Rabbit stewed in sour cream - dish options. Stewed rabbit in sour cream - delicious cooking recipes Recipe for stewing rabbit in sour cream

08.03.2020 Healthy eating

Rabbit meat is referred to as white meat. It is low in calories and surpasses pork, beef and lamb in protein content. Thanks to this, rabbit meat, like no other, is suitable for feeding young children and adults with an active lifestyle. The most common way to cook a rabbit is to stew it in a sour cream sauce in the oven. To give his meat a pleasant aroma, I always add apples of a late variety, namely Antonovka.

Wash the rabbit carcass in cool water.

Cut the rabbit carcass into portions, season with salt and pepper.

Cut the carrots into small cubes.

Peel the apples, cut into half slices.

Pour 50 ml of vegetable oil into a large frying pan and add the pieces of rabbit meat. Fry the meat on both sides until golden brown, for 5 minutes on each side over high heat.

Reduce heat, put carrots and onions in a pan. Stir, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

Put the meat with vegetables in a roaster or a glass dish, such as in the photo. Add apples.

Put also 2 bay leaves and coriander in a mold. Season with salt to taste, pour 150-200 ml of sour cream evenly. Add 200 ml of water.

Close the dish with a lid and put in the oven. Squeeze at a temperature of 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

Serve the rabbit stewed in sour cream with fried potatoes and pickled cabbage.

The rabbit stewed in sour cream is ready. You can serve it with any side dishes you want.

Bon Appetit!

Dishes made from rabbit meat turn out to be very tasty and appetizing. They will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. The main thing is to know how to cook them correctly. After all, the taste of meat depends on it. So how much to stew a rabbit? It is not difficult to answer this question, because each recipe contains a certain period of time.

Is rabbit meat popular

For centuries, rabbit meat has been considered the best type of meat. When properly prepared, this product turns out to be not only tasty, but also tender and light. Rabbit meat is a healthy and nutritious food. But despite its many advantages, this product is not in great demand. This can be explained by the fact that rabbit meat is not as readily available as pork or chicken. In addition, not everyone knows how to cook such a product. Not many people know how much to stew a rabbit.

You can cook this type of meat in white and red wine, sour cream, beer, milk, tomato paste, various broths, and so on. As a sauce, you can choose exactly the product that you like the most.

Cooking features

Before answering the question of how much to stew a rabbit, you should clarify what features of its preparation exist. So, here are some rules:

Rabbit in sour cream with champagne

How much to stew a rabbit in champagne with sour cream? First of all, you need to prepare all the food. To cook meat you need:

  1. Rabbit - 2 carcasses.
  2. Onions - 5 heads.
  3. Champignons - 50 g.
  4. Cream-based butter - 150 g.
  5. Sour cream - 250 g.
  6. Champagne - 1 bottle.
  7. Lemon - 1 pc.
  8. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp spoons.
  9. Flour.
  10. Salt.
  11. Bay leaf.
  12. Parsley and pepper.

Cooking steps

First, soak the rabbit carcasses, and then cut them into portions. The meat should be pepper, salt and lightly sprinkled with flour. The pan should be placed on fire. Pour vegetable oil into it and put a piece of butter. In this mixture, it is necessary to fry the rabbit from all sides. The onions should be peeled and cut into half rings. It is also recommended to grind the champignons. They can be cut into halves. Onions and mushrooms must be simmered in a separate frying pan, sprinkling everything with lemon juice. This should also include spices, parsley, cuts of meat and champagne.

The final stage

Stew the food under the lid for half an hour. After that, the rabbit meat must be removed, and the sauce must be boiled. Then add sour cream to the pan and simmer until the volume of liquid is halved. The sauce should then be removed from the heat. Add the remaining butter into it, beat everything gently. Place the sauce on the fire and bring to a boil, without stopping whisking. Put pieces of meat on plates. After that, pour hot sauce over the rabbit and decorate with herbs. A delicious dish is ready!

