Which cookie has a layered structure. Assortment of cookies at the grocery store

05.11.2019 Buffet table

Manufacturer's name and trademark;

Product name;

Net weight, g;

Designation of a regulatory or technical document in accordance with which the product is manufactured and can be identified.

2. Cookies. Raw materials, production standards. Main types


Cookies are flour confectionery products of various shapes, small thickness, low moisture content, porous. It is made from flour, sugar, fat, egg and dairy products, flavors and leavening agents.

The most common are sugar cookies. The prevalence of sugar biscuits on the market is due to the fact that high-performance conveyor lines are used in their production. That is why there is a predominance of brands of sugar cookies, the most famous of which is the products of the Bolshevik factory. At the same time, the production of other types of cookies (mainly butter) remains the lot of small and medium-sized businesses. The share of dry biscuits, typical of which are crackers, is not very high. This can be explained by some monotony of this type of cookie.

Note that cookies with filling have not yet won a worthy place among other varieties. Perhaps this is due to the small supply of this type of cookie and, accordingly, a weak marketing policy. The technique for making cookies with a filling appeared relatively recently, it is quite expensive and is not yet very common in the industry. However, in the near future, the market share of filled biscuits will undoubtedly increase significantly, as the consumer will choose more and more sophisticated types from the growing offer of biscuits. By the way, analysis of the market for biscuits consumption in Moscow shows that there is a redistribution among various types of shortbread cookies in favor of filled biscuits.

The most popular biscuits in the packaged biscuit market are sugar biscuits and complex biscuits, which together account for nearly 90% of total sales. Moreover, complex cookies cost almost twice as much as sugar. Within the category of complex biscuits, the range of prices is also quite large: biscuits glazed with chocolate, such as "Choco-Pie" or "Carmelita" from JSC "Bolshevik", cost twice as much as biscuits with a layer, for example from Dan Cake, the price of which is comparable to at the price of sweet and butter cookies. The five main brands of sugar biscuits include four types of cookies "Yubileinoye" and the brand "K Chayu", also produced by "Bolshevik". At the same time, Yubileinoye, packed in paper, not film, has the best positions in the market. The reason for this, most likely, is not only in the higher price for a new type of packaging, but also in the conservatism of consumers.

2.1 Classification of cookies

Cookies, depending on the recipe and manufacturing method, are divided into several types.

Sugar cookies are flour confectionery products made from plastic dough with a high sugar and fat content. Loose products with uniform porosity, with a clear imprint of the pattern on the surface.

Lingering biscuits are flour confectionery products made from elastic-plastic viscous dough. Products with a fragile, crumbly structure, smooth surface. Lingering cookies always have punctures, a simple drawing or inscription made with sharp cuts of the stencil is applied to its surface.

Butter biscuits - flour confectionery product, baked and rich dough with a high sugar and fat content with various surface finishes or without finishing.

Butter biscuits are subdivided into shortbread, shortbread, whipped, croutons and nut biscuits. A different assortment of butter and biscuits is due to different sizes, shapes, finishes, weights; depending on the type of cookies, it is produced from whipped or plastic dough.

Different properties of the dough are achieved by different sugar and fat content and technological conditions for its preparation and processing.

The most high-calorie biscuits are butter - 1979 kJ per 100 i less calorie - sugar - 1745 and lingering - 1661 kJ.

Cookies are made of one name or in sets of several mixtures of several names in the proportions provided for by the recipes. Sets with added waffles are allowed.

Different types of cookies are characterized by a certain shape: square, round or curly, as well as size. Certain types of cookies differ depending on the type of flour and recipe.

2.2 Production of sugar and lingering biscuits

The technological scheme for the production of biscuits consists of the following stages: preparation of raw materials for production, preparation of a recipe mixture and kneading dough, dough shaping, baking, cooling and packaging of finished products.

Preparation of raw materials consists in the release of raw materials from containers; bulk products (flour, sugar) are sieved to remove impurities in a vibrating sifter with magi-traps. Powdered sugar

is made from granulated sugar on a high-speed hammer micromill. Invert syrup is prepared in an electric cooking kettle from sugar and water with the addition of citric or lactic acid by boiling for 20-30 minutes. Invert syrup must contain at least 50% invert sugar.

Influence of raw materials on the quality of cookie dough. The dough is a kind of heterogeneous colloidal system formed by limitedly swollen proteins and flour starch. The rheological characteristics of the dough are determined primarily by the quantity and quality of flour proteins, all other components of the recipe and the technological parameters of its preparation. When kneading the dough, disaggregation of the feedstock occurs, the distribution of dispersed phases and its homogenization.

Flour proteins, binding water, form gluten. Gluten forms threads or fibers, which, connecting with each other, form bundles filled with swollen starch grains.

For all types of flour products, the gluten content in flour and its quality are important. In the production of sugar cookies, the influence of the parameters and quality of flour affects all stages of production: from the preparation of the dough of the required plasticity, humidity, temperature and ending with the cooling process of baked products (the higher the gluten content, the less cracking of the finished products after baking).

Starch makes the dough plastic, and the product is well wet and brittle. Dextrins are formed on the upper surface of the blanks during baking, which in a dehydrated state have a characteristic gloss. When starch is added, the proportion of gluten in the dough decreases and, accordingly, the elastic properties.

