Useful properties of Kohlrabi and contraindications. Kohlrabi for various diseases

Cabbage Kohlrabi is a variety of white cabbage. It has a soft and gentle taste. The use of Kohlrabi is undeniable: its composition includes a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Many professional nutritionists recommend include this vegetable in the diet to increase and maintain the level of immunity, increasing the protective functions of all organs and tissues.

It is useful to cabbage and as a product that promotes the strengthening of the tissue of the gum, teeth, because it perfectly copes with the purification of the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms provoking the development of dental problems.

Cabbage composition Kohlrabi - Vitamins, trace elements

Thanks to the rich composition of the useful substances, Kohlrabi is compared not only with lemon, but also with other useful products. For example, with milk and dairy products, in particular, with cottage cheese and milk, which also contains a lot of calcium and other useful trace elements.

There are different groups of vitamins in the cabbage: A, group vitamins B, C, PP. Therefore, Kohlrabi is very useful to eat as the prevention of infectious and viral diseases.
Regular use of cabbage will allow stabilizing metabolic processes in the body, improve the digestion and purification of the body from harmful substances, toxins, reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol.

In addition to vitamins in Kohlrabi, a mass of trace elements is contained: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, cobalt, iron, magnesium, mineral salts. These substances help to improve the overall condition of the body and tissues of internal organs, they enrich the composition of the blood, improve the vessels and vessels, restore the walls and prevent the cardiovascular system aging.

Note! A very large amount of fiber, which is contained in Kollarbi contributes to the effective purification of the body from toxins, all sorts of decay products. Thanks to the content of such a quantity in the cabbage, you can reset the excess weight using in your daily diet, cooked from Kohlrabi.

Not only the useful properties of cabbage contribute to the fact that more and more consumers begin to include it in their diet. Unlike other varieties and varieties of cabbage, it is this vegetable that has a softer and pleasant taste, in which there is no bitter inherent, for example, a conventional white cabbage. Also in Kohlrabi contains more sugar, which makes it sweet and juicy.

Why is it useful to eat Kohlrabi?

For women and men

Regular use of Kohlrabi to food in any form will allow to establish the work of different internal organs: liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system. Kohlrabi has been beneficial and arterial pressure - stabilizes it, and hypotonic, increases to a normal level.

Kohlrabi can have an effective and positive effect on the state of the nervous system, contributes to soothing, relaxing.

Recently, after the studies conducted, Kollarbi is recommended for use as a preventive tool of cancer, during the period of rehabilitation after the treatment of cancerous tumors.

For kids

It is useful to turn on cabbage into the diet of children - such a rich vitamin complex, the mass of trace elements, natural acids, not only the level of immunity increase, but also strengthen all the protective functions of the bodyBut also helps to develop memory, makes children more balanced and persistent to stress, increase energy reserves.

In the cold season, when a high probability of catching infective and viral disease, Kollarbi will help to activate the protection of the body from diseases such as colds, influenza of different strains, angina.

Kohlrabi Cooking Recipes

So that the vegetable retains its useful properties, it should be prepared correctly. Cabbage is perfectly combined with different food: Meat, fish, other vegetables. Kohlrabi salads are very tasty.

Before you begin cooking, the cabbage is washed under running water, cleaned the peel - like potatoes and then cut into slices, cubes, straw, etc.

In order for the vegetable to save the beneficial properties, cabbage is a heat treatment (cooking) no more than 5 minutes, in the composition of soup - no more than 15 minutes, in stewed form - 10 minutes, in baked - 5 minutes.

Kohlrabi Soup with Mushrooms

You will need:

  • Boiled mushrooms, 140 g;
  • Kohlrabi, 2 pcs;
  • Egg yolk, 1 pc;
  • Butter, 50 g;
  • Cream, half of the glass;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cabbage is washed and clean, cut, boil for 5 to 7 minutes, smash or crushed with a blender.
Enter 3 cups of vegetable broth (water in which cabbage drunk), bring to a boil, reduce to a minimum of lights and add all the other ingredients constantly stirring the puree. Remove from the fire, take all the blender. Serve to the table with croutons and greens.

