Sesame oil is an elixir of health and beauty. Benefit with skin diseases and wounds

17.09.2019 Dishes from Yaitz

Seduces known to humanity for more than seven thousand years, the seeds of this plant were mentioned in the works of the ancient philosopher Avicenna as a means of many diseases. "Sesame" translated from the Newaaramy language means "oily plant". People since ancient times use sesame seeds in cooking, as well as to obtain oil, which has a pleasant soft taste and valuable wellness qualities. In the traditional system of Indian medicine - Ayurveda - it is called the best of oils and offer more than one hundred health recipes with it. There are 20 species of sesame, but the oil content (60% of the total mass) is leading indian sesame. In healthy practitioners, oil from black sesame seeds is often used, and in cooking - from white seeds.

Composition and use of sesame oil

Sesame oil is rich in human health substances. And traditional medicine is replete with recipes of funds based on it. The most useful product is made from raw seeds of sesame, it is it that is distinguished by a variety of wellness properties.

Sesame oil contains many useful fat

The sesame oil is rich in mononatussed and polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-9), first of all it is oleic and linoleic acid about equal ratio. They are often called "useful fats", because they increase immunity, activate the process of metabolism and burning harmful fats in the body, improve the work of the brain and the skin condition. The positive effects of omega-6 and omega-9 on cardiovascular, sexual and endocrine system of the body are also known. However, the excess of omega-6 in the diet can lead to the development of inflammatory foci in the body, so it is necessary to adhere to the system of balanced nutrition.

Unsaturated fatty acids have a useful impact on various organism systems.

Sesame oil contains vitamins known to their antioxidant and powerful immunostimulating effect. Most here contains vitamin E (tocopherol), especially its forms such as alpha tocopherol (100 grams of 71% of the daily rate for humans) and gamma-tocopherol (100 grams of 316% daily rate). Vitamin E is called "female" vitamin, because it improves the nutrition of the skin and mucous membranes, muscles, healing hair and nails, helps restore the female organism in the postpartum period and after abortion. In addition, Vitamin E slows the processes of aging the body and strengthens immunity.

Vitamin E has a wide range of useful properties

The oil contains vegetable sterols that can bind and remove harmful cholesterol from the human body, and phospholipids, stimulating brain, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems. In addition, phospholipids are responsible for the effective absorption of vitamins E and A.

Sesame oil differs from other oils by the content of special substances - Lignan. Lignan is the chemical compounds of polyphenols, which have valuable properties for the human body.

The main benefits of Lignan lies in their estrogenic effect - these natural hormones in their effect are similar to the human hormones estrogen necessary for the normal work of the female organism. The hormonal activity of Lignan is successfully combined with a powerful antioxidant effect and allows you to effectively resist oncological diseases. Studies show that lignans of sesame serve as a prophylactic agent of many types of cancer, especially breast cancer and reproductive system bodies, and also help in the treatment of melanoma. In addition, it is lignanes that protect sesame oil from oxidation in natural conditions and give it stability during heat treatment.

Black sesame seeds are especially rich in Lignan and Phytosterol

With regard to the content of a large amount of calcium in sesame oil is an exaggeration. Calcium in the composition is, but it is quite a bit. However, in the fruits of sesame and in sesame (sesame) paste, this useful trace element is indeed contained in significant quantities. Three tablespoons of sesame contain more calcium than a glass of milk.But when squeezing out of oil seeds, most calcium remains in the cake.

The use of sesame oil in medicinal purposes

In Ayurveda, sesame oil plays a leading role in getting rid of ailments. First of all, it is used to purify the body, the removal of poisons and toxins, and is also very important to the warming properties of sesame oil. Thus, sesame oil can rightly be located not only in the kitchen, but also in a home first-aid kit.

Sesame oil can be called the elixir of health, because it treats many diseases

For joints

Sesame oil has a property deep to penetrate the muscular and bone tissue of the body, including the bone marrow. At the same time, it reduces pain and muscle spa, stops inflammatory processes in the joints, restores and strengthens the bones. Therefore, it is recommended to use sesame oil in order to prevent osteochondrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as to increase the mobility of joints and rapid recovery after injuries.

The recipe for oil use with pain in muscles and joints is extremely simple: you need to warm it in a water bath and rub in sick places before absorption. It is possible to add aromatic oils to the oil with an anesthetic and reducing effect (lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, pine, chamber and others) to the oil of aromatic oils.

In addition, the use of at least one teaspoon of sesame oil a day will help strengthen bone tissue and the prevention of diseases of the joints and give strength and glitter nails and hair.

For liver

Sesame oil has a valuable quality: the liver perceives it as a friendly substance and does not output from the body, due to which the useful elements in sesame oil are restored to the cell structure of the liver. Phytosterol and phospholipids contained in oil and phospholipids activate the processes of education and pure conclusions, thereby preventing diseases such as hepatitis, the formation of stones in the liver and biliary paths, as well as liver fatty dystrophy.

Cesin also protects the liver from damage due to alcohol and drugs. Several animal studies in Taiwan and Japan show that sesame oil reduces oxidative stress in the liver. In other experiments it was shown that sesame oil can protect the liver from the harmful effects of paracetamol.

Sergey Samoilov

Sesame oil not only contributes to restoration of the liver, but also protects it from harmful effects.

For teeth and adhesion

Sesame oil is considered a proven tool from diseases of dysen and teeth, such as periodontitis, gingivitis and others. The oil strengthens their dears, relieves inflammation and pain, destroys microorganisms and unpleasant smell of mouth. With regular use, it prevents the appearance of a dental stone and the development of caries. When the dental pain is recommended to rub sesame oil into the gum - this technique quickly facilitates pain. However, then it is necessary to immediately turn to the dentist, because the removal of the symptom does not eliminate the problem itself.

Sesame oil will eliminate pain and strengthen the gums and teeth

How to properly apply sesame oil for the oral cavity?

  1. In the morning after sleep, we need to rinse the mouth with one tablespoon of pure sesame oil about 5-6 minutes, while carrying it alternately on one side of the jaw to another.
  2. Spit oil from mouth and evaluate its color. It must change from yellow to white, it means that useful substances are extracted from the oil. If the color has not changed, then you need to continue rinsing.
  3. Prepare a soda solution (a teaspoon of soda on a glass of water) and rinse your mouth, after which it is necessary to clean your teeth if necessary.

For ears

For diseases of the ears, such as otitis, it is recommended to bury 1-2 drops of heated sesame oil into a patient's ear. This procedure is carried out from one to three times a day. However, this method should be used as auxiliary in complex therapy of ear diseases and with the permission of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications.

An interesting recipe for a mixture, which, on the recommendation of the Middle Ages, Avicenna, will help improve the rumor. It is necessary to boil the fruits of juniper in the oil of sesame to darkening on a small fire. The resulting mixture of dripping two drops into the ear aisles three times a day and be sure to night.

Before applying ancient recipes, do not forget to consult with your doctor!

For stomach

The sesame oil is auxiliary means in the complex treatment of the diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis and ulcers. The fact is that it reduces the acidity of gastric juices, helps to heal the erosion of the mucous membranes of the stomach and helps to cope with the spasms and the colic of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sesame oil helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, and also has an anti-cancer effect.

And sesame oil activates choleretic processes and has a light and delicate laxative effect. To do this, it is recommended to take an empty stomach in half an hour before eating from a tea-spoon to the table, depending on the weight category. In addition to the positive impact on digestive processes, the regular use of oil on an empty stomach will help to establish the right metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

For legs

With the help of sesame oil, you can soften the flavored skin on the feet. To do this, it is necessary to heat sesame oil in the water bath and massage the feet with warm oil with strong intimidation movements. Such a massage will soften and emphasize the skin of the feet, and will also have a warming effect in colds. After the massage you need to wear two pairs of socks on your feet: made of cotton and woolen fabric. This procedure, in addition to the care of skin skin and warming the body, optimizes hormonal processes in the body.

Sesame oil during massage Stop soften the flapped skin and warm his feet

Sesame oil is also used as an aid with the therapy of fungal infections of the foot and nails. To combat the fungus nails, it is necessary to prepare a mixture from an equal number of concert and sesame oil and impose it to nails overnight.

