Citric acid - health benefits and harms. Lemons and urolithiasis

What is citric acid for? The benefits and harms, the purpose of this product, as well as its properties will be presented in this article. In addition, we will tell you about how you can replace the ingredient in question, how it should be dissolved, etc.

general information

What is Citric Acid? The benefits and harms of this ingredient are known to few. But, before telling you about what properties this product has, you should talk in detail about its features.

It is white, which is perfectly soluble in ethyl alcohol and water. Esters of this ingredient are called citrates. In terms of its effect, such a substance belongs to natural antioxidants.

Origin story

For the first time, food citric acid was isolated from the juice of unripe lemons at the end of the 18th century. Today, most experts claim that this component is found in almost all food products, and is also included in a huge amount and berries. By the way, citric acid was found even in pine needles and makhorka.

Scope of application

What is citric acid used for, the benefits and harms of which will be presented a little later? This product is actively used in the food industry. It is used as a good acidulant. However, some housewives also use acid for domestic purposes. For example, thanks to it, you can quickly soften hard water, as well as clean dishes or plumbing from contamination.

What else is citric acid used for? Recipes using this product are known to many culinary experts. This additive is often used for the preparation of various sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, jelly, canned food, jams, as well as confectionery and other products.

It should be said that citric acid is an excellent preservative. It is used to increase the shelf life of many products (fish, vegetables, winter salads, meat, mushrooms, etc.).

It should also be noted that this product is used not only to improve the taste of certain dishes. After all, citric acid is capable of changing the structure of some foods. For example, quite often it is added to the dairy product. As a result, the dairy product becomes elastic and spreads more easily on toast. In this case, the calorie content of citric acid is zero.

Citric acid: the benefits and harms of the product

We will tell you about the dangers of this product below. As for the benefits, there is a lot of it in citric acid. In the process of cellular respiration, this substance is an integral part. This fact is due to the fact that citric acid has antioxidant and bactericidal properties.

The benefits of the product in question are beyond doubt, as it stimulates cell renewal, increases the elasticity of the skin and reduces deep wrinkles.

Many of the fairer sex are known for the skin, this fruit can play the role of a natural peeling. After all, it cleans well all integuments, evening out the complexion and masking existing defects.

The beneficial properties of lemon and citric acid are obvious, as it promotes the rapid elimination of toxic substances through the pores. That is why such a substance is almost always added to various rinses and creams.

Harm and contraindications of citric acid

Undoubtedly, citric acid is very beneficial for the body. However, like any product, this substance has its own contraindications. The harm of citric acid is that it negatively affects the condition of the teeth. With excessive use of this product, there is a high likelihood of tooth decay. Therefore, experts recommend including citric acid in your diet in moderation.

What other harm can a citric acid solution do to the body? Taking this substance inside, you must remember about its strict dosage. After all, too large quantities of the product can cause severe irritation of the gastric mucosa. As a result of such exposure, erosion and ulcers are formed in humans.

What can be replaced?

If you could not purchase this substance in the store, then you can easily find a replacement for it. For example, in the food industry, instead of citric acid, the usual one is quite often used. After all, it is he who is the natural source of this product.

When canning vegetables, mushrooms, fish and other ingredients, citric acid can be easily replaced with table vinegar.

How to dissolve correctly? Product price

Citric acid is a food grade powder that is freely available in all stores. It is packaged in packages of different sizes and can cost from 20 to 30 Russian rubles per 50 grams.

If a particular amount of citric acid is indicated in the recipe, then it is recommended to dissolve it before adding the powder to the dish. As a rule, ordinary drinking water is used for this. The resulting solution is added to a cream, sauce or dough. By the way, in the case of the last use, citric acid is used for a reason, but for extinguishing baking soda. If the powder is properly diluted, then the output can be very lush, tasty and aromatic pastries.

Due to its unique composition and medicinal properties, lemon is a valuable treasure. The impact of lemon on urolithiasis has been studied for more than one year. The presence of citric acid salt and esters in citrus helps to fight urolithiasis. There are many ways to treat stone formation. The effect of some is noticeable immediately, while others may not be suitable for the body at all. But the most effective and fastest folk remedy is lemon.

The composition and useful properties of lemon

Lemon contains many pectin substances, organic acids, carotene, magnesium and potassium salts, chlorine, sulfur, iron and zinc. Lemon seeds are composed of limomen, a bitter substance and vitamin C, so essential for tissue nutrition and proper metabolism. B vitamins are responsible for anti-sclerotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-toxic properties. Potassium in lemon strengthens the heart muscle and takes care of the nervous system, calcium strengthens teeth, nails and bones. For medicinal purposes, lemon is used both externally and internally. Everything is used in lemon therapy: essential oil, zest, juice, pulp, bones.