Vitamin Salad of Kohlrabi, Orekhov, Apples

You will need:

  • Kohlrabi, 300 g;
  • Solid cheese, 100g;
  • Apple;
  • Walnuts, handful;
  • Half juice lemon;
  • Little vegetable;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Cabbage rinse and clean, cut into a thin straw or grate on a large grater. Nuts are slightly crushed, rub the apple. All ingredients are mixed, refuel lemon juice and vegetable oil.

The rich composition of the cabbage makes this vegetable useful in various diseases, it is used as a preventive agent that strengthens, preventing the development of complications and severe forms of diseases.

Kohlrabi is shown in atherosclerosis, increased arterial pressure, obesity, heart disease, disorders of the urogenital system, liver diseases and gallbladder. Recommended cabbage and tuberculosis, asthma.

Benefit with diabetes

Special attention to Kohlrabi, should be paid to those who are sickly diabetes. One of the beneficial properties of this variety of cabbage is its property to reduce excess weight, to put the vessels in order that it is necessary to people with such a diagnosis.

With type II diabetes mellitus, patients often suffer from obesity, and regular use of Kohlrabi will help you to control it and maintain it in good condition.
The cabbage contains a lot of easily protein, which supports metabolic processes and increases the activity of organism cells, enzymes, cleans the walls of vessels from excess harmful cholesterol, helps to improve the work of the heart.

Note! Kollarbi does not increase blood sugar levels, so it can be used in food regularly, preparing different dishes by drinking fresh juice, baking, screaming and fresh.

As part of Kohlrabi, there is also such an important element as sulforapan - this is a substance, without which the synthesis of enzymes are impossible - the defenders of our circulatory system. This is an important point, especially for people diagnosed with diabetes.

Contraindications and harm

Not everyone can use cabbage in large quantities. Since the composition of Kohlrabi includes a large amount of natural acids, it is capable of increasing the acidity of the stomach, which provokes different gastric diseases and people who have in their history of diseases of the disease of the stomach, pancreas, should control the amount of cabbage used.

Today we consider the features and valuable properties of such a well-known vegetable as Kohlrab Cabbage.

Cabbage Kohlrabi: Useful properties

Kohlrabi - Two-year-old plant from the family of cruciferous. As you know, this group includes a lot of cabbage varieties. Kohlrabi is known only as a cultivated plant - its wild analogue was never discovered.

Mention of Kohlrabi is quite common, starting from the XVI century, although this culture was known in ancient Rome called Caulorapa. Such a massively, this culture began to grow in Western Europe at the end of the XVIII century.

Despite the fact that this vegetable can not be called particularly popular, it is characterized by a large nutritional value, as well as an interesting taste. Food from it uses a born thick stalk, which is a good source of group vitamins B (B1, B2, B6) , vitamin C. , beta carotene and vitamin k.

The group in participates in many metabolic processes, in particular, when cleaving carbohydrates. They are also the components of many enzymes and hormones, such as serotonin and adrenaline. A shortage of such vitamins is able to manifest itself in the form of skin diseases and reduced stress resistance. As for vitamin C and beta carotine , they are considered antioxidants protecting the body from the effects of malicious free radicals.

Kohlrabi also contains many micro and macroelements such as Zinc, Magnesium, Sodium, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Manganese and Potassium. In addition, this vegetable contains lutein necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes. Equally important is that all representatives of the cross-color family contain substances capable of protecting the structure of DNA, which makes them use useful prophylaxis against cancer.

In fact, today the beneficial properties of Kohlrabi cabbage have long been proven, and contraindications are quite conditional or individual.

Useful soup with carrot, zucchild and cabbage collar

Another group of compounds characteristic of cruciferous are flavonoids that have an antioxidant effect, as well as characterized by bacteriostatic and antifungal properties. And the tissue content makes Kohlrabi valuable for our digestion. This plant is especially recommended for adding those who suffer from diabetes to the diet and is on a diet. Low glycemic index and small caloric content - only 29 kcal per 100 g, allow you to consider Kollarbi with a successful component of many diets.

The most valuable source of important substances is not at all stem, but kohlrabi leaves which, from the point of view of nutritional value, is significantly superior to all other parts of the plant. They are also a good source of chlorophyll - green pigment, absorbing sunlight and transforming it into energy. All this happens as a result of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is characterized by a structure close to the blood pigment - hemoglobin, so it is often called "live blood" of plants.