To get rid of calluses, a holopash, the feeling of fatigue in the legs, you can prepare a special balm at home. To do this, you need to mix 100 ml of olive oil with 40 ml of sesame and add 10 ml of vitamin A oil solution from the pharmacy. Before applying the Balzam, it is necessary to break the legs and get rid of the flabby skin, then the remedy will work much faster. Then linse the balm in the necessary places with circular movements and put on cotton socks. Repeat until the skin condition improves.

From colds

Sesame oil is an effective means of preventing and treating colds of the nose and throat. The runny nose will be faster if heated oil into the nose. In addition to anti-inflammatory action, it perfectly softens and moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nose.

Cutting into the nose of sesame oil serves as an effective preventive measure from viral diseases during the cold season.

Sesame oil moisturizes the nasal mucosa, protects against viruses and makes it easier to breathe in a cold

There is a healing effect on the work of the bronchi and lung massage with sesame oil. Before bedtime, the patient is tricing the chest and back with warm oil, then wrapped with warmer and put sleep.

From constipation

The sesame oil in combination with water has a laxative action, as like many other oils, being accepted on an empty stomach, enhances the intestinal peristalsis and choleretic processes. Thus, the reception of a tablespoon of sesame oil on an empty stomach stimulates the process of feces and eliminates constipation. In this case, regularity is important, that is, it takes no oil for at least a month, then you can take a break.

Regular reception of sesame oil on an empty stomach will help to cope with constipation

Sesame oil will help in the treatment of duodenal ulcers. For this, 10 days in a row you need to drink in the mornings on an empty stomach mixture from the tablespoon of sesame oil, a tablespoon of honey and crushed medium-sized potatoes.

From varicose

Running the sesame oil to the appearance of vascular stars helps to make them less noticeable, and small vascular meshes may disappear at all. It is better to use sesame oil in summer, while taking sunbathing, as it has a property to protect the skin from excessive doses of ultraviolet, while helping to be produced in the body useful vitamin D.

Sesame oil will help not only fight varicose veins, but also sunbathing without harm to health

With varicose veins, sesame oil will cope with eats, and with a feeling of gravity in the legs. It can be added to special leg creams or used in pure form, rubbing massage movements into problem areas.

Especially effective will be a combination of massage procedures with regular oil use inside. To do this, be taken from one to three times a day (depending on the individual characteristics of the body) an empty stomach tablespoon of sesame oils or actively use oil during the day to refuel salads and other useful dishes. Due to the activation of metabolism in the body, the oil will serve as a preventive tool from varicose veins.

Reception of the product for weight loss

As already mentioned, seside oil contains sesamine substance, which has a property of burning fats in the body. Therefore, regular use of sesame oil on an empty stomach will actively stimulate the process of weight reduction. In addition, sesame oil normalizes the metabolism and eliminates constipation, which also speeds up weight loss.

Cezin is Lignan, which is part of many fat burning agents, as it contributes to rapid slimming

A combination of sesame oil with vegetables will serve as a tasty and healthy dish for a diet directed to getting rid of extra kilograms. Sesame oil due to its pleasant walnut taste and high calorie content reduces appetite, so its use before the food will prevent too much. It is enough to drink two teaspoons of sesame oil in front of the meal and put it with warm water. Everything else it normalizes the intestinal microflora.

When using sesame oil, resistance to stressful factors increases, and after all, women are often "stuck" with calorie products, which leads to a weight gain.

And still sesame oil perfectly helps from stretch marks and leather declarations, so it is often used for wraps and other anti-cellulite procedures that help get rid of unnecessary volumes in problem places. Adding several drops of sesame oil into any anti-cellulite cream will strengthen the effect of massage and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Sesame oil perfectly suitable for anti-cellulite procedures, because it can split fats

The use of sesame oil for weight loss should be combined with physical activity and a balanced diet, then the process of getting rid of excess weight will be rapid and efficient. The diet should include a large number of fresh vegetable salads, refilled by sesame oil and lemon juice, as well as fermented dairy products, porridge, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, seafood. An exceptionally effective means is to refuse eating three hours before sleep. In this case, in the morning, the reception of sesame oil and warm water will help to cope with an excessive appetite.

Eating vegetable salads with sesame oil 2-3 times a day will help to reduce weight quickly and effectively

Sedgehog oil benefits for women

Sesame oil contains phytoestrogens sesamine and sesamolin, which are close in action to female sex hormones. Finding into a female body that suffers from a lack of mining of hormones, they replace estrogens and restore the hormonal balance. Therefore, the sesame oil is especially valuable medicine for women during the period of Klimaks (after 50 years), effectively coping with unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Women in reproductive age, sesame oil helps to reduce pain and spasms during menstruation, normalizes the hormonal background and treats from infertility, helps to fill the lack of nutrients and vitamin E during pregnancy.

Pregnant women can use a sesame oil to prevent stretch marks on the skin and restore the disturbed digestion process, as well as fight with eats and toxicosis.

Sesame oil is an indispensable product for women during pregnancy and after 45 years

During breastfeeding it is useful to use sesame oil, because it improves the quality of breast milk.

It is impossible not to mention and use sesame oil for female beauty, especially in skin care and hair. Beautiful nutritious and moisturizing oil properties help rejuvenate the skin and restore damaged hair, giving them strength and shine. Sesame oil is well suited for anti-cellulite massage, as it contributes to the rapid splitting of fats.

To strengthen the hair, it is necessary to rub sesame oil in the hair roots and the hair itself along the entire length, then bite your head with a towel and leave a mask for half an hour. After that, wash your head with shampoo. Conduct this procedure 1-2 times a week before improving the condition of the hair.

Video: Face mask with sesame oil

Important properties of oil for men

Sesame oil contains vitamin E, as well as phytosterols and useful minerals, such as magnesium, copper and zinc. Due to this, the oil activates the function of the prostate gland, increases the production of male hormones, primarily testosterone. This leads to strengthening the erection and increase the amount and quality of sperm. Prevents diseases by prostatitis and other "men's" ailments.

In combination with an increase in blood circulation in the men's genital organs, the use of oil leads to an increase in male force, which has repeatedly noted ancient healers in their writings.

You can also note another useful quality of sesame oil - it contributes to an increase in muscle mass and is often used in a special diet by bodybuilders.

Sesame oil not only retains male strength, but also contributes to muscle buildup during sports

Whether sesame oil is suitable for children

Sesame oil does not have special qualities, useful for children. But for normal growth and development, any child requires vegetable fats. And sesame oil due to its food value will be useful for the children's body. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and does not grit. However, the amount of sesame oil use in childhood should be minimal, because the overdose leads to rashes and irritation of the skin of the baby.

Sesame oil due to its high nutritional value and therapeutic properties will be useful for the child, the main thing is to comply with the dosage

Sesame oil is introduced into the diet of children in small doses after the first year of life. At the same time, it is necessary to closely monitor the reaction of the child and when symptoms are allergic, immediately stop receiving.

From year to three years, you can give the child to five drops of sesame oil per day, from three to seven years - ten drops, and at school age it is allowed to increase the dose to a teaspoon.

Sesuit oil is perfect for holding massage procedures for children from birth and up to three years. Such a massage has a fitting and wellness effect, it warms the fabric and cares for delicate skin of kids. It is useful to apply oil to children's skin before bathing, as well as before entering the street. The fact is that under the influence of sunlight sesame oil accelerates the production of valuable vitamin D in the body, and useful components of sesame oil are faster absorbed into the skin and tissue.

Sesame oil reduces the intensity of gastric and intestinal colic in babies, struggling with gas formation. To do this, you need to drop the oil drop into the toddler's tongue or lubricate your nipple before feeding. Massage tummy with sesame oil.

Sesame oil is perfect for massage of children of the first year of life


It is necessary to remember that carcinogenic substances are formed in sesame oil during prolonged heating, so only short-term heating of oil on a water bath for rubbing and massage is allowed. And only raw sesame oil is used.

Important! The combination of sesame oil with products and drugs having oxal and citric acid, aspirin, estrogen derivatives for people suffering from urolithiasis, can provoke an aggravation of the disease. Be careful!

As for the contraindications, first of all, it is necessary to refrain from the use of oil to people with allergic reactions to nuts and seeds. The rest, especially for children, it is necessary to introduce oil into the diet gradually, watching the reaction of the body.

