Golden milk with turmeric: benefits and recipes. Milk with turmeric is a healing drink, tested by hundreds of years and patients

13.10.2019 The drinks

Golden milk is not a poetic metaphor, but a healthy drink with healing properties of a beautiful golden color. It is obtained by mixing milk and turmeric (other names: Turkmen, Indian saffron). It is used in the fight against various diseases, as well as to maintain a slim figure, skin rejuvenation and breast augmentation. Despite the benefits of the remedy for the body, there are some conditions in which it can be harmful.

Composition and useful properties

Milk and turmeric are known to us as food: a delicious drink and a spice that gives food a beautiful shade of yellow. They also have useful properties, which become even more if these products are combined.

The resulting drink contains:

  • vitamins K, B, B1, B3, B2, C;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • curcumin;
  • polysaccharides;
  • lactose;
  • phospholipids;
  • phosphatides;
  • sterols;
  • enzymes;
  • hormones (among them insulin, adrenaline);
  • immune bodies;
  • amino acids;
  • salts of organic and inorganic acids;
  • essential oils.

And this is not a complete list of the substances that make up turmeric milk.

Beneficial features

Curcumin in golden milk destroys abnormal tumor cells without affecting healthy ones, which slows down growth and prevents the appearance of malignant tumors.

According to research by American scientists, turmeric also prevents and slows down the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Applying turmeric milk

This golden potion is used both internally and externally.

It is advisable to drink it before bedtime, then the effect of the drink will be more effective. Especially if you suffer from insomnia, gastrointestinal diseases and colds.

The duration of the treatment course is a month and ten days.

For external use, the ingredients in this cocktail are blended into a thicker mass. It is used as a face and hair mask. Also as a hemostatic agent, antiseptic (protects small cuts and wounds from infection and suppuration), wound healing.


If you just put turmeric in milk and stir, then golden milk will not work. The cooking process is somewhat more complicated.

Curcumin dissolves poorly in water, which is why heat treatment is necessary, which increases its solubility twelve times.

Turmeric can even be grown on your balcony. This plant belongs to the ginger family, it looks like a reed and reaches a meter in height. To prepare the powder, root shoots are taken (from the sides). They are thoroughly dried, then the peel is removed and rubbed until the familiar yellow-red spice is obtained.

Indian way

  1. First, the pasta is prepared. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of turmeric powder and half a mug of cooled boiling water. Or (second option) one fourth cup of powder, half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and three quarters of a cup of cold boiled water.
  2. Mix everything, make a homogeneous mass, bring to a boil in a water bath and simmer over medium heat for another five or seven minutes.
  3. Store a tightly closed glass jar of paste in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks.

Now that you have the pasta, you can make golden milk. It must be consumed fresh, so a new portion is made before each meal.

You will need:

  • a mug of milk (any, even coconut), in the treatment of diarrhea - skim;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil: sesame, sunflower, coconut, olive;
  • a spoonful of pasta.

After placing on the stove (medium heat), stir all the time. After about eight minutes you can shoot. Do not let the milk boil (this applies to all the recipes below).

For flavor, add fruit syrup or a few drops of almond oil. People over fifty, underweight or with sore joints can increase the dose of oil. Moreover, it must be food grade (sold in vegetarian food stores and pharmacies).

You can take half a dessert spoon of honey (dissolve it in milk or eat it with a bite), it will only enhance the beneficial properties of the drink.

When you drink, sediment will remain at the bottom. It should be shaken and finished.

If you are intolerant to milk and honey, try using oat milk (or water) and stevia honey syrup.

Video: Making Golden Milk

The classic way


  • two centimeter piece of turmeric root;
  • a mug of milk.

Cooking method:

  1. After combining the components, put on low heat.
  2. Remove after fifteen minutes.
  3. After cooling, strain.
  4. Drink warm.

With ginger

You will need:

  • ginger (powder) - a teaspoon;
  • turmeric - half such a spoon;
  • water - a quarter cup;
  • milk - three quarters of a mug.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine the spices and pour into the water in a thin stream, stirring continuously.
  2. Then add milk and stir well.
  3. Then heat in the microwave or in a water bath.
  4. After a two-minute break, repeat the procedure.
  5. Add sugar and honey to taste.
  6. Strain before use.