This is a green substance, among other things, is capable of:

- clean the liver,

- improve blood formula,

- adjust the intestinal peristalsis,

- suppress inflammatory processes,

- accelerate wound healing.

Kohlrabi is best used in the form of salads with the addition of a small amount of cold pressed vegetable oil. It is perfectly combined with meat stuffing, as well as good as an additive to soups and garniram.

Kabesta Kohlrabi: Contraindications

Special or special contraindications in cabbage Kohlrabi does not exist However, in some cases it is still not recommended to use or limit consumption.

For example, do not use Kohlrabi cabbage in case individual intolerance. If you feel that the body does not tolerate the turnip, it is worth listening to it and refuse cabbage.

Also do not eat Kohlrabi at elevated stomach acidity Or with acute form of pancreatitis, since the substances contained in the cabbage can exacerbate the symptoms and symptoms of the disease.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Kohlrabi is a variety of cabbage, which received its sonorous name because of the external resemblance to the replica, so the Germans and nicknamed her "Kohl Rube", which means: Cabbage repa.

Indeed, when you first get acquainted with this vegetable, a suspicion of his relationship with the root of the turnip type is crucial. But the edible part - is nothing but a stem. Its juicy and delicate taste refresses and has a cabbage tint.

The Motherland is considered to be Northern Europe, and the first mention of this unusual vegetable are dating XVI century. Today, this unpretentious in the cultivation of cabbage has won recognition worldwide. It is eaten not only in Europe, India, China, but also in our country. Unfortunately, vegetable number 1 in the Russian product basket is not Russian. And sorry, because it has a number of useful properties.

For high content in Kollarby Vitamin C, it was given a nickname - "Northern Lemon". Vitamin C is simply necessary for normal growth, development and human activity.

Dietary properties are also at the height: 100 g of the product contains only 41.7 kcal.

What else falls to our body with this vegetable:

  • vitamins a, b2, pp;
  • mineral salts;
  • magnesium, calcium, iron;
  • vegetable protein;
  • cellulose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • sulfur connections.

Beneficial features

Any nutrient confirms that cabbage of any variety is very useful and full of vitamins. Kohlrabi stands in this list in the first place, because most often it is used in the raw form, pre-cleaning from the top layer (peel).

Regular use in food has a beneficial effect on general condition and work:

  • liver;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • gallbladder.

Systematic use in food normalizes metabolism.

  1. The useful property of this cabbage is to eliminate excess fluid from the body - they will appreciate hypertensis and people suffering from water delay in the body.
  2. For patients with elevated cholesterol in the blood, the inclusion of "bad" cholesterol in the vessels will prevent the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol in the vessels.
  3. The chemical composition of the beneficial substances of this fetus helps strengthen the heart muscle, has a prophylactic effect against atherosclerosis and contributes to a decrease in blood pressure.
  4. The high content of vitamin C will be built by the development of pathogenic bacteria and infections, and phytoncides in the cabbage make up immunity.
  5. Obesity is another diagnosis of the XXI century. Useful properties of cabbage and here will come to the rescue. Its low caloriciness prevents overbinding, and the tissue acts on the intestinal walls as a powerful cleansing agent - displays slags and toxins from the body.
  6. The enzymes contained in Kohlrabi protect against colon and rectum cancer. To do this, it is necessary to use this product more often.

Do not treat disregard for this wonderful cabbage. It has a soft and pleasant taste, so doctors and nutritionists recommend pregnant women and children to include it in their diet.

The benefits of juice and brave

These healing drinks (according to the sources of traditional medicine) help:

  • with angina and cough;
  • upon avitaminosis;
  • with cholecystitis and hepatitis: 3-4 times a day for 1/3 cup;
  • for the prevention of zing.

The decoction of this cabbage (along with the leaves) is used in the therapy of asthma and the pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kohlrabi juice and kashitsa are used in cosmetology, they prepare anti-aging vitamin masks for the face. Frozen juice is used in the morning as a means for washing.

Dinner is served

Most often, Kohlrabi is consumed in a fresh form. Its rubber on the grater is cut by plastics and strokes, mixing with other vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts and fruits.