The addition of starch over 13% to the flour mass gives the products increased fragility and density. Cookies will crack during storage. The use of phosphate starch instead of flour in the preparation of biscuits improves the quality of the products: the taste of sugar biscuits becomes more delicate, the consistency "melts" in the mouth, the volumetric weight of the biscuits decreases, their swelling increases, the surface of the lingering biscuits becomes smooth and glossy.

Biscuits. Classification and assortment - Quality indicators - Defects


Lecture 1

physical and chemical indicators

Quality requirements. Defects

Physicochemical indicators of salted and pickled vegetables are given in the table

Inadmissible defects Defects in taste and smell. The sour taste appears during long-term storage of products in warm rooms, as a result of which fermentation resumes and an additional amount of lactic acid accumulates. An oversalted taste is the result of exceeding the permissible concentrations of sodium chloride in the solution. A bitter aftertaste appears due to fermentation at high temperatures (over 15 ° C). Musty, putrid smell and taste are the result of storage of products at high temperatures (over 12 ° C) and the development of unwanted microflora.

Defects in appearance. Sludge of products occurs as a result of the development of mucus-forming microflora on the surface of the product when the brine is flowing out or underfilling, and mold is due to the development of mold. A viscous brine is formed when products are stored at high temperatures.

Color defects. Darkening of the upper layer of the product occurs when the brine is leaking, and pinking is due to the development of specific microflora.

Consistency defects. The soft consistency of products (cabbage, cucumbers) is formed due to the development of microflora that secretes pectolytic enzymes, as well as during storage of products at elevated temperatures, during the processing of products with a low sugar content and during brine leakage. Internal voids in cucumbers appear at a high fermentation temperature (over 24 ° C), insufficient concentration of table salt in the brine and when pickling cucumbers with large seed chambers. Optimal storage modes pickled, salted and soaked vegetables and fruits are: temperature - from -1 to 4 о С, relative humidity - 85-90%.


Topic: Flour confectionery. Cookies, crackers, biscuits. EXPERTISE of quality.

1 Cookies. Classification and assortment - Quality indicators - Defects

2. Crackers. Classification and assortment. Quality indicators. Defects

3. Biscuits. Classification and assortment. Quality indicators. Defects

Cookies rank first in terms of production among ICIs. For the first time stamped factory cookies were produced in England in the middle of the 19th century - dry English biscuit.

For the production of cookies, wheat flour of the highest grade and first grade is mainly used; from the second grade flour, darker products are obtained. In addition, the recipe includes sugar; fats (butter, margarine, cooking and confectionery fats), which improve taste, cause friability of products, delay staleness; organic acids; flavors (vanillin, lemon, orange, vanilla essence), etc.

Cookies, depending on the recipe and manufacturing method, are divided into sugar, lingering and butter.

Sugar cookies due to the higher content of sugar, fat, egg products, it has a sweeter taste, a darker color of the surface, increased fragility and porosity in the fracture.

Sugar dough has a low moisture content (15-18.5%), contains a lot of sugar and fat, which prevents the formation of gluten. Such dough has significant plasticity and is easily formed, retains the shape given to it. For sugar cookies, flour with low or medium quality gluten is used. Cookies made from flour with strong gluten have great fragility, low wetting.

Lingering dough possesses significant elastic properties and retains its shape and size after mechanical stress. For complete swelling of proteins, the dough is prepared with a higher moisture content (25-32%) and a lower sugar and fat content. For this test, use a low gluten flour. Products made from flour with strong and medium gluten deform quickly, differ in hardness and low wetness.

Lingering cookies has a layered structure, less fragility and swelling than sugar.

Butter biscuits differs from other types in that only the highest grade flour is used for its production, as well as a large amount of sugar, butter and eggs. In addition, the recipe may include milk, nuts, raisins and other products. It is subdivided into sand-removable, sand-otzad-noe, whipped, crackers and nut. These are cookies of small size, various structure and shape.

Depending on the recipe, method of dough preparation and molding, butter biscuits are produced in the following groups: shortbread, whipped, almond, croutons, biscuits such as cakes.

Shortbread made from plastic dough with significant content of sugar and fat, formed by the method of extraction (sand-extraction) and by the method of jigging (sand-jig). It has a crumbly structure - Sand, Leaves, Butter, etc.

Whipped cookies prepared by churning eggs or only proteins with sugar and adding a small amount of flour after churning. Fat is not added to these varieties. The products are formed by jigging, they are characterized by good porosity - Nut (with the addition of nuts), Sugar, Lakomka, Magic stick, etc. The surface of the products is sprinkled with sugar, chopped almonds, glazed with chocolate glaze, glued with filling.

Almond and nut cookies - Almond, Slavic is obtained by kneading sugar, eggs, flour and chopped nuts or almonds. Shaped by jigging. Products have a dense structure.

Biscuits croutons made from knocked down butter dough with the addition of raisins and candied fruits. The dough is formed into a loaf, baked, and then cut into pieces and dried. Such cookies are produced under the names Moscow bread, Kiev bread, Almond bread, etc.

Cookie-type cakes from a custard semi-finished product filled with milk-chocolate fondant filling, glazed with chocolate icing - Dream. Butter biscuits are produced in the form of several varieties: Crimean mix (13 varieties), Krasnaya Moskva (8), Stolichnoe (12), etc.

The quality of the biscuits must comply with the requirements of the current standard.

The form the cookies are correct, without dents, damage to the corners and edges. In sugar and lingering cookies, no more than one broken product is allowed in a pack or box weighing up to 400 g, no more than two - with a weight of more than 400 g, and in weight - no more than 5% by weight. Biscuits containing more than 5% broken are classified as scrap. Broken products are allowed in butter biscuits no more than 3% of the net weight at enterprises and no more than 4% in the retail network.

