Rice sauce at home. What can replace rice vinegar in rolls and sushi? Is it able to replace it with a regular one? How to replace rice vinegar: recipes from available products

26.04.2019 Healthy eating

Lovers Japanese food know well what important role plays in it rice vinegar(su). Without its addition, it is impossible to cook rolls and sushi, as it holds the rice together without making it slippery and unpleasant in taste and appearance... But not everyone is aware that the product is also good for health. In particular, it improves liver function, helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Asian cosmetologists add sous to tonics and creams, as it promotes skin rejuvenation, nourishes and moisturizes it, smoothes and tightens. Rice vinegar is respected by culinary experts for its pleasant sweet and sour taste that can transform the taste of any dish, while on the stomach it does not act as annoying as regular vinegar. This is also used by people who follow a diet, filling their dishes with rice vinegar instead of mayonnaise and ketchup, energy value which is only 18 kcal.

Rice vinegar industrial production in our country is no longer a scarce commodity, it can be purchased in most supermarkets and just large grocery stores... However, this product is not cheap, and not every housewife can afford to add it to dishes as generously as apple or grape. However, you can make your own rice vinegar and its counterparts. If you know how to make rice vinegar at home, you can cook your favorite Japanese dishes as often as you like. In terms of benefits, such a product will not be inferior to a store one and may turn out to be even better than a purchased one.

Cooking features

Making rice vinegar at home is no more complicated than making a similar product from apples or grapes. The technology has its own specifics, but it is enough to know a few secrets to avoid mistakes and get the expected result.

  • The basis for making rice vinegar is rice groats... Parboiled rice is best suited for this purpose, as unboiled sous is too cloudy.
  • To prepare the vinegar, the rice is washed well, usually warm water, then pour in clean liquid and insist. After straining, rice water is obtained, which later turns into vinegar.
  • Rice vinegar also uses sugar and yeast to ferment. Sugar can be used white or brown. The ratio of rice water, sugar and yeast must be exactly as indicated in the recipe, otherwise the result may differ from what is expected.
  • It is advisable to use dry yeast for making rice vinegar. Pressed will give the product a specific smell that is not characteristic of real rice vinegar.
  • If fermentation does not occur or is slow after mixing rice water with sugar and yeast, then you have mixed the yeast with a liquid that is too hot or too cold. The optimum temperature for yeast activation is from 30 to 40 degrees. In a cold environment, they refuse to work, and under the influence hot temperature perish. If the yeast has been activated correctly, but rice water still wanders weakly, try moving the container with it to a warmer place. The higher the room temperature, the more actively the product ferments.
  • Homemade rice vinegar is always cloudy immediately after preparation, but this does not affect its organoleptic qualities. If you want a flawless result, you can use protein to lighten the vinegar. This will require protein raw egg... It is dipped in cloudy vinegar, boiled until the protein curdles (this happens quickly), then the vinegar is filtered - it becomes transparent.

For making sushi and rolls in pure form rarely used, usually it is brought to the desired taste by adding salt to it or soy sauce, normal or Brown sugar... This is done just before cooking.

If you pour homemade rice vinegar into clean bottles and seal them tightly, it can be kept long enough, up to several months. The shelf life of the product will be longer if kept in a cool place.

Homemade Rice Vinegar Recipe

  • rice groats - 0.21 kg;
  • boiled water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg;
  • dry yeast - 5 g;
  • chicken egg (raw) - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the rice. Fill it up with warm boiled water in the amount indicated in the recipe. Leave on for 2-4 hours at room temperature, covering the container with rice with a thin cloth or a regular lid.
  • After the indicated time, put the rice in the refrigerator and leave for at least 12 hours (but not more than a day).
  • Strain. Pour the rice infusion into a saucepan, add sugar.
  • Heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Remove the pan from heat. Cool its contents to 35-40 degrees.
  • Add yeast, mix.
  • Pour the mixture into glass jar with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters. Tie gauze around the neck. Place the jar in a warm, dark place.
  • For 4-7 days, the rice infusion will ferment, then the bubbles will disappear, fermentation will stop.
  • Pour the composition into a clean container, cover with a lid, making a narrow hole in it with a knife. Leave to infuse at room temperature for 1-1.5 months.
  • Strain the composition and pour into a saucepan.
  • Separate egg white, beat it with a whisk or mixer, add to rice vinegar.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil. Strain to rid the vinegar of the pieces of clotted protein.

