Beverages that burn fat. How to make a diet drink from ginger

14.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Taking cocktails has its own nuances that are important to remember. If you plan to wash down meat pies and khachapuri with lemon juice or ginger tea, hoping to break down fats, then you can forget about a thin waist.

Revolutionary methods of losing weight are good, but you shouldn't forget about common truths: nobody canceled sports and proper nutrition!

This method is just a stimulation and a kind of impetus to our body, which sometimes stubbornly does not want to part with the extra pounds acquired by "back-breaking labor". But don't underestimate the spiced water, it can do a lot:

  • Normalization of the water-salt balance (especially if you are a fan of adding salt to dishes and indulging in crackers and chips);
  • Filling the cells of the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • Acceleration of metabolism;
  • Improving digestion and normalizing appetite;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Increased endurance for long-term workouts;
  • Burning calories;
  • Fast breakdown of fats.

In addition, you will receive another undeniable bonus: beautiful long hair, glowing skin and strong nails, which no girl will refuse!

How to drink to get the best possible result? It is not at all necessary to switch to one liquid and starve for days (gastritis and stomach inflammation have not made anyone more beautiful), it is enough to drink a few glasses a day.

The best option: twice a day. In the morning on an empty stomach, to start metabolic processes and better assimilation of breakfast, and in the evening before training, to fill the body with useful microelements. If you do not have any sports in the evening, drink a glass anyway - it will help to kill your appetite, and you will not go to the kitchen late at night to indulge in something harmful and high-calorie.

Another good way to use it is to pour the daily allowance into a roomy thermos and drink a few sips every time you feel a slight attack of hunger between meals. This is much better than throwing cookies or candy into yourself. Plus, fruit juices, flavored teas and natural juices are incredibly delicious!

How can you burn fat?

Believe it or not, your kitchen has everything you need to get your body in shape. There is no need to buy expensive powders and mixtures or go to the phytobar counter: making a cocktail at home will not take much time and material costs.

You will need this arsenal of products:

  1. Cinnamon - promotes proper absorption of glucose and improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps get rid of constipation and bloating, which is very common during dieting;
  2. Red pepper - speeds up metabolism and raises body temperature, which has a detrimental effect on fats;
  3. Cardamom - goes well with vegetables, and also accelerates the dissolution of carbohydrates and fats consumed with food;
  4. Grapefruit and lemon - reduce hunger and have “negative calories” (the ability to burn calories);
  5. Vegetables are a wonderful and huge complex of vitamins. In addition, they are low in calories: even if you eat a kilogram of cucumbers, there will be no harm;
  6. Green tea is an antioxidant that burns calories. Several cups a day will save you 50-60 calories;
  7. Flaxseed oil is a "healthy" fat, which helps fight harmful and remove cholesterol from blood vessels;
  8. Oatmeal - add a few spoonfuls to smoothies or yogurt and you won't feel hungry for the next 2-3 hours;
  9. Honey - in addition to its benefits, it gives beverages a pleasant taste and aroma, but which of us does not like sweets ?;
  10. Ginger root - burns not only the tongue, but also the accumulation of fat.

You can choose plain water as a base (preferably ice water, since it has a beneficial effect on metabolism).

Also in recipes you can find kefir, yogurt, juices and herbal decoctions - from such a variety, the product will only get better.

Making healthy tasty - cocktail recipes

In principle, there is no special framework in front of you: you can freely mix the ingredients from the list above, choosing everything to your taste. But there is one "but": some components are able to improve each other and fully reveal themselves in certain combinations.

So that you don't waste time coming up with recipes through trial and error, we have prepared instructions for making the most effective cocktails for you.

Sassi water

This is a real elixir of youth, which will be useful to absolutely everyone, regardless of the type of figure. To make it, you don't need magical pollen, morning dew or other hard-to-find ingredients, but just lemon, cucumber, ginger and water.

We cut all this into rings and fill it with cold purified water. In berry season, you can add strawberries, raspberries or cherries. Then we put it to infuse for several hours, and drink the expressed fluid during the day.

This is not only useful, but also very beautiful: transparent bottles filled with Sassi will be a decoration for every table and a great addition to a beach party.

Tincture with ginger

This is a real bomb for those who suffer from cellulite and slow metabolism: boil tea made from half a lemon, two glasses of water and a heaping tablespoon of grated ginger root... As soon as the tincture has cooled down a little, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it and drink it all during the day.

Kiwi mint cocktail

Take one kiwi, lemon wedge, several mint leaves and fill it all with water. Whisk with a blender until smooth. To prevent the acid from twisting your tongue, add a little honey.

