Apple wine recipe. Technology and recipe for homemade wine from sour apple juice "Antonovka"

02.09.2019 Salads

In a fruitful year, the abundance of apples pleases gardeners with a wealth of supplies, and avid winemakers are already looking forward to fresh aromatic apple wine! This juicy and tasty fruit is good in any form.

Apple jams, preserves, confitures are waiting in the wings on the shelves. Various compotes, juices and fruit drinks from apples are prepared for several years in advance. Apple pies are included in the daily menu.

But perhaps the best way to process valuable vitamin raw materials is to make homemade apple wine. The simplest recipe for wine from apple juice will use the entire ripe crop and will not allow these tasty, fragrant and healthy fruits to be lost.

Prepared for future use, apple wine can be stored for a long time, while the bouquet of the drink opens up with new fruity notes and acquires an extraordinary richness of taste.

Healthy homemade apple wine: how to make?

First of all, you need to decide on the taste of the future alcoholic beverage. If you like sweeter apple wine, then in this case you need to take ripe fruits of late varieties, in which there is the most sugar. Otherwise, fruits with a pronounced sour taste should prevail. But the best thing is to mix sour and sweet fruits in the required proportion. Making an alcoholic fruit drink is not in a hurry, it needs a thoughtful and serious approach.

So, let's start preparing the future king of parties.

- we take unwashed apples in any quantity. You should not wash the fruits, because natural yeast is on their surface. If fruit collected from the ground is used for the drink, then it is quite enough to wipe them with a damp cloth. The apple core and seeds must be removed.
- we grind fruits in any available way - using a kitchen processor, blender, grated, through a meat grinder.
- We leave the resulting applesauce at room temperature for one day in an open container.
- stir every hour.
- remove a dense thick crust from the top of the apple mass and leave it for a day again.
- we repeat the operation.
- squeeze the remaining softer fraction of puree, pour the resulting juice into a separate bowl.
- add granulated sugar in the proportion of 250 grams per liter of apple juice and water at the rate of 150 grams per liter.
- vigorously stir the liquid until granulated sugar is completely dissolved in it.
- pour into a glass, enamel or plastic container with
- place the bottle of wine in a dark place with room temperature.
- the fermentation process takes about one and a half months, the end of it is signaled by the absence of carbon dioxide bubbles.
- homemade apple wine is ready, let it stand for about a week.
- after the expiration of the specified period, young apple wine is removed from the sediment.
- we place the bottle with the drink on the table, under it we place another dry and clean container.
- using a hose, carefully, without shaking up the sediment, pour the homework into a new dish.

Your own apple wine is ready! But it will still be better to let the drink brew and ripen, after clarifying it. To do this, he is placed in a cool and dark place for a couple of months. Then we repeat the procedure for removing from the sediment one more time.

If there are a lot of fruits ripe and the volume of production of a homemade alcoholic drink is also significant, care should be taken that the apple wine does not spoil. For this, a container with alcohol is placed in a tank, jug or large pot of water and heated to a temperature of 70 degrees. After that, it is slowly cooled and put on subsequent ripening.

Aromatic and light home-made wine has a mesmerizing amber color and a wide variety of flavors, which depends on the type of fruit used. Delicate delicate apple wine is a drink for any occasion and celebration!

Making apple wine at home is quite simple. There are several recipes for homemade apple wine, this pleasant, reminiscent of summer drink.


Imagine: there is a blizzard outside the window, frost paints ice patterns on the glass, and you smell like apples. DIY cider will brighten up your long winter evenings.

Apple juice in a glass

However, you can drink homemade apple wine not only in winter. The main thing is to choose a recipe to your liking.

In a productive year, the number of apples in the garden often exceeds the capacity to process them into jam or jam. You can make juice or compote. But apple wine is easier to store than juice. And it will allow you not to lose a bountiful harvest.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most dire consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE WINNED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


The taste of the future wine depends on the apple variety. If you want the wine not to be sour, you need to choose late varieties, and pick the already ripe apples. Some gardeners, on the other hand, prefer sour apple varieties. You can, of course, mix varieties in different proportions to achieve the desired taste.

Unwashed fruits are used to prepare the drink. As a last resort, you can wipe them with a damp towel. The natural yeast found on the skin is needed for the fermentation process.

Pitted apple pieces

Apples must be peeled of seeds, internal scales and tails. Then you need to prepare the applesauce. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or juicer. Leave the puree in an open container for a day, stirring from time to time. The top of the puree will turn into a firm crust that needs to be removed. After that, the puree should be left again for a day.