It remains to pour the vinegar into clean bottles, seal and store in a cool place.

Rice Vinegar Sushi Dressing

  • rice vinegar - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 30-40 g;
  • salt - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour in the right amount bite into the cup.
  • Add salt and sugar and mix thoroughly.

Cooked by this recipe enough dressing to make rolls or sushi from two glasses of ready-made rice.

Apple cider rice vinegar

  • Apple vinegar(6%) - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Mix apple cider vinegar with soy sauce.
  • Add sugar. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Apple cider vinegar in the composition can be replaced with grape vinegar. Of course, the resulting composition will not be rice vinegar, but will resemble it in taste and in its qualities.

Rice vinegar - important product for cooking Japanese cuisine. You can make it at home. The process is simple but time consuming.

The history of the origin of rice vinegar goes back a little more than 20 centuries, it was then that it was created and prepared in China. And in the 3rd century BC, the Japanese began to actively use it when preparing food, it was from there that he began his journey to other countries of the world.

Then, not everyone could afford to use such a luxurious product, since it had a rather high cost. Used it as a condiment for culinary masterpieces with rice.

Over the years, they started using rice vinegar for sushi rice. Observing all the Japanese canons of those times, the recipe for creating sushi had the following sequence: raw fish seasoned with salt and combined with rice. This combination of ingredients made it possible, with the help of fish enzymes, to release lactic acid from rice, which actually gave the fish a little sour taste and helped to extend the shelf life of sushi to almost one year.

Sushi rice vinegar, unlike other vinegars, has a rather mild flavor. Besides this product possesses excellent antibacterial qualities, because many dishes of Japanese cuisine are created from fresh fish. Rice vinegar is expensive, so it can be made easily at home.

For those who do not know how to replace rice vinegar for sushi, open little secret, it can be regular wine, apple or table vinegar... But you need to remember that the above vinegars have a more pronounced sour taste, so you need to season rice for sushi with them very carefully and in moderation.

How to make sushi rice vinegar at home

Not everyone, it turns out, can buy ready-made rice vinegar for sushi in the store, you can make it at home. There are several alternative recipes to make sushi rice vinegar.

For him you will need:

60ml grape vinegar;

3 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt.

All products are mixed and put on fire to dissolve the bulk components. But you can't let it boil.

Another homemade rice vinegar option is a mix of apple cider vinegar, hot water, sugar, and salt.

Rice vinegar is a popular oriental dressing for many various dishes... Why is it better than regular vinegar? What and how can you cook with it? Can you do it yourself? Find out the answers to these questions below.

Rice vinegar: what dishes is it used for

Typically, rice vinegar is used in Asian cuisine for dressing rice, marinating ginger and preparing dishes from rice noodles funchose. In addition, the gas station acts as a component vegetable salads, appetizers, is used for marinating chicken and making various sauces.

Consider, for example, a full-fledged meat dish with the addition of rice vinegar.

To create it you will need:

  • potatoes - 3 tubers;
  • pork fillet - 200 g;
  • rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • yellow pepper - 1 pc .;
  • some oil or fat to grease the pan;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • classic soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.

Operating procedure:

  1. Cut the potatoes into strips as thin as possible, fry until pale gold with the addition of oil and transfer to another dish.
  2. Cut the meat and pepper into strips. First, fry only meat on all sides, then add pepper and sugar to it. Then add soy sauce and vinegar. Simmer for a couple of minutes under a closed lid.
  3. Turn off heat, add previously fried potatoes, stir and arrange on plates.