Sesual oil increases blood consumption, so it is undesirable to use it with a tendency to thrombosis and use for cosmetic purposes when signs of cuperosis on the face. Only consulting the doctor can be used sesame oil in varicose veins!

The laxative effect of sesame oil can lead to diarrhea, so people having problems with a chair suffering from the disorder of the stomach or intestines should be abstained during this period from oil reception.

Thus, sesame oil is a valuable product that has a comprehensive positive impact on the human body. Sesame oil in ancient times is rejuvenating, cleans the body, helps to cope with various problems and protects against cancer. However, most recipes for the use of sesame oil are taken from traditional medicine and their therapeutic effect is not proven by official science. Therefore, if there are serious health problems, it is necessary to turn to your doctor to assess the feasibility of the use of sesame oil in each case.

Today's conversation about the beneficial properties of sesame oil and contraindications for its use in folk medicine and cooking.

Sesame (Sesam) oil and this plant itself originally appeared in the East. For the right to be called His Motherland, India and Africa compete, but now Schutt is delivered not only from there, but also from: China, Korea, Transcaucasian regions.

Ayurveda considers this product the best oil. And by the way, the most ancient, which only learned to produce people.

However, it is the Indian plant variety that remains the most popular due to the highest percentage of oil content.

As a base for oil, raw in a mixture of four colors: yellow, red, brown, black.

The degree of maturity and aroma of the seed is determined by changing the tone from light to the dark. In addition to the manufacture of oil, sesame seeds can also be grilled and added to food. The term of their storage is only 1 year, after that they deteriorate and acquire a burnt taste. The sesame products retain freshness up to 2 years. And the oil and that longer.

The composition of sesame oil

It is better not to be thermal processing and not add to hot dishes - it is capable of saving the largest amount of useful substances only until its temperature exceeds 25 degrees.

Existing refined sesame oil completely does not justify itself, why pay big money for tasteless and practically useless oil, although it can be replaced by another, much cheaper vegetative analogues.

Seeding oil sesame is an incredibly useful product. Our ancestors have proven its beneficial effect on the human body. It is equally useful for both men and women.

Seung oil can be used as a food product and as a drug. It is rich in provitamin A, vitamin E and vitamins of the group B, as well as in it a great content of copper, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc and dietary fiber.

In this article we will try to figure out what sesame oil is. Benefit and harm, reviews about this unique product will also be considered.

What is the sesame oil?

The thermal-loving plant of sesame is known since ancient times. In a different way, it is called sesame. In the countries of the East, the seeds of this plant are very popular, adding almost all dishes. As one of the legends says, seeds seeds were included in the elixir of immortality, which still does not give peace to many.

And in fact, seed seeds have miraculous properties and, in addition to cooking, they are also used for therapeutic purposes. From seeds it turns out a very useful oil, which smells a little nuts, and it tastes incredibly tasty.

If the seeding seed seeds take for squeezing, then the oil will be light color with a common taste and aroma, but if they are roasted, the oil is obtained by a dark, with a tender aroma and a saturated taste.

This product may have certain contraindications, so the benefits and harm of sesame oil for the body will be considered further.


The value of sesame oil is that its composition includes many nutrients supporting the beauty and human health. Thanks to the content of such fatty acids, as omega-6 and omega-9, immunity is strengthened, the work of the sexual, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems is improved, the level of blood sugar comes to normal.

In cosmetology, this product became popular thanks to the Vitamins A, C and E contained in it, which strengthen hair and nails, and also contribute to the regeneration of the skin.

What benefits is sesame oil?

The use of sesame oil for the body is very large. Numerous studies have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of oncological diseases, it also contributes to the restoration of immunity and increases the resistance to colds. Oil benefits with lung diseases. When coughing, it is used in the form of rubbing. To do this, it is heated to 38 degrees, the chest is triturated and the patient is well covered. After such a procedure, it is desirable to use bed mode. To facilitate cough, you should take inside sesame oil. The benefits of it comes even when used on the day of one tablespoon of this means.

One famous health science recommends that every day rinse the mouth of oil from sesame seeds, as a result of which the mouth receptors are activated, the gums become stronger, the development of caries is prevented and the mucule is restored. The active ingredients contained in oil contribute to the removal of toxins from the oral cavity. This method is particularly effective with the ENT infection, especially if it is lubricating the nose mucosa by this product.

Insomnia and headache will no longer be picked up if you wipe the whiskey, feet and thumbs out with warm butter. With frequent dizziness, it is recommended to make a bummer.

In hypertension or elevated pressure, sesame oil helps very well. The benefit of it is large and for the thyroid gland, the function of which comes to normal and the metabolism is normalized. In addition, it helps to fight anemia, diabetes, exhaustion, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the power to cope not only with hypertension, but also with a stomach ulcer. Only in this case oil takes to meals.

Due to the large content in calcium oil, the bone system is perfectly strengthened. Therefore, it is extremely useful for the elderly, children and pregnant women. It also heals well wounds and is very effective in strong burns.

Oil use for nervous system

In sesame oil contains sesamoline, helping to cope with stress and overstrain. It is a wonderful antidepressant that improves well-being and mood. It is also used in preventive purposes against the occurrence of diseases such as dispelled sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The systematic use of this product allows you to forget about such ailments as apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue.

Harm sesame oil

Not all sesame oil is equally useful. This useful product should be taken with caution of those who have improved blood clotting. Direct contraindication - varicose veins.

It is not recommended to use it to people taking aspirin and products containing oxalic acid. No matter how sad, but it is loved by many tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, fruit, berries. If still a person continues to use them, then problems may arise with the genitourinary system. Stones begin to form. In rare cases, individual intolerance occurs to the oil.

Use for women

The use of sesame oil for women is large. Seeds of sesame contain two phytoestrogen, considered unique: sesamine and sesamoline, which are vegetable analogues of female sex hormones. It is especially important for women who are over 50 years old. Masks made of hair masks very quickly restore their structure, returning the shine.

Sesame oil helps women fight cellulite. To do this, 1 Article is added to the body moisturizing cream. l. Oil and the resulting mixture is applied in the morning and in the evening. The result comes very quickly.

Use for men

The use of sesame oil for men is also invaluable. Thanks to the vitamins A and E, as well as magnesium, phytosterol, squalene and zinc improves the work of the prostate gland, the erection increases and the production of spermatozoa increases.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

To care for the skin of the face with the use of sesame oil is very simple and effectively, so the skin retains its youth and elasticity. Due to the phospholipids contained in this product, antibacterial components, vitamin E and lecithine begins to smooth the epidermis, the synthesis of proteins is accelerated, cell membranes are restored, the appearance of wrinkles is prevented, irritations on the skin disappear.

Did you decide to start using sesame oil? The benefits and harm in cosmetology depends on the observance of all recommended proportions, the method of application, the frequency of the procedures.

Sesame oil for hair health

Hair paint, high temperature from styling devices, unnatural shampoos - All this spoils women's hair very much. If you use sesame oil for hair, the benefits of this will be just awesome. It can dissolve the acids, stimulate growth, calm the scalp, prevent the effects of ultraviolet, prevent itching.

To make the hair acquired a healthy shine, a few drops of sesame oil are often added to the shampoo during head wash. In this simple way, lifeless shock hair turns into a healthy hair.

Also restore the hair will help the next recipe. It is necessary to warm up 3 tbsp. l. Honey, add the same amount of oil and 3 egg yolks to it. Balsam in warm form is applied to damaged hair, put on a hat and after 30 minutes all wash off. Such a procedure must be done each time before washing the head to complete recovery.

Seafood Recipes

There are many recipes that have in their composition sesame oil. The benefit from it is very big.

  1. To mitigate and moisturize the skin, it is necessary to take a half-table of oil from sesame seeds, add a glass of apple vinegar to it and the same amount of water. Stir and the resulting mixture is applied to the face. The vinegar at the same time whitches the skin and kills the bacteria.
  2. To soften the feet and save the heels from dryness and cracks, it is necessary for massage movements into these places to rub sesame oil and leave it to be absorbed overnight, putting cotton socks.
  3. To get rid of wrinkles before bedtime, the eyelids should be wiped and the face. You can also make a mask for 15 minutes, for this mixing the unrefined oil from sesame seeds and cocoa powder in equal proportions.
  4. To remove toxins, make a mixture of sesame oil and turmeric: 2 s. l. Turmeric is diluted with oil until the formation of a thick mass. It should be applied to the body and wash in 10 minutes. The occurrence of allergic reactions should be fear, so the sensitivity of the skin is checked in advance.

