Broad pasta name. Assortment of pasta

15.09.2019 Salads

Products made from dried dough have helped a person to survive at all times. Pasta of our time is still the same canned dough product, which has become not only a popular everyday food product that is convenient to store and cook, but also an indispensable component of a number of dishes of many national cuisines.

In this article, we will figure out what types of pasta are on sale, how they differ and which ones are better to choose. We will learn to define quality by means of information available to the buyer.

Types of pasta

Pasta is classified into groups (different types of wheat), classes or varieties (different types of flour) and types (different forms).

From a quality point of view, the buyer should pay particular attention to the product group, i.e. on what kind of wheat the product is made from.

Table - Classification of pasta by groups and varieties

It is undeniable that only durum wheat flour (durum) can produce truly good-quality pasta. Compared to soft ones, they contain more gluten and less starch and have a lower glycemic index.

The grade of flour reflects not the quality (in the usual sense), but the degree of integrity of the grain taken for processing, i.e. the degree of purity of the grain from the germ and shells before grinding. After all, it is they, the embryos and shells, that increase the biological value of the product. Thanks to them, the flour is rich in fiber with preserved vitamins and minerals. It can be concluded that pasta made from low grade flour obtained from durum wheat is the most useful.

The types of pasta are their shapes. These are of various lengths, widths, diameters, sections, all of us familiar tubular products (horns and feathers), thread-like (vermicelli), ribbon-like (noodles). These are also figured products of the most varied, flat and voluminous, simple and complex in configuration, and sometimes even surprising, shapes, the variety of which is impressive.

You need to know that in addition to dry products, fresh ones are also made. They entered the cuisine of many nations of the world. Noodles, dumplings, dumplings, lasanki, strapachki, gnocchi, dumplings, buckerbze, baursak - you cannot name all types of pasta. Manufactured in a production environment, such products have a moisture content of 28% and a delivery time of 24 hours.

Pasta is made from dough, usually from wheat flour, but flour from buckwheat, beans, etc. can also be used.

Often the buyer looks only at the originality of the forms, forgetting about other important factors. What to look for when buying traditional pasta, i.e. made from wheat flour, dry species (with a moisture content of 12%) - you can read about this a little below in the "how to choose" section.

Nutritional value primarily depends on - the main raw material. The use by manufacturers of a variety of additional raw materials and additives makes it possible to constantly expand the range of pasta and at the same time to further increase their nutritional value, giving them certain additional properties.

Additional raw materials and additives can serve different purposes:

Enrich products with protein (mainly protein fortifiers - egg products, dairy products, casein, wheat flour gluten, etc.), essential amino acids, and vitamin preparations.

Enrich products with minerals (for example, calcium by introducing eggshells or edible chalk).

Add flavor, aroma and color to the product. Vegetable and fruit juices and pastes can be used here. Most often tomato paste or tomato powder, as well as spinach and sorrel, carrots and beets. Cuttlefish ink can be used as a dye, but artificial colors, flavor enhancers and aroma enhancers can also be used.

Improve the quality of products, contributing to better shape retention and less stickiness during cooking. Of course, products made from durum wheat do not need such "enhancers". In fact, using special substances, manufacturers are thus trying to "save" the shape of products from soft wheat, and this indicates the low quality of the product.

On sale you can find various types of pasta with a wide variety of complements, which should be displayed in the name of the product. These are egg, with an increased content of eggs, or tomato, dairy, curd, fortified products, with vegetables, yeast, soy flour, fish concentrate, etc.

Beware of yellow pasta, the packaging of which does not say that they are egg, or that natural is used as an additive. An unscrupulous manufacturer expects that the buyer will "bite" on the external, "egg" look of the product. But in fact, there may be a counterfeit in front of you using a chemical dye. If the water turns yellow during cooking, this indicates poor product quality, the addition of synthetic dye, and even a possible health hazard.

Specialty pasta:

For medical nutrition, those in need of a hypoprotein diet (with renal failure, gluten intolerance) can produce protein-free pasta using corn starch.

For dietary and medical nutrition of patients with stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholelithiasis - use dietary supplements in the form of a paste of apples and pumpkin, which also stimulate the heart.

Dietary supplements from the peel enhance human immunity to radiation. An increase in immunity is also facilitated by products with the addition of wheat germ, bran or whole-grain grain, containing dietary fiber in significant quantities.

How to choose high-quality pasta to be tasty and healthy

The quality is determined primarily by the composition of the product. There should be two ingredients: flour and water. Good quality pasta is made only from durum wheat. The packaging of such products must bear the inscription "Group A" or "Durum wheat". On imported packages - "durum".