How is lemon useful for kidney stones?

With the help of citrus, urate stones can be dissolved without harm to health.

For whom is lemon therapy suitable for urolithiasis?

The main thing to remember is that treatment with lemon for urolithiasis requires an early consultation with a doctor. Do not self-medicate, because this can cause irreparable consequences.

Treatment of urolithiasis with lemon therapy is a successful alternative to drug treatment and ultrasonic stone crushing. Which method to use is an individual decision. But the use of folk methods is effective only if the size of the formations is small. Large stones are removed only through surgery. Removing large formations at home is fraught with blockage of the urinary system of the body.

Benefits of removing with lemons:

  • tasty and healthy;
  • no additional costs for medicines are required;
  • lemon therapy is not harmful to health;
  • soft and painless elimination process;
  • no complications and side effects.

Lemon water for removing stones

With the systematic use of water with lemon, you can get rid of stone formation.

The benefits of lemon therapy have been known for many years, but the dissolution of stone formation in the kidneys has recently become known. Studies have shown that with the systematic use of a drink with lemon, you can get rid of stone formation. This is due to the presence of citric acid and esters in the composition, which have a decisive effect on urolithiasis and guarantees a slowdown in the growth of stones. The subjects drank 2 liters of water with 100 grams of lemon juice every day. At the end of the study, the patients had a marked decrease in the indicator of the level of stones in the genitourinary tract.

The use of lemon juice in combination with olive oil is very effective. The acid in lemon can crush calcium and slow down growth, and olive oil, like a lubricant, helps to painlessly remove formations. The effectiveness of such a tool:

  • lemon extract quickly dissolves stone formations due to its high acidity;
  • Olive oil acts as a lubricant and helps pass the urinary tract with ease;
  • this combination promotes rapid dissolution and painless and gentle removal.

The recipe for the remedy is quite simple. You will need to mix 85 ml of olive oil and lemon juice one to one. Drink the mixture before bedtime. During the procedure, you must consume a large amount of liquid. The combination of the components used contributes to the painless and quick removal of calculi. Relief will come within a few hours after taking the remedy.

To be effective, you should sleep on your side, where there are no formations in the kidneys. In this case, a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil will be much more effective.

Traditional recipes for lemon therapy

It is possible to split stones using folk methods only if they are up to 5 mm.

Oxalate formations in the kidneys are hard and are difficult to soften. Traditional medicine has a number of remedies to help get rid of urolithiasis. However, it is important to know that it is possible to split stones using folk methods only if they are small in size. If the volume in the stones reaches 5 mm, it is necessary to remove it surgically. The more lemon is stored, the faster its beneficial properties and substances are destroyed.

The best recipes for crushing kidney formations:

  • Lemon with honey. Cut 4 lemons into slices and add to a container with 300 g of honey. Let stand and eat 2 tablespoons after meals.
  • Lemon and parsley. Add 5 sprigs of parsley to a liter of boiling water. After the parsley is infused, add the juice from 1 lemon. Divide the resulting mixture by 4 times and drink after meals. Perform the procedure a couple of times a week.
  • Lemon jam. Peel the lemons, cut the pulp into cubes and cover with sugar 1: 1. Let the resulting mixture brew for a day. Cook like a regular jam until cooked over low heat. They consume 3 teaspoons of jam every day with tea.
  • Lemonade. Add juice from several citrus fruits to clean water, add sugar and lemon wedges to taste. Lemonade is prepared just before each use. So that nutrients do not lose their properties, lemonade is stored for no more than a day. Drink a glass after a meal.
  • Glycerin-based recipe. Grind 10 lemons with the zest. Place the resulting mixture in a container and pour 2 liters of cooled boiled water. Add 2 tablespoons of glycerin to the mass. Insist 30 minutes and strain. Drink the resulting product in 2 hours, a glass every 10 minutes. After completing the procedure, apply a warm heating pad to the kidneys and lie down in the desired position.

Every housewife has citric acid in the kitchen. The benefits and harms of this dietary supplement for humans are usually rarely considered a subject for thought. But how can you be so inattentive to the product that we eat so often? Let's correct this omission and go on a scientific reconnaissance dedicated to citric acid.

