Device for making Ivan tea. Tea business, making exclusive tea with your own hands

28.04.2019 Soups

Fireweed or Koporsky tea in Russia has always been the No. 1 drink. And in our days, the struggle for healthy image life and naturalness, when plant products returned to fashion, the production of ivan tea as a business became a profitable business.

A perennial plant is a one and a half meter bush with a thick root, narrow leaves and an inflorescence up to forty centimeters high. Ivan tea has been growing in one place for eight years. Reproduction is carried out by seeds or roots. Flowers are honey plants, therefore home business on Ivan-tea there is also the production of honey.

Why should you choose exactly fireweed for your own business?

The plant in question has health benefits and excellent taste when brewed. aromatic drink... Our great-grandfathers knew about the beneficial properties of Koporye tea. In addition, it "gets along" with medicinal herbs such as peppermint, oregano or chamomile and is a confident competitor to imported similar products. You can experiment with Ivan tea without losing healing qualities... To date, more than 15 options are known. finished products plant based.

Scientific studies have shown that fireweed contains trace elements and vitamins that have a positive effect on the body, and does not contain caffeine, like black tea. With its help, people get rid of insomnia, headaches and nervous strain. Regular use helps to remove kidney stones, normalizes blood pressure and cures female diseases.

The listed factors speak in favor of the fact that with its help it is possible to organize a successful marketing business.

Ivan tea production as a business

The establishment of production capacities depends on the wishes of the entrepreneur and the available financial resources. Fireweed is often found in natural conditions(in meadows, fields or wastelands), which makes it possible to collect it yourself and prepare it with the help of improvised means. During one daylight hours, a person collects up to thirty kilograms of plants, but such volumes will not allow deploying a large-scale enterprise.

Alternatively, you can consider the purchase of material and process it alone - dry and ferment. The complexity of the method lies in the fact that you will not find wholesale suppliers, therefore it becomes necessary to hire collectors or submit an advertisement for the purchase of nearby settlements fresh material... But in this case, you run the risk of getting raw materials that are not collected by technology.

Harvesting is carried out only during flowering in the morning, when there is no dew on the plant. The quality of the tea and the vitamin content of the future drink depend on this.

Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for the production of Ivan tea, which includes all stages:

  • Acquisition or preparation of a land plot.
  • Sowing and growing fireweed.
  • Its collection and processing.

So you can be sure of receiving raw materials. High Quality and avoid unnecessary costs and time wasted searching for a supplier and purchasing.

Directly production technology

In July-August (the period depends on the climatic conditions of the area in which the enterprise is open), the collection of leaves begins. They must be processed immediately because the leaves pressed in the bags will turn black and deteriorate. The production technology is no different from the preparation for the production of any tea. You can produce pure products or add different herbs for aroma, carry out various fermentation and other manipulations.

Product manufacturing steps

There are several main steps:

  • Making Ivan tea as a business begins with the preparation of the material. The leaves are carefully sorted out, washed in running water and dried in a place hidden from direct sunlight during the day. If your plans include opening a large-scale profitable production, then consider purchasing special dryers to reduce your time. With a slight loss of moisture, the leaf does not lose its elasticity and is ready for further twisting so that the plant lets out juice. This allows the enzymes to mix with the tea polyphenyls. In small production this process is done manually, in large production it is passed through a meat grinder (by the way, this is how granulated tea is obtained). In a small home production the process is carried out manually. However, manual processing gives the drink an unusual sourness.
  • Fermentation of Ivan tea. The most important stage, on which not only the taste and richness of the drink depends, but also its strength. The harvested leaves lie for some time in a dark and cool place without drafts. During this period, chemical reactions occur that destroy oxalic acid and activate useful material... Professional equipment allows you to get partial or complete fermentation.
  • Drying, depending on the method, takes from half an hour to two hours. To do this, the leaves are laid out on baking sheets and left in the ovens. It turns out finished product to be packed.

With large volumes of production, fractionation occurs - large leaves are packaged in packages, and small particles are used to make packaged versions.

Preparation of documentation

At first, when you are just setting up production on the basis of a personal subsidiary farm, you do not need to register it. In the case of entering the wholesale sales of Ivan tea, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory registration of activities in order to undergo certification. Without quality certificates, products will not be put on sale by any trade point... At least then that for the implementation of the product you will need its certification.

To do this, you need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. They also receive a package of documents in which technical features manufacturing and recipe. Having all the conclusions, the products can be issued as a dietary supplement and sold to pharmacies and dispensaries.