Rabbit with herbs

How much to stew a rabbit in sour cream with herbs? It all depends on what container is used for cooking meat. In this case, it is recommended to place all products in a cauldron. To cook meat with herbs, you will need:

  1. Chicken broth - 500 ml.
  2. Sour cream - 250 ml.
  3. Garlic - 2 cloves.
  4. Onions - 2 heads.
  5. Rabbit - 1 carcass.
  6. Vinegar - 1 drop.
  7. Cream butter - 3 tbsp spoons.
  8. Salt.
  9. Marjoram.
  10. Pepper.
  11. Rosemary.

How to cook a rabbit

The carcass should be cut into portions and then soaked. To do this, dilute a drop of vinegar with water. The resulting solution must be poured over the meat. If necessary, you can add water. The meat should be completely covered in liquid. The rabbit should be left to soak for 40-60 minutes. After that, the water should be drained, and the meat should be dried.

Put a frying pan with a thick bottom on the fire, and then pour a mixture of vegetable and butter into it. When the fat heats up, you need to lay out the pieces of rabbit and fry gently on all sides until a light golden crust. Peel the onions and cut into half rings. It also needs to be fried until golden brown. Salt the rabbit meat to taste, pepper and sprinkle with herbs.

How to stew

How and how much to stew a rabbit in sour cream in a pan or in a cauldron? Put all the food in layers in a container. A layer of meat is laid out on the bottom, half sour cream and crushed garlic cloves are added, and then all this is covered with a layer of onions. So you need to alternate products until everything is in the container. Then you need to pour in the broth and put the dish to stew.

If a cauldron is used to cook a rabbit, then the heat treatment should last from 1 to 1.5 hours. If the dish is stewed in a pan, then it takes twice as long.

How to stew a rabbit in sour cream with potatoes

This is one of the most popular dishes. It can be prepared as a second course, as well as for a festive table. This will require:

  1. 1.2 kg of rabbit meat.
  2. 1 kg of potatoes.
  3. 1.5 cups sour cream.
  4. 100 g flour.
  5. 2.5 onions.
  6. 1 pack of butter.
  7. Bay leaves, pepper, salt.

From the specified number of components, 4-5 servings for adults are obtained.

The process of cooking in a multicooker

Rinse the meat first. It should fit on the bottom of the multicooker bowl in one layer. At this stage, it is recommended to season the meat with spices and various herbs. The multicooker should be switched to the "Preheat" mode, and then select "Bake" for a few minutes. After that, put the butter in the bowl so that it melts. Sprinkle the rabbit meat with a little flour, and then place in a slow cooker. The onions should be peeled and cut into half rings. Put it in a bowl along with a bay leaf.

The potatoes must be peeled and cut into pieces. Put the tubers on top of the meat and sprinkle with spices. Then add 200 ml of water and sour cream to the bowl. How much to stew First you need to choose the appropriate mode. In this case, the "Extinguishing" function is suitable. The timer should be set to 2 hours.

In the oven

You can also cook rabbit meat in the oven. The number of components is original. The baking sheet can be covered with foil or the food can be placed in the sleeve. This recipe allows you to quickly and inexpensively prepare a tasty and satisfying dish. So, how much to stew a rabbit in sour cream for children? Usually, this type of meat will cook faster in the oven. Enough 60 minutes. In this case, the temperature should not be from 180 ° C and above.

That's all the secrets!

Incredibly delicious! A rabbit stewed in sour cream comes to the table of true gourmets. But how to cook it right? What to do with the meat so it doesn't get tough? And how to choose a carcass? We will solve all the issues together!

Rabbit meat is rarely on our tables. Unfortunately, since, from the point of view of nutritionists, it has a high nutritional value. Minimum fat, maximum protein, optimal nutrient complex and only 150 calories per 100 grams of meat. It is no coincidence that recipes for cooking a stewed rabbit are included in the medical and dietary menu, they are recommended for babies in the first years of life.

Carcass selection and preparation

  • So that the preparation of a rabbit stewed in sour cream goes smoothly, and the taste of the dish pleases with many pleasant facets, carefully approach the choice of the carcass. She must be drained of blood and have "proof" that you have rabbit meat in front of you. Usually a paw or tail is left as it.
  • Ideal if the meat is tender pink in color with minor streaks of fat. This is what distinguishes the young rabbit, which, when cooked, will be soft and juicy. If you have meat of a rich shade in front of you, it means that the animal was old and should be well marinated before cooking. Otherwise, the fibers will be stiff.