Hawaiian cocktail

If you are an avid sweet tooth, but worried about your figure, this option will suit you: a teaspoon of coconut oil, a few slices of pineapple, half a grapefruit, 50 ml. coconut milk - mix it all in a blender and have it for breakfast or dinner.

Apple cider vinegar water

The recipe is more than simple: add to a glass of water a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

Vegetable smoothie

Of course, you can buy ready-made juice at the store or get a can of canned food from the basement, but fresh natural vegetables are much tastier and healthier, especially in the summer.

Take a few tomatoes, celery stalk and a bunch of greens... Whisk with a blender and add a little olive oil.

Drink with kefir and spices

You can combine a fermented milk product with cinnamon, pepper, cardamom or ginger - choose according to your taste.

How quickly will the result appear?

Everyone wants to take a miracle pill so that they wake up beautiful the next day. Losing weight is a long and difficult process that requires effort and time. So be patient and work on your body daily.

Scientists have proven that even 5 days of consuming fat-burning drinks is enough to significantly improve health and reduce the level of unhealthy fats in the body.

In addition, cutting down on the calorie content of the menu removes not only bacon, but also muscle mass, while spices and spices act locally on fat deposits. As a result, you lose in “strategically” important places: butt, hips and abdomen.

“All last summer I have been preparing smoothies and fresh juices from avocado, citrus, kiwi, pineapple and berries every day: not only are they just delicious food, I have also dropped about 4 kg!” - Karina, 33 years old.
“When I got tired of drowning out the water every day without anything, I began to add all kinds of herbs, fruits and vegetables to it. Within a couple of weeks, hair and skin began to look much healthier! Instead of sweet, I make fruit mousse, and I feel great! " - Oksana, 22 years old.

The shocking truth about fat burners


A step-by-step guide to changing your diet to fat burning

Health improvement and detoxification of the body

Starting the natural process of breaking down fats in the body in the first 24 hours

The perfect way to learn to distinguish between really healthy foods and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat completely!

Fast, affordable, efficient!

We hope our article was useful, and at least brought you a little closer to your dream figure!

Extra pounds are not always distributed evenly or beneficially for the figure. In most cases, fat accumulates mainly in one place, spoiling the aesthetics of our body and making it disproportionate and flabby. The most offensive thing is when the extra one settles on the stomach, hips, buttocks. Of course, it is difficult and almost impossible to get rid of fat in one specific place, but you can always get rid of excess weight simply by starting to eat the right foods and start exercising. And to all this we also add fat-burning cocktails, the recipes for which you will find below, and a slim figure is provided for you.

What foods will help you burn belly fat?

Spice: many of them speed up metabolism, increase sweating, heart rate. But this does not mean that you can absorb any food with them! Avoid "bad" carbohydrates and fatty foods.

Dairy products contain vitamin D, which makes the cells in our body burn more fat, especially on the belly.

Water provides many biochemical processes in our body and with its deficiency, toxins, metabolic products cannot be excreted. When the metabolism slows down, the blood glucose level will decrease, you will begin to worry about fatigue, weakness and headache. Of course, there can be no talk of any weight loss, because in conditions of a shortage of water, the body will begin to stock up on it, forming edema. It's hard to imagine how much water our fat contains. When a person begins to lose weight and eat right, the first thing that will be removed is the excess stored water.

Proteins, amino acids - building material for muscles. With an increase in muscle mass, a person begins to spend more energy not only for its work, but also for maintaining it at rest.

Even the assimilation of protein itself is more energy-intensive for the body than the processing of carbohydrates and fats. Choose lean poultry and fish.

Grapefruit helps to reduce insulin levels and hunger. It is recommended to drink 150 ml of this citrus juice with each meal or eat half of the fruit, this can have a significant effect.

Green tea - the very fact of its consumption already forces the body to expend calories. 5 cups of tea - minus 70-80 calories. Albeit small, but still a mite in the overall process of fighting overweight. This tea is also useful for the prevention of cancer and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Oatmeal will provide you with fiber, which will keep your glucose levels from dropping and wanting to eat something sweet. In addition, this cereal contains a lot of vitamins and protein.

Raw vegetables not only rich in vitamins and fiber, but also quite low in calories. They can be great to eat when you exceed the calorie limit. It's almost impossible.

Olive oil also, oddly enough, will help burn belly fat. It is a healthy monounsaturated vegetable fat. Flavor all salads with them without fear.