To facilitate the registration procedure, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, but for large-scale production it is necessary to open an LLC. This will allow creating and approving a brand to increase consumer loyalty by developing and implementing an original logo for application on packaging and labels.

Hiring workers

For a small business, where everything is done by the hands of a family, there is no need to hire additional labor. If you intend to use equipment for the preparation of goods, then you cannot do without personnel in the person of machine operators and material collectors. In addition, you will need to hire a locksmith and an electrician. But the most important thing will be the hiring of a technologist who constantly monitors the observance of production technologies and develops varieties of tea.

Sales of finished products

To begin with, it is recommended to establish sales of Ivan tea in small shops and shops. Having won the favor of consumers, you can switch to large retail chains. After completing the accompanying documentation, not only pharmacies and retail stores, but also restaurants or sanatoriums can be considered as distribution channels.

Recently, the promotion and sale of goods via the Internet has become very popular. You can post ads on shopping portals or create your own online store if you offer wide range of... Also, don't miss out on theme fairs or trade shows.

Main items of expenditure

Business as a subsidiary farm does not imply the presence of capital. For large-scale production for the purchase of equipment, you need to allocate at least eighty thousand rubles. In addition, another hundred thousand rubles will be required to pass the certification procedure and register the enterprise, develop a logo and purchase packaging material.

A normal production payback plan is a year. On average, the income is 50-100%, because tea is sold at retail at 60r% more than the cost price.

But keep in mind that this is a seasonal business. To establish year-round production, it will be necessary to find and prepare warehouse premises for storage in advance. a large number harvested material in appropriate conditions. This is the only way to present high quality products to the market.

You have learned about all the nuances of starting a business for the production of Ivan tea drinks. Whether it will be beneficial for you - decide for yourself, carefully weigh the pros and cons. And remember - the road will be mastered by the walking!

Ivan-Chai - a technology for making herbal tea

A detailed recipe for making black tea from strawberry leaves, ivan tea, etc. listed here in the forest drinks section.

Verzilin "In the Footsteps of Robinson" is a wonderful book!

Beginning in 1956, illustrations were gradually removed from the book, replacing practical drawings with entertaining ones. The text was also gradually changed. The 1994 edition already lacks whole chapters of practical importance - about building a hut, baking bread, harvesting herbs, making natural mattresses and blankets ...

Withering: the leaves are scattered in a layer no thicker than 5 centimeters for a day or day, until they become lethargic, while they must be periodically agitated, not allowing the leaves of the upper layer and around the edges to dry out.
Curl: The leaves are rolled between the palms of the hands into small, spindle-shaped sausages about half the size of a sausage until they are darkened by the juice that has come out.

Fermentation: rolled leaves are placed in a layer of 5 centimeters in an enamel bowl or tray, covered with a wet cloth and placed in a warm place (24-27 ° C) for 6-12 hours to ripen. The higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation process goes, the end of the process is characterized by a change in the herbaceous smell to a rich floral-fruity one. Too high temperature and overexposure are dangerous - fireweed takes on the smell of low-grade overboiled "public catering" tea.

Drying: the fermented leaves are finely cut, spread on sieves or baking sheets covered with parchment, in a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters and dried at a temperature of 100 ° C for about an hour, periodically checking the readiness by touch. Well-dried tea has the color of real black tea, a rich and stronger aroma than it, tea leaves break when squeezed, but do not crumble into dust. When the bulk of the tea reaches this condition, the drying temperature is reduced, and the craving, moderate during the drying process, is sharply increased. If too high temperature and overexposure of tea in the dryer, an admixture of the smell of "dry paper" appears in the bouquet.

Storage: as well real tea, Koporsky requires tight packing during storage - best of all in glass jars with polyethylene lids. Commodity condition Koporye tea reaches after about a month of storage, and in the future its properties, like that of real tea, are further improved. The dried flowers also make a wonderful drink.

How to properly dry Ivan tea leaves

This primordially Russian tea is made from the leaves of the ivan tea plant (E. angustifolium), exquisite in taste, it is in no way inferior to overseas varieties. In the centuries before last, Russia supplied the whole of Europe with Ivan-tea.
English name narrow-leaved fireweed, or willow tea - Fireweed - means "weed of conflagrations." On lands devastated by fire, this plant appears first, preparing conditions for the settlement of other plants in the future. Ivan tea has flying seeds and quickly colonizes areas with disturbed vegetation; The pink blaze of willow-tea flowers can be seen in vacant lots, in vegetable gardens and villages, in clearings, on the edges of the forest.

