Herb ivan tea (fireweed) - medicinal properties and contraindications. Mint - medicinal properties and contraindications, varieties, use in cooking and traditional medicine

04.09.2019 Salads

Phytotherapists advise using this medicinal plant for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. For this reason, Ivan tea is considered a truly healing herb, which is also called Koporye tea or fireweed. Find out what medicinal properties this flora has.

Why is Ivan tea useful?

Narrow-leaved fireweed is valued by folk healers for its positive effect on the endocrine and immune systems of the body. In medicine, as a rule, the leaves and flowers of this herb are used, and the roots are rarely used. It should be said that only correctly collected and brewed Ivan tea has the entire spectrum of medicinal properties. In this case, it is especially important to comply with all the rules for the preparation of raw materials for a medicinal drink.

Herbalists advise harvesting the unusual looking fireweed in July-August. During this period, the plant reaches about one and a half meters in height, has lanceolate leaves and bright purple flowers. It is best to collect raw materials in areas remote from roads. Before drying Ivan tea, it is necessary to grind its leaves. After the completion of this stage, the raw material is tightly packed into an enamel or glass container, where it is fermented for several hours. Then comes the drying time.

The benefit of Ivan tea for the human body is that the finished product retains all the medicinal properties of the plant. This delicious fermented drink is a source of minerals, vitamins, alkaloids, flavonoids. It is also worth mentioning the anticancer substance hanerole, which was found in the flowers of the plant. In addition to these, Koporye tea has the following medicinal properties:

  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous and genitourinary systems;
  • has anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects;
  • general strengthening effect on the body;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • used to combat edema, insomnia;
  • helps with diabetes, low blood pressure, pancreatitis;
  • restores the epidermal layer of the skin;
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • it is used for sexual impotence;
  • relieves the severity of symptoms of some dermatological diseases;
  • effectively fights colds.

Ivan tea - useful properties for men

Traditional medicine contains a large number of fees with narrow-leaved fireweed for the treatment of reduced potency. Answering patients, how Ivan-tea is useful for men, herbalists draw the attention of the stronger sex to the fact that the constant use of Koporye drink helps to avoid prostatitis, to maintain sexual activity until old age. In addition, doctors urge not to forget about the antitumor therapeutic effect of this representative of the flora. The plant has long been used for the prevention and treatment of prostate adenoma.

Ivan tea - beneficial properties for women

Some ladies prefer narrow-leaved fireweed to the most expensive cosmetic products. The latter, as a rule, learn about the benefits of Ivan tea for women from the reviews of friends and acquaintances who have experienced the miraculous effects of this plant. Drinking a healing drink helps to smooth wrinkles, restore the epidermal layer of the skin, hair structure. Healing Koporye tea is recommended for women suffering from pathologies of the genital area. Fireweed has a positive effect on menopausal women.

Ivan tea during pregnancy

The use of this drink has no contraindications associated with bearing a child. Ivan tea for pregnant women is useful in that with its help the expectant mother can significantly reduce the intensity of symptoms of toxicosis. Nausea and heartburn, as the main negative manifestations of the first trimester, are eliminated without harm to the woman and her child. According to many expectant mothers, Koporye tea with honey helps to effectively fight uterine hypertonicity. It is worth saying that kidney pathology is a special indication for the use of a healing drink during pregnancy.

Ivan tea for children

The use of a drink with many medicinal properties has no age restrictions. According to the reviews of parents who brewed Ivan tea for children, it is very aromatic and tasty. The plant does not contain caffeine, so it cannot cause overexcitation: on the contrary, Ivan tea is used to normalize sleep and digestion. In addition, the minerals and vitamins contained in it help maintain immunity during the period of seasonal vitamin deficiencies.

A popular plant of mid-latitudes is ivan tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which should be known to everyone who wants to maintain their health. This plant, rich in active substances, is easy to find in the wide open spaces of our country.

Fireweed: chemical composition

Fireweed, ivan tea, the healing properties of which are due to the composition of the herb, contains several active ingredients:

  • fiber - its presence is due to the composition of the plant cell wall;
  • mucus are sugars that are easily decomposed into components by hydrolysis;
  • proteins - contain dozens of amino acids, including irreplaceable ones;
  • tannins - especially tannin, which has a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • carotene - participates in the formation of vitamin A inside the body;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • flavonoids - prevent aging and the occurrence of vascular pathologies;
  • phytosterols - especially useful for maintaining the tone of the heart and reproductive system;
  • coumarins - have a calming effect;
  • iron - affects the amount of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • potassium - is responsible for the proper functioning of the heart;
  • calcium - maintains the condition of the skeletal system;
  • sodium - participates in maintaining the body in a state of ionic equilibrium.