Then squeeze the soft part of the puree, add 150 g of water for each 1 liter to the resulting juice, as well as 250 g of granulated sugar. With these proportions, you get dry wine. If you want the wine to be stronger and sweeter, the amount of sugar should be increased to 300-400 g per 1 liter. Stir the juice well so that the sugar melts, and then pour it into a glass bottle. The cork must have a hole for the carbon dioxide to escape, and it is necessary to provide for the gas to escape through the water, since when the fermenting juice comes into contact with air, not wine will turn out, but apple cider vinegar.

The bottle should be stored at room temperature in the dark for about a month and a half. When carbon dioxide stops emitting, it will mean that the wine is ready. If you close the bottle with a glove, it will stop “voting” and fall off.

Now comes the turn of the most difficult and responsible operation: the wine must be poured into another container to get rid of the sediment. This can be done with a hose by placing a second vessel below the one containing the wine. Everything, in principle, is drinkable. But if you let it stand for a couple of months, and then pour it back into a clean dish without sediment, its taste will significantly improve.

Apple juice in cans

The wine that this recipe offers is real cider. This ancient drink comes from France. True, when preparing classic cider, water is not used; it is obtained by fermenting pure apple juice. Cider is very popular not only in France, but also in Spain, Germany and the USA.

In our country, cider appeared at the end of the 19th century and immediately on the imperial table. Classic cider has a golden color; different varieties of apples are combined to make it, of which no more than 1/4 of sour apples should be. Cider ferments in oak barrels, but the result will be quite good in our glass jar. The taste of wine is very dependent on apple varieties, so you can experiment by making wine from different varieties.


You can also try a recipe that does not require added sugar. Then the wine will not be stronger than 7 °, but it will quench your thirst well, especially if you drink it chilled.

To prepare cider using the classic technology, squeeze the apple juice and leave it to settle in the dark at room temperature for a day. Then you should carefully pour the juice into a jar, in which it will ferment. In this case, the main thing is not to disturb the sediment. Close the jar tightly with a medical glove and leave for a month in a dark place at room temperature. After a month, pour the fermented juice again into a clean jar and close tightly. Now it must be left in a cool room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C, but still in the dark, for 3-4 months. Over time, the drink must be filtered and bottled.

Apple cider with cinnamon

Making fruit wines at home is almost as old a tradition as planting gardens. Delicious cherry, raspberry, blackberry, grape wines, made with their own hands from their own fruits, are prepared in many families, and the recipes are passed down from generation to generation. And of course, homemade apple wine takes pride of place among them. Apple is a very common fruit, it has many varieties. Homemade apple wine also has a number of beneficial properties. It contains a lot of iodine and pectin, removes salt from the body and regulates the digestion process.

Besides cider, there are other varieties of homemade apple wines.


Take 5 kg of good, ripe apples without wormholes or bruises, rinse them, remove the cuttings and cores and scroll through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree, add 1 kg of granulated sugar and 50 g of well-washed dried raisins from green grapes. If necessary, if the apples are not juicy enough, you can add 500 ml of water to the puree. The jar with the mixture should be kept at room temperature, covered with a medical glove, for 3 weeks.

Then the fermented juice must be drained by filtering through 3-4 layers of gauze. Put the rest of the thick on a thick cotton cloth and squeeze out. Add the resulting liquid to the fermented juice, add half a glass of granulated sugar there and close the lid tightly. The jar should be placed in a dark place for a week - to ripen. After that, pour 75 ml of vodka into the wine, stir well and pour the drink into bottles.

Apples and a bottle of wine

Drinking cider varies from country to country. In England, the recipe is the same, but it is drunk with ice in tall glasses. In France they drink it like champagne. But not everywhere. At home, in Normandy, ceramic bowls are used for cider.

The Spaniards believe that it should be poured from a height of 60-100 cm in a thin stream. Then the drink is saturated with oxygen and foams, revealing shades of apple flavor.

You can make wine and stronger from apples. Here's a quick and easy recipe.

It is necessary to take 2 kg of ripe sweet apples without defects, rinse them, peel and pass through a juicer. Add 1 tbsp to the juice. l. yeast. As in the previous cases, ferment the mixture. When carbon dioxide ceases to be released, the wine must be filtered and bottled. The sweeter the apples were, the stronger the wine would be. You cannot store it for a long time, so you will have to drink it without delay.

Sugar in wine can be replaced with honey, and instead of purchased yeast, use wine, homemade.

You can use raisins to make this yeast. Pour 200 g of raisins with boiled water and leave for four days. After this time, the leaven can be used.

Ripe raspberries will also make a good starter culture. 2 tbsp. unwashed berries must be kneaded with 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, pour 1 tbsp. water. Leave the leaven at room temperature for 3-4 days, and use it within a week. Then it will deteriorate and be unusable.

You can also make apple champagne from apples. Maybe someone will like this recipe. For 7 liters of water, take 2.4 liters of juice and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar, as well as 0.75 liters of vodka.