Surface products are smooth, with a clear pattern on the front side, not burnt, without swelling, without interspersed crumbs. The number of products with small bulges, an indistinct pattern and a slightly rough surface is limited:

not more than one piece - packaged, no more than 5% by weight - in weight.

The finishing of the front surface of the butter biscuits must correspond to the recipe and cover the surface with an even layer (sprinkling with sugar, glazing, etc.), without signs of "graying" (in the case of glazing with chocolate icing) and bare spots.

The bottom surface of the cookie is flat; it may have traces from the edges and seams of sheets and conveyor belt, but should not be deformed. The number of products with depressions in the form of shells and interspersed with crumbs is limited:

no more than 1 piece in - packaged and no more than 4% by weight - in weight.

Colour biscuits - of various shades, uniform, darker color of the protruding parts of the embossed pattern, edges and the underside of the biscuit is allowed.

Taste and smell cookies peculiar, clearly expressed. Broken view - baked biscuits with uniform porosity (uneven is allowed in the sandy-removable one), without voids and traces of impurities. The filling in puff cookies should not protrude beyond the edges.

When examining the quality of cookies on physical and chemical indicators define the following.

Thickness sugar and lingering cookies no more than 7.5 mm. Mass fraction of total sugar, fat and moisture in biscuits must correspond to the calculated value according to the recipes. Alkalinity all types of cookies are limited to 2 °; ash content insoluble in 10% HC1 - up to 0.1%. Wetness sugar cookies not less than 150%, lingering - not less than 130%, butter - not less than 110%.

Cookies are a product made from wheat dough, containing a significant amount of sugar and fat, of small thickness and various shapes. Depending on the recipe and method of cooking the dough, there are sugar, lingering and butter cookies. The most high-calorie biscuits are butter biscuits - 1979 kJ per 100 g, lower-calorie sugar biscuits - 1745 and lingering - 1661 kJ.

Cookie production

The technological scheme for the preparation of cookies provides for the following operations: preparation of raw materials, kneading dough, molding, baking, cooling and packaging of finished products.

The preparation of raw materials consists in the release from containers, flour, sugar and other bulk products are sieved to remove impurities and processed on magnetic devices. Solid fats are thoroughly cleaned, liquid fats are filtered through sieves. Whole milk, condensed milk and dry reconstituted milk products, etc. are also processed on sieves.

The biscuit dough is kneaded in dough mixing machines. First, an emulsion is prepared from sugar, water, fat, eggs, dairy products, and then chemical leavening agents, flour mixed with starch are added. When kneading the dough, disaggregation / feedstock, the distribution of dispersed phases and its homogenization occurs. Proteins, binding water, form sticky threads (gluten), grains of swollen starch are distributed between them, that is, a dough with a certain structure and properties is formed. The duration of the sugar dough kneading is 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 17-25 ° C, a protracted one - 40-60 minutes at a temperature of 30-40 ° C.

Sugar dough has a low moisture content (15-18.5%), contains a lot of sugar and fat, which prevents the formation of gluten. Such dough has significant plasticity and is easily molded, retains the shape given to it. For sugar cookies, flour with low or medium quality gluten is used. Cookies made from flour with strong gluten have great fragility, low wetting.

Lingering dough possesses significant elastic properties and retains its shape and size after mechanical stress. For complete swelling of proteins, the dough is prepared with a higher moisture content (25-32%) and a lower sugar and fat content. For this test, use a low gluten flour. Products made from flour with strong and medium gluten deform quickly, differ in hardness and low wetness.

The finished dough is rolled between rollers to evenly distribute the components in it and obtain a layer

a certain thickness with a smooth and shiny surface. Sugar dough is rolled once, protracted - several times, followed by aging. This is necessary to relieve internal stress in the dough and give it a characteristic layered structure and plastic-elastic properties.

After rolling, the dough is formed: lingering - with the help of impact stamps, which simultaneously make punctures on the surface, otherwise bubbles may appear during baking; sugar dough is formed on rotors, applying a complex pattern to the upper side of the products.

The formed dough pieces are sent to the oven along a belt conveyor.

The baking process is divided into three periods (in ° C): in the first period, the temperature is maintained within 160, in the second - from 250 to 350, and in the third - up to 250. The duration of baking is different for different types of products (in min): for sugar, lingering, most crackers - 4-5, for butter - 3-10, for biscuits - 7-15. In recent years, more and more electric ovens using infrared quartz lamps have been used to reduce baking times from 2 to 3 minutes.

V first baking period dough pieces are heated, excess moisture and gaseous substances are removed. At the same time, their structural and mechanical properties change. Products acquire hardness and porosity, specific taste and aroma.

In the process of structure formation of products at the time of baking, proteins and starch play an important role. When the dough is heated to a temperature of 50-70 ° C, the protein substances undergo denaturation and release a part of the absorbed water during swelling, which is bound by gelatinized starch. Denatured gluten proteins and gelatinized starch form a porous skeleton, on the surface of which fat is adsorbed in the form of thin films. Baking powder begins to decompose with the formation of gaseous substances, which also contribute to the formation of porosity.