Sometimes on the package it is loudly declared "From durum wheat", but at the same time it is indicated "Group B" or "Group C". This means that durum wheat was included in flour only partially, but in what proportion is usually not indicated. In any case, such products cannot fully have the properties of a high-quality product.

The appearance of pasta can be deceiving.

Modern technologies and equipment can work wonders even from raw materials of inappropriate quality. Remember showcases with - beauty for the eyes, but you can not eat everything. Therefore, sorry for repeating ourselves - be sure to look for the composition of the product on the label.

Product coloring

The color of the product should be natural, even, golden or creamy (but not unnaturally white or bright yellow poisonous). Products made from durum wheat have a slightly darker color. The added additives determine the corresponding color (eg spinach is green). You can not be afraid of dark spots in a small amount - these are the remaining particles of grain shells, but still this does not allow the product to become a high-quality product. White blotches indicate poor kneading of the dough and are considered unacceptable for a quality product: during cooking, such products will lose their shape.


The surface of the product should be matte and smooth, but it can have specially pressed grooves (for good retention of sauces).

Fracture and cracking

The fracture of the pasta should be glassy. This is achieved by the manufacturer, provided that the drying technology is followed. Drying too quickly will lead to cracking and poor cooking quality.

Quality pasta should be weighty

The mass should be felt even with a small volume. It is these products that are not afraid of digestion. They will not stick together and will retain their shape. Be sure to test the purchased product at home.


Beware of musty or other unusual odors.

Shape - of your choice

Choose any type (i.e. shape) of pasta that is necessary for a specific dish or appearance that you like - whether it will be spirals or horns, or products of a different shape - this does not affect the quality.

Availability of additional raw materials

If the pasta contains additional raw materials, the group of pasta indicated on the package is supplemented with the name of this additional raw material. For example, "tomato". Eggs are usually added to soft wheat products. The name is added to the label with the word "egg".

After cooking pasta will tell you a lot about its quality

During cooking, no flakes should form, and the products themselves, increasing at least two times, should not stick together, but should "be in the form" corresponding to the name of the product, and even after a quarter of an hour after cooking.

There must be no sediment in the drained cooking water and the water itself must be clean. Turbid water indicates some leaching of nutrients from the product. Smell and taste should also remain clean, free of off-flavors.

Packaging must be transparent

A self-respecting manufacturer will pack the pasta in a package that should be partially transparent (then you can inspect and evaluate the type of product at the point of sale), and will not be afraid to indicate your coordinates on the package. It is worth learning how to navigate the brands and identify your favorite manufacturers. Study everything written on the package.

Flour sediment and moisture

If you see flour sediment or crumbs inside the package - be aware that this is a sign of a poor-quality product. Crumbling may indicate long-term storage.

Another sign of improper storage can be the presence of water droplets (condensation can appear when, for example, a bag is heated in the sun). Be aware that the high humidity of the product makes it a product of inappropriate quality and, moreover, falsifies its true weight.

Choosing a special type of pasta - products for children

Be especially responsible when choosing pasta for children:

Prefer all the same, despite the higher price, products from durum wheat.

Don't buy instant pasta. Manufacturers are still working on absolutely harmless and maximally useful ones.

For allergies, do not buy egg-containing pasta.

Be especially picky about colored pasta. Make sure the dyes you use are natural and healthy.

Think about the shape of the pasta that will be convenient for your baby.

The main storage conditions are cleanliness and dryness. Should not be stored next to products with a strong specific odor. High humidity can bring mold fungus. The drier the conditions, the longer the shelf life, with a guarantee of nutritional retention.

Pasta is not afraid of low temperatures, so it can be stored in unheated rooms. 30 degrees Celsius is recommended as the maximum temperature. Temperature changes during storage should be avoided.

Dry pasta is not subject to staleness even after long-term storage. The shelf life of pasta, subject to all conditions, can be significant - up to 2 years. For products with additives, shorter storage periods are established: with egg, tomato - up to 12 months, dairy - up to 6 months, with wheat germ - up to 3 months.

Incorrect storage can lead to unwanted processes. Due to oxidation, the products can change color and even become grayish (this can especially affect soft wheat products). Due to the aging of protein gluten, microcracks can form, and then, with a change in strength, crumbs, small particles. Rancidity - and it signals a particular health hazard - can most often occur in products with dairy additives. This also needs to be considered when choosing pasta in the store.

Features of storing instant pasta

Special attention should be paid to the storage conditions of instant pasta. Manufacturers like to use palm oil, probably, not only because of its cheapness, but also because of the longer shelf life - up to 12 months. Products using soybean oil - up to 6 months, - up to 3 months.