A deep container is required to prepare champagne. It is necessary to pour the juice into it, and mix the water with sugar and boil the syrup. Cook it over low heat for an hour. Then the syrup needs to be cooled and poured warm into a container with juice. Leave the resulting mixture in a cold place for a week. Then add vodka to the container, carefully cork and put in a cool place, for example, in a cellar, for 3-4 months. You will surely appreciate the light, slightly sweet taste of fragrant champagne.

When the apples are ripe, do not hesitate - you will succeed! Choose a recipe to taste - and get started. Every home, every family will have something different. It is not customary to drink cider to the bottom. It is necessary to leave a little, because sediment collects below. Perhaps this rule can be extended to other apple wines.

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Apple wine is a unique drink that is in no way inferior to analogues of grape content. Additionally, this product is much lower in cost. The main thing is that it not only preserves an indescribable bouquet, but also many vitamins, minerals, pectins and other trace elements.

Making apple wine on your own is easy. If you don't have your own garden, the main ingredient can always be purchased at the market or in the store. All it takes is a little patience and ingenuity.

In the process of processing, apple wine at home retains many substances useful to humans:

  • useful acids;
  • vitamins of groups - A, B, C.
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • iron, magnesium, potassium and other minerals;
  • pectins.

Due to the preservation of these components, apple wine has a positive effect on the human body.

  1. Wine increases stress resistance.
  2. Relieves nervous tension and reduces depression.
  3. It has a positive effect on blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  4. Helps to relax and relieve physical fatigue.
  5. Improves the digestive tract and improves the production of gastric juice.

Despite the large number of useful properties, apple wine can be harmful. In particular, it is not indicated for breastfeeding, during pregnancy, for liver diseases and for children under 18 years of age.

The main stages of making classic apple wine

Making any kind of wine from apples is almost the same as any type of drink, be it black currant, grape or lingonberry wine.

The best apple wine drink is the one in which the fruits of winter or autumn varieties are used. The usual summer varieties will not give the wine a bright, pronounced bouquet. The wine will be cloudy and not suitable for long storage.

With the right approach, the result is an amber drink with an indescribable apple aroma. As for the total time, it will take about 5-7 months from the selection of raw materials to full maturation.

The cooking process is divided into 4 stages.

Stage 1. Preparation of raw materials and extraction of juice

Harvested or plucked apples do not require wet processing. It is enough to wipe them with a dry cloth or clean them with a brush. The process begins with the processing of raw materials. The first step is to squeeze juice from the fruit.

At home, this can be done with a grater or juicer. If you extract juice with a grater, the resulting puree must be squeezed out with gauze. This process is more time consuming and time consuming than working with a juicer.

The juicer is a priority when making wine. In this case, the juice will have the same consistency, practically without pulp, which will naturally speed up the process and the quality of the final product.

Stage 2. Wort preparation

The composition of the wort of homemade apple wine is alcohol, sugar, juice and some other ingredients if desired. Ingredients and sugar are added to the juice bottle in parts, 3 times. The first part immediately, the second - on the 4th day and the 3rd after 7 days.

This method is extremely important when apples with a high sugar content are used as raw materials. If there is too much sugar, the natural tremors may not be able to cope and fermentation will stop.

Stage 3. Fermentation of wine

Apple wine at home should ferment in a special container. What is important, it is advisable to use a bottle with a water seal as a container. In a home environment, not everyone has such an opportunity, so you can take an ordinary rubber glove, pre-piercing it with a needle.

This approach is necessary to ensure that oxygen does not flow to the wort, and as it forms, the gas is released outside. Otherwise, there is a great risk of getting not a fragrant drink, but ordinary apple cider vinegar.

Stage 4. Wine transfer and maturation

After fermentation is completed, the wort is poured into a prepared container for settling. Depending on the recipe, you can add sugar or alcohol. A water seal or a glove is installed for about 6-7 days. During this time, the wine should become transparent.

If this happens, it must be carefully drained. After that, the drink is bottled and sent to storage.

There are many homemade apple wine recipes, from classic to fortified. All of them do not require special knowledge of winemaking and special equipment. They are simple and, on the other hand, original.

Classic recipe


  • 10 kg of apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.6 kg of sugar.

After processing, the apples are passed through a juicer. After that, the juice is placed in a container for 3 days. Every 9-10 hours, the contents are mixed.

After 4 days, drain the glass of wort with a straw and add 400 grams of sugar to it. Then pour back into the container. Repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

Fermentation temperature should be kept between 18 and 24 degrees. Once fermentation is over, the glove will deflate and the odor trap will stop bubbling.

After the end of the fermentation process, the wine is poured, closed and settled. Every 14 days, it should be re-drained from the sediment until it becomes transparent. After that, it is bottled and sent to storage.