Ivan tea recipe from Dmitry Samusev

While still living in Belarus, I drew attention to the name of the plant and tried to simply dry and brew it. Nonsense turned out: hay with hay.
Tried it differently several times. Then I found out about fermentation, but did not know what it was.
Having already arrived to my land this spring and saw the young shoots of this plant, I again wanted to unravel the secret of tea and drink a normal domestic drink. Succeeded. I figured out the secret.

Everything is very simple. The plant itself contains everything you need for fermentation. It is his own juices and enzymes. If you crumple a leaf in your hands, then some of the cells will burst, the plant will let out juice. In wet crumpled leaves will contain vitamins, nutrients and intracellular enzymes. These enzymes, leaving the vacuoles, begin to actively change biochemical composition plants. It's like self-digestion. At the same time, the leaves darken somewhat, another, pleasant burnt appears. For this fermentation process, I leave finely chopped, well-crumpled leaves in a non-metallic container under oppression (with a decrease in contact with air and metal, vitamins are retained) for 1-2 days at room temperature... If you keep it longer, the tea will ferment like cabbage.

In agriculture, something similar happens during silage of hay, when the cut grass is collected in herds and it sours with its own enzymes. Lactic acid generated naturally preserves the grass. I wrote this to the fact that any medicinal wild-growing plants can be fermented and on the basis of this process an infinite number of teas can be prepared. The taste and smell of freshly dried and fermented herbs are noticeably different. You can add flower petals, dried berries, fruits to teas ...

So, after fermentation, spread the leaf on cast iron pan and on very low heat "simmer" for about forty minutes. This heating to a hot state is necessary to accelerate fermentation, in which part of the insoluble, non-extractable substances of plant tissue are converted into soluble and easily digestible substances. These are the substances that give the taste, smell and color of tea.

After forty minutes of languishing, turn on medium fire and, constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the sheet to dry state. Neatly! Don't burn it. And then the tea will be fired.

By appearance- this is the usual black large leaf tea, however, with a pleasant peculiar smell. When brewed, Ivan tea gives a good color and nice smell, and with an increase in dosage, it acquires an intense color and astringency, like the usual tea.

Interestingly, the Ivan-tea brew does not stain tooth enamel, and in general, well-made Ivan tea is much tastier than Indian or Ceylon tea. By its properties, the drink of Ivan-tea occupies, as it were, an intermediate position between black and green in terms of strength and healing properties. And if you add flowers to this tea, dried berries and the fruits, then the price will not be for him!

And this is all "pasture", a gift native nature, an environmentally friendly fortified product made with your own hands to your delight, and surprisingly to your neighbors.

So, we collect young shoots of willow-tea (flowers are also possible, but I have not experimented with flowers yet, I don’t know), finely chop the leaves, wrinkle them well with our hands so that the green mass becomes slightly damp, put them in a bowl under oppression for a day or two at room temperature.

Then heat under a lid in a skillet over low heat for 40 minutes. Finally, dry the mass over medium heat with constant stirring.

Ivan-tea, he is Kaporsky tea ready! Enjoy your tea.

If you notice the Ivan tea plantation, in the spring, around the beginning of May, although in different areas there may be different periods, cut off the tops of young shoots, from them you will get Kaporsky tea top grade... And the cropped shoots will begin to bush, and by the beginning of flowering, there will be much more leaves on the plants than usual.

Sweet honey aroma and delicious taste - this is how the perennial treatment plant, popularly called by the simple phrase ivan-chai. The drink has been known since the times ancient Russia... Already in those days, it was considered a panacea for all diseases. And if then the recipe for making fireweed was available only to a select few, today the technology of preparing ivan tea at home is available to everyone.

To get supplies of magic grass for the whole year, you need to go through 5 stages of harvesting.

Step by step preparation of Ivan tea at home

Collection of leaves and flowers. The best time for collecting willow tea are the summer months. As soon as the buds of the tall plant begin to bloom, you can safely start collecting. Choose a location away from city dust and roads. You can clearly see how to prepare Ivan tea at home at.

Flowers and leaves should be collected separately as the harvesting process is different. The leaves that are closer to the inflorescences contain more nutrients than the basal ones.
Withering fresh grass. Spread the collected leaves on parchment and let stand in a dark place for 24 hours to wilt. Try to lay out not in a thin layer, about 5-6 cm, otherwise the leaves may simply dry out.

