Soybean oil used in industry. Soybean oil: uses and properties, health benefits and harms

24.04.2019 Beverages

For many, soybean oil is genetically harmful modified product... But the existence of this oil is already 5 thousand years old! It is digestible human body by 98% and can work miracles. So soybean oil brings more use or harm?

The origin of soybean oil

Soybean oil is vegetable oil light yellow hue. It is liquid and transparent, made from soybean seeds, with a characteristic pungent odor. It was first produced in ancient China 6000 years ago. Much time has passed, and soybean oil has remained popular in the food market not only in China, but also in Europe.

Modern manufacturers use several methods of making oil:

  • extraction - using a chemical method;
  • pressing - using a mechanical method.

The most popular method is double pressing. If the oil is made by this method, then it is stored in it. maximum amount useful substances, and at the same time it remains more environmentally friendly. And much less energy is spent on it.

The most modern and most popular method is direct hexane extraction. Using it, the oil is obtained by the method of complete organic dissolution. This soybean oil is most often exported and is very popular in many European countries.

Cold-pressed soybean oil is the healthiest oil. But it has drawbacks - because of its pungent smell, not everyone likes it. It also has a short shelf life. The manufacturers solved the problem and succeeded. With the help of the hydration process, the shelf life has been increased. Because of this, it has lost some of the nutrients, but the product can be stored longer without harm to health.

Soybean oil is considered the "winner" among vegetable oils for a large number of biologically active substances... It is capable of being quickly and almost completely absorbed by the human body. And in comparison with sunflower oil the chemical composition of soy is much richer, which explains its beneficial properties and overall effect on the human body.

Table: what is the difference between the chemical composition of soybean oil and sunflower oil per 100 g of product

NutrientQuantity for soybean oilQuantity for sunflower oil
Calorie content899 kcal899 kcal
Fats99.9 g99.9 g
Water0.1 g0.1 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE17.1 mg44 mg
Phosphorus, Ph2 mg2 mg
Trace elements
Iron, Fe0.05 mg
Zinc, Zn0.01 mg
Sterols (sterols)
beta sitosterol300 mg200 mg
Saturated fatty acids 13.9 g11.3 g
Palmitic10.3 g6.2 g
Stearic3.5 g4.1 g
Arachinic 0.3 g
Behenic 0.7 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 19.8 g23.8 g
Oleic (omega-9)19.8 g23.7 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 61.2 g59.8 g
Linoleic50.9 g59.8 g
Linolenic10.3 g

The oil contains 61% polyunsaturated fatty acids... They improve the work of the organs of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, heals the skin and tidies up the hair. This is especially true of linoleic and linolenic acids, which are large in it. And 24% of the oil consists of monounsaturated fats, completely analogous to the fatty acids in some nuts and avocados.

Useful properties of refined and unrefined legumes

Doctors in Europe have decided to conduct a study on soybean oil. They wanted to know what properties the product has and whether it is good for humans. For their test, doctors attracted 80 thousand interested people of different ages and gender. They systematically took oil for food in the specified rates. It turned out that for those who did it, the risk of a heart attack decreased by 6 times.

This is not the end of its useful properties:

  • often used for disease prevention of cardio-vascular system;
  • effective in the treatment of liver diseases;
  • renders positive impact to work the brain;
  • participates in seed formation in men;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • used in the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • used in the treatment of cancer;
  • is part of the remedies for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps to establish metabolic processes;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a beneficial effect on potency, is an aphrodisiac;
  • often used in cosmetics ah as a regenerating agent;
  • strengthens the bones of the skeleton;
  • prevents diseases of the reproductive system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus in a pregnant woman;
  • acts as a tool in the fight against stress;
  • helps the healthy development of the child's body;
  • for hair: makes the color saturated, adds shine, heals dry hair, moisturizes and nourishes it, accelerates growth, fights hair loss;
  • for facial skin: tones and refreshes the skin, has a rejuvenating effect, prevents the early appearance of wrinkles and aging skin, protects against ultraviolet rays, eliminates oily shine on the face;
  • helps to keep the manicure longer and strengthens the nails.

Depending on the manufacturing methods, the properties of the product may vary. The greatest benefit can only be obtained from unrefined oil. The product is subjected to the most gentle treatment. If the oil is from soybeans refining and deodorizing, it becomes cleaner, with a beautiful shade and less pronounced aroma, but it loses most of its properties. So the choice is up to the consumer.

Application of soybean oil

Many applications can be found for oils of this composition and properties. The most basic areas of application:

  • in cosmetology for the beauty of hair and healthy skin;
  • in cooking;
  • in the manufacture of margarine;
  • in the production of bread, mayonnaise, vegetable cream;
  • in manufacturing confectionery;
  • in pharmacology in the composition of drugs;
  • in the manufacture of lecithin;
  • in the enrichment of feed mixtures for chickens, turkeys, cats, dogs and other animals;
  • as part of PVC processing products.

Soybean oil is mainly used in food, but also found industrial applications. With the help of it, the product is oxidized, which is a non-toxic stabilizer and plasticizer. It is processed with PVC, it is called epoxidized soybean oil. It is transparent viscous liquid yellow color... It is also used in the production of medical devices, PVC materials, food films and cable compounds.

Epoxidized soybean oil (ESP) is one of the best polymer stabilizers. It is added to give special properties to materials. It has a strong synergistic effect. It is used in combination with other stabilizers, which makes it indispensable.