If the process of frying in oil was involved in the manufacture of instant products, then special attention should be paid to the absence of rancidity after storage - it is dangerous.

There is a technology that allows manufacturers to increase the safety of products: products are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated with infrared rays. Therefore, pasta in such packaging should give you confidence in their quality.

It is necessary to remember that products for instant cooking are a separate type of pasta, the choice of which must be taken even more responsibly.

Depending on the quality and grade of flour, pasta is divided into groups - A, B, C and classes 1 and 2. Group A products - from durum flour; group B - from flour from soft high-glassy wheat; group B - from bakery wheat flour; 1st class - products from premium flour and 2nd class - products from 1st grade flour.

When adding flavors or fortifiers, the group and class of products are supplemented with the name of the additive or fortifier, for example, group A 1st class egg, group A 2nd class tomato.

Pasta of all groups and classes is divided into four types: tubular products - in the form of tubes of various lengths and diameters; filamentary - in the form of filaments of different lengths and sections; ribbon-like - in the form of ribbons of various lengths and widths; curly - pressed and stamped of various shapes and patterns.

Tubular pasta in shape and length, they are divided into three subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers. Pasta is a straight-cut tube 15-20 cm long (short) and at least 20 cm (long); there are single and double bent. Horns are a curved tube with a straight cut 1.5-4.0 cm long along the outer curve. Feathers - a tube with an oblique cut, 3 to 10 cm long from an acute to an obtuse angle. Each subtype, depending on the size of the cross section, is subdivided into types. Up to 4.0 mm - straws, 4.1-5.5 mm - special, 5.6-7.0 mm - ordinary and more than 7 mm - amateur. Pasta and horns are divided into straws, special, ordinary and amateur, and feathers are only special, ordinary and amateur. Pasta with a length of 5 to 13.5 cm is called scrap, and less than 5 cm - crumbs.

Filamentous pasta (vermicelli) depending on the size of the cross section (in mm), they are divided into the following types: cobweb - no more than 0.8; thin - no more than 1.2; ordinary - no more than 1.5; amateur - no more than 3.0. In terms of length, there are short vermicelli (at least 1.5 cm) and long (at least 20 cm), single or double bent. They also produce vermicelli, laid in the form of skeins, nests, bows. Their weight and size are not limited. Vermicelli less than 1.5 cm long is considered a crumb.

Ribbon pasta (noodles) can be long double bent or single, at least 20 cm long and short at least 1.5 cm long. The surface of the noodles can be smooth or grooved; edges - straight, sawtooth and wavy. The width of the noodles can be from 3 to 10 mm, the thickness is no more than 2 mm. They produce noodles in the form of nests, skeins, bows. Noodles less than 1.5 cm long are considered crumbs.

Curly products produce any shape and size. Pressed products - in the form of seashells, spirals, plaits, shell-pupae, lilies, etc .; stamped products - in the form of asterisks, alphabet letters, gears, etc. The maximum thickness of any part of the products at the break should not exceed: 1.5 mm - stamped and 3.0 mm - pressed. Figured products, unusual for this type of shape, are classified as deformed.

In addition to traditional pasta with a moisture content of 12%, raw pasta with a moisture content of 28% and a sale period of 24 hours are supplied to the world market.

The assortment of pasta is being expanded by increasing the nutritional value and creating new types of products for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Protein-free products are obtained from native corn starch and "swelling" with the introduction of fortifiers in the form of B vitamins and glycerophosphate. They are white, after cooking they become transparent, their surface is dull-smooth, powdery at the break. Taste is neutral, there is no smell. Recommended for Diet food for people with renal insufficiency.

Products enriched with calcium in the form of edible chalk or shells;

Products with a high content of dietary fiber with a high content of bran particles or whole-grain grain, with the addition of wheat germ;

Vegetable products Mosaic with various vegetable additives: 15% tomato paste - tomato, 30% spinach and sorrel - spinach, 15% carrot juice - carrot;

Products of targeted therapeutic action, enriched with herbal supplements: grape peel supplements - grape products, are designed to enhance the immune protective functions of a person to radiation, with pumpkin or pumpkin and apple supplements in the form of a paste - amber products, have a beneficial effect on gastritis, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, stimulate the work of the heart.

In the assortment of pasta in other countries, there are products of improved taste. So, a tablet consisting of table salt - 60%, vegetable concentrate - 20, sodium glamate - 10, caramel - 1, garlic - 0.1, pepper - 0.1, flour - 0.1, powdered soy sauce - 5, glucose - 5%; whole grain products; products with fillings (meat and vegetable fillings); products with seasonings of garlic, coffee, in the form of ready-made breakfast cereals, called "pasta chips"; frozen products. They also develop products for long-term storage, which are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with IR rays at 100-160 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Under the influence of infrared rays, sterilization of products occurs, as a result of which their preservation increases.