Twisting withered leaves. Preparing ivan tea at home requires a lot of painstaking work. It is necessary to wrap each leaf in a tube so that the plant cells burst and release the juice. To make the task easier, especially for beginners, you can use a meat grinder.

Fermentation... One of the main processes. We put the twisted leaves in glassware and press down slightly. Cover with a damp cloth or lid and set aside in a dark place. The fermentation time depends on what kind of drink you want to get. The longer the fermentation process takes, the darker the tea will be.

There are three degrees of fermentation:

  • mild, leaves ferment for 3 to 6 hours. This broth will taste like green tea;
  • medium degree, fermentation time from 10 to 16 hours;
  • deep degree, lasts from 20 to 36 hours. Tea made from such leaves will be tart, dark.

Drying. The final stage of cooking. After fermentation is complete, lay the leaves on a metal tray and send them to dry. In the oven, it will take 60 minutes of time and the temperature is about 100 degrees, and if dried at room temperature, it may take two days. Finished products must be placed in resealable containers and in a month you can start brewing.

Today, not only numerous recipes with photos are available, but also various videos making ivan tea at home, any of them is easy to look at. We decided to place one of them here for viewing. Good luck with your preparation, and do not worry, you will succeed!

Why buy imported teas, the quality of which we are not sure, if you can brew delicious drink from local herbs? Ivan tea or narrow-leaved fireweed is a perennial medicinal plant that is used as an anti-inflammatory agent in folk medicine... Fireweed flowers are excellent melliferous plants, and a drink made from dried leaves has exquisite taste... In our country, in recent years, the demand for natural products, so the production of Ivan-tea became.

Benefits of Ivan tea

Unlike Indian tea, fireweed does not contain caffeine, so almost everyone can drink it at any time of the day. Due to the cellular composition of the leaves, the drink from this plant tones the body, soothes nervous system and relieves headaches. It is also recommended to drink it when colds, stomach ulcers and even with cancer.

The healing properties of Ivan tea are explained by the content of a number of microelements and vitamins in it (it contains 6 times more vitamin C than lemon). It is also interesting that the plant does not lose its properties with any processing of the leaves.

The fireweed drink has excellent taste, color and aroma.

Ivan tea also goes well with other plants: mint, chamomile and lemon balm. On the market, you can find more than 15 varieties of tea based on fireweed. As we can see, the production of Ivan tea in Russia is a good alternative to the import of flavored analogs.

Organization of production

Fireweed is a wild herb that grows in natural biocenoses, so for a start it can be harvested and processed by hand without any investment. One person can harvest up to 30 kg of a plant per day, but this is too small to build a serious business on it. Since wholesale suppliers of Ivan tea simply do not exist, you can hire pickers or buy raw materials in the nearest villages, and then start processing it yourself. But there is a risk that the plants will not be harvested in accordance with the technology: they need to be harvested only during flowering, in the morning, when the leaves are dry, without dew.

To control the harvesting process, some entrepreneurs buy a large plot of land, sow ivan tea seeds, grow plants, hire and train people to harvest; they themselves process the collected raw materials. Thus, the full production cycle takes place under the supervision of specialists, and this guarantees the receipt of high-quality raw materials with the best taste and healing properties.

Manufacturing technology

The first stage in the production of ivan tea is the collection of leaves. It is carried out in late June and early August during flowering, which depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region. The harvested leaves must be processed immediately so that they do not darken and lose beneficial features... Different herbs can be harvested to produce different teas, and different types of fermentation can be used.

Processing of tea leaves

Leaf processing consists of 7 stages:

  1. Preparation. The leaves are sorted out, getting rid of debris and rot.
  2. Drying. The raw materials are transferred to a dark place and left for a day until they become more elastic.
  3. Twisting or fragmentation. The leaves are processed, during which the plant releases sap so that the tea polyphenols react with enzymes. A meat grinder is used to obtain granulated tea.
  4. Fermentation. This is the main stage in the processing of leaves, on which the variety of tea and its taste properties... The leaves are stacked on wooden pallets or aluminum sheets in a cool, dark place. During this time, enzymes break down oxalic acid. Depending on the degree of fermentation, you can get different varieties tea using for this.
  5. Drying. The fermented leaves are dried in the oven for 0.5–2 hours. As a result of this process, leaves with a moisture content of 2–5% are obtained.
  6. Tracking. Dry leaves are left for a while to acquire a tea shade and a characteristic aroma.
  7. Fractionation. This stage is used only in large industries. Large leaves are packed in packages, and small leaves are sent to the production of tea bags.