Buy quality turmeric: in tightly sealed containers, no dyes or additives. Check the shelf life: no more than three years. It is undesirable to buy turmeric on the market - it is often stored there in open containers, and it is quite problematic to check the quality. Observe the storage rules (in a closed glass container), and then the spice will not lose its beneficial properties.

Golden milk in folk medicine

In India and China, turmeric has been used for hundreds of years, not only as a spice, but also as a medicine.

For joints

Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, golden milk helps to reduce pain and swelling in the joints, improves their mobility.

To prepare the drug you will need:

  • a small spoonful of turmeric paste;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • a mug of milk;
  • a dozen drops of almond oil.

Prepare golden milk with almond oil. Drink honey before bedtime. The procedure is daily. The course is forty days. A year later, you can repeat.

For coughs, chills and sore throat

Turmeric is a natural antimicrobial agent that can even replace synthetic antibacterial drugs. But at the same time it does not violate the intestinal microflora, does not have the side effects that are inherent in antibiotics. Turmeric products help reduce sore throat, reduce inflammation, reduce fever, and detoxify.

You need to take:

  • half a cup of boiled water;
  • the same amount of milk;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric;
  • 1 teaspoon ginger (powder)

How to cook:

  1. Once combined, mix ginger and turmeric with water.
  2. After adding milk, heat it up.
  3. When the drink is warm, add honey or sugar.
  4. Strain and drink before bed.

Turmeric is used for coughs as a powerful expectorant

Another recipe for cough:

  • golden milk - a mug;
  • sugar - a teaspoon;
  • turmeric - half a spoon;
  • carom seeds (fried in a pan until golden brown) - the same amount.

After warming the sugar potion, add the seeds and turmeric. Stir well and drink hot before going to bed.

Turmeric cough recipe - video

For insomnia and other sleep disorders

In this case, a mug of warmed, but not hot milk with a pinch of turmeric will help half an hour before going to bed. Take every day. The course is two weeks.

For diarrhea, indigestion, inflammation

You need to take:

  • a piece of turmeric root;
  • a mug of skim milk.

Add turmeric to milk, heat, strain. Drink once a day before going to bed for two weeks.

Golden milk improves intestinal motility, relieves flatulence, is effective in inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, saves from diarrhea.

Application in cosmetology

Before starting the procedure, apply some of the turmeric mixture to the inside of your wrist. If the skin turns red and starts to itch, the mask should not be applied.

Face masks

Golden milk is a godsend for women looking after their appearance. It improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates it, promotes healing of minor wounds and injuries.

Toning and rejuvenating mask

  1. Dissolve a teaspoon of turmeric (or a paste from it) in hot milk.
  2. Apply the resulting thick mixture to the face.
  3. Wash off after ten minutes.
  4. Do the mask 3-4 times a week.

For dry skin

You will need:

  • turmeric - small spoon;
  • powdered milk - a large spoon;
  • some water.

Wash off within twenty minutes. The mask moisturizes, nourishes, refreshes, tightens the skin.

From wounds

Have to take:

  • milk - a quarter cup;
  • turmeric powder - half a teaspoon.

Make a solution, moisten a soft cloth with it, apply to problem areas of the skin. Wash off after ten minutes.

Hair masks

The product can prevent hair loss, accelerate hair growth, and fight dandruff.

For hair growth

Mask components:

  • turmeric - one and a half teaspoons;
  • milk or cream - three tablespoons;
  • parsley (finely chopped) - a tablespoon;
  • honey - one or two such spoons;
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

Mix everything and apply to moisturized hair roots. Put on a swimming cap. After about five minutes you will feel a tingling sensation, try to stand it for another three minutes and wash off. The mask can be done every eight days.

Anti-dandruff and shine

You will need:

  • turmeric - a teaspoon;
  • honey - the same amount;
  • milk - a quarter cup.

Once combined, mix well. After washing your hair, apply the mixture to damp hair. After half an hour, wash your hair again with shampoo and rinse your hair with lemon water.

Baths with golden milk

The secret of Cleopatra's beauty is in the systematic intake of milk baths with yellow spices. Such procedures rejuvenate, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Rejuvenating bath

Have to take:

  • honey - three hundred grams;
  • milk - two liters;
  • turmeric oil - five to six drops.