Other ingredients are added, for example: dyes (tomato paste, spinach, cuttlefish ink and others), eggs.

Often the term “pasta” refers only to dried dough products. However, some boiled dough products are prepared not only from dry, but also from freshly prepared dough (for example: noodles, gnocchi, bischbarmak). There is no precise, unambiguous and generally accepted classification of dough products.

In Italian, pasta is called paste (Italian Pasta), but in Russian this word has a different meaning. The Russian term "pasta" comes from the Greek word "makariya", which means "barley meal", however, this term is used in Russian for all pasta in general.

Classification of pasta

Classification of Italian pasta 3

The raw materials used affect, in accordance with Russian standards, the division of pasta into groups A, B, C (depending on the type of wheat) and the highest, first and second grade (depending on the type of flour):

  • group A: made from durum flour of the highest, first and second grades.
  • group B: made from soft glassy wheat flour of the highest and first grades.
  • group B: made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades.

Durum wheat has a higher gluten content and less starch than soft wheat. Pasta made from them has a lower glycemic index.

In some countries (for example, Italy), pasta is allowed to be made only from durum wheat (similar to group A in Russia).

By way cooking distinguish between fresh, usually egg, and dry products.

By degree readiness Pasta can vary depending on the type and local traditions. In Italy, it is standard to cook to the degree of al dente ("by the tooth", that is, the very middle of the product remains slightly undercooked and firm. In some countries, including Russia, products prepared in this way may seem half-baked).

The largest and perhaps the most common group of pasta is whole (spaghetti) or tubular (pasta) products with a length of at least 15 cm, with a very small, usually 1-2 mm, diameter of the product (or the thickness of its walls, if tubular).

In Italy, the different types of pasta are named according to their shape and size.

The ending in the title indicates product size:

  • oni - large
  • ette or etti - small
  • ini - small.

By form pasta is divided into five groups:

Long pasta

Classification of Italian pasta 4

  • Bavette (Italian: Bavette) - similar to flattened spaghetti - originally from Liguria.
  • Capellini (Italian Capellini; from Italian capello - hair) - the name comes from the north of Central Italy, translated from Italian as "hairs", "thin hair" (1.2 mm - 1.4 mm). It is also sometimes called: "Angel hair" (Capelli d'angelo) or "Venus hair" (Capelvenere).
  • Vermicelli (Italian "Vermicelli; from Italian verme - worm) - long, rounded and thin enough (1.4 mm - 1.8 mm).
  • Spaghetti (Italian Spaghetti; from Italian spaghe - string) - long, rounded and rather thin (1.8 mm - 2.0 mm). Initially, their length was 50 cm. Now, for convenience, it has been reduced to about 25 cm, but you can also find long spaghetti (Manufacturers usually put them in the "special format" section).
  • Spaghettini - thinner than spaghetti.
  • Spaghettoni - thicker than spaghetti.
  • Maccheroncini (Italian Maccheroncini) - are somewhere between spaghetti and bavette.
  • Bucatini (Italian Bucatini).
  • Tagliatelle (ital. Tagliatelle) - thin and flat strips of egg dough about 5 mm wide. They differ from fettuccine, mainly, only in smaller width (the difference is at least 2 mm).
  • Fettuccine (Italian Fettuccine) - thin flat strips of dough about 7 mm wide.
  • Mafaldine (Italian Mafaldine) - a long ribbon with wavy edges. Mafaldines were invented in Naples and were once called "Rich Fettuccelle". The Neapoletans invented them especially for Princess Mafalda of Savoy and later christened them "Reginette" (Reginette - princess, literally translated) or "Mafaldine" in her honor.
  • Linguine (Italian Linguine) - long, thin strips of noodles.
  • Pappardelle (Italian Pappardelle) - flat noodle ribbons 13 mm wide, originally from Tuscany.

