Alcoholic drinks for the new year. How to choose alcohol and food for the New Year to avoid hangovers and food poisoning

21.08.2019 Restaurant notes

It so happened that on New Year's Eve we are used to setting a rich table: there are various salads, and meat and fish dishes, and mouth-watering snacks ... The New Year, of course, is not complete without various alcoholic beverages, such as champagne, vodka, wine, cognac, etc. What is better to drink in the New Year?

Alcoholic drinks are usually served at any festive table (well, except for children, of course), and even more so for New Year's. Naturally, many would like to be able to offer their guests the widest possible range of drinks to choose from, but modern alcohol prices are so high that a plentiful table "bar" is too expensive and you need to stop your choice on just 1, 2 or 3 drinks.

Champagne is the most traditional New Year's choice. It is this sparkling foamy drink that we pour into glasses exactly at midnight and drink to celebrate the New Year to the chimes. There are many traditions and signs associated with champagne on New Year's Eve. For example, there is a tradition of making New Year's wishes with the help of champagne: on a piece of paper you need to write your wish, then set this leaf on fire and pour its ashes into a glass of New Year's champagne, after which you can drink champagne. The main condition is to have time to do all this, while the chimes strike twelve, then the wish will certainly come true.

In domestic conditions, another traditional alcoholic drink for the New Year is, of course, vodka... Among all strong alcoholic beverages, vodka occupies a leading position not only for decades, but for entire centuries, so the custom of accompanying the festive table with a “little white woman” has become firmly rooted. True, so that the New Year's feast is not spoiled by too "zealous" libation of vodka by the guests, choosing this particular drink for serving to the festive table, you should make sure that all drinking guests have enough "snacks", and it should be fatter - fat does not give alcohol quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and helps to get drunk less.

Cognac- This is also a popular drink on New Year's Eve. This, one might say, is a more "elite" version of strong alcohol, although, however, there are different cognacs ... Cognac, according to the rules of etiquette, is served at the end of the feast: after serving the main courses, but before serving coffee or tea. All the same rules of etiquette say that cognac should not be eaten: this drink is not drunk in one gulp, like vodka, but slowly, heating a glass with cognac in hand and enjoying every sip of it. True, we are so arranged that we still want some kind of "snack" for cognac, and therefore you can follow the advice of famous cognac tasters and serve cheese and fruit slices and chocolate to the table with cognac.

In addition to the listed three "main" alcoholic drinks for the New Year, there are many others. For example, it is often served to the New Year's table wine especially if there are women among the guests. Wine can be dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert - each of these types of wine should be served with certain dishes. So, dry and semi-dry red and white wines are usually served with meat and fish main courses, cold and hot snacks. Semi-sweet and dessert wines, as you might guess, are served with a “sweet table”: fruits, desserts, confectionery. The time of serving wine is chosen in accordance with the particular dish for which it is intended.

Various are very good for the New Year's table liqueurs... These alcoholic drinks have a sweet taste, so they are usually served at the end of a meal, for example with tea or coffee. Among the most popular liqueurs are Amaretto, Baileys, Cointreau, Limoncello, Sheridans and many others. It is noteworthy that analogues of many well-known liqueurs can be prepared from available ingredients at home: it will be tasty and not very expensive.

If you don’t want to drink alcoholic beverages in “pure” form on New Year's, then you can choose different cocktails, fortunately there are a lot of them. Here are just a few of the most popular ones: Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Pina Colada, Mojito, Daiquiri, Screwdriver, etc. Cocktails are a good choice for a New Year's table, but there is one difficulty: if vodka, champagne or wine can be served to the table in decanters (and often directly in bottles), then cocktails will have to be made in advance in large enough quantities for all guests to have enough. This can be quite tedious.

Among the drinks popular for celebrating the New Year, mulled wine and various types of punch can also be attributed. But the most "New Year" can be called such a drink as beer. However, what exactly to drink for the New Year, everyone in any case decides for himself. For example, what are you personally going to drink for the New Year? Take part in our voting!

The New Year is perhaps the most long-awaited, favorite family holiday, but an abundant feast, overeating and alcohol abuse can darken his meeting. How to choose alcohol for a celebration, how to avoid a hangover in the morning and what to do if food poisoning occurs?

How to avoid a hangover on January 1st?