Low-calorie fruits (almost everything except bananas and grapes) can be used for snacks, as they create a feeling of satiety.

Fat burners at home: recipes

Let's now figure out how to make fat burning cocktails at home.

To achieve the best effect in the fight against excess belly fat, it is necessary to combine the best fat burning qualities of all products. Let's move quickly from theory to practice!

# 1. Sassi water is a healing drink that calms the gastrointestinal tract, removes excess fluid, speeds up metabolism.

  • 2 liters of purified table water (do not take mineral water, their composition can sometimes cause unpleasant consequences with prolonged use);
  • 1 tsp grated ginger;
  • 1 fresh cucumber, peeled and cut into slices;
  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • Fresh mint (10-12 leaves).

We mix all the ingredients in a jug and put in the refrigerator overnight. This amount of Sassi water is calculated for a day, so you can drink it as much as you like.

# 2. In some cases, celery soup allowed you to lose up to 10 kilograms in 2 weeks! Its main ingredient is an excellent fat burner.

  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 2 pods of sweet pepper;
  • Half a celery root;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 100 g celery stalks and herbs to taste;
  • 500 ml of tomato juice.

Finely chop all vegetables and fill with juice, bring to a boil on the stove and turn off immediately. We insist for 15 minutes and we can start our meal!

You can create your own slimming soup. To do this, experiment with foods. Any types of cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, any herbs and herbs, celery, garlic are suitable, mushrooms can be used.

Number 3. Fat burning cocktails and smoothies - cocktails based on metabolism-accelerating products: spices, fruits, spices.

Their preparation is not difficult: you just need to cut and grind everything in a blender to the desired consistency.

1. Lemon-mint light cocktail:

  • 1 kiwi;
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 7 sprigs of mint;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • Honey optional.

2. Cocktail with grapefruit and pineapple:

  • 4 slices of pineapple;
  • a quarter of a grapefruit;
  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 30 g pumpkin seeds;
  • 30 ml coconut oil.

Do not forget to clean the grapefruit from films and seeds. This drink will appeal to fans of exotic countries. Will remind you of pleasant trips or bring you a summer mood in winter, because all the ingredients during this period are quite available.

3. Kefir cocktail with spices:

  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 1 pinch of red pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp each cinnamon and ginger.

Whisk everything well in a blender and drink it right away, especially before bedtime.

4. Sweet cocktail:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar;
  • cinnamon stick.

This drink will be an excellent start to the day: it will give energy, mood in the morning and will not harm the figure.

5. Celery-apple smoothie:

  • 200g celery stalks and greens;
  • 2 apples;
  • juice of half a lime;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 0.5 cups of ice.

Everything needs to be chopped, chopped in a blender and added with ice at the end.

Such cocktails can be used instead of a snack, they perfectly tone up, saturate, replenish vitamins and do not contain extra calories. To create your own, author's recipe for fat burning smoothies, you need to take 2 opposites: one juicy fruit, and the other dense. Additional products: spices, nuts, flax and sesame seeds, herbs, ice, water, yogurt, ayran, kefir, milk, ginger. You can also add vegetables to them: carrots, cucumber, pepper, spinach, salad.

The main thing is not to treat these foods, soups and drinks as restrictions. On the contrary, enjoy them - and soon you will notice that you were able to get rid of the hated fat from the waist! And of course, don't forget to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. Recipes for fat burning cocktails plus fitness classes will transform your body beyond recognition in a short period of time.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

A considerable number of people use fat burning drinks for weight loss. They are most effective in combination with physical activity, since they usually contain energy drinks. Fat burning drinks can be bought in many places - some are even available in supermarkets. They are not cheap. Each month of their use in the amount recommended by manufacturers will cost a person at least 2-3 thousand rubles. But we will not only talk about drinks from the store, but we will also discuss fat burners available for preparation at home.

Fat burning drinks for weight loss

On the Internet, sports stores, pharmacies, hundreds of names of a wide variety of weight loss products are sold. There are also drinks among them. We present to your attention a brief overview of liquid slimming products that are available for sale.

XXI Power Drink L-Carnitine. Suitable for both people involved in sports, and for losing weight on a diet. The advantage of the drink is that it contains only 2 kcal per 500 ml. Each bottle contains 1.2 grams. Additionally, it contains vitamins, but there are very few of them. It is recommended to drink 2 bottles of the drink per day, so the dose of L-carnitine is quite sufficient for weight loss - 2.4 grams per day. But note that this substance burns fat extremely slowly - only 2-3 kg in six months. Each bottle costs 40-50 rubles.