Contraindications to use and possible harm

In addition to the many benefits that soybean oil brings, it can be harmful. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the contraindications to its use:

  • not recommended for people who have intolerance to certain components of the product or allergic reactions to soy;
  • pregnant women are allowed only after consulting a doctor, since it contains a lot of isoflavones;
  • not recommended in large quantities for mom and baby during breastfeeding;
  • can cause migraine attacks in people with headaches;
  • do not use in large quantities, as it reduces reproductive function, and during pregnancy planning it is worth giving it up altogether;
  • affects the appearance of osteoporosis;
  • can lead to malfunctions of the central nervous system and aging;
  • do not consume in large quantities, as it leads to obesity.

The negative effects of oil on the body can be avoided. To do this, you need to consume it without exceeding the norm. And in case of deterioration in health, it is better to give it up altogether. People who plan to use the oil in the treatment of chronic diseases should definitely consult with their doctor.

Daily norms in nutrition

Vegetable fats should make up at least 10% of the total fat consumed in the daily diet of a healthy person. The permissible norm of the product is 1-2 tablespoons per day. Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend significantly exceeding the norm, as this can lead to obesity and disruption of the digestive system.

Features of use

Before introducing soybean oil into your diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of its use. This is the only way to get from him maximum benefit and not harm your body.

Despite their valuable properties, unrefined soybean oil has a short shelf life.

Is the product an allergen?

An allergic reaction to food occurs when the body begins to react to certain types of proteins in food. In humans, allergies manifest as a rash, redness, peeling, loose stools, an asthma attack, abdominal pain and difficulty breathing. In some people this reaction may be strong, while in others it may not. It also occurs in children.

Soybean oil is considered safe by doctors and nutritionists for everyone, even those who are allergic to soy itself. This is because it is purified from proteins during the production process.

Can I fry on it?

Since oil came to us from China, all the secrets of cooking on it also passed to us from asian food... You can and should fry on the product. The main advantage of the oil is the release of fewer carcinogens in comparison with other oils. It gives a kind discriminating taste fried meat, fish, vegetables and shrimps. Frying on it using the stir-fry technique is especially popular - fast frying of food in hot oil. Moreover, they must be constantly stirred.

Is soy oil for pregnant women allowed?

Vegetable oil should occupy a special position in the daily diet of a pregnant woman. It has a vitamin complex necessary for the health of a woman and her baby. Soybean oil can fight various inflammations and is involved in the production of hormones necessary for pregnant women. Its value for women and babies in the presence of fatty acids, phytoestrogens, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

But oil can be harmful because it contains a lot of estrogen-like isoflavones. Therefore, it is not recommended at all stages of pregnancy. Before use, you should consult your doctor. If there are no contraindications, then the allowed amount is 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Soybean oil for breastfeeding

Many moms who feed breast milk child, ask the question: "Will soybean oil harm the baby?" The benefits for mothers and babies from oil can be great only if there are no contraindications to its use. But due to the content of isoflavones in it, it is not recommended for breastfeeding... In order not to harm yourself and your baby, it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

Use in children's diet

Pediatricians are allowed to introduce soybean oil into complementary foods from 6-7 months. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic refined oil... Its norm by the year should be 3-5 g per day, by 3 years - 5-8 g, from 3 years - 10-18 g. First, the baby is given 1-2 drops of oil and the reaction is monitored. If within 2-3 days there is no rash, redness, peeling, stool disturbance, general disorder, then the amount is gradually increased.

What diseases is it allowed?

Soybean oil has medicinal properties that, when consumed regularly, help in the treatment of many diseases.

Chronic cholecystitis

The composition of bile affects the proper functioning of the biliary system. If it is violated, the amount of cholesterol in it prevails over bile acids, then this can cause the formation of stones in the biliary tract. To prevent this, you need to increase the consumption of vegetable oils and vegetable fiber in your diet.

Soybean oil is excellent for treating this condition. It is able to bind "bad" cholesterol and remove it from the body, stimulating the contraction of the gallbladder. The recommended rate of oil consumption per day is 40-50 g. This is 50% of general norm fat per day. It should be added to salads, vegetables, meat. And during an exacerbation of the disease, doctors advise adhering to a strict diet.


This disease is manifested by pain in the stomach, inflammation of the mucous membrane, the appearance of a large number of ulcers. Soybean oil can significantly reduce the time for epithelialization of erosion. At the same time, doctors and nutritionists advise adhering to a food diet. The daily menu should be balanced in terms of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Vegetable oils in the patient's diet should prevail over animals. The norm of soybean oil per day is 15-30 g. Salads, vegetables are seasoned with it, added to lean meat and fish. It is also often drunk on an empty stomach for 1 dessert spoon half an hour before breakfast.


Soybean oil is indispensable in dietary nutrition people with type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is especially useful for children with this disease. Its main task is to lower the level of glucose in the blood and slow down the processes of its absorption from the stomach. It is safe for diabetics inclined to be overweight, as it does not contain starch and saccharides. The permissible amount of oil per day is 0.9 g / kg of the total body weight of a person.

When losing weight

Because of high calorie content nutritionists do not recommend to abuse soybean oil. If you adhere to the permitted rate per day and balance the diet in terms of the amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein, then you can achieve a positive result. Oil helps to accelerate metabolism, resulting in effective loss excess weight... The amount of oil per day is 2-3 tablespoons.