Hangover or alcohol syndrome occurs after alcohol abuse and is manifested by the following symptoms: headache, weakness, delayed reactions, memory loss. Usually a hangover develops:

  • from overdose
  • when drinking alcohol without snacks, on an empty stomach
  • when alcohol is combined with certain medications
  • when combining various types of alcoholic beverages
  • after drinking a low-quality drink with a high content of isoamyl alcohol, fusel oils
  • the most severe hangover occurs after the abuse of sparkling wines, as well as strong drinks (brandy, cognac, whiskey) obtained by long aging, and after red wine, due to the high content of tyramine in it, severe headache often occurs
  • a hangover in non-drinkers is ethanol poisoning, in drinkers it is abstinence (withdrawal syndrome), when alcohol is no longer available.

The cause of a hangover is the reaction of the cells and blood vessels of the brain at the moment when alcohol stops flowing, since it takes some time for restructuring and the ability to do without it. Therefore, so that in the morning there is no hangover syndrome, you need to drink so that the brain reaches as little alcohol as possible, i.e. you need to drink more slowly. In the mouth of a person, 5% of alcohol is absorbed, 25% in the stomach, and the rest is absorbed into the blood from the intestines, so a good snack softens the intoxication and the next morning the hangover is less pronounced in those who had a heavy snack the day before.

Many of us are familiar with several rules that prevent you from getting drunk quickly and avoiding a hangover the next day, but it will not be superfluous to remind you of them:

It is possible to mix different alcoholic beverages, but made from the same raw materials

The basic rule is not to mix grain and berry drinks, the more varied the composition of alcoholic drinks during the evening, the greater the load on the liver and the more difficult it is for it to cope with toxic substances:

  • whiskey and beer (barley) - you can mix
  • wine and cognac (grapes) - a combination is also possible
  • Do not mix the following drinks: vodka (wheat), bourbon (corn), rum (cane), tequila (agave), sake (rice)
  • however, if you have to mix, then a combination such as vodka + beer or whiskey + beer will be better than beer + wine, vodka + cognac, vodka + wine

You need to start with weak alcoholic beverages.

This is also a well-known rule, when a weak drink is consumed after a strong drink, the effect of ethyl alcohol will be stronger and manifest faster. And if you increase the degree of the alcoholic drink you drink, then the absorption of alcohol slows down and intoxication occurs later, when the drink passes into the intestines (after 1-2 hours). To avoid intoxication, it is better not to use carbonated drinks, lemonade, mineral soda water, since they accelerate the movement of alcohol molecules and it is absorbed more actively and faster. But the New Year is not possible without champagne, which is a sparkling (carbonated) drink! To avoid the consequences - do not abuse it!

Eat a slice of butter before your meal

So that alcohol is absorbed more slowly and drunkenness is not rapid, you can eat a piece of butter or any other fatty food before the feast. Fat coats the walls of the stomach, which prevents alcohol from being absorbed quickly, so the intoxication will not be too harsh. In general, you need to eat a little before drinking so that the alcohol is absorbed more slowly.

Drink some alcohol 5 hours before the meal

4-5 hours before the expected feast, you can drink a small amount of an alcoholic drink and have a snack (50 g of vodka or an equivalent amount of other alcohol).

Take activated charcoal, drink strong lemon tea

To neutralize the effect of alcohol, you can drink a cup of strong tea with lemon, mint, black coffee, since lemon in coffee or tea neutralizes alcohol a little. Activated carbon, Polysorb, Filtrum STI also adsorb alcohol well.

How is alcohol removed from the body? Only 5-7% is excreted in urine, breath and sweat, and 90% is destroyed by oxidation in the liver. In women, alcohol breakdown is slower because women have more fat and a smaller liver. Typically, the elimination of alcohol occurs within 15-90 minutes after drinking it, alcohol with 20-30% alcohol is best utilized, but its higher concentration slows down the processing time and more irritates the stomach.

Hangover - what to do?

  • Thirst quenching - in the morning the loss of fluid in the body is about 1.5 liters, so it is very important to make up for its deficiency and speed up the elimination of toxins from the body. To avoid vomiting, do not drink a lot of liquid in one gulp, these 1.5 liters should be drunk within the first 1.5-2 hours.
  • Loss of electrolytes is also worth replenishing(magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus). They are rich in such folk remedies for hangovers as bread kvass, cucumber pickle, dried apricots, sauerkraut. You can also take medications - Magne B6,.
  • Vitamin C- since during a hangover, the pH of the blood shifts to the alkaline side, acid intake is necessary. Within 3 hours, you can drink 3-4 g of vitamin C.
  • Glycine and vitamins B6, B1- to improve the state of the nervous system, you can take a nootropic as well as vitamins B6 and B1 (you can drink the solution from ampoules), Limontar, see.
  • Enterosobrent and alkaline mineral water... Sweating, weakness, nausea are the consequences of intoxication of the body, mineral water Borjomi, Essentuki or just water with baking soda (3-5 g) helps to more quickly cleanse the body of toxins, it is also worth taking some enterosorbent, activated carbon, Enterosgel, white coal.
  • Take a shower - a hot shower will improve sweating and metabolic processes.