Second baking period characterized by intensive removal of moisture and gaseous substances, the continuation of the process of loosening and an increase in the volume of products. Sugar dough easily increases in volume and has a developed porosity. Due to its significant elasticity, a tight dough has a slight increase in volume and an underdeveloped porosity; products acquire a layered structure. A crust forms on the surface of the products during this baking period. The sugars are partially caramelized and contribute to the characteristic golden hue on the surface. In addition, sugar-amine reactions form substances that, in addition to color, have a characteristic taste and aroma.

V third baking period the intensity of the moisture separation process decreases, the structure of the products is finally fixed. After baking, the products are cooled, checked for quality and sent for wrapping and packaging.

Assortment of cookies

The assortment of cookies depends on the type of flour used, the recipe, the method of making the dough, etc.

Sugar cookies. Basic assortment of sugar cookies: from flour of the highest grade - Orange, Lemon (on margarine with the corresponding essences), Rot-Front, Scarlet Flower, Strawberry, Yubileinoye, etc.: from 1st grade flour - Tea, Chessboard, Sadko (with the addition of cocoa powder), Sugar, Druzhba and others; from flour of the 2nd grade - Combiner, Novost, etc.

Lingering cookies. Cookies are produced from premium flour - Aurora, Maria, Moscow (with the addition of milk), Shkolnoye (with butter), Tomato, Zoological, etc .; from flour of the 1st grade - Croquet, Sport, Mix No. 12 (with enzyme preparations), Salty (5% salt), etc .; from flour of the 2nd grade - Ukrainian, Mix No. 1. Sugar and lingering cookies can be produced in the form of mixtures of several names, as well as sets with the addition of butter cookies and waffles. The following mixes are on sale: Assorted, Deputatskoe, Moscow Metro, etc. It is allowed to produce biscuits glazed with chocolate glaze (Fantasy), or with a layer of candy mass.

Butter biscuits... These cookies are made only from premium flour with a high content of sugar, butter and eggs. The recipe for butter cookies also includes milk, raisins, nuts, almonds and other products. These are cookies of small size, various structure and shape. It is formed by the method of excavation and jigging, the surface is finished or sandwiched with a filling. Depending on the recipe, method of dough preparation and molding, butter biscuits are produced in the following groups: shortbread, whipped, almond, croutons, biscuits such as cakes.

Shortbread made from plastic dough with a significant sugar and fat content, molded by the method of extraction (sand-extraction) and by the method of jigging (sand-jig). It has a crumbly structure - Sand, Leaves, Butter, etc.

Whipped cookies prepared by churning eggs or only proteins with sugar and adding after churning a small amount of flour. Fat is not added to these varieties. Products are formed by jigging, they are characterized by good porosity - Nut (with the addition of nuts), Sugar, Lakomka, Magic stick, etc. The surface of the products is sprinkled with sugar, minced

far, glaze with chocolate glaze, glue with filling.

Almond and nut cookies - Almond, Slavyanskoe is obtained by kneading sugar, eggs, flour and chopped nuts or almonds. Shaped by jigging. Products have a dense structure.

Biscuits croutons prepared from knocked down butter dough with the addition of raisins and candied fruits. The dough is formed into a loaf, baked, and then cut into pieces and dried. Such cookies are produced under the names Moscow bread, Kiev bread, Almond bread, etc.

Cookie-type cakes from a custard semi-finished product filled with milk-chocolate fondant filling, glazed with chocolate icing - Dream. Butter biscuits are produced in the form of several varieties: Crimean mix (13 varieties), Krasnaya Moskva (8), Stolichnoe (12), etc.

Cracker, or dry biscuits, differs in low humidity, the presence of bubbles, salt or spices on the surface, developed porosity and lamination. It is made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, with low gluten. The content of gluten in flour affects the quality of products: from flour with a gluten content of more than 30%, crackers are quickly deformed, have a dense consistency; with a gluten content of less than 25%, crackers have poor porosity.

The water used to make the cracker dough must have a certain hardness. Excessively hard water (more than 15 °) makes gluten strong, and the product with a tight structure. Soft water softens the gluten, making the dough soft and sticky.

Laminated structure, good color, fracture appearance depend on the fats added to the formulation. For the manufacture of crackers, butter, margarine, hydrogenated and other fats are used. Fats must be plastic, have a melting point of 36-37 ° C, and a hardness of 200-250 g / cm.

The quality of the cracker is also influenced by dairy and egg products, baking powder, flavoring additives. Do not put sugar in the dough. Cracker dough is prepared using yeast dough and chemical leavening agents, which are added to the dough. For the development of yeast, a small amount of sugar, part of the flour and water from the prescribed recipe are introduced into the dough and stand for 10 hours for lactic acid fermentation at a temperature of 32-35 ° C. At the end of the fermentation process, the remaining water, raw materials, except flour, are added to the dough. Stir for 4-5 minutes and add flour. Duration of kneading dough on dough - 40-60 minutes, humidity - 26-31%.

To reduce the duration of the preparation of the dough and kneading the dough, the enzyme preparation Orizon PC is used. The swelling and porosity of products increases, the color of the surface improves.

After kneading, the dough is cured, and then it is rolled and molded on impact punches, while punctures are applied to the surface of the products. In some varieties of crackers, the surface is sprinkled with caraway seeds, anise, cheese. The dough pieces are baked in three periods at a variable temperature regime - 160-260-250 ° C. After baking, the cracker is cooled and packaged.