Combine honey with milk, and then add together with turmeric oil to the bath prepared for bathing. The recommended water temperature is thirty-eight degrees. After fifteen minutes, take a contrast shower, pat dry your skin with a towel, and apply a moisturizer or nourishing body cream.



  • cocoa (powder) - half a mug;
  • golden milk - the same amount;
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • bubble bath (no scent) - a mug.

Combine cocoa and milk and heat. Stir all the time without letting the mixture boil. Add the cinnamon. When cool, combine with bubble bath and add to water. After about twenty minutes you should take a shower, dry it a little and apply cream on the still wet skin.

You should take a bath with the addition of turmeric no more than twice a month.

To increase the bust

To achieve this goal, you need to go through two stages. First, drink golden milk every day before dinner. The course is thirty days. The second is compresses. For them you will need the following:

  • turmeric - a teaspoon;
  • vitamin E - the same amount (sold in a pharmacy);
  • bandage.

The compress is done as follows:

  1. Bend, folding, a piece of bandage.
  2. Saturate it with turmeric mixed with vitamin.
  3. Then cut in two and wrap the breasts in halves.
  4. Wear a bra or top on top, otherwise the bandages will slip.
  5. Keep for at least six hours, so it is better to do compresses before going to bed.
  6. Take a shower in the morning. Do not let the orange-colored skin scare you - the paint is easily washed off.
  7. The course is thirty days.

Do not forget about exercises aimed at increasing the bust by strengthening and growing muscle tissue.

Slimming application

For weight loss, it is important to improve the body's metabolism and blood circulation, as well as dull the feeling of hunger. This is what golden milk makes.

There is no reliable evidence that golden milk helps in the fight against excess weight. But the application to consolidate the effect is very successful. If you do not want to return to the old, overly lush forms, this tool will just come in handy.

Golden milk for weight loss and control is prepared according to a standard recipe. You can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of black pepper. Drink a mug at night. The course lasts forty days.

When using not only this, but also any traditional medicine for losing weight, do not forget to lead an active lifestyle (dancing, running, brisk walking, cycling), observe the daily routine and diet. Before you start drinking golden milk, go to the sauna or bath, if your health allows.

Contraindications and possible harm

Contraindications are:

  • acidity gastritis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis, gallbladder problems (turmeric has a strong choleretic effect);
  • chronic diseases;
  • individual intolerance to individual ingredients;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (turmeric increases the tone of the uterus, and then can cause diathesis and rashes on the skin of the baby);
  • taking medications, especially blood thinners (Aspirin, Warfarin, Clopidogrel), before surgery - in such cases, golden milk can cause bleeding.

Before using, be sure to consult your doctor. First of all, if you are taking drugs to normalize blood sugar and blood pressure.

Side effects

Do not exceed the daily allowance. Overdose can cause or intensify side effects, which are:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • bloating;
  • hair loss;
  • low pressure;
  • low sugar;
  • high cholesterol levels.

Contraindications for cosmetic use

You can not use the remedy for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • rosacea (vascular "stars" on the face);
  • peeling, redness;
  • too sensitive skin.

The beneficial properties of the healing drink "golden milk" with turmeric have been discovered by followers of yoga for a long time. In Ayurveda, it is regarded as an effective remedy that can help a person with various diseases. Why is this drink called "golden"? Perhaps, its name has a double meaning.

Firstly, turmeric is known for its coloring properties, so when combined with milk, the drink takes on a beautiful golden hue.

Secondly, this tool is a unique and extremely valuable medicine for many ailments... Well, what else can you call this tasty, aromatic and healthy drink, if not in honor of the noble metal?

Next, we will reveal the secrets of "golden milk", as well as find out what the benefits and harms of the drink are. We will definitely share a classic Indian cooking recipe that is easy to implement in any kitchen.

The benefits of "golden milk"

Turmeric is popularly called a natural antibiotic for a reason. The root of this plant due to its chemical composition has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant, decongestant, analgesic and tonic effect... In tandem with milk, the benefits of turmeric are greatly enhanced. We recommend that you read the article.