Choice of spirits


Whiskey, tequila, cognac

Since the growth in demand for high-quality imported alcohol is increasing every year, the amount of counterfeit products produced in Russia is also growing. As a rule, such drinks do not contain toxic and harmful substances, these are normal alcoholic beverages, but significantly inferior to the original branded alcohol - according to the recipe and, accordingly, in taste, smell, etc.

When using falsified expensive alcoholic beverages, the risk of allergic reactions increases, since fraudsters add various chemical additives and impurities to them to add color, aroma and taste. Basically, all counterfeit products are produced on the territory of the North Caucasus, Voronezh, Moscow regions, and wholesalers act openly and do not hide the illegal origin of the goods.

Since a fake is usually recognized after opening a bottle, when it is not possible to return the product, it is important to know some of the signs by which you can distinguish fake cognac, tequila or whiskey at the stage of purchase.

Jack Daniel's whiskey

You buy a fake if:

  • The bottle has a metal cap - the original Jack Daniel's is produced only with a plastic cap with a plastic wrap
  • The bottle has round and smooth "shoulders" - the original has a new look since 2011, the "shoulders" of the bottle have an embossed inscription "Jack Daniel's" on four sides
  • The "Curve" bottle has a label - the original has the label glued exactly.

Jack Daniel's whiskey

Recently, Jack Daniel's counterfeits in new bottles have been widespread, which are difficult to distinguish from the original, but there are signs of falsification:

  • The bottle does not have the "Registered trade-mark" badge on the neck, the original bottle has it
  • The bottle has a nasty neck - the original has edges along its entire length.

Jim Beam whiskey

  • Lid - the original Jim Beam has a smooth top of the lid, no ribs
  • The lower part of the lid - this whiskey has 2 golden stripes above the inscription of the trade mark "Jim Beam"
  • The neck of the bottle - the original has a facet only on the lower part of the neck, and the fake is faceted along the entire length of the neck
  • Bottle shoulders - the real drink has the "Jim Beam" logo embossed on 4 sides on the bottle shoulders.

Jameson whiskey

  • The fake has a plastic shell on the lid - the original has only a metal lid without a shell
  • The fake has no embossed inscriptions on the bottle - the original has 2 inscriptions: at the bottom of the front side of the bottle "Product of Ireland", and at the bottom of the back side of "John Jameson"
  • They mainly counterfeit bottles with a capacity of 0.7 liters, if in doubt, buy a liter bottle.

Tequila Olmeca

  • The fake has ribs at the top of the lid - the original has a smooth top
  • The falsification has a smooth bottle - the original feels the corrugation of the bottle, especially on the "shoulders". The glass of the bottle should not be smooth on the original.

Whiskey Johnnie Walker Black Label, Red Label

The most frequently counterfeited whiskey is Johnnie Walker Black Label, to recognize a counterfeit one should look at the embossing on the label and on the lid. Click on the picture to see the differences.

Hennessy X.O.

It is believed that the sales of Hennessy cognac are 3-4 times higher than its production, which means that only every 3-4 bottles are original, the rest are fakes. Signs of fake Hennessy XO:

  • The original drink is produced only in volumes of 0.7 and 0.3 liters, if 0.5 liters of cognac on the counter is a fake.
  • The cork shell is similar to that of cheap domestically produced wines. In the original, the casing fits snugly against the glass, and the cork and casing are made using a special technology, with laser engraving and a Holosleeve hologram.

Hennessy V.S.O.P.

Most of the counterfeit is in bottles of 0.5 liters in the form of a flask, so when in doubt, it is better to buy cognac in a round bottle. If there is no alternative, then you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • A lid - in a fake it resembles a vodka, but the manufacturer Hennessy takes care of protecting its product and pays a lot of attention to the production of corks and casing (engraving, hologram).
  • The original has a relief image of a hand with a halberd at the top of the front side of the bottle.