Carcass pickling

A mixture of water and vinegar is used as a marinade for a rabbit stewed in cream and sour cream. Take them in a ratio of 1 liter of cold water to a teaspoon of vinegar. The latter can be replaced with lemon juice in the same amount. If there is a lot of meat and the marinade does not cover the carcass, cook it in large quantities, doubling all the ingredients. Such a mixture will not only soften the fibers, but also eliminate the specific smell that old rabbit meat has. Soak the carcass in it for 3-4 hours.

You do not need to marinate young meat. But if you want to give it a special facet of flavor, use:

  • milk - so that the carcass or legs of a rabbit, stewed in sour cream, are more tender;
  • white wine - for a spicy note.

You can prepare the dish in a way convenient for you. The taste of a rabbit stewed in sour cream in a slow cooker, in a cauldron or oven will not differ. However, it will take longer to cook in a multicooker than on the stove top. Consider this if you plan to serve the dish for the arrival of guests.

Classic recipe

And now we will tell you how to stew a rabbit in sour cream. Before cooking, the carcass should be cut into portions. To do this, divide it in half along the lower lumbar vertebra. And cut into pieces of the required size. Bones should be chopped with one blow, since, due to their fragility, they can remain small fragments in the meat.

You will need:

  • rabbit - weighing 2 kg;
  • carrots and onions - 1 large vegetable each;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • high fat sour cream - 0.5 l;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Soak the pieces, rub them with garlic, sprinkle with pepper and marinate for an hour.
  2. Season with salt and fry in a hot skillet until crisp.
  3. Remove meat from the pan, reduce the gas. Put coarsely grated carrots and coarsely chopped onions there, fry.
  4. Prepare a deep cauldron, put the meat down, vegetables on top. Pour sour cream over the dish (if the mass is thick, dilute it with water). Add a little salt.
  5. Put the cauldron on fire, let it boil. Cover and keep the light to a minimum. Simmer a young rabbit for 40 minutes and until the meat is tender, if the carcass is tough.

With prunes

To prepare a rabbit stewed in sour cream with prunes, you will need:

  • rabbit - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • prunes - 2/3 cup;
  • fat sour cream - 500 ml;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • carrots - 1 large;
  • spices - rosemary, provencal herbs, black pepper, salt.


  1. Chop the garlic, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, herbs. Brush with meat pieces, marinate for 4 hours.
  2. Rinse and cut the prunes, pour boiling water over to swell.
  3. In a deep cauldron, fry the carrots with onions, lay out the dried prunes, remove the mass from the cauldron with a slotted spoon.
  4. Salt the rabbit, put it in a cauldron, fry.
  5. Add vegetables and prunes. Dilute sour cream with milk or water, add to meat. Simmer for 1 hour over low heat.

With mushrooms

For a rabbit stewed in sour cream with mushrooms, you will need:

  • rabbit - 2-3 kg;
  • onion - 2 large heads;
  • champignons - 0.7 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fat sour cream - 500 ml;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Crush the chives and sauté in oil. You do not need the garlic itself (we will throw it away), but aromatic oil, in which you immediately fry the pieces of meat.
  2. Transfer them to a cauldron. In the remaining oil, fry the coarsely chopped onions, transfer to the meat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, simmer the rabbit in its own juice for 1 hour.
  3. Chop the mushrooms coarsely and quickly sauté.
  4. Transfer the rabbit to a heat-resistant dish, spread the mushrooms on top, top with sour cream mixed with milk or meat broth. Cover with foil or a lid, bake for an hour in the oven at 180 ° C.

With potato

To cook a rabbit stewed in sour cream with potatoes, take:

  • rabbit - 2 kg;
  • fat sour cream - 200 ml;
  • large potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • large onion - 1 pc .;
  • Italian herbs, salt.


  1. Chop coarsely and sauté the onion. Transfer to a cauldron.
  2. Salt and pepper the rabbit pieces, fry in the same pan.
  3. Peel and chop the potatoes coarsely.
  4. Place the meat and potatoes in a cauldron on the onion. Add herbs, salt. Dissolve sour cream with water, pour the contents of the cauldron. The potatoes need to be completely hidden under the sauce.
  5. Close the lid, let it boil, reduce heat. Simmer for 30 minutes.