On a note. Use chicken fillet for cooking dietary meal or pork for a more satisfying meal.

What can replace rice vinegar for sushi and rolls

What can replace rice vinegar if at the right time it was not at hand? For sushi, rice vinegar is used as classic dressing but this product is not always available for purchase.

In this case, you can get out of the situation by slightly improving the existing gas station using simple components:

  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar 6 - 9%;
  • 1 tsp salt with a slide;
  • 4 tsp brown sugar.

Rice vinegar is used in many dishes, but it can be very difficult to find it in stores. Yes, and such a product is not cheap. However, this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​pampering your relatives with unusual goodies. What can replace rice vinegar?


Vinegar 50 milliliters Soy sauce 50 milliliters Sugar 20 grams

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 5 minutes

What is rice vinegar for

Rice vinegar is a key ingredient in Japanese cuisine. If you prefer to cook rolls and sushi with your own hands, you cannot do without this ingredient.

First, he has a very gentle discriminating taste perfectly highlighting the dish. Secondly, this vinegar has antibacterial properties. This is very important, because raw fish is often present in sushi and rolls.

Inexperienced cooks sometimes replace rice vinegar with wine, apple or even ordinary vinegar... Here they make a mistake, since the taste of these spices is very different and you can easily ruin the dish. There are several different recipes cooking excellent alternative for rice vinegar.

50 ml of table vinegar;

50 ml soy sauce;

20 g sugar.

Combine all the ingredients in one container and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4 tbsp. l. grape vinegar;

3 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt.

Mix the ingredients and place the mixture on slow fire... Stir to dissolve the salt and sugar, but do not bring the mixture to a boil. Ready sauce allow time to cool and steep.

1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;

1.5 tbsp. l. boiling water;

0.5 tsp salt;

1 tsp Sahara.

Stir the ingredients until the salt and sugar dissolve and form a homogeneous liquid. You do not need to heat the sauce according to this recipe, but it is important to use very hot water to make the components play together.

It is important to observe exact proportions in every recipe, otherwise you won't get the flavor you want. Sprinkle salt and sugar in level teaspoons. When pouring vinegar or soy sauce, don't rely on your eye, but use a measuring cup or kitchen scale. Take the time to knead the seasoning. Poorly dissolved particles of salt or sugar will nullify all your efforts.

Now you know how to replace rice vinegar. Choose a recipe of your choice and start cooking. Be sure to pamper your loved ones delicious rolls and sushi, because the home cooking of these dishes is more soulful than the restaurant one.

Sushi came to us, as you know, from Japanese cuisine, in which each ingredient plays a special role. Often, people who decide to cook sushi on their own wonder - what is rice vinegar for sushi and how to use it correctly? Indeed, in recipes, he is usually necessarily mentioned. You can find the answer to this question with us, we will tell you about correct use this product so that you are definitely not mistaken! How much rice vinegar to add? What does it taste like? The questions will be covered in detail, and you will be pleasantly surprised if you prepare everything according to our recommendations.

What is it and how to use it?

Rice vinegar has sweetish taste, it is quite soft and without it and not sushi at all, the Japanese definitely know a lot about cooking. How much rice vinegar you need, no one can tell you for sure, because everyone has their own secrets, so try experimenting.

Vinegar is added to flavor the rice and makes it a little sticky. This will help you shape the rice for a wide variety of shapes. How much vinegar is required to make the rice sticky enough is also worth determining when cooking. A lot depends on how much rice vinegar you add, and one of the nicest things is that it is very healthy and even antibacterial.

But how much is it?

To make a rice vinegar dressing, you need sugar and salt. For 450-500 g of rice, you need to put 2 tablespoons. vinegar and 1 tsp. salt and sugar. Without bringing to a boil, stir the dressing, then sprinkle the rice with this mixture or simply water it using wooden utensils. Stir gently without applying pressure, so as not to accidentally cook porridge.