The greatest concentration of nutrients is found on the leaves of the plant. This is due to the effect of sunlight on them, under the influence of which the synthesis of most compounds occurs.

Ivan tea: useful and medicinal properties

For the beneficial properties of Ivan tea, not only vitamins and groups of active substances are responsible, but also amino acids in the composition of proteins. They affect all organ systems, allowing you to delicately adjust their work.

The most active are:

  • histidine - stimulates enzyme formation and tissue repair, suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • aspartic acid - ensures the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the absorption of minerals;
  • tretionin - support the cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • tyrosine - helps to transmit nerve impulses, which improves brain function;
  • leucine - allows muscle tissue to recover faster from damage, which is especially important for injured people or patients after surgery;
  • phenylalanine - stimulates blood circulation in the brain, which improves well-being and mood;
  • methionine - acts on internal organs, improving the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

In addition to the general strengthening effect, the medicinal properties of Ivan-tea are no less interesting.

They are due to the action of active substances in the composition of the plant:

  • tannin - has a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to stop diarrhea and has a positive effect on the digestive tract;
  • mucus - replenish the body's energy resources, which ensures vigor and activity of a person;
  • fiber - helps to remove undigested food debris from the body, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

No one to this day knows how the medicinal herb Ivan tea became the owner of such a name. But, from this it does not become less valuable or in demand. According to one version, the plant received such an unusual name due to the fact that it helped to get rid of the problems of the male plan. According to another version, sellers added the herb to tea, and it allowed the latter to make their trade more profitable.

Detailed description

Ivan tea is a herb that many have heard about in childhood and have even seen it. But, no one attached much importance to it, as well as, in principle, to other nearby plants. It is easy and simple to identify Ivan tea against the background of other flora - its flowers have a pink tint. As for the beneficial substances directly, they are found in the leaves, as well as in the root.

The concentration in flowers is insignificant. The leaves are dried and then added to tea. In some cases, it is from them that the infusion is made. It should be noted that in China, as well as in a number of eastern countries, having appreciated all the herb Ivan tea, its medicinal properties and contraindications, they began to eat it several times a day. In particular, the infusion for the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire was replaced by kval, compote, sbiten and even boiled. Despite this, soon the plant was no longer used as a panacea for many ailments, as drugs with similar properties, but on a chemical basis, began to appear in pharmacies.

What components are contained in the plant

Ivan tea received its medicinal properties due to the presence of the following components in its composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • kaempferol;
  • quercetin;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of group P;
  • vegetable mucus, including tannins and pyragol.

Experts also claim that it is possible to use Ivan tea leaves in an unprocessed form, if the situation requires it.

Where does such a valuable herb grow?

You do not need to go to distant lands or to another country to find a plant. Ivan tea is a very, very common herb in our state. It can be found everywhere, from fields and hills, and ending with roadsides. As mentioned above, you can find out that this particular plant is in front of your eyes by small pink inflorescences. If they occur, then this suggests that it is high time to collect Ivan's tea. As a rule, the time of collection falls on the end of May and ends in the fall. You should not try to find a plant on loamy and acidic soils. There it simply does not grow, despite its endurance and unpretentiousness.


As for the collection of Ivan's tea, everything is clear. As soon as possible to see pink flowers, immediately begin to collect leaves. After assembling, dry the shower and flowers. You can use the medicinal herb whenever you want. It also has a pleasant aromatic scent. The drink can be drunk with any food, washed down with water or even consumed on an empty stomach. Experts advise fermenting the leaves so that the broth has a pronounced taste. Dried leaves and flowers can be stored for no more than 2-3 years. After that, they lose their value.

Therapeutic component

It's time to consider the herb Ivan tea medicinal properties and understand whether it is worth using it in a personal case. So, periodic use of the broth will allow:

  • get rid of colitis, ulcers and gastritis;
  • improve your immunity;
  • increase male strength;
  • get rid of digestive problems;
  • tidy up the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • improve the work of the endocrine system;
  • remove heat and temperature;
  • tidy up the pressure;
  • remove slags and toxins from the body;
  • normalize the work of the nervous system.