Is it possible to lose weight with sesame oil?

To reduce the weight and normalize metabolism, such a wonderful product can be included in your diet. What is the use of sesame oil in this case? Women's reviews confirm that it helps to lose weight. For this you need to take 2.5 tbsp every day. l. Oils and lead the usual way of life without any physical exertion. But it should be remembered that the cessation of the reception of this product leads to a re-set of weight.

Polyun-saturated oils contained in oil contribute to an increase in plasma leptin level - this is a hormone that regulates the energy balance and suppresses a sense of hunger. If every day take 1 tbsp. l. This product, the body is full of important elements and vitamins all day. But it is not necessary to get involved in 100 g of oil contains 900 kcal.

How to make sesame oil?

We figured out what sesame oil (benefit and harm). How to take it with maximum benefit for the body?

Every day you need to take 1 tsp. Sesame oil. This will provide the organism with the necessary amount of beneficial substances. It should be remembered that the oil is very calorie, therefore, it is superfluous to use it in small quantities.


Thus, we figured out what sesame oil is. Its benefit is just huge. Due to its unique composition, it is used to treat a large number of diseases. It has found its application in cosmetology. But after all, when using oil, it is necessary to follow, as the body reacts to it, as its intolerance may occur.


1. Strong antioxidant.

Sesame oil has strong antioxidant properties. Calcium present in it in large quantities is actively involved in strengthening bones. For this reason, the oil is often recommended to use people at respectful age, pregnant and children.

2. For the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, the fragrant product is used as a means for stabilizing the acidity of gastric juice. With it, it is possible to reduce the increased acidity indicators, as well as to eliminate the risk of thrombus.

3. For respiratory tract.

Indispensable oil and with lung diseases, asthma, dry coughing or shortness of breath.

4. Preventive tool.

Many doctors use it as a prophylactic agent against many diseases, for example: inflammation of lungs, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diseases of the heart muscle, liver, gallbladder, thyroid gland, anemia. As a prophylactic measure, adults need to be used on a tablespoon of sesame oil every day. It is important that the product was cold pressed.

5. Source of youth.

The rejuvenating properties of sesame should be noted. It will greatly facilitate the life of women in the period of menopause when the body sharply slows down the synthesis of sex hormones. The composition of the oil includes phytoestrogens, which help the body to deal with signs of aging. In addition, phytoestrogens provide reliable protection against oncological diseases. Thus, using sesame oil, you protect your body from breast cancer in particular, as well as cancer tumors of other organs.

6. Outdoor.

Quite often, oil is used as an outdoor, if it is necessary to get rid of the wounds, abrasion, bruises or burns.

7. Source of beauty.

In cosmetology, you can find many seafane-based recipes for strengthening hair and nails, fighting oily skin.

8. Use for the smallest.

Small children love massage with oil use, since after the procedure, the skin becomes soft.

Unfortunately, all useful properties of the product are unlikely to evaluate those who want to lose weight. After all, to reduce the weight and use sesame oil for cooking, you will need to exclude other fats from the daily menu.


1. Harmful carcinogens.

In order for the product to save all its properties and has not harmed health, in no case use sesame oil for frying. Otherwise, hazardous substances are formed in it that can cause severe diseases. Mustoke yourself from unwanted consequences is simple enough: add oil to salads as refueling and do not use for cooking hot dishes.

2. Risk of development of urolithiasis.

Experts caution that the oil can provoke the development of urolithiasis, if they regularly use it with aspirin and products rich in sranquilic acid. This category of plant products includes: sorrel, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, parsley and currant. To eliminate the likelihood of the disease, it is enough to limit the daily oil consumption of up to three tablespoons per day.

3. High calorie content.

In addition, unlimited use of the product is fraught with the appearance of unnecessary kilograms and unattractive folds on the body. The oil contains a large amount of fats, which can adversely affect the appearance, and on human health. If there is sesame oil in your diet, try not to eat it after six o'clock in the evening.


Caloric content of hundred grams of sesame oil is 884 kcal.


  • in varicose veins;
  • during thrombosis;
  • with elevated blood clotting.

During the pregnancy, sesame oil is advised to include in the diet to replenish and maintain the required amount of calcium in the body.

As for infants, the product is rather dangerous for them and is due to the fact that the incomparated children's body is not able to split and dispose of fats.


Folk medicine is rich in the most diverse recipes from the ailments.

To normalize the activity of the nervous system, it is enough to use on a tablespoon of oil per day. The same dose of the product will fill the necessary calcium supply in the body, will save from Malokrovia and constipation.

Cerencing from colds and cough will help rubbing oil. To do this, it is necessary to heat the product up to 38 degrees and rub the chest to them, be sure to sleep and go to bed.

If you suffer from gastritis symptoms or stomach ulcers, take sesame oil in front of food at half a tablespoon.

If we apply a warm product on whiskey and thumbs up, the sleep is normalized and headaches will pass.

With the help of sesame oil, it is possible to ease tootten pain, it is enough just to hold the product in the mouth. Repeat the procedure every day three times and recovery will come.

Thus, the positive effect of sesame oil on the human body is complex. It is in the rejuvenating effect, cleaning, protective and anti-cancer. The main thing is to comply with the norm:

Children from three to six years old - ten drops per day;

Children from seven to fourteen years - on a teaspoon per day;

Adults - on a tablespoon of oil per day.

The nutritional value

Component Number of 100 g % of the daytime
Water 9.0 g 0,45
Proteins 19.4 g 0,97
Fats: 100.0 g 5
- saturated 14.2 g 0,71
- MONONENSATURE 39.7 g 1,99
- Polyunsaturated 41.7 g 2,09
Carbohydrates: 17.8 g 0,89
- Stachmal 10.2 g 0,51

Vitamins and Minerals



Minerals. number % of the daytime
Potassium 497 mg 20
Calcium 1474 mg 147
Magnesium 540 mg 135
Sodium 75 mg 6
Phosphorus 720 mg 90
Iron 16 mg 89

The benefits and harm of sesame oil

Current oil from sesame seeds is very popular in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Having a comprehensive impact on the body, it contributes to its restoration, strengthening immunity and improving overall well-being. In the ancient papyrus of Erbes, containing information about healing herbs and spices, and in the treatises of Avicenna there are mentions of the miraculous properties of this oil, which was used even for the treatment of Egyptian pharaohs.

Where used

So popular more than 3 thousand years ago sesame oil, the benefits and the harm of which, first of all, depend on the method of preparation, did not lose its relevance in our day. Thanks to its pleasant taste, it is most often used in culinary purposes. Neutral, almost odorless with a gentle nut aftertaste, oil is a traditional component of Japanese, Thai, Korean, Chinese and Indian cuisines. It is added to sauces and refueling for salads, they marinate fish, meat and vegetables with it and seafood prepare. The combination of sesame oil, soy sauce and honey is particularly popular. The filled with this mixture, any dish acquires a spicy and unique taste.

Widely applies oil from sesame seeds and in home cosmetology. Thanks to excellent moisturizing and softening properties, it will easily replace you with makeup removal, night cream or massage oil. Those who complain about problems with the fragility and fragility of hair, experts advise you to rub it into the skin of the head or make the nutrient masks based on it.

Recognize the use of sesame oil and doctors, rightly considering that its regular use is an excellent prevention of many diseases. A natural preparation unique in its properties can be used both externally and inside. At the same time, for an adult, a daily consumption rate is 1 tablespoon of unrefined cold spin oil.


Sesame, or, as it is also called, Sesam oil, is considered healing for no accident. Its composition is fully balanced and includes:

Sesame oil: benefit and harm. The main properties of sesame oil

A nutritional product having healing properties, and besides, a powerful antioxidant is sesame oil, the benefits and the harm of which were still studied by our ancestors. Most nutritionists advise this product for two reasons. First, oil is rich in mono and polyunsaturated acids, which reduce cholesterol levels. Secondly, there are no saturated fats, harmful to health.

