 tbsp juice
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • water - 1 tbsp. or 250 ml


1. In order to get a brave syrup, you need to combine water with sugar and stir. Turn on the fire and bring the grains to complete dissolution, that is, stir the mass.

2. Do the same with the peaches, wash them, wipe them with a dry towel, and then chop them into halves with a kitchen knife. There is nothing to cut thinly, try to keep all the pieces the same size.

3. Throw the fruit immediately after the sugar syrup boils. Mix well, add cinnamon stick and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then remove from heat and let stand for an hour so that the peaches are perfectly saturated with such a sweet infusion.

4. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, this is easy to do if you first tap it on the table, or use a special device in the form of a juicer. Add it to the jam when it boils again on the stove. Simmer on medium mode for about 30-40 minutes, stirring, if a foam forms, then remove it.

Remove the stick at the end of work, that is, remove it from the mass.

5. Now it remains only to spread the beautiful and attractive mixture into jars that need to be sterilized in advance. For tightness, use metal caps. With both hands, turn each blank over and put on warm clothes until it cools completely. Store indoors where it is fairly cool. Bon appetit!

The best recipe for peach jam with walnuts

For me personally, this dessert brings a smile and delight to my face. It's like I'm a princess, and this is a royal sign of attention. In general, this recipe is already a hundred years old at lunch, and from year to year it never ceases to amaze us all. If earlier they took and added only almonds or, for example, peach kernels, now they add walnuts.

Imagine, the longer this jam stays in a jar, the better it becomes, because this aroma of nuts will saturate all the pieces of fruit even more, and the syrup will become more transparent, like flower honey.

We will need:

  • peach - 500 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • walnut - 1 tbsp. (already peeled, nucleoli)


1. So, remember the steps, first you need to peel the nuts from the thick peel (shell). And chop the nucleoli with a kitchen knife, but not too shallow, but not large either. Definitely won't fit the crumbs.

Process the peaches in water and remove the stone from the core. If you wish, you can remove the skin from each fruit, or you can leave it whole and unharmed.

2. Combine peaches with granulated sugar in a saucepan in order to form fragrant juice (for 1-2 hours, depending on the ripeness and juiciness of the fruit). It is needed so that the fruits are stewed in their own juice without adding water.

Bring the mass to a boil, and do not forget to carefully and gently stir with a wooden spatula so that nothing burns to the walls of the dish. Boil 30 minutes. And only after that, tadam, bring in the chopped walnut. Continue cooking for 10 minutes.

3. Well, then, take a sample. Invite your friends for a tasting. And what you don’t eat, close liter or liter jars into small half-liter or liter jars, of course, then you will need a lot more ingredients. Store in the refrigerator or on an insulated balcony out of direct sunlight.

Thick strawberry, peach and nectarine jam

Delicious and simple - that's the motto of this treat. And you know why, the thing is that by mixing all these fruits and berries you will get a rather dense consistency. You just have to combine the mass with sugar and boil for a few minutes. Although you can not be limited only to this list, which is given below, you can also add fresh apples.

If you want this dessert to have a transparent structure, then hold the fruit in sugar for a couple of hours.

We will need:

  • peaches - 1000 g
  • nectarines - 500 g
  • strawberries or victoria, wild strawberries - 300 g
  • sugar - 1300 g


1. Before you start preparing such a fruit and berry confiture, I suggest washing all the fruits in running water. Then remove the skin from peaches and nectarines; chop the fruit into small cubes about 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm, discard the bones to the side. Remove stems from strawberries.

2. Next, mix the chopped cubes of nectarines and peaches with granulated sugar, mix with a tablespoon and let stand for a couple of hours or at least 1 hour at room temperature. Further, as a lot of liquid has formed, put the container on the stove and bring the whole mass to a rapid boil.

Undoubtedly, foam will form during cooking, remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon. After boiling for 20 minutes, toss whole strawberries (strawberries or victoria). Continue to simmer over medium heat for another 15 minutes. And then turn off the stove and let the jam cool completely, you may have to leave it all night.

The next day, you have to boil it again and boil for 10-15 minutes. And only then hot packaged in clean sterile jars and rolled up under a metal lid.

3. Store such a canned blank in the cellar or in the pantry. And remember that when there is a holiday in your house, you always have a jar of such a wonderful sunny dessert just in case. From which you just lick your fingers, and the saliva will run by itself after the first spoon. Bon appetit!