What additional benefits brings Kollarbi for the oral cavity:

  • vegetable fibers massage the surface of the gums, stimulating blood supply;
  • the juice has an anti-inflammatory effect when aggravating stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • juice and fiber carry out the natural cavity of the oral cavity.

Kohlrabi is prescribed to patients in the postoperative period, with reduced organism resistance to infections and at nervous exhaustion.

In six centuries, the history of the use of this product, people learned how to prepare a huge amount of dishes from it: from Kohlrabi make stew, fritters are fried, stuffed with meat and vegetables, canned, bake, stew and boil sauces.

The diameter of 6 cm is the perfect size of a mature steboard. Before cooking, it is cleaned from the remnants of the earth, wash and remove the peel.

Perfectly retains all its properties and dried.


There are no contraindications of this very utility vegetable, there are only restrictions in acute pancreatitis and increased acidity of gastric juice. There are also cases of individual intolerance.

Kabesta Kohlrabi is one of the varieties of white cabbage. But in some European countries, it is called a little different - "cabbage repa", since it is visually similar to two famous vegetables at once.

It is known that in this product there are many vitamins and trace elements that benefit our body. But there are cases when a person is not recommended to use this product. Therefore, it is necessary to study the main beneficial properties and contraindications of Kohlrabi cabbage.

The composition of this product amazes its diversity. Kohlrabi cabbage is rich in the following vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins of group: C, A, RR, B;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • carotene.

The useful properties of Kohlrabi cabbage is difficult to overestimate. Thanks to its components, your body receives the necessary substances that can:

  1. Influence the metabolic processes in the body. The product is well absorbed in any form. In addition, with the help of cabbage, you can forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time and get the charge of the necessary energy for the whole day.
  2. Act as a diuretic. Thus, you can not only remove excess fluid from the body, but also constantly control your weight.
  3. Clean the gasts from slags and remove inflammatory processes.
  4. Normalize pressure.
  5. Strengthen the immune system.
  6. Prevent the development of oncological diseases.

In addition, regular use of cabbage leads to restoration of the liver and gallbladder. Kohlrabi is capable of improving appetite and be the main means against many diseases. That is why it is so appreciated in the field of traditional medicine.


After we have identified the main useful properties of Kohlrabi cabbage, should be told about possible contraindications. Doctors advise to limit the use of the product if it causes you:

  • allergic reaction;
  • significant reduction in pressure (hypotension);
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Also, many specialists have developed a special diet, where the basis of most dishes includes such an ingredient as Kohli cabbage. It is indeed a good means against reduction of excess weight, but since the product can provoke a sharp increase in appetite, it is undesirable to use full people.

Before drinking cabbage, it is necessary to make sure that it was not grown in greenhouse conditions. After all, the large content of harmful substances (nitrates, nitrites, etc.) can interfere with your body in obtaining the necessary amount of oxygen, and this, in turn, can lead to the development of cancer.

Despite the fact that Kabera Kohli (see the photo below) there are some contraindications, it has many useful properties that are very valued in traditional medicine. That is why there are a large number of recipes that allow you to cure serious diseases.

Basic treatments

Many are known that in modern medicine there is a huge amount of effective drugs against many diseases. But, nevertheless, doctors often resort to the use of non-traditional medicines.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • hypertension;
  • nervous overvoltage.

Many mothers use cabbage as the basis for children's diet nutrition. As a result, the growing organism receives a large number of useful vitamins that are able to strengthen the nervous system and the life tone of the child. By the way, children are happy to eat dish, which is based on Kohlrabi.

It is worth noting that cabbage occupies a special place in a special menu for diabetics, as it has a positive effect on the nerve endings, thereby preventing the development of diabetic neuropathy.


Let's turn to help the recipes of traditional medicine and find out what diseases we can avoid using Kohlrabi cabbage.