Nature of Origin

The source of sesame oil is an annual herbaceous plant sesame. People of ancient civilizations have noticed that a drought-resistant plant is an excellent basis for oil production. The reference to the use of sesame oil is in one of the Ayurvedic treatises called "Charaka-Samhita". Therefore, the product from sesame is considered to be the oldest oil obtained in the history of human civilization.

From the producer country, the type of seeds and the method of their processing depends on the final product - sesame oil. The benefits and harm remain unchanged independently of the supplier.

Light sesame oil is obtained from untreated seeds, the product is popular in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East. It has a low walnut flavor.

Asian sesame oil is distinguished by a steady aroma and dark brown, since roasted seeds are involved in production. It is widely used for the preparation of cold snacks in Southeast Asia and the Far East.


A valuable product with powerful therapeutic and therapeutic properties is sesame oil, the composition of which includes a plurality of useful substances needed by the human body to maintain health and beauty.

High nutritional value of oil is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in it: omega-6 (43%) and omega-9 (40%). Due to the duet of unsaturated acids, the work of the nervous, sexual, cardiovascular and endocrine systems is improved; Immunity strengthened; Normalizes blood sugar levels.

The product was widely used in cosmetology due to the presence of vitamins (A, C, E), promoting skin regeneration, strengthening nails and hair.

In addition to the listed sesame oil, its composition has the necessary micro and macroelements necessary for health: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and natural active substances (fitting, sesamol, squalene).

Basic properties and health benefits

Sesame oil, the benefits and harm of which are tested by history and scientific research, has an unconditional number of healing properties. The source of information about the therapeutic features of the oil remains ancient drug texts in Ebers papyrus - a written certificate of beneficial plants.

To answer the question of what useful sesame oil, get acquainted with the properties of the product:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Fatty acids slow down inflammatory processes.
  2. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. Antibacterial - the destruction of most bacteria strains.
  4. Antiaterogenic - decrease in the risk of atherosclerosis.
  5. Antidiabetic - normalization of sugar levels.
  6. Antidepressive.
  7. Oil has the potential for braking development.
  8. Antipersic. Oil is used as a basis for the treatment of arthritis.
  9. Regenerating - Restoration of skin cells.
  10. Sunscreen. In the product, the level of natural sunscreen is lower than in special creams, but oil can be used for this purpose.
  11. The ability to naturally eliminate toxins from the body.
  12. Laxative action.
  13. Warming property for creating heat during massage.
  14. The softening effect of the product makes it possible to use sesame oil for face with dry skin.

Sesame oil - Natural skin care

The product from Sesame prevails in many cosmetics, which can be seen on store shelves with natural cosmetics. Due to the unique composition and large amount of antioxidants, which are pulled out toxins, while moisturize and regenerate skin cells, sesame oil in cosmetology has widespread use. It can prevent the development of acne, acne, wrinkles and pigmentation. In addition, sesamy oil is a natural defender from ultraviolet, so the daily application of the product on the face and the body dramatically reduces the deepening effect of the Sun, slowing the aging process. Zinc in the composition of the oil serves as an element that helps produce collagen and keep the skin tightened and elastic.

For hair, sesame oil can be used as a bliss. Reviews of professionals and people whose hair after the use of a sesaming product has become an elastic and brilliant, simply stunning.

Healthy hair as a result of sesame oil

Hair, especially in women, is subjected to stress daily under the influence of paints, high temperatures from installation devices, unnatural shampoos and other chemicals. Finding out how useful sesame oil for the face, it's time to find out how it affects the hair. Sesame oil dissolves toxins; Balans the work of the sebaceous glands; stimulates growth; blocks the effects of ultraviolet; Soothes the scalp, preventing further itching.

The product of sesame processing will help get rid of lice. There are several drops of rosemary and lavender oils add to sesame, warm and apply on the head of the head for 30 minutes. Then scallop walk along the entire length for the combing larvae of the lice.

To give glossy hair and their moisturizing, enough when washing the head into the shampoo add a couple of sesame oil drops and continue the usual hygienic procedure. This is so easy you can turn the lifeless shop of the hair into a healthy chapel.

Masks based on sesame oil: recipes

  1. Cocktail "Beauty". In half a cup of sesaming oil add 1/4 cup of apple vinegar and as much water. Stirring, apply on the face. Sesame oil will soften and moisturize the skin, and the vinegar bleach it and kills the bacteria.
  2. Hair restoration. In 3 tablespoons of heated honey add the same amount of sesame oil and 3 egg yolks. Until the regenerating balm has been cooled, apply it to injured hair. Wear a hat and after half an hour washed off with shampoo. Make a restoring session before every wash of the head until the result is obtained.
  3. Mitigate the feet and give the infant type of heels will help sesame oil. Feedback from people suffering and cracks of people's heels confirm an excellent result after the use of a sesaming product. The recipe is simple: in the clean feet massage movements, the product is launched and leave to be absorbed under cotton socks overnight.
  4. Procedure "Goodbye, wrinkles!". Regularly, before bedtime, wipe the face and eyelids moistened with a cotton disk or make a 15-minute mask, mixing in equal shares an unrefined sesame product with cocoa powder.
  5. Remove toxins. Before taking a bath, apply a pre-made mixture from turmeric and sesame oil (2 tablespoons of turmeric dilute to the formation of thick mass of oil). After 10 minutes, wash off all warm water. As a result - luminous leather, get rid of toxins. Beware of an allergic reaction. It is recommended to pre-check the sensitivity on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Slimming with fats: Is it possible?

To reduce the weight and normalization of metabolism, it is recommended to include sesame oil in the diet. How to take a product to achieve success in weight loss? The study published in 2006 in the Yale magazine on medicine showed that the participants in the experiment that were taken daily at 2.5 tbsp. Spoons of sesame oil and led the usual lifestyle without exercise, lost in weight in 45 days about 1 kg. Interesting is the fact that after the end of the reception, the participants began to recruit kilograms.

The researchers concluded that polyunsaturated fats contained in the product increase the level in the plasma of leptin - hormone regulating the energy balance and an overwhelming feeling of hunger. Therefore, the use of 1 tablespoon of sesame oil during a diet will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and elements. Do not get drunk: 100 grams of the product contains about 900 kcal.

Massage using a sesame product

To increase muscle tone, relaxation, humidification and nutrition of the body use sesame oil. The sesame product is able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin.

It is recommended to add a few drops of juniper to sesame oil to increase the tone and combat cellulite. Before massage, the product is better to warm in a water bath. During periods of weakening immunity and colds, oil helps strengthen the protective properties of the body. After the massage, it is not worth a hurry to flush a sesame agent. It is necessary to lie down half an hour for full humidification and obtaining therapeutic effect.

Walnut taste - raisin in dishes

Fragrant sesame oil with a sweet walnut flavor is not too popular in our latitudes. While in Asian countries, it takes great demand to give the originality of dishes.

A simple way to feel the rich taste of sesaming oil is to prepare with vegetables with it. It is necessary to fry several ginger slots in 2-3 small spoons of dark sesame oil, then add vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, bean podlock), salt, pour out some water and put out under the closed lid until readiness.


The storehouse of vitamins, a shield from diseases, sesame oil contraindications to use still has. The risk group includes people:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with a tendency to the formation of thromboms and varicose veins;
  • with increased blood coagulation;
  • with hypercalcemia.

Those who suffer from such impaired should be caution to apply sesame oil.

The benefits and harm of sesame oil: conclusions

This product is universal: it normalizes the level of acidity, strengthens the heart, restores immunity, improves the state of the oral cavity, treats cancer, increases the density of bone tissue, reduces blood pressure, protects against radiation, eliminates respiratory problems and has many, many other advantages.

It is prohibited to use the product in combination with aspirin, oxalic acid and preparations containing estrogen, since this can lead to the formation of kidney stones and harm the body. In any case, do not risk health and advise the doctor before treatment.

In order for the result from the use of sesame oil to be positive, it is necessary to monitor the body's response and adhere to the dose. Then body, hair and the whole organism will be healthy.

Sesame oil: benefit and harm. How to take sesam oil?

