E 965 food additive harm. Maltit

02.07.2020 Seafood dishes

Maltitol is produced in several forms: it is found both in the form of a syrup and in the form of a powder. Maltitol HFG® (maltitol) is a natural, highly refined sugar alcohol (polyol). Maltite occurs naturally in a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Maltitol or maltitol is a sweetener under the code number e965, we will find out what its benefits and harms are in diabetes, as well as its calorie content and glycemic index. The indisputable advantage of maltitol is the ability to use it in cooking, since this sweetener does not lose its properties when heated and is recognized as heat-resistant.

It is especially valuable for the manufacture of dragees and lollipops for dietetic food with the addition of maltitol. In syrup, the GI ranges from 50 to 56 units. Various dragees and lozenges, for example, strepsils without sugar, also contain maltitol or another sweetener. Maltitol has a pleasant sweet taste, similar to sugar, and is approximately 90% of its sweetness in intensity.

Thanks to maltit, they now have the opportunity to eat almost any sweets, including chocolate. In addition, maltitol, unlike sugar, does not contribute to the development of caries.

Maltitol in drugs "WITHOUT sugar"

Maltitol or food additive E965, from the point of view of chemistry, belongs to the group of polyhydric alcohols and has another name - maltitol. Then the resulting mixture is saturated with hydrogen and maltitol syrup is obtained, from which the final product, maltitol, is isolated. Maltitol does not exhibit the strong cooling effect of other sweeteners when dissolved in water (“chill on the tongue”).

Maltitol, due to its similarity to sucrose, can be used in syrups, as a plasticizer in gelatin capsules, and as an emollient and moisturizer. Maltitol is a low-calorie supplement that has virtually no effect on blood sugar levels, and therefore is used by diabetics. These characteristics, in turn, determine that the technological characteristics of baking and the "stickiness" of the biscuit of malt products are similar to traditional flour products based on sugar.

See what "maltitol" is in other dictionaries:

Maltitol has a pleasant sweet taste almost equal in intensity (90%) to regular sugar. Maltite is not prone to clumping during storage. Due to its high sweetness, maltitol is usually used without the addition of other sweeteners in the production of sugar-free sweets - candies, gum, chocolate, baked goods and ice cream. Application: In the food industry, maltitol is used as a sweetener in desserts and similar products.

In order to always keep blood sugar under control and sweet desserts not to spoil our health and shape, nutritionists and chemists have come up with a lot of sugar substitutes for us. Its production was started in the 60s by a Japanese company. In addition, he, like sugar, is capable of caramelizing. But in order to know for sure whether it's worth trying to use this sweetener in your daily diet, let's find out how bad maltitol is.

Maltitol: glycemic and insulin index

The glycemic index (GI) of maltitol is also quite high and depends on the form of release. In any case, it is less than sugar, but higher than fructose. Insulin is also produced, the insulin index is 25. Therefore, you need to think many times before eating foods with maltitol.

It could also be sorbitol or xylitol or some synthetic sweetener. For example, in the USA, some European countries and Australia, there is a warning about the laxative properties of maltitol. I would like to draw your attention to the active use of maltitol syrup in the pharmaceutical industry. All medicines, be they liquid, tablets or dragees, the packaging of which says "WITHOUT sugar" actually contain sodium saccharinate and / or maltitol syrup and / or isomalt.

We must always take care of our health - remember this and be healthy! Like other polyols, it does not brown or caramelize like sugar. Currently, it is produced by powerful companies Cerestar, Roquette, SPIPolyolsInc. Maltitol is slowly absorbed in the intestine, therefore, the rise in glucose and insulin in the blood is more reduced compared to the intake of sucrose.

Maltitol is a safe product for health and is approved for use without restriction by all US and European regulatory authorities. Maltitol (food additive E965) is a sugar substitute made from potato or corn starch. It provides products with a sweet taste, while having a lower calorie content than glucose and fructose.

Due to slow absorption, excessive consumption of foods with the E965 dietary supplement can have a laxative effect and lead to bloating. Since maltitol is very similar to sugar, food manufacturers have been using it in large quantities lately. In this regard, maltitol can enter the body of consumers in large doses and lead to stomach problems.

