How to keep a radish for the winter so that it does not lose its taste. Simple recipes on how to properly freeze radishes for the winter fresh and whether it can be done

31.07.2019 Meat Dishes

The question often arises whether it is possible to freeze radishes fresh for the winter in order to preserve all the vitamins and pungent taste. This vegetable is difficult to store, it loses its beneficial properties and withers quickly enough in the refrigerator, becomes tough. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately dig them up, wash and eat them in the first couple of hours. But if the harvest is large, then it is worth trying to make preparations in the form of frozen vegetables. This is easy to do, observing all the requirements for careful processing before freezing.

Radish is a spicy vegetable with some pungency. They like to add it to salads and vegetable cuts. It is appreciated for the early ripening of fruits and high benefits for the human body. It bears fruit in early spring. It is packed with vitamins and minerals. Moreover, these vitamins are absorbed only in fresh vegetables; radishes cannot be subjected to thermal cooking.

Radish is especially rich in B vitamins. They benefit the heart, nervous system, stomach and increase efficiency. Further, in terms of quantity, it is superior to vitamin C and E. These substances strengthen the immune system, give the skin a radiance, give the body energy and strength. These vitamins are especially important during cold weather, when a weakened state can lead to colds and viruses. Also among the vitamins there is a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Radish is good for both adults and children.

Radish has a beneficial effect on the intestines, improves metabolism, and allows you to cleanse yourself of toxins. Therefore, it must be constantly eaten by those who eat right, are on diets. It is useful for diabetics. It doesn't have as much sugar as other vegetables. And the fat content is 0.1%.

Everyone wants not only to eat a healthy vegetable in the summer, but also to save it for the winter, so as never to get sick with viral diseases, and to eat only healthy food. But in canned food, half of the nutrients are killed, and marinades are not very useful for the stomach. And then, you should freeze the radishes for the winter. There are several ways to do this.

Features of radish storage

In the refrigerator, radishes are kept dry and wet.

  1. Only young radishes should be stored dry. To do this, you need to collect it from the garden, clean it carefully from the soil. Cut off the greens and leave the roots. Dry on a special material. Then pack in bags for storing vegetables. Cover with napkins. This is the only way vitamins are fully preserved for two weeks. Napkins are changed every day, as condensation accumulates on them.

There are varieties that can be stored in the sand all winter. They put a newspaper in a refrigerator box, pour dry sand, cut and clean radishes, bury them in this sand. It must be absolutely clean and crumbly. So you can eat salads from fresh healthy radishes in winter.

  1. Wet storage means preserving the beneficial qualities of a vegetable in a jar with a little water. The jar is tightly closed with a plastic lid. But this method does not provide long-term preservation of vitamins. Radish can rot.
  2. The third way is to freeze the product. Thanks to the development of new technology, improved freezers appear with the function of preserving nutrients in vegetables. Usually vegetables are washed, dried and put in special bags before freezing. So you can store frozen vegetables until spring.

To keep the radishes fresh, you need to know all the nuances of freezing this product. After all, the presence of freezers does not always mean the high-quality preservation of vitamins. You need to know how to properly store the vitamins of vegetables in the freezer.

Freezing rules in the freezer

Not everyone has an idea how to freeze a radish for the winter in order to preserve nutrients and vitamins in it. There are several requirements for doing this correctly and without errors. They need to be studied.

  1. Vegetables must be sorted out, washed thoroughly with cold water. Cut off roots, greens, stains, rot. Cut into wedges and dry slightly.
  2. The standard freezer temperature is not very suitable for root vegetables. The juice flowing from them will gradually turn into ice and tear the pulp. Whole useful pieces will not work
  3. To avoid mistakes, the radishes should be frozen at minus 30-40 degrees. Freeze quickly to set.
  4. Freezing at low temperatures is no more than 15 minutes. Next, take out the vegetables, and quickly transfer them to clean bags, then put them in the freezer at a standard temperature. There it will already be stored all winter.
  5. Unfortunately, not everyone has such powerful freezing units. They are professional. And without the right temperature, radishes will simply become sluggish, not crunchy, and not healthy.
  6. It is better to store radishes in the chamber for no more than three months, otherwise it will lose its properties, pungency and strength.
  7. Radish can be stored not only cut into slices, but also into strips or grated.

It is possible to freeze radishes for the winter, but this will require very low temperatures.

It is best to eat it immediately after plucking it from the garden, so it will be much tastier and healthier.