A new, accelerated, non-steam-free technology for the production of dough for cracker on an emulsion obtained by intensive mixing and churning of all components of the recipe, except for flour and baking powder, has been developed. To increase the stability of the emulsion and accelerate churning, surfactants are used. After kneading, the dough is subjected to two-hour aging and served for further processing. The new technology increases the brittleness, friability and flakiness of the cracker.

Depending on the recipe, the method of preparing the dough, the cracker is divided into three groups: Group I with yeast or yeast and chemical leavening agents with fat (from 13.8 to 22.5%) - Egg, Health, Youth, Breakfast; Group II with yeast or yeast and chemical leavening agents with fat (from 9.4 to 27.7%) and with the addition of spices - Gastronom, Piquant, Cracker with cheese, Cracker with onions, etc .; III group on yeast or on yeast and chemical leavening agents without fat - Amateur.

Cookies rank first in terms of production among flour confectionery products. For the first time stamped factory biscuits (dry English biscuit) were produced in England in the middle of the 19th century.

For the production of cookies, wheat flour of the highest grade and first grade is mainly used (from flour of the second grade, products are obtained darker). A mixture of soda and ammonium carbonate is used to loosen the dough. The use of soda alone gives the finished products an undesirable yellowish-pink color and a characteristic "soda" aftertaste, while the use of ammonium carbonate alone results in products with a pale color and freshish taste.

The cookie recipe also includes sugar, fats, organic acids and flavors (vanillin, lemon, orange, vanilla essence). For example, fats - butter, margarine, cooking and confectionery fats, improve taste, cause friability of products, and delay staleness.

Cookie classification. Biscuits depending on the recipe and manufacturing method subdivided into:




Sugar cookies due to the higher content of sugar, fat, egg products, it has a sweeter taste, a darker color of the surface, increased fragility and porosity in fracture.

For production, flour with low and medium quality gluten is used and the conditions that prevent its swelling are observed: low dough moisture content (15–18%), quick kneading of the dough (10–15 min.) At a low temperature (17–25 ° С). This allows you to get a plastic dough that is easy to shape, retains its shape and, due to this, a pattern is usually stamped on the surface of sugar cookies.

The finished dough is rolled once between the rollers to evenly distribute the components in it and obtain a layer of a certain thickness, and then molded on rotors, applying a complex pattern to the upper side of the products.

The dough pieces are baked in an oven at a temperature of 160–250 ° С for 4–5 minutes. At this stage, a porous structure of products is formed, a characteristic golden hue appears, taste and aroma are formed.

After baking, the products are cooled, checked for quality, wrapped and packaged.

Lingering cookies has a layered structure, less fragility and swelling than sugar.

For its production, flour with low gluten is used. The dough kneading with high humidity (25–32%) is carried out at a higher temperature (30–40 ° С) and longer (40–60 min). This makes it possible to obtain an elastic-resilient plastic dough, which is then repeatedly rolled through rollers to obtain a layered structure and formed using punches while simultaneously applying punctures to the surface of the products to prevent the formation of bubbles during baking. The rest of the stages are similar to the technology for the production of sugar cookies.

Butter biscuits differs from other types in that only the highest grade flour is used for its production, as well as significant amounts of sugar, butter and eggs. In addition, the recipe may include milk, nuts, raisins and other products. It is subdivided into sand-removable, sand-otzadnoe, whipped, crackers and nut. These are cookies of small size, various structure and shape.

Shortbread cookies are made from plastic dough with a high content of sugar and fat, they are formed by the method of dredging (sand-dumping) and by the method of jigging (sand-dumping). Shortbread cookies have a crumbly structure.

Churned cookies are prepared by churning eggs or just proteins with powdered sugar and adding a small amount of flour after churning. Products are formed by jigging. The surface of the products is sprinkled with granulated sugar, chopped almonds, fondant, glazed, glued with a filling.

Biscuits like crackers are made from whipped butter dough with the addition of raisins, candied fruits. The dough is formed into a loaf, baked, cut into pieces and dried.

Nut cookies are made by mixing sugar, eggs, flour, and ground nuts. Formed by jigging. The biscuits have a dense structure.

An assortment of cookies.Sugar cookies:

From premium flour: Lemon, Nut, Tea, Classic;

From flour of the 1st grade: Raisin, Our brand, Sadko, Sugar, Tea;

From flour of 2 grades: Combineer, News.

Lingering cookies:

From flour of the highest grade: Detskoe, Maria, Aurora, Moscow, Salt;

From flour of 1 grade: Sport, Croquet, Far East, Riddle, New;

From 2 grade flour: Mix No. 2;

Mixed flour of grades 1 and 2: Assorted, Deputatskoe, Fantasy.

Butter cookies:

Sand-removable: Butter, Nut, Sand, Ukrainian;

Sand-otzadnoe: Chamomile, Zvezdochka, Suvorovskoe, Ramune;

Whipped: Lakomka, Leningradskoe, Flower;

Biscuits such as croutons: Moscow crispbreads, Almond crispbreads;

Nut: Almond, Slavic.

Sets (mixes) of cookies, more often butter, produced in the form of mixtures, the composition of which is approved in the ND: Stolichnoe - 12 types, Crimean mixture - 13 types, Dessert set - 5 types.

Filled cookies- a new type of cookie that has recently appeared on the Russian market . For example, "Carmelita" (soft biscuit biscuits with fruit jam, covered with chocolate), "Dream", such as "Sevilia", "Gassa cakes". Their share is still small.

Examination of cookies. When examining the quality of cookies, the following are determined organoleptic characteristics.