It became known about the beneficial properties of sesaming oil in 1500 to our era. Already at that time, this oil extract was actively used to treat many ailments and facilitating their symptoms. Nowadays, this oil got the name sesame. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and for the preparation of medicines of traditional medicine. What gives us sesame oil - benefit or harm, how to take this oil extract and what should be fear? This will be discussed in our article.

Sesam oil practically does not smell. In color, it resembles a pale yellow liquid. Initially, its useful properties appreciated cookies. This oil can be added to salads, as well as used for frying, including in deep fryer. Despite the fact that it is considered very useful, it is impossible to call sesame oil with low-calorie, because 100 g of pure product accounts for as many as 899 kcal. As you understand, enter the sesaming oil into the ration of a thin man is inappropriate.

If you want to strengthen your health or get rid of the illness, then the use of such an oil extract is only welcome. Imagine: 100 g of the product contains a daily dose of nutrient and vitaminized micro and macroelements that are so necessary for the full functioning of our body.

The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are associated inextricably with its component composition. First, the composition of this oil extract includes many elements from the Mendeleev table, in particular, zinc, magnesium, ferrum, phosphorus. Secondly, polyssyurized fats and acids are contained in sesamous oil:

  • arachnian acid;
  • palminta;
  • stearin;
  • linoleic;
  • tocopherol;
  • cezin;
  • phytosterin.

Many of the above components are needed to our organism daily, but they are not produced independently, so they should be obtained from useful food, one of which is sesame oil.

In what cases do you need to take sesamy oil?

Sesic seeds are considered to be the most powerful natural antioxidant. Despite the fact that it contains a very small dose of calcium, sesame oil is actively involved in the building of bone tissue, so it is advised to take people in old age, as well as representatives of the beautiful sex that have a child.

Unprecedented useful effects The oil from sesame seeds has a digestive tract. With the help of its active ingredients, it is possible to normalize acid-alkaline balance and stabilize the acidity and production of gastric juice. In addition, the oil perfectly cleans the vascular walls, which avoids the formation of thrombov.

Many specialists advise in food sesame oil in the disease of the respiratory system. So, sesamy oil helps to cope with cough, shortness of breath, asthma and lung pathologies.

  • malokrovia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violations in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the gallbladder;
  • for purification and regeneration of hepatic cells.

It is impossible to leave aside and the rejuvenating properties of oil from sesame seeds. He is advised to take women during the occurrence of a climacteric pause. The active ingredients of this oil help the female body to cope with age-related changes, as well as to prevent the emergence of oncological diseases.

Sesam oil is known and its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It can be used as an outdoor tool for the treatment of burn wounds, cuts, abrasions. Many women celebrated the beneficial effects of sesaming oil into the skin, nail plates and hair.

Oddly enough, but small children love sesame oil very much, or rather, massage treatments carried out with its use. After such a massage, the skin of the crumbs becomes soft and moistened, and the baby himself is calm and happy.

Contraindications to use

Despite such a huge list of beneficial properties of sesame seeds, it is necessary to use it extremely carefully. So, attending specialists led a number of contraindications to sesame sesame oil:

  • it is impossible to add oil to food together with oxalic acid and aspirin, since such a combination may determine the development of urolithiasis pathology;
  • in the case of diagnosing hypercalcemia;
  • with individual intolerance to one of the active components of the oil extract;
  • with disease varicose veins;
  • in the case of increased blood coagulation.

In order for you to extract from sesame oil to use exclusively and strengthen your health, it is better to consult with your attending specialist before using it. Renewable or excessive use of this oil can provoke the development of complicated consequences.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

As already mentioned, sesamy oil was subjected to unheard of popularity in cosmetology. First of all, sewage seed oil is used to improve the condition of the skin. With it, you can get rid of small wrinkles and pigment spots. Doctors dermatologists advise to apply oil in pure form to treat a number of diseases, for example, dermatitis and eczema.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity rightly noted the beneficial properties of sesaming oil. With the addition of a number of other components based on it, you can prepare masks that moisturize the skin and at the intercellular level will be saturated with its necessary nutritional micro and macroelements. One of the beneficial properties of sesame oil is its promotion to rejuvenation. If you use this oil extract in the composition of the masks, you can somete the nature and slow down the aging processes.

Many women use sesame sesame oil for hair treatment. With the help of oil components, you can improve the hair structure, especially if your curls are constantly being stained or heat treatment. Thanks to the calcium content in sesame seed oil, it can be used to treat and strengthen the nail plates.

How to accept the tool?

Alone to calculate the dosage of sesame oil is undesirable. If you still want to strengthen your health and increase immunity, then during the reception of oil extract from sesame seeds, comply with some rules:

  • in preventive purposes, such an oil extract is best taken immediately after waking up an empty stomach;
  • the daily dose of sesame seeds should not exceed 3 tbsp. l. for an adult;
  • in order to correctly calculate the necessary dosage, multiply 1 g for the mass of your body: the data obtained will indicate what your daily dose of oil consumption from sesoup is.

If you hold the dietary dietary diet, it will be possible to lose weight with sesame oil only in the case when you eliminate the use of other plant and animal fats. Otherwise, extra kilograms will remain in place.

A beautiful mysterious Turkic word "sesame", found in many oriental fairy tales, denotes a vegetable plant from plant seeds called sesame. The beneficial properties of sesame are known with deep antiquity. During the time of the ancient Babylon, Schutut symbolized immortality. The benefits and harm of sesame oil are due to the composition.

The composition and calorie content of sesame oil

Oil liquid is very calorie: in 100 g of oil 899 kcal. It is almost half of the daily norm of an adult. Sesame oil by 99.9% consists of fats. And only 0.1% of water occupies.

The benefits of the product is dictated by the chemical composition. It includes a complete set of vitamins needed for human vital activity. This vegetable product contains 17 important trace elements, including zinc, chrome, selenium, molybdenum and cobalt. It has polyunsaturated acids: omega-3 and omega-6.

What useful sesame oil

The use of sesame oil for the human body is known for a long time. Tocopherols limit the effect of free radicals and prevent malignant neoplasms. Calcium and phosphorus inhibit the development of osteoporosis. Useful trace elements that are part of the substance helps to relax muscles, remove the voltage and reduce pain syndrome.

Useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • displays toxins;
  • restores skin after injury, leaving scars;
  • protects against damage applied by ultraviolet rays;
  • cleans the vessels, supports heart tone;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • extends the life of red blood cells;
  • breaks blood clomes and prevents their formation;
  • contributes to the reproduction of myelin - substance, which is an insulator of nerve cells;
  • smoothes some manifestations of Alzheimer's disease;
  • participates in the synthesis of collagen.

Use for women

The benefits of sesame oil for a female body is to enhance the activity of the genital glands. It rejuvenates the body. Taking part in the development of collagen, smoothes the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles. Useful properties help during the climax normalize the hormonal background, reduce manifestations of menopause.

Use for men

The tocopherol increases the secretion of male sex glands, accelerates the maturation of sperm, normalizes the activity of the prostate gland. The intake of Sesame will benefit people with a decrease in sexual activity, will help restore normal erection and strengthen the sexual attraction.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the female organism is depleted. Oil liquid obtained from sesame seeds allows you to restore the stock of vitamins and trace elements. Sesame is positive effect on lactation. Reception will benefit Hair: Dull lifeless curls will get a live gloss. The useful properties of Sesame will help make nails with elastic and less brittle. Highly use for the dermis: the skin becomes noticeable fresh.

Important! Sesame oil can cause allergies in a baby and mother. Before taking a specialist consultation.

Can sesame oil

Sesame oil brings great benefits to children with avitaminosis: contributes to the best absorption of vitamins obtained with food. Children from age one year it is useful to refill vegetable salads. For kids from 1 year to 3 years, the maximum daily dose of the product is 3-5 drops. From 3 to 6 years, the dosage gradually increases to 10 drops. To 14 daily receptions are brought to 1 teaspoon.

Attention! Sesame oil needs to be given only in fresh form. When heated, it loses its useful properties, and the benefit will not.

Is it useful if sesame oil for weight loss

Often overeating is the cause of the nervous breakdown. Sesame oil has very useful quality: balancing nervous processes and helps to avoid stress.