Maltitol (food additive E965) - use in food

Food additive E965 is used to make dragees, because it has a low calorie content, but high sweetness, it also provides a hard coating similar to sucrose. Maltitol is very similar in properties to sucrose. The sweetness of maltitol is about 80% of the sweetness of regular sugar.

On contact with the tongue, this sweetener cools very slightly, in which it is also similar to sucrose. The main role that maltitol plays in the food industry is a sugar substitute.

In the pharmaceutical industry, this substance is used in fillers as a low-calorie sweetener. Maltitol is absorbed by the body more slowly than sucrose and, therefore, is more suitable for people with diabetes. This sweetener does not promote the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, and therefore does not provoke the development of tooth decay.

Maltitol is suitable for products where the cooling effect of sugar alcohols is undesirable, such as chocolate or baked goods, as it has a low cooling effect similar to regular sugar. Maltitol is one of the least hygroscopic sugar alcohols, so it can be used in most rooms without dehumidification. Maltitol - E 965 Maltitol is a natural sweetener obtained from starch.

Maltitol (maltitol) is a substance of a purely artificial nature of origin, which acts under the classification code E 965 among food additives and is a prominent representative of the subgroup of sweeteners.

Its level of health hazard is minimal, that is, it is practically absent.

Due to this, maltitol is sold freely and acts not only as an additive to food products in their production, but also as a substitute for conventional sugar.

Origin: artificial;

Danger:minimum level;

Synonymous names:E 965, maltitol, maltitol syrup, maltitol, maltitol syrup, maltitol, maltitol, hydrogenated maltose, hydrogenated maltose, maltitol, palatinit, hydrogenated maltose, maltitol syrup.

general information

Chemically, maltitol is a polyhydric alcohol that is obtained by synthesizing malt sugar or maltose obtained in turn from potato or corn starch.

For the first time this process was carried out in the middle of the last century in Japan. And then the patent was bought all over the world.

This supplement can be produced in several forms: syrup, powder. In any form, E 965 has an intense sweet taste, high solubility in aqueous media, heat resistance (does not lose properties when heated), high resistance to fatty media and moderate solubility in alcohol.

However, maltitol is about 25-30% less sweet than sugar. This means that in order to give the dish the desired taste, its dosage must be increased by a quarter of the usual dosage of sugar. Also, E 965 has a significantly reduced calorie content in comparison with sugar and glucose, this fact makes it applicable for.

Influence on the body

In the body, maltitol is split into two components - sorbitol and glucose. In the oral cavity, it cannot be processed by bacteria, and therefore does not cause.


Maltitol has laxative properties. Therefore, on the labels, there is often a restriction for its use in its pure form - no more than 90 g per day.

Otherwise, this additive has no harmful effect on the human body.


The beneficial quality of maltitol is its ability to completely replace sugar in food. Therefore, it is widely used in the diabetic food industry.


Maltitol is used in such products as: bakery, baked goods, jelly, marmalade, frosting of fruits, dried fruits, carbonated soft drinks, caramel, chewing gum, dragee, chocolate.

This supplement helps to reduce the calorie content of foods and makes them suitable for the diet of diabetics.

In addition to food production, maltitol is used in pharmacology.


Since 1984, this type of additive has been approved for use in food production in European countries. It is permitted today in Ukraine, in the Russian Federation, in the United States of America, and in a number of other countries.

Effects on health: no data available

Maltitol, maltitol syrup, Maltitol, Maltitol syrup, E965 - sweetener, stabilizer, emulsifier, sugar substitute, humectant.

Distinguish under indices:

(i) Maltitol;
(ii) Maltitol syrup.

Flavourless white crystalline powder with a sweet taste (approximately 80% of the sweetness of sucrose).

Obtaining: catalytic hydrogenation of maltose or high-maltose syrups. Impurities: sorbitol, maltotriose and longer, end-hydrogenated glucose chains.