For a diet, it is recommended to give preference to unrefined oil. But since it is not suitable for everyone taste, it is better to add it to salads, vegetables and lean meats. It is especially popular to use oil for weight loss in the Ducan diet. It is allowed in the amount of 1 coffee spoon at the "Attack" stage, "Alternation" - 1 teaspoon, "Fastening" - 1 tablespoon, "Stabilization" - in an amount not exceeding the norm.

Soybean oil in health recipes

V folk medicine soybean oil is used primarily for disease prevention. It is consumed at 15-50 g per day for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Application of the product in cosmetology

The oil can have a healing effect on hair, skin and nails if it is applied systematically in the required amount... But before use, cosmetologists recommend checking the product for allergies. To do this, apply the oil to a small area of ​​the hand (wrist, bend of the elbow) and observe the day. If, after a day, an allergic reaction does not occur, then it can be used as a cosmetic agent in the treatment of hair, skin and aromatherapy.

Dry hair mask

  • Option 1. Soybean oil (40 ml) is mixed with castor oil (50 ml). This homogeneous oil mask is applied over the entire length of the hair, with particular attention to the ends. It is kept on the hair for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with shampoo. The mask can be done no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Option 2. Soybean oil (200 ml) is mixed with butter (50 ml). The resulting mixture warms up a little. The mask is applied to the entire length of the hair and kept for 20 minutes. After that, the mask must be washed off with shampoo.

Mask to accelerate hair growth

Soybean oil (1 tablespoon), burdock oil (2 tablespoons) and freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 teaspoon) are combined in a small container. The mask is applied to the hair roots with light massage movements. After it is distributed over the entire length of the hair. It is kept for 1 hour, then it is necessary to wash off with shampoo. It has a long lasting effect if used 2 times a week for 2 months.

There are many miraculous soybean oil-based remedies for the face.

Anti-wrinkle mask with lifting effect

For the mask, whip in a blender 1 potato boiled with peel, 0.5 apples, 1 teaspoon of soybean oil. A mask is applied to the cleansed face along the massage lines and kept for 20-25 minutes. After the expiration of the time, the mask must be washed off with water.

Purifying mask for inflammation, acne, acne, irritation

In a water bath, you need to melt 1 tablespoon of honey. Add to it 5 drops of peach, soy, almond and coconut oil... The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face and kept for 15 minutes. Wash off with running water.

Despite the weak popularity in Russia, soybean oil is the first in the world in terms of annual production among vegetable fats... It is used in the food and agricultural sectors, as well as in some branches of the chemical industry. Expressed soybean oil is considered a very useful product with a high content of antioxidants, healthy fatty acids, lecithin, phytohormones.

For the production of vegetable fat from soybeans, mechanical and extraction methods are used. The first one implies only spinning, and the second one - an additional processing cycle on chemical equipment. In both cases, the seeds of the plant undergo preliminary processing, which includes the following stages:

  1. Cleaning from mineral, organic and oil-bearing impurities.
  2. Drying of raw materials to a moisture content of 15%.
  3. Separation of the seed and fruit coat from the kernel.
  4. Destruction of cellular structure by grinding beans.
  5. Hydrothermal treatment.

In modern soybean processing plants, both mechanical pressing and extraction using organic solvents are used. The resulting products are packaged and stored separately from each other.

Extracted soybean oil is rich in biochemical composition, its beneficial properties are most pronounced. However, due to the presence of various components in the composition, it has a shorter shelf life.

The composition of soybean oil compares favorably with the composition of many other vegetable oils. First of all, it contains a lot of vitamin E, necessary for sexual health, and consisting of both forms - E1 and E2.

Today it is already known that vitamin E is "2 in 1", that is, two forms of one vitamin: E1 - tocopherols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta), E2 - tocotrienols (the same designations). Both forms are necessary for the vitamin to be assimilated, and together they are present only in natural food products - there are no tocotrienols in pharmacy vitamins, which means that vitamin E is simply not absorbed from them.

But if you regularly use fresh food with this vitamin, including soybean oil, it will be absorbed by the body almost 100% - the difference is obvious. Unfortunately, many doctors don't know about this (or don't even want to know).

Other components of soybean oil: vitamin C, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus; lecithin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Most of all linoleic acid - it can prevent the development of cancer; followed by oleic, palmitic, alpha-linolenic and stearic.

These substances do not allow cholesterol to accumulate in blood vessels, like lecithin; soybean oil can be used to prevent kidney disease, atherosclerosis, to strengthen the immune system and relieve the effects of stress; it improves metabolism and stimulates bowel function.

Is it possible to get soybean oil at home

Due to the low cost of soybean oil in retail chains, self-production this product is not very popular. Firstly, to obtain a high-quality liquid, you need to properly prepare the raw material, squeeze it out, and then filter it.

Secondly, it takes a long time. However, in theory, you can squeeze the fat out of soybeans at home. To do this, you will have to use a blender or a meat grinder to get a wet gruel, from which oil is then extracted using a colander and gauze.

Soybean oil is one of the most available products helping to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol. Affordability means not only low price, but also widespread use.

Thanks to unique combination fatty acids squeeze enhances the complex action of other beneficial substances that prevent vascular and heart disease.