Citric acid is not taken from lemon

The name of the supplement directly indicates that it is extracted from the popular citrus fruit. In the 18th century, the Swedish pharmacist Scheele actually used unripe lemons for the production of such acid. But in our time, it is too unprofitable to extract sour crystals, which are indispensable in cooking, from fruits.

The acid, which everyone calls lemon for old memory, is now extracted from sugar, sweet beets, molasses or sugar cane by fermentation in the liquid of molds. Citric acid is a dietary supplement with significant benefits and harms from other chemicals. In fact, it is a preservative and flavoring agent, designated as E330, but it is premature to argue that it is better to avoid its presence in any food and drink.

Valuable properties of the additive under the "E"

Citric acid, despite the fact that it is extracted chemically, has properties that fruits with pronounced sourness have. Not only chefs and connoisseurs of culinary art are happy with such "E" - citric acid is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Intensive cleaning

Toxins and toxins leave the body due to the effects of lemon. Also, this supplement will thoroughly cleanse your blood vessels, drive out harmful cholesterol, and stop the quiet onset of atherosclerosis.

Stimulation of immunity

With low immunity, during epidemics and in the off-season, it is very useful to add citric acid to water or tea. If there is no fresh fruit on hand, these sour crystals will help the body successfully defend itself against disease-causing bacteria and viruses.

Gift for the stomach and kidneys

Food with the addition of citric acid is digested faster and better than without beneficial crystals. Lemon gently cleanses the stomach and intestines from unwanted accumulations without irritating the mucous membranes. Thanks to E330 dissolved in warm water, the kidneys are freed from sand and small stones.

Hangover Fight

Yesterday there was a breathtaking feast, but today you can't find a place for yourself? Of course, the arguments that you need to know when to stop remain valid. But a cocktail with citric acid will show you mercy: it will work to accelerate the breakdown of ethanol and remove it from the body. The liver will not be overloaded - this organ will have a chance to recover.

The cheapest rinse aid

To kill germs in the mouth, reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums, and get rid of an unpleasant odor, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy for a mouthwash from the next advertisement. A solution of ordinary citric acid will cope with these problems just as well.

Respiratory health

Moderately warm water with sour food powder is suitable for gargling with sore throat and sore throat. If you regularly drink such water, you can relieve the condition with bronchitis and pneumonia, remove mucus from the respiratory tract and speed up recovery.

Beautiful skin

Compresses and wipes based on a weak solution of citric acid give the skin whiteness, eliminate age spots and freckles, acne and other rashes, defeat excessive oily face, combined with enlarged pores. But such procedures cannot be carried out more than once a day (preferably in the morning), and after sunburn they are completely contraindicated.

Make sure that the concentration of the solution does not exceed the figure: 5 parts of acid for 1 part of water, otherwise burns are possible.

Water with citric acid, the benefits and harms of which, when applied externally, strictly depend on the concentration, will remove the yellowness of the teeth and nail plates. Such a nuisance usually haunts smokers. To restore the natural beauty of a smile and manicure, wipe your teeth and nails with gauze soaked in a weak solution of lemon, and then rinse off the remnants of the product with plain water.


Any experienced housewife will confirm that meat and fish dishes, salads, including fruit salads, will be enriched with delicate overflows of taste if poured with water in which citric acid is dissolved. The harm and benefit to the body in this case will be clearly different: you will enjoy delicious food and rejuvenate - in the absence of contraindications, it is impossible to call such food dangerous.

Ideal figure

The acidic powder E330 contains substances that break down fat and improve metabolism. Lemon will significantly enhance the effect of diet and exercise selected for weight loss.

"Sour" recipes for a cheerful mood

Undoubtedly, the listed aspects of the benefits of citric acid will cheer up everyone who cares about well-being and impeccable appearance. In addition to using the powder as a food additive and the basis of a healing solution, you can prepare a health drink from lemon lemon (5 g of citric acid, a little fresh mint, lemon balm and a piece of ginger are introduced into 1.5 liters of distilled water).

Many people drink tea with citric acid. The benefits and harms of such tea drinking are ambiguous: on the one hand, the drink will have medicinal properties, but it is important not to abuse it so as not to provoke negative reactions.

Citric acid is not entirely straightforward!

In the use of citric acid, you should take breaks.

Hypertensive patients who consume lemon juice every day run the risk of severe headache and stroke, and people without any diagnoses - with caries. In case of gastroenterological diseases, it is not necessary to test the mucous membranes with acid, despite the fact that it does not have a particularly aggressive effect. Pregnant women should try to avoid chemicals, even the most beneficial ones. Also, a small percentage of the population is allergic to this product.