Rabbit meat is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. One of the most famous and simple recipes for making rabbit meat is a stewed rabbit in sour cream. However, even this recipe has many varieties. In this article, we have made a selection of recipes on how to cook a rabbit in sour cream - from the simplest to the unexpected and original recipe.

Rabbit Meat Facts - What We Eat

  • Rabbit meat is one of the healthiest and tastiest types of white meat.
  • It contains a large amount of easily digestible protein (in 100 g - 21 g of protein).
  • Compared to other types of meat, rabbit meat contains the least amount of fat (100 g - 8 g of fat).
  • Similarly, in terms of calorie content: rabbit meat contains very few calories, that is, you can eat it without fear if you follow your figure (56 kcal per 100 g of product).
  • There is very little cholesterol in rabbit meat, that is, it is not harmful to the heart and blood vessels.
  • Compared to other types of meat, it has less sodium.
  • At the same time, it is high in phosphorus and calcium, which are essential for bone health.
  • Rabbit meat has few bones and a lot of meat.
  • Rabbit meat does not have a strong smell and looks a bit like chicken.

Braised rabbit in sour cream sauce - recipe

  • 0.8 l sour cream
  • 1 cup water (more if needed)
  • Butter or vegetable oil for frying
  • Chopped and toasted onions
  • Garlic seasoning
  • Salt and pepper to taste

In a saucepan, pour water over the rabbit meat and simmer until the meat is done. Drain the water. Heat a skillet, add oil and brown the meat until golden brown. Add the toasted onions and garlic seasoning to the skillet. Add a cup of water to the sour cream and pour into the pan, put the meat and simmer. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste. Rabbit meat in sour cream sauce is ready!

Braised rabbit with sour cream and mushrooms - recipe

  • Rabbit meat (1 carcass), washed and chopped
  • 300 g sour cream
  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 1 large onion
  • Fresh dill
  • Black pepper and salt to taste
  • Frying oil

Fry the rabbit meat in a skillet and butter. Place the toasted meat in a saucepan and season with salt and pepper. Cut the onion into rings and fry in the same oil in which the rabbit was fried. While the onions are fried, peel and chop the mushrooms, add the mushrooms to the pan and simmer. Add sour cream to the sauce, season with salt and pepper, add chopped dill. Pour the sauce into the saucepan in which you put the meat earlier, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 30-45 minutes.

The dish is ready! It can be served with a side dish such as potatoes or salad.

Rabbit meat with onions and garlic - recipe

  • Rabbit meat (1 carcass), washed and chopped
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 cup vinegar
  • 3 onions, peeled and cut into rings
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • A pinch of dry wormwood
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 cup sour cream

Place the rabbit meat in a saucepan, cover with water, add vinegar, onions, garlic, salt and pepper, wormwood. Leave it on for 24 hours or overnight.

Heat a skillet, melt the butter and sauté the rabbit meat over medium heat. Reduce heat and add some marinade to the skillet so that the liquid completely covers the bottom. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Place the meat in a large plate or saucepan. Add sour cream to the pan and simmer the sauce until it becomes a homogeneous consistency. When the sauce is ready, pour it over the meat. The dish can be served on the table!

Rabbit meat with white wine, mustard and sour cream - recipe

  • Rabbit meat (1 carcass), washed and chopped
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 2 large shallots, chopped into rings
  • Half a cup of white wine
  • Half a cup of water
  • Half a cup of mustard
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • Half a cup of full-fat sour cream or cream
  • Chopped parsley

Salt the meat and set aside for half an hour, maximum an hour. Take a large skillet with a lid, or a saucepan, put it on the fire, melt the butter and brown the meat until golden brown. It is better to fry over medium heat. Try not to touch the pieces of meat during frying. Put the meat browned on both sides in a separate plate.

In a frying pan, in the same oil, fry the onion. Pour the wine into the skillet and turn up the heat. Stir the liquid well with a wooden spoon or spatula. Add mustard, thyme, water and bring to a boil. Season to taste.