Possessing a large calorieness, allows you to retain a feeling of satiety for a long time. If the reason for excess weight is a hormonal background, then sesters will help bring it in order, accelerate the metabolism and disintegration of adipose tissue. The property of the oily culture to cause the laxative effect will make it possible to clean the body from excess moisture and toxins.

How to drink sesame oil in medicinal purposes

Useful qualities of this product were used in medicine. Under various diseases, a fragile liquid is used:

  1. Sesame oil on an empty stomach will benefit when gastritis. It envelops the walls of the stomach and restores the mucous membrane.
  2. With strong constipation you need to drink an on an empty stomach. Drink 2 h. 2-3 times a day.

To strengthen the immune system, the oily product should be taken a few drops per day. Dosage depends on age. Reception should be started from 1 year and dose of 3 drops. Gradually, increasing the amount of received useful substance to 1 h. By 13 years. Adults and adolescents over 14 years old are permissible to take on a teaspoon to 3 times a day.

Take it with food. Sesame will improve the taste of vegetable dishes, will give its useful properties to porridge.

The use of sesame oil in cosmetology

The useful properties of Sesame have long noticed cosmetologists. They appreciated benefit to improve hair condition and strengthening nail plates. The ability of sesame accelerate the synthesis of collagen is known to the cosmetologists of the whole world.

The use of sesame oil for the skin is the diet of the dermis mineral substances and moisturizing. It is a catalyst for reducing processes, protects against harm applied by the exposure to sunlight.


The use of sesame oil for a face lies in a complete set of vitamins and a large number of trace elements that it contains. Sesame based face masks are very popular. They are hypoallergenic, easy and quickly prepared at home.

Mask from wrinkles

Dissolving rays around the eyes are able to deliver a lot of disappointment. Remove them easy. It is enough once a day to lubricate this area with oil sesame and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the remnants with a napkin, and the face wash the face with cool water. The beneficial properties of the substance are completely disclosed in this application. The result does not cause yourself to wait long.

Nourishing mask

Attention! The composition of the mask depends on the type of skin of the face.

Two egg yolks are taken for dry dermis. They add a few drops of sesame oil. Everything is whipped. The resulting mass imposes on the face and keeps 15-20 minutes. Then washed off with cool water.

For fatty dermis, there are 2 egg squirrels with several drops of olive. The composition is flashed face and left until complete drying. Then washed off with warm water.

Any masks are superimposed only on the cleaned dermis. Before use, it is necessary to clean the skin of the face with a lotion or cosmetic soap, unpack and only then apply a mask.

Sesame oil

Much benefit brings an oily product hair. With it, they become smooth, acquire natural shine and silkiness. The main property of the sesame fluid is to penetrate the head of the head, purify from dead cells and nourish. Regular use will restore the structure of curls, makes shiny and elastic.

The easiest way to use

Add 3-5 drops of oil into shampoo or hair balm. Use as a common tool. But the result will be significantly better. You can add to the paint when painting the Kudrey.

Restoring mask

A small amount of oil is heated to the state of warm consistency and light movements rubbing into the skin of the head. The remedy is evenly applied to the hair with a comb. Polyethylene package is put on the head and covered with a warm towel. Keep it hour. Then the head is well rinsed with shampoo.

Tip! The remedy will stronger if you leave for the night. For the prevention of making a mask just once every 10 days.

Body use

It has long been known the property of sesame oil to remove tension and relax muscles. This property is used in massages and rubbing. Sesame massage oil can be used in pure form or in combination with other vegetable components.

Olive and coconut oil are suitable. If the tool is prepared from several components, they are taken equally, they are carefully stirred. The mixture is slightly heated, then applied to the clean body. Massage is possible any. After the procedure, you need to turn around the plastic package and lie down under the blanket. Then wash warm water. Massage will weaken the muscular tone, improve blood flow. After the procedure, the skin softens.

How to use sesame oil in cooking

Sesame oil has long been used by the peoples of Asia. In combination with soy sauce and honey, the oil liquid from sesame is seasoning for pings, fish and vegetables. Sweet-walnut taste is the desired additive in gourmet oriental sweets. With his participation marinate meat and vegetables.

In Russian cuisine used for cooking:

  • soup;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • filling;
  • pancakes.

Can be frying on sesame oil

Attention! On sesame oil, it is impossible!

In the process of heating, all useful substances in it decompose. It makes significant harm to health. In the finished hot dishes, sesame oil is added to give a special taste before serving on the table.

Sesame oil and contraindications

The harm of sesame oil for a healthy person can occur only during heat treatment. This product is able to harm people suffering from the blockage of veins and high blood coagulation. Sesame oil for cosmetic purposes should not be used to people with pore clogs. It will not bring anything but harm.

How to choose and store sesame oil

Several simple rules will help choose a quality product:

  • A good product is spilled exclusively in the glass floor.
  • A characteristic feature of a good spin is a yellowish tint and a weak fragrance.

Storage conditions:

  1. Store in a dry cool place, preventing the impact of direct sunlight. This will help keep the product for a long time.
  2. You can store only in glass containers. Metal and plastic are unacceptable.
  3. An open bottle must be used no later than 6 months.
  4. Even under the right storage conditions, sesame oil gives a precipitate. This natural process does not affect its properties.


The benefits and harm of sesame oil are determined by chemical components. Oil liquid with mysterious name "Sesame" has long been recognized by the doctors and chefs of Asian peoples. The benefits are undeniable. Harm is small. It takes place only for some people and is associated with the peculiarities of their body. Healthy people sesame oil brings only benefits.

Seed seeds cultivated from ancient times (7 thousand years ago) and to date in Pakistan, India, Central Asia, Mediterranean countries, China, are used not only as seasoning, but also as raw materials for oil production. The first mention of the healing strength of these seeds is found in Avicenna tracts, and in Egypt, oil from them already 1500 g bd to our era found an application in medicine. Another plant name - " sesame"That with Assyrian translated as" oil plant"(In the seeds, the maintenance of valuable oil reaches 60 percent).

With a mass of therapeutic properties, sesame oil today is the wider application in medicine and cosmetology recipes, used in bakery, as well as pharmaceutical industries. In addition, it can often be found in the perfume and canning, confectionery industry, in the production of various lubricants and solid fats.

How to choose

When choosing an oil, make sure that it is unrefined and manufactured by the 1st cold pressed method. This product can have, both dark and lightweight color - it depends on the grain from which the oil was squeezed. A small precipitate at the bottom of Tara testifies to the naturalness of the oil.

How to store

The shelf life of the oil is 2 years. But remember that after opening the bottle and contact with air, this term decreases dramatically. So try to choose the oil in a bottle of small volume.

Store sesame oil advise in a cool and dark place. After the first use, the product must be put in the refrigerator, closing a bottle tightly.

In cooking

Sesame oil is obtained from seeds by cold spin. The unrefined product made of fried seeds has a beautiful dark brown color, has a saturated sweet walnut flavor and a strong smell (unlike light sesame oil from raw seeds, which has less pronounced taste and aromas).

The aromatic unrefined oil, rich in useful substances, is an increase in use as an ingredient of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian and Thai dishes (before the peanut butter appears, the product from sesame seeds was more often used in food in India). In the exotic Asian cuisine, sesame oil, successfully combined with soy sauce and honey, is most often used in the preparation of dishes from seafood, in fryer, pillings and sweets, marinating vegetables and meat, refueling a variety of salads.

Total pair of sesame oil drops can give the original taste and unique flavor and dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine - first, hot fish and meat dishes, mashed potatoes, porridge and diverse baking garnims, pancakes, gravy, pancakes, baking. Those who will seem too saturated aroma of unrefined oil, with culinary use you can mix this product with a more "soft" smell peanut butter.

Unlike the rest of the dietary oils (mustard, red, avocado), the unrefined sesame oil is not suitable for frying. So, in any hot dishes it is advised to add exclusively before serving on the table.

Due to the high content of antioxidants (including sesamol), sesame oil has good resistance to oxidation and has a long shelf life.


Oil caloric content reaches 884 kcal. But at the same time, having a high energy, as well as the nutritional value of sesame oil with a very high content of vegetable proteins, as well as fats that are able to easily digest, finds a successful application as a component of dietary and vegetarian food.