Champagne selection

  • Study the label of the drink you are buying, because when buying in a hurry, you can buy either sparkling wine, or just a flavored sparkling drink (alcohol, sugar, water, flavor), which is specially saturated with carbon dioxide. In the latter case, the drink guarantees heartburn and has absolutely nothing to do with champagne and the label may indicate that it is “Soviet Semi-Sweet”, “Sparkling” instead of “Sparkling”, “Semi-sweet carbonated wine”.
  • The cork can tell about the quality of champagne - it is better to give preference to wine corked with a cork rather than a plastic cork. The cork does not have a strong effect on the quality of the drink, but it does not indicate the seriousness and dishonesty of the manufacturer, causing suspicion about the quality of the bottle contents.
  • The drink should not have inscriptions indicating the presence of extraneous aromas and tastes - this is no longer champagne.
  • At the bottom of the bottle there should be no flakes, cloudy sediment, which may indicate either a poor-quality drink, or a violation of storage conditions.
  • Champagne should not be cheap, if the price of a particular bottle is much lower than the prices of other manufacturers, it is better not to buy it.
  • Champagne should only be bottled in dark glass bottles; if champagne is in a light container, do not purchase this drink.

The quality of champagne can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Pouring a drink into a glass, a thick foam forms, it quickly settles and then leaves a small ring of foam.
  • If the drink is left in the glass for a while, it will not "run out of steam". Champagne is good if sparkling persists for 10 hours. The best brands of wine remain sparkling even after 24 hours.

If you bought real champagne, then you should know:

How to properly uncork champagne?

  • Chill the bottle to 8-10C
  • Remove the foil, wrap your hand around the cork
  • Do not remove the wire from the plug, just loosen it
  • Hold the cork in the wire firmly in your hand and twist the bottle (but not the cork!)

Real champagne is made in the Champagne province (France) from Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier grapes using a complex technology that has been worked out for centuries. Until 2022, Russian winemakers have the right to produce sparkling wines under the name "Champagne", then this will be the name of a drink produced only in the province of Champagne, the rest - simply "Sparkling wine". Real champagne ripens for 9 months or more right in the bottle. And in the production of Russian champagne, grape varieties are not regulated, fermentation takes place in large tanks according to an accelerated technology in 1 month, and sparkling is achieved by adding carbon dioxide.

Product selection

  • The very first point is the choice of a product that has not expired, in a hurry and with a large list of purchased products, often the hostess does not have time or forgets to carefully consider the labeling, buy the freshest products, especially confectionery, fish, meat, cheese, sausages products.
  • You cannot buy products with an atypical, unpleasant, pungent odor, with a wet sticky coating on the surface of the product.
  • Do not eat canned food if gas is released when opening (bombing the can)
  • Quality raw smoked sausage should be dry, slightly wrinkled, firm.
  • Red caviar - choose glass jars so that you can see the caviar, it should be crumbly, the grains are homogeneous, elastic, easily separated from each other. Color: pink salmon caviar - light orange, chum salmon - orange, dark color indicates that caviar is not fresh, pale - evidence of overripe products. Good caviar - no orange liquid, fills the jar tightly.
  • Red fish - if you buy a piece in a vacuum package, check the date of manufacture, do not buy if the numbers are erased or a store sticker is glued on top. Feel the fish, no dents should appear, the package should be free of air bubbles, and it should fit snugly against the substrate and the fish. The fish must be kept at a temperature of -4 to 2 C in the refrigerator, otherwise it is dangerous to eat it. When the fat is oxidized, the color becomes rusty. The fillet should not be with bones, and the surface of the fish should be clean, without bruising, dirt.
  • Never eat fruit (citrus fruits) if there is even a minimal amount of mold on the surface of the peel, signs of rotting beginning even in a small area, since the entire fruit is already considered contaminated and eating it is dangerous to health.

Signs of food poisoning

  • Before the arrival of an ambulance, gastric lavage should be performed to reduce the absorption of toxins and remove pathogens from the stomach. Use 1 liter of clean water with a pinch of baking soda or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The victim drinks the liquid and immediately induces vomiting, this procedure should be performed 3-4 times. There should be a minimum break between drinking water and vomiting.
  • If there is no diarrhea, it is better to take to cleanse the intestines in order to remove toxins from the intestines. If diarrhea has begun, then at first you should not take any, it is necessary that the intestines be cleansed, and then it is possible to use antidiarrheal drugs, etc.
  • After washing, you need to drink enterosorb: Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta, Filtrum Sti, activated carbon, White coal, etc.
  • To drink a lot - still mineral water, cold strong tea, when dehydration begins, rehydration preparations are shown: Oralit, Litrozole, Regidron, Chlorazol.
  • The poisoned person should comply with bed rest; the doctor will determine the need for hospitalization.

At the thought of the upcoming most important holiday of the year, a vivid picture appears in front of your eyes: an elegant Christmas tree, tangerines, a beautiful, rich festive table and, of course, sparkling champagne in glasses. It is also a great opportunity to experiment and prepare a variety of delicious alcoholic New Year's drinks. After all, almost the entire set of necessary ingredients is already on your table.