Apple cider


  • 8 kg of sweet and sour or sour apples;
  • 3.2 kg of sugar;
  • 12 liters of water.

The apples, ready for processing, are cut into 4 parts, then the bones are removed from them. Then they need to be wrapped in a loose fabric and placed on the bottom of a barrel or other container.

Take half of the cooked sugar and water and cook the syrup. As soon as the syrup is cooked, it is cooled and poured into a container on top of the apples.

After 5 weeks, using a tube, the liquid is decanted and a second batch of syrup is poured, which is also infused for 5 weeks. Then the liquid is again drained, mixed with the first batch and sent to storage for 6 months.

Six months later, the wine is drained from the lees, bottled and aged again for 30 days.

The finished drink will turn out to be aromatic, light and very tasty, similar to lemonade.


  • 4 kg of apples, cut into wedges;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 40 grams of cinnamon.

After removing the cores, the apples are crushed into a container, water and spices are added. The mixture is placed on fire and cooked until the apples are soft.

After 3 days, the pulp is removed, the wort is mixed with sugar and poured into a container with a water seal, in which the future wine will ferment for about 7 days.

The bottle should be rotated every 7 days to mix the contents.

After a week, you can remove the odor trap, close the container with a lid and leave it for another 7 days.

After 7 days, the wine is drained and sent in bottles. You need to store it in a cool place, preferably 3-4 months.


  • 10.8 kg of sweet apples;
  • 1.2 kg of pears;
  • 200 grams of raisins;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

After obtaining juice from the fruit, the raisins are steamed, everything is mixed together and sent to ferment in a barrel or other container, after having tied the neck with gauze. In parallel, 500 grams of sugar is introduced and a water seal is installed.

After 4 days, a liter of juice is drained and 300 grams of sugar are added to it. Then the syrup is poured back into the container. After 3 days, the last 200 grams of sugar are added in the same way, and it remains to wait until the wine stops fermenting.



  • 9 kg of cake or apples;
  • 230 grams of vodka;
  • 3.3 kg of sugar;

A good fortified drink from apples can be obtained both from the fruits themselves and from the cake.

A narrow-necked glass bottle is being prepared. Mashed potatoes are poured into a container, then 3 kg of sugar are poured.

This mixture is left to ferment for 3 weeks. A water seal is preliminarily put on the bottle. The mixture is stirred every 2-3 days.

After 21 days, the pulp is removed and the remaining sugar is added. Everything is mixed, drained into a clean container and tightly closed, left for 10 days. After the allotted time, the wine is decanted, vodka is poured and bottled.

With raisins

  • 10 kg of apples;
  • 2.200 kg of sugar;
  • 10 grams of raisins.

First, the apples are cut into slices, cored and passed through a meat grinder. Then raisins and 2 kg of sugar are poured into the puree.

Fermented wine needs to be filtered again. Then it is bottled and sent to a dark and cool place.

It is recommended to prepare wine, including from apples, following simple but important tips.

  1. Only ripe apples should be selected.
  2. It is advisable to remove the bones and cores.
  3. There is no need to wash the fruit, as there are natural tremors on the peel.
  4. Using a water seal or a glove will ensure that the wine does not turn into vinegar due to oxygen.
  5. If the recipe calls for adding water, it is advisable to use filtered water.
  6. There is no need to be afraid of spices. They will only improve the taste of the drink and create a unique bouquet.


Homemade winemaking, though simple, is an art. You can make your own cider, fortified drinks and even dessert wines. If you take high-quality raw materials, connect your imagination and follow the technology - the result will delight even a novice winemaker.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Surplus apple harvest is often used for cooking. This is especially practical in areas where there is not enough grapes growing. Not all apple varieties are subject to long-term storage. Then the recipe for a very healthy drink with a strength of up to 12 degrees will come in handy. Making homemade apple wine is quite simple - any varieties of ripe fruits are suitable.

Making homemade apple wine is not only practical, but also helpful... Popular fruit processed into a beverage:

  • helps with fatigue;
  • relieves stress;
  • relaxes muscles;
  • improves digestion;
  • stabilizes the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • used for cosmetic procedures, improving the condition of hair and skin;
  • favorable for the hormonal background of women;
  • burns fat, improves metabolism;
  • has an anticarcinogenic effect on the body.

It is interesting! In the process of making wine, fruits retain their beneficial properties, vitamins A, B, C, minerals and trace elements.

Drinking in moderation is very beneficial to your health.

Types of apple wine

According to your preferences, you can make apple wine in the following varieties:

  • low alcohol cider;
  • dining room;
  • dry (low in sugar);
  • semi-sweet;
  • sweet;
  • fortified (with the addition of alcohol or strong alcohol).

Original recipes are obtained with the addition of spices, berries, fruits.

How to make apple wine?