Metabolism and toxicity: maltitol is not completely hydrolyzed in the small intestine (to glucose, sorbitol and mannitol). The colon microflora breaks down the residue into short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and assimilated, releasing about 2.4 kcal / g.

Has restrictions for patients with diabetes (if hydrolysis has not passed during processing). A daily intake above normal can cause diarrhea and bloating.

Hygiene standards:
Permissible daily intake has not been determined; laxative effects should be considered.

In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as a sweetener in desserts and similar products:

Based on flavorings, milk and dairy products, based on processed fruits and vegetables, on a grain basis, based on eggs, on a fat basis, in cereals - based on processed grain products - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar;

In ice cream, fruit ice - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar; in jams, marmalades, jelly products, sugar-glazed fruits, fruit products (except for those intended for the manufacture of drinks on a fruit-juice basis) - with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar;

In confectionery: sweets, including caramel, etc., cocoa products without added sugar; products based on dried fruits and starch - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar;

Rich bakery and flour confectionery products - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar; in chewing gum, sauces, mustard, specialty products; as a filler carrier in food products; for retail sale.

Pure crystalline maltitol melts like sucrose and isomaltite and can be used in the production of various confectionery products, chocolate, tablet forms of products. In the EU, it is approved for the sweetening of all foodstuffs except beverages.

E965 maltite syrup is a water-retaining agent.

Application of E965: as a moisture regulator and humectant in various confectionery products, similar to sorbitol syrup. Maltite syrup itself does not cause tooth decay, but when cooked it can hydrolyze, releasing glucose, so acidified confectionery is cariogenic and cannot be considered safe for diabetics. In the EU, it is approved for the sweetening of all foods except beverages.

Other areas of application of E965: humectant and consistency regulator in cosmetic and tobacco products.

General characteristics and obtaining

E965 is part of the anti-flaming group. The additive is able to increase the surface tension of water and act like a film that prevents air bubbles from penetrating inside. This prevents the formation of foam, for example when kneading dough. Like other anti-flaming agents, E965 has different properties. Acts as an emulsifier for sauces and dishes based on fat, egg, milk, stabilizes the texture of jelly products and fruit desserts.

To obtain maltitol syrup, starch saccharification products are taken. Raw materials are subjected to hydrolysis and receive a powder with white crystals - maltitol or a viscous transparent liquid - syrup. The powder is 20% less sweet than sugar and the syrup is 40% less sweet. The additive does not smell anything and has a sweetish taste, dissolves well in water, is not hygroscopic and hardly crystallizes.


The main purpose of the supplement is to be a sweetener. In the body, E965 is absorbed gradually, with a slow release of glucose. It is less sweet and less nutritious than sucrose. Therefore, it is added to dietary supplements, baked goods and confectionery without sugar or with reduced calorie content.

The stabilizer and emulsifier properties make E965 an important component of dairy, egg, fatty desserts, fruit and jelly products, and sauces. The substance crystallizes poorly, therefore it is added to confectionery glazes, fruit jams and confitures. Thanks to E965, jelly products are transparent, stable and with a persistent tasty smell.

Effect on the human body: benefits and harms

The beneficial and negative properties of E965 are due to the fact that the substance is based on maltose - malt sugar.

The supplement has little effect on the increase in blood sugar levels and can be used by diabetics, obese people. Unlike other sweeteners, E965 does not react with tooth enamel and does not provoke tooth decay.

Exceeding the allowable daily allowance can cause flatulence and diarrhea. Some people have a deficiency in the body of the enzymes that break down maltose. In this case, products with E965 are poorly absorbed and cause intestinal disorders.

Use and application

The sweet taste of the additive, combined with its low calorie content, has led to its widespread use in the manufacture of dietary products, where there are few calories and sugar is minimized or eliminated. These are cereal desserts and breakfast cereals, whipped products based on milk and eggs, pastries and pastries, caramel sweets and chocolate.

As an emulsifier, E965 is added to sauces, mustard, ice cream. As a stabilizer, the additive is widely used in fruit-based products - marmalades, jams, fruit jellies. The preparation of confectionery glaze is not complete without E965 - it is hard, but does not crystallize. It is covered with fruits and dried fruits, caramel-dragee.