As already noted, this is the closest to fish oil vegetable oil, which has a strong stimulating and normalizing effect on metabolism.

An important benefit of soybean fat is its high content of alpha-tocopherol, known as vitamin E. 100 grams of liquid contains 17.1 mg of this substance, which covers 114% of the average daily allowance consumption for an adult.

In addition, the composition contains zinc, which is important for the health of the skin, hair and the reproductive system, and iron, which plays an important role in the functioning of the circulatory system. The above complex of fatty acids has a very broad effect, which has a positive effect on the condition of all internal organs and systems.

Soybean oil in baby food: harm and benefit

There is a wide variety of opinions about whether soy and derived products are good for baby food... Many parents are inclined towards a negative answer, referring to the fact that a significant proportion of soybeans grown in the world are genetically modified varieties.

This is a true fact, however, such components do not fall into the products that are produced and imported into Russia, because it is prohibited by law. So you don't have to worry about GMO soy products.

Experts say that soybean oil has no effect on children's organism specific influence, however, it is advised to include it in the diet on an ongoing basis from 1 year. A small amount of this product in mashed potatoes, porridge or salad will be beneficial due to the varied fat composition.

For pregnant and lactating women of this product not contraindicated. But in order to avoid potential problems with the health of the child, you should consult on this issue with an observing doctor.

The beneficial effect on the body is expressed in the following effects:

  • the efficiency of metabolic processes increases;
  • toxins and toxins are removed faster and better;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • the work of the nervous system is stabilized;
  • the body (primarily the skin) experiences a rejuvenating effect;
  • the risk of developing and complicating cancer is reduced;
  • stabilizes the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood vessels;
  • the productivity of brain functions increases;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is getting better.

The described changes appear faster and more strongly when using unrefined oil, because cleaning the product almost completely removes minerals and vitamins.

The key contraindication to the use of this product is individual intolerance. There are no specific restrictions, except for those that apply to any vegetable oils.

How to use soybean oil in food

V Food Industry and home cooking soybean oil is used unrefined, refined and deodorized. The latter is the most versatile in terms of performance. It does not deteriorate or become harmful when heated during frying. But this is because it initially has rather limited beneficial properties.

Refined oil is also used for frying. It is convenient due to the fact that it does not "shoot" or splatter, and a soft crust forms on the surface of the meat.

Unrefined oil has the most useful composition... It is produced by direct extraction. This option contains more vitamin E and trace elements, but it can only be used without heating.

The smoke point of unrefined soybean oil is + 160˚- + 170˚C. When heated above this temperature, fatty acids are oxidized. This not only imparts bitterness to the pomace, but also leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances.

Can I fry in soybean oil

Refined soybean oil can be used to fry fish, meat, or vegetables. Its smoke point is + 238˚C. Frying temperature of food in living conditions rarely exceeds + 200˚C, therefore it does not lead to product deterioration and formation harmful substances... The vegetable fat of soybeans is also suitable for roasting and roasting in the oven or over low heat.

Uses of hydrogenated soybean oil

Hydrogenation is the treatment of vegetable fats with the addition of hydrogen atoms to the unsaturated double bonds of the basic substance.

Figuratively speaking, this allows under pressure to create a homogeneous substance from oil, catalyst and hydrogen (initially, these components cannot be mixed with each other).

Hydrogenation technology is known and widely used in our country since Soviet times. Today, fats converted in this way are called trans fats, and they have a very bad reputation.

Experts studying this issue say that the body has to assimilate unnatural substances in the form of trans fats that do not exist in nature. It is believed that they provoke unpredictable reactions in the body and increase the risk of developing:

  • oncological formations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II;
  • liver disease;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis.

Some studies show that people who regularly consume hydrogenated oils have a worsening hormonal background and metabolic disorders.

The product greatly helps in the fight for the health of hair when it is prone to excessive brittleness, dryness, thinning, split ends or damaged after intensive creation of complex hairstyles using synthetic substances (varnishes, mousses, etc.).

How to make a soybean oil mask for damaged hair:

  1. For 1 part (5 ml) of lemon or lime juice, take 3 parts of soy and 6 parts of burdock oil.
  2. Combine the ingredients, heat a little in a bath, distribute over the entire length.
  3. Put on a cellophane cap on your head and wrap yourself with a woolen scarf or shawl over it.
  4. After an hour, wash your hair with a delicate shampoo.
  5. Rinse clean head with water with the addition apple cider vinegar, lime or lemon juice (15 ml per 1 liter).

To stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair, you can use an even simpler mask made from a mixture of soybean oil and castor oil. You need to mix in 2 tablespoons, slightly warm and distribute over the roots and ends. The head also needs to be insulated over a cellophane cap.

For dry hair:

  1. Mix ¼ melted butter with 1 glass of soy.
  2. Apply over the entire length 20 minutes before shampooing.

For strengthening and moisturizing

  1. Mix 1 tsp. soybean oil, 2 tablespoons onion juice and 1 tbsp. liquid honey.
  2. Warm up a little before combining the products with each other. Apply over the entire length 45 minutes before shampooing.

Soybean oil in cosmetology

Soybean oil is affordable and inexpensive natural products, which can seriously help in the struggle for the preservation of beauty.

It works well for normal to dry skin, but not for combination or oily skin. The fact is that the agent can stimulate the formation of excessive sebum on the skin, which in many cases worsens the condition.