As you can see, the list of problems that Ivan Grass can relieve is impressive. It is noteworthy, but the effectiveness of the plant has been confirmed by medicine, which is quite rare.

As for contraindications

Having learned about the medicinal properties of Ivan herbs, many will immediately rush to the herbal store or pharmacy to purchase it, or collect it in the nearest meadow. First, go through the contraindications. As it turned out, not only medicines sold in pharmacies have them, but also this herb. Ivan tea should be consumed no more than one week. After that, take a break of two weeks and then repeat the course.

The fact is that long-term use of the decoction can cause diarrhea. If there is an acute phase of the disease, then you should not use Ivan tea. He will not be able to provide effective help. Do not resort to the use of decoctions from the plant in the presence of an allergic reaction to one or another component.

Mother Nature gave people many plants that are capable of maintaining health and treating various ailments. Unfortunately, pharmaceutical drugs are so actively promoted and advertised that people often do not bother to inquire and learn about those natural healers that grow right under their feet, do not contain any "chemistry" and do not require fabulous money to be able to use them. Meanwhile, there are a lot of such medicinal plants. One of them is ivan tea, the properties, use and contraindications of which are discussed in this article.


The plant is considered mysterious, about which legends are known. It is called differently, depending on the area where it grows. For example, the names "Kuril tea", "Koporsky tea" and, of course, the famous "Ivan-tea" are known. Scientifically, he is a narrow-leaved fireweed.

The origin of the name "Ivan-chai" has different versions. According to one of them, it was widely known among the peoples of the Far East, where it was used as a medicine for male problems. Therefore, I received this name. Another version is more mercantile: according to it, traders mixed fireweed leaves into black tea, thus increasing their profits.

Consider what the herb ivan tea is, its medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as recipes for its use.


This plant has been known to everyone since childhood. It stands out with pink flowers in the meadow. Some types of fireweed can be confused with each other (for example, shaggy fireweed cannot be used), so it is important to know exactly what willow tea looks like. Its useful properties are found throughout the plant. Even the roots can be used as medicine. But the most valuable are flowers and leaves.

In dried form, it acquires taste. Therefore, from the beginning of the nineteenth century, it easily replaced expensive teas from China and India. They drank it much more often than kvass, fruit drink, sbiten and boiled water. But for some reason, over time, they forgot about him.


This medicinal plant contains a large amount of tannins, especially in its leaves and roots. It also contains tannins (which are derivatives of tannin), pyragol (from ten to twenty percent). Leaves are known to be healthier than whole leaves when crushed. This is due to the combined effect of plant mucus, the percentage of which reaches fifteen, and tannins.

In addition, Ivan tea contains flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercetin, as well as organic acids, which contain P vitamins.

Where grows

The willow herb is found in almost all latitudes. Medicinal properties and contraindications are known to healers, wherever they live. The main places where this grass grows are meadows, roadsides and forest edges, that is, he prefers sunny and open areas.

Its height reaches one and a half meters, turning the plant into pleasant bushes with pink flowers. Then you can start collecting it. In the middle lane, this time begins from the end of June and lasts until the beginning of autumn, when they collect willow-herb, narrow-leaved fireweed.

The beneficial properties of the plant, however, are not known to everyone. Sometimes, when he appears in the garden, they try to get rid of him like an ordinary weed, instead of using it as a medicine or just a drink.

The narrow-leaved fireweed is distinguished by its special endurance. For example, it can be the first to start growing after a fire. But in damp and humid places, on acidic and loamy soils, it will not appear.

Collection and preparation

Only one invigorating aroma will cause a surge of strength and energy if you accidentally find the grass Ivan-tea somewhere on the edge of a forest or a lawn! Its medicinal properties and contraindications, in addition to its pleasant smell, have long been known. Therefore, many people decide to grow the plant on purpose. It is quite possible to realize the idea, since it is unpretentious, is not afraid of any drought and, moreover, will remove weeds.

Its leaves and flowers are harvested before the onset of fluff (which usually occurs from mid to late August), otherwise they will become unusable. Procurement of ivan tea is not difficult at all for medicinal purposes. But if it is going to be used as tea, then the leaves, in addition to drying, must be fermented. Then the taste will improve significantly.