  1. We regulate metabolic processes and reduce weight. To do this, we need 100 ml of fresh cabbage juice. We accept it once a day before meals. After a few weeks, you will feel a good result.
  2. Improve well-being in asthma. We take 300 ml of water (approximately a half cup) and add several stems into it, mix and put on a slow fire. After the decoction boiled, we retain it and wait until the liquid reaches the room temperature. Take the remedy you need half a cup of 2 times a day.
  3. Get rid of a strong cough. For this recipe, it is necessary to squeeze 50 ml of cabbage juice and take 2 times a day. You can also make taste more pleasant and add a little honey.
  4. Eliminate tuberculosis. First we take 2-3 sheets of Kohlrabi and chop them finely: we need to get about 50 g. Then poured them with water (400 ml) and put on a slow fire. After half an hour, you can retain the container, after which it costs a little to wait so that the decoction is cooled. Before receiving, be sure to be strain. Every day you need to drink 80 ml 3 times a day.
  5. Enrichment with vitamins and strengthening immunity. With daily use of cabbage juice, you can protect your body from seasonal colds. To do this, you need to drink 100 ml of fresh juice per day.

Quite often, this cabbage juice is treated with an inflamed throat and pour the mouth cavity.

In addition, this product is often used in cooking in order to enrich the body with vitamins and energy, as well as increase the vitality and performance.

After you have familiarized yourself with the main useful properties and contraindications of Kohlrab Cabbage, you can use these knowledge in order to fully take care of your health and strengthen weakened immunity.

Application in cosmetology

Also wide use of Kohlrabi cabbage applies to cosmetology. Quite often from this product make various masks that can improve the condition of your skin and level the complexion.

Let's look at a few simple recipes:

  1. We take 1 large kochan cabbage and grind it on a shallow grater. Then add 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. Honey and as many dry yeast. After that, we pour fresh juice of an apple or orange. After 20 minutes you can apply a mask on the face. 25-30 minutes later, it can be washed off with cool water.
  2. Thanks to this mask, you can get not only moisturizing effect, but also whitening. To do this, you need to take several sheets of Kohlrabi and chop out in a small grater. Now we do the same with the cucumber. Then, it is necessary to make the resulting mixture carefully lay out on the gauze and cover her face and part of the neck. After 15 minutes you can wash off the remnants of the mask.
  3. Consider another toning tool that cleans and tightens the pores. We need:
  • large cabbage leaves - 3 pcs.;
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • potato flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

Grinding on the grater of the top, add yolks, flour and mix thoroughly. After that, we apply a mask on the face and keep 20 minutes, then thoroughly wash off warm water.

  1. If you have fatty and problem skin, then the next mask recipe will help you with this: finely grained Kohlrabi leaves, 1 tbsp. l. Milk, low-fat cottage cheese and several droplets of juniper essential oil.
  1. As early as the ancient Rome of Sober, cooked from Kohlrabi cabbage, was considered one of the most common dishes among the poor.
  2. Now the majority of the French are used by the "stem repum" as the main tool that can help in the fight against overweight. Because of its beneficial properties of Kohlrabi cabbage, there is almost all culinary books in which there is a large number of recipes for its preparation.
  3. In France, a special machine is used, which "turns" Kohlrabi into pasta.
  4. According to experts, Kabesta Kohlrab does not need special care and is one of the most early varieties.

The Mediterranean Kohlrab Cabbage is not similar to the usual. Its most valuable part is not the leaves, but the stem resembling a round turnip, and the taste of the vegetable is very different from the flavor of the white cabbage. What is the benefit and harm to Kohlrabi, and how do the product use?

Composition and caloric content Kohlrabi

The calorie content of the Mediterranean cabbage is extremely small - only 44 calories per 100 g of fresh vegetable. From this volume, 77% accounted for carbohydrates, another 21% occupy proteins, and quite a bit in Kohlrabi fat - 1.2%. But the cabbage has an incredibly valuable composition. It includes:

  • this vitamin complex is B1 and B2, E, K, A;
  • nicotinic acid, or vitamin RR;
  • vitamin C in huge quantities - in Kollarbi it contains more than even in Lemon;
  • elements cobalt, potassium, copper, molybdenum and sulfur, calcium and boron, phosphorus and magnesium;
  • glucose and fructose, mainly the productive nice sweet taste;
  • valuable digestive enzymes.