E965 is introduced into the composition of bioactive supplements intended for the correction of body weight and into specialized products for diabetics.

The daily intake of E965 with food should not exceed 90 g (Table 1).

Table 1. The norm of the food additive E965 maltitol in products according to SanPiN of 05/26/2008

Food product

The maximum level of E965 content in products

Desserts and similar products:

  • based on flavorings, milk and dairy products;
  • based on processed fruits and vegetables;
  • grain-based, egg-based, fat-based;
  • breakfast cereals - based on processed grain products - with reduced calorie content or no added sugar

According to TI

Reduced calorie or no added sugar ice cream, popsicles

According to TI

Jams, marmalade, jellies, sugar-glazed fruits, fruit products. Except for those intended for the manufacture of drinks on a fruit-juice basis - with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar

According to TI

Confectionery: sweets, incl. caramel, etc., cocoa products without added sugar

According to TI

Products based on dried fruits and starch with reduced calorie content or no added sugar

According to TI

Soft bakery and flour confectionery products with reduced calorie content or without added sugar

According to TI

Chewing gum

According to TI

Sauces, mustard

According to TI

Specialized products and biologically active substances for food, solid and liquid

According to TI


E965 additive is approved for use in most countries of the world. In the USA, Norway, Australia, the law requires to indicate on the product labels not only the amount of E965 contained, but also a warning about the possible laxative effect of the substance. In the countries of the European Union, the additive is used only for food, but not for sweetening drinks.

Russian legislation regulates the use of E965 in food products on the basis of SanPiN of 05/26/2008:

  • p. 3.6.29. Hygienic regulations for the use of consistency stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners, texturers and binding agents;
  • p. 3.15.3. Hygienic regulations for the use of sweeteners;
  • p. 3.16.31. Hygienic regulations for the use of filler carriers and filler solvents;
  • p. 2.14. Appendix 2 "Food additives for retail sale";
  • the use of E965 is provided for by GOST R 53903-2010. “Food additives. Food sweeteners. Terms and Definitions".

For the properties of E965 as a sweetener, its preparation and use, see the video below.

Recording from alisa | 20.04.2018

Warning: maltitol is not the best sweetener for diabetes

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One of the most popular sugar substitutes is maltitol. Due to its special properties, it has confidently occupied the niche of desserts and sweet medicinal syrups. We will talk about him in this article.

What it is

Maltit(maltitol) is a polyhydric alcohol derived from various types of starch. It has the appearance of a syrup or white powder.

It was first produced in Japan in the sixties.

25 less sweeter than sugar. The calorie content is 2 times lower than that of sugar - 210 kcal per 100 grams.

It dissolves well in water, withstands heat treatment. Its properties are similar to sugar, which is why it has become so popular. Can caramelize and harden. Has a pleasant sweet taste without any aftertaste, even in large quantities.

The food additive is indicated E965


  1. It is actively used in medicine in the production of cough syrups. It is also used in the manufacture of vitamins for children, and lozenges for the treatment of throat ailments.
  2. In the food industry it is used as a universal sugar substitute. Due to its low calorie content and relatively low calorie content, it is added to many dietary and diabetic products.

Usage rules maltita and possible harm

The daily intake of maltitol is 90 gram.

However, it is very popular and is found in many products. There is a real risk of exceeding this norm. Therefore, in many countries, packages with maltitol indicate not only its content, but also the side effects of an overdose.

In the countries of the former USSR, there is no such norm, and you may not even know about the use of this sweetener. For example, many products labeled “Sugar Free” actually contain maltitol. And if you often eat dietary products, then with a high probability you will get an excess of this substance.

The side effects are not terrifying, but unpleasant. it laxative effect and flatulence.

When consuming natural maltitol, you should also remember that, unlike artificial sweeteners, it contains calories and carbohydrates. And its GI varies from 25 to 56. 25-35 in powder, and 50-55 in syrup. And these indicators are much higher than that of fructose, sorbitol, xylitol and other natural sugar substitutes.