Tea varieties

As we said, using different ways fermentation, you can get different varieties tea. These include:

  • weakly fermented (green, yellow, white tea);
  • semi-fermented (red, blue tea);
  • fermented (black tea);
  • over-fermented (puer - elite class teas).

You can also diversify the assortment by adding various herbs to the fireweed and flavoring additives... But experts recommend starting with manufacturing classic tea to master the production technology well.

Tea production as a business

You need to enter the market with a quality product, so you need to gain experience in production. If you have mastered the technology of making Ivan tea and want to make it your own business, you can start registering your business.

Business registration

For the production of tea for sale, you need - if you are planning a large production. In this case, it is advisable to create a corporate label design.

To sell products, you will need to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and certify each batch of tea. In the future, you can arrange products as dietary supplements and sell them in pharmacies and sanatoriums.


For industrial production Ivan-chai will need special equipment:

  • blending drum (mixer);
  • rollers;
  • oven or drying chamber;
  • equipment for packing.

Equipment for the production of willow tea is almost impossible to buy in Russia, so it must be ordered from other countries.

You can save a lot by buying a whole line, the price of which depends on the configuration, power and automation and is 1–2 million rubles.

Standard complete set:

  • apparatus for cutting leaves;
  • drying machine;
  • rollers;
  • lump breaker;
  • fermentation machine;
  • Dryer;
  • bake;
  • packing machine.

For the production of tea bags, you will need to purchase a separate unit.

Staff recruitment

For a tea business, you will need first of all. One worker has to collect six bags of raw materials per day, the payment for which is about 800 rubles. Operators are hired to process the leaves. Since the equipment for the production of Ivan tea is automated and easy to operate, the qualifications of workers are not of particular importance.

It is necessary to select a technologist with special care, because the quality of the product depends on him. His responsibilities include the development of varieties of tea and control of all stages of production. An experienced engineer is also needed who will monitor the operation of all machines and monitor the work as a whole.

The staff of workers may also include electricians and locksmiths to repair equipment, but if you are planning a small production, their services can be used as needed, without registering them in your company.

Sales market

Natural tea is in great demand. But, despite this, you need to carefully plan your marketing policy. To get started, work with private shops and small shops. If you succeed in earning a good reputation with consumers, you can target the large retailers. A good option would be to open branded stores. Potential customers can also be restaurants, canteens, fitness centers, sanatoriums, pharmacies and vitamin stores.

Recently, more and more manufacturers are selling their goods via the Internet. You can sell products using classified sites or your own online store. It is also helpful to attend various festivals and fairs where you can advertise your wares by arranging tastings and retailing.

Expenses and income

For large-scale production, you need to purchase equipment for at least 1 million rubles. Registration, certification and purchase of packaging will cost about 100 thousand rubles. per month. You also need to consider the payment of wages, utilities, rent and equipment repair.

The cost of tea depends on the degree of fermentation and the presence of additives in it and is 800-1300 rubles / kg. This is more than the real cost by about 50%. Ivan tea production as a business has a profitability of at least 40%. Experienced entrepreneurs concluded that with a good organization of work, such a business pays for itself in about a year.

Professional equipment for the production of Ivan-tea: Video

Ivan tea has been used since ancient times as an alternative Indian tea... And today, when the market has increased interest in natural products, the production of Ivan-tea receives new wave revival.

The scientific name of Ivan-tea is narrow-leaved fireweed. This is a perennial herb that has a narrow leaf, thick rhizome and a long, up to 40 cm, cluster of inflorescences. It grows up to one and a half meters in height, and in one place it can grow up to eight years. Propagated by rhizomes and seeds, which can produce up to several thousand per flowering. By the way, its flowers are excellent honey plants, so the production of Ivan-tea can complement the business of producing honey.

Why Ivan-tea

The plant has great taste, aroma and color when brewing. Also, it goes well with others medicinal plants, such as oregano, chamomile, mint. Therefore, the production of Ivan-tea is a good alternative to imported flavored counterparts. Especially when you consider that the plant tolerates any experiments with it well, while maintaining its healing properties... Some manufacturers were able to bring out up to 15 different varieties of finished products based on Ivan-tea.