Short pasta

Classification of Italian pasta 5

  • Fusilli - fusilli - originally from northern Italy. The name comes from the word "fuso", from the Italian "spindle" with which wool was spun. In shape, Fusilli resemble three blades fastened together and twisted in a spiral.
  • Girandole - girandole - are considered the younger sisters of Fusilli. Girandole got its name for its similarity to a children's toy - a multi-colored turntable. They are shortened and take less time to cook.
  • Penne - penne - Rigate (ribbed), Lisce (smooth), Piccole (small) - all Penne have a characteristic dynamic shape of a hollow tube with oblique cuts, in the manner of a sharpened old feather, in comparison with the usual straight classic pasta.
  • Pipe rigate - pipe rigate... Some believe that this pasta format belongs to the Roman gastronomic culture, while others suggest that it first appeared in the north of Central Italy. They are popularly called snails. They resemble tubules in shape, twisted in a semicircle so that the sauce is kept inside. Due to its shape, Pipe Rigate goes well with a wide variety of sauces, which adhere perfectly to the ribbed surface and inside, so that the taste of all the ingredients is revealed directly in contact with the palate. That is why Pipe Rigate is successfully used in combination with even the lightest sauces. Brilliant protagonists of almost all culinary experiments, Pipe Rigate goes well with simple but aromatic sauces. A particularly delicious result is the combination of Pipe Rigate with vegetable or cheese sauces, which, when inside the curved shape, allow you to slowly enjoy their taste. They also work well with thick, aromatic sauces, such as mushrooms, sausages, and hot red peppers.
  • Tortiglioni - tortilloni - one of the first forms of pasta invented in Naples - short tubes with a characteristic pattern, from which they got their name - "tortiglione" - ascending spiral grooves that remain after processing on a lathe.
  • Maccheroni - mckeroni - small thin tubes, slightly bent.
  • Cellentani - chelentani - spiral tubes.

Pasta for baking

  • Cannelloni - cannelloni - tubes up to 30 mm in diameter and up to 100 mm long, one of the first types of pasta invented by people. For a long time, they were made from dough mixed in water from ground grain with salt, then the dough was rolled out and cut into rectangles, on which the filling was placed, rolled up and then boiled.
  • Lasagne - lasagna - Rectangular baking sheets. Lasagna sheets alternate with filling and baked in the oven for about 20 minutes. Unlike other types of dough, it does not need to be boiled first.

Small pasta for soups

  • Anelli - anelli - miniature soup rings.
  • Stelline - stelline - asterisks.
  • Orecchiete - small ear-shaped products.
  • Filini - thin short threads.
  • "Letters".

Curly pasta

  • Farfalle - farfalle - butterflies.
  • Farfallette or Farfallini - smaller butterflies.
  • Conchiglie - conquille - products in the form of shells; suitable for filling with filling. There are smooth (lische) and grooved (rigate).
  • Conchillette - smaller shells.
  • Conchiglioni - conchiglioni (large seashells).
  • Gemelli - thin spirals or bundles with hollow ends.
  • Caserecce - horns.
  • Campanella - bells with a wavy edge.
  • Gnocchi or cavatelli - corrugated shells.

Classification of Italian pasta 7

Filled dough

  • Ravioli - analogue of Russian dumplings, Ukrainian dumplings, etc.
  • Agnolotti - rectangular and crescent-shaped envelopes with traditional meat filling
  • Capeletti - small stuffed products in the shape of a hat.
  • Tortellini - analogue of dumplings, only with a kind of filling, for example, with cheese, with ham and cheese, even with ricotta and spinach.
  • Cannelloni - large tubes for filling with minced meat.


Pasta is common all over the world and is the basis of many dishes. They are widely used in, among others, Italian, East Asian and vegetarian cuisine.

Nutritional and energy value

In accordance with Russian standards, 100 g of pasta (not cooked) should contain from 10.4 to 12.3 (in soybeans - 14.3) g of protein, from 1.1 to 2.1 (in dairy - 2, 9) g of fat, from 64.5 to 71.5 g of carbohydrates. Energy value - from 327 to 351 kcal.

In Italy, a plate of pasta (85g serving per person) should contain approximately:

Pasta dishes

  • Lasagne with bacon, spinach and mushrooms
  • Spaghetti with asparagus and ham
  • Cannelloni in Tuscan
  • Mediterranean pasta with basil
  • Meat lasagna with eggplant
  • Tagliatelle with smoked salmon
  • Spaghetti with bolognese sauce
  • Pasta with garlic-flavored cheese and zucchini sauce
  • Baked pasta with mozzarella
  • Penne pasta salad with sun-dried tomatoes
  • Pasta - tagliatelle with mushrooms
  • Pasta with broccoli and asparagus
  • Pasta with summer vegetables and herbs
  • Salad with noodles, shrimps and ginger
  • Pasta with lemon, basil and ricotta
  • Spaghetti with olive and caper sauce
  • Spaghetti with shrimps
  • Pasta with broccoli in a creamy cheese sauce
  • Fusilli with herbs and tomatoes
  • Ramen

Sources of information

  • Pasta - an article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Pasta in art

  • the song "Macaroni Forever" (2004) by the rock band "Forbidden Drummers"
  • the song "I Love Macaroni" by the soloist of the group "Time Machine", Andrey Makarevich

Notes (edit)

Pasta, or pasta, as they are now called after the Italians all over the world, has long and everywhere become one of the most popular products.