Application options for home beauty treatments:

  1. Add a little squeeze to the makeup remover milk for a nourishing effect.
  2. Enrich the composition of the firming, rejuvenating, nourishing and regenerating product by adding a few drops before applying.
  3. Firming mask. Mix ½ a small apple with the pulp of 1 potato, cooked in a jacket, and 1 tsp. soybean oil. After bringing to homogeneity, transfer to the skin for 20 minutes.
  4. Balm for dry skin. Apply a mixture of equal volume of soybean and peach seed pomace overnight.
  5. An effective balm for sensitive skin obtained from a mixture of olive and soybean fat with chamomile ester.

Application of oil in industrial sectors

  • Food industry: production of margarines, confectionery, baked goods, bakery products.
  • Chemical industry: production of surfactants, thinners, emulsifiers, phosphatite concentrates. Read more:

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of unrefined soybean oil is 1 year if the following conditions are met:

  • Temperature: + 10˚C to + 25˚C.
  • Relative humidity: up to 85%.

The shelf life after opening expires after 6 months, but no later than the main date. When choosing in a store, you should give preference to the product in small glass bottles with tinted glass.

Vegetable oil- the most important part of the diet, which can diversify the diet, add additional taste and aroma, and give the body useful vitamins and minerals. However, being a tasty and healthy addition to various dishes, not all oil is equally useful and, at times, even hazardous to health. That is why, many fans healthy eating choose soybean oil having wide range of healing properties... Oh and various products(,) read from it in separate issues.

Useful and medicinal properties of soybean oil

Many people know that the main criterion for health is a high content of monounsaturated fats, combined with low or no cholesterol. This product is considered one of the healthiest and safest in the world. The fact is that polyunsaturated fats contain 6 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation in the body, reduce the chance of developing arthritis and protect the heart from disease, as well as improve brain health and cognitive function.

Soybean oil Is a good choice as it is one of those rare products that fully meet the stated criteria. It is full of nutritious fats that can regulate cholesterol levels, and therefore significantly improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, soybean oil withstands high temperatures, without emitting carcinogens, so it is good to fry or bake on it.

Omega-3 fatty acids that make up 7% of the total fatty acid content, affect the normal growth, development and functioning of the brain. By protecting cell membranes from bacteria and other foreign materials, Omega-3s act as antioxidants. In addition, polyunsaturated fats improve vision and rejuvenate the skin.

Also in soybean oil there is vitamin E acting as a powerful antioxidant. First of all, getting into the body, this vitamin has a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

  • reduces acne and scars;
  • protects against sunburn;
  • increases elasticity;
  • stimulates the regeneration of new cells;
  • accelerates its healing.
As an effective antioxidant, vitamin E delays the aging process, increases immune system the body and improves blood circulation.

Finally, one of the main benefits of soybean oil is its high content vitamin K- a substance that significantly strengthens bones due to better absorption of calcium, prevents damage to brain cells, thereby saving from the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Chemical composition

Soybean oil, like all products in this category, is almost entirely (99.9%) fat. It contains practically no proteins and carbohydrates. Due to this, calorie content the product is super high and is 899 kcal per 100 grams. However, with proper use of this product, fats are not deposited, but are beneficial to the body.

Energy value per 100 grams:

Vital fat-soluble vitamins, which are 100% assimilated by our body. Soybean oil surpasses all other varieties in the amount of vitamin E.

There are no useful minerals in soybean oil, but the amount of organic acids it contains is impressive:

  • linolenic - 54%;
  • oleic - 25%;
  • stearic - 4.5-7%;
  • palmitic - 2.5-6%;
  • arachidic - 1-2.5%.

Raw soybean oil contains in itself - a substance used in confectionery in pharmaceuticals.

How is it used in weight loss

The world of dietetics is constantly looking for products that can bring maximum benefit to our body and replace more harmful counterparts. One such product is soybean oil. Due to the mass of useful properties, resistance to high temperatures and the presence nutrients, this type of oil is recommended for those who sit on strict diet with limited consumption fat.

Adding soybean oil to dietary diet promotes:

  • maintaining important organs such as the brain, liver and heart;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • rejuvenating the skin;
  • prevent moisture loss.

It is important to remember that 35% of the total calories must come from fat. If you use soybean oil in moderation, replacing it unhealthy fats such as, then this product can be a healthy addition to any diet.

The use of soybean oil in healthy and medicinal nutrition

No matter how much they talk about the involvement of soybean oil in GMOs, no one has yet been able to prove that this statement is true. But its benefits are significant. Soybean oil in a large number is extracted from whole soybeans, therefore it is an inexpensive and popular product. It is widely used in the food industry for the preparation of margarine and mixed fats.

Depending on how the soybean oil is obtained, its benefits will vary:

  • Cold pressed- most useful option, which retains the greatest amount of active substances, including vitamins E and K. However, such a product has a slightly "burnt" smell, which may not please everyone. In order to improve health, such oil is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach for 1 tsp.
  • Unrefined- the most popular oil, the shelf life of which is increased by hydration. There are no less useful properties in such a product than in the previous version, but there is one significant drawback. It is forbidden to fry in such oil, since it begins to release carcinogens. Therefore, it is recommended to simply add it to salads.
  • Refined- most popular product on store shelves. Due to its neutral smell and rather pleasant taste, it can be added to any dishes without worrying that it will be hazardous to health. However, due to the numerous treatments, there is no benefit in this type of oil, but it can be used as an alternative to animal fats.