Can i get poisoned with citric acid? This substance is widely used by many in everyday life, it is added to some dishes. It is usually kept in the kitchen and is not treated with caution. In this article, we examined the main reasons for the development of citric acid poisoning, the symptoms and signs of this condition, possible complications, rules for providing first aid, components of treatment in a hospital and methods of preventing poisoning.

Where is citric acid used

Citric acid is widely used in domestic conditions and in industry. Previously, it was obtained from the juice of lemons. Now it is obtained through chemical reactions in the processing of sugar or some types of mold.

At home, it is used to clean dishes or plumbing from plaque and scale. Some housewives use it for preserving and preparing dishes, marinating meat and fish. In small quantities, it is added to tea instead of lemon.

In the food industry, citric acid is used as a strong preservative. This substance is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

Poisoning reasons

The main reason for citric acid poisoning is non-compliance with the rules for its use and storage. Many people use this substance at home without thinking about its dangers or trying to hide it from children or pets.

Below are the main reasons citric acid poisoning can develop.

  • Accidental use of citric acid. Most often, poisoning with this chemical develops in children, who may mistakenly eat it. Poisoning can develop when the kettle is poured with citric acid to remove scale. This chemical has no characteristic color or smell, and a person can drink by pouring it into a cup from a teapot.
  • Special poisoning with citric acid occurs in people with suicidal tendencies. People, knowing that this chemical can be fatal, use it at a lethal dosage.
  • Poisoning due to the addition of citric acid to dishes. Intoxication can develop when mixed into tea or compote. The wrong dosage of citric acid can lead to severe poisoning.
  • Contact with concentrated citric acid on the skin or mucous membranes, conjunctiva leads to severe chemical burns, loss of vision.

Symptoms and signs of citric acid poisoning

With citric acid poisoning, symptoms develop immediately after ingestion. Their severity depends on the concentration and amount of acid you drink. The condition of the poisoned person is rapidly deteriorating. He develops a number of symptoms.

  • Acute and severe pain in the mouth, esophagus and stomach develops as a result of chemical burns of the mucous membranes of these organs. The higher the acid concentration, the more severe and deep the burn it causes.
  • Headache, dizziness, general weakness are symptoms that develop as a result of intoxication.
  • Nausea and possible vomiting. Vomit can be black or red. Vomiting with red contents is a symptom of internal bleeding from the affected vessels of the esophagus. In case of violation of the integrity of the vascular wall of the stomach or duodenum, vomiting develops in black. This dark color of vomit is due to a chemical reaction between blood and acid, as a result of which proteins fold.
  • Melena - loose black stools, a symptom of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Pallor and blue skin is a symptom that develops with profuse blood loss.
  • Breathing disorder, development of shortness of breath. The patient breathes shallowly and often, complains of a feeling of lack of air.
  • Tachycardia is a rapid heartbeat, the pulse rate exceeds 110-120 beats / min.
  • Hypotension is a decrease in blood pressure levels. Below 80/60 mm Hg Art.
  • Convulsions throughout the body develop as a result of damage to the central nervous system.
  • Loss of consciousness, a deep coma, in which a poisoned person ceases to respond to external stimuli, does not answer questions asked to him.

If acid gets on the mucous membrane or skin, burning and pain develops at the site of contact with the chemical. The skin turns red, blisters filled with serous transparent contents may appear.

Possible complications

Acid ingestion leads to severe disruptions in the work of the whole organism. The acidity of the blood rises, as a result of which it becomes more viscous, prone to the formation of blood clots.

Complications and consequences of the use of citric acid include:

  • internal bleeding from damaged vessels of the esophagus, stomach or intestines;
  • pain shock - a serious condition that develops as a result of a burn of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach;
  • acute renal failure - impaired function of the kidneys, as a result of which they lose their ability to purify blood and produce urine. Acid, getting into the blood, causes damage to the internal structures of the kidneys and leads to an acute violation of their functionality. The patient develops anuria (the daily amount of urine does not exceed 50-100 ml), edema, the skin turns yellow;
  • acute liver failure is a condition in which hepatocytes are affected. All substances that enter the bloodstream are neutralized by the liver. This organ suffers primarily in acute poisoning. The patient's skin and visible mucous membranes turn yellow, there is acute pain in the right hypochondrium, stool is disturbed;
  • pulmonary embolism (PE) develops as a result of thickening of the blood and the formation of small vessels in it.