How to make peach jam - you will lick your fingers! (recipe for multicooker)

If your apartment has such an electrical device, why not use it. After all, besides, with it, any preparation saves time. And will always help out at any time.

The main thing is to determine the desired cooking mode from Redmond or Polaris, and as always, a film from the YouTube channel will help with this. Join the viewing and you will succeed, be sure!

Assorted peaches and apricots

Very tasty and extraordinarily beautiful, and the color is amazing and it's all in one recipe that is very simple. Moreover, these two fruits are usually always sold on the shelves or in the market at the same time. Therefore, often many young housewives combine these two ingredients. Yes, and rightly so, because it comes out even cooler and more amazing, do not believe it, check it out for yourself!

We will need:

  • peaches and apricots in any proportions - 2 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Rinse the fruits in running water, and then peel off the oranges and chop them into small pieces. If you want, do not add oranges, this is optional, but they will only bring a citrus hue, which will make this dish even more interesting and unusual.

2. Apricots and peaches also cut into cubes with a sharp knife, just do not forget to remove the skin from them. Set the bones aside.

3. Then you can immediately mix all the ingredients obtained with sugar and cook on fire for 5 minutes after boiling. And you can, using a blender or a meat grinder, grind it into a mushy mass, add sugar and cook for only 5 minutes.

In any case, then it is necessary to let the jam cool down, and after 5-7 hours, boil it again. Lay such a mass in clean jars with a ladle, wrap the lids with a special seaming machine and store until spring in your cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe for the winter of peach jam (or marmalade)

Well, you will definitely like this blank, because it turns out to be very beautiful and resembles mashed potatoes or, if I may say, confiture. Such food is usually used in pies or bagels, in general, in baking. Yes, or you can taste it with crispy fresh bread.

We will need:

  • peaches - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. Wash the peaches and pour over with boiling water, remove the bones with a stick. Then place in a blender cup and grind into a porridge-like mixture. It is important that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

2. Then add sugar and stir, simmer for 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the final result, if you want a little thinner, then turn it off after 10-15 minutes. And if you like a denser consistency, then turn off the stove after 40 minutes. After cooling, the mass will thicken even more.

3. Place ready-made boiled peach puree in clean sterile jars and cork them with a special key under a metal lid. Store in a hidden place where no one will find it, preferably in the refrigerator. Enjoy!

Amazing dessert with almonds

We will need:

  • peaches - 5-6 pcs. about 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • almond nuts - 0.2 kg
  • cinnamon - 1 tbsp


1. Sort the fruits, that is, inspect, rotten and flawed will not work. Then rinse them in running cold water. remove the bone from them. Take a sharp knife and cut them into plastics. Sprinkle with sugar, stir. As you can see, liquid will immediately appear. Let it brew for 2-3 hours on the table.

2. After the time is up, pour in drinking water and boil on a slow cooker for 20 minutes, remove the foam. Let cool completely to a temperature of 30-40 degrees.

Turn on the fire and simmer for another 120 minutes after active bubbling.

3. And then, as you guessed, pour it with a clean ladle over sterile jars. Wrap the lids with a twist, lower the jars on the other side and wrap them in a blanket. After 24 hours, take the finished dish in glass containers to the balcony, which is insulated or use the cellar.

Peach jam with pit

Mmmm, what a delight, just think you eat a fragrant peach from a jar in the winter cold. Even if it is canned, it is homemade. If you are tormented by the question of whether it is really possible to cook such a delicacy without removing the bones, then I think you have already guessed. Because the answer is yes, of course!

Just do not forget that all the same, for long-term storage, you do not need to leave jam with a bone, you must eat it within a year. Because the bones contain prussic acid, which can harm your health.

We will need:

  • peaches - 3 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg


1. Be sure to rinse fruits in water before cooking. And then take a stick or fork and make punctures, this is necessary so that the syrup gets in and completely soaks the entire fruit. Sprinkle with sugar and leave to stand for about 4-5 hours.

2. After the peaches stand for the right time and give up their juice, start cooking. Turn on a slow fire and cook for about 2.5 hours.

3. And then take clean jars and lids and preserve the workpiece. Store where cool. Happy discoveries!

This is how quickly and deftly you can make jars with such a wonderful treat that really turns out to be savory and has a peculiar and unique taste. Eat peach jam for health, but in moderation! I hope you find what you are looking for in this post. And maybe, if you don’t mind, share some other cooking method.

Have a great working day everyone! Cheerful positive mood. Goodbye.