Let's list some of the healing properties of "golden milk":

  • strengthening of bones, cartilage tissue, elimination of pain syndromes;
  • prevention of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism;
  • cleansing the liver, blood, intestines;
  • detoxification effect, elimination of toxins;
  • suppression of the reproduction process of pathogens in the intestine and normalization of normal microflora;
  • increasing the level of body resistance to various infections;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • improvement of skin condition and color - elimination of rashes, inflammation, redness, normalization of sebum production, increased elasticity;
  • alleviation of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, a significant slowdown in the progression of the disease;
  • effective elimination of symptoms of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections;
  • cough treatment;
  • elimination of diarrhea, improvement of the digestion process, treatment of various disorders in the work of the digestive system;
  • help in getting rid of extra pounds;
  • ridding the body of carcinogenic substances;
  • prevention of the development of benign and malignant tumors;
  • elimination of insomnia, nervous tension, stabilization of the emotional state.

The list of useful properties of "golden milk" is not limited to the above items.

You can often find reviews of those who have experienced the effect of "golden milk" on themselves. For example, women claim that this drink helps to smooth out the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and significantly reduce menstrual pain ... Also, both men and women note that if all the recommendations for taking "golden milk" are followed and the whole course there is an improvement in the general condition, there is lightness in the body and peace of mind .

How to properly prepare and take "golden milk"

Turmeric with milk is a potent natural remedy and should be used as directed. There are several recipes for making "golden milk". We will look at the traditional Indian version.

If anyone thinks that it is enough to pour a little turmeric powder into milk and drink such a drink, then this is not entirely true. In order for the drug to turn out as it should, it should be prepared as follows.

  1. First, let's prepare the pasta. This will require:
  • take about 50 g of turmeric powder;
  • mix it with half a teaspoon of ground pepper (the pungency should be adjusted depending on your own taste preferences and capabilities);
  • pour half a glass of chilled boiled water;
  • put on fire and cook until you get a thick pasty mass;
  • put in a glass dish, cover and refrigerate.

Remember that turmeric paste will last no more than 30 days.

  1. Every time before drinking "golden milk" you need to prepare a fresh portion of the drink. To do this, follow these steps:
  • it is necessary to take a glass of milk (you can either cow or goat, coconut, almond or soy if there are no contraindications) - if the drink is prepared for the treatment of diarrhea, then the milk should be skim;
  • add 1 tsp to milk. vegetable oil - sunflower, sesame, olive or coconut;
  • add 1 tsp to milk. turmeric pastes;
  • put the mixture on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

A healthy drink is ready!

If desired, you can add honey (thanks to it, the effect of turmeric is enhanced).

You should drink "golden milk" every day. Some sources indicate that it should be consumed in the morning. But most people believe that turmeric with milk at night will be more beneficial... Moreover, if it is used for insomnia, intestinal disorders or colds. The recommended course of treatment is exactly 40 days.

If the body normally perceives milk and spices, and there are no contraindications to its use, then this drink is a useful and tasty remedy for various ailments.

In what cases is "golden milk" contraindicated?

It is also impossible to discount the fact that in addition to the benefits of the drink, there are some contraindications to the use of milk with turmeric:

  • Since turmeric helps thin the blood, you should limit its use if any drugs that have this property are taken. Otherwise, bleeding may occur. You should also consult your doctor if drugs that affect blood sugar or blood pressure are being taken.
  • Gastritis and gastric ulcer.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Pregnancy (especially the first trimester) and breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drink.

Side effects may occur:

  • dyspeptic disorders - heartburn, bloating, constipation, diarrhea;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increased cholesterol and lower blood sugar;
  • hair loss.

The spice must be of good quality. Do not buy it on shelves where the rules for storing spices are not followed (for example, if it is in an uncovered container). It is advisable to purchase turmeric in a hermetically sealed container or pack.

Prepare "golden milk", enjoy its unusual taste and feel its beneficial effects!

Today you will not surprise anyone with exotic turmeric. It is present in the famous curry seasoning and gives dishes an incredibly attractive yellow hue. And more recently, the spice itself was literally golden - it cost so much that outside India only very wealthy people could afford to enjoy it.

Fortunately, times have changed, and we can make "golden milk" from turmeric every day. What is it, and why should we be pleased with the fact that an unfamiliar tool is available? Let's figure it out.

Secrets of a useful duo

Turmeric has been used in India for a long time and almost everywhere; it is added to almost all dishes. They make it from the rhizomes of the plant of the same name, which belongs to the Ginger family, grind them into a fine powder, after which the spice is ready for use.