Put pieces of meat in a frying pan, soak in sauce and simmer covered for 45 minutes. The readiness indicator is when the rabbit meat easily flakes from the bones. When the meat is done, place it on a plate.

Raise the heat and cook the sauce until half of the liquid has evaporated. Reduce heat, add sour cream and parsley, stir and simmer. Place the meat in a skillet and stir again.

The dish is ready! Best served with bread and white wine such as Chardonnay, Bordeaux or Côte du Rhône.

is not only tasty and tender, but also dietary. Great for any side dish, well absorbed in the human body. Most often used in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisines.

Benefit and harm

Rabbit meat has a rich composition of vitamins and minerals.

The use of the product is capable of:

  • improve the condition of the skin and DNA synthesis;
  • strengthen bones;
  • reduce pressure in the visual organ;
  • oxygenate the cells of the brain;
  • help the body recover from illness or surgery;
  • normalize metabolism and blood sugar levels.

Rabbit meat is especially useful for people suffering from:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • colitis, enterocolitis;
  • hypertension;
  • oncology;
  • radiation sickness;
  • anemia.

Despite the many positive qualities, the use of rabbit meat can harm the body with tendonitis, gout, arthritis, and severe kidney disease.

Complexity, cooking time

The difficulty in preparing rabbit meat is considered low. Manufacturing time is from 3 to 24 hours. Most of the time is spent soaking the meat product. The carcass can be marinated before cooking and as a whole, and divided into portions.

Food preparation

Before cooking, it is recommended to soak rabbit meat in cold water or milk to eliminate the specific aroma. The specific smell depends on the age of the rabbit. The older the animal, the more specific the aroma. After soaking, you can marinate the meat.

One of the options for making the marinade:

  1. Chop celery, onions, garlic cloves, parsley.
  2. Pour chopped vegetables with 0.5 liters of table vinegar.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, bay leaf, ground pepper, salt.
  4. Cook for 10 minutes, refrigerate.
  5. Pickle rabbit meat in the resulting liquid for 6 to 24 hours.

Sour cream is used to soften rabbit meat.

How to cook a rabbit stewed in sour cream in a pan?

To prepare 3-4 servings you will need:

  • 500-700 g of rabbit meat;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • a pair of bay leaves.

Cooking a rabbit stewed in sour cream according to a classic recipe - step by step photo:

  1. Divide the carcass into large pieces, rinse, dry with a towel or napkin. Then season with pepper and salt.
  2. Chop the peeled onion into large slices.
  3. Fry the meat pieces in a frying pan, after the appearance of goldenness, put the onion slices. Fry for 5-10 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, add sour cream, bay leaves, pepper to the preparation. Reduce heat.
  5. You can also add hot boiled water (about 120 ml), salt to taste, mix the ingredients, cover. Cook with minimal heat for about one and a half to two hours.
  6. Serve the finished dish with any side dish.

In 100 gr. meals contain:

  • proteins - 13 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3 g;
  • fat - 8 g.

Caloric content - 154 kcal.

Cooking options

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 2700 g of rabbit meat;
  • 800 g of champignons;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • a pair of onions;
  • salt pepper;
  • half a lemon;
  • a little drain. oils;
  • 3-4 garlic cloves.

  1. In order to properly cook a rabbit in sour cream with garlic and mushrooms, you first need to marinate the rabbit meat. To do this, you need to cut off the film from the carcass, put it in a deep bowl, pour in cold water and lemon juice. Leave it on for a few hours.
  2. The next step is to cut the pickled rabbit meat into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Then fry the chopped garlic in a preheated pan with butter, then transfer it to a plate. The garlic was no longer needed, it was needed to add flavor to the oil.
  4. Then put the meat pieces in a frying pan with the resulting oil, lightly fry. Transfer to a cauldron.
  5. In the pan where the meat was fried, place onions, chopped into large half rings.
  6. After the appearance of light goldenness, transfer the onion to the fried meat. Then salt and pepper the workpiece, close the cauldron with a lid. Put on low heat and simmer for 60 minutes.
  7. At this time, cut the washed and peeled mushrooms into quarters. Put the mushrooms in a preheated pan, cook until the mushrooms let the juice out. The resulting liquid must be drained, slightly salt, turn off the heat.
  8. After a lapse of time (1 hour), transfer the meat pieces to a baking dish. Then lay out the mushroom pieces, carefully mix the ingredients.
  9. Combine sour cream with the liquid in which the rabbit was stewed, salt, pepper, pour the meat. You can add your favorite spices. Cover the dishes with a lid.
  10. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the dish. Cook for about an hour.
  11. Over time, the dish can be served with your favorite side dish, garnished with fresh herbs.

Rabbit meat stewed with tomatoes


  • half a rabbit carcass;
  • a couple of tomatoes;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • bulb;
  • pepper, salt;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

  1. First you need to rinse the rabbit meat well, remove the film. Then add water until the carcass is completely covered. Leave on for 1-1.5 hours.
  2. After the time has elapsed, divide the meat into parts, rinse.
  3. Then you should prepare the marinade, for this, put the meat pieces in a deep bowl, add freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt, pepper. Stir the ingredients, cover with foil, leave for one hour.
  4. While the meat is marinating, chop the onion into thin half rings. Peel the tomatoes by pouring them with boiling water. Then chop the tomatoes into small cubes.
  5. Heat a saucepan with the addition of vegetable oil, then place the meat pieces in it. Fry with low heat on each side for 4-6 minutes.
  6. Add chopped onion and stir. Fry for about two to three minutes.
  7. Then lay out the chopped tomatoes. Mix ingredients, cook for about 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  8. At the last stage of preparation, you need to fill the components with water until they are completely covered. Simmer over low heat, covered for 1-1.5 hours.

The dish is ready.

Rabbit with apples in a duck


  • 1200 g rabbit meat;
  • a couple of onions and carrots;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • a couple of apples;
  • spices, salt, pepper;
  • 50 ml of wine vinegar or white wine.


  1. First, you should marinate the meat, for this, place the chopped meat pieces in a deep bowl, add the onion chopped in half rings, your favorite spices, salt, pepper. Mix all ingredients. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Then cut the peeled and washed carrots into circles, put them on the pieces of rabbit meat. Also add wine vinegar (or white wine), raisins. You can use dried apricots or prunes. Mix all ingredients and leave to marinate for 1-3 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, put all the ingredients on the roaster. Place large pieces of apples on top. Cover with foil or lid.
  4. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put the roaster in it and leave for 60 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, check the product for readiness. If the meat is tough, leave it to cook for another 40-60 minutes.

Rabbit meat with potatoes


  • 600 g and 800 g - rabbit meat and potatoes, respectively;
  • bulb;
  • half a carrot;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • pepper, salt;
  • 50 ml solution oils;
  • 200 ml of water.

  1. Cut the washed carcass into large pieces. Fry in a pan with rast. butter until a crust forms.
  2. Chop the onion into thin half rings, the potatoes into large cubes, the carrots into thin circles.
  3. After frying, transfer the rabbit meat to a cauldron or stewpan. Add a clove of garlic.
  4. In the remaining oil, lightly fry the chopped onions and carrots.
  5. Then add all the vegetables to the meat pieces, pour in boiling water, salt, pepper, mix. Simmer at minimum heat for 30-40 minutes.

The finished dish can be served garnished with herbs.

Braised rabbit with prunes


  • a kilogram of rabbit meat;
  • 3 pcs. tomatoes, bell peppers, shallots or onions;
  • glass of water;
  • salt pepper;
  • 200 g prunes (pitted).


  1. Fry large pieces of meat on a rack. oil on each side until golden brown on medium heat. Then put the rabbit meat in a cauldron, pepper and salt.
  2. Cut into strips the sweet peppers, previously washed and peeled from seeds with a stalk. Peel the onion, chop into thin rings. Divide the washed tomatoes into 2-4 parts (depending on the size).
  3. Put chopped vegetables on top of the meat in a cauldron. Add water, leave to simmer for half an hour with minimal heat under a closed lid.
  4. Then put the prunes, cook for another half hour in a sealed container.

The finished dish goes well with a side dish of rice, mashed potatoes, fresh vegetables.

Rabbit meat with carrots in a cauldron


  • 1.5 kg of rabbit meat;
  • 400 grams of carrots;
  • 250 g of onions;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 50 g tomato paste;
  • a couple of teaspoons of salt;
  • 1.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 2.5 stack. broth or boiled water.