The medicinal properties of the plant have been known for a long time. Many years ago, it was harvested in about the same way as it is now - through fermentation technology. It was believed that tea can cure almost all diseases. Today, it has been proven that the plant contains very valuable vitamins and trace elements, and at the same time does not contain caffeine, which ordinary teas can boast of. A drink from this plant not only soothes, tones, but also relieves headaches, scar ulcers and even helps to heal oncological diseases... The advantage of tea is that it is not medicine and you can drink it constantly.

Features of the organization of production

How to organize a business depends on your capabilities and investment. The plant grows freely in wildlife, so it can be collected by hand and harvested with improvised means. For a day, one person with a certain skill can collect about 30 kg of Ivan tea. This will not require any capital investment, but the production volumes will be negligible, and you can hardly build a serious business on them.

You can organize the purchase of raw materials, and you yourself will be engaged in its subsequent processing: drying and fermentation. The only problem is that there are no wholesale suppliers of raw materials; you will have to hire pickers or announce purchases in nearby villages. However, in this case there is no guarantee that the leaves will be harvested in accordance with the requirements of the production technology. It is necessary to collect it during flowering only in the morning, when there is no dew on the leaves. There is no way for the population to follow the assembly during purchases, and this factor affects taste qualities tea and his medicinal properties.

Therefore, many include in the business plan the organization of a full production cycle, that is, the acquisition of land for planting a plant, sowing and growing, self-collection and fermentation. So you can get guaranteed quality raw materials and avoid the cost of purchasing them. Although some experts consider this approach economically unjustified.

Ivan-tea making technology

Ivan-tea production begins with the collection of leaves. Harvesting time - from late June to early August, depending on the climatic conditions of the region where the business is organized. The leaves are collected in bags and immediately put into processing, because when folded they can darken and lose the desired properties.

The technology for making Ivan tea is not much different from the technology for the production of any other tea leaf. If desired, you can also produce various varieties: with or without the addition of other herbs, various types of fermentation, and so on.

Stages of Ivan-tea production

  1. Preparation of leaves. They are sorted out, separating debris, washed, dried in a shaded place.
  2. After the preparation of the raw material, the process of its withering begins. To do this, it is placed in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall, and left for about a day. Dryers are used to shorten this time. After a slight loss of moisture, the sheet becomes more elastic.
  3. Then comes the twisting stage. During processing, the leaves give juice. This allows the tea polyphenyls to mix with enzymes. For small home production, this is done by hand. For large volumes, a meat grinder is used, which makes it possible to obtain granulated tea. But with manual processing during brewing, the tea leaf gives sourness, a more astringent drink is obtained.
  4. Fermentation. One of the most crucial stages, on which the type of tea depends, its taste and medicinal properties. The rolled or ground sheet is laid in a dark and cool room on aluminum sheets or wooden pallets. During this process, oxalic acid is destroyed inside the leaf, and the contained useful substances are activated. When using special equipment, you can set it up for full or partial fermentation. If you do this manually, you need to constantly monitor the process in order to stop it in time.
  5. Drying. This step takes 20 minutes to two hours, depending on the method used. The fermented leaf is dried in ovens or in special drying cabinets with an inflow of hot air on lattice trays. Upon completion of this process, a tea with a moisture content of 2-5% black is obtained.
  6. Tracking is necessary with raw materials in order to gain a characteristic aroma and acquire a typical tea shade.
  7. Fractionation. This process is carried out when large production volumes are established. Large tea is packaged in packages, and small tea is used to make tea bags.

Possible product range

Experts recommend making a regular tea at the initial stage. So, a novice entrepreneur can thoroughly master the basic production technology. You can then incorporate product line expansion into your business plan. First of all, you can diversify it thanks to various natural additives. As mentioned, you can use other aromatic plants such as mint, chamomile, currant leaves, lemongrass, oregano, and others. In addition, various dried berries are used as additives.

But you can expand the range not only with additives. It is possible to use various methods of fermentation of raw materials, which give completely different types of tea. So, the following teas are distinguished:

  • Poorly fermented, the so-called green, yellow, white.
  • Semi-fermented teas are blue, purple, red teas.
  • Fermented - classic black.
  • Over-fermented - rare and expensive pu-erhs.

All these fermentation methods give Ivan-tea special taste and aroma features.