When making apple wine at home, the varieties can be mixed. The end result is an amber-colored drink with a significant shelf life (up to 3 years) under the conditions:

  • cool temperatures;
  • lack of light;
  • tightness.

Homemade apple wine is made from the following ingredients. Composition:

  • 20 kg of apples;
  • from 150 to 400 g of sugar per liter.

How to make apple wine? The fruit is converted into juice, which is then not diluted for better quality.


Homemade apple wine is prepared in the following stages:

1. Using fruits from the garden, their do not wash to preserve natural yeast on the peel. Remove spoiled places, remove the core.

2. Juice is received juicer or rub the fruit on a grater with subsequent squeezing.

3. Juice or liquid with pulp keep 3 days c, covering the top with gauze. The contents will be divided into pulp (pulp remnants) on the surface and juice. All this is needed in the first two days mix for the penetration of yeast into the future drink. On the third day, the pulp is removed from the surface, only the juice remains.

4. We add sugar to the fermented content, the less, the sweeter the fruits are used. At first, this is a small portion (up to 150 grams / l). With a sugar content of more than 20%, it deteriorates until it stops. Therefore, granulated sugar is added in parts. The quantity depends on the type of the final product:

  • dry wine requires 150 to 200 grams per liter;
  • sweet and dessert - from 300 to 400 grams / l.

The second portion of sugar (up to 100 grams) is added after 5 days, for which the installed water seal is removed from the container. Part of the liquid is poured (2 times less than a portion of sugar), mixed with sand, poured back, and set again. After 5 days, you can add up to 80 grams / l.

5. Further preparation of apple wine - fermentation in a hermetically sealed container... The contact of the wort with the air produces vinegar, but not wine. An odor trap with a carbon dioxide removal tube lowered into the glass will help prevent this.

Or a rubber glove with a puncture is put on the throat. The container should be 4/5 filled with wort to leave room for gas and foam, and kept in the dark at a temperature of about 22 degrees C (18 to 25). The process lasts from 1 to 2 months and ends with the absence of bubbles in the glass. In this case, a sediment appears at the bottom.

Important! When fermenting for more than 55 days, you need to pour the wine, separate it from the sediment and leave it again under a water seal, otherwise the taste will acquire bitterness.

6. Maturation or aging will improve the quality of the drink. Through the water seal tube, the wine must be poured into a clean glass container without sediment. You can again add sugar or alcohol 40%, vodka in a ratio of 2 to 15% of the total volume. Fortified wine keeps better, although it changes the taste. The container should be filled to the very top and sealed tightly. In case sugar is added, it is preferable to hold the wine for another 7 days under a water seal for re-fermentation.

7. Wine storage produced from 2 months to 120 days in a dark place at 6 - 16 degrees C. At first, every 15 days you need to pour the drink into another container, eliminating sediment. Then filtration is required less and less. When the sediment stops appearing, the wine is considered ready, it is poured into bottles, hermetically closed.

These are the basic steps of the instruction: How to make apple juice wine is a common recipe.

Original recipes at home

Other apple wines, including additives, can be made based on the described method. These are spices, citrus, raisins, alcohol, everything that makes the product unique. Apple wine recipes can differ in strength, aroma and flavor. Additives and varying amounts of sugar make the recipe original.

Juice wine with raisins

Homemade apple juice wine is made from fresh garden fruits that have just been squeezed out in a juicer. For better yeast-free fermentation, add raisins... We need components:

  • 5 liters of juice;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • water for sourdough raisins.

First, we make the leaven by crushing the raisins and pouring it with warm water. After 3 days of fermentation, squeeze the juice from the apples, mix it with sugar, add the raisin sourdough. We keep the wort for 5 days, then the mixture ferments under the gate for another 2 weeks. Next, we drain the drink from the sediment and distribute it among the bottles, let the wine ripen in the cool.

With spices

Homemade apple wine turns out to be delicious if you add aromatic spices to it. Sample composition:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • a little vanilla (or a pinch of vanilla).

Prepare in the following steps:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces, fill it with water in a saucepan and add the vanilla and cinnamon.
  2. After softening the fruits, rub them through a sieve.
  3. Place the puree in a fermentation bottle.
  4. At the end of the process, we free the liquid from the sediment.
  5. When fermentation is completely over, add sugar, removing the sediment again.
  6. Store in a cool, dark place. Orange juice or lemon zest is successfully added to such a wine.

Cinnamon recipe

Making a spiced apple wine uses cinnamon, a popular additive loved by many. Required:

  • 4 kg of apple slices;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 40 grams of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The raw materials must be boiled with cinnamon and water in a basin over medium heat. After softening the slices, wipe them through a sieve and keep them in an enamel pan for 3 days at a temperature of about 22 degrees, covering them with a cloth. Further actions are as follows:

  1. After raising the pulp, it is stirred once every 12 hours.
  2. After 3 days, remove the pulp, except for a thin layer. Sugar is added to the wort and everything is poured into a glass fermentation container, covered with a shutter.
  3. The wine ferments for 7 days. The container is rotated for mixing, and then the closure is replaced with a lid and left for another week.
  4. The liquid is drained from the sediment and placed in bottles.