Leader Shock S. The price of one bottle is 60 rubles. The composition contains a good dose of 150 mg, plus 350 mg of guarana extract, which is also the source of this substance. It is best to combine the intake of the drink with physical activity.

Turbo Fit LadyFitness. Price - 50-60 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle. It contains vitamins, 60 mg of caffeine, 300 mg of guarana extract. At the same time, the calorie content of the drink is quite high - 184 kcal per 500 ml.

Liquid L-Carnitine. In the package you will find 10 ampoules of 20 ml. You will have to pay about 900 rubles for 10 doses. Each ampoule contains L-carnitine in the amount of 2.7 g. Note that the dose is quite adequate, although the drink is expensive.

Fat Burning Drinks with Ginger

Most people consider it to be a plant that burns fat, although in reality its effect on body weight is minimal. However, sports supplement manufacturers produce many drinks that contain ginger. For instance:

Ginger with L-Carnitine and Pineapple. Instant drink sold in packages of 200 g. Price - 300 rubles. It can be drunk with any liquid. A single dose is 2 teaspoons. It contains extracts of pineapple, ginger, and L-carnitine. The doses, unfortunately, are not known, so it is not possible to determine the effectiveness of this drink.

Ginger with L-carnitine and ginseng. A drink from the same series. If it works, then perhaps due to - carnitine and ginger extract, because ginseng does not affect body weight.

Ginger with L-Carnitine and Guarana. Probably the most effective drink in the series, as instead of useless pineapple and ginseng, guarana extract is added to the formula, which affects weight due to its caffeine content.

Pre-workout fat burning drinks

It is not uncommon for athletes to drink fat-burning drinks before training. They do this for two purposes. Firstly, when drying, drinks help burn fat faster. Secondly, they are all at the same time energetics, therefore they stimulate the activity and endurance of the athlete, increasing the effectiveness of training. Here are some examples of pre-workout fat burning drinks.

Aqua Norm. It is considered an isotonic drink, but it contains fat burning components. The product is intended for athletes. Price - from 500 rubles. Inside you will find 15 sachets, which must be diluted with water or other liquid before use. Its composition:

  • and electrolyte;
  • caffeine and L-carnitine;
  • organic acids.

Note that you will not expect a big fat burning effect, because the amount of caffeine and L-carnitine is small - respectively 20 mg and 150 mg in one dose.

VPX REDLINE Energy Drink. For one serving - 240 ml - the athlete will have to pay 100 rubles. The drink does not contain calories, but the composition contains several fat-burning components at once, the action of which is based on the acceleration of metabolic processes. Composition:

  • caffeine;
  • mate tea;
  • evodiamine;
  • tyrosine;
  • vinpocetine;
  • tryptophan;
  • vitamin C.

XXI Power Drink Guarana. Recommended for use before cardio workouts. Increases energy, promotes fat burning. The only active ingredient is caffeine. Its source is partly gurana, which is reflected in the name of the fat-burning drink. The dosage in one bottle (0.5 l) is 80 mg. Additionally, the drink contains several vitamins, albeit in small doses. The price is 40-50 rubles.

Fat burning drinks at home

Some people do not want to buy fat burning drinks and want to make them at home. It's quite possible - there are hundreds of recipes on the Internet. True, most of them are ineffective. How to make a drink that will actually burn fat? It's very simple: you need to take components that have a real, not mythical effect on body weight.

Potentially Effective Home Fat Burners:

  • ginger;
  • green tea;
  • coffee;

But all of them are weak for several reasons. First, you are not able to eat or drink the product in such an amount to get the active ingredient in an adequate dose (with the exception of caffeine and green tea). Secondly, even in sufficient doses, the listed ingredients have little effect on body weight. Thirdly, you need regularity: you need to drink fat-burning drinks using the above products for months, without missing a day.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of ingredients that are often mentioned on weight loss sites, but in reality they are completely unable to affect your weight:

  • mint;

This does not mean that the listed products should not be added to the composition of fat-burning drinks. This can and should be done, but only to improve the taste, and not to increase the effectiveness of the cocktail.


Most of the drinks on the market are based on caffeine and L-carnitine. Their effectiveness will not be too high if the use of a fat burner is not accompanied by regular physical activity. You can also make drinks at home. To do this, it is enough to use two components that have a fat burning effect: green tea and coffee. Other ingredients do not affect weight, either due to their low content of active ingredients, or due to the complete absence of fat burning properties.