Food value in 100 grams:

Useful properties of sesame oil

Composition and availability of useful substances

Having a very high food value and a storehouse of beneficial properties The oil from sesame seeds is well balanced by the content of essential amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated acids, macro and microelements and other biological active substances (fitting, antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, etc.).

In the composition of oil, almost in equal shares, the necessary fatty acids are present - polyunsaturated omega-6 (40-45%) and mono-insecured omega-9 (38-43%). In this case, the omega-3 content in sesame oil is completely slightly 0.2%. The composition of Omega-6 and 9 oil contributes to improving the operation of sexual, cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, the normalization of the level of sugar and fat metabolism, strengthening immunity. They also help to reduce the risk of developing cancer, neutralize the negative effect on the body of various kinds of harmful substances (toxins, slags, carcinogens, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides).

In sesame oil, many vitamins-antioxidants, which have favorably affect the activities of the heart and blood vessels, have a powerful immunostimulating effect, have invalurating and anti-inflammatory properties. In the complex with vitamins B, vitamins E, C and A, promote the improvement of the work of the visual apparatus, have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair.

Sesame oil is an excellent source of necessary macro and trace elements. By the content of the required for the full development of cartilage and bone calcium tissue, this oil is a real record holder among other foods. So, tea spoon of sesame oil satisfies the daily need for calcium. A high concentration in the oil sesame oil of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc.

Sesame oil contains phytosterols that have favorably affecting the condition of the skin, immunity, the work of reproductive and endocrine systems, and phospholipids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain, liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as for a good absorption of vitamins E and A.

Useful sesame oil contains also the most powerful antioxidant squalene, which is necessary for the synthesis of genital hormones, which helps to strengthen the immunity and a decrease in cholesterol levels with pronounced antifungal and bactericidal properties.

Useful and therapeutic properties

Sesame oil has a fairly wide spectrum of healing effects, including anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anesthetic, bactericidal, anti-shine, immunostimulating, laxative, diuretic properties. It is used for a long time not only as a food product, but also as an effective means of traditional medicine. Thus, it is sesame oil that is often mentioned in Ayurveda as a "warming", "depressing mucus and wind", "hot and acute", "strengthening body", "soothing mind", "withdrawing slags", "feeding heart" and a natural remedy for Many aahs.

Sesame oil helps to quickly neutralize increased acidity, brings relief during colic, has an anti-inflammatory, laxative, anthermal and bactericidal action, helps to eliminate all sorts of erosive-ulcerative damage to the mucous gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it finds use in the prevention and treatment of gastritis with increased acidity, constipation, gastroduodenites, ulcers, colitis, enterocolites, pancreas diseases, helminthiasis. Due to the content of phytosterols and phospholipids, stimulating the process of boring, restoring the structure of the liver, oil can be administered into a diet for the prevention of a biliary disease and to apply in the therapy of such ailments as the adipose dyskinesia of biliary tract, liver dystrophy, hepatitis.

Sesame oil is extremely useful for the health of blood vessels and hearts. In oil, there is a complex of substances that strengthen and feed the heart muscle, increasing the strength and elasticity of the walls of vessels, warning the formation of cholesterol plaques that reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, normalizing the pressure level. In this regard, the oil should be administered to a daily diet as an effective means of prevention and useful component of treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic diseases, arrhythmias, tachycardius, heart attacks and strokes. Regular use of this product that contributes to an increase in blood platelet content in particular, it is useful for those who suffer from diseases such as hemorrhagic diathesis, verlgood disease, hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, essential thrombocytopenia.

Sesame oil is considered a useful product for people of mental labor. This product is rich in substances that are necessary for the normal activity of the nervous system and the brain. Therefore, sesame seed oil with high energy and nutritional value is useful to use daily with intensive mental loads, worsening memory, constant stress, attention disorder. Also, the constant consumption of oil, rich omega-9, is the prevention of such ailments, like Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

It has sesame oil also sedative and antidepressant properties. Due to the content of magnesium, vitamins B, sesamoline and polyunsaturated acids, this product soothes the nervous system, protects it from the negative effect of stress. Regular use of oil will help to eliminate apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue and irritability. Massage with this oil contributes to the relaxation of tense muscles.

Also sesame oil is balanced in content beneficially affecting the functions of the female sexual system of substances. Therefore, its use can benefit women who have discomfort in front of menstruation or in the menopausal period. Also rich in vitamin E sesame oil is necessary for the correct development of the embryo and full lactation, so that it can take a worthy place in the diet of pregnant and nursing women.

Introduction to the diet of sesame oil will bring considerable benefit when diabetes and obesity, since it has substances involved in insulin synthesis, as well as the ability to normalize metabolism, effectively "burning" fatty deposits with excess body weight.

Useful sesame oil and for diseases of the joints, bones, teeth due to bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. They provide the right development, functioning and rapid recovery of cartilage dental, and bone tissues. Therefore, sesame oil is used in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, osteposhosis, gout, arthritis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, caries, periodontal diseases, periodontitis.

Receive sesame oil with anemia, as it is rich in substances, which is involved in the blood formation process - manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, phospholipids, zinc.

Effectively sesame oil and with diseases of respiratory organs, including inflammation of the lungs, bronchial asthma, dry cough. It also helps to eliminate the dryness of the nasal mucosa.

They advise it to consume this oil for diseases of the urinary system, such as urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, jade, cystitis, urethritis.

Diseases of the organs of vision can also be treated with sesame oil.

And for men, this product is useful in that it improves not only an erection, but can also establish a spermatogenesis process and favorably affect the work of the prostate gland.

Permanent use of oil is an excellent prevention of various oncoliclands.

Sesame oil can be successfully used as a component of sports nutrition.

For children, the dose of sesame oil is:

  • 3-5 drops for kids for 1-3 years;
  • 6-10 drops for 3-6-year-old children;
  • 1 tsp. For a child of 10-14 years.

Use in cosmetology

Having wound-healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-grapple, as well as important immunostimulating properties, sesame oil is a common tool for the treatment of different dermatological diseases and diverse skin damage and improving skin condition.

This oil can penetrate deeply into the skin and contributes to its nutrition, excellent mitigation and humidification. The biochemical components of the product contributing to the synthesis of collagen, give the skin elasticity and elasticity.

Also, oil from sesame seeds helps to maintain the water-lipid skin balance in the normal place and resume the protective functions of the epidermis.

The product perfectly cleans the surface of the skin from dead cells, dirt and harmful substances and contributes to the maximum fast skin regeneration.

Possessing bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, which is an excellent source of zinc, oil is useful in acne, irritation of the skin, accompanied by its peeling, redness or inflammation.

Sesame oil is able to prevent premature aging of the skin, including the one that is associated with hormonal disorders or exposure to sunlight. This oil contains sesamol, absorbing UV radiation, and substances that promote the normalization of the hormonal balance.

Thanks to its properties, sesame oil finds use in cosmetology as a basic component for creams, lotions, balms, caring masks, fading, peeling and sensitive skin, face and neck creams, lip balms, lip balm.

It is possible to use this oil and as an integral component of all kinds of cosmetics for oily skin, as it can normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Sesame oil is used and as an ingredient of sunscreen cosmetics, and as basic aromatherapy oil. So, as luck of everything, it combines oil with lemon essential oils, Mirra, Bergamot, Ladan, Gerani, etc.

Rich "anti-Stresses" magnesium, well-relaxing face muscles, sesame oil is an effective tool for relaxing massage.

It is also used as a stabilizing antioxidant for other base oils, since due to good resistance to oxidation, this product is often used with quick-insulating oils. For example, almond oil increases stability to oxidation in combination with sesame by 28%.

This oil is suitable and as a means to care for children's skin, for removing makeup and gentle skin cleansing, to care for nails. The outer use of this oil in the form of a bath contributes to the growth of nails and prevent their bundle and fragility. In addition, by anti-grab properties, sesame oil is used in the treatment of nail fungus.

Sesame oil is also a very effective means when losing and fragile hair and a great regenerating and feeding component in masks for painted or damaged hair. Normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands This vegetable product is very useful to apply in the treatment of seborrhea.

Hazardous properties of sesame oil

People with a tendency to thrombosis, increased blood coagulation, varicose veins Before use of oil from sesame seeds, consult with a doctor. Of course, it is impossible to use it and in the individual intolerance to this vegetable product.