Only after deciding on the type of production and thoroughly mastering the technology, it is recommended to include the official registration of the business in the business plan. The fact is that it is advisable to enter the market with quality product therefore it is recommended to first acquire some production experience. At the initial stage, when you will be preparing tea for yourself, relatives, acquaintances on the basis of your personal subsidiary farm, official registration is not required. The law allows for the possibility of selling surplus production without paying taxes.

But as soon as you decide to take your production to another level, you need to include official registration in your business plan. At least for the fact that for the implementation of the product you will need its certification. Without accompanying documentation, your tea will not be accepted for sale in any store. To do this, it is necessary to obtain a special permit from Rospotrebnadzor for this type of activity, as well as to certify each batch of goods. The same body approves technical conditions production and its recipe. Over time, you can arrange a product line as a dietary supplement and sell it to pharmacies and sanatoriums.

However, even before that, it is necessary to register your activity with the tax office. You can dwell on such an organizational and legal form as an individual entrepreneur. This will help avoid unnecessary paperwork. But if you are organizing a large-scale production, it is better to register an LLC. In this case, it is also recommended to create and register your own brand by developing a unique label design with the company logo.


Whether or not you need staff depends on what type of enterprise your business plan implies. If you organize a business as a personal subsidiary farm, then you will not need personnel - all production is serviced by your family.

If you have significant production volumes that are serviced by special equipment, you will need hired personnel. First of all, tea leaf collectors. They are paid about 800 rubles. per day at a collection rate of six bags. Operators will also be required to service the equipment. The equipment is mostly automated and easy to operate, so there is no need to look for highly qualified workers.

Qualified labor will be required from an engineer who will control the order of work in general and machine tools in particular. It is advisable to have your own electrician and locksmith for the repair of production lines. If the production is small, these specialists can not be hired, but use their services as needed. The most responsible will be the search for a technologist who must develop varieties of tea and control the technology of their production. There is no official training for tea production specialists in the country, so you need to look for a person who has worked in this direction for more than one year.


As already noted, if you are planning a large-scale production, the business plan should provide for the purchase of special equipment. In specialized companies, it is necessary to purchase the following main production units:

  • blending drum;
  • rollers for tea;
  • drying oven;
  • equipment for packing.

It is rather difficult to find this equipment because it is not manufactured in Russia. And all because tea is not made on the territory of the country. Maximum - raw materials are imported and packaged. Therefore, equipment will have to be purchased from foreign manufacturers.

You can optimize the cost plan and save on the purchase if you buy the devices not individually, but as a whole production line. It will cost from 800 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration, degree of automation and power. up to 2 million rubles. It will consist of the following installations:

  • device for cutting leaves,
  • drying machine,
  • rollers,
  • tea lump breaker,
  • fermentation machine,
  • automatic dryer,
  • bake,
  • packing and filling machine.

In addition, if you plan to make tea bags, you need to purchase a separate unit.

Production costs

As already noted, if you organize a small business, you can do without investments at all. For serious production, at least 80 thousand rubles should be allocated for the purchase of equipment. In addition, it is necessary to include another 100 thousand rubles in the expenditure plan. for certification, registration, purchase of tools, packaging, labels. The larger the production, the more staff will be needed, and accordingly, the payroll plan will increase.

Products are usually packaged in one-hundred-gram packages. The cost of each depends on the way the tea is fermented and the additives used. On average, Ivan tea is sold at a price of 800 to 1,300 rubles. per kilogram. This is about 40-60% more than its real cost. Accordingly, the business profitability is kept at the level of 50-100%.

It is believed that a business payback plan can be set for about a year. But it must be borne in mind that the business is seasonal in nature - the collection of raw materials can be carried out only in June-August. Therefore, for year-round production it is necessary to prepare enough raw materials and think over the technology of its production. Accordingly, you need to take care of warehouses... This is the only way to offer a quality product to the market.

Promotion of products on the market

The market demonstrates a high demand for such a product, but in order to establish wide distribution channels for tea, it is necessary to work well on the marketing policy. You should start with small shops and private shops. And only when the product conquers its consumer, it is possible to move to large retail chains. Over time, it is worth opening your own shop.

Potential distribution channels are pharmacies, vitamin stores, sanatoriums, restaurants and other establishments. Catering... But it is possible to develop these directions only when all the documentation for the products is completed. Another reliable distribution channel is the Internet. You can sell tea through message boards or your own online store, if the range of products allows. Also keep an eye out for all sorts of thematic fairs, festivals, tastings and Ivan tea retail.