There are dozens of types of pasta, many of which only work with a specific sauce or dish.

Often in recipes there are unfamiliar names of pasta and I want to know how they really look and what they are eaten with.

That is why we have selected and described the 30 most popular types of pasta.

If you come across an unfamiliar type of noodles or hollow pasta, take a look at our plate, any pasta from the same category can replace it.


Name The form In what form is used How to serve

Capellini (cappellini)

Long, rounded and very slender. They are sometimes also called "Angel Hair".Only consumed hotWith light sauces, broths, or simply mixed with olive oil and boiled vegetables

Vermicelli (vermicelli)

Long, rounded, thinner than spaghetti. In Italian, their name means "little worms".Eaten hot, sometimes coldWith light sauces or smashed and mixed with vegetable salads


Long, flat and narrow, slightly longer than spaghetti. Their name is translated from Italian as "little tongues"Hot, sometimes coldLarge enough to be served with thick sauces such as marinara sauce

Spaghetti (spaghetti)

The most popular pasta in the world: long, roundish, medium thickness. Their name translates as "small ropes".Only hotWith tomato sauces or casseroles


Long, flat ribbons and wider than linguine, but can replace linguine in all recipes.Only hotWith thick sauces, especially good with creamy

Lasagna (lasagna)

Long and very wide, can be straight or curly. The casserole is also called, with their use.Only hotThey are laid in a mold, in layers, smearing each layer with a thick tomato or creamy sauce, and baked


Rotini (spirals)

Very short spirals, look like spaghetti springsHot or coldWith very thick sauces with chunks or in pasta salads

Fusille (fusilli)

Longer than rotini, also curled. Their name means "little wheels" in Italian. There are different types: short and thick, short and thin, long and thinHot or coldMany Uses - Served with almost all sauces, soups or pasta salad

Pappardelle (egg noodles)

Wide long noodles. One of the few traditional types of Tuscany. They can be bought fresh (then they are cooked for just a couple of minutes) or dry.HotIn baked dishes, with thick sauces

Tagliatelle (tagliatelle - egg noodles)

The same width as fettuccine or linguine, but not as flat. Classic pasta Emilia-Romagna.HotIn casseroles, soups, stroganoffs


Ditalini (ditalini)

Small, very short tubes, in Italian their name means "thimble".Hot or coldIn soups or pasta salads

Elbow macaroni (horns)

The curved hollow horns traditionally used to make macaroni cheeseHot or coldIn baked dishes or in pasta salads

Perciatelli (pechutelle - long macaroni)

Long, thin and straight tubes, thicker than spaghettiHotUse them instead of spaghetti with stews, other meat sauces, and eggplant baked

Ziti (jichi)

Arcuate tubes, but wider and longer than elbow macaroni. There is also a short variety called cut ziti.Hot or coldBaked in pasta salads and thick sauces

Penne (penne)

Straight, medium-length tubes, often with lateral grooves. They are also sometimes called mostaccioli. Their diagonal cut resembles a fountain pen, which is why they got their name.HotIn baked soups with any sauces

Rigatoni (rigatoni)

Long, short tubes, wider than a penne, but also groovedHotWith various sauces: thick creamy sauces linger well in the grooves on the sides


Large, long tubes, like manicotti, but larger; translated from Italian - "large reed".HotThey are stuffed, usually with meat fillings and baked with sauce

Manicotti (manicotti)

Longer and wider than penne, can be grooved. Manicotti is also called the dish itself when these pasta are used, as is the case with lasagna.HotServed with stuffed meat or cheese fillings


Alphabets (alphabet)

In the form of small letters of the alphabet, one of the most beloved children's pastaHotIn soups


Small ringsHotIn soups

Farfalle (bows)

Square pieces of pasta gathered in the center to make a bow; their name is translated from Italian as "butterflies"HotIn soups with cereals, for example, with buckwheat, and in other dishes

Conchiglie (seashells)

Shells with a long and narrow cavity. In Italian, their name means "clam shell". Comes in different sizes.Hot or coldIn soups, baked and in pasta salads
They look like conchiglie but are noticeably larger. They are served differently, very effectively.HotThey are stuffed (try, for example, a mixture of ricotta, pine nuts and spinach)
Both in size and in shape they resemble rice, from Italian it is translated as "pearl barley".HotAs a side dish, in soups and vegetable salads
With grooves and grooves like a radiatorHot or coldWith thick creamy sauces, soups and salads, including fruit
In the form of wheels from a carriageHotIn soups, goulash, salads and thick sauces