It is noteworthy that turmeric is one of the very actively used means of the famous Ayurvedic medicine, which has a long history and is still actively practiced not only in India, but also far beyond its borders. Its properties are diverse:

  • it helps to cope with headaches;
  • actively resists colds;
  • soothes inflammation, disinfects;
  • bears the title of natural aspirin;
  • relieves edema;
  • heals wounds;
  • eliminates pain.

Since milk is also an extremely valuable product, it is natural that their duo can give a person a lot.

It is interesting! The product is called "golden milk" not only because of its bright yellow color. Comparison with the precious metal shows how important its role is for humans.

What to expect from turmeric “golden milk”:

  • strengthening joints and bones, and in parallel, the remedy heals and significantly reduces pain in these parts of the body;
  • getting rid of colds and parallel strengthening of immunity;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • cleansing the liver and, accordingly, blood;
  • normalization of pressure;
  • removing harmful substances from the body and even protecting against cancer;
  • sound sleep and nerves;
  • with regular use of the drug, a person receives protection from Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia;
  • overweight fighters will appreciate how quickly he begins to leave;
  • women will especially like the effect on the condition of their skin: even color, amazing elasticity, no annoying pimples and age spots.

It is noteworthy that both ancient and modern healers actively used turmeric to relieve menstrual pain and facilitate the process of giving birth to babies.

As you can see, the milk is really golden.

Classic version

The recipe for "Golden Milk" from turmeric is quite long and demanding, but there is nothing complicated about it. It is based on spice paste, which is what you need to make for a start.

For this you need:

  • half a cup of turmeric;
  • a teaspoon of ground red pepper (if for some reason you cannot eat spicy, reduce the amount, but do not refuse at all);
  • glass of water.

All of the above must be thoroughly mixed, put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Remember to stir, because the product will tend to stick to the bottom.

Next, the mass must be cooled and sent to the refrigerator. It should be kept in a closed container and no longer than a month, so calculate how much paste you need for this time and cook this amount right away.

The process does not end there, then the stage of creating a duet with milk follows. The Golden Milk Turmeric recipe involves the use of additional ingredients. As we already said, nothing complicated, but you need to try.

So, one glass of milk will take you (in teaspoons):

  • one paste;
  • one oil;
  • honey - as much as you like.

Especially popular is the “Golden Milk” recipe with almond oil. This ingredient is very useful in itself, and in combination with the rest gives the body health and beauty. To begin with, the milk with the paste dissolved in it must be brought to a boil, then cool slightly, add butter and honey. It is important not to put honey in hot liquid - this will destroy all its usefulness.

Important! When drinking "golden milk", one must not forget about the cornerstone - regularity. You should drink it every day. Some doctors advise doing this in the morning, others in the evening. In any case, the course of treatment is 40 days, after which you need a break of six months and another call.

For sore throat and cough

When preparing the pasta, another ingredient is added to it - a teaspoon of ginger. It is best to drink the remedy before going to bed, and in the morning to enjoy the given relief.

Suffering from insomnia

Sleep can be improved without much preparation. A glass of milk and half a teaspoon of spices will be enough here. Heat the first one (if you boil it, let it cool) and add the second one. Drink half an hour - an hour before bedtime.

For perfect skin

To always look great, “golden milk” can not only be drunk. Wipe your skin with it, periodically make masks and be sure to treat any redness - they will heal very quickly and will no longer bother you.

"Golden milk" from turmeric, a recipe (its benefits and harms are incommensurable, but still we must take into account the possibility of the second) which we are considering, should be taken very carefully, preferably under the supervision of a doctor, especially if you have any health problems ... In principle, in the absence of intolerance to any (or any) of the components, it is safe enough, but too much quantity can go sideways. How to understand that something is wrong:

  • you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a blood test shows high cholesterol or low sugar;
  • low pressure;
  • you get sick often.

All these are alarming signals and a reason to reconsider the amount of the drug taken or even take a break.


Before starting any treatment or prophylaxis, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor for recommendations, but it will be useful for yourself to know in what cases you should abandon the "golden milk", these are:

  • the presence of any chronic diseases, especially when it comes to problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Turmeric is dangerous for ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • gallstones;
  • undergoing medical treatment;
  • frequent bleeding and poorly healing wounds.

Even if you are perfectly healthy, this is not a reason to ignore the recommendations and break the rules of use. Health is too fragile.