Many people are worried about whether it is possible to freeze radishes for the winter in order to preserve all the vitamins in it. Sure. It is only important to study all the necessary requirements for this creative process, as well as purchase a professional freezer for food. And then it will be possible to preserve some of the vitamins of this vegetable, which the body needs for winter. Successful blanks!

The day before Christmas, the Mexican state of Oaxaca celebrates Noche de Rábanos, which translates as the Night of the Radish. A lot of participants from all over the area gather in the square and present to the audience scenes from the history of the country, Mexican legends, Christmas stories and sketches from rural life, made from huge fresh root vegetables.

The history of an unusual celebration, designed, as they say, to popularize the garden culture among the local population, goes back two centuries. It is quite possible that it was so, but the radish brought to the American continent in the 16th century grows to gigantic proportions on the fertile Mexican soil. Therefore, one cannot exclude the version that, collecting bountiful harvests of this early vegetable, the peasants of Mexico simply did not know how to store radishes, so they came up with the idea of ​​making sculptures from root crops and demonstrating their creativity to neighbors.

Radish grows on Russian beds of a much more modest size than in Mexico, but domestic gardeners are also familiar with the problem of saving the harvested crop, which is complicated by the fact that, for all its usefulness and yield, the vegetable does not tolerate heat treatment, and it is not always possible to keep it fresh.

How to keep radishes fresh for the winter and not lose the grown crop?

The radish harvested from the garden at room temperature loses its juiciness after a few hours.

First, the foliage withers, and then the roots. In a cellar or refrigerator, a similar thing happens - moisture leaves the roots, but somewhat slower. It is interesting that early roots, which are juicier and smaller, are stored almost two times less than radishes of late varieties.

For harvesting for future use, it is better to take large, dense root crops that wither more slowly.

To make the radish intended for long-term storage as juicy as possible, the beds are watered abundantly in the evening, and in the early morning, before the sun has had time to warm the air and soil, they are removed, immediately cutting off the tops and leaving petioles 3-4 cm long. which is kept fresh for the winter is not removed.

How to store radishes in the refrigerator?

If the root vegetables are to be stored in a household refrigerator, they are washed, dried thoroughly and laid out in bags or containers. Do not close the containers tightly, as the resulting condensation can cause the development of mold. To absorb moisture, napkins can be laid inside the bag, which will have to be changed regularly.

How to store radishes if, losing moisture, it loses its main advantage - juiciness? The water itself can help slow down the loss of moisture in radishes. To do this, the washed root crops without tails and tops are placed in clean glass jars and poured with boiled water, so that the radish is completely covered with a layer of liquid. Then the container is closed and placed in the refrigerator. You can add salt or a little vinegar to the water as a preservative. From time to time, it is better to inspect the radish, rinse it, and change the water.

The maximum shelf life of early varieties is 1.5–2 weeks, and of mid-ripening and late varieties - from 1 to 1.5 months.

How to keep fresh radishes in the basement for the winter?

But in basements and cellars, where a temperature of 2-3 ° C and an air humidity of 85-90% are maintained, the autumn radish survives the winter, remaining almost fresh and juicy, like in a garden bed. You can store radishes, like other root crops, only if there is good ventilation and there are no rodents and fungus in the store.

Before storing fresh radishes, root crops extracted from the ground:

  • dry a little, after cutting off the tops and roots;
  • carefully free from excess soil;
  • examine and select strong vegetables without damage and signs of disease;
  • placed in disinfected dry clean boxes, sprinkling with barely wet sand in layers.

Subject to the storage rules, periodic inspections of root crops and a sample of dried or rotten radishes, it is stored until January or even until mid-February.

Not only the appearance of the radish remains practically unchanged, but also its vitamin and mineral composition.

Is it possible to freeze radishes for the winter?

This cannot be said when some gardeners are trying to freeze radishes for the winter. The moisture contained in root crops, when exposed to temperatures from –18 to –24 ° С, turns into ice crystals that rupture tissue cells. As a result, the radish thawed for consumption loses its elasticity, moisture drains away, and a shapeless lump, devoid of taste and other properties, remains in the plate.

The only way to freeze a radish for the winter and not lose its benefits is to freeze it at low temperatures in an industrial environment.

Peeled and chopped root vegetables are blown with air at a temperature of about –40 ° C for 8–10 minutes. At the same time, the moisture does not have time to harm the tissues of the root crop, and part of it simply evaporates from the surface. Unfortunately, such a freezing of radishes for the winter at home is impossible. But there are other ways how to feast on juicy roots with a sweetish-spicy taste in the cold season.