When collecting flowers, they are simply plucked from the inflorescences and put in large bags, and the leaves are best used from the middle of the stem, without capturing the lower and upper ones.

In the open, the plant is dried in the shade or in the sun, spread evenly in a thin layer on paper or cloth. It is advisable to stir the raw materials by hand from time to time.

The prepared drug is stored in paper bags or fabric bags for up to two years.

The willow herb is also sometimes dried in the oven.

Medicinal properties

Both contraindications and indications must be known and taken into account when using it.

In fact, all the old collections of herbs contained this medicinal plant. It can be considered universal in the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. The most famous medicinal properties that fireweed exhibits are as follows:

  • significantly affects the increase and strengthening of immunity;
  • useful for men (enhances potency);
  • used to treat and and adenoma;
  • heals the digestive system;
  • helps with disease and prevention of endocrine diseases;
  • effective for gastritis, colitis and ulcers;
  • increases hemoglobin and regulates its balance;
  • promotes abrasions, quickly stops bleeding;
  • used as an antipyretic agent;
  • eases the condition of the child with chickenpox and measles;
  • heals the nerves and helps stabilize the psyche;
  • increases efficiency, improves mood and invigorates;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body

And this is not the whole list of the beneficial effects that Ivan tea can have. Its medicinal properties and contraindications are confirmed by official medicine. In addition to them, the plant also has a lot of properties that have not been confirmed by professional healers. But we can definitely say that Kuril tea, or Ivan tea, Koporsky tea, has a beneficial effect on health.


Any medicinal plant, according to traditional medicine, has not only indications, but also contraindications. However, there is an exception to this rule. We are talking about a plant like willow tea. The only thing doctors warn about is that excessive use of it for more than two weeks can cause diarrhea. But this, in the opinion of many people who took it, is a rather controversial statement, since sometimes, on the contrary, fireweed is used to get rid of this problem.


Ivan tea, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are so disparate, is one of the few herbs that can be freely consumed during pregnancy.

If a cold is just beginning, then by drinking a decoction or tea from the plant, you can forget about the illness. However, in the acute phase, it is unlikely to be effective enough.

Ivan tea is often used as a sedative, although it will not act as a normal sleeping pill, as it has a mild effect. With constant use, it will help not only to normalize sleep, but also to strengthen the nervous system.

There are even known cases when, when it was taken, the development of cancer cells stopped. Therefore, it is also known as an antitumor agent, which is also used for the prevention of metastases.

The plant copes well with various diseases of the genitourinary system, not only for men, but also for women.


The herb is usually used to make alcoholic tinctures and teas. To get a great taste, it is necessary to use the fermentation method when drying. Then you get the famous Koporye tea. To do this, the freshly harvested leaves are tamped tightly into a jar and closed with a lid. The container is exposed to the sun, and when the leaves in it change their color to dark brown (this usually takes several days), the fermentation process will be completed. Then they are cut and dried in the usual way. Koporye tea will turn out to be really tasty. It is not for nothing that under tsarist Russia, fireweed (ivan tea) was exported in large quantities. The properties and contraindications indicated above must be taken into account when using it as a drink.

Here are some recipes that can be used for medicinal purposes.

  • For prostatitis, take one tablespoon of the herb and insist for two hours in a glass of boiling water. The remedy is consumed four times a tablespoon a day for a whole month. You can also mix it with regular tea and drink two to three glasses a day with the addition of honey. In this case, it is taken longer: from four to six months.
  • The first described recipe for combating prostatitis can also be used as an antineoplastic agent.
  • In addition to decoctions, teas and tinctures, you can make oil from the herb. For this, a glass of fresh flowers is poured with a glass of vegetable oil and infused in the sun in a closed glass container for three weeks. The prepared product is used to heal wounds, ulcers, burns and cuts.
  • The healing properties of the herb Ivan-tea perfectly manifest themselves in which it is so useful that healers advise to use it even for patients with diabetes mellitus. They have long been treated for leukemia, painful menstruation and inflammation of the bladder.
  • The herb is actively used for cosmetic purposes. It works well for acne and other skin inflammations. You can use, for example, a decoction from it. For this, three tablespoons are poured with boiling water and insisted until cooled. From the resulting funds, make daily lotions lasting two hours, periodically moistening a napkin in it.
  • Also effective will be ice from a decoction of willow tea, which need to wipe the face every day.
  • In addition to the skin, the plant will also help the hair. To do this, prepare a tincture and periodically moisten the hair roots with it.