Please note that people with coronary heart disease can develop acute myocardial infarction due to the intake of citric acid.

First aid provision

What to do in case of citric acid poisoning? Remember that a person who has been poisoned by this chemical needs qualified medical attention. Self-treatment is prohibited. If poisoning develops, you must immediately call an ambulance. Give your exact address, it will save the doctors time.

Before the doctors arrive, start helping the victim on your own. Below are the main elements of first aid, which you can provide to the victim on your own while waiting for the ambulance brigade.

  1. Provide the patient with complete calmness and bed rest. Open a window in the room for fresh air.
  2. Let the person rinse out their mouth with plain water.
  3. Place an ice pack on the patient's stomach. The cold will cause vasospasm, slow down the absorption of acid into the bloodstream, and reduce bleeding.

Remember that it is strictly forbidden to independently wash the stomach and induce vomiting. During vomiting, the acid will re-damage the lining of the esophagus. Also, you can not neutralize the acid you drink with an alkaline solution. During the neutralization reaction, a huge amount of gas is released, which can cause rupture of the walls of the stomach, leading to massive internal bleeding.

If acid gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse the damaged area of ​​the body under running water for 15-30 minutes.

In case of loss of consciousness, lay the victim on a firm and level surface, turn his head to one side. To improve blood circulation in the brain and heart, lift its legs up. Before the arrival of doctors, check the presence of pulse and respiration.

In order to check breathing, you need to put your hand on the chest of a person and follow its excursion. When inhaling, the hand will rise, while exhaling, it will fall.

The pulse is best checked on the carotid artery in the neck. There it goes right under the skin and is well felt.

If the heartbeat and breathing stop, you should immediately perform a closed heart massage. The frequency of pressure on the chest: 100-120 per minute. If you are performing resuscitation yourself, do not waste time on artificial respiration, focus on heart massage.

First aid components

First aid is provided by doctors at home. Tell them the approximate amount and concentration of the chemical you drunk. Doctors will check pulse, breathing, blood pressure and oxygen saturation and begin treatment, which consists of:

  • gastric lavage through a tube. This is the only safe method for removing the chemical from the stomach cavity;
  • intravenous administration of antiemetic and pain relievers;
  • droppers with saline, glucose. These drugs are necessary to normalize the acid-base balance;
  • with the development of internal bleeding, drugs are administered to reduce blood loss;
  • drugs that regulate the work of the cardiovascular system.

After providing first aid, the patient is immediately hospitalized in the nearest hospital. Treatment can take place in an intensive care unit, toxicology unit, or surgery unit.

Inpatient treatment

In a hospital setting, the patient receives qualified medical care. Depending on the patient's condition, the amount of acid drunk and the timeliness of seeking medical attention, treatment may include a number of components listed below.

  • Repeated gastric lavage through a tube, which may be necessary for more efficient removal of acid from the body.
  • Hemodialysis - cleansing the blood from toxins. This procedure is necessary to protect the kidneys from damage, and is performed in case of severe poisoning.
  • Sorbents are drugs that neutralize and remove chemical residues and products of inflammatory reactions from the intestines. To reduce irritation of the mucous membrane, liquid sorbents (atoxil, smecta, enterosgel) are used.
  • Diet. With a severe burn of the esophagus, food is injected through a nasogastric tube.
  • Surgical arrest of internal bleeding.
  • Drugs necessary for the prevention of blood clots, regulating blood clotting (contraindicated in bleeding).
  • Drugs that heal the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract.

A detailed examination of the patient is carried out in the hospital to identify complications and reliably assess the condition. It consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • gastroscopy.

Features of the prevention of citric acid poisoning

In most cases, citric acid poisoning develops as a result of careless handling. Below we have collected tips for you to help protect yourself and your family from intoxication with this substance:

  • keep citric acid out of the reach of children;
  • when adding citric acid to tea, compotes or dishes, follow the rules for its dosage;
  • when pouring teapots or other utensils with a citric acid solution, warn everyone at home about this;
  • Wear safety goggles and rubber gloves when handling citric acid.

Citric acid poisoning most often occurs in a domestic environment. This chemical is used in conservation, food preparation and room cleaning, and metal cleaning. Poisoning with it is very dangerous for humans, it can lead to serious disorders and death. With the development of this pathological condition, you must immediately call an ambulance, put an ice pack on the patient's stomach and let him rinse his mouth with plain water. Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Its duration depends on the severity of the victim's condition.