Important! Turmeric is a powerful spice. It promotes blood thinning, in addition, enhances the effect on the body of various drugs. If you have surgery, you must stop using it at least three weeks before it.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should be careful with turmeric. It is believed that the spice should be abandoned only in the first months, but in fact it is better to consult a doctor and not risk it. If you literally can't live without a fragrant spice, just keep adding it to your dishes - it won't cause negative reactions as it is. Do not give turmeric to young children.

I treat you with an aperitif before the main course. It will become a large and joyful, as I love, manual about turmeric as a safe and three times natural remedy for a huge number of ailments, including the set on edge. We will specifically glorify the orange spice in a few days, and now, at the request of the readers, I am posting a simple and working recipe for golden milk.

March method of making golden milk

Of course, none of it is from March, for it was trivially adopted from one and slightly modernized on the basis of knowledge that she received from other lectures on ancient Indian medicine.


  • A glass of milk.
    It should be of normal fat content, no dietary stickiness.
  • A teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  • A teaspoon or sugar according to your preference. I prefer palm to regular refined, because it is more alive, it doesn’t make it fat, it doesn’t make it acne, and it doesn’t use the products of animal abuse. What to do with us sectarians!
    Not honey at all.
  • Others - according to taste and needs.
  • Ghee to taste.
  • A tiny pinch of black (or white) ground pepper.
    Necessarily! Why - I'll explain a little below.

Now let's focus on the algorithm. I call for attentiveness and strict adherence to it, because every movement in the preparation of a medicinal milk drink is full of practical meaning.

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan or ladle, add turmeric, pepper and, if desired, other spices or ghee. We put on a slow fire.
  2. Bring to a boil, but do not boil and turn off. Let it cool slightly and repeat the manipulation twice more. Those. Bring to boil 3 times.
  3. We remove from the fire. We take the second container and pour a hot drink from a saucepan from a height. Then again and again. Total - pour from one vessel to another three times.
  4. After the transfusion, the milk cools down to a temperature suitable for momentary consumption, which we immediately begin to do.
  5. We drink without any cookies with a bit of a bite and not just before bedtime, but at least 40-60 minutes before going to bed.

Ayurvedic explanations for turmeric milk recipe

Once again, I will scrupulously emphasize that the following explanations are not the fruit of my inventions, but carefully transmitted knowledge from the lectures of Russian-speaking vadiev... If the last phrase has the right to life at all. 🙂

  • For curcumin - the main healing substance of turmeric - not even good, but somehow absorbed, two conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200bfat and peppercorns. The first provides in itself the composition of milk, in which there is a natural fat content. For those who like more oily, you can add aromatic ghee in the desired amount.
    I always have a little ground pepper already added to the container with turmeric powder. Attention! Without it, the healing properties of golden milk and turmeric in general are zero. This is how lecturers broadcast, and this fact has been proven by modern scientific research.
  • Milk is an animal product that is hard to digest. Naturally, by adding spices, we soften it. Pouring from one cup to another, we also saturate it with air, making it easier for digestion. Or something like that))
  • For the same reason, you do not need to go to bed immediately after drinking glasses of gold. This is unfavorable for the digestive tract and the whole body.
  • Other spices that I like to add.
    Coriander or fennel are neutral flavors, they improve digestion and thus heal my weary skin.
    Cinnamon - warms up and gives strength.
    Saffron is a royal spice, useful for everything in the world.
    Nutmeg, green or black cardamom, ginger, even shambhala or oregano - there are no limits to imagination and taste preferences. Except that , perhaps, definitely unsuitable for dairy fun - with its something taste.
  • Honey is undesirable, because you need to drink all this between hot and warm, and at this temperature it is not recommended to take honey. It is not only unhealthy, but also harmful: it begins to release substances that do not contribute to healing.

The benefits and harms of golden milk

All the beneficial properties of turmeric are preserved:

  • Treats infections
  • Improves skin condition
  • Heals joints and personally helps me to quickly deepen the practice of yoga.

But there are serious contraindications:

  • Pregnancy, except for the very last weeks of the term
  • Stones and other problems with the gallbladder
  • Thins the blood, and therefore it is categorically impossible with , for example, and other situations where blood thinning is dangerous.