Official medicine about Ivan-tea

Medicine has not so rarely begun to turn to folk methods. This speaks to the common sense of today's doctors. After all, it is clear how much health-improving chemical drugs, on the one hand, can harm health with their numerous side effects. In addition, it would be illogical to discard the facts indicating the elimination of various diseases. Ivan tea, about the medicinal properties, the contraindications of which were discussed, are increasingly recommended by doctors as an addition to traditional treatment. And with ordinary people, it is becoming more and more popular.

Since I learned this herb, I have not parted with it. Collect, dry, ferment every season. I add more dry flowers - it turns out very beautifully. The medicinal properties and contraindications when using the herb Ivan-tea are the topic of our conversation today.


This is what blooming Ivan tea looks like in the photo:

Thickets of grass can occupy entire fields, forest edges. ravines, so there will be no problems with collection. You can read how to harvest fireweed in the article at the link below.

The herbaceous light-loving perennial can reach a height of two meters. Its leaves are narrow, long, reminiscent of willow leaves.

Ivan-tea flower stalks appear at the ends of the stems, flowering lasts from July to September, all this time you can collect leaves, flowers for drying. As soon as fluffs form instead of flowers, the collection is stopped.

For treatment, both fresh and dry herbs are used.

Fresh chopped is added to salads, applied to festering wounds, bedsores. Steamed - on sore joints and muscles.

The healing properties of fireweed

Ivan tea has extremely beneficial properties. Its leaves, roots, flowers contain:

  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • mucus,
  • tannin,
  • provitamin A, vitamin C, group B
  • iron and manganese, potassium and calcium, magnesium and phosphorus

Based on this, preparations prepared from Ivan tea have:

  • anti-inflammatory action, used for rinsing the throat, with inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • wound healing abilities:
  • calming effect, helps to fall asleep, relieves depression;
  • laxative effect, frequent use is necessary here;
  • are used to normalize the intestinal microflora,
  • for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • prostatitis, adenoma,
  • hypertension,
  • gout,
  • atherosclerosis.
  • rheumatism;
  • It is very important - it cleanses the body of toxins in case of cancer.


15 grams pour 200 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Pour 400 ml of boiling water over two tablespoons of willow-tea herb, insist and drink a day. The indications are the same.

In all cases, where possible, add external application to the internal reception, and vice versa.

And most importantly, there are no contraindications to taking herbs. Just collect and use it correctly.

How to brew tea correctly

For brewing, the leaves are placed in a hot porcelain teapot, poured over with boiling water, drained and immediately poured again. For a half-liter teapot, take 2 teaspoons of dry herb. To keep warm, cover the kettle with a napkin for 5 minutes.

Of course, it is better to take spring water or filtered water.

In a glass container, the process of brewing willow tea herb can be observed visually. It's beautiful, especially if you put his scarlet flowers there.

Cypriot tea can be drunk even cold, the next day, re-pour boiling water. The taste and benefits are not lost.

The use of herb of narrow-leaved fireweed

Medicinal tea supplement. Place ivan tea, cherry, apple, lungwort, mint, lemon balm, plantain leaves, previously mashed in your palms, in a glass jar, cover with sugar, cover. Leave in a dark place for three days, then refrigerate for 5 days. Add vodka 1: 1 to the resulting syrup. Store in a room in a dark place, use for tea.

For the fireweed salad, blanch the leaves for 2 minutes, cut, add green onions, boiled egg, cucumber, salt. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Add grated horseradish for spiciness.

Botvinya. Fresh cucumbers, beet leaves, ivan tea, nettle, boiled beets, 20 g horseradish, kvass, salt, sugar, green onions, herbs.
Cook for 3 minutes leaves of fireweed, nettle, beetroot. Chop finely, put in kvass, add green onions, beets, horseradish, cucumbers, you can boiled egg. Decorate with herbs.

Now about the contraindications for fireweed. There are few of them and they relate to moderate use, since minor allergic reactions and laxative effects may occur.

With increased blood clotting, the course of admission is up to two weeks with caution.

Please watch a video about the medicinal benefits and contraindications of the herb: