How to make rice from apple cider vinegar. Rice vinegar at home

28.04.2019 Healthy eating
  • Rosehip is not only a beautiful shrub, which is especially pleasant to admire during its flowering season: Rosehip flowers are not only beautiful, but also smell amazing - just like garden roses. Its fruits and roots have a healing effect on human body... Many people know about this. And doctors and herbalists often recommend using rosehip infusions and decoctions, and not necessarily only in those cases when we are sick. Wonderful drink of these fruits can be consumed regularly as a healthy and invigorating drink. However, not everyone knows how to brew rose hips correctly in order to preserve vitamins. About this now and there will be a speech in our article.

    Benefits for the body

    First of all, rosehip broth or the infusion is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. It strengthens their walls and prevents the occurrence of such a dangerous and widespread process as atherosclerosis. If you use rose hips regularly and in moderation, the heart starts to work much better, and arterial pressure normalizes. In addition, the drink has a general tonic effect, significantly improving well-being. It plays a major role in this process, which also provides good resistance to colds.

    Rosehip is good for good work bladder, kidneys and liver. This is an excellent choleretic agent, therefore, with pathologies of the gallbladder, it can be simply irreplaceable. There is also a lot of iron in it, which prevents the loss of strength and the development of iron deficiency. It is the rose hips that generously replenish the composition of our blood with hemoglobin.

    The broth is strongly recommended to be used as an antiseptic. It successfully relieves inflammation in any internal organ... In moderation, children, pregnant and lactating women can drink it. Of course, in the event that they do not have individual allergic reactions.

    And, finally, rose hips have an excellent ability to stimulate blood clotting in case of heavy bleeding. This is an indication for its use with extensive wound surfaces and with heavy menstrual bleeding in women.

    How to harvest rose hips

    In order to properly prepare the rosehip, and, of course, in order to preserve it useful properties, you need to know how to correctly carry out its preparation. So, the collection of fruits should be carried out in the autumn, when they are ripe and are fully ready for consumption. Optimal time collection - end of August, beginning of September.

    After picking the berries, be sure to sort out, rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not wash them in hot water, because most of the scalding will be lost. nutrients... Use sparingly warm waterthat does not burn your hands. Drying is best done in the oven, and set the temperature from 50 to 60 ° C.

    After drying, the rosehip is stored in ordinary glass jars, closed with a lid... From time to time you need to check if the fruits are covered with spots or mold. But if drying has been done thoroughly, this should not happen.

    We brew berries

    How to cook rose hips correctly? First of all, the boiling water should be steep. It is advisable that he stood on the stove for two minutes after heating. Ideally, the drink should be infused for at least five hours. Use an airtight pot as a container to keep it warm for longer. Prepare boiling water, place berries in it, close the lid and place the container in a dark place - let it gradually infuse. Better to leave it overnight. In the morning, filter the drink through a five or six folded cheesecloth, passing the liquid through it two or three times. Now the drink is completely ready, and if you wish, you can sweeten it a little with sugar, honey or jam.

    This was the infusion recipe. More from fresh fruits rose hips, you can cook a wonderful compote. Boil water, reduce heat on the stove, place berries in a saucepan and simmer them over low heat for half an hour. After this simple process, remove the broth from the stove and leave for an hour. If everything worked out correctly, the color of the drink will be deep red, and you can already drink it. If the brewed drink stands for a couple of hours, it will be even richer and tastier.

    How to cook chopped berries?

    Of course, it is much faster to make a drink from whole berries, because the process of grinding them takes time. But it is this option that will most intensely give you valuable ingredients. And, of course, the brewing process itself will be much faster. With this preparation, the swimming of the villi in the drink cannot be avoided, but you can again "call" gauze for help and get rid of them by filtering.

    You can grind the rose hips only by hand, with a mortar, pusher or wooden rolling pin. When the mixture is ready, scald the prepared container with boiling water and pour the rosehip into it. Then put the kettle to boil, wait three minutes after it boils, and pour water over the berries. Now the drink needs to be infused for about seven hours, and the filtration of the villi through gauze is carried out only after this time has elapsed.

    Thermos: a great place to preserve vitamins

    It is best to brew the berries this way: all the necessary substances will gradually come out of the pulp of the berries into the liquid during the entire time as long as the heat remains. How to brew rose hips in a thermos so as not to damage it and observe required proportions? First of all, one should proceed from the ratio of 500 milliliters of water and two handfuls of berries, and then adjust the volume at your own discretion.

    Water with a temperature of 85 ° C should be poured into a thermos, after having previously poured crushed berries onto its bottom. Do not close the lid yet, let the liquid "ventilate" for ten minutes. After that, the thermos is closed and left overnight. In this case, the drink is perfectly brewed for 6 or 9 hours. The broth turns out to be especially beautiful and tasty.

    Rosehip roots: also useful

    You can brew not only the rose hips, but also its roots. Such a drink will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and even help remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder. The roots will need to be chopped, then take two tablespoons in a glass of boiling water and cook for twenty minutes. The fire should be slow. You will get a dark broth containing many valuable components.

    How to drink rose hips

    It is useful to know not only how to brew rose hips correctly in order to preserve vitamins, but also in what doses it is recommended to drink it. The berry broth is richer in minerals, and the infusion contains many vitamins. For prevention and in order to maintain health, one or two glasses a day every other day will be enough. This use will prevent the occurrence of possible allergies. If the rosehip is used as medicinal product, its dose should be selected by a doctor.

    If you brew the rosehip correctly and observe the measure in its use, it will heal the body and bring many benefits that have been known to people for a long time. In conclusion, it remains only to add that best drink can be prepared from carefully selected berries that you can pick with your own hands. Or, if this is not possible, they can be bought at the pharmacy.

    When you get bored with everyday meals and want something special, you don't have to go to a restaurant. Now on store shelves you can see products for the preparation of a wide variety of delicacies, including Japanese cuisine. However, it is not easy to find one of the most important ingredients. japanese dishes - rice vinegar. What can replace it?

    Should you look for alternatives?

    Rice vinegar - a product that is both rare and quite expensive. It is not surprising that many culinary specialists are thinking about excluding it from the dish altogether. However, this extreme measure will negatively affect the taste of homemade sushi or rolls. After all, this type of dressing is used mainly not to make rice viscous, as many think (if it is cooked correctly, it will be sticky enough anyway), but to give the dish an exceptional taste. Rice for sushi and rolls is very bland, as it is cooked without adding any spices, and vinegar contains sugar, salt and wine.

    Among other things, it has antibacterial properties, which is very important when working with raw fish. Recently, thanks to a softer and spicy taste Compared to other types of vinegars, rice is becoming more and more popular in Europe. It is used not only in Asian dishes, but also in the preparation of sauces, dressings, marinades for meat, and even added to soft drinks.

    What can replace rice vinegar in rolls?

    Since you cannot do without this gas station, and it is extremely difficult to find in stores or you want to save money, what to do? Can you replace rice vinegar with regular vinegar? To be honest, it is impossible without a change in taste. Apple or wine products in pure form will give the rolls or sushi a more sour, pungent taste. But there is still an alternative. If you add to different kinds vinegars, sugar and salt, their taste will be closer to the original. Consider a few recipes for making rice dressing. The methodology will be the same, only the components will differ.

    Using apple cider vinegar

    • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp l .;
    • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • hot water - 2 tbsp. l.

    • wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l .;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
    • salt - 1 tsp

    Wine or apple cider vinegar and nori

    • vinegar - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
    • granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
    • salt - ½ tsp;
    • nori - 1 sheet.

    To prepare vinegar solution in these ways, you need to mix all the ingredients in one container and put on the stove. Without boiling, heat until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. In the case of nori, the chopped algae must be added after the solution has been heated, and then whisk the mixture until smooth. You can also add dry powder to any of these recipes. seaweed or orange peel.

    Thus, the difference with a real oriental gas station will be almost imperceptible. Pour one of these dressings over the cooked rice and stir gently with a wooden spoon.

    What else can you substitute for sushi rice vinegar? A good option will turn out from the ginger marinade: it is also sweet and sour and goes well with rice. Lemon juice can also help. Take 2 tbsp. l. juice, add 2 tbsp. l. warm water and dissolve 1 tsp in it. sugar and ½ tsp. salt.

    Not worth replacing rice product balsamic: it has a specific pungent taste that can overpower the taste ready meal... It is also not recommended to use 9% table vinegar.

    If you want an identical taste in principle, try making your own rice vinegar.

    Another alternative recipe, allowing you to completely repeat the taste of the original. It is very labor intensive and time consuming, but the result will be worth it. You won't be able to tell the difference between this rice vinegar and a store bought one, and you will also avoid counterfeits.

    All containers for cooking should be made of glass, and should be mixed with wooden accessories.


    • white rice (preferably "jasmine") - 300 g;
    • dry yeast - 1 / 4-1 / 3 tbsp. l .;
    • sugar - 800 g;
    • egg white.


    1. Wash the rice, cover with water. Insist 4 hours under the lid.
    2. Store the rice dishes in a cool place overnight.
    3. The next day, strain through cheesecloth to make rice water. Pour a glass of sugar into it and stir until it dissolves.
    4. Steam the solution (in a water bath) for 25 minutes and then leave to cool.
    5. Transfer to a glass container and add yeast (1/4 tablespoon per liter of liquid).
    6. Leave for a week to ferment.
    7. Pour the solution into clean jar... Tie the neck with gauze and place in a dark place for fermentation.
    8. Vinegar should be infused for a month or two at room temperature to the desired taste.
    9. Strain the slightly turbid finished liquid, boil (for more long storage) and bottle.

    You should make more than a liter of vinegar. To make it more transparent, add the egg white before the last boil.

    Home cooked rice dressing will be fragrant, sweet, with slight sourness, very pleasant to the taste. The product is much softer and more delicate than apple cider vinegar or alcoholic vinegar; in addition, it is rich in amino acids.

    Many sushi and rolls of traditional Asian cuisine contain three main ingredients, the rest change, giving an indescribable taste - they are removed, added ... Rice, rice vinegar and nori seaweed (also called kombu) are always left in Japanese cuisine. The disadvantage of the listed constant components is their high price. Therefore, if desired, it can be replaced with more economical counterparts.

    What is the uniqueness of rice vinegar

    Traditionally, rice vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented brown rice (sometimes black is also used). It has a pleasant mild taste, which it imparts to the dishes it contains. The difficulty in replacement arises in the fact that so much soft taste and the slightly sweet taste is difficult to reproduce, so the other vinegar will need to be mixed with water, salt, sugar, or soy sauce. Vinegar infused with rice gives dishes only a slight, barely noticeable, acidity. Rice-based vinegar is a dietary seasoning, which is why it is so common in the preparation of many dishes, not only in the Far East Asian, but also european cuisine... It is added to cold and warm salads, soups, sauces, as well as marinades, Japanese and chinese noodles, hot dishes and, of course, in rolls and sushi - it is a natural preservative for raw fish.

    Rice-based vinegar goes well with many dishes

    How it differs from other types of vinegar

    Firstly, it is not so "caustic" and does not harm the gastric mucosa, there are no contraindications for its use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Secondly, the most important property rice vinegar is the ability to reduce the calorie content of foods to which it is added, as well as promote proper metabolism.

    And thirdly, rice vinegar contains the most a large number of amino acids, there are 20 of them! They fight against waste and toxins in the body.

    Rice vinegar is a dietary food

    What can replace rice vinegar

    There are several replacement options, these are pure vinegars (wine and apple cider), and various dressings based on them. Consider all our possibilities. So, to replace rice vinegar, the following are suitable:

    • Table vinegar 6%;
    • Ginger marinade;
    • White wine vinegar;
    • Acetic essence 70%;
    • Various gas stations.

    Red wine vinegar can be used as a substitute for rice vinegar, both in pure form and in the base of dressings.

    When replaced, pure vinegars change the taste of the finished dish, it turns out to be somewhat harsher and sour, not as pleasant as when using rice vinegar. In addition, they impart a sour smell.

    Concerning vinegar essence 70%, it has a very high acidity, and in order to replace rice vinegar with it, you must first dilute it with water in proportions determined for each level of vinegar concentration. For example, to get 6% vinegar from it, which can already be replaced with rice, you need to 1 tbsp. spoon essences add 12 tbsp. spoons of water.

    You should not replace rice vinegar with balsamic, as it is too spicy and interrupts the taste of fish, rice, and other ingredients of the dish. Also, you cannot take 9% table vinegar for replacement, it will give too sour taste.

    What is the concentration of the product? Is it diluted?

    Each vinegar has its own concentration, somewhere more acetic acid, somewhere less. The concentration of rice vinegar is 3%, apple cider vinegar - 4–5%, wine vinegar is 4%, 6% and 9%. Acetic acid solution - essence has a concentration of 70%.

    For some recipes, you need to change the concentration of vinegar by diluting it clean water... For this there are special online calculators for the concentration of vinegar, they can be found on the Internet. There are different proportions for each initial vinegar and desired result. For example, in order to get 9% vinegar from 70% vinegar essence, we dilute 1 part vinegar with 7 parts water.

    How to get 6% out of 9%

    Most often, 9% vinegar is diluted to 6%. So, to change the concentration, you need to dilute 9% vinegar with water in the following proportions: 2 parts of the available vinegar and 1 part of water, that is, for 2 cups of vinegar 9% we take 1 glass of water, dilute, and as a result we get 3 cups of vinegar 6%.

    How vinegar dressings are made

    Some housewives, when preparing Japanese cuisine, replace rice vinegar not with pure vinegar from other materials, but with dressings for vinegar base... Here are the recipes for some of them:

    Red grape vinegar dressing

    1. We mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of wine vinegar, 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt;
    2. Bring it to a boil, but be careful not to let it boil.

    With apple

    1. 1 tbsp. spoon apple cider vinegar mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of clean water (preferably warm or at least room temperature), add 3 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt;
    2. Bring it to a boil. Just as in the previous version, do not boil.

    Acetic soy

    1. 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of table or wine white vinegar mix with 2.5 tbsp. spoons soy sauce, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
    2. Boil. You can add spices and sesame seeds.


    1. 2 tbsp. mix tablespoons of lemon juice with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of warm water, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
    2. This dressing does not need to be heated and brought to a boil. After dissolving the salt and sugar, it is ready.

    Many people cannot tell the difference between lemon dressing in Japanese dishes and real rice vinegar, which suggests that this substitute does its job well.

    Green with algae

    1. You can use 1 sheet of nori or 2 sheets of other algae, do not take kelp, as it gives an unpleasant bitterness;
    2. Take 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of any vinegar (you can use apple or wine), 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
    3. We heat everything until sugar and salt dissolve;
    4. Grind the algae, add them to the vinegar mixture and beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

    You can also make a dressing with seaweed as a substitute for rice vinegar.

    As close as possible to the properties of real rice vinegar will be homemade vinegar from rice. Of course, it takes a lot of time:

    1. 1 cup rinsed round grain rice pour into a deep glass dish;
    2. Fill with clean water (you need 250 ml, a glass and a quarter glass);
    3. Leave the soaked rice for 4 hours at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for more for a long timeeg night;
    4. We filter the rice through cheesecloth or another clean cloth (do not squeeze it out before that), at the exit we get 200 ml of liquid, if less - add boiled water up to a glass;
    5. Pour 4 tbsp into the resulting liquid. tablespoons of sugar, letting it dissolve, stirring with a wooden one (this is important condition) a spoon;
    6. We put such a rice-sugar solution on water bath, as soon as the water begins to boil under it, we count out 20 minutes;
    7. Remove from the water bath, let cool;
    8. Add 1/3 teaspoon of dry yeast, mix;
    9. We leave the solution in a glass jar for a week to ferment. The jar should not be closed, but its top must be covered with clean gauze - it provides air access and protects against dust and other unnecessary substances;
    10. After a week, the solution stops fermenting and bubbling, which means that the sugar has almost completely turned into alcohol, we leave it to settle for another month;
    11. After the specified period has passed, drain the solution through cheesecloth and boil;
    12. Cool, pour into a dark glass bottle - rice vinegar does not like light, and put in the refrigerator;
    13. The rice vinegar is ready.

    The haze of homemade rice vinegar can be easily eliminated

    The drained solution may be cloudy, but this does not mean that you did something wrong. You can lighten it by adding 1 fresh beaten protein during boiling chicken eggs... After that, it is better to drain the solution again through cheesecloth.

    Rice vinegar is used in asian cuisineprimarily for sushi and rolls. Can you just exclude this ingredient from the recipe? We answer: no, without him - absolutely nothing. Rice vinegar serves as a kind of bonding link - it helps the rice stick to the nori algae in which it is wrapped, but prevents them from sticking together. Therefore, we either replace it, or prepare it at home on our own, or buy an original product.

    Rice vinegar is an essential element in making rolls

    How to replace the product when pickling

    As you know, rice vinegar is also used for the marinade. For example, it is found in ginger marinades. To replace, we prepare the following dressing (at the exit we get 1/3 cup):

    1. Dilute apple (5%) or wine (6%, 9%) vinegar with water to a concentration level of 4%. If we take 6% wine vinegar, the proportions will be as follows: 3 tbsp. spoons of 6% vinegar need 1.5 tbsp. spoons of water;
    2. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
    3. Bring to a boil.

    Replacement in rolls and sushi

    You can use any of the listed dressings, the choice of one or another substitute depends only on the rest of the ingredients that make up the dish. You will not add to sweet rolls green dressing with algae, but lemon dressing will come in handy.

    Rice vinegar in cooking - from sushi to salads and soups

    Vinegar has become irreplaceable ingredient in cooking, it is often used by housewives, not even suspecting that there are a lot of varieties of the product: apple, wine, malt, balsamic and even rice - that's what we'll talk about today. How does it differ from its “brothers”, when did it appear and what can be cooked with it?

    Product history and geography

    Rice vinegar appeared in China more than two thousand years ago, and in Japan - in the 3-4th century BC. This is the earliest mention of him. The process of its manufacture was too long and laborious, so the product was quite expensive and only the upper strata of society, nobility and privileged persons could use it. Only from the 16th century it became available to the general public.

    Vinegar was used as a seasoning for rice during the preparation of sushi. The point is that raw fish in the course of cooking, it is mixed with salt and rice. A reaction occurs and the rice begins to release lactic acid. The acid acts as a preservative for fish, gives it a "sourness" and prolongs its shelf life. But the whole process can take a month. Rice vinegar allows you not to waste time on long fermentation, make the preparation of sushi lightning fast and without compromising the quality of the dish.

    The product is obtained from different varieties by long fermentation. How and when people first learned to make vinegar from rice remains a mystery, but all traces lead to Asia. By the way, the countries of this region are still leaders in the production and supply of the invaluable ingredient to all continents.

    Types and varieties

    There are three varieties today. of this product: white, black, red.

    1) The black in demand in Chinese cuisine. It is obtained from a mix of long grain rice and some glutinous varieties. Then cereals are added to the resulting mixture: barley, rice husks, wheat. The combined mixture undergoes double fermentation, and the process takes about six months. But in the end, saturated is born, thick product noble dark shade.

    2) To get red variety, regular rice mixed with special red yeast, after which the mixture begins to ferment.

    3) White the kind is obtained from the sticky white variety without any additives or other ingredients.

    Briefly, the process of fermentation and the birth of vinegar looks like this: rice is soaked in water for a certain time, then the liquid is filtered off and placed in the refrigerator. After a certain time, sugar is added to the liquid, heated, yeast is added and left to ferment in a warm place. The composition is periodically mixed, and when bubbles cease to form, it is drained, filtered, boiled, and already finished product poured into containers.

    Beneficial features

    Rice vinegar has a row useful qualities and properties, and the Chinese consider it the most valuable product (including as a medicine). It contains amino acids that are essential for cell regeneration, energy production and normalization metabolic processes... It also contains easily digestible forms of calcium, due to which it heals bones and joints. Has in enough potassium, allows you to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, is rich in phosphorus.

    Unlike its "brothers", it is not dangerous for the gastric mucosa, so it can be used for ulcers and gastritis. It improves digestion, which is why it is included in most diets for proper nutrition... Doctors have confirmed the presence of more than 20 useful amino acids in its composition, which remove toxins, block the action of free radicals (metabolic products in the body), and thus prolong youth.

    Rice vinegar relieves the body of cholesterol and, with regular use, keeps blood vessels in excellent condition.

    The product has practically no restrictions on its use. Its consumption can only be limited by patients diabetes mellitus and people with severe allergies. The only thing worth paying attention to is the manufacturer. The quality of the production technology of the product determines its usefulness taste qualities.

    Taste qualities

    Rice vinegar, like its "brothers", has a sour taste and a characteristic pungent aroma. The taste of the product varies depending on the type of vinegar:

    Black has rich taste and aroma. Flavoring notes different manufacturers can vary from sweet to strong.
    Red has a tart-sweet aftertaste, it is filled with fruity notes and pleases with a pleasant light aroma.
    White view recognized as the softest and most delicate. It is much more tender than French wine.

    With prolonged or improper storage, the taste of the product may change, so strictly adhere to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Cooking applications

    Rice vinegar is widely used in cooking. From a sushi condiment, it has evolved into a versatile kitchen helper. It is added to salads, sauces, marinated fish and meat, put in baked goods. But a certain kind of vinegar is suitable for each dish:

    Black is added to stews, meat is dipped into it. It replaces successfully balsamic vinegar due to its density and luxurious aromatic bouquet.

    Red is added to sauces, soups, noodles. It goes well with seafood dishes.

    White is added to deep fat, in which seafood will be fried. In Asia, white vinegar is used to marinate fish and dress in salads and sauces; it is an indispensable ingredient in sunomono salad dressing. And, of course, he plays a central role in the preparation of sushi, rolls and sashimi.

    Rice vinegar is an extremely healthy and versatile product!

    Traditional dishes of Japanese cuisine have recently appeared on our tables, but in such a short time they have managed to fall in love with many. Some people prefer to visit restaurants, plunging into the atmosphere japanese traditionswhile others like to cook sushi and rolls on their own in their kitchen.

    An indispensable ingredient in these overseas dishes is rice vinegar. Sometimes it is difficult to find it in the nearest supermarket due to its high cost, but this is not a reason to refuse dinner. It is very easy to prepare such an ingredient yourself or replace it with other products.

    Rice vinegar is used to make all kinds of sauces and dressings, for vegetables and fish dishes... This unique product with a piquant sourness and light aroma not only gives dishes incredible taste, but also replenishes the reserve of important amino acids, improves digestion and alkalizes the body.

    How to replace rice vinegar: recipes from available products

    The specific flavor notes of rice vinegar can be substituted with other vinegars and condiments, if desired. If you try very hard, even gourmets will not be able to notice the substitution. In addition, wine, apple and other vinegars are more budgetary ingredients.

    Grape vinegar dressing

    • Combine sugar (6 tablespoons), salt (2 tablespoons), red grape vinegar (8 tablespoons).
    • Pour the mixture into a small saucepan and place over low heat.
    • Heat and stir the solution until all ingredients are dissolved.
    • Never bring the liquid to a boil.
    • Cool and use as rice vinegar.

    On a note! Grape vinegar often causes allergic manifestations and stomach irritation, therefore, if you are prone to food allergies and increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to use other alternative substitutes.

    Seasoning with apple cider vinegar

    • You will need hot water (3 tbsp. L.), Sugar (2 tsp. L.), Salt (1 tsp. L.), Apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp. L.).
    • Combine all the ingredients in a glass and stir them thoroughly.
    • Once the salt and sugar have completely dissolved, the vinegar is ready to use.

    Soy sauce and vinegar dressing

    • Take 25 mg of vinegar (6%), 25 g of soy sauce and 10 g of sugar.
    • Dissolve the ingredients and add to the dish instead of the rice vinegar.

    Dressing with lemon juice

    • Pour warm water (4 tablespoons) into any container, lemon juice (4 tbsp), sugar (2 tsp), salt (1 tsp).
    • Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.
    • If the salt does not dissolve well, the mixture can be slightly heated on a gas stove.

    Nori seaweed dressing

    • Take two nori sheets and grind them with a blender to make a powder.
    • Mix 5 tbsp. l. any vinegar you have with 1 tsp. salt and 5 tbsp. l. Sahara.
    • Heat the mixture until completely dissolved.
    • Add nori to the resulting dressing and stir everything well.

    Important! Only nori algae are suitable for this dressing, kelp will give food a bitter aftertaste.

    Homemade rice vinegar

    If you fell in love so much japanese cuisine, that they often began to prepare sushi on their own, do not spoil the uniqueness of the recipes with substitutes for rice vinegar. It is quite simple to prepare it, and the cost price will be much less than the store version.

    To prepare vinegar, you will need the following components:

    • 200-250 g of round grain rice
    • 250 mg boiled water
    • 1/3 tsp dry yeast
    • 100 g sugar (4 tablespoons)

    Cooking steps:

    1. Pour the rice into glassware or tray.
    2. Add water to the rice and let sit for about 4 hours.
    3. Then send the dishes with rice to the refrigerator for 12 hours, preferably overnight.
    4. In the morning, place the rice on a sieve with a clean cloth and separate the liquid. You should have exactly 250 mg. If it turns out less, bring the volume of liquid to the original amount.
    5. Put the rice infusion in a water bath, add sugar to it.
    6. When the water boils under the rice syrup, stop for 20 minutes and then remove it from the heat.
    7. Chill rice water, merge it into glass jar and add yeast to it.
    8. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and let the rice syrup sit for a week to ferment.
    9. After the bubbles stop appearing on the surface, leave the syrup for another 25-30 days.
    10. After this time, strain the rice syrup and bring to a boil.
    11. After cooling down, you will receive natural rice vinegar.

    On a note! The syrup is usually a little cloudy, but it's easy to fix. While boiling, add the whipped protein to the syrup, then strain the liquid again.

    What shouldn't be a substitute for rice vinegar or how not to spoil sushi?

    Experienced sushi specialists strongly advise against using balsamic vinegar as a substitute. Its recipe provides for the use spicy herbsthat can distort the taste of rice and rice dishes. As a result, instead of a slight sourness, you get a bouquet of herbs.

    Also, do not use 9% table vinegar to make rice vinegar substitutes. This will add excess acidity and a strong acetic acid flavor to the food.

    Most are skeptical about rice vinegar substitutes, believing that they spoil the taste of sushi. But sushi men refute this point of view. Skillful preparation of rice vinegar analogs and their correct use will add to your dishes real taste Japanese cuisine.