What is useful kolabrai kale

Kohlrabi cabbage use for the human body is that the product has a beneficial effect on the most important systems and internal organs. In particular:

  • prophylactically protects the body from oncology;
  • improves intestinal work, stomach, liver and kidney;
  • it helps to lose weight and continue to maintain normal weight, because it effectively displays slags and extra liquids;
  • it has a slight sedative effect and helps for anxious states;
  • has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • well acts on the vessels and the heart system.

Kohlrabi for weight loss

Due to the arginine substance in its composition, the product is an effective fat burning agent. If it is included in the dietary diet, it will significantly speed up the metabolism, it will contribute to the purification from toxins and thereby help to quickly say goodbye to overweight.

Kohlrabi during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of Mediterranean cabbage during the baby tooling is allowed - it contains a huge amount of vitamins, useful for mother and fetus. However, it is necessary to observe the measure with the use of the product, since excess cabbage can lead to meteorism and stomach disorder.

With breastfeeding from the product it is better to refuse - at least in the latest form. There is a lot of fiber in vegetable, and this component provokes colic in infants. Allergic reactions are not excluded. It is better to enter the cabbage back to the diet no earlier than 3 months after the birth of a child.

From what age kolrabi can be given to children

Giving a vegetable to children is allowed after half a year of life - preferably in the treated form, boiled or baked, and small portions.

Important! Kohlrabi is a product that can potentially provoke a strong gastric disorder in a child. Introducing the cabbage to the children's diet only with the permission of the pediatrician.

Application Kohlrabi in traditional medicine

Vitamin Mediterranean cabbage is a huge benefit for the body with a wide variety of diseases. Folk medicine applies Kohlrabi in the treatment:

  • diabetes;
  • colds;
  • heart, gastric and intestinal ailments;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • diseases of respiratory tract.

Kohlrabi with honey from cholecystitis

Half a glass of fresh cabbage juice is stirred with 20 g of liquid honey and drink shortly before meals. Prepare such a drink is recommended twice a day, and the total period of therapy is 2 months.

Kohlrabi to raise appetite

With the problems with the appetite will help the fresh juice of the Mediterranean cabbage without any additives. It takes 1/3 glasses for half an hour before meals.

Cold and Cashel

A beverage based on cabbage juice well helps with cough and high temperature. 100 ml of fresh juice is mixed with the same amount of warm milk, add a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of fresh onion juice.

Drink tool need 2 tablespoons, 5 - 6 times a day, as soon as the first signs of cold appeared.

Kohlrabi during diabetes

You can use the product with diabetes of both types only with the approval of the doctor - but in general Kohlrabi refers to permitted products. The Mediterranean cabbage helps maintain the body weight within the norm, normalizes pressure and well affects the walls of the vessels. The product is well absorbed, since glucose and fructose, which are part of the composition, do not give a sharp increase in blood sugar.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Due to its vasculating properties, the product performs the effective prevention of heart ailments. To take care of the heart, you can cook and drink the following drink within a month:

  • 300 ml of kolrabi juice mix with a pair of tea spoons of grapefruit juice;
  • mix;
  • take twice a day at 3 - 4 throat.


  • 150 g of Mediterranean cabbage and green apple wash, finely cut and mix;
  • Add 1 spoon of vegetable oil to salad and a little greens.

There is such a salad daily, 1 or 2 times a day.


When goug is well helped by a drink from Kohlrabi, nuts and honey. Make it like this:

  • a glass of fresh cabbage juice is mixed with a large spoon of liquid honey;
  • add a little fine chopped walnuts;
  • mix thoroughly.

Take a drink best in a pair of sips three times a day, no longer than a month.


With inflammation of the pancreas, any cabbage is quite dangerous - including the Mediterranean. Fresh vegetable has an additional irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can aggravate the disease.

However, with a common good tolerability of Kohlrabi during pancreatitis, it is allowed to use a little boiled or stewed cabbage. In this form, it will no longer damage the pancreas, but from vitamins and valuable elements in its composition there will be benefits.

Bronchial asthma and tuberculosis

A large benefit from the product is observed in respiratory diseases - even with very heavy. Mitigate the symptoms of tuberculosis and asthma will help the decoction of Kohlrabi leaves. They need to pour half liters of water, boil and peck for 20 to 30 minutes, and then strain and cool.