The form cookies - correct, no dents, no damage to the corners and edges. In sugar and lingering cookies, no more than one broken product is allowed in a pack or box weighing up to 400 g, no more than two - with a weight of more than 400 g, and in weight - no more than 5% by weight. Biscuits containing more than 5% broken are classified as scrap. In butter biscuits, broken products are allowed no more than 3% of the net weight at enterprises and no more than 4% in the retail network.

Surface products - smooth, with a clear pattern on the front side, not burnt, without swelling, without interspersed crumbs. The number of products with small swellings, an indistinct pattern and a slightly rough surface is limited.

The finishing of the front surface of the butter biscuits should correspond to the recipe and cover the surface with an even layer (sprinkling with sugar, glazing, etc.), without signs of "graying" (in the case of glazing with chocolate icing) and bare spots.

The bottom surface of the cookie is flat; it may have marks from the edges and seams of sheets and conveyor belt, but should not be deformed.

Colour biscuits - of various shades, uniform, darker color of the protruding parts of the embossed pattern, edges and the underside of the biscuit is allowed.

Taste and smell cookies - peculiar, clearly expressed.

Broken view- baked biscuits with uniform porosity (uneven ones are allowed in the short-cut), without voids and traces of impurities. The filling in puff cookies should not protrude beyond the edges.

When examining the quality of cookies physical and chemical indicators define the following ones.

Thickness sugar and lingering cookies - no more than 7.5 mm. Mass fraction of total sugar, fat and moisture in biscuits must correspond to the calculated value according to the recipes. Alkalinity all types of cookies are limited to 2 °; ash content, insoluble in 10% HCl- up to 0.1%. Wetness sugar cookies at least 150%, lingering at least 130%, butter - at least 110%.

Safety indicators(see "Chocolate").

Cookie defects. When examining the quality of cookies, defects of both a production nature (burntness, baking, traces of impurities, foreign inclusions, etc.) and defects resulting from non-observance of the conditions and shelf life (rancidity, mustiness, mold, etc.) can be found.

Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of cookies.Package. Cookies are produced packaged in boxes, metal cans, packs, bags and by weight. Sugar and lingering cookies are packed in boxes with a net weight of up to 1.5 kg, butter - up to 2 kg. Cookies are stacked in rows on the edge or flat. Small biscuits (at least 100 pieces per kg) can be packed in bulk boxes.

Marking(see "Caramel").

On boxes, cans, packs and bags with diabetic cookies additionally indicate: content (calculated) in grams per 100 g of the product: xylitol, sorbitol, total sugar (in terms of sucrose); inscription: "Diabetic"; daily intake of xylitol (sorbitol) - no more than 30 g.

Transport marking - with the application of manipulation signs "Caution, fragile", "Afraid of moisture".

Transportation . Cookies are transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Storage... Cookies should be stored in clean, well-ventilated warehouses, free from pests of grain stocks, at a temperature of (18 ± 5) ° С and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. It is not allowed to store cookies together with products with a specific smell. The biscuits are not allowed to be exposed to direct sunlight.

The shelf life of cookies under the specified storage and transportation conditions from the date of production is set as follows:

For sugar and lingering cookies –3 months;

For butter biscuits with a mass fraction of fat up to 10% - 45 days;

For butter biscuits with a mass fraction of fat over 10% to 20% - 30 days;

For butter biscuits with a mass fraction of fat over 20% - 15 days.

The shelf life of a mixture or set of butter biscuits is determined by the biscuits with the highest mass fraction of fat.

Cracker (dry biscuits)

Cracker- these are flour confectionery products of a layered and brittle structure. Crackers resemble lingering biscuits in appearance, differ in a specific taste and aroma. The taste is due to the absence of sugar, and the aroma of many species is due to the inclusion of spices and flavorings in the recipe (cumin, anise, a large amount of salt, etc.).

Crackers are made from wheat flour of the highest and 1st grade, with low gluten. The layered structure, good color, the appearance in the fracture depend on the fats added to the recipe (butter, margarine, hydrogenated, etc.) In addition, the recipe includes dairy, egg products and leavening agents (yeast, chemical leavening agents).

The dough is prepared on yeast dough (a liquid dough consisting of water, flour and yeast) and chemical leavening agents, which are introduced into the dough. After kneading, the dough is cured and repeatedly rolled on rollers to give it a layered structure. Then it is formed, baked, cooled and packaged.

Classification and assortment of crackers. Depending on on the method of preparation and recipe composition cracker is divided into 2 groups:

Group 1 - on yeast or yeast and chemical leavening agents;

Group 2 - on chemical leavening agents without yeast.

Assortment of 1st group crackers:

From premium flour (the main share of production): For breakfast, Figured, With poppy seeds, With salt, Goldfish, Appetizing, Delicate.

From flour of 1 grade: Table, Shepherd, Spartak.

Assortment of crackers of the 2nd group:

From flour of the highest grade: Captain, Vanilla, Fish (with onions, with pepper);

From flour of the 1st grade: Snack cracker (trade mark "Tuk") with poppy seeds and sesame seeds, with onions, with garlic and herbs, with the taste of pizza.

Cracker expertise.Shape, color, taste and smell crackers must correspond to the name of the product, taking into account the flavoring additives. The color of the cracker can be uneven, from light yellow to light brown, with a darker color of the protruding bubbles, without signs of burning.

Surface products can be interspersed with flavorings and the presence of bubbles.