Marinade as a way to keep radishes fresh for the winter

In eastern countries, pickled radish is a traditional and highly respected snack. Radishes are canned both in Mexico and in many European countries. The simplest marinade consists of 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vinegar, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Washed roots:

  • cut into slices, circles or incised on one side to make it look like a bud;
  • put in jars;
  • pour marinade;
  • sterilized and covered with lids.

The composition of the marinade may vary. If you replace some of the salt with soy vinegar, add ginger and spices, you can get a Japanese-style snack. With pepper and tomatoes, the marinade will make the dish South American, while rosemary, black pepper and pearl onion wedges will turn it into an exquisite French aperitif.

If you can't keep the radishes fresh for the winter, then you can store such homemade canned food in the refrigerator or basement for much longer than 2 to 3 months. And since the pieces of radish are small, you can try the harvest in a day.

How to store radishes: chips and a Japanese treat

In Japan, the radish-related culture, daikon, is shredded and dried to produce long, white-yellow stripes of a sweet-pungent flavor called kiriboshi. If a harvest of large white root crops is ripening in the beds, then the question of how to preserve radishes for the winter disappears.

Thoroughly washed radishes:

  • cut into long strips, about 0.5 cm thick;
  • blanch in boiling salted water for no longer than a minute;
  • laid out on a wire rack and dried;
  • placed in an oven and dried at 55-60 ° C.

Similarly, chips are made from brightly colored radish, which can be slightly salted or sprinkled with spices before drying, when the root vegetable slices are still wet. Store dried radishes in sealed glass jars or double paper bags. As a result, you will get an original snack, the question of how to store radishes will cease to be a problem, and the grown crop will not be lost.

Pickled radish - video

We love this red-pinkish root vegetable for its juicy, tangy taste, crunchy pulp, a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Radish often serves as a reminder of the beginning summer and warm days. But not everyone knows that you can eat your favorite root crop even in the cold season. I will introduce you all the features of radish storage.

The nuances of storing root crops

The shelf life of radishes directly depends on the variety. Early early ripening varieties do not differ in keeping quality and "live" no more than a week, but autumn varieties, with properly created storage conditions, can lie until early spring.

Since radish is an unpretentious vegetable, you can store it in several ways. At room temperature- the vegetable does not fade for several days, so if you plan to consume it in the near future, then there is hardly any need to worry about freshness.

  • In fridge- the radish lasts longer: from a week to 4, depending on the storage method.
  • Cellar- an ideal place for the winter "laying" of vegetables. Properly organized storage and correctly selected variety will allow you to feast on root crops for several months.

In fridge

There are two ways to store radishes in the refrigerator:

  • dry storage;
  • "Wet" storage.

At the same time, you should not freeze the vegetable, but it is better to give preference to a special box for vegetables: there is optimal humidity and temperature regime.

Can radishes be frozen for the winter? Since the root crop is known for its ability to absorb and release moisture, after freezing, the radish will not only lose its shape and elasticity, but will lose all water and will look like a root floating in a melted liquid.

The instructions below provide a detailed description of how to keep radishes fresh in the refrigerator:

Image Description

Method 1: in a package
  • The harvested crop or freshly purchased fruits are processed from the tops (it is important not to cut it at the root, but to leave a 2-3 cm "tail");
  • the roots are not cut off;
  • turnips are placed in a plastic bag (it can be slightly wet) and left for storage;
  • the bag is not tied - for better ventilation, you can tie the bag and make several holes in it.
Method 2: in a jar of water

This option allows the radish to lie fresh for up to one or two months, but at the same time it is rapidly losing its usefulness:

  • cooled boiled water is poured into a jar;
  • the radish is lightly stripped with a cloth, but not washed;
  • cut off the tops and place in a jar of water;
  • the bank is tightly closed and put away for storage;
  • boiled water is changed every 4–5 days.

Method 3: with tops
  • the freshly harvested crop is collected in a bunch and cleared of soil (it is important not to wash the turnips, but only to shake off the excess soil);
  • the bundle can be placed in a damp bag or container with water;
  • the tops should be periodically moistened, so the radish will stand for about a week.

Method 4: dried radish

You can prepare a dish not only from fresh, but also from dried vegetables:

  • the chopped vegetable is boiled for several minutes in boiling salted water;
  • the resulting workpiece is dried in the oven;
  • dried radishes are packed in bags or cloth bags and stored in the vegetable department for up to several months.

Damaged roots (with cracks, bites, signs of rot, etc.) are stored much less, so they should be removed from the bulk before laying.