Each housewife in the kitchen has an inconspicuous container in which a white powder is poured - citric acid. We will look at all the properties of this dietary supplement. Today, citric acid will come under our gaze, the benefits that it can give, and the harm - if used ineptly.

Citric acid contains vitamins A and E.

Citric acid is a weak tribasic carboxylic acid that has the appearance of a white powder, these are small crystals to the touch.

The described substance is perfectly soluble in water and alcohol, and when heated it splits into CO2.

The taste is sour. It is considered a food additive and acidity regulator, and it has been given the E330 marking.

Citric acid contains E, as well as sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine. Its toxicity is low.

Beneficial features

E330 has a number of useful properties, so it is often indispensable in many situations:

  • It is an antioxidant, it takes part in slowing down the processes associated with human aging. This food supplement has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, while increasing its elasticity, activates cell renewal, and reduces the severity of wrinkles.
  • It is used as a pilling. External agents (creams, masks) containing citric acid remove harmful organic compounds from the body.
  • Works as an antiseptic. To calm the sore throat, you should rinse your mouth with a 30% solution of this remedy every hour and a half. Relief comes soon after.
  • It has a positive effect on: dissolves salts, removes toxins, burns carbohydrates faster and speeds up the process of food digestion.
  • It has a beneficial effect on other organs: it strengthens the immune system, increases visual acuity, normalizes the endocrine system, and enriches the body with calcium.
  • Reduces the level of intoxication in the body. It is often used as a hangover cure.
  • Helps get rid of pre-existing kidney stones and prevents the formation of new hard deposits.

Although citric acid is an excellent folk remedy for improvement, before deciding to use it for health purposes, you should consult your doctor. It should be borne in mind that, like any other chemical, it has a number of limitations.

Effect on hair

Drinking citric acid can help get rid of kidney stones.

Another beneficial property of citric acid is that it softens water. If hard water is running from the tap, then it becomes problematic to wash your hair well.

In this case, rinse the strands with a solution of warm water (1 liter) with the addition of E330 (2 grams). This treatment will leave your hair silky and shiny.

A firming mask is prepared on the basis of a food additive. To do this, you need: 2 g of citric acid, 5 g of honey, 30 ml of aloe juice, 1 yolk. All the ingredients except, mix, and then add it too. Apply to hair evenly and stand for half an hour. Then wash off with warm water. The frequency of applying the mask is every other day. The length of the wellness course depends on the condition of the hair.

Citric acid can reduce the oiliness of the scalp due to the narrowing of the pores.

Weight loss attitude

Citric acid increases the metabolic rate by burning a lot of fat.

According to scientists, the E330 food supplement includes antioxidants that cleanse the organs and systems of the human body.

She is able to increase levels by burning more fat. Citric acid is a good weight loss product, but you need to be careful with it.

The supplement has a diuretic effect as it removes fluid from the body. As a result, appetite disappears and a person's body weight decreases.

The Health Organization Committee concluded that the intake of this drug should not be more than 120 mg per kilogram of body. It is good if a person takes 66-80 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. As a folk remedy, you can use citric acid for weight loss, but you should always know the norm and never exceed it.

The video will tell you about the benefits and dangers of citric acid:


Citric acid is a substance that is used in many industries as well as for household needs. The most commonly used food additive in the food industry plays the role of:

  1. Result
  2. Flavor enhancer
  3. It is added to add a sour note to certain foods, sweets and drinks.
  4. Food preservative
  5. It works effectively in the environment of its presence: it destroys microorganisms and molds, and then prevents their reappearance. As a result, the shelf life of the product is increased. Citric acid is widely used for conservation.
  6. Marinade for
  7. Gives the meat a softer texture.
  8. Winemaking additives
  9. Improves the taste of wine products and reduces acidity

In the pharmaceutical industry, citric acid is added in the manufacture of medications containing vitamin C. The cosmetics industry also uses E330. The antioxidant properties of this substance have made it indispensable in the production of quality cosmetics.

This additive adjusts the pH level in creams to match that of human skin. As a result, citric acid has a rejuvenating effect on it, as the growth of new cells is activated.

Citric acid is rare. With the help of E330, the level of skin pigmentation is reduced. It is also found in effervescent bath products. Housewives also do not bypass citric acid, they widely use it in everyday life. For example, they dissolve solid deposits in a kettle and an iron, clean silver and various surfaces, and use it to care for flowers.

We can say about citric acid that it benefits in many areas of people's lives, but what, and under what circumstances, can this additive be harmful?

Harm and contraindications to use