Video recipe:

  1. Cut the washed carcass into large pieces. Pepper and salt each.
  2. Heat the butter in a frying pan, put the rabbit meat. Fry with high heat on each side for about 7 minutes. Then transfer the pieces to the cauldron.
  3. Chop the peeled onions in half rings, chop the carrots into slices.
  4. Bring water or broth to a boil in a frying pan, pour over the meat pieces. Add chopped vegetables, mix the ingredients. Put on fire, bring to a boil.
  5. After boiling, put sour cream, tomato paste in a cauldron. Add water until all ingredients are completely covered, mix.
  6. Leave to simmer under a closed lid with minimum heat for 1 hour.

Stewed rabbit with rice


  • 500 grams of rabbit meat;
  • carrots, onions - 1 pc.;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rast. oils;
  • salt, spices (to taste);
  • head of garlic;
  • 300 ml of water.


  1. Cut the washed rabbit carcass into pieces. Fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil.
  2. Chop the peeled onions with carrots, add to the meat pieces. Fry, stirring occasionally.
  3. Place the washed rice. Fry the ingredients for another couple of minutes.
  4. Then add the whole head of garlic, spices, salt. Mix the workpiece thoroughly. Pour in hot boiled water.
  5. Cook under a closed lid over low heat for about half an hour.

The dish is ready.

Rabbit in the sleeve


  • rabbit carcass;
  • a pair of onion heads;
  • three carrots;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • for a couple of Art. l. lemon juice and rast. oils;
  • garlic, salt, pepper (to taste).


  1. Before cooking, you should soak the rabbit meat for a couple of hours. To do this, rinse the carcass, place it in a deep bowl and fill it with cold water. It is recommended to change the water.
  2. After the time has elapsed, cut the meat into large pieces.
  3. Next, you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, mix lemon juice with sour cream. Separately combine salt, pepper, chopped garlic (optional).
  4. Rub each piece of meat with salt and pepper, then grease with sour cream and lemon juice. Add rast. oil, mix thoroughly. Leave to marinate for 3 hours.
  5. At this time, you should chop the peeled onions in half rings, carrots - in circles.
  6. After the time has elapsed, place the rabbit meat in the roasting sleeve, also put the vegetables. Close the package, make several holes on top.
  7. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees, place the workpiece in it. Bake the dish for about 40 minutes.
  8. After the set time, open the sleeve, leave for another quarter of an hour in the oven for the appearance of a ruddy shade.

Rabbit stewed in a slow cooker


  • 2.5 kg of rabbit meat;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • carrot;
  • mustard (1 tbsp. l.);
  • bulb;
  • pepper, salt (to taste);
  • some butter.


  1. Wash the carcass well, cut into pieces. Grease the bottom of the multicooker with butter. Put pieces of rabbit meat, salt and pepper.
  2. Switch on the "Baking" mode and timer for 60 minutes.
  3. After 15 minutes, turn the meat over.
  4. When cooking rabbit meat, you should prepare vegetables. Chop the peeled onion into cubes, grate the carrots in coarse strips. Mix sour cream, mustard and a little water.
  5. After 30 minutes, put the vegetables in a slow cooker, add the prepared sauce, water. Stir all the ingredients, set the "Stew" mode for 1 hour.

Video recipe:

Rabbit meat in a pot


  • rabbit carcass;
  • eggplant;
  • three tomatoes;
  • a pair of onions;
  • carrot;
  • three potatoes;
  • bay leaves;
  • pepper, salt (to taste).

  1. Divide the well-washed carcass into parts, place in a deep container, fill with cold water. Leave on for three hours to remove odor.
  2. Peel the vegetables, rinse, chop into pieces of any shape of the same size.
  3. After the time has elapsed, dry the meat with a napkin or towel, salt and pepper.
  4. Place pieces of rabbit meat in prepared baking pots, then chopped vegetables. Pour in a little boiled water, salt. You can add sour cream.
  5. Place the pots in an unheated oven. Bake for about 40 minutes at 200 °, stirring the ingredients occasionally.

Serve the dish hot to the table.