Pasta colorata (colored pasta)

Many of the pasta listed above come in other vibrant colors. They are made with the addition of food colors. Popular supplements include eggs (egg pasta or pasta all "uovo), spinach (green pasta or pasta verde), tomatoes, beets (purple pasta or pasta viola), carrots (red pasta or pasta rossa), winter squash (orange pasta or pasta arancione), squid ink (black pasta or pasta nera), truffles (truffle pasta or pasta al tartufo), and chili.Hot or coldDepends on the form


Agnolotti (Angelotti)

Small, in the shape of a crescent, they, like dumplings, are stuffed with various fillings (meat, cottage cheese (ricotta), spinach, cheese)HotWith various sauces

Gnocchi (gnocchi)

Translated from Italian as "small dumplings", usually made from dough with cheese, semolina, potatoes or spinachHotAs a side dish and as a main dish, they are usually served with tomato sauces, but any other will do.


Small stuffed dumplings made from pasta dough, the corners of which are connected to form a ring or a bud. You can buy them in different colors, depending on the filling. The filling can be beets, tomatoes, spinach or squid, which add color and flavor.HotBoiled with a variety of thick sauces, or simply serve sprinkled with olive oil, garlic, pepper, and parmesan

Ravioli (ravioli)

Square pasta dough ravioli are very similar to Russian dumplings with various fillings (either very finely ground or cut into small pieces). Their name translates as "little turnip"HotBaked; simply boiled or in soup; they are served with various sauces

And water mixing, various molding and drying methods.

Classification and assortment

All pasta is subdivided into groups A, B, C; grades (highest, first, second). The designations of pasta made with the use of additional raw materials are supplemented with the appropriate name, for example, egg noodles of the highest grade.

The type of products is determined by the type of flour... The standard provides for the production of premium pasta (from premium flour - grains), first grade (from first grade flour - semi-fragile), second grade (from second-grade flour - semi-fragile).

The range of pasta products is very diverse. Along with conventional products, the following varieties of pasta are produced:

  • higher egg; higher egg with increased egg content;
  • tomato of the first and highest grades;
  • dairy products of the first and highest grades with the addition of cow's milk, whole skimmed cow's milk powder;
  • cottage cheese of the first and highest grades;
  • fortified first and highest grades;
  • fast-cooking;
  • pasta with vegetables;
  • products with dry yeast or yeast extract;
  • products with soy flour;
  • products with fish protein concentrate.

Specialty pasta are made, for example, for baby and diet food:

  • small (in the form of grains) products of increased biological value for baby food made of premium flour with the introduction of caseiite, iron glycerophosphate, vitamins B 1, B 2 and PP;
  • protein-free products (in the form of vermicelli) for medical nutrition and for children in need of a hypoprotein and gluten-free diet; produced from a mixture of corn starch with the addition of vitamins;
  • products for second courses. Formed noodles are passed through a bath with oil or sprayed with oil, then dried at 70-130 ° C. In such noodles, the fat does not oxidize for 6 months. It has a high nutritional value and does not stick together when finished;
  • products for long-term storage. Fresh products are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with infrared rays at 100-160 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Thus, the products are sterilized, and their preservation is increased.

In addition to varietal differences, the commodity classification divides pasta into types and types into subtypes.

The entire range of pasta products is subdivided by regulatory documents into four types: tubular, thread-like, ribbon, and figured.

Each type of pasta is subdivided into subtypes.

TO tubular products include three subtypes - pasta, horns, feathers.

Pasta is subdivided into the following types: ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter), ordinary corrugated (5.6-7 mm in diameter), special (4.0-5.5 mm in diameter), special corrugated (4.0-5 , 5 mm), amateur (more than 7 mm in diameter), amateur corrugated (more than 7 mm in diameter), straw (up to 4 mm in diameter).

The length of the short pasta is 15-30 cm, the long one is more than 30 cm.

Horns are short-cut tubular products, slightly curved, the length along the outer curve is from 1.5 to 5 cm.The horns are of the following types: ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter), special (4.1-5.56 mm in diameter) , straws (up to 4.1 mm in diameter), for minced meat (20 ± 3 mm in diameter).

Feathers are short-cut tubular products with an oblique cut and a length from an acute angle to a blunt cut from 3 to 10 cm.They are produced in the following types: amateur (more than 7 mm in diameter), ordinary (5.6-7 mm in diameter) and special (4 , 1-5.56 mm).