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Minus 5 kilograms. Sounds like? You can hardly refuse such a thing before going to the sea. Scientists have noticed that most women attribute excess weight to themselves is absolutely unjustified, so exhausting training is not necessary for everyone and not always.

Many ways to lose weight recognized as effective: diet, exercise, acceleration of metabolism. They all act in different ways, but lead to the same result. As you might have guessed, speeding up your metabolism is the least tedious option. "With taste" will tell how to speed up metabolism with just one drink.

An easy way to lose weight

A big plus when choosing this particular method of losing weight is that it will not harm you. Drink and lose weight - that's the whole strategy. Not only excess weight will go away, but also the deposited slags. The general condition of the body will be improved through detoxification. Here is a recipe for a ginger and lemon based fat burning drink.

You will need

  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 0.5 l of water
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar

Slimming drink recipe

Add all the necessary ingredients (chop parsley and lemon) to a saucepan with boiling water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, pour into a suitable container and leave to cool completely. It is recommended to keep this product in the refrigerator. You need to drink a drink once a day before going to bed, 150-200 ml. This will speed up your metabolism at night, which will affect your weight in the next week.

The products for this drink were not chosen by chance. Lemon stimulates digestion, and before going to bed, it is very important that no heavy food remains in the stomach, since its digestion takes a long time.

Parsley is a well-known diuretic. It will help reduce swelling and reduce the amount of intercellular fluid. Remember that water retention in the body is highly undesirable.

The rest of the components of the miracle drink are auxiliary. Vinegar will extend the shelf life, and cinnamon will eliminate the evening hunger, preventing you from filling up overnight. Weight control should start with regulating the absorption of food, and not with reducing the volume of food. Influencing your body from the inside is a gentle option for the psyche. If you agree, share our article with your friends.

Detox juices are the most reliable allies in your fight against extra pounds. You can easily make them from fruits or vegetables in your own kitchen.

Citrus fruits are known to promote detoxification, so if you need to remove from the body all the toxins that have accumulated in it for a month, then citrus juices should be included in your diet.

Antioxidants are essential for the body as they protect it from the negative effects of harmful substances that can harm your health. One glass of detox juice a week will help protect against this.

These juices have a double benefit - they not only help your body get rid of toxins, chemicals and all dangerous substances accumulated inside the intestines, but also help you lose weight in no time in a natural way.

One more thing to add: Anyone looking to lose a few pounds and still stay healthy should go through at least one or two detoxification courses a year.

2. Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices can also help you lose weight. As you know, cruciferous vegetables are the most useful for losing weight, and it does not matter if you drink juice made only from them, or mix them with fruits. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli or lettuce - these plants will be your best weapon in the fight against excess weight and will help to remove toxins from the body in a timely manner.

Vegetable juices not only help the body fight harmful substances, but also maintain hormonal balance in the body. Cruciferous vegetables are very rich in natural phytonutrients that reduce body fat, reduce inflammation and help maintain normal blood sugar levels, as well as speed up metabolism and promote overall body detoxification.

3. Green tea

People have been drinking green tea for hundreds of years because of its many beneficial properties. Weight loss is just one of them: green tea alone will undoubtedly help you shed a few pounds, but in the long run, when combined with a sensible diet, it will be even more beneficial.

If you don't have enough time to train or do not like to exercise regularly, one cup of green tea a day will provide your body with all the antioxidants it needs, and will also help you burn excess fat faster by increasing your metabolism.

Green teas are ideal for burning a lot of calories, as well as boosting your overall energy tone and suppressing your appetite. It is because of this property that green teas are so effective - you just eat less because you do not want to eat. Green tea is very popular in Japan: the Japanese believe that tea helps relieve stress and relax.

4. Fruit juice - cranberry and pear

Fruit juices are delicious and easy to make and rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Another definite plus is that there are hundreds of different fruits, and you can choose the ones that you like the most.

Pears and cranberries are some of the tastiest, most effective and common fruits. They are rich in vitamin C, their juice will not only help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism (a natural mechanism for burning fat), but will also increase your overall energy tone and provide your body with all the vitamins it needs so much.

Cranberry juice is used to prevent various infections of the bladder, such as E. coli. Pears contain magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, which are essential for a healthy lifestyle. Pears also contain calcium, which is necessary for bones to remain healthy and strong.

5. Black coffee

Black coffee is also very healthy - in moderation, of course. Coffee contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Caffeine is ideal for boosting metabolism and burning calories. But be careful: if you want to lose weight with black coffee, you will have to drink it without milk and sugar, since the sweetener can contain extra calories.