Also, soybean oil can be found in cosmetic stores as a basic or additional ingredient for hair and skin care.

How to Pick a Good Product

Because refined soybean oil can withstand high temperatures, it can be a good choice for grilling, baking, or frying foods. Due to its neutral taste and lack of odor, such a component will not compete with the aromas of other ingredients. Therefore, it can be safely added to delicious and healthy salads replacing mayonnaise or other chemical sauces.

TO How to use soybean oil

For prevention purposes, it is recommended to use two tablespoons soybean oil by adding it to vitamin salad... This product will perfectly complement the taste of tomatoes, cucumbers or bell pepper and also allow fat-soluble vitamins A, E and K to be absorbed 100%.

Storage features

At home, after opening the bottle of oil, it must be left in a cool, dark place with room temperature... The expiration date is usually indicated on the packaging.

Harm and contraindications of soybean oil

Soybean seeds and products made from them are among the most common food allergens... People with hypersensitivity should limit their intake of soybean oil or eliminate it from their diet altogether. In other cases, this product is not harmful.

Soybean oil is widely used as a beneficial and healthy food... If there are no significant contraindications, this product can be safely replaced or oil, without worrying that it will somehow harm the body. Share in

Almost a hundred oilseeds are used by humans for production different types vegetable oils. And soybeans are on this list as well. However, you can often hear that a soy product is not the healthiest for humans. Is this so and what does official science say about soy fats? We'll find out now.

general characteristics

The fact that oil can be obtained from soybeans was understood by people in the third millennium BC. And this discovery was made in ancient China. It was there that the most ancient written records of the use of the product were found. But according to experts, there is nothing strange in this, since it is China (according to some sources - and India) that is considered the birthplace of this culture. In ancient China, soy served as both food and medicine, and the plant itself was called divine. In those days in the East they believed that soybean oil is the very elixir of youth that returns health, strength and beauty to a person.

Real soybean oil has a bright straw-yellow or greenish color and a specific pungent odor. In industry, this product is obtained by pressing (mechanical method) or extraction ( chemical method). The most useful is considered to be unrefined oil obtained by double pressing (cold pressing). But you need to understand that this type of product is not intended for long-term storage, for her characteristic pungent smell and sediment. To extend the shelf life of the product, manufacturers resort to hydration, which, however, worsens biological value oils. But the consumer, as a rule, does not get pure oil, but refined oil - almost transparent, with a pinkish tint and already without a sharp aroma.

And Europeans learned about soy only in the 18th century. And then first thanks to soy sauce, which the French were the first to try in Europe. Today, soybean oil is made from the fruit of a plant known in biology as a cultivated one. It is grown mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, as well as in the Far East, Moldova, Georgia. Soybean oil is one of the most popular among residents of China, Western Europe and the United States.

Chemical composition

According to scientists, soybean oil is the record holder among food products in terms of the content of bioactive substances. But what is most impressive is that it is absorbed by the human body by almost 98%, which is a very high figure.

Benefits for the body

Soybean oil has been used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for several millennia. And many of its properties, attributed by traditional healers, have already found scientific confirmation. For example, today it is known for sure that a soy product is useful for:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis and heart attacks;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reducing the risk of malignant tumors;
  • improving bowel function;
  • lowering cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • accelerating metabolism;
  • improving blood clotting;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • prevention of kidney dysfunction;
  • increasing male fertility;
  • hair and skin care;
  • slowing down the aging process.

By the way, soybean oil is also useful in that it contributes to the proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, K).

But if the oil is intended for ingestion as a natural medicine, then its daily dose should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons.

What else is known about the benefits of soybean oil:

Regulates cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body needs to make certain hormones and. Organism healthy people is able to independently produce adequate doses of this substance, sufficient to perform its functions. Improper nutrition, malfunctioning digestive system lead to excessive accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels. And this is already a serious factor that increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease. The fatty acids contained in soy products help the body control cholesterol levels and, if exceeded, reduce its concentration. Thus, we can say that soy product also protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Strengthens bones

The oil got this ability thanks to the presence of vitamin K. This nutrient plays an important role in maintaining healthy bone tissue. Research has shown that vitamin K promotes bone mineralization, thereby preventing osteoporosis. In addition to vitamin K, the product contains zinc and iron, which are also essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Improves men's health

Soybean oil is considered beneficial for the prostate gland. Some studies indicate that consuming a soy product can reduce the risk of prostate hyperplasia and cancer by up to 70%. In addition, soybean oils help restore hormonal balance in the male body.

Antioxidant source

Free radicals, or reactive oxygen species, are usually part of normal oxygen metabolism. They are formed in the body during the processing of food into energy, and I must say, in a certain amount, they are even useful for the body. Meanwhile, poor ecology, exposure to UV radiation, tobacco smoke and other factors increase the level of free radicals in the body, as a result of which irreversible damage to cells and cell membranes is possible. Therefore, a person needs substances that resist the aggressive effects of reactive oxygen species. And such substances are. Vitamin E, found in soybean oil, is one of those. Adequate intake of this nutrient prevents the excessive formation of free radicals, and also prevents diseases caused by them (including cardiovascular, cancer). In addition, vitamin E effectively strengthens the immune system, promotes the formation of red blood cells and improves the absorption of vitamin K. And soybean oil can be an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin.