In the cellar

There is only one method of storing radishes in the cellar: in special boxes using sand or sawdust. The box is suitable for both plastic and wooden (you can make it yourself).

Procurement process:

  • the harvested crop is processed from tops (do not forget to leave small "tails", as in the photo below);
  • you should not wash the radish, you can only shake it off or wipe it slightly;
  • slightly wet sand or sawdust is poured onto the bottom of the box;
  • a layer of root crops is laid out;
  • a layer of sawdust or sand (distributed in such a way that the turnips are completely covered);
  • again a layer of radish, etc .;
  • the last layer should be sandy (from sawdust).

During storage, the moisture of the sand should be periodically maintained, rotting vegetables should be removed, then the turnips will lie for as long as possible.


You can enjoy crispy radishes or dishes with it in winter, autumn and even early spring. To do this, you just need to fulfill the storage conditions and choose the right variety. The price of trying with seasonal harvesting: winter treats and surprise your guests with a fresh vegetable on the table, and this is worth a lot.

The video in this article demonstrates the features of storing radishes to maintain freshness for as long as possible. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Radish is probably the very first vegetable that appears in the garden. It contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins, and it will help out when there are no cucumbers or tomatoes. Especially if you plant an early salad radish, which can be sown in January, of course, under a secure shelter.

But if there is no opportunity to feast on young radishes in early spring, then these root crops can be harvested in the fall. If everything is done correctly, then the radish can last until the very winter or even overwinter successfully.

How to prepare radishes for storage

During growth, radishes are well watered so that they are saturated with moisture and become juicy. Indeed, from poor watering, radishes become tough and tasteless.

Radishes are harvested in the morning, while the roots are not yet warmed up by the sun. The harvest harvested during the day is stored much worse, since radishes, lying in the sun, can become sluggish. Radish that begins to fade will feel soft to the touch and squeeze under the fingers.

Only ripe radishes without signs of rot, with whole skin, are suitable for storage. By the way, cracked radish indicates that the fruit is overripe, and then it will be empty inside, which means it will not taste good.

The best time for sowing radishes, which will have a long wintering, is from August 1 to 5 (this is for the middle lane). When radishes are grown late in sowing, they mature in about 6-8 weeks. Radishes are ready for harvest when they reach 2 cm in diameter. At this time, the roots are strong and crunchy.

How to store radishes in storage (basement, cellar)

Radish varieties are well kept: Dungansky, Virovsky white, Chinese, Red giant.

Radish is sensitive to mechanical damage, therefore, when harvesting, as well as during laying it for storage, you need to handle it with care.

Also, even slightly frozen root vegetables cannot be sent for storage.

Dig up radishes in dry weather, then it will be less polluted by the earth.

The tops of the dug up radish are immediately cut off, leaving 2 cm tails. If this is not done, the leaves begin to quickly evaporate the water, and the radish withers.

You cannot actively clean the radish from the ground, otherwise you can damage its delicate skin, and such a radish will not be stored for a long time.

Under no circumstances should the radishes be washed before placing them for a long storage period. Otherwise, rot and other diseases will appear.

The best temperature for storing radishes is from 0 ° to + 1 ° with an air humidity of 90-95%. To maintain high humidity in the storage, it is recommended to pour water on the floor.

Radish is stored in tight boxes up to 20 kg, covered with wet sand or peat. The sand should not be wet, but should retain its shape when squeezed in the hand.

A layer of dry chalk or ash is poured over the sand. Thanks to the alkaline environment, radishes are less susceptible to disease.

You can also lay out the radishes in rows on the shelves and sprinkle with wet sand.

So that the radish does not start to deteriorate during storage, the sand is mixed with chalk or lime (1 kg of lime 50 kg of sand), but the lime must be slaked, otherwise the roots will get severe burns.

You can use wet sawdust instead of sand, which helps to keep radishes healthy, since the essential oils contained in sawdust have disinfecting properties.

The clay method is the least commonly used. To do this, a clay chatterbox is diluted in a metal container to a creamy state. Roots are placed in this chatterbox, then they are laid out in boxes with slots that replace the sieves. The excess mixture is poured through the cracks, and a thin layer of clay remains on the root crops, which, when dry, forms a strong shell that prevents the radish from wilting and spoilage.

If for some reason these storage methods are unacceptable, radishes can be stored in tight plastic bags up to 50 kg.

The bags are not tied, but placed vertically on the racks. The carbon dioxide in the bags helps preserve the radish.