Now you can store the drink, it is ready to drink.


Making a low-alcohol apple wine called cider is easy.

A light drink requires ingredients:

  • 6 kg of apples;
  • water - 2 times more (12 liters);
  • 3.5 kg of sugar.

The recipe is as follows:

  1. Cut and put fruits in a saucepan, place a press on top (lid with a stone).
  2. Prepare syrup from 1/2 sugar and 1/2 water, pour apples. We keep the container cool for 40 days.
  3. Pour the liquid into another bowl, cook and add the remaining syrup, keep the same amount.
  4. We store the cider for 6 months in the dark, then free it from the sediment, send it to the refrigerator for 1 month.

The fortress will not exceed 7 degrees.


Making fortified homemade apple wine requires:

  • 3 kg of sweet and 3 kg of sour apples;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • up to 7 liters of water;
  • 1 liter .
  1. We squeeze the juice from the apples, place it in a large container.
  2. Cook the syrup from water and sugar for 1 hour, cool to 35 degrees, add it to the juice.
  3. Close the container tightly and keep it cool for 8 days.
  4. Add vodka and keep it cool for 3 months.
  5. Free from sediment, pour for storage.

From dried apples

Wine made from dried apples at home uses aromatic raw materials that saturate the taste of the drink. Composition:

  • 2 kg of dried raw materials;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of yeast.

The cooking steps are as follows:

  1. Rinse dried fruit, put in a saucepan and add warm water, letting it sit for 3 hours.
  2. After draining the water, grind the raw materials in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Add sugar, hot water.
  4. Allow to cool to 22 degrees C and add previously diluted yeast.
  5. Put a water seal on the container and leave warm for fermentation for 2 weeks.
  6. Drain from sediment and pour, capping.

After 3 days, you can try. The wine is ready.

Making apple wine following a recipe is not so difficult. At the same time, its safe preservation includes a cool temperature regime, a horizontal arrangement of sealed bottles, which are not exposed to the sun's rays. Vibrations must also be eliminated.

Important! Under these conditions, the taste of the drink may even improve.

Apple wine is the cheapest in terms of its preparation. At home, in a barrel, you can make alcoholic drinks from wild, unripe, dried, green apples, fermented jam, juice or compote with any suitable flavor.

The main thing how to make homemade apple wine is the correct selection of taste and smell. All components should get along well with each other. Whichever of the additional ingredients you choose, the result will be very similar: apple wine has a pleasant golden color, a very subtle scent of heavenly fruits, which is at the same time not too strong, but exquisite.

In this case, the main recommendation is to implement a clear technology. If you follow the apple wine recipe, you can get any drink you need: table, dessert or liqueur homemade apple wine.

Cooking features

Now we will tell you the main features:

  1. The right amount of raw materials, proportions and equipment - the use of unripe chopped fruits is necessary if you want to get dry wine from volunteers. Sweet apples are perfect for dessert wines. But keep in mind that homemade wine made from apples that have long been overripe will not last for a long time. Therefore, if you want to enjoy homemade chopped apple wine even after a year, you must choose the right sweet and sour apples with the addition of cinnamon or sea buckthorn.
  2. Do you want to know the proven method that our grandmothers used to make apple wine and wait until it is ready, not very long - do not wash the fruits just before the sourdough stage. Apples only need to be gently wiped with a clean cloth. The water will remove all bacteria from the surface that are necessary for the fermentation process.
  3. Wormy apples, especially rotten volunteers, are not suitable for wine, in addition, it is necessary to remove the core of the fruit before cooking.
  4. In order to get as much apple juice as possible, you will need to use a meat grinder or juicer.
  5. The pulp of unripe fallen fruits must be separated from the juice, before that the mixture is infused for 3 days, while retaining the beneficial properties.
  6. Squeeze, mix, then clarify the puree using a press or through cheesecloth with a wooden spoon. The procedure should be repeated several times. The collected waste is discarded (foam, pulp).
  7. The fermentation process of the tincture should take place in a sealed container with a lid. It should be borne in mind that the air cannot enter the barrel through any cracks, otherwise the wine will be lost and that's it. But the gas must have some kind of gap so that it can freely exit the barrel during fermentation. Otherwise, the wine will ferment or even rip. This process is facilitated by a built-in water seal on the surface or the use of a glove (a rubber glove should be pierced on one of the fingers).
  8. When fermentation is over, the wine is corked and taken to the cellar without adding additional components at this stage of winemaking.