New Year's cocktails alcoholic recipes inexpensive 2019 NEW PHOTOS

Cocktail "Invigorating freshness"

  • whiskey,
  • cognac,
  • frozen coffee.

To prepare iced coffee, use 5 large tablespoons of coffee (instant coffee can be used) in 1/4 liter of water. Prepare coffee (no sugar) as you normally would, wait for it to cool, then place it in the freezer. After the coffee has turned into a block of ice, shake it, but not finely, and add the iced coffee chunks to the whiskey or cognac glasses.

New Year's cocktails with vodka 2019 delicious recipes NEW photos

It has been established that the word "vodka" comes from "water". At the same time, even in ancient times, along with the name "vodka" there were others - hot wine, bread wine, etc. At present, the alcohol content in domestically produced vodkas is 40-56%. Therefore, it is preferable to drink vodka mixed with something weaker.


  • Vodka - 30 ml.
  • White dessert vermouth - 20 ml.
  • Pineapple juice or mango juice - 20 ml.
  • Pineapples or apricots - 5-10 g.
  • Ice - 1-2 pieces

In a glass with ice, put pineapples or apricots, cut into small cubes, and then add all of the above ingredients. Serve with a spoon for fruit.

New Year's cocktails alcoholic recipes at home 2019 PHOTO best options

Each company is unique in its tastes and members. However, everyone dreams of having a fun and tasteful holiday. For those who have conceived to beautifully receive guests on New Year's Eve and pamper their taste buds, we have compiled a rating of the best cocktails for the New Year. We have specially selected recipes that are easy to reproduce at home. New Year's cocktails with a degree go great on a long festive night. We emphasize that delicious alcoholic beverages can be perfectly mixed with your own hands at home, if you know the correct proportions and sequence of actions.

New Year cocktails alcoholic champagne recipes 2019 VERY delicious

In addition to the usual traditional drinks - champagne to the chimes, wines to hot and ice vodka to the herring “under a fur coat” - you can prepare many different drinks for the festive table. For example, bright cocktails, which will be very appropriate on this New Year's Eve (after all, it is known that the word “cocktail” is translated as “cock's tail”). For those who do not sit in front of the TV and set off to launch fireworks and balls of wishes in the cold, hot New Year's drinks 2019 will come in handy. Alcoholic cocktails based on champagne will be appreciated by fans of magic bubbles.

Winter crochet

  • 750 ml of champagne,
  • 750 ml dry red wine,
  • 200 g frozen cherries (pitted),
  • 200 ml orange juice
  • 100 g of sugar.

Cover the cherries with sugar, orange juice and 1 glass of wine. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In a large pitcher, combine the cherries with the juice and the wine with the remaining wine. Stir the drink, pour it into glasses and top up with champagne.

New Year's alcoholic cocktail Santa Claus hat 2019 PHOTO

The original red digestif with a foam cap resembles a traditional Christmas hat, adorned with white fur. One bottle of champagne will require a can of canned cherries, one medium-sized lemon and a few sprigs of rosemary. Squeeze the cherry juice thoroughly, add the whole rosemary and heat for 5-10 minutes over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Strain the cooled liquid and pour 2-3 tablespoons into each glass. Top up with cold champagne and squeeze out a few drops of lemon juice. Garnish with rosemary or canned cherries and serve immediately.

New Year's cocktails shots 2019 the most delicious recipes PHOTO

B-52 - one of the most famous cocktails! It is impossible to imagine any club party without this drink, which has conquered all continents. In the middle of the last century, this tricolor sweetish drink was created in one of the Malibu bars. The name was given to him in honor of the American Boeing B-52 bomber-bomber. There are other versions of the origin of this cocktail, but the bomber version is considered to be the most realistic. Cook B-52 preferably in the presence of the guest who ordered it, firstly, in order to impress with their knowledge and skills, and, secondly, it is imperative to explain how you need to drink this shot.
To cook you will need:

  • Coffee liqueur (Kahlúa) - 20ml - bottom layer
  • Then Creamy Liqueur (Baileys) - 20 ml
  • And the top layer will be Orange liqueur (Cointreau) - 20ml

The trick is to distribute the drinks evenly so they don't mix. Add liqueurs along the edge of a knife or the back of a cocktail spoon. This should be done slowly and carefully. When the drink is ready, you can just drink it, or you can set it on fire. In the second case, you need to drink through a straw, lowering it to the lowest layer and very quickly so that the tube does not melt, and instead of the delicious taste of B-52, you do not feel the taste of melted plastic. It is not recommended to abuse the drink, since after 3-4 servings the euphoria may end and strong intoxication may ensue.