Potential harm and side properties

In addition to its benefits, soybean oil can also be harmful to the body. For example, people who are allergic to soy are strictly prohibited from this product. It is believed that a soy product is undesirable in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, since it contains many estrogen-like isoflavones. And some researchers suggest that migraine attacks are possible with the consumption of soybean oil. Well, do not forget about excessive weight, which is also inevitable if you are very addicted to this high-calorie product.

Another fact that makes soybean oil wary of researchers is its high content of omega-6 fats. Excess of these fatty acids in the body can cause inflammation and chronic disease.

The most dangerous is the oil obtained from genetically modified beans. Such a product, as a rule, contains many components hazardous to humans. For example:

  • goitrogens - substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones (produced by the thyroid gland) and prevent metabolism;
  • genistein and daidzein are phytoestrogens that can disrupt work endocrine system, cause infertility, promote breast cancer;
  • phytic acid - impairs the absorption of iron, zinc, and some other useful minerals by the body (soy is the leader among all legumes in terms of phytate content, their concentration can be reduced by long heat treatment);
  • hemagglutinin - causes clumping of red blood cells.

Use in the food industry

Soybean oil is one of the leaders in the food industry. It enters the kitchen either in liquid form (refined) or as a component. This oil can often be seen in the ingredient list of many products, including confectionery, mayonnaise, salad dressings, soy milk... In addition, it is used as a stabilizer and preservative in canned food, as well as for processing food before freezing.

According to the rules, a container with soybean oil should be stored in the refrigerator. Under the influence of the sun, its beneficial properties are reduced. In addition, the soy product is not intended for long-term storage (maximum a month), so it is better to buy in small portions.

Use in cosmetology

Many centuries ago, the soy product was used as a natural cosmetic product. it fatty oil has many advantages for dry and normal skin... It moisturizes and nourishes it, creates a protective barrier on the epidermis, which helps to retain moisture. Soybean oil products are beneficial for very dry, chapped and rough skin. This vitamin E-rich product is important to include in your aging skin care program. It will help keep the face toned, slow down aging, and restore the natural color and smoothness of the skin. In the composition of soybean oil, researchers have found lecithin, which is extremely important for the skin, especially with dermatitis. In addition, soybean oil can be applied to insect bites to relieve itching and swelling.

However, using soybean oil can also cause unpleasant side effects in the form of comedones (blackheads on the skin). This most often occurs as a result of the use of undiluted soy product. Therefore, for the face, it is better to take a mixture of oils, for example, from soybeans, almond and peach seeds, pine nuts and other plants. Soybean oil, a few drops, can be added to ready-made commercial creams, face and body lotions, and makeup remover milk.

Soy is also beneficial for boosting hair growth. It is useful to add a few drops of important for hair to the oil base. essential oils(such as mint, lavender, or rosemary). The mixture is applied to the scalp, after which it is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm towel.

What else is useful

We have already said that soybean oil contains lecithin. And this feature made it possible to use the soy product in pharmacology. Also, the benefits of oil are obtained in soap making, in the process of making detergents, plastics, dyes, synthetic oils. And not so long ago, researchers discovered that soy product in pure form(as, by the way, and rapeseed) is excellent tool to combat garden pests.

Scientific debate about the benefits and harms of soybean oil has been going on for years. One group of scientists argue that this is one of the healthiest foods, others argue that besides the low cost, there is no other reason to use soybean oil in food. Which of them is right, probably, will judge the time and subsequent studies of the useful and dangerous properties of this product. In the meantime, we can only say with confidence that it, like other oils, should be used in moderation. After all, even the most healthy foods in excessive quantities can be harmful.

This oil is a champion in the list of similar plant products in terms of the content of biologically active substances. Moreover, it has the highest degree of assimilation by the body.

They began to receive liquid oil from soybeans about 6 thousand years ago in China. Then they found out about medicinal properties beans and considered soy a sacred plant. Later, this plant got to Korea, and from there - to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Soy is mentioned in the ancient books of Shen-nong, dating back to 3000 BC. It is traditionally cultivated in Indochina, and since the 16th century. this plant was brought to Far East, Don and Kuban.

It is interesting that soybeans came to the territory of Europe only in the 20th century. The most loyal fans in Europe are considered residents foggy Albion... In England, an unusual diet is baked with soybeans bakery product, called "Cambridge bread", which is famous for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.

Soybean oil is produced from cultivated soybeans, which grows in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, Central and South Africa, in America, Australia, Southern Europe, in the insular part of the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The growing area of ​​soybeans extends to latitudes of 55-60 degrees.

Soybean oil has a bright, straw yellow hue. It has a rather sharp, specific aroma. Oil is eaten only in refined form, it is obtained through pressing and extraction. After refining and deodorizing processes, this product becomes transparent and receives a delicate pink color... Among other oils, soybean is considered the leader in world production.

Soybean oil is an excellent source of lecithin, widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. It is used to produce soap and detergents, plastics, dyes and synthetic oils, which, when released into soil and water bodies, do not cause any harm to the environment. And in the composition of cooling agents, this oil is not dangerous even for the ozone layer of the Earth.