Broken view Crackers of all groups are layered, without traces of impurities, with or without flavors.

Humidity crackers no more than 7%; alkalinity(for phenolphthalein) - no more than 2 °; acidity(for phenolphthalein) - no more than 2.5 °; PH - 7.0 ± 1.4; fat content- according to the recipe, mass fraction of ash insoluble in 10% HCl- no more than 0.1%; mass fraction of total sulfurous acid- no more than 0.01%; wetness crackers should be at least 140% (the wetness of the crackers produced with the use of surfactants - at least 110%).

Safety indicators(see "Chocolate").

Cracker defects are similar to cookie defects.

Cracker packaging, labeling, transportation and storage. Cracker is produced in packaged form and by weight. It is packed in boxes, packs and bags. Crackers are packed into boxes with a net weight of up to 2 kg. For packaging, cardboard boxes and boxes made of polymeric materials approved by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities are used.

Boxes, packs and packages with crackers are placed in wood boxes, reusable boxes with a net weight of no more than 12 kg, corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of no more than 10.5 kg. After packing, the empty spaces in the box are filled with paper.

The weight cracker is placed in rows on the edge or in bulk in wood boxes, reusable boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes with a net weight of not more than 9 kg. Weigh cracker can be packed in corrugated cardboard boxes with perimeter liners and cardboard spider that divides the box into four parts. The boxes inside are lined with materials approved for use by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, each horizontal layer of products is overlaid with the same materials.

Oiling of the package is not allowed.

Marking... The boxes, packs and bags with cracker are marked (see "Caramel"). It is allowed to replace the marking on the packages with the labels inserted inside the packages with the marking made by the typographic method.

Transport marking - with application of handling signs "Caution, fragile!", "Keep away from moisture".

Transportation . Cracker is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Storage... Crackers should be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated rooms, free from foreign smell, not infected with pests of grain stocks, at a temperature of (19 ± 3) ° С and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. It is not allowed to store the cracker together with products with a specific smell.

Shelf life of a cracker under the specified storage and transportation conditions from the date of manufacture:

3.0 months - for products with a fat content not exceeding 14.3%;

2.0 months - for products made with margarine or cooking oil;

1.5 months - for butter products;

1.0 month - for products with vegetable oil;

5 days - for products with surface finishing with deodorized refined sunflower, cottonseed, soybean and coconut oils.

No tea party is complete without everyone's favorite cookies. Having a retail outlet for the sale of food products, it is imperative to add this dessert to the assortment of confectionery products. A large number of types of cookies meet the requirements of any consumer. Having figured out this variety, having studied all the varieties, you can increase profits, turnover and, of course, delight visitors.

Types of cookies

They differ in recipes, cooking method and sugar and fat content.

  • Lingering cookies. Not nutritious, per 100 gr. accounts for 1661 kJ. It is low in sugar and oil free. The structure is flaky, the dough is not fragile and swellable like sugar. Flour is used of the highest grades: "baby", "Aurora", "Moscow", "Maria", etc. From flour of the first and second grade: "croquet", "sport", "riddle", "mixture No. 2". It is the same with the candy layer "Twinny".
  • Have sugar cookies porous consistency, swelling and friability. Caloric content 1745 kJ per 100 g. product. The sugar content is quite high. On one side, the pattern is printed. Flour of the highest grade is used: "for tea", "jubilee", "cornflower". Cookies are made from flour of grades 1 and 2: “our brand”, “chess”, “trickle”, “tea”, “news”, “Ukrainian”, “kurabie”, “glagolics”.
  • Butter biscuits... Contains a large number of calories due to the considerable content of margarine, per 100 gr. product 1979 kJ. It is made from only the highest grade flour. Divided into: shortbread, biscuit-whipped and protein-whipped, almond.
  • Biscuits made from elastic dough, sugar and fat. It is characterized by a crumbly structure: "leaves", "sand", "chamomile", "Suvorovskoe".
  • Whipped varieties made by shaking eggs with sugar. Some are covered with chocolate, sandwiched with filling. The structure of the dough is porous. "Sugar", "gourmet", "magic wand".
  • Almond-nut made by kneading sugar, eggs, flour and nuts. The consistency of this dough is denser. "Slavic", "almond".
  • There is also cracker biscuits and cracker. When making, add yeast and baking powder.
  • Gingerbread: different spices are added to the dough. With fruit or jam.
  • Oatmeal cookies also has a separate group. It is generally accepted that it is good for health because the composition includes oatmeal.

Market share of cookies

Among the confectionery industry, biscuits occupy the largest place. It belongs to the product of everyday demand, due to the variety of tastes and affordable prices. The popularity of biscuits does not diminish during economic downturns because the price of biscuits is much lower than cakes and candies. This justifies the demand.

  • In the first place among the favorite cookies, sugar. It has 64.2% of sales. Both cheap and expensive types are in demand. This suggests that consumers with different income levels prefer this particular type of cookie.
  • Hard biscuits and oatmeal biscuits each have 14.3% market shares and sell well during the fast.
  • Butter cookies take 3.6% of the popularity.
  • Dry biscuits, such as crackers, also have a 3.6% share.
  • Among the biscuits sold, chocolate coated biscuits were the most popular and accounted for 23%.
  • Cookies with various fillings have a 5.8% market share.

All types of cookies are sold in bulk and packaged. Packaged products are popular among buyers.