Multi-layered "Shots" - one of the most complex cocktail options. Cooking requires skill, patience and accuracy. As well as knowledge of the recipe or ingredient density table. "Shots" are great for a fun company in survival games, for example, in the game "Seven".

Cocktails for the New Year's table 2019 the most popular photo recipes

"Chocolate Egg Nog"
Christmas-New Year cocktail Egg Nog with spices. Egg Nog is a popular holiday drink in Europe and the United States and is served at Christmas. It is somewhat similar to an eggnog. Prepare a spicy drink with the addition of alcohol - eggnog - during the New Year period. This wonderful milk and egg shake has been considered a festive drink for a long time. It is extremely popular in the United States during the holidays. It takes a long time to prepare, but the result is simply fabulous.
Briefly about this recipe: Milk and egg shake with the addition of spices and alcohol
You will need:

  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 5 tbsp. milk
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. cream 20%
  • 1 tbsp. brandy
  • 1/4 Art. dark rum
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (white can be used)
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar

How to cook:

  1. In a large saucepan, combine the milk with the chocolate pieces and stir until dissolved. Bring to boiling point over moderate heat.
  2. In the meantime, beat eggs and brown sugar in a white foam in a large bowl. Add nutmeg and vanilla sugar.
  3. Pour half of the warmed milk mixture into the egg mixture and beat vigorously with a whisk. Then pour into a saucepan with milk, put on low heat and, stirring thoroughly, add alcohol and cream.
  4. Cook over low heat, not boiling and stirring continuously with a whisk until the mixture thickens to a creamy state. Be careful not to burn the mixture.
  5. Cover the finished eggnog with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3-5 hours.
  6. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate before serving. Serve with dessert spoons as the drink is thick.

New Year's cocktails from available products 2019 BEST photo RECIPES

Cocktail "Rum with ice cream"
A very simple rum cocktail, although it does not reflect on the taste. Delicate and creamy - associated with the New Year!
As the ice cream melts, the cocktail becomes layered.


  • 60 ml dark rum
  • 100 g vanilla ice cream
  • 1 wedge of dark chocolate
  • 60 g crushed ice


  1. Fill a glass with ice and pour 10 ml of rum over it.
  2. Put the ice cream in a blender, add rum (50 ml) and mix until smooth. Transfer to a glass on ice.
  3. Grate the chocolate and decorate the cocktail with it.

Smart people say -
How will you meet the new year ...
And fools drink alcohol
And they go crazy from year to year.
(from the people)

What alcohol to choose to protect yourself from a severe hangover?

Many families associate the New Year with a Christmas tree and a table bursting with delicious food and alcohol. After a fun holiday comes a heavy hangover. Many, choosing alcohol, seek to enjoy drinking it and protect themselves from a painful hangover.

The whole truth about alcohol on the video - think about it !!!

One of the factors of such a choice is the quality of the alcoholic beverage, which does not contribute to the appearance of headaches, intoxication of the body, and nausea. This factor depends on the composition of the alcoholic beverage. The severity of the hangover is enhanced by the presence of tyramine, fusel oils, methyl alcohol, sugar, flavorings, glycerin in the alcoholic beverage.

Tyramine stains drinks red or dark, so red wines and dark spirits (rum, cognac, bourbon) are more difficult to tolerate than light ones. Whiskey has a higher percentage of fusel oils than vodka. In counterfeit vodka, ethyl alcohol is often replaced with cheaper methyl alcohol. But isable grape varieties also contain a large percentage of methyl alcohol, which is why they are prohibited in the European Union. You should not choose spirits that contain softeners such as sugar and glycerin, which increase dehydration, rather choose vodka softened with honey. The fructose contained in honey neutralizes the toxic acetaldehydes formed during the breakdown of alcohol. For sweetening, macronutrients (copper, zinc) are also used, an overdose of which causes headaches. Chemical flavors improve the smell of the drink, but negatively affect human health, fragrances from essential oils are safe. Flavors are often added to drinks made with low quality alcohol.

Some information about the composition of an alcoholic drink can be obtained by carefully examining the label on the bottle. But there is no information on the label about the content of fusel oils, methyl alcohol, organic or chemical origin of flavorings, raw materials for the manufacture of alcohol, etc. Counterfeit spirits use factory-made analogue labels.

The only indisputable answer to the question of what alcohol does not cause a hangover is none, abstaining from drinking it.

What kind of alcohol to give a man for the New Year (female logic)?