Soybean oil is considered the champion among oils due to its chemical composition and extraordinary health benefits. Chemical composition this oil is a unique alloy of fatty acids useful and irreplaceable for the body, the list of which includes linoleic, stearic, palmitic and oleic acids.

In addition, the soybean product is fortified with iron, vitamins E, K, as well as choline and zinc. And the phytosterols contained in it in large quantities have a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating it.

Soybean oil contains just a record amount of tocopherol (vitamin E), which is involved in the formation of male semen. It is also useful for women, since it contributes not only to the normal course of the entire pregnancy, but also to the correct development of the fetus. Also, tocopherol helps in the fight against stress, prevents kidney disorders and cardiovascular ailments.

Interestingly, 100 grams of soybean oil contains 114 mg of tocopherol, while sunflower oil contains 67 mg, and olive oil only 13 mg. Also, soybean oil is considered the record holder among other plant products in terms of the amount of trace elements.

  • 51-57 linoleic;
  • 23-29 oleic;
  • 4.5-7.3 stearic;
  • 3-6 linolenic;
  • 2.5-6.0 palmitic;
  • 0.9-2.5 arachidic;
  • up to 0.1 hexadecene;
  • 0.1-0.4 myristic.

The benefits of soybean oil

The beneficial properties of soybean oil are determined by its rich in trace elements and vitamins. With regular consumption of this product, the risk of heart attack, heart failure and cancer is reduced.
Soybean oil contains organic choline, palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids, which can significantly improve liver and heart function.

This vegetable product has a positive effect on brain function, normalizes blood cholesterol levels, and improves sexual function in men.

In addition, this oil is advised to use for the prevention of diseases of the digestive system, immune diseases and metabolic disorders.

The use of soybean oil in cosmetology

The popularity of using soybean oil in facial care lies primarily in its composition. So, this product contains a record percentage of tocopherol, which guarantees the right food skin and slows down the aging of skin cells.

Another very valuable component in the oil is lecithin. He plays crucial role in the formation of new and restoration of damaged skin cells for any reason, in alleviating the condition of various skin diseases and improving the protective functions of the skin. In particular, lecithin has nutritional, emollient and tonic properties.

It should be noted that soybean oil is great for dry and normal skin, but in the case of oily skin, it is better to skip it.

The action of the oil is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing the skin and increasing its ability to retain moisture. Also, regular use of this product creates a protective barrier on the skin, protecting it from aggressive environmental influences and drying out.

Thanks to its good emollient effect, this oil also perfectly copes with the problems of chapped, dry and rough skin, and its toning properties will return the face to a pleasant color, lost freshness and radiance.

Soybean oil is considered an excellent remedy for the rejuvenation of aging, tired, losing tone and beauty of the skin. It helps to slow down the aging process and eliminate already observed signs - smooth out wrinkles, improve skin tone, elasticity and firmness.

Despite all the properties of soybean oil, using it in its pure form can provoke the formation of comedones (blackheads) on the face. Therefore, although you can often hear recommendations to apply undiluted oil to the face, it is still worth using it to enrich home and store cosmetics, or in mixtures with other oils. And pure soybean oil can pamper the skin of the hands and body.

To soften, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, you can mix soybean oil with olive, peach, castor, cedarwood, almond and many other vegetable oils. After examining the detailed information about all these oils, you can choose the most suitable combinations (in equal proportions) for your skin.

The resulting mixture is advised to be used both for cleansing and for removing makeup (in this case, the composition will need to be slightly warmed up). You can also use this blend of oils instead of your daily day or night face cream (if your skin is too dry or in windy and frosty weather). In particular, you can use this mixture as a mask, applying on the face for 30-40 minutes, or to lubricate chapped, rough and excessively dry skin areas. Also, a few more drops of essential oil are often added to the existing composition.

As for fortifying store-bought masks and creams, you can add soybean oil by the eye. So, you can take a one-time part of the cream and apply it pointwise on the face. Also dab some soybean oil on top. After that, rub the cream and oil all over your face with your fingers, that is, as you always apply the cream.

For one part of a store mask, you can add one incomplete teaspoon of soybean oil. Also, butter can be combined with cleansing milk.

Adding soybean oil to cooked food is also considered a good remedy. home cosmetics... For example, in the mask, you can simply add to necessary ingredients a teaspoon of soybean oil.

If you are making a cream, you can substitute one of the vegetable oils in the recipe for soy oil.

Also, if a recipe for a lotion or scrub lists vegetable oil as an ingredient, you can use soybean oil.

It is worth remembering that all of the described uses of soybean oil are suitable for you if you have dry, normal, or aging prone to dry skin. Soy oil is not recommended for oily skin. In the case of combination skin, soybean oil is advised to be applied only to dry areas, for example, on the cheeks.

Application of soybean oil

Doctors advise taking 1-2 tablespoons of oil daily. There have even been interesting product trials. More than 80,000 people took part in the testing. It turned out that those who took soybean oil regularly had a 6-fold decrease in the risk of developing a heart attack.

Contraindications to the use of soybean oil

Soybean oil is contraindicated to use internally and externally with individual intolerance and susceptibility to allergic reactions to beans and soy protein.

This oil may also be harmful during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the content of estrogenic isoflavones.

It is not advised to use soybean oil for serious brain diseases and migraine attacks. In limited quantities, this product should be consumed by people with renal and hepatic insufficiency, severe diseases of the digestive system, and intestinal disorders.