The classic apple wine recipe


  • 11 kilograms of apples;
  • 2.7 liters of water;
  • 1.8 kilograms of sugar.


Fruits need to be wiped through a meat grinder, and the juice should be placed in a bucket, securing a clean cloth on top. For three days, stir the mixture while it is cooking, every 10 hours. After that, the pulp that will stand out must be removed. It is necessary to leave a thin layer of about 0.5 centimeters. Now you need to add water to the mixture, then add 800 grams of sugar. The container must have a water seal.

After 4 days, the water seal opens, 200 ml of wort is poured out, in which 400 grams of sugar is dissolved. This large mixture is poured back and fits. The same thing is repeated after 4 days. You will know that the fermentation process has already ended by the sound of the water seal. As soon as the wine stops bubbling, the winemaking process is complete.

Are you wondering how long this process takes? Experts have found that making apple wine at home takes about a month and 20 days. Two months later, you will have to pour the alcoholic drink into a clean vessel with a rag, letting it brew. Now it is necessary to remove the sediment every 2 weeks until the mixture becomes transparent.

When you manage to prepare wine with such a result, pour the semi-sweet wine into bottles, save the year. The strength of this recipe has been measured by experts. It was 12 revolutions. Your health will not be affected by its use. Let's find out how to make apple wine, the benefits of which have been proven by many doctors.

It should be noted that the temperature of making sparkling sparkling wine throughout the entire fermentation process should be 20-22 degrees, depending on the storage location. The maximum and minimum temperature value is 18 (24) degrees.

Fortified fruit wine


  • 6.2 kg of unripe apple fruits;
  • 215 grams of raisins or black currants;
  • 2.3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • vodka for making fortified wine from apples.


Sort the apples and puree using a good, powerful juicer. Prepare the raisins, cut them into small pieces. After that, you need to combine the resulting puree with granulated sugar - take not all, leave 300 grams on the last tab - and raisins, pouring the composition into a container with a small neck. A water seal must be placed on its base.

After 20 days, strain the strong wort. After that, the rest of the sugar is periodically added to the mixture, and the bottle is tightly closed. After 10 days, you need to open the pan, pour in the vodka, shaking the mixture well. Now bottle the fortified drink. The strength of such a wine will be 13-14 degrees (depending on the variety). If the wine is not set, it can ferment into vinegar. Then you will need a range of indigestion pills, or you may need to call for medical attention.

Apple wine with spicy notes


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.


Prepared apples, which need to be cut into slices, put in a basin, fill them with water, cover with cinnamon. The mixture must be boiled until the fruit is as in the jam. Now the mixture must be grated through a sieve and poured into a bottle for the maturation process.

Place the gas evacuation tubes in the jar before fermentation begins. After that, the liquid is once again filtered through these tubes, sugar is added. You should monitor the process for two weeks, occasionally stirring the contents of the bottle. After a period of about 15-16 days, the sediment is drained, and the finished exquisite alcohol is poured into ordinary small bottles.

Dessert apple wine


  • 10.3 kg of apples;
  • 1.7 kg of pears;
  • 210 grams of raisins;
  • granulated sugar 1.2 kg.


Squeeze out the puree thoroughly using a food processor or other handy tools. Then cut the raisins and add them to the mixture. The mixed components in a tight bottle should stand for 24 hours. During this time, use a wooden spatula to stir the ingredients 3 times. After that, add 0.5 kilograms of sugar and be sure to put on an air duct, after which the mixture will begin to bubble and turn dark.

You will need to wait about 5 days and then add 300 grams of sugar, after the same period of time - the rest of the granulated sugar. Now it is necessary to filter the sediment several times to brighten the young wine.

Dry apple wine


  • 11.3 kg of apples;
  • 2.4 liters of water;
  • 485 grams of sugar.


Take the fruit, squeeze out the juice and shake the ingredients with sugar. All this is poured into a sealed container. The starter culture should be closed with a water seal on top. Wait for the product to mature and filter the sweet wine. You need to filter it until the color of dry apple wine lightens. Dry homemade wine can be considered absolutely ready, although it must still be infused in a dark cold cellar.

Apple jam as an ingredient in wine


  • apple sweet jam (when there is mold, it is necessary to remove it) - 1 liter;
  • litere of water;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 50 grams of sugar.


Pour all ingredients into a large container and mix. Cover the food gently with a thin cloth and move to a dark place. The mixture is left for 5 days, but do not forget to stir the components once a day. Ripening should begin after 8 hours. The first stage has been completed.

After finishing it is necessary to remove the pulp and carefully drain the sediments. If you want to increase the strength, then you can add alcohol or moonshine. The second step is over.

The passage of time will only make the wine better. Such a simple, but unusually tasty drink made from scrap materials can be stored at home in a cold room for longer. It is necessary to withstand a light drink for six months.