To choose the alcohol that is best to present to a man for the New Year, a woman has to resort to the help of sophisticated feminine logic and information provided by the famous magazine for men Maxim. The magazine considers a car, a girl, perfume and expensive alcohol to be the most attractive gifts for men. Women's logic reduces this list to expensive alcohol, because A man may fall in love with a car and a donated girl more than the giver, and among perfume and alcohol, the choice is made according to the size of the gift, because 500 ml of alcohol is 10 times more than 50 ml of perfume, at comparable prices.

With the same method of exclusion, a woman decides the issue of choosing the type of drink. Martini is excluded first, it can only be given to homosexuals. Maxim distinguishes whiskey, cognac and vodka from the original male drinks. Each of these species has many varieties. Maxim magazine and a sales consultant help a woman choose one variety of each look.

Whiskey must be aged in an oak barrel and must not contain cola - this is the noblest variety.

Cognac should not be Ukrainian or Moldovan, but, exclusively, Armenian or French, its price should exceed 4 thousand rubles. When handing over a gift, a woman should warn a man that this cognac should only be eaten with a royal "nikolashka" (thinly sliced ​​unpeeled lemon, sprinkled with a ground mixture of coffee and sugar), and not with a good cigar. Such an exquisite royal dish, naturally, goes better with French cognac than with Armenian.

The inclusion of vodka among the favorite men's drinks by Maxim magazine is based on the assurances of Western men who believe that Russian vodka made from grain alcohol is superior to domestic vodka made from potato alcohol. Our men are better versed in home brewing, they easily distinguish the Belarusian bimber made from potatoes from Western whiskey. Of course, our drinks cannot compete with Western ones, so vodka is excluded from the lists.

The woman makes the final choice when visiting a restaurant together, answering the question of what she will drink, French cognac or whiskey aged in a barrel. The one of the two drinks, which the man will order, will determine the choice of a gift for him for the New Year.

What alcohol to give a woman for the New Year (male logic)? Don't kill the feminine! (video below)

Men do not bother themselves with the intricacies of choosing a gift for a woman for the New Year. Some men reasonably believe that it is a good idea to present a bottle of their favorite alcoholic beverage to a woman for the New Year. She, of course, will prepare a delicious appetizer, but in the choice of alcohol there is no equal for a man. She better understands flowers, sweets, cakes, so let them choose them herself.

Practical male logic does not take into account the fact that it is impossible to give alcohol to a woman, because this is tantamount to a gift of poison that poisons not only her, but also future children.

Alcohol poisoning is one of the main reasons for overcrowding in hospitals during the New Year holidays

New Year's Eve is the only night when the number of people poisoned with alcohol is admitted to hospitals several times more than on all other nights. Christmas holidays, during which there is no need to avoid troubles due to alcohol consumption at work, the pathological habit of having fun and easy communication on holidays with the help of alcohol, the massive release of fake vodka on the market are the main factors of alcohol poisoning and severe hangovers.

The ancient Slavic traditions of a non-alcoholic lifestyle have been replaced by the custom of compulsively treating guests, including children, to drinks. Only from alcohol poisoning in Russia 30 thousand people die a year. To them you need to add those who died in road accidents due to the fault of drunken drivers, who died in fires caused by alcoholics, who died from diseases provoked by alcohol.

Despite this, the family holiday New Year often turns into a long family drinking binge. There is only one way out of this - inviting family members and guests to a non-alcoholic table. This change in custom will provide an opportunity to find out which of the invitees is a friend of the family and who is its enemy. The custom of non-alcoholic holidays, with difficulty, has already begun to take root in our lives and has shown its advantages in practice.

It is difficult to imagine a New Year's holiday without drinks, including alcoholic ones. Therefore, on the eve of the feast, many are interested in knowing what to drink for the New Year 2019. Let's try to figure out how the Year of the Pig differs from others and what is recommended to choose from alcohol.

The specifics of the future holiday

It is no longer a secret that next year will be the time of government. This animal is notable for its passion and cheerful disposition. He likes everything bright and unusual. Therefore, in 2019, you need to take seriously the choice of drinks for the New Year's holiday. At first glance, it may seem that the Pig is an illegible animal and therefore you do not need to bother with the choice of alcoholic beverages.

In fact, the Pig personifies financial success. After all, it is no coincidence that even piggy banks are made in the form of this totem. For this reason, it is better to choose elite drinks to celebrate the New Year. This applies to both champagne and more serious alcoholic beverages, such as:

  • whiskey;
  • gin;
  • cognac;
  • brandy;
  • vodka;
  • sake, etc.