Face masks with Kohlrabi

Fresh Kohlrab cabbage remarkably affects the skin of the face - pulls it up, eliminates small wrinkles, narrows pores and relieves inflammation.

For example, to equalize the color of the face and narrowing pores, you can make such a mask:

  • mix a small amount of fresh cabbage juice with egg yolk;
  • distribute the mask to face and hold 20 minutes;
  • wash warm water.

For moisturizing and whitening the skin, another mask is used.

  • Cabbage Kohlrabi rubbed on a small grater, mixed with the same as a rubbed fresh cucumber.
  • Then the mask is imposed on the face and neck uniform layer.
  • After 20 minutes, the mixture was washed with warm water.

How to cook Kohlrab cappist

The taste of an unusual cabbage is quite pleasant, so it can be in a fresh form - especially since it saves maximum benefit. But you can process Kohlrabi on fire - namely, cook, fry, bake or put out.

  • Cabbage is made in a sliced \u200b\u200bform, no more than 5 minutes - then the cabbage becomes soft, but its use is saved.
  • In order to fry Kohlrabi, first it is recommended to boil - fresh vegetable with frying acquires an unpleasant taste. Fry the product is not long, only before the appearance of a golden shade.
  • Stewed cabbage on low heat no more than 12 - 15 minutes. You can add a product with both other vegetables and meat products - cabbage will save their favor and will give an unusual taste of familiar dishes.
  • Vegetable can be baked in the oven using it as the main or additional ingredient. Before baking the cabbage wash and 15 minutes are soaked in salted water, and then placed in the oven, heated to 185 degrees. Preparation time depends on a particular dish.

What to cook from Kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is a product with a very wide range of applications. This cabbage is often found in:

  • vegetable salads;
  • ordinary soups and soup soup;
  • second dishes - meat or fish.

The product is perfectly combined with carrots and cucumbers, corn and green peas, with apples and avocado, cheese and mushrooms. Boiled, stewed and baked cabbage stuffed and add to stew, Kohlrabi is used to prepare vegetable pancakes. It turns out a delicious cabbage, if just frying it in the batter and is like a separate dish.

Can I eat Kohlrabi leaves

Since the main use in most types of cabbage lies in the leaves, then when looking at Kohlrabi also the question arises - it is possible to use the BOTS, or only a steblople applies in cooking.

Kohlrabi leaves are suitable for applying in the kitchen. And the main, vitamins and the beneficial substances they contain about 2 times more than the stem. They can be freely added to salads, soups, meat dishes. But it is important that the leaves are fresh and not faded, and before use they need to rinse thoroughly. They are in the fresh, and in the processed form.

How to choose and store Kohlrabi

When choosing the cabbage you need to be guided only by two rules.

  • The most delicious and helpful Kohlrabi is young. It is possible to recognize it in green fresh leaves and small stronger stablodes. It is not worth buying an old cabbage - its benefit is less, and the taste gives a bit of wood.
  • When buying it is recommended to pay attention to the leaves of the vegetable. If there are minor black points on them, this suggests that Kohlrabi was grown using nitrates.

The fresh cabbage is stored for a long time - a maximum of 3 weeks even in the refrigerator. But at the same time, Kohlrabi can be knocked in the oven, pre-cutting on thin plates, or freeze, before it boils.

Attention! Dried or frozen cabbage can be stored up to 9 months. However, most of the benefits of the product is lost, therefore, it is preferable to use collar in fresh form.

Harbor Kohlrabi and Contraindications

With all its benefits, the Mediterranean cabbage is contraindicated in some diseases. Namely, it is impossible to use it:

  • with acute pancreatitis and gastritis with increased acidity;
  • with the exacerbation of the ulcer of the stomach or 12-rosewoman;
  • in chronic hypotension;
  • with allergies on the cabbage - it is not so rare.

Tip! Even for healthy people, nitrates that may be present in Kohlrabi are of great danger.

You need to buy cabbage only in proven stores, and with the slightest doubts in its quality - wash the vegetable before cooking in salt water and thoroughly rinse.


The benefits and harm of Kohlrabi depend on the naturalness of the product - and on whether the person does not have chronic diseases from the contraindications list. In all other situations, Kohlrabi will benefit the body and pleases a pleasant taste.

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