Cookie makers

1. The largest factories produce products in branded packaging. In the first place among Russian manufacturers is the concern "United Confectioners". It accounts for 40% of production. As part of the concern, the capital's industrial giants:

  • "Babaevsky"
  • "Red October"
  • Rot Front
  • "Bolshevik"

Famous and favorite brands are produced under their names: "jubilee", "whim", "tornado", "prince", "funny animals".

2. In second place is United Bakers. The company owns a network of enterprises in Russia - Voronezh, Pskov, Vyazma, Tyumen and Gorokhovets. Produces crackers and biscuits under the Yantar brand.

3. Association "Sladko" also shares the second place in production. The factories are located in the cities of Yekaterinburg and Ulyanovsk. Products are produced under the well-known name "Happy Day".

4. “Vostok Confectionery House” has factories in Kemerovo, Abakan, Minusinsk, Nizhny Tagil and Tomsk. This is the owner of the famous brand "Yashkino Cookies".

5. The share of foreign production accounts for 7%. The famous cookies with chocolate chips Milka Oreo (Germany), Orion ChocoPie (South Korea), the well-known brand "Lyubyatovo" manufactures products in Voronezh, and belongs to the American company Kellorr Rus.

Not such large companies as in the capital produce loose cookies. The advantage is that they can experiment with types of cookies, add something new to the already familiar brands of products and remove the familiar. And also create your own views. Such a product is cheaper than packaged in branded packaging.

  • Cookie factory "Avangard", St. Petersburg.
  • Confectionery factory "Demidovskaya Zabava", Chelyabinsk
  • LLC "Kontek" Moscow Region
  • LLC "Sunflower" Irkutsk Region
  • "Bryankonfi", Bryansk
  • LLC "Aquarius" Domodedovo Moscow Region
  • KP "Flight" Lyubertsy Mosk. Region

Assortment of cookies

Kiosk biscuits assortment

In an ordinary kiosk, the assortment is not great. These are only the most popular and favorite packaged products. Such as cookies "Jubilee", "Oreo", "Milena" with coconut cream, "baked milk", "fad" with various fillings. Packages from 250 to 500 gr.

In a specialized kiosk, the assortment is much larger. It is possible to sell both packaged and loose cookies.

  • There are many types of shortbread cookies.
  • By weight: "Leningradskoe", "Makovka", "Zest", "Honey", "Chocolate", "Nut". With fillings: "lemon", "orange", "apple with cinnamon", "caramel", "boiled condensed milk". In packs of 300-500 gr. 5-6 types.
  • Sugar cookies, the most popular: "jubilee", "lemon", "nut", "for tea", "classic", "Sadko", "our brand", "tea", "news", etc.
  • Butter biscuits: "butter", "Ukrainian", "chamomile", "Suvorovskoe", "gourmet", "flower".
  • With filling: "Carmelita", "Dream", etc.
  • Prolonged: "Moscow", "children's", "school", "oriental mix", "Aurora", "tomato", "fantasy", "deputy".
  • Gingerbread cookies of various sizes and shapes and filling. Curly and packaged.
  • Cracker "captain", "fish", "tuk", "snack".

Each type of biscuits must be packed in packages, in addition to weighing biscuits. Several pieces of different weight distribution. In metal cans, boxes, packs and bags.

It should be noted that cookies should be stored away from direct sunlight. At a temperature of 18 degrees and air humidity no more than 75%. Cookies can also be affected by pests. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the room and on the counter.

The shelf life of sugar cookies is 3 months. Butter, depending on fat content, from 15 days to 45 days. Dry cookies are stored, depending on the filling, from 5 days to 3 months.

Assortment for a grocery store in a neighborhood format

Not as big as that of a specialized kiosk, but you must have several types of cookies for each group. For convenience, loose cookies can be packaged in 0.5 kg bags.

  • "Oatmeal" cookies, "jubilee", "salty", "school" and "Moscow".
  • Several brands of biscuits with “Viennese” fillings, “Milenna” with various fillings, bagels with jam and cottage cheese.
  • Several types of cookies in packaging and, of course, in cans, in addition to their beautiful appearance, they are great for a gift and have a long shelf life.

Assortment of grocery supermarket

The assortment here is very large. To satisfy the needs of all visitors, it is necessary to diversify it and have all kinds of cookies. For convenience, it is presented in different packages.

  • Sugar no less than 20 types with and without filling.
  • Lingering biscuits of 15 types.
  • Butter biscuits of 15-20 types.
  • 5 types of almond cookies.
  • Dry biscuits: biscuits, crackers with various flavors of at least 10-15 types.
  • 10 types of gingerbread with different fillings. Curly 5-6 types.

Layout of cookies

If the cookies are loose, packed in ordinary bags, then their appearance is not as attractive as a bright box or pack. Such cookies are laid out alternating colors and shapes. It is very important to consider changing colors and sizes in order to create contrast.

Better to use shelving from shelves. The most popular goods are located on the left on the top shelf. More expensive goods are placed on the shelf at eye level. A cheap product is placed on the bottom shelf.

It is advisable to arrange cookies by trade brands. Popular products at the beginning and at the end of the shelf, the rest in the middle. A weak product sells faster when surrounded by a strong one.

In self-service shops, biscuits are located next to the tea and coffee section. This prompts the consumer to buy tea biscuits.

In a regular store, with closed windows, each type of cookie is laid out in a separate basket or vase. Beautiful circular petals or rows. The main thing is to create the impression of volume and look pleasing to the eye. The feeling of chaos and untidiness is not permissible.