To know which drink is best for you, let's take a look at how the most common alcoholic drinks are prepared:

Whiskey Mostly made in Scotland or Ireland. It has a strength of 40 to 60 degrees. It is made from different varieties of cereals: wheat, rye, barley and even corn. The grains are malted and distilled, after which they are kept in an oak container. Whiskey is drunk with water, soda or ice cubes. Malt whiskey does not need to be thinned. It is recommended to drink the drink in small sips, enjoying the aroma and taste.
Gin This drink is sometimes called juniper vodka. It is made from natural wheat alcohol with the addition of coriander and juniper. Has a fortress in the range of 38-47 degrees. Typically, the drink is double distilled and used for cocktails. You can also drink it yourself by adding ice.
Rum Made from sugar cane. First, the base is fermented, and then distilled and aged. The strength of the drink ranges from 40 to 75 degrees. Rum comes in white, amber and black. They drink it on their own or as part of cocktails.
Cognac The drink is made from grape juice, which is then distilled twice and aged in an oak container. Usually cognac is consumed at the end of a party, after dessert. The drink does not require a snack.
Brandy Each producer uses a different fruit to make this drink. This could be:
  • grape;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • currant;
  • peaches.

Brandy has a peculiar aroma and unusual taste. The fortress reaches 36-45 degrees. The drink is aged for up to a year. They drink brandy either warm or with ice in small sips.

Sake The drink is made from special rice. Has a strength of 15-20 degrees. It is customary to drink it in cups hot. Although, some people prefer to consume sake with ice.
Vodka Everyone in our country knows about this drink. It is better to drink vodka cold and eat a hearty meal. Its strength is usually 40-45 degrees.

It must be remembered that the Pig does not like overly drunk people. Therefore, if you want to please the totem, then it is best not to overdo it.

It is also necessary not to forget about warning doctors that 60 ml is a safe dose. vodka a day.

To spend the New Year holidays without excesses, experts advise to eat a small piece of butter a few hours before the feast. The fat it contains will delay the penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream, and you will stay in shape longer.

  • Pepsi Cola;
  • Coca Cola;
  • Sprite;
  • Baikal;
  • any sparkling water.

The gas promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream, and a person becomes drunk much faster.

It makes sense to follow the advice: drink alcoholic beverages in ascending order of alcohol content. That is, it is better to start the evening with wine, and then start drinking more serious drinks. Moreover, the main course will already appear: meat, fish or poultry.

So with good food, you can easily drink 200 ml. vodka and at the same time practically not get drunk.

What to drink so that your head does not hurt

It is believed that the next day a headache occurs after mixing several alcoholic drinks. The most critical in this regard is champagne. This drink cannot be mixed with any alcohol.

Experts say that any alcoholic drink can cause hangover and headaches if consumed excessively.

And here is how alcoholic beverages were distributed according to the strength of the effect on the body:

  • Beer- despite the fact that this drink belongs to low alcohol, it has negative consequences, as it leads to addiction. Also, beer can lead to excess weight and problems with blood vessels and heart. In moderate doses, beer does not cause headaches. Half a liter of beer a day can be beneficial for nerves.
  • Vodka- in its pure form does not cause hangover and headaches. However, it must be remembered that more than 200 ml of this drink with a bad snack can also lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Wine- regardless of whether it is red or white, it can cause headaches in the morning. Most often this happens with excessive consumption of this drink.

Thus, among alcohol, the most undesirable in terms of negative consequences are champagne and wine. Moreover, the sweeter it is, the more your head will hurt.

What can you offer a pregnant woman

Speaking about the representatives of the fair sex, it should be noted that excessive alcohol consumption is not decent for a young girl.

Although times are changing, and moral principles have recently shifted somewhat in an undesirable direction. Today, sometimes a girl can drink alcohol on a par with a man. True, this is more an exception than a rule.

It has already been finally proven that the female body produces much less enzyme that breaks down alcohol. Therefore, the weaker half is much more likely to get into alcohol addiction.

Speaking about women in position, doctors are categorically against their use of alcohol. For a pregnant woman, you can pick up a non-alcoholic beer or other drink. Although, in this case, doctors pay attention to the harmful effects on the fetus of various preservatives, flavors, etc.

If you value the health of your child and yours, then you better abstain from alcohol for the New Year. The period up to 12 weeks is especially dangerous, when the organs of the unborn child are being formed.

The expectant mother must remember that the effect of alcohol on the body is individual. It is not known how low alcohol may directly affect your child.

As the sad statistics show, alcohol in the mother's body can lead to:

  • genetic disorders;
  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • fetal malformations: cleft lip, cleft palate, mental retardation, cretinism.

The hostess of the year will like it if there are not only alcoholic drinks on the New Year's table. She will definitely note the presence of natural juices at the festival, especially if they are bright yellow or orange. She will also be attracted by bright and tasty compotes and decoctions. These drinks are best suited for children and pregnant women.