Various recipes for golden milk can be found on the Internet. Sometimes the proportions are indicated completely different, and I give the ideal one for me. If you add more turmeric, it is too bitter. I do not feel any pleasure from drinking, and it is not in my rules to force myself "for health". This is the same reason why I went for a long, long time to a complete rejection of meat.

If you add less spice, then the therapeutic effect is not particularly noticeable.

With wishes for a good mood and a healthy body that does not hinder our development at all levels, sincerely yours, Marta.
Last days in, 2017

Hello, my dear readers and guests!

It is suitable for those who suffer from problems with joints, ligaments, muscles, hormonal disorders, loss of strength and apathy.

This recipe has a very beautiful and self-explanatory name "Golden Milk".

It is capable of rejuvenating the skin from the inside out, calming the nerves, heart, mind and soul.

This golden milk with turmeric is really golden !!!

And not only because of its color, but also those beneficial effects that make it "golden" for our body.

Golden milk with turmeric - recipe

What are the benefits of turmeric milk?

According to Ayurveda, the action of gold is based on the strongest anti-inflammatory property of turmeric, capable of suppressing various disease-causing processes no worse than hormonal drugs.

It is also a natural antibiotic, capable of not only suppressing disease-causing bacteria, but also promoting the growth of natural bacteria.

It is a protector of our skin, capable of destroying the cause of a wide variety of rashes, as well as improving it.

How to make turmeric golden milk?

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of turmeric and a glass of water.
  2. Mix all this in a small container and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. You should have a thick paste (very similar in consistency to ketchup).
  5. Put this paste in a jar and store in the refrigerator.
  6. Its shelf life is a month
  7. Now heat the glass without letting it boil and add 1 teaspoon of our turmeric paste to it.
  8. And now, watch the miracle of the transformation of the ordinary into gold;)
  9. The healing drink is ready!

Healthy supplements in turmeric milk

You can add berry or fruit syrup or a spoonful of almond oil to it.

But best of all consume it with a bite.

Honestly, if you like milk, you will really like this drink, if not, then you will have a hard time drinking it.

Golden milk treatment

The course of treatment with golden milk is 40 days, carried out 1-2 times a year.

Turmeric golden milk is usually taken at night.

Video about medicated milk with turmeric

In this video, you will find another recipe for making golden milk. I recommend watching!

I hope this awesome recipe will only benefit you!

Contraindications for use

Just remember that turmeric is a very potent spice, and it can cause allergic reactions, it is contraindicated in case of problems with the biliary tract, pregnancy in the first months.

And if you suffer from chronic diseases and are taking medications, be sure to consult with your doctor before taking golden milk.

Turmeric preparations

And I would also like to say a few words about turmeric preparations.

Today, there are very effective organic supplements that contain turmeric root powder.

They are taken 1-2 tablets a day to help cleanse the blood and lymphatic system, support a healthy immune response to the inflammatory process.

Protects the health of cells in the liver, skin, lungs, sinuses, joints and digestive system.

And once again I emphasize, they work no worse than hormonal drugs, and at the same time have a minimum of side effects.

Therefore, they can become a worthy alternative to golden milk.

Let's take a quick look at the best and most effective ones.

Doctor's Best, Curcumin C3 with Bioperine, 1000 mg, 120 Tablets

Best Curcumin C3 Complex contains 95% of the total curcuminoids, including curcumin, bisdemethoxy curcumin and demethoxy curcumin. BioPerine (BioPerin) - extract of fruits of black pepper, which contains 95-98% piperine.

This combination of components stimulates the complete absorption of nutrients and does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

Thorne Research, Meriva-SR, Curcumin Phytosomes, 120 Veggie Caps

Meriva-SR is a unique patented long-acting curcumin product. Contains Curcumin Phytosomes Meriva, a unique curcumin extract that is significantly better absorbed than other extracts.

Life Extension, Super Bio Curcumin, 400 mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

The 100% Natural Curcuminoid Complex in Super Bio-Curcumin is a patented synergistic combination of curcuminoids and sesquiterpenoids with increased bioavailability and long retention in the body, confirmed in human clinical studies.

Super Bio-Curcumin is a "new generation" in providing curcumin compounds that no longer require large doses of curcumin to achieve sufficient plasma curcumin levels.

By the way, there you can also buy high quality turmeric in the form of spices.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you soon!