Semi-sweet wine with apples


  • 13.1 kg of apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg of sugar.


Follow the classic recipe throughout the wine making procedure for such a semi-sweet wine. Now, taking into account the fact that for each liter of wine, it is advisable to add 50 g of pure alcohol. Home-made wine with a tartness of 13 degrees will really appeal to women.

Compote apple wine


  • 3 parts of apple compote;
  • 1 part sugar;
  • 80 grams of raisins.


Strain the juice so that it does not contain excess impurities and pulp. Now make the grape sourdough. To do this, it is imperative to slightly heat one glass of compote at a temperature of 30 degrees and place raisins, grated with sugar, there. This mixture with the lid closed must be removed from the stove, place a couple of cans of liquid in a warm place and cover the hole with a clean cloth.

When the fermentation process is complete, it is enough to pour the sourdough into a jar with strained compote. Sour apples that you have strained must be grated with sugar and allowed to ferment. When the fermentation processes are completed in both jars, it is necessary to combine their contents and strain. The drink is bottled and placed in the cellar for infusion for 3 months.

Green apples are the best ingredient for wine


  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a bag of cinnamon;
  • 2 liters of water.


In order to prepare such a wine, it is necessary to cut 5 kg of fruit, cover them with sugar and cinnamon and boil, pouring 3 liters of liquid beforehand. Leave the mixture to ferment for a week while preparation takes place, then strain and shake every 8 days for a month. Now strain the liquid again and bottle it.

Wild apple alcohol recipe


  • 10 kg of apples;
  • yeast;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


Wild apple wine will be sour. The fermentation process is absolutely similar to the classic version, but after straining, it is necessary to add not only sugar, but also yeast to the wort. In addition, the fermentation process will take 45 days.

Apple juice for making wine


  • 7 kg of apples;
  • 3.5 kg of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.


You will have a drink that is no different from the store. Cook apples the classic way. The fermentation process will take 80 days. After that, it is necessary to infuse wine from apple juice for 6 months, then it is worth draining the sediment and sending it to the refrigerator for 30 days. The wine is ready. Its strength is 7 degrees.

Instant apple wine recipe


  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 kg of apples.


Apple juice is mixed with granulated sugar in a 1 to 2 ratio and poured into bottles. The fermentation process takes 10 days, the mixture is stirred and after adding the rest of the sugar it is left for another month. The wine is ready.

Dry apples for wine


  • 1 kilogram of dried apples;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 8 liters of water;
  • yeast.


The recipe is similar to the classic version, but initially, to obtain liquid, you should grind the apples with a blender, grind with sugar and pour boiled water. Yeast is added after 10 days of infusion along with the rest of the sugar.

Yeast-free wine recipe with apples


  • 3 liters of apple juice;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 30 grams of raisins.


Cut the raisins into small pieces and prepare the wine similar to the compote wine recipe. The only difference is the lack of pulp. Therefore, in order to achieve greater strength, it is necessary to fix it with alcohol at the rate of 50 g of alcohol per liter. Now you know how to make apple juice wine.

Apple wine with rowan


  • 5 kg of frozen (fresh are also suitable) rowan berries;
  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar.


The name speaks for itself. The rowan, along with the apples, must be poured and slowly boiled using a juicer, and then put for 5 hours in a dark, cool place to cool completely. The components are placed together with half the sugar and raisins, which we need a lot, in a dense container. This container is transferred to a dark place for 14 days. After that, the wine is filtered twice until clarification is achieved and placed in the cellar for 3-4 months. This must be done! Otherwise, it will bring irreparable harm to the body if you want to try drinking it.

Currant-apple wine


  • 5 kg of frozen or fresh currant berries (instead, you can take raspberries or black chokeberries);
  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 15 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.


To make wine with honey with your own hands according to this recipe, after pressing, the currants must be boiled together with apples and half of the sugar until completely soft. Now mix the mixture with water and place in a bucket. The container must be secured with gauze and removed for 4 days, stirring every 8 hours. Now add the rest of the sugar there and leave for 50 days. Strain the wine and fix it with alcohol in proportions of 15% of the volume of the drink, otherwise it starts to turn into acetone. Leave the mixture to infuse for 6 months. True, it was not difficult, but quite simple? But what a result!

Delicious wine with cinnamon and ranetka


  • 13.1 kg of apples;
  • 3.7 liters of water;
  • 2.45 kg of sugar.


During the winemaking procedure, such wines will have to be looked at in order to comply with the same technology and content as in the classic version. Now, along with the rule that for each liter of wine, it is advisable to add a 50-gram glass shot of pure alcohol for fermentation.

Home-made wine with a tartness of 13 degrees will really appeal to women who have exquisite wine preferences and from time to time indulge themselves with good alcohol.

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