TO thread-like products include spider web vermicelli (with a section of no more than 0.8 mm), ordinary (with a section of no more than 0.9-1.5 mm) and amateur (with a section of 1.6 to 3.5 mm).

Ribbon products primarily include noodles that are produced smooth, crimped, sawtooth, wavy, and the like. The sizes of the noodles are arbitrary, however, the width of the tape should be at least 3 mm, the thickness should not be more than 2 mm. The noodles are produced narrow (up to 7.0 mm inclusive) and wide (from 7.1 to 25.0 mm).

Curly products are subdivided into the following types: alphabet and figures 8x2x10 mm in size; ears and bows; shells of various sizes (up to 30 mm in diameter and no more than 1.2 mm wall thickness); sprockets, gears, rings (10 mm in diameter and 1.55 mm thick); cereals and grain of rice type (no more than 3 mm in diameter and no more than 10 mm in length); squares, triangles and other figured plates (thickness not more than 1.2 mm, side of a square, triangle not more than 12 mm); Bolognese stamp products (plate sizes from 10x10 to 50x50 mm, thickness from 0.7 to 1.5 mm).

In the given classification list, their form is adopted as a feature for the division of pasta. Often they use other features, for example, technological, size, cross-sectional nature, etc.

Depending on the way of forming distinguish between pressed and stamped products. Shaped products are stamped, the rest are obtained by pressing.

Depending on the length pasta is subdivided into long (from 20 to 40-50 cm), short and short cut (from 1.5 to 20 cm), soup fillings (in the form of thin flat and curly slices with a thickness of 1-3 mm).

Depending on the way of laying out before drying pasta is divided into straight (all hanging drying products), loose (all short-cut products and soup filling, which are dried in bulk), skeins and bows (noodles and noodles of a special layout).

The assortment of pasta is constantly growing.

Pasta is characterized by high nutritional value and good digestibility. They contain at least 11-12% protein substances, 70-72% carbohydrates (mainly starch), 13% moisture and 0.5-0.7% fat, the content of minerals and fiber not assimilated by the body is negligible.

The nutritional value

The main consumer advantages of pasta are:

  • high nutritional value, since wheat flour of the best quality with a high content of protein substances and a minimum amount of minerals is used for their production;
  • high digestibility of proteins (86%), fats (90%) and carbohydrates (98%);
  • culinary advantages - speed and simplicity of cooking (the duration of cooking small products is about 5 minutes, thick-walled ones - 15-20 minutes).

Nutritional value and consumer value depend on the variety and composition and used fortifiers.

Factors shaping quality

The main raw material for the production of pasta, special pasta flour, bakery flour of the highest and first grade with a content of at least 28% gluten and water are used.

TO additional raw materials include: enrichment additives - eggs, egg products, whole milk and milk powder, etc.; flavoring and aromatic additives - vegetable and fruit juices; vitamin preparations - B 1, B 2, PP; improvers - surfactants used to impart specific organoleptic and physicochemical properties to pasta.

Manufacturing process pasta is currently carried out on an automatic production line and consists of the operations of preparing raw materials, kneading, processing the dough (pressing and rolling), molding (figured products are pressed, stamped, noodles are made by hand), drying, holding (stabilization), sorting and packaging.

Pasta quality largely depends on proper drying. Slow drying leads to sourness and mold, fast drying leads to cracking, uneven color without vitreous fracture and with unsatisfactory cooking properties. Short-cut products are dried for 20-90 minutes at a temperature of 50-70 ° C, long-cut products - 16-40 minutes at a temperature of 30-50 ° C.

Quality control pasta is produced according to organoleptic and physicochemical indicators in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Organoleptic indicators - color, surface condition, shape, taste and smell, condition after cooking and appearance in a fracture.

The color of the pasta should be uniform with a creamy or yellowish tint. A whitish or grayish color indicates defective raw materials, a violation of the pressing or drying process.

The fracture of the pressed products must be glassy. A white flour break indicates a lack of raw material or dough processing.

The surface should be smooth, glossy or slightly dull. The roughness of the products is undesirable, although it disappears during cooking.

The taste and smell of dry and cooked products should be without peculiarities: there should be no bitterness and increased acidity, musty and moldy odor or any other extraneous tastes and odors.

Condition after cooking is the most important indicator of pasta. Pasta cooked for 10-20 minutes should increase in volume at least 2 times, keep its shape well, be soft, elastic, not stick together, not form lumps. Another important property associated with cooking is the storage of dry matter.

The form must be correct, corresponding to the name of the products.

Physical and chemical quality indicators - humidity, acidity, strength and scrap content (for pasta), crumb content, metal impurities, no barn pests. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion is made about.